///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation // // Module Name: // ClusApp.cpp // // Description: // Implementation of the application class // // Author: // Galen Barbee (GalenB) 10-Dec-1998 // // Revision History: // // Notes: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "ClusterObject.h" #include "property.h" #include "ClusNeti.h" #include "ClusNetw.h" #include "ClusRes.h" #include "ClusResg.h" #include "ClusRest.h" #include "ClusNode.h" #include "ClusApp.h" #include "cluster.h" #define SERVER_INFO_LEVEL 101 #define MAX_BUF_SIZE 0x00100000 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const IID * iidCClusterNames[] = { &IID_ISClusterNames }; static const IID * iidCDomainNames[] = { &IID_ISDomainNames }; static const IID * iidCClusApplication[] = { &IID_ISClusApplication }; //*************************************************************************// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CClusterNames class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::CClusterNames // // Description: // Constructor. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CClusterNames::CClusterNames( void ) { m_piids = (const IID *) iidCClusterNames; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCClusterNames ); } //*** CClusterNames::CClusterNames() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::~CClusterNames // // Description: // Destructor. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CClusterNames::~CClusterNames( void ) { Clear(); } //*** CClusterNames::~CClusterNames() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::Create // // Description: // Finish creating the object. // // Arguments: // bstrDomainName [IN] - Name of the domain this collection of // cluster names is for. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER if not. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CClusterNames::Create( IN BSTR bstrDomainName ) { //ASSERT( bstrDomainName != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( bstrDomainName ) { if ( *bstrDomainName != L'\0' ) { m_bstrDomainName = bstrDomainName; _hr = S_OK; } } return _hr; } //*** CClusterNames::Create() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::get_DomainName // // Description: // Return the domain that this collection of cluster names is for. // // Arguments: // pbstrDomainName [OUT] - Catches the domain name. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER if not. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusterNames::get_DomainName( OUT BSTR * pbstrDomainName ) { //ASSERT( pbstrDomainName != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( pbstrDomainName != NULL ) { *pbstrDomainName = m_bstrDomainName.Copy(); _hr = S_OK; } return _hr; } //*** CClusterNames::get_DomainName() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::get_Count // // Description: // Get the count of objects in the collection. // // Arguments: // plCount [OUT] - Catches the count. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful or E_POINTER. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusterNames::get_Count( OUT long * plCount ) { //ASSERT( plCount != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( plCount != NULL ) { *plCount = m_Clusters.size(); _hr = S_OK; } return _hr; } //*** CClusterNames::get_Count() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::Clear // // Description: // Empty the vector of cluster names. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CClusterNames::Clear( void ) { if ( ! m_Clusters.empty() ) { ClusterNameList::iterator _itCurrent = m_Clusters.begin(); ClusterNameList::iterator _itLast = m_Clusters.end(); for ( ; _itCurrent != _itLast; _itCurrent++ ) { delete (*_itCurrent); } // for: m_Clusters.erase( m_Clusters.begin(), _itLast ); } // if: } //*** CClusterNames::Clear() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::GetIndex // // Description: // Convert the passed in 1 based index into a 0 based index. // // Arguments: // varIndex [IN] - holds the 1 based index. // pnIndex [OUT] - catches the 0 based index. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG if out of range. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CClusterNames::GetIndex( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT UINT * pnIndex ) { //ASSERT( pnIndex != NULL); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( pnIndex != NULL ) { CComVariant v; UINT nIndex = 0; *pnIndex = 0; v.Copy( &varIndex ); // Check to see if the index is a number. _hr = v.ChangeType( VT_I4 ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { nIndex = v.lVal; if ( --nIndex < m_Clusters.size() ) // Adjust index to be 0 relative instead of 1 relative { *pnIndex = nIndex; } else { _hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } } return _hr; } //*** CClusterNames::GetIndex() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::get_Item // // Description: // Get the item (cluster name) at the passes in index. // // Arguments: // varIndex [IN] - Contains the index of the requested item. // ppbstrClusterName [OUT] - Catches the cluster name. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusterNames::get_Item( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT BSTR * ppbstrClusterName ) { //ASSERT( ppbstrClusterName != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( ppbstrClusterName != NULL ) { UINT nIndex = 0; // Zero the out param SysFreeString( *ppbstrClusterName ); _hr = GetIndex( varIndex, &nIndex ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { *ppbstrClusterName = m_Clusters[ nIndex ]->Copy(); } } return _hr; } //*** CClusterNames::get_Item() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::Refresh // // Description: // Gets the list of cluster servers for the domain that this list is // for. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // Win32 error passed in an HRESULT. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusterNames::Refresh( void ) { SERVER_INFO_101 * _pServerInfoList; DWORD _cReturnCount = 0; DWORD _cTotalServers = 0; DWORD _sc; CComBSTR * _pbstr = NULL; _sc = ::NetServerEnum( 0, // servername = where command executes 0 = local SERVER_INFO_LEVEL, // level = type of structure to return. (LPBYTE *) &_pServerInfoList, // bufptr = returned array of server info structures MAX_BUF_SIZE, // prefmaxlen = preferred max of returned data &_cReturnCount, // entriesread = number of enumerated elements returned &_cTotalServers, // totalentries = total number of visible machines on the network SV_TYPE_CLUSTER_NT, // servertype = filters the type of info returned m_bstrDomainName, // domain = domain to limit search 0 // resume handle ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { size_t _index; Clear(); for( _index = 0; _index < _cReturnCount; _index++ ) { _pbstr = new CComBSTR( _pServerInfoList[ _index ].sv101_name ); if ( _pbstr != NULL ) { m_Clusters.insert( m_Clusters.end(), _pbstr ); } // if: else { _sc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } // else: } // for: ::NetApiBufferFree( _pServerInfoList ); } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } //*** CClusterNames::Refresh() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::get__NewEnum // // Description: // Create and return a new enumeration for this collection. // // Arguments: // ppunk [OUT] - Catches the new enumeration. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusterNames::get__NewEnum( IUnknown ** ppunk ) { return ::HrNewCComBSTREnum< ClusterNameList >( ppunk, m_Clusters ); } //*** CClusterNames::get__NewEnum() /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusterNames::get_Application // // Description: // Return the parent application object. // // Arguments: // ppParentApplication [OUT] - Catches the parent app object. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER if not. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusterNames::get_Application( OUT ISClusApplication ** ppParentApplication ) { //ASSERT( ppParentApplication != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( ppParentApplication != NULL ) { _hr = E_NOTIMPL; } return _hr; } //*** CClusterNames::get_Application() */ //*************************************************************************// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDomainNames class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::CDomainNames // // Description: // Constructor. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CDomainNames::CDomainNames( void ) { m_piids = (const IID *) iidCDomainNames; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCDomainNames ); } //*** CDomainNames::CDomainNames() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::~CDomainNames // // Description: // Destructor. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CDomainNames::~CDomainNames( void ) { Clear(); } //*** CDomainNames::~CDomainNames() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::get_Count // // Description: // Get the count of objects in the collection. // // Arguments: // plCount [OUT] - Catches the count. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful or E_POINTER. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CDomainNames::get_Count( OUT long * plCount ) { //ASSERT( plCount != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( plCount != NULL ) { *plCount = m_DomainList.size(); _hr = S_OK; } return _hr; } //*** CDomainNames::get_Count() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::Clear // // Description: // Empty the vector of domain names. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDomainNames::Clear( void ) { if ( ! m_DomainList.empty() ) { DomainList::iterator _itCurrent = m_DomainList.begin(); DomainList::iterator _itLast = m_DomainList.end(); for ( ; _itCurrent != _itLast; _itCurrent++ ) { delete (*_itCurrent); } // for: m_DomainList.erase( m_DomainList.begin(), _itLast ); } // if: } //*** CDomainNames::Clear() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::ScBuildTrustList // // Description: // Attempts to find the domain that we are in. If it can then it also // tries to enum the domains trusted domains. // // Arguments: // pszTarget [IN] - A server name, or NULL to indicate this machine. // // Return Value: // ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or Win32 error if not. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CDomainNames::ScBuildTrustList( IN LPWSTR pszTarget ) { LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD _sc; PPOLICY_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_INFO AccountDomain = NULL; BOOL bDC; LPWSTR pwszPrimaryDomainName = NULL; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; size_t cchPrimaryDomainNanme = 0; HRESULT _hr = S_OK; do { // // open the policy on the specified machine // _sc = ScOpenPolicy( pszTarget, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &PolicyHandle ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } // // obtain the AccountDomain, which is common to all three cases // ntStatus = ::LsaQueryInformationPolicy( PolicyHandle, PolicyAccountDomainInformation, (void **) &AccountDomain ); if ( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { _sc = RtlNtStatusToDosError( ntStatus ); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } // // find out if the pszTarget machine is a domain controller // _sc = ScIsDomainController( pszTarget, &bDC ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } if ( bDC == FALSE ) { PPOLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO PrimaryDomain = NULL; // // get the primary domain // ntStatus = ::LsaQueryInformationPolicy( PolicyHandle, PolicyPrimaryDomainInformation, (void **) &PrimaryDomain ); if ( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { _sc = RtlNtStatusToDosError( ntStatus ); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } // // if the primary domain Sid is NULL, we are a non-member, and // our work is done. // if ( PrimaryDomain->Sid == NULL ) { ::LsaFreeMemory( PrimaryDomain ); PrimaryDomain = NULL; _hr = S_OK; break; } _sc = ScAddTrustToList( &PrimaryDomain->Name ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } // if: // // build a copy of what we just added. This is necessary in order // to lookup the domain controller for the specified domain. // the Domain name must be NULL terminated for NetGetDCName(), // and the LSA_UNICODE_STRING buffer is not necessarilly NULL // terminated. Note that in a practical implementation, we // could just extract the element we added, since it ends up // NULL terminated. // cchPrimaryDomainNanme = ( PrimaryDomain->Name.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ) + 1; // existing length + NULL pwszPrimaryDomainName = new WCHAR [ cchPrimaryDomainNanme ]; if ( pwszPrimaryDomainName != NULL ) { // // copy the existing buffer to the new storage, appending a NULL // _hr = StringCchCopy( pwszPrimaryDomainName, cchPrimaryDomainNanme, PrimaryDomain->Name.Buffer ); if ( FAILED( _hr ) ) { break; } // if: } else { _hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } ::LsaFreeMemory( PrimaryDomain ); PrimaryDomain = NULL; // // get the primary domain controller computer name // PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO pdci; _sc = ::DsGetDcName( NULL, pwszPrimaryDomainName, NULL, NULL, DS_FORCE_REDISCOVERY | DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_PREFERRED, &pdci ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } // // close the policy handle, because we don't need it anymore // for the workstation case, as we open a handle to a DC // policy below // ::LsaClose( PolicyHandle ); PolicyHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // invalidate handle value // // open the policy on the domain controller // _sc = ScOpenPolicy( ( pdci->DomainControllerName + 2 ), POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &PolicyHandle ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } } else { // // Note: AccountDomain->DomainSid will contain binary Sid // _sc = ScAddTrustToList( &AccountDomain->DomainName ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } // if: } // // free memory allocated for account domain // ::LsaFreeMemory( AccountDomain ); AccountDomain = NULL; // // build additional trusted domain(s) list and indicate if successful // _sc = ScEnumTrustedDomains( PolicyHandle ); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); break; } while( TRUE ); delete [] pwszPrimaryDomainName; // // close the policy handle // if ( PolicyHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ::LsaClose( PolicyHandle ); } return _hr; } //*** CDomainNames::ScBuildTrustList() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::ScOpenPolicy // // Description: // Returns an open policy handle for the passed in machine name. // // Arguments: // ServerName [IN] - The machine name. Could be NULL. // DesiredAccess [IN] - The level of the information requested. // PolicyHandle [OUT] - Catches the policy handle. // // Return Value: // ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or Win32 error if not. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD CDomainNames::ScOpenPolicy( IN LPWSTR ServerName, IN DWORD DesiredAccess, OUT PLSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle ) { LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; LSA_UNICODE_STRING ServerString; PLSA_UNICODE_STRING Server; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; // // Always initialize the object attributes to all zeroes // ZeroMemory( &ObjectAttributes, sizeof( ObjectAttributes ) ); if ( ServerName != NULL ) { // // Make a LSA_UNICODE_STRING out of the LPWSTR passed in // InitLsaString( &ServerString, ServerName ); Server = &ServerString; } else { Server = NULL; } // // Attempt to open the policy // ntStatus = ::LsaOpenPolicy( Server, &ObjectAttributes, DesiredAccess, PolicyHandle ); if ( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { _sc = RtlNtStatusToDosError( ntStatus ); } // if: return _sc; } //*** CDomainNames::ScOpenPolicy() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::InitLsaString // // Description: // Initialize the passed in LSA string with either default or the value // of the passed in server name string. // // Arguments: // LsaString [OUT] - Catches the LSA string. // psz [IN] - Server name -- could be NULL. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDomainNames::InitLsaString( OUT PLSA_UNICODE_STRING LsaString, IN LPWSTR psz ) { if ( psz == NULL ) { LsaString->Buffer = NULL; LsaString->Length = 0; LsaString->MaximumLength = 0; } // if: psz is NULL else { size_t cchpsz = wcslen( psz ); LsaString->Buffer = psz; LsaString->Length = (USHORT) ( cchpsz * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); LsaString->MaximumLength = (USHORT) ( ( cchpsz + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); } // else: it's not NULL } //*** CDomainNames::InitLsaString() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::ScIsDomainController // // Description: // Is the passed in server a DC? // // Arguments: // pszServer [IN] - The server name. // pbIsDC [OUT] - Catches the "Is DC" bool. // // Return Value: // ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or Win32 error if not. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD CDomainNames::ScIsDomainController( IN LPWSTR pszServer, OUT LPBOOL pbIsDC ) { PSERVER_INFO_101 si101; NET_API_STATUS nas; nas = ::NetServerGetInfo( pszServer, SERVER_INFO_LEVEL, (LPBYTE *) &si101 ); if ( nas == NERR_Success ) { if ( ( si101->sv101_type & SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL ) || ( si101->sv101_type & SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL ) ) { *pbIsDC = TRUE; // we are dealing with a DC } else { *pbIsDC = FALSE; } ::NetApiBufferFree( si101 ); } return nas; } //*** CDomainNames::ScIsDomainController() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::ScEnumTrustedDomains // // Description: // Enumerate the the trusted domains of the passed in policy handle. // // Arguments: // PolicyHandle [IN] - Contains out domain. // // Return Value: // ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or Win32 error if not. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD CDomainNames::ScEnumTrustedDomains( LSA_HANDLE IN PolicyHandle ) { LSA_ENUMERATION_HANDLE lsaEnumHandle = 0; // start an enum PLSA_TRUST_INFORMATION TrustInfo; ULONG ulReturned; // number of items returned ULONG ulCounter; // counter for items returned DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; do { ntStatus = ::LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains( PolicyHandle, // open policy handle &lsaEnumHandle, // enumeration tracker (void **) &TrustInfo, // buffer to receive data 32000, // recommended buffer size &ulReturned // number of items returned ); // // get out if an error occurred // if ( ( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) && ( ntStatus != STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES ) && ( ntStatus != STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES ) ) { break; } // // Display results // Note: Sids are in TrustInfo[ ulCounter ].Sid // for ( ulCounter = 0 ; ulCounter < ulReturned ; ulCounter++ ) { _sc = ScAddTrustToList( &TrustInfo[ ulCounter ].Name ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } // if: } // for: // // free the buffer // ::LsaFreeMemory( TrustInfo ); } while ( ntStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES ); if ( ntStatus == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES ) { ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } // if: if ( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { _sc = RtlNtStatusToDosError( ntStatus ); } // if: return _sc; } //*** CDomainNames::ScEnumTrustedDomains() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::ScAddTrustToList // // Description: // Add the trusted domain to the collection of domains. // // Arguments: // UnicodeString [IN] - Contains the domain name. // // Return Value: // ERROR_SUCCESS or ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD CDomainNames::ScAddTrustToList( IN PLSA_UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; CComBSTR * pstr = new CComBSTR( ( UnicodeString->Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ) + 1, UnicodeString->Buffer ); if ( pstr != NULL ) { m_DomainList.insert( m_DomainList.end(), pstr ); } else { _sc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } // else: return _sc; } //*** CDomainNames::ScAddTrustToList() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::Refresh // // Description: // Gets the list of domains that this collection contains. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // Win32 error passed in an HRESULT. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CDomainNames::Refresh( void ) { Clear(); return ScBuildTrustList( NULL ); } //*** CDomainNames::Refresh() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::get__NewEnum // // Description: // Create and return a new enumeration for this collection. // // Arguments: // ppunk [OUT] - Catches the new enumeration. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CDomainNames::get__NewEnum( OUT IUnknown ** ppunk ) { return ::HrNewCComBSTREnum< DomainList >( ppunk, m_DomainList ); } //*** CDomainNames::get__NewEnum() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::GetIndex // // Description: // Convert the passed in 1 based index into a 0 based index. // // Arguments: // varIndex [IN] - holds the 1 based index. // pnIndex [OUT] - catches the 0 based index. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG if out of range. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CDomainNames::GetIndex( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT UINT * pnIndex ) { //ASSERT( pnIndex != NULL); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( pnIndex != NULL ) { CComVariant v; UINT nIndex = 0; *pnIndex = 0; v.Copy( &varIndex ); // Check to see if the index is a number. _hr = v.ChangeType( VT_I4 ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { nIndex = v.lVal; if ( --nIndex < m_DomainList.size() ) // Adjust index to be 0 relative instead of 1 relative { *pnIndex = nIndex; } else { _hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } } return _hr; } //*** CDomainNames::GetIndex() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::get_Item // // Description: // Get the item (domain name) at the passes in index. // // Arguments: // varIndex [IN] - Contains the index of the requested item. // p_pbstrClusterName [OUT] - Catches the cluster name. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CDomainNames::get_Item( VARIANT varIndex, BSTR * bstrDomainName ) { //ASSERT( bstrDomainName != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( bstrDomainName != NULL ) { UINT nIndex = 0; // Zero the out param SysFreeString( *bstrDomainName ); _hr = GetIndex( varIndex, &nIndex ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { *bstrDomainName = m_DomainList [nIndex]->Copy(); } } return _hr; } //*** CDomainNames::get_Item() /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CDomainNames::get_Application // // Description: // Returns the parent ClusApplication object. // // Arguments: // ppParentApplication [OUT] - Catches the parent app object. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CDomainNames::get_Application( OUT ISClusApplication ** ppParentApplication ) { //ASSERT( ppParentApplication != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( ppParentApplication != NULL ) { _hr = E_NOTIMPL; } return _hr; } //*** CDomainNames::get_Application() */ //*************************************************************************// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CClusApplication class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusApplication::CClusApplication // // Description: // Constructor. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CClusApplication::CClusApplication( void ) { m_pDomainNames = NULL; m_piids = (const IID *) iidCClusApplication; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCClusApplication ); } //*** CClusApplication::CClusApplication() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusApplication::~CClusApplication // // Description: // Destructor. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CClusApplication::~CClusApplication( void ) { if ( m_pDomainNames != NULL ) { m_pDomainNames->Release(); m_pDomainNames = NULL; } } //*** CClusApplication::~CClusApplication() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusApplication::get_DomainNames // // Description: // Returns the collection of domain names for the domain that we are // joined to. // // Arguments: // ppDomainNames [OUT] - Catches the collection of domain names. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusApplication::get_DomainNames( OUT ISDomainNames ** ppDomainNames ) { //ASSERT( ppDomainNames != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( ppDomainNames != NULL ) { *ppDomainNames = NULL; _hr = S_OK; if ( m_pDomainNames == NULL ) { CComObject< CDomainNames > * pDomainNames = NULL; _hr = CComObject< CDomainNames >::CreateInstance( &pDomainNames ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< CComObject< CDomainNames > > ptrDomainNames( pDomainNames ); _hr = ptrDomainNames->Refresh(); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { m_pDomainNames = ptrDomainNames; ptrDomainNames->AddRef(); } } } if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = m_pDomainNames->QueryInterface( IID_ISDomainNames, (void **) ppDomainNames ); } } // if: args are not NULL return _hr; } //*** CClusApplication::get_DomainNames() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusApplication::get_ClusterNames // // Description: // Returns the clusters in the passed in domain. // // Arguments: // bstrDomainName [IN] - The domain name to search for clusters. // ppClusterNames [OUT] - Catches the collection of cluster names. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusApplication::get_ClusterNames( IN BSTR bstrDomainName, OUT ISClusterNames ** ppClusterNames ) { //ASSERT( bstrDomainName != NULL ); //ASSERT( ppClusterNames != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( ppClusterNames != NULL ) { *ppClusterNames = NULL; _hr = S_OK; CComObject< CClusterNames > * pClusterNames = NULL; _hr = CComObject< CClusterNames >::CreateInstance( &pClusterNames ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusterNames > > ptrClusterNames( pClusterNames ); _hr = ptrClusterNames->Create( bstrDomainName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrClusterNames->Refresh(); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrClusterNames->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusterNames, (void **) ppClusterNames ); } // if: collection was filled } // if: collection was created } // if: collection was allocated } // if: args are not NULL return _hr; } //*** CClusApplication::get_ClusterNames() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusApplication::OpenCluster // // Description: // Open the passed in cluster name. // // Arguments: // bstrClusterName [IN] - The name of the cluster to open. // ppCluster [OUT] - Catches the newly created cluster obj. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusApplication::OpenCluster( IN BSTR bstrClusterName, OUT ISCluster ** ppCluster ) { //ASSERT( bstrClusterName != NULL ); //ASSERT( ppCluster != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( ( bstrClusterName != NULL ) && ( ppCluster != NULL ) ) { CComObject< CCluster > * pCluster = NULL; *ppCluster = NULL; _hr = CComObject< CCluster >::CreateInstance( &pCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< CComObject< CCluster > > ptrCluster( pCluster ); _hr = ptrCluster->Create( this ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrCluster->Open( bstrClusterName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrCluster->QueryInterface( IID_ISCluster, (void **) ppCluster ); } // if: cluster object was opened } // if: cluster object was created } // if: cluster object was allocated } // if: args are not NULL return _hr; } //*** CClusApplication::OpenCluster() /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CClusApplication::get_Application // // Description: // Returns the parent ClusApplication object. In this case "this". // // Arguments: // ppParentApplication [OUT] - Catches the parent app object. // // Return Value: // S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER if not. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CClusApplication::get_Application( OUT ISClusApplication ** ppParentApplication ) { //ASSERT( ppParentApplication != NULL ); HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; if ( ppParentApplication != NULL ) { _hr = _InternalQueryInterface( IID_ISClusApplication, (void **) ppParentApplication ); } return _hr; } //*** CClusApplication::get_Application() */