/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: initp.h Abstract: Private header file for the initialization component of the NT Cluster Service Author: John Vert (jvert) 6/5/1996 Revision History: --*/ #include "service.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "wchar.h" #include "api_rpc.h" #define LOG_CURRENT_MODULE LOG_MODULE_INIT #define CS_CONCURRENT_RPC_CALLS 16 #define CS_DMP_FILE_NAME L"\\clussvc.dmp" DWORD ClusterInitialize( VOID ); VOID ClusterShutdown( DWORD ExitCode ); DWORD ClusterForm( VOID ); DWORD ClusterJoin( VOID ); VOID ClusterLeave( VOID ); RPC_STATUS ClusterInitializeRpcServer( VOID ); DWORD ClusterRegisterExtroclusterRpcInterface( VOID ); DWORD ClusterRegisterJoinVersionRpcInterface( VOID ); VOID ClusterDeregisterRpcInterfaces( VOID ); VOID ClusterShutdownRpcServer( VOID ); DWORD CspSetErrorCode( IN DWORD ErrorCode, OUT LPSERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus ); VOID GenerateExceptionReport( IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionInfo ); // // Restore database related functions // DWORD RdbStopSvcOnNodes( IN PNM_NODE_ENUM2 pNodeEnum, IN LPCWSTR lpszServiceName ); VOID RdbGetRestoreDbParams( IN HKEY hClusSvcKey ); BOOL RdbFixupQuorumDiskSignature( IN DWORD dwSignature ); DWORD RdbpOpenDiskDevice( IN LPCWSTR lpDriveLetter, OUT PHANDLE pFileHandle ); DWORD RdbpCompareAndWriteSignatureToDisk( IN HANDLE hFile, IN DWORD dwSignature ); DWORD RdbStartSvcOnNodes( IN LPCWSTR lpszServiceName ); DWORD RdbInitialize( VOID ); DWORD RdbpUnloadClusterHive( VOID ); DWORD RdbpDeleteRestoreDbParams( VOID ); DWORD VssWriterInit( VOID ); RPC_STATUS CspRegisterDynamicLRPCEndpoint( VOID ); // // Private Constants // #define CS_MAX_DELAYED_WORK_THREADS 5 #define CS_MAX_CRITICAL_WORK_THREADS 1 // The critical queue is serialized #define MIN_WORKING_SET_SIZE (1*1024*1024) #define MAX_WORKING_SET_SIZE (2*MIN_WORKING_SET_SIZE) extern BOOLEAN bFormCluster;