

This is a simple network provider and driver provided to illustrate how network providers bind to the Multi-Protocol Router and redirectors to the Multiple UNC Provider. The nulmrx sample has very limited functionality:


1.    Map a share like net use * \\nulsvr\share

2.    Enumerate the directory on the drive mapped above and see the volume info and a sample file at the root.


This is all faked in the driver code. It has no create/read/write abilty.




  1. Run regini nulmrx\sys\nulmrx.ini
  2. Edit the following registry entry to add NulMRx as the first network provider: \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order\ProviderOrder REG_SZ   NulMRx, LanmanWorkstation
  3. Reboot to let the nulmrx driver register with the system.