/*++ Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: regfdesc.cxx Abstract: This module contains the definitions of the member functions of FULL_DESCRIPTOR class. Author: Jaime Sasson (jaimes) 02-Dec-1993 Environment: ULIB, User Mode --*/ #include "regfdesc.hxx" #include "regdesc.hxx" #include "iterator.hxx" DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR ( FULL_DESCRIPTOR, OBJECT ); FULL_DESCRIPTOR::~FULL_DESCRIPTOR ( ) /*++ Routine Description: Destroy a FULL_DESCRIPTOR. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { Destroy(); } VOID FULL_DESCRIPTOR::Construct ( ) /*++ Routine Description: Construct a FULL_DESCRIPTOR object. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { _InterfaceType = Internal; _BusNumber = 0; _Version = 0; _Revision = 0; _ResourceDescriptors = NULL; } VOID FULL_DESCRIPTOR::Destroy ( ) /*++ Routine Description: Worker method for object destruction. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { _InterfaceType = Internal; _BusNumber = 0; _Version = 0; _Revision = 0; if( _ResourceDescriptors != NULL ) { _ResourceDescriptors->DeleteAllMembers(); DELETE( _ResourceDescriptors ); } _ResourceDescriptors = NULL; } BOOLEAN FULL_DESCRIPTOR::Initialize( IN PCBYTE Data, IN ULONG Size, OUT PULONG DescriptorSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize an object of type FULL_DESCRIPTOR. Arguments: Data - Pointer to a buffer that contains a CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR. Size - Buffer size. Return Value: BOOLEAN - Returns TRUE if the initialization succeeds. --*/ { PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR FullResource; ULONG Count; ULONG i; ULONG j; PARRAY TmpList; PPORT_DESCRIPTOR PortDescriptor; PINTERRUPT_DESCRIPTOR InterruptDescriptor; PMEMORY_DESCRIPTOR MemoryDescriptor; PDMA_DESCRIPTOR DmaDescriptor; PDEVICE_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTOR DeviceSpecificDescriptor; ULONG DeviceSpecificDataSize; if( Data == NULL ) { return( FALSE ); } Count = 1; FullResource = ( PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR )Data; TmpList = ( PARRAY )NEW( ARRAY ); if( ( TmpList == NULL ) || ( !TmpList->Initialize() ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(("REGEDT32: Out of memory" )); DELETE( TmpList ); return( FALSE ); } _InterfaceType = FullResource->InterfaceType; _BusNumber = FullResource->BusNumber; _Version = FullResource->PartialResourceList.Version; _Revision = FullResource->PartialResourceList.Revision; // // For each CM_FULL_RESOURCE DESCRIPTOR in the current value... // for( i = 0; i < Count; i++ ) { PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR PartialResourceDescriptor; // // For each CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR in the list... // DeviceSpecificDataSize = 0; for( j = 0; j < FullResource->PartialResourceList.Count; j++ ) { // // Get a pointer to the current CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR // in the current CM_FULLRESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR in the list. // PartialResourceDescriptor = &( FullResource[ i ].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[ j ]); // // Ignore invalid data // if( ( ULONG_PTR )PartialResourceDescriptor > ( ULONG_PTR )( Data + Size - sizeof( CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR ) ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "REGEDT32: Invalid CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, j = %d \n", j )); if( DescriptorSize != NULL ) { *DescriptorSize = Size; } _ResourceDescriptors = TmpList; return( TRUE ); } switch( PartialResourceDescriptor->Type ) { case CmResourceTypePort: { PortDescriptor = ( PPORT_DESCRIPTOR )NEW( PORT_DESCRIPTOR ); PHYSICAL_ADDRESS portStartAddr = (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Port.Start; if ( (PortDescriptor == NULL) || ( !PortDescriptor->Initialize( &portStartAddr, PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Port.Length, PartialResourceDescriptor->ShareDisposition, PartialResourceDescriptor->Flags ) ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "REGEDT32: Unable to create PORT_DESCRIPTOR" )); DELETE( PortDescriptor ); TmpList->DeleteAllMembers(); DELETE( TmpList ); return( FALSE ); } TmpList->Put( PortDescriptor ); } break; case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: { InterruptDescriptor = ( PINTERRUPT_DESCRIPTOR )NEW( INTERRUPT_DESCRIPTOR ); if ( ( InterruptDescriptor == NULL ) || ( !InterruptDescriptor->Initialize( PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Interrupt.Affinity, PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Interrupt.Level, PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Interrupt.Vector, PartialResourceDescriptor->ShareDisposition, PartialResourceDescriptor->Flags ) ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "REGEDT32: Unable to create INTERRUPT_DESCRIPTOR" )); DELETE( InterruptDescriptor ); TmpList->DeleteAllMembers(); DELETE( TmpList ); return( FALSE ); } TmpList->Put( InterruptDescriptor ); } break; case CmResourceTypeMemory: { MemoryDescriptor = ( PMEMORY_DESCRIPTOR )NEW( MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR ); PHYSICAL_ADDRESS memStartAddr = (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Memory.Start; if ( ( MemoryDescriptor == NULL ) || ( !MemoryDescriptor->Initialize( &memStartAddr, PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Memory.Length, PartialResourceDescriptor->ShareDisposition, PartialResourceDescriptor->Flags ) ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "REGEDT32: Unable to create MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR" )); DELETE( MemoryDescriptor ); TmpList->DeleteAllMembers(); DELETE( TmpList ); return( FALSE ); } TmpList->Put( MemoryDescriptor ); } break; case CmResourceTypeDma: { DmaDescriptor = ( PDMA_DESCRIPTOR )NEW( DMA_DESCRIPTOR ); if ( ( DmaDescriptor == NULL ) || ( !DmaDescriptor->Initialize( PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Dma.Channel, PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Dma.Port, PartialResourceDescriptor->u.Dma.Reserved1, PartialResourceDescriptor->ShareDisposition, PartialResourceDescriptor->Flags ) ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "REGEDT32: Unable to create DMA_DESCRIPTOR" )); DELETE( DmaDescriptor ); TmpList->DeleteAllMembers(); DELETE( TmpList ); return( FALSE ); } TmpList->Put( DmaDescriptor ); } break; case CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific: { DeviceSpecificDataSize = PartialResourceDescriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize; DeviceSpecificDescriptor = ( PDEVICE_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTOR )NEW( DEVICE_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTOR ); if ( ( DeviceSpecificDescriptor == NULL ) || ( !DeviceSpecificDescriptor->Initialize( PartialResourceDescriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData.Reserved1, PartialResourceDescriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData.Reserved2, PartialResourceDescriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize, ( PBYTE )&PartialResourceDescriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData + 3*sizeof( ULONG ), PartialResourceDescriptor->ShareDisposition, PartialResourceDescriptor->Flags ) ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "REGEDT32: Unable to create DEVICE_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTOR" )); DELETE( DeviceSpecificDescriptor ); TmpList->DeleteAllMembers(); DELETE( TmpList ); return( FALSE ); } TmpList->Put( DeviceSpecificDescriptor ); } break; default: DebugPrintTrace(( "REGEDT32: Unknown PartialResourceDescriptor->Type == %#x \n", PartialResourceDescriptor->Type )); continue; } } _ResourceDescriptors = TmpList; // // Get the next CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR from the list. // FullResource = ( PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR ) ( ( ULONG_PTR )FullResource + sizeof( ULONG ) + sizeof( ULONG ) + sizeof( USHORT ) + sizeof( USHORT ) + sizeof( ULONG ) + j*sizeof( CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR ) + DeviceSpecificDataSize ); // FullResource = ( PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR )( PartialResourceDescriptor + 1 ); // FullResource = ( PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR )( ( ULONG )FullResource + // DeviceSpecificDataSize ); } if( DescriptorSize != NULL ) { *DescriptorSize = ( ULONG )( ( ULONG_PTR )FullResource - ( ULONG_PTR )Data ); } return( TRUE ); }