/*++ BUILD Version: 0000 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: xm86.h Abstract: This module contains the public header file that describes the interfaces to the 386/486 real mode emulator. Author: David N. Cutler (davec) 13-Nov-1994 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _XM86_ #define _XM86_ // // Define internal error codes. // typedef enum _XM_STATUS { XM_SUCCESS = 1, XM_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, XM_DIVIDE_QUOTIENT_OVERFLOW, XM_EMULATOR_NOT_INITIALIZED, XM_HALT_INSTRUCTION, XM_ILLEGAL_CODE_SEGMENT, XM_ILLEGAL_INDEX_SPECIFIER, XM_ILLEGAL_LEVEL_NUMBER, XM_ILLEGAL_PORT_NUMBER, XM_ILLEGAL_GENERAL_SPECIFIER, XM_ILLEGAL_REGISTER_SPECIFIER, XM_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE, XM_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, XM_SEGMENT_LIMIT_VIOLATION, XM_STACK_OVERFLOW, XM_STACK_UNDERFLOW, XM_MAXIMUM_INTERNAL_CODE } XM_STATUS; // // Define operand data types. // typedef enum _XM_OPERATION_DATATYPE { BYTE_DATA = 0, WORD_DATA = 1, LONG_DATA = 3 } XM_OPERATION_DATATYPE; // // Define emulator context structure. // typedef struct _XM86_CONTEXT { ULONG Eax; ULONG Ecx; ULONG Edx; ULONG Ebx; ULONG Ebp; ULONG Esi; ULONG Edi; USHORT SegDs; USHORT SegEs; } XM86_CONTEXT, *PXM86_CONTEXT; // // Define address translation callback function type. // typedef PVOID (*PXM_TRANSLATE_ADDRESS) ( IN USHORT Segment, IN USHORT Offset ); // // Define read and write I/O space callback function types. // typedef ULONG (*PXM_READ_IO_SPACE) ( IN XM_OPERATION_DATATYPE DataType, IN USHORT PortNumber ); typedef VOID (*PXM_WRITE_IO_SPACE) ( IN XM_OPERATION_DATATYPE DataType, IN USHORT PortNumber, IN ULONG Value ); // // Define emulator public interface function prototypes. // XM_STATUS XmEmulateFarCall ( IN USHORT Segment, IN USHORT Offset, IN OUT PXM86_CONTEXT Context ); XM_STATUS XmEmulateInterrupt ( IN UCHAR Interrupt, IN OUT PXM86_CONTEXT Context ); VOID XmInitializeEmulator ( IN USHORT StackSegment, IN USHORT StackOffset, IN PXM_READ_IO_SPACE ReadIoSpace, IN PXM_WRITE_IO_SPACE WriteIoSpace, IN PXM_TRANSLATE_ADDRESS TranslateAddress ); #endif // _XM86_