; ; Windows-NT MVDM Japanese DOS/V Font driver ; .286 include struc.inc include ntfont.inc include vint.inc NO_ERROR equ 00h IRREGAL_FONT_TYPE equ 01h IRREGAL_BL equ 02h IRREGAL_FONT_SIZE equ 03h IRREGAL_CODE_PAGE equ 04h IRREGAL_CODE_NUMBER equ 05h READ_ONLY_FONT equ 06h FONT_ENABLE equ 0001h FONT_CONF STRUC READ_WRITE DB ? ; Read=0, Write=1 FONT_TYPE DB ? ; SBCS=0, DBCS=1 FONT_SIZE DW ? FONT_ADDR DW ? ; Font read/write routine FONT_FLAG DW ? ; Font flag(Now Enable bit only) FONT_CONF ENDS FONTCNF_SIZE equ 8 CACHE_SIZE equ 260h ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Code Segment ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; TEXT segment byte public assume cs:TEXT,ds:TEXT,es:TEXT org 0 ; drivers should start at address 0000h ; this will cause a linker warning - ignore it. Header: ; device driver header DD fNEXTLINK ; link to next device driver DW fCHARDEVICE+fOPENCLOSE ; device attribute word: ; char.device+open/close DW Strat ; 'Strat' entry point DW Intr ; 'Intr' entry point DB 'NTFONT$$' ; logical device name (needs to be 8 chars) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; data variables ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; null dw 0 ; dummy to do a quick erase of pAtomValue pAtomVal dw offset null ; pointer to value of result of atom search MemEnd dw ntfontList ; end of used memory: initially AtomList MaxMem dw ntfontList ; end of available memory: initially AtomList lpHeader dd 0 ; far pointer to request header org_int15_add dd 0 ; Original int15 vector ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Dispatch table for the interrupt routine command codes ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Dispatch: DW Init ; 0 = init driver DW Error ; 1 = Media Check (block devices only) DW Error ; 2 = build BPB (block devices only) DW Error ; 3 = I/O control read (not supported) DW Error ; 4 = read (input) from device (int 21h, 3Fh) DW Error ; 5 = nondestructive read (not supported) DW Error ; 6 = ret input status (int 21h, 4406h) DW Error ; 7 = flush device input buffer (not supportd) DW Error ; 8 = write (output) to device (int 21h, 40h) DW Error ; 9 = write with verify (== write) (21h, 40h) DW Error ; 10 = ret output status (int 21h, 4407h) DW Error ; 11 = flush output buffer (not supported) DW Error ; 12 = I/O control write (not supported) DW Success ; 13 = device open (int 21h, 3Dh) DW Success ; 14 = device close (int 21h, 3Eh) DW Error ; 15 = removable media (block devices only) DW Error ; 16 = Output until Busy (mostly for spooler) DW Error ; 17 = not used DW Error ; 18 = not used DW Error ; 19 = generic IOCTL (not supported) DW Error ; 20 = not used DW Error ; 21 = not used DW Error ; 22 = not used DW Error ; 23 = get logical device (block devices only) DW Error ; 24 = set logical device (block devices only) font_read_write_table: FONT_CONF <00h,00h,060ch,read_SBCS_06x12,0> FONT_CONF <00h,00h,0810h,read_SBCS_08x16,0> FONT_CONF <00h,00h,0813h,read_SBCS_08x19,0> FONT_CONF <00h,00h,0c18h,read_SBCS_12x24,0> FONT_CONF <00h,01h,0c0ch,read_DBCS_12x12,0> FONT_CONF <00h,01h,1010h,read_DBCS_16x16,0> FONT_CONF <00h,01h,1818h,read_DBCS_24x24,0> FONT_CONF <01h,00h,060ch,write_SBCS_06x12,0> FONT_CONF <01h,00h,0810h,write_SBCS_08x16,0> FONT_CONF <01h,00h,0813h,write_SBCS_08x19,0> FONT_CONF <01h,00h,0c18h,write_SBCS_12x24,0> FONT_CONF <01h,01h,0c0ch,write_DBCS_12x12,0> FONT_CONF <01h,01h,1010h,write_DBCS_16x16,0> FONT_CONF <01h,01h,1818h,write_DBCS_24x24,0> DW 0FFFFh ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Strategy Routine ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; device driver Strategy routine, called by MS-DOS kernel with ; ES:BX = address of request header ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Strat PROC FAR mov word ptr cs:[lpHeader], bx ; save the address of the mov word ptr cs:[lpHeader+2], es ; request into 'lpHeader', and ret ; back to MS-DOS kernel Strat ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Intr ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Device driver interrupt routine, called by MS-DOS kernel after call to ; Strategy routine ; This routine basically calls the appropiate driver routine to handle the ; requested function. ; Routines called by Intr expect: ; ES:DI will have the address of the request header ; DS will be set to cs ; These routines should only affect ax, saving es,di,ds at least ; ; Input: NONE Output: NONE -- data is transferred through request header ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Intr PROC FAR push ds push es pusha ; save registers pushf ; save flags cld ; direction flag: go from low to high address mov si, cs ; make local data addressable mov ds, si ; by setting ds = cs les di, [lpHeader] ; ES:DI = address of req.header xor bx, bx ; erase bx mov bl,es:[di].ccode ; get BX = command code (from req.header) mov si,bx shl si,1 add si,offset dispatch .IF ; check to make sure we have a valid call Error ; command code .ELSE ; else, call command-code routine, call [si] ; indexed from Dispatch table .ENDIF ; (Ebx used to allow scaling factors) or ax, fDONE ; merge Done bit into status and mov es:[di].stat,ax ; store status into request header popf ; restore registers popa ; restore flags pop es pop ds ret ; return to MS-DOS kernel Intr ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Success: When the only thing the program needs to do is set status to OK ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Success PROC NEAR xor ax, ax ; set status to OK ret Success ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; error: set the status word to error: unknown command ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Error PROC NEAR mov ax, fERROR + fUNKNOWN_E ; error bit + "Unknown command" code ret Error ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Int15_dispatch: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Int15_dispatch PROC FAR .IF jmp go_org_int15 .ENDIF .IF and .IF jmp go_org_int15 .ENDIF .IF and .IF mov ah,IRREGAL_FONT_TYPE stc jmp simulate_iret .ENDIF .IF mov ah,IRREGAL_BL stc jmp simulate_iret .ENDIF .IF mov ah,IRREGAL_CODE_PAGE stc jmp simulate_iret .ENDIF push si mov si,offset font_read_write_table search_font_routine: .IF pop si jmp error_font_size .ENDIF .IF and .IF and .IF and .IF mov ax,cs mov es,ax mov bx,cs:[si].FONT_ADDR pop si mov ah,NO_ERROR push di mov di,sp and word ptr ss:[di+6],0fffeh ; #1075 9/7/94 pop di clc jmp simulate_iret .ENDIF add si,FONTCNF_SIZE jmp search_font_routine error_font_size: mov ah,IRREGAL_FONT_SIZE stc jmp simulate_iret go_org_int15: jmp cs:org_int15_add ;go to original int10 Int15_dispatch ENDP read_SBCS_06x12 PROC FAR ;SBCS font read routines push bx mov bx,060ch mov ah,2 BOP 43h pop bx ret read_SBCS_06x12 ENDP read_SBCS_08x16 PROC FAR push bx mov bx,0810h mov ah,2 BOP 43h pop bx ret read_SBCS_08x16 ENDP read_SBCS_08x19 PROC FAR push bx mov bx,0813h mov ah,2 BOP 43h pop bx ret read_SBCS_08x19 ENDP read_SBCS_12x24 PROC FAR push bx mov bx,0c18h mov ah,2 BOP 43h pop bx ret read_SBCS_12x24 ENDP read_DBCS_12x12 PROC FAR ; DBCS font read routines push bx mov bx,0c0ch mov ah,2 BOP 43h pop bx ret read_DBCS_12x12 ENDP read_DBCS_16x16 PROC FAR ; call search_cache ; .IF ; call get_from_cache ; mov al,0 ; clc ; ret ; .ENDIF push bx mov bx,1010h mov ah,2 BOP 43h pop bx ret read_DBCS_16x16 ENDP read_DBCS_24x24 PROC FAR push bx mov bx,1818h mov ah,2 BOP 43h pop bx ret read_DBCS_24x24 ENDP write_SBCS_06x12 PROC FAR ; Write routines are dummy mov al,0 ; Font write execute in ret ; "font_win.sys" write_SBCS_06x12 ENDP write_SBCS_08x16 PROC FAR mov al,0 ret write_SBCS_08x16 ENDP write_SBCS_08x19 PROC FAR mov al,0 ret write_SBCS_08x19 ENDP write_SBCS_12x24 PROC FAR mov al,0 ret write_SBCS_12x24 ENDP write_DBCS_12x12 PROC FAR mov al,0 ret write_DBCS_12x12 ENDP write_DBCS_16x16 PROC FAR mov al,0 ret write_DBCS_16x16 ENDP write_DBCS_24x24 PROC FAR mov al,0 ret write_DBCS_24x24 ENDP ;search_cache PROC NEAR ; Cache test routine ; .IF and ; .IF ; mov ax,0 ; .ELSE ; mov ax,0ffffh ; .ENDIF ; ret ;search_cache ENDP ; ;get_from_cache PROC NEAR ; push ax ; push cx ; push si ; push di ; push ds ; mov di,si ; mov si,cx ; mov ax,cs ; mov ds,ax ; sub si,8140h ; shl si,5 ; add si,offset cache_area ; mov cx,32/4 ; rep movsd ; pop ds ; pop di ; pop si ; pop cx ; pop ax ; ret ;get_from_cache ENDP ; ;cache_area label near ; db CACHE_SIZE*32 DUP(0) ;; DON'T EVER EVER CALL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! simulate_iret: FIRET ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;****************************************************************************; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; ; BEGINNING OF SPACE TO BE USED AS DRIVER MEMORY ; ; ALL CODE AFTER ATOMLIST WILL BE ERASED BY THE DRIVER'S DATA ; ; OR BY OTHER LOADED DRIVERS ; ; ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;****************************************************************************; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Initialization Data and Code ; Only needed once, so after the driver is loaded and initialized it releases ; any memory that it won't use. The device allocates memory for its own use ; starting from 'ntfontList'. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ntfontList label NEAR ini_msg db "Windows-NT MVDM Font Driver Version 1.00" db lf,cr,eom qbuf_size equ 64 q_buf dw qbuf_size dup(0) Init PROC NEAR push ds push es pusha les di, [lpHeader] ; allow us to use the request values mov ax, MemEnd ; set ax to End of Memory relative to ; previous end of memory. mov MaxMem, ax ; store the new value in MaxMem mov es:[di].xseg,cs ; tell MS-DOS the end of our used mov es:[di].xfer,ax ; memory (the break address) ShowStr ini_msg mov cx,qbuf_size ; query support font size mov ax,cs mov es,ax mov si,offset q_buf mov ah,0 BOP 43h .IF mov di,offset q_buf ; Enable font read/write routine check_font_size: mov si,offset font_read_write_table check_font_routine: .IF <[si].READ_WRITE eq 0ffh> jmp check_font_next .ENDIF mov ax,[si].FONT_SIZE xchg ah,al .IF <[di] eq ax> mov [si].FONT_FLAG,FONT_ENABLE .ENDIF add si,FONTCNF_SIZE jmp check_font_routine check_font_next: add di,2 loop check_font_size .ENDIF mov ah,1 ; Load font in 32bit buffer mov al,0 BOP 43h ; push es ; Get local font cache data ; mov cx,8140h ; mov ax,cs ; mov es,ax ; mov si,offset cache_area ; mov ah,2 ; mov bx,1010h ;get_font_cache: ; BOP 43h ; add si,32 ; inc cx ; cmp cx,83a0h ; jb get_font_cache ; pop es mov ax,VECTOR_SEG ;Get original int15 vector mov es,ax mov ax,word ptr es:[4*15h+0] mov word ptr cs:[org_int15_add+0],ax mov ax,word ptr es:[4*15h+2] mov word ptr cs:[org_int15_add+2],ax mov ax,offset cs:Int15_dispatch ;Set my int15 vector mov word ptr es:[4*15h+0],ax mov ax,cs mov word ptr es:[4*15h+2],ax popa pop es pop ds xor ax,ax ret Init ENDP TEXT ENDS END