page ,160 title bios system initialization ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Modification history ; ; 26-Feb-1991 sudeepb Ported for NT DOSEm ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include ; set version build flags include ; establish bios segment structure lf equ 10 cr equ 13 tab equ 9 ; the following depends on the positions of the various letters in switchlist switchnum equ 11111000b ; which switches require number include include include include include ; needed stacksw equ true ;include switchable hardware stacks if ibmjapver noexec equ true else noexec equ false endif sysinitseg segment public assume cs:sysinitseg,ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing extrn badopm:byte,crlfm:byte,badcom:byte,badmem:byte,badblock:byte extrn badsiz_pre:byte,badld_pre:byte extrn dosinfo:dword extrn memory_size:word,fcbs:byte,keep:byte extrn default_drive:byte,confbot:word,alloclim:word extrn buffers:word,zero:byte,sepchr:byte extrn files:byte extrn count:word,chrptr:word extrn bufptr:byte,memlo:word,prmblk:byte,memhi:word extrn ldoff:word,area:word,packet:byte,unitcount:byte, extrn break_addr:dword,bpb_addr:dword,drivenumber:byte extrn com_level:byte, cmmt:byte, cmmt1:byte, cmmt2:byte extrn cmd_indicator:byte extrn donotshownum:byte extrn multdeviceflag:byte extrn devmark_addr:word extrn setdevmarkflag:byte extrn org_count:word extrn pararound:near extrn getchr:near extrn stall:near extrn error_line:near extrn DevEntry:dword insert_blank db 0 ; M051: indicates that blank has been ; M051: inserted public int24,open_dev,organize,mem_err,newline,calldev,badload public prndev,auxdev,config,commnd,condev,getnum,badfil,prnerr public round,delim,print public parseline, public setdoscountryinfo,set_country_path,move_asciiz public cntry_drv,cntry_root,cntry_path public delim public pathstring public MseDev ; NTVDM internal mouse driver ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : parseline ; ; entry point is parseline. al contains the first character in command line. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; parseline proc near ; don't get character first time push ds push cs pop ds assume ds:sysinitseg nextswtch: cmp al,cr ; carriage return? jz done_line cmp al,lf ; linefeed? jz put_back ; put it back and done ; anything less or equal to a space is ignored. cmp al,' ' ; space? jbe get_next ; skip over space cmp al,'/' jz getparm stc ; mark error invalid-character-in-input jmp short exitpl getparm: call check_switch mov word ptr switches,bx ; save switches read so far jc swterr get_next: call getchr jc done_line jmp nextswtch swterr: jmp short exitpl ; exit if error done_line: test word ptr switches,flagdrive ; see if drive specified jnz okay stc ; mark error no-drive-specified jmp short exitpl okay: ; mov ax,word ptr switches ; and ax,0003h ; get flag bits for changeline and non-rem ; mov word ptr deviceparameters.dp_deviceattributes,ax ; mov word ptr deviceparameters.dp_tracktableentries, 0 ; clc ; everything is fine ; call setdeviceparameters exitpl: pop ds ret put_back: inc count ; one more char to scan dec chrptr ; back up over linefeed jmp short done_line parseline endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : check_switch ; ; processes a switch in the input. it ensures that the switch is valid, and ; gets the number, if any required, following the switch. the switch and the ; number *must* be separated by a colon. carry is set if there is any kind of ; error. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; check_switch proc near call getchr jc err_check and al,0dfh ; convert it to upper case cmp al,'A' jb err_check cmp al,'Z' ja err_check push es push cs pop es mov cl,byte ptr switchlist ; get number of valid switches mov ch,0 mov di,1+offset switchlist ; point to string of valid switches repne scasb pop es jnz err_check mov ax,1 shl ax,cl ; set bit to indicate switch mov bx,word ptr switches ; get switches so far or bx,ax ; save this with other switches mov cx,ax test ax, switchnum ; test against switches that require number to follow jz done_swtch call getchr jc err_swtch cmp al,':' jnz err_swtch call getchr push bx ; preserve switches mov byte ptr cs:sepchr,' ' ; allow space separators call getnum mov byte ptr cs:sepchr,0 pop bx ; restore switches ; because getnum does not consider carriage-return or line-feed as ok, we do ; not check for carry set here. if there is an error, it will be detected ; further on (hopefully). call process_num done_swtch: clc ret err_swtch: xor bx,cx ; remove this switch from the records err_check: stc ret check_switch endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : process_num ; ; this routine takes the switch just input, and the number following (if any), ; and sets the value in the appropriate variable. if the number input is zero ; then it does nothing - it assumes the default value that is present in the ; variable at the beginning. zero is ok for form factor and drive, however. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; process_num proc near test word ptr switches,cx ; if this switch has been done before, jnz done_ret ; ignore this one. test cx,flagdrive jz try_f mov byte ptr drive,al jmp short done_ret try_f: test cx,flagff jz try_t ; ensure that we do not get bogus form factors that are not supported ; mov byte ptr deviceparameters.dp_devicetype,al jmp short done_ret try_t: or ax,ax jz done_ret ; if number entered was 0, assume default value test cx,flagcyln jz try_s ; mov word ptr deviceparameters.dp_cylinders,ax jmp short done_ret try_s: test cx,flagseclim jz try_h mov word ptr slim,ax jmp short done_ret ; must be for number of heads try_h: mov word ptr hlim,ax done_ret: clc ret process_num endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : organize ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; assume ds:nothing, es:nothing organize proc near mov cx,[count] jcxz nochar1 call mapcase xor si,si mov di,si xor ax,ax mov com_level, 0 ;org1: call get ;skip leading control characters ; cmp al,' ' ; jb org1 org1: call skip_comment jz end_commd_line ; found a comment string and skipped. call get2 ; not a comment string. then get a char. cmp al, lf je end_commd_line ; starts with a blank line. cmp al, ' ' jbe org1 ; skip leading control characters jmp short findit end_commd_line: stosb ; store line feed char in buffer for the linecount. mov com_level, 0 ; reset the command level. jmp org1 nochar1: stc ret findit: push cx push si push di mov bp,si dec bp mov si,offset comtab ;prepare to search command table mov ch,0 findcom: mov di,bp mov cl,[si] inc si jcxz nocom repe cmpsb lahf add si,cx ;bump to next position without affecting flags sahf lodsb ;get indicator letter jnz findcom cmp byte ptr es:[di], cr ;the next char might be cr,lf je gotcom0 ; such as in "rem",cr,lf case. cmp byte ptr es:[di], lf je gotcom0 push ax mov al, byte ptr es:[di] ;now the next char. should be a delim. call delim pop ax jnz findcom gotcom0: pop di pop si pop cx jmp short gotcom nocom: pop di pop si pop cx mov al,'Z' stosb ; save indicator char. skip_line: call get2 cmp al, lf ; skip this bad command line jne skip_line jmp end_commd_line ; handle next command line gotcom: stosb ;save indicator char in buffer mov cmd_indicator, al ; save it for the future use. org2: call get2 ;skip the commad name until delimiter cmp al, lf je org21 cmp al, cr je org21 call delim jnz org2 jmp short org3 org21: ;if cr or lf then dec si ; undo si, cx register inc cx ; and continue org3: cmp cmd_indicator, 'Y' ; comment= command? je get_cmt_token cmp cmd_indicator, 'I' ; install= command? je org_file cmp cmd_indicator, 'D' ; device= command? je org_file cmp cmd_indicator, 'S' ; shell= is a special one!!! je org_file cmp cmd_indicator, '1' ; switches= command? je org_switch jmp org4 org_switch: call skip_comment jz end_commd_line_brdg call get2 call org_delim jz org_switch stosb jmp org5 org_file: ; get the filename and put 0 at end, call skip_comment jz org_put_zero call get2 ; not a comment call delim jz org_file ; skip the possible delimeters stosb ; copy the first non delim char found in buffer org_copy_file: call skip_comment ; comment char in the filename? jz org_put_zero ; then stop copying filename at that point call get2 cmp al, '/' ; a switch char? (device=filename/xxx) je end_file_slash ; this will be the special case. stosb ; save the char. in buffer call delim jz end_copy_file cmp al, ' ' ja org_copy_file ; keep copying jmp short end_copy_file ; otherwise, assume end of the filename. get_cmt_token: ; get the token. just max. 2 char. call get2 cmp al, ' ' ; skip white spaces or "=" char. je get_cmt_token ; (we are allowing the other special cmp al, tab ; charaters can used for comment id. je get_cmt_token ; character.) cmp al, '=' ; = is special in this case. je get_cmt_token cmp al, cr je get_cmt_end ; cannot accept the carridge return cmp al, lf je get_cmt_end mov cmmt1, al ; store it mov cmmt, 1 ; 1 char. so far. call get2 cmp al, ' ' je get_cmt_end cmp al, tab je get_cmt_end cmp al, cr je get_cmt_end cmp al, lf je end_commd_line_brdg mov cmmt2, al inc cmmt get_cmt_end: call get2 cmp al, lf jne get_cmt_end ; skip it. end_commd_line_brdg: jmp end_commd_line ; else jmp to end_commd_line org_put_zero: ; make the filename in front of mov byte ptr es:[di], 0 ; the comment string to be an asciiz. inc di jmp end_commd_line ; (maybe null if device=/*) end_file_slash: ; al = "/" option char. mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ; make a filename an asciiz inc di ; and stosb ; store "/" after that. jmp short org5 ; continue with the rest of the line end_copy_file: mov byte ptr es:[di-1], 0 ; make it an asciiz and handle the next char. cmp al, lf je end_commd_line_brdg jmp short org5 org4: ; org4 skips all delimiters after the command name except for '/' call skip_comment jz end_commd_line_brdg call get2 call org_delim ; skip delimiters except '/' (mrw 4/88) jz org4 jmp short org51 org5: ; rest of the line call skip_comment ; comment? jz end_commd_line_brdg call get2 ; not a comment. org51: stosb ; copy the character cmp al, '"' ; a quote ? je at_quote cmp al, ' ' ja org5 ; M051 - Start cmp cmd_indicator, 'U' ; Q: is this devicehigh jne not_dh ; N: cmp al, lf ; Q: is this line feed je org_dhlf ; Y: stuff a blank before the lf cmp al, cr ; Q: is this a cr jne org5 ; N: mov byte ptr es:[di-1], ' ' ; overwrite cr with blank stosb ; put cr after blank inc [insert_blank] ; indicate that blank has been ; inserted jmp org5 not_dh: ; M051 - End cmp al, lf ; line feed? je org1_brdg ; handles the next command line. jmp org5 ; handles next char in this line. org_dhlf: ; M051 - Start cmp [insert_blank], 1 ; Q:has a blank already been inserted je org1_brdg ; Y: mov byte ptr es:[di-1], ' ' ; overwrite lf with blank stosb ; put lf after blank ; M051 - End org1_brdg: mov [insert_blank], 0 ; M051: clear blank indicator for ; M051: devicehigh jmp org1 at_quote: cmp com_level, 0 je up_level mov com_level, 0 ; reset it. jmp org5 up_level: inc com_level ; set it. jmp org5 organize endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : get2 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; get2 proc near jcxz noget mov al,es:[si] inc si dec cx od_ret: ret noget: pop cx mov count,di mov org_count, di xor si,si mov chrptr,si ng_ret: ret get2 endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : skip_comment ; ;skip the commented string until lf, if current es:si-> a comment string. ;in) es:si-> sting ; cx -> length. ;out) zero flag not set if not found a comment string. ; zero flag set if found a comment string and skipped it. al will contain ; the line feed charater at this moment when return. ; ax register destroyed. ; if found, si, cx register adjusted accordingly. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; skip_comment proc near jcxz noget ; get out of the organize routine. cmp com_level, 0 ; only check it if parameter level is 0. jne no_commt ; (not inside quotations) cmp cmmt, 1 jb no_commt mov al, es:[si] cmp cmmt1, al jne no_commt cmp cmmt, 2 jne skip_cmmt mov al, es:[si+1] cmp cmmt2, al jne no_commt skip_cmmt: jcxz noget ; get out of organize routine. mov al, es:[si] inc si dec cx cmp al, lf ; line feed? jne skip_cmmt no_commt: ret skip_comment endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : delim ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; delim proc near cmp al,'/' ; ibm will assume "/" as an delimeter. jz delim_ret cmp al, 0 ; special case for sysinit!!! jz delim_ret org_delim: ; used by organize routine except for getting cmp al,' ' ;the filename. jz delim_ret cmp al,9 jz delim_ret cmp al,'=' jz delim_ret cmp al,',' jz delim_ret cmp al,';' delim_ret: ret delim endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : newline ; ; newline returns with first character of next line ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; newline proc near call getchr ;skip non-control characters jc nl_ret cmp al,lf ;look for line feed jnz newline call getchr nl_ret: ret newline endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : mapcase ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; mapcase proc near push cx push si push ds push es pop ds xor si,si convloop: lodsb ifdef DBCS call testkanj jz normconv ; if this is not lead byte mov ah,al lodsb ; get tail byte cmp ax,DB_SPACE jnz @f ; if this is not dbcs space mov word ptr [si-2],' ' ; set 2 single space @@: dec cx jcxz convdone ;just ignore 1/2 kanji error jmp short noconv ;fall through, know al is not in 'a'-'z' range normconv: endif cmp al,'a' jb noconv cmp al,'z' ja noconv sub al,20h mov [si-1],al noconv: loop convloop convdone: pop ds pop si pop cx ret ifdef DBCS public testkanj testkanj: push si push ds push ax mov ax,6300h ; get dos dbcs vector int 21h pop ax bdbcs_do: cmp ds:word ptr [si],0 ; end of lead byte info? jz bdbcs_notfound ; jump if so cmp al,ds:[si] ; less than first byte character? jb bdbcs_next ; jump if not cmp al,ds:[si+1] ; grater than first byte character? ja bdbcs_next bdbcs_found: push ax xor ax,ax inc ax ; reset zero flag pop ax bdbcs_exit: pop ds pop si ret bdbcs_notfound: push ax xor ax,ax ; set zero flag pop ax jmp short bdbcs_exit bdbcs_next: add si,2 ; points next lead byte table jmp short bdbcs_do endif ; DBCS mapcase endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : round ; ; round the values in memlo and memhi to paragraph boundary. ; perform bounds check. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; round proc near push ax mov ax,[memlo] call pararound ; para round up add [memhi],ax mov [memlo],0 mov ax,memhi ; ax = new memhi cmp ax,[alloclim] ; if new memhi >= alloclim, error jae mem_err test cs:[setdevmarkflag], for_devmark jz skip_set_devmarksize push es push si mov si, cs:[devmark_addr] mov es, si sub ax, si dec ax mov es:[devmark_size], ax ; paragraph and cs:[setdevmarkflag], not_for_devmark pop si pop es skip_set_devmarksize: pop ax clc ;clear carry ret mem_err: mov dx,offset badmem push cs pop ds call print jmp stall round endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : calldev ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; calldev proc near mov ds,word ptr cs:[DevEntry+2] add bx,word ptr cs:[DevEntry] ;do a little relocation mov ax,ds:[bx] push word ptr cs:[DevEntry] mov word ptr cs:[DevEntry],ax mov bx,offset packet call [DevEntry] pop word ptr cs:[DevEntry] ret calldev endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : todigit ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; todigit proc near sub al,'0' jb notdig cmp al,9 ja notdig clc ret notdig: stc ret todigit endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : getnum ; ; getnum parses a decimal number. ; returns it in ax, sets zero flag if ax = 0 (may be considered an ; error), if number is bad carry is set, zero is set, ax=0. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; getnum proc near push bx xor bx,bx ; running count is zero b2: call todigit ; do we have a digit jc badnum ; no, bomb xchg ax,bx ; put total in ax push bx ; save digit mov bx,10 ; base of arithmetic mul bx ; shift by one decimal di... pop bx ; get back digit add al,bl ; get total adc ah,0 ; make that 16 bits jc badnum ; too big a number xchg ax,bx ; stash total call getchr ;get next digit jc b1 ; no more characters cmp al, ' ' ; space? jz b15 ; then end of digits cmp al, ',' ; ',' is a seperator!!! jz b15 ; then end of digits. cmp al, tab ; tab jz b15 cmp al,sepchr ; allow 0 or special separators jz b15 cmp al,'/' ; see if another switch follows nop ; cas - remnant of old bad code nop jz b15 cmp al,lf ; line-feed? jz b15 cmp al,cr ; carriage return? jz b15 or al,al ; end of line separator? jnz b2 ; no, try as a valid char... b15: inc count ; one more character to s... dec chrptr ; back up over separator b1: mov ax,bx ; get proper count or ax,ax ; clears carry, sets zero accordingly pop bx ret badnum: mov sepchr,0 xor ax,ax ; set zero flag, and ax = 0 pop bx stc ; and carry set ret getnum endp ;***************************************************************** setdoscountryinfo proc near ;input: es:di -> pointer to dos_country_cdpg_info ; ds:0 -> buffer. ; si = 0 ; ax = country id ; dx = code page id. (if 0, then use ccsyscodepage as a default.) ; bx = file handle ; this routine can handle maxium 438 country_data entries. ; ;output: dos_country_cdpg_info set. ; carry set if any file read failure or wrong information in the file. ; carry set and cx = -1 if cannot find the matching country_id, codepage ; _id in the file. push di push ax push dx xor cx,cx xor dx,dx mov ax,512 ;read 512 bytes call readincontrolbuffer ;read the file header jc setdosdata_fail push es push si push cs pop es mov di,offset country_file_signature mov cx,8 ;length of the signature repz cmpsb pop si pop es jnz setdosdata_fail ;signature mismatch add si,18 ;si -> county info type cmp byte ptr ds:[si],1 ;only accept type 1 (currently only 1 header type) jne setdosdata_fail ;cannot proceed. error return inc si ;si -> file offset mov dx,word ptr ds:[si] ;get the info file offset. mov cx,word ptr ds:[si+2] mov ax,6144 ;read 6144 bytes. call readincontrolbuffer ;read info jc setdosdata_fail mov cx, word ptr ds:[si] ;get the # of country, codepage combination entries cmp cx, 438 ;cannot handle more than 438 entries. ; ja setdosdata_fail inc si inc si ;si -> entry information packet pop dx ;restore code page id pop ax ;restore country id pop di setdoscntry_find: ;search for desired country_id,codepage_id. cmp ax, word ptr ds:[si+2] ;compare country_id jne setdoscntry_next cmp dx, 0 ;no user specified code page ? je setdoscntry_any_codepage;then no need to match code page id. cmp dx, word ptr ds:[si+4] ;compare code page id je setdoscntry_got_it setdoscntry_next: add si, word ptr ds:[si] ;next entry inc si inc si ;take a word for size of entry itself loop setdoscntry_find mov cx, -1 ;signals that bad country id entered. setdoscntry_fail: stc ret setdosdata_fail: pop si pop cx pop di jmp short setdoscntry_fail setdoscntry_any_codepage: ;use the code_page_id of the country_id found. mov dx, word ptr ds:[si+4] setdoscntry_got_it: ;found the matching entry mov cs:cntrycodepage_id, dx ;save code page id for this country. mov dx, word ptr ds:[si+10] ;get the file offset of country data mov cx, word ptr ds:[si+12] mov ax, 512 ;read 512 bytes call readincontrolbuffer jc setdoscntry_fail mov cx, word ptr ds:[si] ;get the number of entries to handle. inc si inc si ;si -> first entry setdoscntry_data: push di ;es:di -> dos_country_cdpg_info push cx ;save # of entry left push si ;si -> current entry in control buffer mov al, byte ptr ds:[si+2] ;get data entry id call getcountrydestination ;get the address of destination in es:di jc setdoscntry_data_next ;no matching data entry id in dos mov dx, word ptr ds:[si+4] ;get offset of data mov cx, word ptr ds:[si+6] mov ax,4200h stc int 21h ;move pointer jc setdosdata_fail mov dx,512 ;start of data buffer mov cx,20 ;read 20 bytes only. we only need to mov ah,3fh ;look at the length of the data in the file. stc int 21h ;read the country.sys data jc setdosdata_fail ;read failure cmp ax,cx jne setdosdata_fail mov dx,word ptr ds:[si+4] ;get offset of data again. mov cx,word ptr ds:[si+6] mov ax,4200h stc int 21h ;move pointer back again jc setdosdata_fail push si mov si,(512+8) ;get length of the data from the file mov cx,word ptr ds:[si] pop si mov dx,512 ;start of data buffer add cx,10 ;signature + a word for the length itself mov ah,3fh ;read the data from the file. stc int 21h jc setdosdata_fail cmp ax, cx jne setdosdata_fail mov al,byte ptr ds:[si+2] ;save data id for future use. mov si,(512+8) ;si-> data buffer + id tag field mov cx,word ptr ds:[si] ;get the length of the file inc cx ;take care of a word for lenght of tab inc cx ;itself. cmp cx,(2048 - 512 - 8) ;fit into the buffer? ja setdosdata_fail if bugfix call setdbcs_before_copy endif cmp al, setcountryinfo ;is the data for setcountryinfo table? jne setdoscntry_mov ;no, don't worry push word ptr es:[di+ccmono_ptr-cccountryinfolen] ;cannot destroy ccmono_ptr address. save them. push word ptr es:[di+ccmono_ptr-cccountryinfolen+2] ;at this time di -> cccountryinfolen push di ;save di push ax mov ax,cs:cntrycodepage_id ;do not use the code page info in country_info mov ds:[si+4], ax ;use the saved one for this !!!! pop ax setdoscntry_mov: rep movsb ;copy the table into dos cmp al, setcountryinfo ;was the ccmono_ptr saved? jne setdoscntry_data_next pop di ;restore di pop word ptr es:[di+ccmono_ptr-cccountryinfolen+2] ;restore pop word ptr es:[di+ccmono_ptr-cccountryinfolen] setdoscntry_data_next: pop si ;restore control buffer pointer pop cx ;restore # of entries left pop di ;restore pointer to dso_country_cdpg add si, word ptr ds:[si] ;try to get the next entry inc si inc si ;take a word of entry length itself dec cx cmp cx,0 je setdoscntry_ok jmp setdoscntry_data setdoscntry_ok: ret setdoscountryinfo endp if bugfix setdbcs_before_copy proc near cmp al,setdbcs ; dbcs vector set? jnz @f ; jump if not cmp word ptr es:[di], 0 ; zero byte data block? jz @f ; jump if so push di push ax push cx mov cx,es:[di] ; load block length add di,2 ; points actual data xor al,al ; fill bytes rep stosb ; clear data block pop cx pop ax pop di @@: ret setdbcs_before_copy endp endif getcountrydestination proc near ;get the destination address in the dos country info table. ;input: al - data id ; es:di -> dos_country_cdpg_info ;on return: ; es:di -> destination address of the matching data id ; carry set if no matching data id found in dos. push cx add di,ccnumber_of_entries ;skip the reserved area, syscodepage etc. mov cx,word ptr es:[di] ;get the number of entries inc di inc di ;si -> the first start entry id getcntrydest: cmp byte ptr es:[di],al je getcntrydest_ok cmp byte ptr es:[di],setcountryinfo ;was it setcountryinfo entry? je getcntrydest_1 add di,5 ;next data id jmp short getcntrydest_loop getcntrydest_1: add di,new_country_size + 3 ;next data id getcntrydest_loop: loop getcntrydest stc jmp short getcntrydest_exit getcntrydest_ok: cmp al,setcountryinfo ;select country info? jne getcntrydest_ok1 inc di ;now di -> cccountryinfolen jmp short getcntrydest_exit getcntrydest_ok1: les di,dword ptr es:[di+1] ;get the destination in es:di getcntrydest_exit: pop cx ret getcountrydestination endp readincontrolbuffer proc near ;move file pointer to cx:dx ;read ax bytes into the control buffer. (should be less than 2 kb) ;si will be set to 0 hence ds:si points to the control buffer. ;entry: cx,dx offset from the start of the file where the read/write pointer ; be moved. ; ax - # of bytes to read ; bx - file handle ; ds - buffer seg. ;return: the control data information is read into ds:0 - ds:0200. ; cx,dx value destroyed. ; carry set if error in reading file. push ax ;# of bytes to read mov ax, 4200h stc int 21h ;move pointer pop cx ;# of bytes to read jc ricb_exit xor dx,dx ;ds:dx -> control buffer xor si,si mov ah,3fh ;read into the buffer stc int 21h ;should be less than 1024 bytes. ricb_exit: ret readincontrolbuffer endp set_country_path proc near ;in: ds - sysinitseg, es - confbot, si -> start of the asciiz path string ; dosinfo_ext, cntry_drv, cntry_root, cntry_path ; assumes current directory is the root directory. ;out: ds:di -> full path (cntry_drv). ; set the cntry_drv string from the country=,,path command. ; ds, es, si value saved. push si push ds ;switch ds, es push es pop ds pop es ;now ds -> confbot, es -> sysinitseg call chk_drive_letter ;current ds:[si] is a drive letter? jc scp_default_drv ;no, use current default drive. mov al, byte ptr ds:[si] inc si inc si ;si -> next char after ":" jmp short scp_setdrv scp_default_drv: mov ah, 19h int 21h add al, "A" ;convert it to a character. scp_setdrv: mov cs:cntry_drv, al ;set the drive letter. mov di, offset cntry_path mov al, byte ptr ds:[si] cmp al, "\" je scp_root_dir cmp al,"/" ;let's accept "/" as an directory delim je scp_root_dir jmp short scp_path scp_root_dir: dec di ;di -> cntry_root scp_path: call move_asciiz ;copy it mov di, offset cntry_drv scpath_exit: push ds ;switch ds, es push es pop ds pop es ;ds, es value restored pop si ret set_country_path endp chk_drive_letter proc near ;check if ds:[si] is a drive letter followed by ":". ;assume that every alpha charater is already converted to upper case. ;carry set if not. push ax cmp byte ptr ds:[si], "A" jb cdletter_no cmp byte ptr ds:[si], "Z" ja cdletter_no cmp byte ptr ds:[si+1], ":" jne cdletter_no jmp short cdletter_exit cdletter_no: stc cdletter_exit: pop ax ret chk_drive_letter endp move_asciiz proc near ;in: ds:si -> source es:di -> target ;out: copy the string until 0. ;assumes there exists a 0. masciiz_loop: movsb cmp byte ptr ds:[si-1],0 ;was it 0? jne masciiz_loop ret move_asciiz endp ; ; ds:dx points to string to output (asciz) ; ; prints badfil: push cs pop es mov si,dx badload: mov dx,offset badld_pre ;want to print config error mov bx, offset crlfm prnerr: push cs pop ds call print prn1: mov dl,es:[si] or dl,dl jz prn2 mov ah,std_con_output int 21h inc si jmp prn1 prn2: mov dx,bx call print cmp donotshownum,1 ; suppress line number when handling je prnexit call error_line prnexit: ret print: cmp cs:bEchoConfig, 0 ; NTVDM skip print call, Jonle je prnexit mov ah,std_con_string_output int 21h ret if noexec ; load non exe file called [ds:dx] at memory location es:bx ldfil: push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push ds push bx xor ax,ax ;open the file mov ah,open stc ;in case of int 24 int 21h pop dx ;clean stack in case jump jc ldret push dx mov bx,ax ;handle in bx xor cx,cx xor dx,dx mov ax,(lseek shl 8) or 2 stc ;in case of int 24 int 21h ; get file size in dx:ax jc ldclsp or dx,dx jnz lderrp ; file >64k pop dx push dx mov cx,es ; cx:dx is xaddr add dx,ax ; add file size to xaddr jnc dosize add cx,1000h ; ripple carry dosize: mov ax,dx call pararound mov dx,ax add cx,dx cmp cx,[alloclim] jb okld jmp mem_err okld: xor cx,cx xor dx,dx mov ax,lseek shl 8 ;reset pointer to beginning of file stc ;in case of int 24 int 21h jc ldclsp pop dx push es ;read the file in pop ds ;trans addr is ds:dx mov cx,0ff00h ; .com files arn't any bigger than ; 64k-100h mov ah,read stc ;in case of int 24 int 21h jc ldcls mov si,dx ;check for exe file cmp word ptr [si],"ZM" clc ; assume ok jnz ldcls ; only know how to do .com files stc jmp short ldcls lderrp: stc ldclsp: pop dx ;clean stack ldcls: pushf mov ah,close ;close the file stc int 21h popf ldret: pop ds pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret endif ; ; open device pointed to by dx, al has access code ; if unable to open do a device open null device instead ; open_dev: call open_file jnc open_dev3 open_dev1: mov dx,offset nuldev call open_file of_ret: ret open_dev3: mov bx,ax ; handle from open to bx xor ax,ax ; get device info mov ah,ioctl int 21h test dl,10000000b jnz of_ret mov ah,close int 21h jmp open_dev1 open_file: mov ah,open stc int 21h ret ; test int24. return back to dos with the fake user response of "fail" int24: mov al, 3 ; fail the system call iret ; return back to dos. include ; copyright statement nuldev db "NUL",0 condev db "CON",0 auxdev db "AUX",0 prndev db "PRN",0 MseDev db "MOUSE",0 ; NTVDM for internal spc mouse ; NTVDM we use a temp file for config.sys 23-Nov-1992 Jonle ; config db "C:\CONFIG.SYS",0 config db 64 dup (0) cntry_drv db "A:" cntry_root db "\" cntry_path db "COUNTRY.SYS",0 db 52 dup (0) country_file_signature db 0ffh,'COUNTRY' cntrycodepage_id dw ? commnd db "\COMMAND.COM",0 db 51 dup (0) pathstring db 64 dup (0) comtab label byte ; cmd len command cmd code ; ------- ------- -------- ; db 7, "BUFFERS", 'B' db 5, "BREAK", 'C' db 6, "DEVICE", 'D' db 10, "DEVICEHIGH", 'U' db 5, "FILES", 'F' db 4, "FCBS", 'X' db 9, "LASTDRIVE", 'L' db 10, "MULTITRACK", 'M' db 8, "DRIVPARM", 'P' if stacksw db 6, "STACKS", 'K' endif db 7, "COUNTRY", 'Q' db 5, "SHELL", 'S' db 7, "INSTALL", 'I' db 7, "COMMENT", 'Y' db 3, "REM", '0' db 8, "SWITCHES", '1' db 3, "DOS", 'H' db 10, "ECHOCONFIG", 'E' ; NTVDM 14-Aug-1992 Jonle db 11, "NTCMDPROMPT", 'T' ; NTVDM 06-May-1993 sudeepb db 7, "DOSONLY", 'O' ; NTVDM 06-May-1993 sudeepb db 0 hlim dw 2 slim dw 9 public bEchoConfig ; NTVDM - 14-Aug-1992 Jonle bEchoConfig db 0 public drive drive db ? public switches switches dw 0 switchlist db 8,"FHSTDICN" ; preserve the positions of n and c. ; the following depend on the positions of the various letters in switchlist ;switchnum equ 11111000b ; which switches require number flagec35 equ 00000100b ; electrically compatible 3.5 inch disk drive flagdrive equ 00001000b flagcyln equ 00010000b flagseclim equ 00100000b flagheads equ 01000000b flagff equ 10000000b sysinitseg ends end