page 80,132 ;***************************************************************************; ; ; STACK.ASM ; ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1989, 1990. All rights reserved. ; ; This module contains a routine that calls a callback function on a ; internal stack. This is designed to be used by MMSYSTEM drivers that ; call user callback functions at async interupt time. ; ; Revision history: ; ; 07/30/90 First created by ToddLa (moved from SndBlst driver) ; 04/24/91 MikeRo. Added stack usage stuff. ; 07/07/91 CurtisP. New stack switcher code that allows user to ; configure size and number of stacks. Default is 3 ; frames of 1.5kb each. This is the minimum that MCISEQ ; needs in standard mode (running concurrent with wave). ; [mmsystem]!stackframes= and !stacksize=. stackframes ; mul stacksize can not be > 64k. ; 07/24/91 ToddLa. even newer stack switcher code! export StackEnter ; and StackLeave ; 11/02/92 StephenE. Hacked the code to make it work on NT/WOW. ; ;***************************************************************************; ifdef MYDEBUG DEBUG_RETAIL equ 1 endif ?PLM=1 ; pascal call convention ?WIN=0 ; NO! Windows prolog/epilog code .286p .xlist include include include include ; include ; include ; include ; include include .list OFFSEL STRUC Off dw ? Sel dw ? OFFSEL ENDS LOHI STRUC Lo dw ? Hi dw ? LOHI ENDS DCB_NOSWITCH equ 0008h ; don't switch stacks for callback DCB_TYPEMASK equ 0007h ; callback type mask DCB_NULL equ 0000h ; unknown callback type ; flags for wFlags parameter of DriverCallback() DCB_WINDOW equ 0001h ; dwCallback is a HWND DCB_TASK equ 0002h ; dwCallback is a HTASK DCB_FUNCTION equ 0003h ; dwCallback is a FARPROC externFP PostMessage ; in USER externFP PostAppMessage ; in USER externFP CALLPROC32W ; in Kernel externFP ThunkInit ; in init.c externFP WOW16Call ; in Kernel ;****************************************************************************** ; ; SEGMENTS ; ;****************************************************************************** createSeg FIX, CodeFix, word, public, CODE createSeg INTDS, DataFix, byte, public, DATA ;***************************************************************************; ; ; equates and structure definitions ; ;***************************************************************************; STACK_MAGIC equ 0BBADh ;***************************************************************************; ; ; Local data segment ; ;***************************************************************************; sBegin DataFix ; ; This is the stack we will switch to whenever we are calling ; a user call back ; public gwStackSize public gwStackFrames public gwStackUse public gwStackSelector public hdrvDestroy public vpCallbackData public hGlobal public DoInterrupt public tid32Message public mmwow32Lib public CheckThunkInit gwStackSize dw 0 gwStackFrames dw 0 gwStackUse dw 0 gwStackSelector dw 0 hdrvDestroy dw -1 ; this handle is being closed vpCallbackData dd 0 hGlobal dd 0 tid32Message dd 0 ; timer driver entry point mmwow32Lib dd 0 sEnd DataFix ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; debug support ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------; externFP OutputDebugString ;--------------------------Private-Macro----------------------------------; ; DOUT String - send a debug message to the debugger ; ; Entry: ; String String to send to the COM port, does not need a CR,LF ; ; Registers Destroyed: ; none ; ; NOTE no code is generated unless the MYDEBUG symbol is defined ; ; History: ; Sun 31-Jul-1989 -by- ToddLa ; Wrote it. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------; DOUT macro text local string_buffer_stack ifdef MYDEBUG push cs push offset string_buffer_stack call OutputDebugString jmp @F string_buffer_stack label byte db "mmsystem: " db "&text&",13,10,0 @@: endif endm ;***************************************************************************; ; ; code segment ; ;***************************************************************************; sBegin CodeFix assumes cs, CodeFix assumes ds, nothing assumes es, nothing externA __WinFlags public CodeFixWinFlags public CodeFixDS CodeFixWinFlags dw __WinFlags CodeFixDS dw DataFixBASE ;***************************************************************************; ; ; @doc DDK MMSYSTEM ; ; @asm StackEnter | ; ; This function switches to the next internal mmsystem interupt stack ; available. ; ; if one is not available we stay on the current stack. ; ; the size and number of mmsystem stacks is controlable from SYSTEM.INI ; (these are the defaults) ; ; [mmsystem] ; StackSize = 1536 ; StackFrames = 3 ; ; for every call to StackEnter a call to StackLeave *must* be made (even ; if StackEnter fails!) ; ; this function is intended to be used as the first thing done by a ISR ; ; MyISR proc far ; ; call StackEnter ; switch to a safe stack ; ; pusha ; save registers we use ; ; ; ; popa ; restore registers ; ; call StackLeave ; return to interupt stack ; iret ; done with ISR ; ; MyISR endp ; ; The old SS:SP is pushed onto the new stack, and the function returns. ; ; @rdesc NC ** succesfuly switced to a new stack ; C ** you are hosed jack, no stacks left ; (you remain on current stack) ; ; @uses flags ; ; @saves all ; ; @xref StackLeave, DriverCallback ; ;***************************************************************************; assumes ds, nothing assumes es, nothing cProc StackEnter, , <> cBegin nogen ; ; On WOW we only emulate Standard mode therefore I won't bother ; with the test described below. ; ; if we are in 386 mode or better (ie *not* standard mode) then, just ; get out. ; ; test cs:[CodeFixWinFlags],WF_WIN286 ; jz stack_enter_retf push ds mov ds,[CodeFixDS] assumes ds,DataFix cmp [gwStackUse], 0 ; are we out of stacks? jne stack_enter_have_stack_will_travel ; go grab it ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; We are out of internal stacks. To give us the greates chance ; of coming out of this condition alive, we stay on the current ; stack. This could fail miserably if we are on a very small ; stack**but it is better than crashing outright. ; ;**********************************************************************-; ifdef DEBUG_RETAIL cmp [gwStackSelector], 0 je stack_enter_stay_here DOUT int 3 endif ifdef MYDEBUG call dump_stack_users endif stack_enter_stay_here: pop ds assumes ds,nothing push bp mov bp,sp push ax xor ax,ax xchg [bp+4],ax xchg [bp+2],ax xchg [bp],ax xchg [bp-2],ax pop bp stack_enter_retf: stc retf ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; we have a stack to use, allocate stack FIRST, then muck with it ; leave no window for interrupts to blast us. ; ; It does this by using the contents of the gwStackUse variable as ; the new SP. This initially contains the address of the start (ie top) ; of the internal stack area, and is subtracted from each time a StackEnter ; occurs. It is of course added to again when StackLeave is called ; freeing up that area of stack for the next use. ; ; Note that the stack usage counter is modified before anything is ; is pushed onto the new stack. If an interrupt occurs after the stack ; switch, but before the usage is set, it will be fine. ; ;**********************************************************************-; assumes ds,DataFix stack_enter_have_stack_will_travel: push ax push bx mov bx,sp mov ax, [gwStackSize] sub [gwStackUse], ax ; reserve stack before using add ax, [gwStackUse] ; get current value and hang onto it ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; debug code, in the debug version we do crazy things like filling ; the stack with magic numbers. ; ;**********************************************************************-; ifdef MYDEBUG ; ** This code will fill the stack with the magic cookie**this ; ** is used to see how much stack space is being used at any ; ** time. push es push di push ax push cx mov di, ax ; es:di -> top of stack mov es, [gwStackSelector] mov cx, [gwStackSize] ; get size to fill sub di, cx ; es:di -> bottom of stack shr cx, 1 ; in words mov ax, STACK_MAGIC ; what to fill with cld ; bottom up rep stosw pop cx ; restore munged regs pop ax pop di pop es endif ifdef DEBUG_RETAIL ; ** This code puts a single magic cookie at the end of the stack. ; ** This is used by the stack leave routine to check for overflow. ; ** If the above code (the fill) is running, then this code is ; ** redundant. push es push bx mov es,[gwStackSelector] mov bx,[gwStackUse] ; new stack mov es:[bx], STACK_MAGIC pop bx pop es endif ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; time to switch to the *new* stack, [gwStackSelector]:AX contains ; the new SS:SP, but first save the *old* SS:SP and restore ; the registers we nuked to get here ; ;**********************************************************************-; push [gwStackSelector] ; push *new* ss push ss ; save current ss in ds pop ds assumes ds, nothing pop ss ; switch to new stack mov sp, ax ; ints off until after this on >= 286 ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; now that we are on the new stack, copy some important info from ; the old stack to this one. note DS:[BX] points to the old stack ; ; [BX+0] ==> saved BX ; [BX+2] ==> saved AX ; [BX+4] ==> saved DS ; [BX+6] ==> return IP ; [BX+8] ==> return CS ; ; in the MYDEBUG version we save the callers CS:IP on the stack so we ; can (in dump_stack_users) walk all the stacks ; ;**********************************************************************-; ifdef MYDEBUG push [bx+8] ; push a CS:IP for dumping stack users push [bx+6] endif add bx,10 ; 10 = ax+bx+dx+retf push ds ; save old SS:SP (SP = BX+N) push bx sub bx,10 push [bx+8] ; push return addr push [bx+6] push [bx+4] ; push saved DS push [bx] ; push saved BX mov ax,[bx+2] ; restore ax pop bx ; restore bx pop ds ; restore ds clc ; show success stack_leave_retf: retf ; return to caller cEnd nogen ;***************************************************************************; ; ; @doc DDK MMSYSTEM ; ; @asm StackLeave | ; ; This function returns the stack to the original stack saved by StackEnter ; ; @uses flags ; ; @saves all ; ; @xref StackEnter, DriverCallback ; ;***************************************************************************; assumes ds, nothing assumes es, nothing cProc StackLeave, , <> cBegin nogen ; ; if we are in 386 mode or better (ie *not* standard mode) then, just ; get out. ; ; test cs:[CodeFixWinFlags],WF_WIN286 ; jz stack_leave_retf push bx mov bx,sp ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; here is the state of things: ; ; [BX+0] ==> saved BX ; [BX+2] ==> return IP ; [BX+4] ==> return CS ; [BX+6] ==> saved SP ; [BX+8] ==> saved SS ; ; the first thing we must check for is EnterStack running out of ; stacks. in this case StackEnter pushed a single zero where the ; saved SS should be ; ;**********************************************************************-; cmp word ptr ss:[bx+6],0 ; check saved SP jnz stack_leave_normal ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; StackEnter ran out of stacks, stay on the current stack, but remove ; the bogus SS ; ;**********************************************************************-; stack_leave_abby_normal: pop bx ; return to caller taking the retf 2 ; bogus zero SP with us ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; we need to return to the stack saved by StackEnter ; ;**********************************************************************-; stack_leave_normal: push ds ; [BX-2] ==> saved DS push ss ; DS = old stack pop ds assumes ds,nothing ifdef MYDEBUG push ax mov ax,[bx+8] lar ax,ax jz @f DOUT int 3 @@: pop ax endif mov ss,[bx+8] ; switch to new stack mov sp,[bx+6] ; ints off until after this on >= 286 push [bx+4] ; push return addr push [bx+2] push [bx] ; push old BX push [bx-2] ; push old DS ;**********************************************************************-; ; ; we are back on the original stack, now it is time to deallocate ; the stack. ; ; The stack usage must only be released after all ; values have been removed from the stack so that an interrupt can be ; serviced without writing over any values. ; ;**********************************************************************-; mov ds,[CodeFixDS] ; get at our globals assumes ds,DataFix ifdef DEBUG_RETAIL push es push bx mov bx,[gwStackUse] ; before we release it mov es,[gwStackSelector] cmp es:[bx], STACK_MAGIC mov es:[bx], STACK_MAGIC ; and try to recover... pop bx pop es je @f ; true if magic cookie existed DOUT int 3 ifdef MYDEBUG call dump_stack_users endif @@: endif mov bx, [gwStackSize] ; get the size of the stacks add [gwStackUse], bx ; release stack frame after use pop ds assumes ds,nothing pop bx retf cEnd nogen ;**************************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: DoInterrupt() ; ; PURPOSE: ; This routine is called by the ISR in the InstallInerruptHandler ; routine. ; ; void DoInterrupt( void ) ; { ; VPCALLBACK_ARGS pArgs; ; WORD wSendCount = vpCallbackData->wSendCount; ; WORD wTempRecvCount; ; ; /* ; ** At entry to this function the receive count should be one less than ; ** than the send count. However, it is possible that we have lost some ; ** interrupts in which case we should try to "catch up" here. ; ** ; ** The 32 bit side does not increament wSendCount until the ; ** callback data buffer has been updated. This means that although it ; ** is possible that it could have been changed before this interrupt ; ** was generated it will never point to an invalid buffer location. ; ** We simply process two interrupt request from the first interrupt, ; ** when the second interrupt goes off we return straight away. ; */ ; vpCallbackData->wIntsCount++; ; ; while ( vpCallbackData->wRecvCount != wSendCount ) { ; ; /* ; ** Increment the recv count. Use of the % operator to makes sure ; ** that we wrap around to the begining of the array correctly. ; */ ; wTempRecvCount = (vpCallbackData->wRecvCount + 1) ; % CALLBACK_ARGS_SIZE; ; ; pArgs = &vpCallbackData->args[ wTempRecvCount ]; ; DriverCallback( pArgs->dwFunctionAddr, ; LOWORD( pArgs->dwFlags ), ; pArgs->wHandle, ; pArgs->wMessage, ; pArgs->dwInstance, ; pArgs->dwParam1, ; pArgs->dwParam2 ); ; ; vpCallbackData->wRecvCount = wTempRecvCount; ; } ; ; } ; ;**************************************************************************** cProc DoInterrupt, , localW wSendCount ;number of interrupts sent cBegin DoInt DOUT ; ; Now we take the parameters from the global callback data array ; and increment the dwRecvCount field. Then we make the ; callback into the apps routine. Note that the es:bx registers are used ; instead of the local variable pArgs. ; mov es,[CodeFixDS] assumes es,DataFix ; ; wSendCount = vpCallbackData->wSendCount ; vpCallbackData->wIntsCount++; ; les bx,DWORD PTR es:vpCallbackData mov ax,WORD PTR es:[bx+2] mov wSendCount,ax inc WORD PTR es:[bx+388] ; increment the count of interrupts rcv jmp DoIntMakeTheTest ; ; Make es:bx point to the correct slot in the callback data table. ; DoIntMakeTheCall: ; ; Increment the recv count. Use of the % operator above makes sure ; that we wrap around to the begining of the array correctly. ; ; wTempRecvCount = (vpCallbackData->wRecvCount + 1) % CALLBACK_ARGS_SIZE; ; mov al,BYTE PTR es:[bx] inc al and ax,15 mov cx,ax ; ; pArgs = &vpCallbackData->args[ vpCallbackData->wRecvCount ]; ; vpCallbackData->wRecvCount = wTempRecvCount; ; Note that pArgs is really es:bx. ; mov es,[CodeFixDS] les bx,DWORD PTR es:vpCallbackData imul ax,WORD PTR es:[bx],24 ;ax = wRecvCount * sizeof(CALLBACKDATA) ; ; Note: our caller saves ALL registers. We do not need to preserve si ; mov si,bx add bx,ax ;bx = bx + ax add bx,4 ;bx += sizeof(WORD) * 2 ; ; Set up the stack frame for DriverCallback ; push WORD PTR es:[bx+6] push WORD PTR es:[bx+4] push WORD PTR es:[bx] push WORD PTR es:[bx+8] push WORD PTR es:[bx+10] push WORD PTR es:[bx+14] push WORD PTR es:[bx+12] push WORD PTR es:[bx+18] push WORD PTR es:[bx+16] push WORD PTR es:[bx+22] push WORD PTR es:[bx+20] ; ; We have to set up the stack frame before incrementing wRecvCount to ; prevent the 32 bit code from eating our slot in the buffer. ; mov WORD PTR es:[si],cx ;wRecvCount = wTempRecvCount call FAR PTR DriverCallback ; ; Reload es:bx and ax ready for the loop test ; mov ax,wSendCount mov es,[CodeFixDS] les bx,DWORD PTR es:vpCallbackData DoIntMakeTheTest: cmp WORD PTR es:[bx],ax jne DoIntMakeTheCall cEnd DoInt ifdef XDEBUG public stack_enter_stay_here public stack_enter_have_stack_will_travel public stack_leave_abby_normal public stack_leave_normal endif ;***************************************************************************; ; ; @doc DDK MMSYSTEM ; ; @api BOOL | DriverCallback | This function notifies a client ; application by sending a message to a window or callback ; function or by unblocking a task. ; ; @parm DWORD | dwCallBack | Specifies either the address of ; a callback function, a window handle, or a task handle, depending on ; the flags specified in the

parameter. ; ; @parm WORD | wFlags | Specifies how the client ; application is notified, according to one of the following flags: ; ; @flag DCB_FUNCTION | The application is notified by ; sending a message to a callback function. The

; parameter specifies a procedure-instance address. ; @flag DCB_WINDOW | The application is notified by ; sending a message to a window. The low-order word of the ;

parameter specifies a window handle. ; ; @flag DCB_NOSWITCH | DriverCallback should *not* switch to a new stack ; ; @parm WORD | hDevice | Specifies a handle to the device ; associated with the notification. This is the handle assigned by ; MMSYSTEM when the device was opened. ; ; @parm WORD | wMsg | Specifies a message to send to the ; application. ; ; @parm DWORD | dwUser | Specifies the DWORD of user instance ; data supplied by the application when the device was opened. ; ; @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Specifies a message-dependent parameter. ; @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Specifies a message-dependent parameter. ; ; @rdesc Returns TRUE if the callback was performed, else FALSE if an invalid ; parameter was passed, or the task's message queue was full. ; ; @comm This function can be called at interrupt time. ; ; The flags DCB_FUNCTION and DCB_WINDOW are equivalent to the ; high-order word of the corresponding flags CALLBACK_FUNCTION ; and CALLBACK_WINDOW specified when the device was opened. ; ; If notification is done with a callback function,

, ;



, and

are passed to ; the callback. If notification is done with a window, only

, ;

, and

are passed to the window. ;***************************************************************************; assumes ds, nothing assumes es, nothing cProc DriverCallback, , <> parmD dwCallBack ; callback procedure to call parmW fCallBack ; callback flags parmW hdrv ; handle to the driver parmW msg ; driver message parmD dwUser ; user instance data parmD dw1 ; message specific parmD dw2 ; message specific cBegin cld ; lets not make any assumptions about this!!!! ;**************************************************************************-; ; check for quick exit cases and get out fast ;**************************************************************************-; mov ax,dwCallback.lo ; check for dwCallback == NULL or ax,dwCallback.hi jz dcb_error_exit_now ; if NULL get out fast mov ax,fCallback ; get flags and mask out the type bits test ax,DCB_TYPEMASK jz dcb_error_exit_now ; if NULL get out fast ifdef NEVER ;**************************************************************************-; ; if this handle is being NUKED don't allow callbacks into the app ; ; I won't bother with this test on WOW either. -- StephenE 2nd Nov 1992 ;**************************************************************************-; mov es,[CodeFixDS] assumes es,DataFix mov bx,hdrv cmp bx,es:[hdrvDestroy] ; same as the handle being nuked? je dcb_error_exit_now ; if yes, get out'a here assumes es,nothing endif ;**************************************************************************-; ; set up ES == SS, so we can access stack params after switching ; stacks, NOTE!! ES:[bp+##] *must* be used to access parameters! ;**************************************************************************-; mov cx,ss ; set ES == callers stack mov es,cx ; use ES to get at local vars assumes es,nothing ;**************************************************************************-; ; We won't switch stacks on WOW since DPMI does this for us. Win 3.1 ; would only switch stacks in Standard mode which we no longer support. ;**************************************************************************-; ; test ax,DCB_NOSWITCH ; should we switch stacks? ; jnz dcb_on_stack ; call StackEnter ; switch to new stack ;**************************************************************************-; ; determine the type of the callback, dwCallback is either a FARPROC, HWND ; or HTASK depending on the value of fCallback ;**************************************************************************-; dcb_on_stack: ; pushf ; Save the interrupt flag state FSTI ; ** Enable interrupts here ** ; ; push ax ; save flags for StackLeave test and ax,DCB_TYPEMASK ; mask out the type bits cmp ax,DCB_WINDOW ; is it a window handle? je dcb_post_message cmp ax,DCB_TASK ; is it a task handle? je dcb_post_event cmp ax,DCB_FUNCTION ; is it a procedure? je dcb_call_callback DOUT xor ax,ax jmp dcb_exit dcb_error_exit_now: xor ax,ax jmp dcb_exit_now ifdef NEVER ;**************************************************************************-; ; the Callback flags are NULL determine the callback type by the HIWORD ; of dwCallback, if it is NULL assume it is a WINDOW otherwise it is a ; FARPROC ;**************************************************************************-; dcb_null_flags: mov ax,es:dwCallback.hi ; get selector of callback or ax,ax jnz dcb_call_callback ; if NULL then assume it is a window errn$ dcb_post_message ; otherwise assume a FARPROC endif ;**************************************************************************-; ; dwCallback is a window handle, call PostMessage() to insert a message in ; the applications message Que ;**************************************************************************-; dcb_post_event: cmc dcb_post_message: push es:dwCallback.lo ; hwnd push es:msg ; message push es:hdrv ; wParam = hdrv push es:dw1.hi ; lParam = dw1 push es:dw1.lo jc dcb_post_app_message call PostMessage jmp dcb_exit ;**************************************************************************-; ; dwCallback is a task handle, call PostAppMessage() to 'wake' the task up ;**************************************************************************-; dcb_post_app_message: call PostAppMessage jmp dcb_exit ;**************************************************************************-; ; dwCallback is a callback procedure, we will call it. ;**************************************************************************-; dcb_call_callback: ; ; is the callback a valid function? ; lar ax,es:dwCallback.hi jnz dcb_invalid_callback test ax,0800H ; test for code/data selector jnz dcb_valid_callback dcb_invalid_callback: ifdef MYDEBUG_RETAIL mov ax,es:dwCallback.lo mov dx,es:dwCallback.hi DOUT int 3 endif xor ax,ax jmp dcb_exit dcb_valid_callback: push es:hdrv push es:msg push es:dwUser.hi push es:dwUser.lo push es:dw1.hi push es:dw1.lo push es:dw2.hi push es:dw2.lo call es:dwCallback mov ax,1 errn$ dcb_exit dcb_exit: ; popf ; ** restore the interrupt flag ** ; ; pop bx ; restore flags ; test bx,DCB_NOSWITCH ; should we switch back? ; jnz dcb_exit_now ; call StackLeave ; return to previous stack errn$ dcb_exit_now dcb_exit_now: cEnd ifdef MYDEBUG ;**************************************************************************-; ; ; each mmsystem stack has a SS:SP and in MYDEBUG a CS:IP of the caller of ; StackEnter, the top of each stack looks like this. ; ; +-------------------------------------+ ; | CS:IP of caller of StackEnter() (in MYDEBUG) ; +-------------------------------------+ ; | SS:SP to restore ; +-------------------------------------+ ; ;**************************************************************************-; assumes ds,DataFix assumes es,nothing public dump_stack_users dump_stack_users proc near cmp [gwStackSelector],0 jne @f ret @@: pusha push es mov cx,[gwStackFrames] mov di,[gwStackSize] mov si,[gwStackUse] mov es,gwStackSelector DOUT dump_stack_loop: lar ax,es:[di-4].sel jnz dump_stack_next mov ax,es:[di-4].off ; get CS:IP of StackEnter caller mov dx,es:[di-4].sel mov si,es:[di-8].off ; get SS:SP of StackEnter caller mov bx,es:[di-8].sel DOUT dump_stack_next: add di,[gwStackSize] loop dump_stack_loop pop es popa ret dump_stack_users endp endif ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; @doc INTERNAL ; ; @api DWORD | CheckThunkInit | send a message to the timer driver ; ; @rdesc Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code, ; (typically MMSYSERR_NODRIVER). ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,nothing assumes es,nothing cProc CheckThunkInit, , <> cBegin mov es,[CodeFixDS] assumes es,DataFix sub ax,ax ; assume sucess mov bx,WORD PTR es:[mmwow32Lib] ; is mmwow32Lib loaded ? mov cx,WORD PTR es:[mmwow32Lib+2] ; try to load it or cx,bx ; ThunkInit returns ax=1 jnz @F ; if it loaded OK, otherwise call ThunkInit ; ax=MMSYSERR_NODRIVER @@: cEnd ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; @doc INTERNAL ; ; @api DWORD | timeMessage | send a message to the timer driver ; ; @parm WORD | msg | message to send ; ; @parm DWORD | dw1 | first DWORD ; ; @parm DWORD | dw2 | first DWORD ; ; @rdesc Returns zero if successful, error code otherwise ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; assumes ds,nothing assumes es,nothing cProc timeMessage, , <> ParmW msg ParmD dw1 ParmD dw2 cBegin mov es,[CodeFixDS] assumes es,DataFix sub ax,ax ; assume sucess mov bx,WORD PTR es:[mmwow32Lib] ; is mmwow32Lib loaded ? mov cx,WORD PTR es:[mmwow32Lib+2] ; try to load it or cx,bx ; ThunkInit returns ax=1 jnz timer_have_thunks ; if it loaded OK, otherwise push es call ThunkInit ; ax=MMSYSERR_NODRIVER pop es or ax,ax jnz timeMessageExit timer_have_thunks: push ax ; uDevID push ax ; push ax ; Message passed push msg ; push ax ; dwInstance push ax ; push dw1.hi ; dwParam1 push dw1.lo ; push dw2.hi ; dwParam2 push dw2.lo ; push WORD PTR es:[tid32Message+2] ; Address of function to call push WORD PTR es:[tid32Message] ; push ax ; No directory change push ax call FAR PTR MMCALLPROC32 timeMessageExit: cEnd MMediaThunk MMCALLPROC32 sEnd CodeFix end