subttl - Emulator macros. ;*** ; - Emulator history. ; ; Copyright (c) 1989-89, Microsoft Corporation ; ;Purpose: ; Defines macros for emulator. ; ;Revision History ; ; See emulator.hst ; ;******************************************************************************* ;******************************************************************************* ; ; EMver - defines version tag put in code segment. ; ;******************************************************************************* EMver macro db 'MSEM87',major_ver,minor_ver endm ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Define pub and glb macros to make labels public for debugging. ; ;******************************************************************************* ifdef DEBUG lab macro name public name name: endm pub macro name public name name: endm glb macro name irp nm, public nm endm endm elseifdef WINDOWS ; If windows, make these public for the map file. lab macro name public name name: endm pub macro name public name name: endm glb macro name irp nm, public nm endm endm else ;DEFAULT lab macro name name: endm pub macro name name: endm glb macro name endm endif ;DEFAULT ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Macros and register aliases to keep the 386/8086 versions close. ; ;******************************************************************************* ifdef i386 eWORD macro nam ; 386 macros nam label dword endm nedw macro nam,contents nam dd contents endm nedd macro nam,contents nam df contents endm edw macro contents dd contents endm edd macro contents df contents endm else ; not i386 eWORD macro nam ; 286 macros nam label word endm nedw macro nam,contents nam dw contents endm nedd macro nam,contents nam dd contents endm edw macro contents dw contents endm edd macro contents dd contents endm eax equ ax ecx equ cx edx equ dx ebx equ bx esp equ sp ebp equ bp esi equ si edi equ di iretd equ iret endif ;not i386 ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Processor opcode byte definitions. ; ;******************************************************************************* fINT equ 0cdh fFWAIT equ 9bh fESCAPE equ 0d8h iNOP equ 90h ; byte nop fES equ 26h ; segment prefix opcodes fCS equ 2eh fSS equ 36h fDS equ 3eh bIRET equ 0cfh ; "iret" bRETF equ 0cah ; first byte of "retf 2". Followed by word operand. wNOP equ 0c08bh ; word nop. "mov ax, ax" bEscMask equ 0f8h ; masks all bits but escape bMOD equ 0c0h ; MOD bits are the two highest bits bRM equ 7h ; R/M bits are the three lowest bits. ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Define os2extrn and os2call for dual mode emulators ; ;******************************************************************************* ifdef DOS3and5 os2call macro name call __&name endm os2extrn macro name extrn __&name : far endm endif ;DOS3and5 ifdef DOS5only os2call macro name call name endm os2extrn macro name extrn name : far endm endif ;DOS5only ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Define ProfBegin ProfEnd macros for when profiling emulator. ; ;******************************************************************************* ProfBegin macro name ifdef PROFILE nop public EM_&name&_BEGIN EM_&name&_BEGIN label far endif endm ProfEnd macro name ifdef PROFILE public EM_&name&_END EM_&name&_END label far nop endif endm ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Define IntDOS macro for handling "int 21h" and "call DOS3CALL". ; ;******************************************************************************* IntDOS macro ifdef WINDOWSP call DOS3CALL else int 21h endif endm ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Define constants for DOS int 21h ; ;******************************************************************************* DOS_getvector equ 35H INT_GetEquipList equ 11h ; PC BIOS equipment list call. GEL_80x87 equ 2h ; Mask for Coprocessor sense switch. ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Define structures for __WinInfo(), __WinSave(), and __WinRestore(). ; ;******************************************************************************* WinInfoStruct struc WI_Version dw ? ; High byte is major version. WI_SizeSaveArea dw ? ; Size of save area. WI_WinDataSeg dw ? WI_WinCodeSeg dw ? WI_Have80x87 dw ? WI_Unused dw ? ; Coprocessor type will go here. WinInfoStruct ends Size80x87Area equ 94 WinSaveArea struc WSA_Save80x87 db Size80x87Area dup(?) ; Where 80x87 info will go. WSA_SaveEm db ? ; Where emulator data will go. WinSaveArea ends ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Define constants for checking "extrn __WINFLAGS:asb" ; ;******************************************************************************* WF_PMODE equ 1 WF_CPU286 equ 2 WF_CPU386 equ 4 WF_WIN286 equ 10h WF_WIN386 equ 20h WF_80x87 equ 400h