/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: mapembed.c Abstract: This module contains the functions that perform the mapping between the "embedding" section of win.ini, and the subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. This mapping is a hack implemented on Win3.1, that must also exist on NT. It is implemnted in the WOW layer, since only some win16 apps that read or write to the "embedding" section ( WinWord and MsMail) depend on it. Author: Jaime F. Sasson (jaimes) 25-Nov-1992 --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop MODNAME(mapembed.c); #define WININITIMEOUT 2000 #define BUFFER_SIZE 128 #define EMPTY_STRING "" DWORD _LastTimeUpdated = 0; BOOL IsWinIniHelper( IN LPSTR FileName ) /*++ Routine Description: Determine if the name passed as argument refers to the file win.ini. Used by IS_WIN_INI macro, which assures the argument is non-null and deals with exact match of "win.ini". Arguments: FileName - File name to be examined. Return Value: BOOL - Returns TRUE if 'Name' refers to win.ini. Otherwise, returns FALSE. --*/ { CHAR BufferForFullPath[MAX_PATH]; PSTR PointerToName; DWORD SizeOfFullPath; BOOL Result; #ifdef DEBUG // // Filename argument must already be lowercase. Be sure. // { int len; char Lowercase[MAX_PATH]; len = strlen(FileName); if(len >= MAX_PATH) { WOW32ASSERT((FALSE)); return FALSE; } strcpy(Lowercase, FileName); WOW32_strlwr(Lowercase); WOW32ASSERT(!WOW32_strcmp(FileName, Lowercase)); } #endif if (!WOW32_strcmp(FileName, szWinDotIni)) { Result = TRUE; goto Done; } SizeOfFullPath = GetFullPathName( FileName, sizeof BufferForFullPath, BufferForFullPath, &PointerToName ); if((SizeOfFullPath == 0) || (SizeOfFullPath > sizeof(BufferForFullPath))) { WOW32ASSERT((FALSE)); Result = FALSE; goto Done; } WOW32ASSERTMSG(pszWinIniFullPath && pszWinIniFullPath[0], "WOW32 ERROR pszWinIniFullPath not initialized.\n"); Result = !WOW32_stricmp( pszWinIniFullPath, BufferForFullPath ); Done: return Result; } VOID UpdateEmbeddingAllKeys( ) /*++ Routine Description: Update the "embedding" section of win.ini based on the information stored on the subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { LONG iClass; CHAR szClass[MAX_PATH + 1]; LONG Status; for (iClass = 0; (Status = RegEnumKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,iClass,szClass,sizeof( szClass ))) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; iClass++) { if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { UpdateEmbeddingKey( szClass ); } } } VOID UpdateEmbeddingKey( IN LPSTR KeyName ) /*++ Routine Description: Update one key of the "embedding" section of win.ini based on the information stored on the correspondent subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. The embedding section in NT is found at: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Embedding A typical value is SoundRec which is defined with: REG_SZ: "Sound,Sound,sndrec32.exe,picture" where ^ ^--- sndrec32.exe is the "server" '--- Sound is the "ClassName" The code below is an improved version of the function "UpdateWinIni" extracted from Win 3.1 (shell\library\dbf.c). Arguments: KeyName - Name of the key to be updated. Return Value: None. --*/ { LONG Status; HKEY Key; PSTR szClass; LPSTR szClassName; CHAR BufferForClassName[BUFFER_SIZE]; // char szClassName[60]; LPSTR szServer; CHAR BufferForServer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // char szServer[64]; LPSTR szLine; CHAR BufferForLine[2*BUFFER_SIZE]; // char szLine[128]; char szOldLine[2*BUFFER_SIZE]; // char szOldLine[128]; LPSTR lpDesc, lpForms; int nCommas; LONG cchClassNameSize; LONG cchServerSize; LONG cchLineSize; if( KeyName == NULL ) { return; } szClass = KeyName; Key = NULL; szClassName = BufferForClassName; cchClassNameSize = sizeof( BufferForClassName ); szServer = BufferForServer; cchServerSize = sizeof( BufferForServer ); szLine = BufferForLine; if( RegOpenKey( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szClass, &Key ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto NukeClass; Status = RegQueryValue(Key,NULL,szClassName,&cchClassNameSize); if( ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( Status != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) goto NukeClass; if( Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { cchClassNameSize++; szClassName = ( PSTR )malloc_w( cchClassNameSize ); if( szClassName == NULL ) goto NukeClass; Status = RegQueryValue(Key,NULL,szClassName,&cchClassNameSize); if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto NukeClass; } if (!*szClassName) goto NukeClass; Status = RegQueryValue(Key,szServerKey,szServer,&cchServerSize); if( ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( Status != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) goto NukeClass; if( Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { cchServerSize++; szServer = malloc_w( cchServerSize ); if( szServer == NULL ) goto NukeClass; Status = RegQueryValue(Key,szServerKey,szServer,&cchServerSize); if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto NukeClass; } if (!*szServer) goto NukeClass; if (GetProfileString(szEmbedding, szClass, EMPTY_STRING, szOldLine, sizeof(szOldLine))) { for (lpForms=szOldLine, nCommas=0; ; lpForms=AnsiNext(lpForms)) { while (*lpForms == ',') { *lpForms++ = '\0'; if (++nCommas == 3) goto FoundForms; } if (!*lpForms) goto DoDefaults; } FoundForms: lpDesc = szOldLine; } else { DoDefaults: lpDesc = szClassName; lpForms = szPicture; } // we have a class, a classname, and a server, so its an le class cchLineSize = strlen( lpDesc ) + strlen( szClassName ) + strlen( szServer ) + strlen( lpForms ) + 3 + 1; if( cchLineSize > sizeof( BufferForLine ) ) { szLine = malloc_w( cchLineSize ); if( szLine == NULL ) goto NukeClass; } wsprintf(szLine, "%s,%s,%s,%s", lpDesc, (LPSTR)szClassName, (LPSTR)szServer, lpForms); WriteProfileString(szEmbedding, szClass, szLine); if( Key != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( Key ); } if( szClassName != BufferForClassName ) { free_w( szClassName ); } if( szServer != BufferForServer ) { free_w( szServer ); } if( szLine != BufferForLine ) { free_w( szLine ); } return; NukeClass: /* Don't nuke the class because someone else may use it! */ if( Key != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( Key ); } if( szClassName != BufferForClassName ) { free_w( szClassName ); } if( szServer != BufferForServer ) { free_w( szServer ); } if( szLine != BufferForLine ) { free_w( szLine ); } WriteProfileString(szEmbedding,szClass,NULL); } VOID UpdateClassesRootSubKey( IN LPSTR KeyName, IN LPSTR Value ) /*++ Routine Description: Update a subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, based on the corresponding key in the "embedding" section of win.ini. The code below is an improved version of the function "UpdateFromWinIni" extracted from Win 3.1 (shell\library\dbf.c). Arguments: KeyName - Name of the subkey to be updated Value - The value associated to the key, that was already written to the "embedding" section of win.ini. Return Value: None. --*/ { LPSTR szLine; LPSTR lpClass,lpServer,lpClassName; LPSTR lpT; HKEY key = NULL; HKEY key1 = NULL; if( ( KeyName == NULL ) || ( Value == NULL ) ) { return; } lpClass = KeyName; szLine = Value; if (!(lpClassName=WOW32_strchr(szLine, ','))) return; // get the server name and null terminate the class name if (!(lpServer=WOW32_strchr(++lpClassName, ','))) { return; } *lpServer++ = '\0'; // null terminate the server if (!(lpT=WOW32_strchr(lpServer, ','))) { return; } *lpT++ = '\0'; // make sure the classname is nonblank while (*lpClassName == ' ') lpClassName++; if (!*lpClassName) return; // make sure the server name is nonblank while (*lpServer == ' ') lpServer++; if (!*lpServer) return; // we now have a valid entry key = NULL; if( ( RegCreateKey( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpClass, &key ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( RegSetValue( key, NULL, REG_SZ, lpClassName, strlen( lpClassName ) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) ) { if( key != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( key ); } return; } if( ( RegCreateKey( key, szServerKey, &key1 ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( RegSetValue( key1, NULL, REG_SZ, lpServer, strlen( lpServer ) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) ) { if( key != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( key ); } if( key1 != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( key1 ); } return; } RegCloseKey( key ); RegCloseKey( key1 ); } VOID SetLastTimeUpdated( ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the variable that contains the information of when the "embedding" section of win.ini was last updated. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { _LastTimeUpdated = GetTickCount(); } BOOL WasSectionRecentlyUpdated( ) /*++ Routine Description: Inform the caller whether the "embedding" section of win.ini was recently updated ( less than 2 seconds ). Arguments: None. Return Value: BOOLEAN - Returns TRUE if the "embedding" section was updated less than 2 seconds ago. --*/ { DWORD Now; Now = GetTickCount(); return( ( ( Now - _LastTimeUpdated ) < WININITIMEOUT ) ? TRUE : FALSE ); }