/*++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: iovutil.c Abstract: This module implements various utilities required to do driver verification. Author: Adrian J. Oney (adriao) 20-Apr-1998 Environment: Kernel mode Revision History: AdriaO 02/10/2000 - Seperated out from ntos\io\trackirp.c --*/ #include "iop.h" #include "pnpi.h" #include "arbiter.h" #include "dockintf.h" #include "pnprlist.h" #include "pnpiop.h" #include "iovputil.h" #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilInit) //#pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilMarkDeviceObject) //#pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilMarkStack) //#pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilWatermarkIrp) #ifndef NO_VERIFIER #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilGetLowerDeviceObject) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilGetBottomDeviceObject) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilGetUpperDeviceObject) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilIsVerifiedDeviceStack) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilFlushStackCache) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilFlushVerifierDriverListCache) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovpUtilFlushListCallback) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilIsPdo) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilIsWdmStack) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilHasDispatchHandler) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilIsInFdoStack) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilIsRawPdo) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilIsDesignatedFdo) #pragma alloc_text(PAGEVRFY, IovUtilIsDeviceObjectMarked) #endif // NO_VERIFIER #endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA // // This entire implementation is specific to the verifier // #ifndef NO_VERIFIER BOOLEAN IovUtilVerifierEnabled = FALSE; VOID FASTCALL IovUtilInit( VOID ) { IovUtilVerifierEnabled = TRUE; } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilGetLowerDeviceObject( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT UpperDeviceObject, OUT PDEVICE_OBJECT *LowerDeviceObject ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the device object below the passed in parameter. In other words, it is the inverse of DeviceObject->AttachedDevice. Note that the returned device object is referenced by this routine. Arguments: UpperDeviceObject - Device object to look beneath. LowerDeviceObject - Receives device object beneath UpperDeviceObject, or NULL if none. Return Value: None. --*/ { PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceAttachedTo; KIRQL irql; irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock ); deviceExtension = UpperDeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension; deviceAttachedTo = deviceExtension->AttachedTo; if (deviceAttachedTo) { ObReferenceObject(deviceAttachedTo); } KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); *LowerDeviceObject = deviceAttachedTo; } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilGetBottomDeviceObject( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, OUT PDEVICE_OBJECT *BottomDeviceObject ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the device object at the bottom of the stack in which the passed in parameter is a member. In other words, it is the inverse of IoGetAttachedDeviceReference. Note that the returned device object is referenced by this routine. Arguments: DeviceObject - Device object to examine. BottomDeviceObject - Receives device object at the bottom of DeviceObject's stack, NULL if none. Return Value: None. --*/ { PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT lowerDeviceObject, deviceAttachedTo; KIRQL irql; deviceAttachedTo = DeviceObject; irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock ); do { lowerDeviceObject = deviceAttachedTo; deviceExtension = lowerDeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension; deviceAttachedTo = deviceExtension->AttachedTo; } while ( deviceAttachedTo ); ObReferenceObject(lowerDeviceObject); KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); *BottomDeviceObject = lowerDeviceObject; } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilGetUpperDeviceObject( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT LowerDeviceObject, OUT PDEVICE_OBJECT *UpperDeviceObject ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the device object above the passed in parameter. In other words, it retrieves DeviceObject->AttachedDevice under the database lock.. Note that the returned device object is referenced by this routine. Arguments: LowerDeviceObject - Device object to look above. UpperDeviceObject - Receives device object above LowerDeviceObject, or NULL if none. Return Value: None. --*/ { PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceAbove; KIRQL irql; irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock ); deviceAbove = LowerDeviceObject->AttachedDevice; if (deviceAbove) { ObReferenceObject(deviceAbove); } KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); *UpperDeviceObject = deviceAbove; } BOOLEAN FASTCALL IovUtilIsVerifiedDeviceStack( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine determines whether a device object in the stack is marked for verification. Arguments: DeviceObject - Device object to examine. Return Value: TRUE if at least one device object in the stack is marked for verification, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT currentDevObj, deviceAttachedTo; BOOLEAN stackIsInteresting; KIRQL irql; // // Quickly check the cached result stored on the device object... // if (DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->ExtensionFlags & DOV_EXAMINED) { stackIsInteresting = ((DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->ExtensionFlags & DOV_TRACKED) != 0); return stackIsInteresting; } // // Walk the entire stack and update everything appropriately. // irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock ); stackIsInteresting = FALSE; deviceAttachedTo = DeviceObject; do { currentDevObj = deviceAttachedTo; deviceExtension = currentDevObj->DeviceObjectExtension; deviceAttachedTo = deviceExtension->AttachedTo; // // Remember this... // if (MmIsDriverVerifying(currentDevObj->DriverObject)) { stackIsInteresting = TRUE; } } while (deviceAttachedTo && (!(deviceAttachedTo->DeviceObjectExtension->ExtensionFlags & DOV_EXAMINED)) ); if (deviceAttachedTo && (deviceAttachedTo->DeviceObjectExtension->ExtensionFlags & DOV_TRACKED)) { // // Propogate upwards the "interesting-ness" of the last examined device // in the stack... // stackIsInteresting = TRUE; } // // Walk upwards, marking everything examined and appropriately tracked. // do { deviceExtension = currentDevObj->DeviceObjectExtension; if (stackIsInteresting) { deviceExtension->ExtensionFlags |= DOV_TRACKED; } else { deviceExtension->ExtensionFlags &=~ DOV_TRACKED; } deviceExtension->ExtensionFlags |= DOV_EXAMINED; currentDevObj = currentDevObj->AttachedDevice; } while (currentDevObj); KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); return stackIsInteresting; } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilFlushStackCache( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN DATABASELOCKSTATE DatabaseLockState ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine causes the verifier to reexamine the stack of which the given device object is a member. This needs to be done whenever the attachment chain is updated. Arguments: DeviceObject - Device that is a member of the stack requiring reexamination. DatabaseLockState - Indicates current state of Database lock, either DATABASELOCKSTATE_HELD or DATABASELOCKSTATE_NOT_HELD. If the lock is not held, this routine will acquire and release it. Return Value: None. --*/ { PDEVICE_OBJECT pBottomDeviceObject, pCurrentDeviceObject; PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION deviceExtension; KIRQL irql; if (DatabaseLockState == DATABASELOCKSTATE_NOT_HELD) { irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock ); } // // Walk to the bottom of the stack // pCurrentDeviceObject = DeviceObject; do { pBottomDeviceObject = pCurrentDeviceObject; deviceExtension = pBottomDeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension; pCurrentDeviceObject = deviceExtension->AttachedTo; } while ( pCurrentDeviceObject ); // // Walk back up clearing the appropriate flags. // pCurrentDeviceObject = pBottomDeviceObject; while(pCurrentDeviceObject) { deviceExtension = pCurrentDeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension; deviceExtension->ExtensionFlags &= ~(DOV_EXAMINED | DOV_TRACKED); pCurrentDeviceObject = pCurrentDeviceObject->AttachedDevice; } if (DatabaseLockState == DATABASELOCKSTATE_NOT_HELD) { KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); } } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilFlushVerifierDriverListCache( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine causes the verifier to reexamine all previously examined stacks. This is a prerequisite for updating the list of verified drivers. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // We must be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL! // PAGED_CODE(); ObEnumerateObjectsByType( IoDeviceObjectType, IovpUtilFlushListCallback, NULL ); } BOOLEAN IovpUtilFlushListCallback( IN PVOID Object, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName, IN ULONG_PTR HandleCount, IN ULONG_PTR PointerCount, IN PVOID Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is a worker routine for IovUtilFlushVerifierDriverListCache. It is called on each device object in the system. Arguments: Object - Device Object enumerated by ObEnumerateObjectsByType. ObjectName - Name of the object HandleCount - Handle count of the object PointerCount - Pointer count of the object Context - Context supplied to ObEnumerateObjectsByType (not used) Return Value: BOOLEAN that indicates whether the enumeration should continue. --*/ { PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION deviceExtension; deviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT) Object; deviceExtension = deviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension; if (PointerCount || HandleCount) { deviceExtension->ExtensionFlags &= ~(DOV_EXAMINED | DOV_TRACKED); } return TRUE; } VOID IovUtilRelateDeviceObjects( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT FirstDeviceObject, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT SecondDeviceObject, OUT DEVOBJ_RELATION *DeviceObjectRelation ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine determines the relationship between two device objects, relative to their stacks. Arguments: FirstDeviceObject - First device object SecondDeviceObject - Second device object DeviceObjectRelation - Receives stack relationship of device objects: DEVOBJ_RELATION_IDENTICAL - The two device objects are identical. DEVOBJ_RELATION_FIRST_IMMEDIATELY_ABOVE_SECOND - The first device object is immediately above the second device object in the same stack. DEVOBJ_RELATION_FIRST_ABOVE_SECOND - The first device object is above the second device object in the same stack, but not immediately above. DEVOBJ_RELATION_FIRST_IMMEDIATELY_BELOW_SECOND - The first device object is immediately below the second device object in the same stack. DEVOBJ_RELATION_FIRST_BELOW_SECOND - The first device object is below the second device object in the same stack, but not immediately above. DEVOBJ_RELATION_NOT_IN_SAME_STACK - The device objects do not belong to the same stack. Return Value: None. --*/ { PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT upperDevobj, lowerDeviceObject, deviceAttachedTo; ULONG result; KIRQL irql; // // Try the easiest early out // if (FirstDeviceObject == SecondDeviceObject) { *DeviceObjectRelation = DEVOBJ_RELATION_IDENTICAL; return; } irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock ); // // Try the most common early out // if (FirstDeviceObject == SecondDeviceObject->AttachedDevice){ *DeviceObjectRelation = DEVOBJ_RELATION_FIRST_IMMEDIATELY_ABOVE_SECOND; KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); return; } else if (FirstDeviceObject->AttachedDevice == SecondDeviceObject) { *DeviceObjectRelation = DEVOBJ_RELATION_FIRST_IMMEDIATELY_BELOW_SECOND; KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); return; } // // We'll have to walk a stack. Start by getting the bottom of the first // device object. // deviceAttachedTo = FirstDeviceObject; do { if (deviceAttachedTo == SecondDeviceObject) { break; } lowerDeviceObject = deviceAttachedTo; deviceExtension = lowerDeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension; deviceAttachedTo = deviceExtension->AttachedTo; } while ( deviceAttachedTo ); // // If deviceAttachedTo isn't NULL, then we walked down from // FirstDeviceObject and found SecondDeviceObject. // if (deviceAttachedTo) { *DeviceObjectRelation = DEVOBJ_RELATION_FIRST_ABOVE_SECOND; KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); return; } // // Now try walking *up* FirstDeviceObject and see if we find // SecondDeviceObject. // upperDevobj = FirstDeviceObject->AttachedDevice; while(upperDevobj && (upperDevobj != SecondDeviceObject)) { upperDevobj = upperDevobj->AttachedDevice; } if (upperDevobj == NULL) { *DeviceObjectRelation = DEVOBJ_RELATION_NOT_IN_SAME_STACK; } else { *DeviceObjectRelation = DEVOBJ_RELATION_FIRST_BELOW_SECOND; } KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); } BOOLEAN IovUtilIsPdo( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ) { PDEVICE_NODE deviceNode; PDEVICE_OBJECT possiblePdo; BOOLEAN isPdo; IovUtilGetBottomDeviceObject(DeviceObject, &possiblePdo); if (possiblePdo != DeviceObject) { ObDereferenceObject(possiblePdo); return FALSE; } deviceNode = possiblePdo->DeviceObjectExtension->DeviceNode; isPdo = (deviceNode && (!(deviceNode->Flags & DNF_LEGACY_RESOURCE_DEVICENODE))); // // Free our reference. // ObDereferenceObject(possiblePdo); return isPdo; } BOOLEAN IovUtilIsWdmStack( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ) { PDEVICE_NODE deviceNode; PDEVICE_OBJECT possiblePdo; BOOLEAN isWdmStack; IovUtilGetBottomDeviceObject(DeviceObject, &possiblePdo); deviceNode = possiblePdo->DeviceObjectExtension->DeviceNode; isWdmStack = (deviceNode && (!(deviceNode->Flags & DNF_LEGACY_RESOURCE_DEVICENODE))); // // Free our reference. // ObDereferenceObject(possiblePdo); return isWdmStack; } BOOLEAN FASTCALL IovUtilHasDispatchHandler( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN UCHAR MajorFunction ) { return (DriverObject->MajorFunction[MajorFunction] != IopInvalidDeviceRequest); } BOOLEAN FASTCALL IovUtilIsInFdoStack( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ) { PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceAttachedTo, lowerDevobj; KIRQL irql; deviceAttachedTo = DeviceObject; irql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock ); do { if (IovUtilIsDeviceObjectMarked(DeviceObject, MARKTYPE_BOTTOM_OF_FDO_STACK)) { break; } deviceAttachedTo = deviceAttachedTo->DeviceObjectExtension->AttachedTo; } while ( deviceAttachedTo ); KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock( LockQueueIoDatabaseLock, irql ); return (deviceAttachedTo != NULL); } BOOLEAN FASTCALL IovUtilIsRawPdo( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ) { return IovUtilIsDeviceObjectMarked(DeviceObject, MARKTYPE_RAW_PDO); } BOOLEAN FASTCALL IovUtilIsDesignatedFdo( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ) { return IovUtilIsDeviceObjectMarked(DeviceObject, MARKTYPE_DESIGNATED_FDO); } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilMarkDeviceObject( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN MARK_TYPE MarkType ) { PULONG extensionFlags; if (!IovUtilVerifierEnabled) { return; } extensionFlags = &DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->ExtensionFlags; switch(MarkType) { case MARKTYPE_DELETED: *extensionFlags |= DOV_DELETED; break; case MARKTYPE_BOTTOM_OF_FDO_STACK: *extensionFlags |= DOV_BOTTOM_OF_FDO_STACK; break; case MARKTYPE_DESIGNATED_FDO: *extensionFlags |= DOV_DESIGNATED_FDO; break; case MARKTYPE_RAW_PDO: *extensionFlags |= DOV_RAW_PDO; break; case MARKTYPE_DEVICE_CHECKED: *extensionFlags |= DOV_FLAGS_CHECKED; break; case MARKTYPE_RELATION_PDO_EXAMINED: *extensionFlags |= DOV_FLAGS_RELATION_EXAMINED; break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } } BOOLEAN FASTCALL IovUtilIsDeviceObjectMarked( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN MARK_TYPE MarkType ) { ULONG extensionFlags; extensionFlags = DeviceObject->DeviceObjectExtension->ExtensionFlags; switch(MarkType) { case MARKTYPE_DELETED: return ((extensionFlags & DOV_DELETED) != 0); case MARKTYPE_BOTTOM_OF_FDO_STACK: return ((extensionFlags & DOV_BOTTOM_OF_FDO_STACK) != 0); case MARKTYPE_DESIGNATED_FDO: return ((extensionFlags & DOV_DESIGNATED_FDO) != 0); case MARKTYPE_RAW_PDO: return ((extensionFlags & DOV_RAW_PDO) != 0); case MARKTYPE_DEVICE_CHECKED: return ((extensionFlags & DOV_FLAGS_CHECKED) != 0); case MARKTYPE_RELATION_PDO_EXAMINED: return ((extensionFlags & DOV_FLAGS_RELATION_EXAMINED) != 0); default: ASSERT(0); return FALSE; } } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilMarkStack( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT PhysicalDeviceObject, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT BottomOfFdoStack OPTIONAL, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT FunctionalDeviceObject OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN RawStack ) /*++ Description: This routine marks device objects in a PnP stack appropriately. It is called by AddDevice once the stack is properly constructed. Arguments: PhysicalDeviceObject - Device object at the bottom of the PnP stack. BottomOfFdoStack - First device object added during AddDevice. Below this device object is either a bus filter or the PDO itself. FunctionalDeviceObject - Specifies the device object as identified in the service branch. This should be NULL if the devnode is raw and no overriding service was specified. RawStack - True if stack was marked raw. Return Value: None. --*/ { PDEVICE_OBJECT trueFunctionalDeviceObject; if (BottomOfFdoStack) { IovUtilMarkDeviceObject(BottomOfFdoStack, MARKTYPE_BOTTOM_OF_FDO_STACK); } if (FunctionalDeviceObject) { trueFunctionalDeviceObject = FunctionalDeviceObject; if (IovUtilVerifierEnabled) { VfDevObjAdjustFdoForVerifierFilters(&trueFunctionalDeviceObject); } IovUtilMarkDeviceObject(trueFunctionalDeviceObject, MARKTYPE_DESIGNATED_FDO); } else if (RawStack) { IovUtilMarkDeviceObject(PhysicalDeviceObject, MARKTYPE_DESIGNATED_FDO); IovUtilMarkDeviceObject(PhysicalDeviceObject, MARKTYPE_RAW_PDO); } } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilWatermarkIrp( IN PIRP Irp, IN ULONG Flags ) { if (IovUtilVerifierEnabled) { VfIrpWatermark(Irp, Flags); } } #else // NO_VERIFIER // // The code below should be built into a future stub that deadens out IO // support for the verifier. // VOID FASTCALL IovUtilInit( VOID ) { } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilMarkDeviceObject( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN MARK_TYPE MarkType ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DeviceObject); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(MarkType); } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilMarkStack( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT PhysicalDeviceObject, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT BottomOfFdoStack OPTIONAL, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT FunctionalDeviceObject OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN RawStack ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PhysicalDeviceObject); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(BottomOfFdoStack); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FunctionalDeviceObject); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(RawStack); } VOID FASTCALL IovUtilWatermarkIrp( IN PIRP Irp, IN ULONG Flags ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Irp); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Flags); } #endif // NO_VERIFIER