/*++ Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: seaudit.c Abstract: This Module implements the audit and alarm procedures. Author: Robert Reichel (robertre) 26-Nov-90 Scott Birrell (ScottBi) 17-Jan-92 Environment: Kernel Mode Revision History: Richard Ward (richardw) 14-Apr-92 --*/ #include "pch.h" #pragma hdrstop VOID SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( IN PUNICODE_STRING SourceString, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *DestString ); VOID SepFreeCapturedString( IN PUNICODE_STRING CapturedString ); VOID SepAuditTypeList ( IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, IN ULONG StartIndex, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateFailureAudit ); VOID SepExamineSaclEx( IN PACL Sacl, IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN BOOLEAN ReturnResultList, IN PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, IN PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateFailureAudit ); NTSTATUS SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN PVOID HandleId, IN PHANDLE ClientToken OPTIONAL, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE AuditType, IN ULONG Flags, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose, IN BOOLEAN ReturnResultList ); #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA VOID SepSetAuditInfoForObjectType( IN UCHAR AceFlags, IN ACCESS_MASK AccessMask, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN BOOLEAN ReturnResultList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeIndex, IN PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, IN PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateFailureAudit ); #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepSinglePrivilegeCheck) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeCheckAuditPrivilege) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepProbeAndCaptureString_U) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepFreeCapturedString) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SePrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SePrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeObjectReferenceAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeAuditHandleCreation) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeCloseObjectAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeDeleteObjectAuditAlarm) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepExamineSacl) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepAuditTypeList) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepSetAuditInfoForObjectType) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepExamineSaclEx) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,SepInitializePrivilegeFilter) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepFilterPrivilegeAudits) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeAuditingFileOrGlobalEvents) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeAuditingFileEvents) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeAuditingFileEventsWithContext) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeAuditingHardLinkEvents) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeAuditingHardLinkEventsWithContext) #endif // // Private useful routines // // // This routine is to be called to do simple checks of single privileges // against the passed token. // // DO NOT CALL THIS TO CHECK FOR SeTcbPrivilege SINCE THAT MUST // BE CHECKED AGAINST THE PRIMARY TOKEN ONLY! // BOOLEAN SepSinglePrivilegeCheck ( LUID DesiredPrivilege, IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode ) /*++ Routine Description: Determines if the passed token has the passed privilege. Arguments: DesiredPrivilege - The privilege to be tested for. Token - The token being examined. PreviousMode - The previous processor mode. Return Value: Returns TRUE of the subject has the passed privilege, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Privilege; BOOLEAN Result; PAGED_CODE(); // // Don't let anyone call this to test for SeTcbPrivilege // ASSERT(!((DesiredPrivilege.LowPart == SeTcbPrivilege.LowPart) && (DesiredPrivilege.HighPart == SeTcbPrivilege.HighPart))); Privilege.Luid = DesiredPrivilege; Privilege.Attributes = 0; Result = SepPrivilegeCheck( Token, &Privilege, 1, PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY, PreviousMode ); return(Result); } BOOLEAN SeCheckAuditPrivilege ( IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine specifically searches the primary token (rather than the effective token) of the calling process for SeAuditPrivilege. In order to do this it must call the underlying worker SepPrivilegeCheck directly, to ensure that the correct token is searched Arguments: SubjectSecurityContext - The subject being examined. PreviousMode - The previous processor mode. Return Value: Returns TRUE if the subject has SeAuditPrivilege, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { PRIVILEGE_SET RequiredPrivileges; BOOLEAN AccessGranted; PAGED_CODE(); RequiredPrivileges.PrivilegeCount = 1; RequiredPrivileges.Control = PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY; RequiredPrivileges.Privilege[0].Luid = SeAuditPrivilege; RequiredPrivileges.Privilege[0].Attributes = 0; AccessGranted = SepPrivilegeCheck( SubjectSecurityContext->PrimaryToken, // token RequiredPrivileges.Privilege, // privilege set RequiredPrivileges.PrivilegeCount, // privilege count PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY, // privilege control PreviousMode // previous mode ); if ( PreviousMode != KernelMode ) { SePrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm ( NULL, SubjectSecurityContext, &RequiredPrivileges, AccessGranted ); } return( AccessGranted ); } VOID SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( IN PUNICODE_STRING SourceString, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *DestString ) /*++ Routine Description: Helper routine to probe and capture a Unicode string argument. This routine may fail due to lack of memory, in which case, it will return a NULL pointer in the output parameter. Arguments: SourceString - Pointer to a Unicode string to be captured. DestString - Returns a pointer to a captured Unicode string. This will be one contiguous structure, and thus may be freed by a single call to ExFreePool(). Return Value: None. --*/ { UNICODE_STRING InputString; ULONG Length; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); // // Initialize the object name descriptor and capture the specified name // string. // *DestString = NULL; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; try { // // Probe and capture the name string descriptor and probe the // name string, if necessary. // InputString = ProbeAndReadUnicodeString(SourceString); ProbeForRead(InputString.Buffer, InputString.Length, sizeof(WCHAR)); // // If the length of the string is not an even multiple of the // size of a UNICODE character or cannot be zero terminated, // then return an error. // Length = InputString.Length; if (((Length & (sizeof(WCHAR) - 1)) != 0) || (Length == (MAXUSHORT - sizeof(WCHAR) + 1))) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { // // Allocate a buffer for the specified name string. // *DestString = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, InputString.Length + sizeof(UNICODE_STRING), 'sUeS'); if (*DestString == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { (*DestString)->Length = InputString.Length; (*DestString)->MaximumLength = InputString.Length; (*DestString)->Buffer = (PWSTR) ((*DestString) + 1); if (InputString.Length != 0) { RtlCopyMemory( (*DestString)->Buffer, InputString.Buffer, InputString.Length); } } } } except(ExSystemExceptionFilter()) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); if (*DestString != NULL) { ExFreePool(*DestString); *DestString = NULL; } } return; } VOID SepFreeCapturedString( IN PUNICODE_STRING CapturedString ) /*++ Routine Description: Frees a string captured by SepProbeAndCaptureString. Arguments: CapturedString - Supplies a pointer to a string previously captured by SepProbeAndCaptureString. Return Value: None. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); ExFreePool( CapturedString ); return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Privileged Object Audit Alarms // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NTSTATUS NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN PVOID HandleId, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges, IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to generate audit and alarm messages when an attempt is made to perform privileged operations on a protected subsystem object after the object is already opened. This routine may result in several messages being generated and sent to Port objects. This may result in a significant latency before returning. Design of routines that must call this routine must take this potential latency into account. This may have an impact on the approach taken for data structure mutex locking, for example. This API requires the caller have SeAuditPrivilege privilege. The test for this privilege is always against the primary token of the calling process, allowing the caller to be impersonating a client during the call with no ill effects. Arguments: SubsystemName - Supplies a name string identifying the subsystem calling the routine. HandleId - A unique value representing the client's handle to the object. ClientToken - A handle to a token object representing the client that requested the operation. This handle must be obtained from a communication session layer, such as from an LPC Port or Local Named Pipe, to prevent possible security policy violations. DesiredAccess - The desired access mask. This mask must have been previously mapped to contain no generic accesses. Privileges - The set of privileges required for the requested operation. Those privileges that were held by the subject are marked using the UsedForAccess flag of the attributes associated with each privilege. AccessGranted - Indicates whether the requested access was granted or not. A value of TRUE indicates the access was granted. A value of FALSE indicates the access was not granted. Return value: --*/ { KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; PUNICODE_STRING CapturedSubsystemName = NULL; PPRIVILEGE_SET CapturedPrivileges = NULL; ULONG PrivilegeParameterLength; ULONG PrivilegeCount; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; BOOLEAN Result; PTOKEN Token; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN AuditPerformed; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode(); ASSERT(PreviousMode != KernelMode); Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( ClientToken, // Handle TOKEN_QUERY, // DesiredAccess SeTokenObjectType, // ObjectType PreviousMode, // AccessMode (PVOID *)&Token, // Object NULL // GrantedAccess ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { return( Status ); } // // If the passed token is an impersonation token, make sure // it is at SecurityIdentification or above. // if (Token->TokenType == TokenImpersonation) { if (Token->ImpersonationLevel < SecurityIdentification) { ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); return( STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ); } } // // Check for SeAuditPrivilege // SeCaptureSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); Result = SeCheckAuditPrivilege ( &SubjectSecurityContext, PreviousMode ); if (!Result) { ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return(STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD); } try { SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( SubsystemName, &CapturedSubsystemName ); ProbeForReadSmallStructure( Privileges, sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET), sizeof(ULONG) ); PrivilegeCount = Privileges->PrivilegeCount; if (!IsValidPrivilegeCount(PrivilegeCount)) { Status= STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave ; } PrivilegeParameterLength = (ULONG)sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET) + ((PrivilegeCount - ANYSIZE_ARRAY) * (ULONG)sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) ); ProbeForRead( Privileges, PrivilegeParameterLength, sizeof(ULONG) ); CapturedPrivileges = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, PrivilegeParameterLength, 'rPeS' ); if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory ( CapturedPrivileges, Privileges, PrivilegeParameterLength ); CapturedPrivileges->PrivilegeCount = PrivilegeCount; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { ExFreePool( CapturedPrivileges ); } if (CapturedSubsystemName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString ( CapturedSubsystemName ); } SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); return Status; } // // No need to lock the token, because the only thing we're going // to reference in it is the User's Sid, which cannot be changed. // // // SepPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm will check the global flags // to determine if we're supposed to be auditing here. // AuditPerformed = SepAdtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm ( CapturedSubsystemName, HandleId, Token, // ClientToken SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, // PrimaryToken SubjectSecurityContext.ProcessAuditId, DesiredAccess, CapturedPrivileges, AccessGranted ); if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { ExFreePool( CapturedPrivileges ); } if (CapturedSubsystemName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString ( CapturedSubsystemName ); } SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } VOID SePrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm( IN HANDLE Handle, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges, IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used by object methods that perform privileged operations to generate audit and alarm messages related to the use of privileges, or attempts to use privileges. Arguments: Object - Address of the object accessed. This value will not be used as a pointer (referenced). It is necessary only to enter into log messages. Handle - Provides the handle value assigned for the open. SecurityDescriptor - A pointer to the security descriptor of the object being accessed. SubjectSecurityContext - A pointer to the captured security context of the subject attempting to open the object. DesiredAccess - The desired access mask. This mask must have been previously mapped to contain no generic accesses. Privileges - Points to a set of privileges required for the access attempt. Those privileges that were held by the subject are marked using the UsedForAccess flag of the PRIVILEGE_ATTRIBUTES associated with each privilege. AccessGranted - Indicates whether the access was granted or denied. A value of TRUE indicates the access was allowed. A value of FALSE indicates the access was denied. AccessMode - Indicates the access mode used for the access check. Messages will not be generated by kernel mode accesses. Return Value: None. --*/ { BOOLEAN AuditPerformed; PAGED_CODE(); if (AccessMode != KernelMode) { AuditPerformed = SepAdtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm ( (PUNICODE_STRING)&SeSubsystemName, Handle, SubjectSecurityContext->ClientToken, SubjectSecurityContext->PrimaryToken, SubjectSecurityContext->ProcessAuditId, DesiredAccess, Privileges, AccessGranted ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Privileged Service Audit Alarms // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NTSTATUS NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN PUNICODE_STRING ServiceName, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges, IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to generate audit and alarm messages when an attempt is made to perform privileged system service operations. This routine may result in several messages being generated and sent to Port objects. This may result in a significant latency before returning. Design of routines that must call this routine must take this potential latency into account. This may have an impact on the approach taken for data structure mutex locking, for example. This API requires the caller have SeAuditPrivilege privilege. The test for this privilege is always against the primary token of the calling process, allowing the caller to be impersonating a client during the call with no ill effects Arguments: SubsystemName - Supplies a name string identifying the subsystem calling the routine. ServiceName - Supplies a name of the privileged subsystem service. For example, "RESET RUNTIME LOCAL SECURITY POLICY" might be specified by a Local Security Authority service used to update the local security policy database. ClientToken - A handle to a token object representing the client that requested the operation. This handle must be obtained from a communication session layer, such as from an LPC Port or Local Named Pipe, to prevent possible security policy violations. Privileges - Points to a set of privileges required to perform the privileged operation. Those privileges that were held by the subject are marked using the UsedForAccess flag of the attributes associated with each privilege. AccessGranted - Indicates whether the requested access was granted or not. A value of TRUE indicates the access was granted. A value of FALSE indicates the access was not granted. Return value: --*/ { PPRIVILEGE_SET CapturedPrivileges = NULL; ULONG PrivilegeParameterLength = 0; BOOLEAN Result; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; PUNICODE_STRING CapturedSubsystemName = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING CapturedServiceName = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; PTOKEN Token; ULONG PrivilegeCount; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode(); ASSERT(PreviousMode != KernelMode); Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( ClientToken, // Handle TOKEN_QUERY, // DesiredAccess SeTokenObjectType, // ObjectType PreviousMode, // AccessMode (PVOID *)&Token, // Object NULL // GrantedAccess ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { return( Status ); } // // If the passed token is an impersonation token, make sure // it is at SecurityIdentification or above. // if (Token->TokenType == TokenImpersonation) { if (Token->ImpersonationLevel < SecurityIdentification) { ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); return( STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ); } } // // Check for SeAuditPrivilege // SeCaptureSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); Result = SeCheckAuditPrivilege ( &SubjectSecurityContext, PreviousMode ); if (!Result) { ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return(STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD); } try { if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( SubsystemName )) { SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( SubsystemName, &CapturedSubsystemName ); } if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ServiceName )) { SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( ServiceName, &CapturedServiceName ); } ProbeForReadSmallStructure( Privileges, sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET), sizeof(ULONG) ); PrivilegeCount = Privileges->PrivilegeCount; if (!IsValidPrivilegeCount( PrivilegeCount ) ) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave ; } PrivilegeParameterLength = (ULONG)sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET) + ((PrivilegeCount - ANYSIZE_ARRAY) * (ULONG)sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) ); ProbeForRead( Privileges, PrivilegeParameterLength, sizeof(ULONG) ); CapturedPrivileges = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, PrivilegeParameterLength, 'rPeS' ); // // If ExAllocatePool has failed, too bad. Carry on and do as much of the // audit as we can. // if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory ( CapturedPrivileges, Privileges, PrivilegeParameterLength ); CapturedPrivileges->PrivilegeCount = PrivilegeCount; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (CapturedSubsystemName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString ( CapturedSubsystemName ); } if (CapturedServiceName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString ( CapturedServiceName ); } if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { ExFreePool ( CapturedPrivileges ); } SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); return Status; } // // The AuthenticationId is in the read-only part of the token, // so we may reference it without having the token read-locked. // SepAdtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm ( &SubjectSecurityContext, CapturedSubsystemName, CapturedServiceName, Token, SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, CapturedPrivileges, AccessGranted ); if (CapturedSubsystemName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString ( CapturedSubsystemName ); } if (CapturedServiceName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString ( CapturedServiceName ); } if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { ExFreePool ( CapturedPrivileges ); } ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } VOID SePrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING ServiceName, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges, IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is to be called whenever a privileged system service is attempted. It should be called immediately after the privilege check regardless of whether or not the test succeeds. Arguments: ServiceName - Supplies the name of the privileged system service. SubjectSecurityContext - The subject security context representing the caller of the system service. Privileges - Supplies a privilge set containing the privilege(s) required for the access. AccessGranted - Supplies the results of the privilege test. Return Value: None. --*/ { PTOKEN Token; PAGED_CODE(); #if DBG if ( Privileges ) { ASSERT( IsValidPrivilegeCount(Privileges->PrivilegeCount) ); } #endif Token = (PTOKEN)EffectiveToken( SubjectSecurityContext ); if ( RtlEqualSid( SeLocalSystemSid, SepTokenUserSid( Token ))) { return; } SepAdtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm ( SubjectSecurityContext, (PUNICODE_STRING)&SeSubsystemName, ServiceName, SubjectSecurityContext->ClientToken, SubjectSecurityContext->PrimaryToken, Privileges, AccessGranted ); return; } NTSTATUS SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN PVOID HandleId, IN PHANDLE ClientToken OPTIONAL, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE AuditType, IN ULONG Flags, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose, IN BOOLEAN ReturnResultList ) /*++ Routine Description: This system service is used to perform both an access validation and generate the corresponding audit and alarm messages. This service may only be used by a protected server that chooses to impersonate its client and thereby specifies the client security context implicitly. Arguments: SubsystemName - Supplies a name string identifying the subsystem calling the routine. HandleId - A unique value that will be used to represent the client's handle to the object. This value is ignored (and may be re-used) if the access is denied. ClientToken - Supplies the client token so that the caller does not have to impersonate before making the kernel call. ObjectTypeName - Supplies the name of the type of the object being created or accessed. ObjectName - Supplies the name of the object being created or accessed. SecurityDescriptor - A pointer to the Security Descriptor against which acccess is to be checked. DesiredAccess - The desired acccess mask. This mask must have been previously mapped to contain no generic accesses. AuditType - Specifies the type of audit to be generated. Valid value is: AuditEventObjectAccess Flags - Flags modifying the execution of the API: AUDIT_ALLOW_NO_PRIVILEGE - If the called does not have AuditPrivilege, the call will silently continue to check access and will generate no audit. ObjectTypeList - Supplies a list of GUIDs representing the object (and sub-objects) being accessed. If no list is present, AccessCheckByType behaves identically to AccessCheck. ObjectTypeListLength - Specifies the number of elements in the ObjectTypeList. GenericMapping - Supplies a pointer to the generic mapping associated with this object type. ObjectCreation - A boolean flag indicated whether the access will result in a new object being created if granted. A value of TRUE indicates an object will be created, FALSE indicates an existing object will be opened. GrantedAccess - Receives a masking indicating which accesses have been granted. AccessStatus - Receives an indication of the success or failure of the access check. If access is granted, STATUS_SUCCESS is returned. If access is denied, a value appropriate for return to the client is returned. This will be STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED or, when mandatory access controls are implemented, STATUS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND. GenerateOnClose - Points to a boolean that is set by the audity generation routine and must be passed to NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm when the object handle is closed. ReturnResultList - If true, GrantedAccess and AccessStatus are actually arrays of entries ObjectTypeListLength elements long. Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - Indicates the call completed successfully. In this case, ClientStatus receives the result of the access check. STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD - Indicates the caller does not have sufficient privilege to use this privileged system service. --*/ { SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ACCESS_MASK LocalGrantedAccess = (ACCESS_MASK)0; PACCESS_MASK LocalGrantedAccessPointer = NULL; BOOLEAN LocalGrantedAccessAllocated = FALSE; NTSTATUS LocalAccessStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; PNTSTATUS LocalAccessStatusPointer = NULL; BOOLEAN LocalGenerateOnClose = FALSE; POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE NtAuditType; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; PUNICODE_STRING CapturedSubsystemName = (PUNICODE_STRING) NULL; PUNICODE_STRING CapturedObjectTypeName = (PUNICODE_STRING) NULL; PUNICODE_STRING CapturedObjectName = (PUNICODE_STRING) NULL; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR CapturedSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL; PSID CapturedPrincipalSelfSid = NULL; PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalObjectTypeList = NULL; ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess = (ACCESS_MASK)0; GENERIC_MAPPING LocalGenericMapping; PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet = NULL; BOOLEAN Result; BOOLEAN AccessGranted; BOOLEAN AccessDenied; BOOLEAN GenerateSuccessAudit = FALSE; BOOLEAN GenerateFailureAudit = FALSE; LUID OperationId; BOOLEAN AuditPerformed; BOOLEAN AvoidAudit = FALSE; PTOKEN NewToken = NULL; PTOKEN OldToken = NULL; BOOLEAN TokenSwapped = FALSE; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode(); ASSERT( PreviousMode != KernelMode ); // // Capture the subject Context // SeCaptureSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); // // Convert AuditType // if ( AuditType == AuditEventObjectAccess ) { NtAuditType = AuditCategoryObjectAccess; } else if ( AuditType == AuditEventDirectoryServiceAccess ) { NtAuditType = AuditCategoryDirectoryServiceAccess; } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } // // Impersonation checks should be done only if the ClientToken is NULL. // if ( !ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ClientToken ) ) { // // Make sure we're impersonating a client... // if ( (SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken == NULL) ) { Status = STATUS_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN; goto Cleanup; } // // ...and at a high enough impersonation level // if (SubjectSecurityContext.ImpersonationLevel < SecurityIdentification) { Status = STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } } try { if ( ReturnResultList ) { if ( ObjectTypeListLength == 0 ) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; } if (!IsValidObjectTypeListCount( ObjectTypeListLength )) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; } ProbeForWrite( AccessStatus, sizeof(NTSTATUS) * ObjectTypeListLength, sizeof(ULONG) ); ProbeForWrite( GrantedAccess, sizeof(ACCESS_MASK) * ObjectTypeListLength, sizeof(ULONG) ); } else { ProbeForWriteUlong((PULONG)AccessStatus); ProbeForWriteUlong((PULONG)GrantedAccess); } ProbeForReadSmallStructure( GenericMapping, sizeof(GENERIC_MAPPING), sizeof(ULONG) ); LocalGenericMapping = *GenericMapping; } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; } if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ClientToken ) ) { Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( *ClientToken, // Handle (ACCESS_MASK)TOKEN_QUERY, // DesiredAccess SeTokenObjectType, // ObjectType PreviousMode, // AccessMode (PVOID *)&NewToken, // Object NULL // GrantedAccess ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { NewToken = NULL; goto Cleanup; } // // Save the old token so that it can be recovered before // SeReleaseSubjectContext. // OldToken = SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken; // // Set the impersonation token to the one that has been obtained thru // ClientToken handle. This must be freed later in Cleanup. // SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken = NewToken; TokenSwapped = TRUE; } // // Check for SeAuditPrivilege // Result = SeCheckAuditPrivilege ( &SubjectSecurityContext, PreviousMode ); if (!Result) { if ( Flags & AUDIT_ALLOW_NO_PRIVILEGE ) { AvoidAudit = TRUE; } else { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; goto Cleanup; } } if (DesiredAccess & ( GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_EXECUTE | GENERIC_ALL )) { Status = STATUS_GENERIC_NOT_MAPPED; goto Cleanup; } // // Capture the passed security descriptor. // // SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor probes the input security descriptor, // so we don't have to // Status = SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor ( SecurityDescriptor, PreviousMode, PagedPool, FALSE, &CapturedSecurityDescriptor ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { CapturedSecurityDescriptor = NULL; goto Cleanup; } if ( CapturedSecurityDescriptor == NULL ) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR; goto Cleanup; } // // A valid security descriptor must have an owner and a group // if ( RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor( (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)CapturedSecurityDescriptor ) == NULL || RtlpGroupAddrSecurityDescriptor( (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)CapturedSecurityDescriptor ) == NULL ) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR; goto Cleanup; } // // Probe and capture the STRING arguments // try { ProbeForWriteBoolean(GenerateOnClose); SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( SubsystemName, &CapturedSubsystemName ); SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( ObjectTypeName, &CapturedObjectTypeName ); SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( ObjectName, &CapturedObjectName ); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); goto Cleanup; } // // Capture the PrincipalSelfSid. // if ( PrincipalSelfSid != NULL ) { Status = SeCaptureSid( PrincipalSelfSid, PreviousMode, NULL, 0, PagedPool, TRUE, &CapturedPrincipalSelfSid ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { CapturedPrincipalSelfSid = NULL; goto Cleanup; } } // // Capture any Object type list // Status = SeCaptureObjectTypeList( ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, PreviousMode, &LocalObjectTypeList ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; } // // See if anything (or everything) in the desired access can be // satisfied by privileges. // Status = SePrivilegePolicyCheck( &DesiredAccess, &PreviouslyGrantedAccess, &SubjectSecurityContext, NULL, &PrivilegeSet, PreviousMode ); SeLockSubjectContext( &SubjectSecurityContext ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { AccessGranted = FALSE; AccessDenied = TRUE; LocalAccessStatus = Status; if ( ReturnResultList ) { ULONG ResultListIndex; LocalGrantedAccessPointer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, (sizeof(ACCESS_MASK)+sizeof(NTSTATUS)) * ObjectTypeListLength, 'aGeS' ); if (LocalGrantedAccessPointer == NULL) { SeUnlockSubjectContext( &SubjectSecurityContext ); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Cleanup; } LocalGrantedAccessAllocated = TRUE; LocalAccessStatusPointer = (PNTSTATUS)(LocalGrantedAccessPointer + ObjectTypeListLength); for ( ResultListIndex=0; ResultListIndexTokenType == TokenImpersonation) { if (Token->ImpersonationLevel < SecurityIdentification) { ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); return( STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ); } } // // Check for SeAuditPrivilege. This must be tested against // the caller's primary token. // SeCaptureSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); Result = SeCheckAuditPrivilege ( &SubjectSecurityContext, PreviousMode ); if (!Result) { ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return(STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD); } // // This will just return NULL if the input descriptor is NULL // Status = SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor ( SecurityDescriptor, PreviousMode, PagedPool, FALSE, &CapturedSecurityDescriptor ); // // At this point in time, if there's no security descriptor, there's // nothing to do. Return success. // if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || CapturedSecurityDescriptor == NULL) { ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return( Status ); } try { // // Only capture the privileges if we've completed a successful // access check. Otherwise they don't mean anything. // if (AccessGranted && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Privileges)) { ProbeForReadSmallStructure( Privileges, sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET), sizeof(ULONG) ); PrivilegeCount = Privileges->PrivilegeCount; if (!IsValidPrivilegeCount( PrivilegeCount )) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; } PrivilegeParameterLength = (ULONG)sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET) + ((PrivilegeCount - ANYSIZE_ARRAY) * (ULONG)sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) ); ProbeForRead( Privileges, PrivilegeParameterLength, sizeof(ULONG) ); CapturedPrivileges = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, PrivilegeParameterLength, 'rPeS' ); if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory ( CapturedPrivileges, Privileges, PrivilegeParameterLength ); CapturedPrivileges->PrivilegeCount = PrivilegeCount; } else { SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor ( CapturedSecurityDescriptor, PreviousMode, FALSE ); ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return( STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } } if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( HandleId )) { ProbeForReadSmallStructure( (PHANDLE)HandleId, sizeof(PVOID), sizeof(PVOID) ); CapturedHandleId = *(PHANDLE)HandleId; } ProbeForWriteBoolean(GenerateOnClose); // // Probe and Capture the parameter strings. // If we run out of memory attempting to capture // the strings, the returned pointer will be // NULL and we will continue with the audit. // SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( SubsystemName, &CapturedSubsystemName ); SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( ObjectTypeName, &CapturedObjectTypeName ); SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( ObjectName, &CapturedObjectName ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (CapturedSubsystemName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedSubsystemName ); } if (CapturedObjectTypeName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedObjectTypeName ); } if (CapturedObjectName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedObjectName ); } if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { ExFreePool( CapturedPrivileges ); } if (CapturedSecurityDescriptor != NULL) { SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor ( CapturedSecurityDescriptor, PreviousMode, FALSE ); } ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return Status; } if ( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext( AuditCategoryObjectAccess, AccessGranted, !AccessGranted, &SubjectSecurityContext ) ) { SepExamineSacl( RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)CapturedSecurityDescriptor ), Token, DesiredAccess | GrantedAccess, AccessGranted, &GenerateAudit, &GenerateAlarm ); if (GenerateAudit || GenerateAlarm) { LocalGenerateOnClose = TRUE; AuditPerformed = SepAdtOpenObjectAuditAlarm ( CapturedSubsystemName, ARGUMENT_PRESENT(HandleId) ? (PVOID)&CapturedHandleId : NULL, CapturedObjectTypeName, CapturedObjectName, Token, SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, DesiredAccess, GrantedAccess, NULL, CapturedPrivileges, AccessGranted, PsProcessAuditId( PsGetCurrentProcess() ), AuditCategoryObjectAccess, NULL, 0, NULL ); LocalGenerateOnClose = AuditPerformed; } } if ( !(GenerateAudit || GenerateAlarm) ) { // // We didn't attempt to generate an audit above, so if privileges were used, // see if we should generate an audit here. // if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Privileges) ) { if ( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext( AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse, AccessGranted, FALSE, &SubjectSecurityContext ) ) { AuditPerformed = SepAdtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm ( CapturedSubsystemName, CapturedHandleId, Token, SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, PsProcessAuditId( PsGetCurrentProcess() ), DesiredAccess, CapturedPrivileges, AccessGranted ); // // If we generate an audit due to use of privilege, don't set generate on close, // because then we'll have a close audit without a corresponding open audit. // LocalGenerateOnClose = FALSE; } } } if (CapturedSecurityDescriptor != NULL) { SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor ( CapturedSecurityDescriptor, PreviousMode, FALSE ); } if (CapturedSubsystemName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedSubsystemName ); } if (CapturedObjectTypeName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedObjectTypeName ); } if (CapturedObjectName != NULL) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedObjectName ); } if (CapturedPrivileges != NULL) { ExFreePool( CapturedPrivileges ); } ObDereferenceObject( (PVOID)Token ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); try { *GenerateOnClose = LocalGenerateOnClose; } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return GetExceptionCode(); } return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } NTSTATUS NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN PVOID HandleId, IN BOOLEAN GenerateOnClose ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to generate audit and alarm messages when a handle to a protected subsystem object is deleted. This routine may result in several messages being generated and sent to Port objects. This may result in a significant latency before returning. Design of routines that must call this routine must take this potential latency into account. This may have an impact on the approach taken for data structure mutex locking, for example. This API requires the caller have SeAuditPrivilege privilege. The test for this privilege is always against the primary token of the calling process, allowing the caller to be impersonating a client during the call with no ill effects. Arguments: SubsystemName - Supplies a name string identifying the subsystem calling the routine. HandleId - A unique value representing the client's handle to the object. GenerateOnClose - Is a boolean value returned from a corresponding NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm() call or NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm() call when the object handle was created. Return value: --*/ { BOOLEAN Result; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; PUNICODE_STRING CapturedSubsystemName = NULL; PSID UserSid; PSID CapturedUserSid = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode(); ASSERT(PreviousMode != KernelMode); if (!GenerateOnClose) { return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); } // // Check for SeAuditPrivilege // SeCaptureSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); Result = SeCheckAuditPrivilege ( &SubjectSecurityContext, PreviousMode ); if (!Result) { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; goto Cleanup; } UserSid = SepTokenUserSid( EffectiveToken (&SubjectSecurityContext)); CapturedUserSid = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, SeLengthSid( UserSid ), 'iSeS' ); if ( CapturedUserSid == NULL ) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Cleanup; } Status = RtlCopySid ( SeLengthSid( UserSid ), CapturedUserSid, UserSid ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( Status )); try { SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( SubsystemName, &CapturedSubsystemName ); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); goto Cleanup; } // // This routine will check to see if auditing is enabled // SepAdtCloseObjectAuditAlarm( CapturedSubsystemName, HandleId, CapturedUserSid ); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Cleanup: if ( CapturedSubsystemName != NULL ) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedSubsystemName ); } if ( CapturedUserSid != NULL ) { ExFreePool( CapturedUserSid ); } SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return Status; } NTSTATUS NtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN PVOID HandleId, IN BOOLEAN GenerateOnClose ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to generate audit and alarm messages when an object in a protected subsystem object is deleted. This routine may result in several messages being generated and sent to Port objects. This may result in a significant latency before returning. Design of routines that must call this routine must take this potential latency into account. This may have an impact on the approach taken for data structure mutex locking, for example. This API requires the caller have SeAuditPrivilege privilege. The test for this privilege is always against the primary token of the calling process, allowing the caller to be impersonating a client during the call with no ill effects. Arguments: SubsystemName - Supplies a name string identifying the subsystem calling the routine. HandleId - A unique value representing the client's handle to the object. GenerateOnClose - Is a boolean value returned from a corresponding NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm() call or NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm() call when the object handle was created. Return value: --*/ { BOOLEAN Result; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; PUNICODE_STRING CapturedSubsystemName = NULL; PSID UserSid; PSID CapturedUserSid; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode(); ASSERT(PreviousMode != KernelMode); if (!GenerateOnClose) { return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); } // // Check for SeAuditPrivilege // SeCaptureSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); Result = SeCheckAuditPrivilege ( &SubjectSecurityContext, PreviousMode ); if (!Result) { SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return(STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD); } UserSid = SepTokenUserSid( EffectiveToken (&SubjectSecurityContext)); CapturedUserSid = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, SeLengthSid( UserSid ), 'iSeS' ); if ( CapturedUserSid == NULL ) { SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return( STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } Status = RtlCopySid ( SeLengthSid( UserSid ), CapturedUserSid, UserSid ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( Status )); try { SepProbeAndCaptureString_U ( SubsystemName, &CapturedSubsystemName ); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { if ( CapturedSubsystemName != NULL ) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedSubsystemName ); } ExFreePool( CapturedUserSid ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return GetExceptionCode(); } // // This routine will check to see if auditing is enabled // SepAdtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm ( CapturedSubsystemName, HandleId, CapturedUserSid ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); if ( CapturedSubsystemName != NULL ) { SepFreeCapturedString( CapturedSubsystemName ); } ExFreePool( CapturedUserSid ); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } VOID SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, IN PVOID Object OPTIONAL, IN PUNICODE_STRING AbsoluteObjectName OPTIONAL, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PACCESS_STATE AccessState, IN BOOLEAN ObjectCreated, IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose ) /*++ Routine Description: SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm is used by the object manager that open objects to generate any necessary audit or alarm messages. The open may be to existing objects or for newly created objects. No messages will be generated for Kernel mode accesses. This routine is used to generate audit and alarm messages when an attempt is made to open an object. This routine may result in several messages being generated and sent to Port objects. This may result in a significant latency before returning. Design of routines that must call this routine must take this potential latency into account. This may have an impact on the approach taken for data structure mutex locking, for example. Arguments: ObjectTypeName - Supplies the name of the type of object being accessed. This must be the same name provided to the ObCreateObjectType service when the object type was created. Object - Address of the object accessed. This value will not be used as a pointer (referenced). It is necessary only to enter into log messages. If the open was not successful, then this argument is ignored. Otherwise, it must be provided. AbsoluteObjectName - Supplies the name of the object being accessed. If the object doesn't have a name, then this field is left null. Otherwise, it must be provided. SecurityDescriptor - A pointer to the security descriptor of the object being accessed. AccessState - A pointer to an access state structure containing the subject context, the remaining desired access types, the granted access types, and optionally a privilege set to indicate which privileges were used to permit the access. ObjectCreated - A boolean flag indicating whether the access resulted in a new object being created. A value of TRUE indicates an object was created, FALSE indicates an existing object was opened. AccessGranted - Indicates if the access was granted or denied based on the access check or privilege check. AccessMode - Indicates the access mode used for the access check. One of UserMode or KernelMode. Messages will not be generated by kernel mode accesses. GenerateOnClose - Points to a boolean that is set by the audit generation routine and must be passed to SeCloseObjectAuditAlarm() when the object handle is closed. Return value: None. --*/ { BOOLEAN GenerateAudit = FALSE; BOOLEAN GenerateAlarm = FALSE; ACCESS_MASK RequestedAccess; POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION ObjectNameInfo = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeNameInfo = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING LocalObjectTypeName = NULL; PLUID PrimaryAuthenticationId = NULL; PLUID ClientAuthenticationId = NULL; BOOLEAN AuditPrivileges = FALSE; BOOLEAN AuditPerformed; PTOKEN Token; ACCESS_MASK MappedGrantMask = (ACCESS_MASK)0; ACCESS_MASK MappedDenyMask = (ACCESS_MASK)0; PAUX_ACCESS_DATA AuxData; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( ObjectCreated ); if ( AccessMode == KernelMode ) { return; } AuxData = (PAUX_ACCESS_DATA)AccessState->AuxData; Token = EffectiveToken( &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext ); if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Token->AuditData)) { MappedGrantMask = Token->AuditData->GrantMask; RtlMapGenericMask( &MappedGrantMask, &AuxData->GenericMapping ); MappedDenyMask = Token->AuditData->DenyMask; RtlMapGenericMask( &MappedDenyMask, &AuxData->GenericMapping ); } if (SecurityDescriptor != NULL) { RequestedAccess = AccessState->RemainingDesiredAccess | AccessState->PreviouslyGrantedAccess; if ( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext( AuditCategoryObjectAccess, AccessGranted, !AccessGranted, &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext )) { // // ISSUE-2002/02/26-kumarp : need to understand the check below // if ( RequestedAccess & (AccessGranted ? MappedGrantMask : MappedDenyMask)) { GenerateAudit = TRUE; } else { SepExamineSacl( RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)SecurityDescriptor ), Token, RequestedAccess, AccessGranted, &GenerateAudit, &GenerateAlarm ); } // // Only generate an audit on close of we're auditing from SACL // settings. // if (GenerateAudit) { *GenerateOnClose = TRUE; // // Construct the audit mask that will be placed into the handle. // if (AccessGranted) { SeMaximumAuditMask( RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)SecurityDescriptor ), RequestedAccess, Token, &AuxData->MaximumAuditMask ); } } } } // // If we don't generate an audit via the SACL, see if we need to generate // one for privilege use. // // Note that we only audit privileges successfully used to open objects, // so we don't care about a failed privilege use here. Therefore, only // do this test of access has been granted. // if (!GenerateAudit && AccessGranted) { if ( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext( AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse, AccessGranted, FALSE, &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext )) { if ((AuxData->PrivilegesUsed != NULL) && (AuxData->PrivilegesUsed->PrivilegeCount > 0) ) { // // Make sure these are actually privileges that we want to audit // if (SepFilterPrivilegeAudits( AuxData->PrivilegesUsed )) { GenerateAudit = TRUE; // // When we finally try to generate this audit, this flag // will tell us that we need to audit the fact that we // used a privilege, as opposed to audit due to the SACL. // AccessState->AuditPrivileges = TRUE; } } } } // // Set up either to generate an audit (if the access check has failed), or save // the stuff that we're going to audit later into the AccessState structure. // if (GenerateAudit || GenerateAlarm) { AccessState->GenerateAudit = TRUE; // // Figure out what we've been passed, and obtain as much // missing information as possible. // if ( !ARGUMENT_PRESENT( AbsoluteObjectName )) { if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Object )) { ObjectNameInfo = SepQueryNameString( Object ); if ( ObjectNameInfo != NULL ) { ObjectName = &ObjectNameInfo->Name; } } } else { ObjectName = AbsoluteObjectName; } if ( !ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ObjectTypeName )) { if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Object )) { ObjectTypeNameInfo = SepQueryTypeString( Object ); if ( ObjectTypeNameInfo != NULL ) { LocalObjectTypeName = ObjectTypeNameInfo; } } } else { LocalObjectTypeName = ObjectTypeName; } // // If the access attempt failed, do the audit here. If it succeeded, // we'll do the audit later, when the handle is allocated. // // if (!AccessGranted) { AuditPerformed = SepAdtOpenObjectAuditAlarm ( (PUNICODE_STRING)&SeSubsystemName, NULL, LocalObjectTypeName, ObjectName, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, AccessState->OriginalDesiredAccess, AccessState->PreviouslyGrantedAccess, &AccessState->OperationID, AuxData->PrivilegesUsed, FALSE, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ProcessAuditId, AuditCategoryObjectAccess, NULL, 0, NULL ); } else { // // Copy all the stuff we're going to need into the // AccessState and return. // if ( ObjectName != NULL ) { if ( AccessState->ObjectName.Buffer != NULL ) { ExFreePool( AccessState->ObjectName.Buffer ); AccessState->ObjectName.Length = 0; AccessState->ObjectName.MaximumLength = 0; } AccessState->ObjectName.Buffer = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool,ObjectName->MaximumLength ); if (AccessState->ObjectName.Buffer != NULL) { AccessState->ObjectName.MaximumLength = ObjectName->MaximumLength; RtlCopyUnicodeString( &AccessState->ObjectName, ObjectName ); } } if ( LocalObjectTypeName != NULL ) { if ( AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Buffer != NULL ) { ExFreePool( AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Buffer ); AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Length = 0; AccessState->ObjectTypeName.MaximumLength = 0; } AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Buffer = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, LocalObjectTypeName->MaximumLength ); if (AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Buffer != NULL) { AccessState->ObjectTypeName.MaximumLength = LocalObjectTypeName->MaximumLength; RtlCopyUnicodeString( &AccessState->ObjectTypeName, LocalObjectTypeName ); } } } if ( ObjectNameInfo != NULL ) { ExFreePool( ObjectNameInfo ); } if ( ObjectTypeNameInfo != NULL ) { ExFreePool( ObjectTypeNameInfo ); } } return; } VOID SeOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm ( IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, IN PVOID Object OPTIONAL, IN PUNICODE_STRING AbsoluteObjectName OPTIONAL, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PACCESS_STATE AccessState, IN BOOLEAN ObjectCreated, IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose ) /*++ Routine Description: SeOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm is used by the object manager that open objects to generate any necessary audit or alarm messages. The open may be to existing objects or for newly created objects. No messages will be generated for Kernel mode accesses. This routine is used to generate audit and alarm messages when an attempt is made to open an object with the intent to delete it. Specifically, this is used by file systems when the flag FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE is specified. This routine may result in several messages being generated and sent to Port objects. This may result in a significant latency before returning. Design of routines that must call this routine must take this potential latency into account. This may have an impact on the approach taken for data structure mutex locking, for example. Arguments: ObjectTypeName - Supplies the name of the type of object being accessed. This must be the same name provided to the ObCreateObjectType service when the object type was created. Object - Address of the object accessed. This value will not be used as a pointer (referenced). It is necessary only to enter into log messages. If the open was not successful, then this argument is ignored. Otherwise, it must be provided. AbsoluteObjectName - Supplies the name of the object being accessed. If the object doesn't have a name, then this field is left null. Otherwise, it must be provided. SecurityDescriptor - A pointer to the security descriptor of the object being accessed. AccessState - A pointer to an access state structure containing the subject context, the remaining desired access types, the granted access types, and optionally a privilege set to indicate which privileges were used to permit the access. ObjectCreated - A boolean flag indicating whether the access resulted in a new object being created. A value of TRUE indicates an object was created, FALSE indicates an existing object was opened. AccessGranted - Indicates if the access was granted or denied based on the access check or privilege check. AccessMode - Indicates the access mode used for the access check. One of UserMode or KernelMode. Messages will not be generated by kernel mode accesses. GenerateOnClose - Points to a boolean that is set by the audit generation routine and must be passed to SeCloseObjectAuditAlarm() when the object handle is closed. Return value: None. --*/ { BOOLEAN GenerateAudit = FALSE; BOOLEAN GenerateAlarm = FALSE; ACCESS_MASK RequestedAccess; POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION ObjectNameInfo = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeNameInfo = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING LocalObjectTypeName = NULL; PLUID PrimaryAuthenticationId = NULL; PLUID ClientAuthenticationId = NULL; BOOLEAN AuditPrivileges = FALSE; BOOLEAN AuditPerformed; PTOKEN Token; ACCESS_MASK MappedGrantMask = (ACCESS_MASK)0; ACCESS_MASK MappedDenyMask = (ACCESS_MASK)0; PAUX_ACCESS_DATA AuxData; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( ObjectCreated ); if ( AccessMode == KernelMode ) { return; } AuxData = (PAUX_ACCESS_DATA)AccessState->AuxData; Token = EffectiveToken( &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext ); if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Token->AuditData)) { MappedGrantMask = Token->AuditData->GrantMask; RtlMapGenericMask( &MappedGrantMask, &AuxData->GenericMapping ); MappedDenyMask = Token->AuditData->DenyMask; RtlMapGenericMask( &MappedDenyMask, &AuxData->GenericMapping ); } if (SecurityDescriptor != NULL) { RequestedAccess = AccessState->RemainingDesiredAccess | AccessState->PreviouslyGrantedAccess; if ( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext( AuditCategoryObjectAccess, AccessGranted, !AccessGranted, &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext )) { if ( RequestedAccess & (AccessGranted ? MappedGrantMask : MappedDenyMask)) { GenerateAudit = TRUE; } else { SepExamineSacl( RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)SecurityDescriptor ), Token, RequestedAccess, AccessGranted, &GenerateAudit, &GenerateAlarm ); } // // Only generate an audit on close of we're auditing from SACL // settings. // if (GenerateAudit) { *GenerateOnClose = TRUE; } } } // // If we don't generate an audit via the SACL, see if we need to generate // one for privilege use. // // Note that we only audit privileges successfully used to open objects, // so we don't care about a failed privilege use here. Therefore, only // do this test of access has been granted. // if (!GenerateAudit && (AccessGranted == TRUE)) { if ( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext( AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse, AccessGranted, FALSE, &AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext )) { if ((AuxData->PrivilegesUsed != NULL) && (AuxData->PrivilegesUsed->PrivilegeCount > 0) ) { // // Make sure these are actually privileges that we want to audit // if (SepFilterPrivilegeAudits( AuxData->PrivilegesUsed )) { GenerateAudit = TRUE; // // When we finally try to generate this audit, this flag // will tell us that we need to audit the fact that we // used a privilege, as opposed to audit due to the SACL. // AccessState->AuditPrivileges = TRUE; } } } } // // Set up either to generate an audit (if the access check has failed), or save // the stuff that we're going to audit later into the AccessState structure. // if (GenerateAudit || GenerateAlarm) { AccessState->GenerateAudit = TRUE; // // Figure out what we've been passed, and obtain as much // missing information as possible. // if ( !ARGUMENT_PRESENT( AbsoluteObjectName )) { if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Object )) { ObjectNameInfo = SepQueryNameString( Object ); if ( ObjectNameInfo != NULL ) { ObjectName = &ObjectNameInfo->Name; } } } else { ObjectName = AbsoluteObjectName; } if ( !ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ObjectTypeName )) { if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Object )) { ObjectTypeNameInfo = SepQueryTypeString( Object ); if ( ObjectTypeNameInfo != NULL ) { LocalObjectTypeName = ObjectTypeNameInfo; } } } else { LocalObjectTypeName = ObjectTypeName; } // // If the access attempt failed, do the audit here. If it succeeded, // we'll do the audit later, when the handle is allocated. // // if (!AccessGranted) { AuditPerformed = SepAdtOpenObjectAuditAlarm ( (PUNICODE_STRING)&SeSubsystemName, NULL, LocalObjectTypeName, ObjectName, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, AccessState->OriginalDesiredAccess, AccessState->PreviouslyGrantedAccess, &AccessState->OperationID, AuxData->PrivilegesUsed, FALSE, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ProcessAuditId, AuditCategoryObjectAccess, NULL, 0, NULL ); } else { // // Generate the delete audit first // SepAdtOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm ( (PUNICODE_STRING)&SeSubsystemName, NULL, LocalObjectTypeName, ObjectName, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, AccessState->OriginalDesiredAccess, AccessState->PreviouslyGrantedAccess, &AccessState->OperationID, AuxData->PrivilegesUsed, TRUE, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ProcessAuditId ); // // Copy all the stuff we're going to need into the // AccessState and return. // if ( ObjectName != NULL ) { if ( AccessState->ObjectName.Buffer != NULL ) { ExFreePool( AccessState->ObjectName.Buffer ); AccessState->ObjectName.Length = 0; AccessState->ObjectName.MaximumLength = 0; } AccessState->ObjectName.Buffer = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool,ObjectName->MaximumLength ); if (AccessState->ObjectName.Buffer != NULL) { AccessState->ObjectName.MaximumLength = ObjectName->MaximumLength; RtlCopyUnicodeString( &AccessState->ObjectName, ObjectName ); } } if ( LocalObjectTypeName != NULL ) { if ( AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Buffer != NULL ) { ExFreePool( AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Buffer ); AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Length = 0; AccessState->ObjectTypeName.MaximumLength = 0; } AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Buffer = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, LocalObjectTypeName->MaximumLength ); if (AccessState->ObjectTypeName.Buffer != NULL) { AccessState->ObjectTypeName.MaximumLength = LocalObjectTypeName->MaximumLength; RtlCopyUnicodeString( &AccessState->ObjectTypeName, LocalObjectTypeName ); } } } if ( ObjectNameInfo != NULL ) { ExFreePool( ObjectNameInfo ); } if ( ObjectTypeNameInfo != NULL ) { ExFreePool( ObjectTypeNameInfo ); } } return; } VOID SeObjectReferenceAuditAlarm( IN PLUID OperationID OPTIONAL, IN PVOID Object, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode ) /*++ Routine Description: description-of-function. Arguments: argument-name - Supplies | Returns description of argument. . . Return Value: return-value - Description of conditions needed to return value. - or - None. --*/ { BOOLEAN GenerateAudit = FALSE; BOOLEAN GenerateAlarm = FALSE; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( OperationID ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( Privileges ); if (AccessMode == KernelMode) { return; } if ( SecurityDescriptor != NULL ) { if ( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext( AuditCategoryDetailedTracking, AccessGranted, FALSE, SubjectSecurityContext )) { SepExamineSacl( RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)SecurityDescriptor ), EffectiveToken( SubjectSecurityContext ), DesiredAccess, AccessGranted, &GenerateAudit, &GenerateAlarm ); if ( GenerateAudit || GenerateAlarm ) { SepAdtObjectReferenceAuditAlarm( Object, SubjectSecurityContext, DesiredAccess, AccessGranted ); } } } return; } VOID SeAuditHandleCreation( IN PACCESS_STATE AccessState, IN HANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: This function audits the creation of a handle. It will examine the AuditHandleCreation field in the passed AccessState, which will indicate whether auditing was performed when the object was found or created. This routine is necessary because object name decoding and handle allocation occur in widely separate places, preventing us from auditing everything at once. Arguments: AccessState - Supplies a pointer to the AccessState structure representing this access attempt. Handle - The newly allocated handle value. Return Value: None. --*/ { BOOLEAN AuditPerformed = FALSE; PAUX_ACCESS_DATA AuxData; PAGED_CODE(); AuxData = (PAUX_ACCESS_DATA)AccessState->AuxData; #if DBG if ( AuxData->PrivilegesUsed ) { ASSERT( IsValidPrivilegeCount(AuxData->PrivilegesUsed->PrivilegeCount) ); } #endif if ( AccessState->GenerateAudit ) { if ( AccessState->AuditPrivileges ) { // // ignore the result of the call below so that we // do not incorrectly set the value of AuditPerformed // which is later assigned to AccessState->GenerateOnClose // (VOID) SepAdtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm ( (PUNICODE_STRING)&SeSubsystemName, Handle, (PTOKEN)AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken, (PTOKEN)AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ProcessAuditId, AccessState->PreviouslyGrantedAccess, AuxData->PrivilegesUsed, TRUE ); } else { AuditPerformed = SepAdtOpenObjectAuditAlarm ( (PUNICODE_STRING)&SeSubsystemName, &Handle, &AccessState->ObjectTypeName, &AccessState->ObjectName, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken, AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken, AccessState->OriginalDesiredAccess, AccessState->PreviouslyGrantedAccess, &AccessState->OperationID, AuxData->PrivilegesUsed, TRUE, PsGetCurrentProcessId(), AuditCategoryObjectAccess, NULL, 0, NULL ); } } // // If we generated an 'open' audit, make sure we generate a close // AccessState->GenerateOnClose = AuditPerformed; return; } VOID SeCloseObjectAuditAlarm( IN PVOID Object, IN HANDLE Handle, IN BOOLEAN GenerateOnClose ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to generate audit and alarm messages when a handle to an object is deleted. This routine may result in several messages being generated and sent to Port objects. This may result in a significant latency before returning. Design of routines that must call this routine must take this potential latency into account. This may have an impact on the approach taken for data structure mutex locking, for example. Arguments: Object - Address of the object being accessed. This value will not be used as a pointer (referenced). It is necessary only to enter into log messages. Handle - Supplies the handle value assigned to the open. GenerateOnClose - Is a boolean value returned from a corresponding SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm() call when the object handle was created. Return Value: None. --*/ { SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; PSID UserSid; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( Object ); if (GenerateOnClose) { SeCaptureSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); UserSid = SepTokenUserSid( EffectiveToken (&SubjectSecurityContext)); SepAdtCloseObjectAuditAlarm( (PUNICODE_STRING) &SeSubsystemName, Handle, UserSid ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); } return; } VOID SeDeleteObjectAuditAlarm( IN PVOID Object, IN HANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to generate audit and alarm messages when an object is marked for deletion. This routine may result in several messages being generated and sent to Port objects. This may result in a significant latency before returning. Design of routines that must call this routine must take this potential latency into account. This may have an impact on the approach taken for data structure mutex locking, for example. Arguments: Object - Address of the object being accessed. This value will not be used as a pointer (referenced). It is necessary only to enter into log messages. Handle - Supplies the handle value assigned to the open. Return Value: None. --*/ { SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; PSID UserSid; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( Object ); SeCaptureSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); UserSid = SepTokenUserSid( EffectiveToken (&SubjectSecurityContext)); SepAdtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm ( (PUNICODE_STRING)&SeSubsystemName, (PVOID)Handle, UserSid ); SeReleaseSubjectContext ( &SubjectSecurityContext ); return; } VOID SepExamineSacl( IN PACL Sacl, IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateAudit, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateAlarm ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine will examine the passed Sacl and determine what if any action is required based its contents. Note that this routine is not aware of any system state, ie, whether or not auditing is currently enabled for either the system or this particular object type. Arguments: Sacl - Supplies a pointer to the Sacl to be examined. Token - Supplies the effective token of the caller AccessGranted - Supplies whether or not the access attempt was successful. GenerateAudit - Returns a boolean indicating whether or not we should generate an audit. GenerateAlarm - Returns a boolean indiciating whether or not we should generate an alarm. Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation completed successfully. --*/ { ULONG i; PVOID Ace; ULONG AceCount; ACCESS_MASK AccessMask; UCHAR AceFlags; UCHAR MaximumAllowed; PSID AceSid; ULONG WorldSidLength = 0; PAGED_CODE(); *GenerateAudit = FALSE; *GenerateAlarm = FALSE; // // If the Sacl is null or empty, do nothing and return // if (Sacl == NULL) { return; } AceCount = Sacl->AceCount; if (AceCount == 0) { return; } // // Generate an audit if the user asked for maximum allowed and // we find any allowed or deny ace with a sid that matches one // of the sids in the user's token. // MaximumAllowed = 0; if (DesiredAccess & MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) { if (AccessGranted) { MaximumAllowed = SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG; } else { MaximumAllowed = FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG; } } // // Test whether we are dealing with the anonymous user. // To speed things up, we use WorldSidLength for two purposes: // - to indicate that the user is anonymous // - to hold the length of the world sid // if (*(PUSHORT)((PTOKEN)Token)->UserAndGroups->Sid == *(PUSHORT)SeAnonymousLogonSid && RtlEqualMemory( ((PTOKEN)Token)->UserAndGroups->Sid, SeAnonymousLogonSid, SeLengthSid(SeAnonymousLogonSid))) { WorldSidLength = SeLengthSid(SeWorldSid); } // // Iterate through the ACEs on the Sacl until either we reach // the end or discover that we have to take all possible actions, // in which case it doesn't pay to look any further // for ( i = 0, Ace = FirstAce( Sacl ) ; (i < AceCount) && !(*GenerateAudit && *GenerateAlarm); i++, Ace = NextAce( Ace ) ) { if ( !(((PACE_HEADER)Ace)->AceFlags & INHERIT_ONLY_ACE)) { if ( (((PACE_HEADER)Ace)->AceType == SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE) ) { AceSid = &((PSYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE)Ace)->SidStart; if ( SepSidInToken( (PACCESS_TOKEN)Token, NULL, AceSid, FALSE ) || (WorldSidLength && *(PUSHORT)SeWorldSid == *(PUSHORT)AceSid && RtlEqualMemory(SeWorldSid, AceSid, WorldSidLength)) ) { AccessMask = ((PSYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE)Ace)->Mask; AceFlags = ((PACE_HEADER)Ace)->AceFlags; if ( AccessMask & DesiredAccess ) { if (((AceFlags & SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG) && AccessGranted) || ((AceFlags & FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG) && !AccessGranted)) { *GenerateAudit = TRUE; } } else if ( MaximumAllowed & AceFlags ) { *GenerateAudit = TRUE; } } } } } return; } VOID SepAuditTypeList ( IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, IN ULONG StartIndex, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateFailureAudit ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine determines if any children of the object represented by StartIndex have a different degree of success than the StartIndex element. Arguments: ObjectTypeList - The object type list to update. ObjectTypeListLength - Number of elements in ObjectTypeList AccessStatus - Specifies STATUS_SUCCESS or other error code to be propogated back to the caller StartIndex - Index to the target element to update. GenerateSuccessAudit - Returns a boolean indicating whether or not we should generate a success audit. GenerateFailureAudit - Returns a boolean indicating whether or not we should generate a failure audit. Return Value: None. --*/ { ULONG Index; BOOLEAN WasSuccess; PAGED_CODE(); // // Determine if the target was successful. // WasSuccess = NT_SUCCESS( AccessStatus[StartIndex] ); // // Loop handling all children of the target. // for ( Index=StartIndex+1; Index < ObjectTypeListLength; Index++ ) { // // By definition, the children of an object are all those entries // immediately following the target. The list of children (or // grandchildren) stops as soon as we reach an entry the has the // same level as the target (a sibling) or lower than the target // (an uncle). // if ( ObjectTypeList[Index].Level <= ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].Level ) { break; } // // If the child has different access than the target, // mark the child. // if ( WasSuccess && !NT_SUCCESS( AccessStatus[Index]) ) { *GenerateFailureAudit = TRUE; ObjectTypeList[Index].Flags |= OBJECT_FAILURE_AUDIT; } else if ( !WasSuccess && NT_SUCCESS( AccessStatus[Index]) ) { *GenerateSuccessAudit = TRUE; ObjectTypeList[Index].Flags |= OBJECT_SUCCESS_AUDIT; } } } VOID SepSetAuditInfoForObjectType( IN UCHAR AceFlags, IN ACCESS_MASK AccessMask, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN BOOLEAN ReturnResultList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeIndex, IN PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, IN PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateFailureAudit ) /*++ Routine Description: Determine if success/failure audit needs to be generated for object at ObjectTypeIndex in ObjectTypeList. This helper function is called only by SepExamineSaclEx. Arguments: please refer to arg help for function SepExamineSaclEx Return Value: None. --*/ { UCHAR MaximumAllowed = 0; PAGED_CODE(); if (DesiredAccess & MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) { if (NT_SUCCESS(AccessStatus[ObjectTypeIndex])) { MaximumAllowed = SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG; } else { MaximumAllowed = FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG; } } if ( AccessMask & (DesiredAccess|GrantedAccess[ObjectTypeIndex]) ) { if ( ( AceFlags & SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG ) && NT_SUCCESS(AccessStatus[ObjectTypeIndex]) ) { *GenerateSuccessAudit = TRUE; if ( ObjectTypeListLength != 0 ) { ObjectTypeList[ObjectTypeIndex].Flags |= OBJECT_SUCCESS_AUDIT; if ( ReturnResultList ) { SepAuditTypeList( ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, AccessStatus, ObjectTypeIndex, GenerateSuccessAudit, GenerateFailureAudit ); } } } else if ( ( AceFlags & FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG ) && !NT_SUCCESS(AccessStatus[ObjectTypeIndex]) ) { *GenerateFailureAudit = TRUE; if ( ObjectTypeListLength != 0 ) { ObjectTypeList[ObjectTypeIndex].Flags |= OBJECT_FAILURE_AUDIT; if ( ReturnResultList ) { SepAuditTypeList( ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, AccessStatus, ObjectTypeIndex, GenerateSuccessAudit, GenerateFailureAudit ); } } } } else if ( MaximumAllowed & AceFlags ) { if (MaximumAllowed == FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG) { *GenerateFailureAudit = TRUE; if ( ObjectTypeListLength != 0 ) { ObjectTypeList[ObjectTypeIndex].Flags |= OBJECT_FAILURE_AUDIT; } } else { *GenerateSuccessAudit = TRUE; if ( ObjectTypeListLength != 0 ) { ObjectTypeList[ObjectTypeIndex].Flags |= OBJECT_SUCCESS_AUDIT; } } } } VOID SepExamineSaclEx( IN PACL Sacl, IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN BOOLEAN ReturnResultList, IN PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, IN PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateFailureAudit ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine will examine the passed Sacl and determine what if any action is required based its contents. Note that this routine is not aware of any system state, ie, whether or not auditing is currently enabled for either the system or this particular object type. Arguments: Sacl - Supplies a pointer to the Sacl to be examined. Token - Supplies the effective token of the caller DesiredAccess - Access that the caller wanted to the object ObjectTypeList - Supplies a list of GUIDs representing the object (and sub-objects) being accessed. ObjectTypeListLength - Specifies the number of elements in the ObjectTypeList. ReturnResultList - If true, AccessStatus and GrantedAccess is actually an array of entries ObjectTypeListLength elements long. AccessStatus - Specifies STATUS_SUCCESS or other error code to be propogated back to the caller PrincipalSelfSid - If the security descriptor is associated with an object that represents a principal (for example, a user object), the PrincipalSelfSid parameter should be the SID of the object. When evaluating access, this SID logically replaces the SID in any ACE containing the well-known PRINCIPAL_SELF SID (S-1-5-10). GrantedAccess - Specifies the access granted to the caller. GenerateSuccessAudit - Returns a boolean indicating whether or not we should generate a success audit. GenerateFailureAudit - Returns a boolean indicating whether or not we should generate a failure audit. Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation completed successfully. --*/ { ULONG i, j; PVOID Ace; ULONG AceCount; ACCESS_MASK AccessMask=0; UCHAR AceFlags; UCHAR MaximumAllowed; PSID AceSid; ULONG WorldSidLength = 0; ULONG Index; ULONG SuccessIndex; #define INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE_LIST_INDEX 0xFFFFFFFF PAGED_CODE(); *GenerateSuccessAudit = FALSE; *GenerateFailureAudit = FALSE; // // If the Sacl is null, do nothing and return // if (Sacl == NULL) { return; } AceCount = Sacl->AceCount; if (AceCount == 0) { return; } // // Generate an audit if the user asked for maximum allowed and // we find any allowed or deny ace with a sid that matches one // of the sids in the user's token. // MaximumAllowed = 0; if (DesiredAccess & MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) { if (NT_SUCCESS(*AccessStatus)) { MaximumAllowed = SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG; } else { MaximumAllowed = FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG; } } // // Test whether we are dealing with the anonymous user. // To speed things up, we use WorldSidLength for two purposes: // - to indicate that the user is anonymous // - to hold the length of the world sid // if (*(PUSHORT)((PTOKEN)Token)->UserAndGroups->Sid == *(PUSHORT)SeAnonymousLogonSid && RtlEqualMemory( ((PTOKEN)Token)->UserAndGroups->Sid, SeAnonymousLogonSid, SeLengthSid(SeAnonymousLogonSid))) { WorldSidLength = SeLengthSid(SeWorldSid); } // // Iterate through the ACEs on the Sacl until either we reach // the end or discover that we have to take all possible actions, // in which case it doesn't pay to look any further // for ( i = 0, Ace = FirstAce( Sacl ) ; (i < AceCount) && !((*GenerateSuccessAudit || *GenerateFailureAudit) && ObjectTypeListLength <= 1 ); i++, Ace = NextAce( Ace ) ) { AceFlags = ((PACE_HEADER)Ace)->AceFlags; if ( AceFlags & INHERIT_ONLY_ACE ) { continue; } Index = INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE_LIST_INDEX; if ( (((PACE_HEADER)Ace)->AceType == SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE) ) { AceSid = &((PSYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE)Ace)->SidStart; if ( SepSidInToken( Token, PrincipalSelfSid, AceSid, (BOOLEAN) ((AceFlags & FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG) != 0) ) || (WorldSidLength && *(PUSHORT)SeWorldSid == *(PUSHORT)AceSid && RtlEqualMemory(SeWorldSid, AceSid, WorldSidLength)) ) { AccessMask = ((PSYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE)Ace)->Mask; if (ObjectTypeListLength == 0) { if ( NT_SUCCESS(AccessStatus[0]) ) { if ( ( AceFlags & SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG ) && (( AccessMask & GrantedAccess[0] ) || ( MaximumAllowed == SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG )) ) { *GenerateSuccessAudit = TRUE; } } else { if ( ( AceFlags & FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG ) && (( AccessMask & DesiredAccess ) || ( MaximumAllowed == FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG )) ) { *GenerateFailureAudit = TRUE; } } } else { for (j=0; j < ObjectTypeListLength; j++) { SepSetAuditInfoForObjectType(AceFlags, AccessMask, DesiredAccess, ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, ReturnResultList, j, AccessStatus, GrantedAccess, GenerateSuccessAudit, GenerateFailureAudit ); } Index = INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE_LIST_INDEX; } } // // Handle an object specific audit ACE // } else if ( (((PACE_HEADER)Ace)->AceType == SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE) ) { GUID *ObjectTypeInAce; // // If no object type is in the ACE, // treat this as a normal audit ACE. // AccessMask = ((PSYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE)Ace)->Mask; ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace); AceSid = RtlObjectAceSid(Ace); if ( ObjectTypeInAce == NULL ) { if ( SepSidInToken( Token, PrincipalSelfSid, AceSid, (BOOLEAN)((AceFlags & FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG) != 0) ) || (WorldSidLength && *(PUSHORT)SeWorldSid == *(PUSHORT)AceSid && RtlEqualMemory(SeWorldSid, AceSid, WorldSidLength)) ) { for (j=0; j < ObjectTypeListLength; j++) { SepSetAuditInfoForObjectType(AceFlags, AccessMask, DesiredAccess, ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, ReturnResultList, j, AccessStatus, GrantedAccess, GenerateSuccessAudit, GenerateFailureAudit ); } Index = INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE_LIST_INDEX; } // // If an object type is in the ACE, // Find it in the LocalTypeList before using the ACE. // } else { if ( SepSidInToken( Token, PrincipalSelfSid, AceSid, (BOOLEAN)((AceFlags & FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG) != 0) ) || (WorldSidLength && *(PUSHORT)SeWorldSid == *(PUSHORT)AceSid && RtlEqualMemory(SeWorldSid, AceSid, WorldSidLength)) ) { if ( !SepObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { Index = INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE_LIST_INDEX; } } } } // // If the ACE has a matched SID and a matched GUID, // handle it. // if ( Index != INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE_LIST_INDEX ) { // // ASSERT: we have an ACE to be audited. // // Index is an index into ObjectTypeList of the entry to mark // as the GUID needs auditing. // // SuccessIndex is an index into AccessStatus to determine if // a success or failure audit is to be generated // SepSetAuditInfoForObjectType(AceFlags, AccessMask, DesiredAccess, ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, ReturnResultList, Index, AccessStatus, GrantedAccess, GenerateSuccessAudit, GenerateFailureAudit ); } } return; } /****************************************************************************** * * * The following list of privileges is checked at high frequency * * during normal operation, and tend to clog up the audit log when * * privilege auditing is enabled. The use of these privileges will * * not be audited when they are checked singly or in combination with * * each other. * * * * When adding new privileges, be careful to preserve the NULL * * privilege pointer marking the end of the array. * * * * Be sure to update the corresponding array in LSA when adding new * * privileges to this list (LsaFilterPrivileges). * * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef ALLOC_DATA_PRAGMA #pragma data_seg("PAGEDATA") #pragma const_seg("PAGECONST") #endif const PLUID SepFilterPrivilegesLong[] = { &SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, &SeAuditPrivilege, &SeCreateTokenPrivilege, &SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege, &SeBackupPrivilege, &SeRestorePrivilege, &SeDebugPrivilege, NULL }; /****************************************************************************** * * * The following list of privileges is the same as the above list, except * * is missing backup and restore privileges. This allows for auditing * * the use of those privileges at the time they are used. * * * * The use of this list or the one above is determined by settings in * * the registry. * * * ******************************************************************************/ const PLUID SepFilterPrivilegesShort[] = { &SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, &SeAuditPrivilege, &SeCreateTokenPrivilege, &SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege, &SeDebugPrivilege, NULL }; PLUID const * SepFilterPrivileges = SepFilterPrivilegesShort; BOOLEAN SepInitializePrivilegeFilter( BOOLEAN Verbose ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes SepFilterPrivileges for either normal or verbose auditing. Arguments: Verbose - Whether we want to filter by the short or long privileges list. Verbose == TRUE means use the short list. Return Value: TRUE for success, FALSE for failure --*/ { if (Verbose) { SepFilterPrivileges = SepFilterPrivilegesShort; } else { SepFilterPrivileges = SepFilterPrivilegesLong; } return( TRUE ); } BOOLEAN SepFilterPrivilegeAudits( IN PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine will filter out a list of privileges as listed in the SepFilterPrivileges array. Arguments: Privileges - The privilege set to be audited Return Value: FALSE means that this use of privilege is not to be audited. TRUE means that the audit should continue normally. --*/ { PLUID const *Privilege; ULONG Match = 0; ULONG i; PAGED_CODE(); if ( !ARGUMENT_PRESENT(PrivilegeSet) || (PrivilegeSet->PrivilegeCount == 0) ) { return( FALSE ); } for (i=0; iPrivilegeCount; i++) { Privilege = SepFilterPrivileges; do { if ( RtlEqualLuid( &PrivilegeSet->Privilege[i].Luid, *Privilege )) { Match++; break; } } while ( *++Privilege != NULL ); } if ( Match == PrivilegeSet->PrivilegeCount ) { return( FALSE ); } else { return( TRUE ); } } BOOLEAN SeAuditingFileOrGlobalEvents( IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is to be called by a file system to quickly determine if we are auditing file open events. This allows the file system to avoid the often considerable setup involved in generating an audit. Arguments: AccessGranted - Supplies whether the access attempt was successful or a failure. Return Value: Boolean - TRUE if events of type AccessGranted are being audited, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ISecurityDescriptor = (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SecurityDescriptor; PAGED_CODE(); if ( ((PTOKEN)EffectiveToken( SubjectSecurityContext ))->AuditData != NULL) { return( TRUE ); } if ( RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( ISecurityDescriptor ) == NULL ) { return( FALSE ); } return( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext(AuditCategoryObjectAccess, AccessGranted, !AccessGranted, SubjectSecurityContext) || SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext(AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse, AccessGranted, !AccessGranted, SubjectSecurityContext) ); } BOOLEAN SeAuditingFileEvents( IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is to be called by a file system to quickly determine if we are auditing file open events. This allows the file system to avoid the often considerable setup involved in generating an audit. Arguments: AccessGranted - Supplies whether the access attempt was successful or a failure. Return Value: Boolean - TRUE if events of type AccessGranted are being audited, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( SecurityDescriptor ); return( SepAdtAuditThisEvent( AuditCategoryObjectAccess, &AccessGranted ) || SepAdtAuditThisEvent( AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse, &AccessGranted )); } BOOLEAN SeAuditingFileEventsWithContext( IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is to be called by a file system to quickly determine if we are auditing file open events. This allows the file system to avoid the often considerable setup involved in generating an audit. Arguments: AccessGranted - Supplies whether the access attempt was successful or a failure. SecurityDescriptor - SD to check sacl SubjectSecurityContext - context to verify per user auditing from Return Value: Boolean - TRUE if events of type AccessGranted are being audited, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( SecurityDescriptor ); return( SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext(AuditCategoryObjectAccess, AccessGranted, !AccessGranted, SubjectSecurityContext) || SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext(AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse, AccessGranted, !AccessGranted, SubjectSecurityContext) ); } BOOLEAN SeAuditingHardLinkEvents( IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is to be called by a file system to quickly determine if we are auditing hard link creation. Arguments: AccessGranted - Supplies whether the access attempt was successful or a failure. SecurityDescriptor - SD of the linked file. Return Value: Boolean - TRUE if events of type AccessGranted are being audited, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD; PACL Sacl; PAGED_CODE(); pSD = (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SecurityDescriptor; Sacl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( pSD ); // // Audit hard link creation if object access auditing is on and the original file // has a non empty SACL. // if ( (NULL != Sacl) && (0 != Sacl->AceCount) && (SepAdtAuditThisEvent( AuditCategoryObjectAccess, &AccessGranted ))) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN SeAuditingHardLinkEventsWithContext( IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is to be called by a file system to quickly determine if we are auditing hard link creation. Arguments: AccessGranted - Supplies whether the access attempt was successful or a failure. SecurityDescriptor - SD of the linked file. Return Value: Boolean - TRUE if events of type AccessGranted are being audited, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD; PACL Sacl; PAGED_CODE(); pSD = (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SecurityDescriptor; Sacl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( pSD ); // // Audit hard link creation if object access auditing is on and the original file // has a non empty SACL. // if ( (NULL != Sacl) && (0 != Sacl->AceCount) && (SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext( AuditCategoryObjectAccess, AccessGranted, !AccessGranted, SubjectSecurityContext ))) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #ifdef ALLOC_DATA_PRAGMA #pragma data_seg() #pragma const_seg() #endif