/*++ Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: tmachine.c Abstract: This module tests token duplication. Author: Jim Kelly (JimK) 8-Feb-1994 Environment: User Mode - Win32 Revision History: --*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Includes // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include // prototypes for MIDL user functions #include #include #ifdef NOT_PART_OF_PROGRAM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Definitions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define TMPP_USER_NAME_ADMIN "Administrator" #define TMPP_USER_NAME_GUEST "Guest" #define TMPP_GROUP_NAME_ADMINS "Domain Admins" #define TMPP_GROUP_NAME_USERS "Domain Users" #define TMPP_GROUP_NAME_NONE "None" #define TMPP_ALIAS_NAME_ADMINS "Administrators" #define TMPP_ALIAS_NAME_SYSTEM_OPS "System Operators" #define TMPP_ALIAS_NAME_POWER_USERS "Power Users" #define TMPP_ALIAS_NAME_USERS "Users" #define TMPP_ALIAS_NAME_GUESTS "Guests" #define TMPP_ALIAS_NAME_ACCOUNT_OPS "Account Operators" #define TMPP_ALIAS_NAME_PRINT_OPS "Print Operators" #define TMPP_ALIAS_NAME_BACKUP_OPS "Backup Operators" #define GROUP_NAME1 "GROUP1" #define ALIAS_NAME1 "ALIAS1" #define ALIAS_NAME2 "ALIAS2" #define USER_NAME1 "USER1" #define USER_NAME2 "USER2" #define USER_NAME3 "USER3" // Keep these names not longer than 8 char's until long registry names supported #define DUMMY_NAME1 "DName1" #define DUMMY_NAME2 "2emaNuD" #define DUMMY_STRING1 "This is test string 1" #define DUMMY_STRING2 "Test String2 - test string 2 - tEST sTRING 2" #define ALL_NAMES_COUNT (3) #define SOME_NAMES_COUNT (7) #define NO_NAMES_COUNT (2) #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME0 TMPP_USER_NAME_ADMIN #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_A TMPP_GROUP_NAME_NONE #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_A TMPP_GROUP_NAME_NONE #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_P TMPP_GROUP_NAME_USERS #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_P TMPP_GROUP_NAME_USERS #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME0_RID DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_RID DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_RID DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS #define LOOKUP_UNKNOWN_NAME0 "JoeJoe" #define LOOKUP_UNKNOWN_NAME1 "Tanya" #define LOOKUP_UNKNOWN_NAME2 "Fred" #define LOOKUP_UNKNOWN_NAME3 "Anyone" #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME0_USE (SidTypeUser) #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_USE (SidTypeGroup) #define LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_USE (SidTypeGroup) // // This byte is expected to be different in the DummyLogonHours and // NoRestrictionLogonHours. // #define LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET (5) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Global variables // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger1, LargeInteger2; UNICODE_STRING DummyName1, DummyName2, DummyString1, DummyString2; STRING DummyAnsiString1, DummyAnsiString2; LOGON_HOURS NoLogonRestriction, DummyLogonHours; CHAR NoLogonRestrictionBitMask[21], DummyLogonHoursBitMask[21]; UNICODE_STRING AllNames[ALL_NAMES_COUNT], SomeNames[SOME_NAMES_COUNT], NoNames[NO_NAMES_COUNT]; SID_NAME_USE AllUses[ALL_NAMES_COUNT], SomeUses[SOME_NAMES_COUNT], NoUses[NO_NAMES_COUNT]; ULONG AllRids[ALL_NAMES_COUNT], SomeRids[SOME_NAMES_COUNT], NoRids[NO_NAMES_COUNT]; PSID BuiltinDomainSid, AccountDomainSid, PrimaryDomainSid, WorldSid, AdminsAliasSid, AccountAliasSid; UNICODE_STRING BuiltinDomainName, AccountDomainName, PrimaryDomainName; BOOLEAN AccountDomainIsNotPrimaryDomain; // // These are NOT mutually exclusive // BOOLEAN BuiltinDomainTest, // Test the builting domain SecurityOperatorTest, // Test auditing accessibility AccountOpAliasTest, // Test account operator functions AdminsAliasTest; // Test domain admin functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // private macros // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // VOID // TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT( IN NTSTATUS S ); // #define TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT( S ) \ { \ if ( !NT_SUCCESS((S)) ) { \ printf("\n** SUCCESS STATUS ASSERTION FAILURE **\n"); \ printf(" Status is: 0x%lx\n", (S) ); \ ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS((S))); \ } \ } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // private service prototypes // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN TInitialize( VOID ); BOOLEAN EnableSecurityPrivilege( VOID ); VOID DetermineTestsToRun( VOID ); VOID SeeIfSidIsSpecial( IN PSID Sid ); BOOLEAN ServerTestSuite( PHANDLE ServerHandle, PHANDLE DomainHandle, PHANDLE BuiltinDomainHandle, PSID *DomainSid ); BOOLEAN SecurityTestSuite( HANDLE ServerHandle, HANDLE DomainHandle, ULONG Pass ); BOOLEAN CheckReturnedSD( IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SI, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SD, IN BOOLEAN PrintTestSuccess ); BOOLEAN DomainTestSuite( HANDLE DomainHandle ); BOOLEAN GroupTestSuite( HANDLE DomainHandle, ULONG Pass ); BOOLEAN AliasTestSuite( HANDLE DomainHandle, HANDLE BuiltinDomainHandle, PSID DomainSid, ULONG Pass ); BOOLEAN UserTestSuite( HANDLE DomainHandle, ULONG Pass ); NTSTATUS SampSetDomainPolicy( VOID ); NTSTATUS SampGetLsaDomainInfo( PPOLICY_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_INFO *PolicyAccountDomainInfo, PPOLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO *PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo ); // // The following are in WRAPPERS.C, but are prototyped here since this // test is the only thing that should ever call them. // NTSTATUS SamTestPrivateFunctionsDomain( IN HANDLE DomainHandle ); NTSTATUS SamTestPrivateFunctionsUser( IN HANDLE UserHandle ); #endif // NOT_PART_OF_PROGRAM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Routines // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; /*++ Routine Description: This is the main entry routine for this test. Arguments: NONE Return Value: --*/ { NTSTATUS NtStatus; HANDLE h1, h2, h3; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE Qos; // // Duplicate our primary token to get an impersonation token. // (no security QOS causes duplicate to have Anonymous level) // NtStatus = NtOpenProcessToken( NtCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &h1); printf("Test: Open Process Token: 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, 0, NULL ); NtStatus = NtDuplicateToken( h1, TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &ObjectAttributes, FALSE, // EffectiveOnly TokenImpersonation, &h2); printf("Test: Duplicate Primary to anonymous Impersonation: 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); // // Now duplicate that to get a primary // NtStatus = NtDuplicateToken( h2, TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &ObjectAttributes, FALSE, // EffectiveOnly TokenPrimary, &h3); printf("Test: Duplicate anonymous Impersonation to Primary: 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); // // Now try it again with Impersonate level. // Qos.Length = sizeof(Qos); Qos.ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation; Qos.ContextTrackingMode = SECURITY_STATIC_TRACKING; Qos.EffectiveOnly = FALSE; InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, 0, NULL ); ObjectAttributes.SecurityQualityOfService = &Qos; NtStatus = NtDuplicateToken( h1, TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &ObjectAttributes, FALSE, // EffectiveOnly TokenImpersonation, &h2); printf("Test: Duplicate Primary to IMPERSONATE Impersonation: 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); // // Now duplicate that to get a primary // NtStatus = NtDuplicateToken( h2, TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &ObjectAttributes, FALSE, // EffectiveOnly TokenPrimary, &h3); printf("Test: Duplicate IMPERSONATE Impersonation to Primary: 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); return; } #ifdef NOT_PART_OF_PROGRAM BOOLEAN TInitialize ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize test variables, et cetera. Arguments: None. Return Value: Note: --*/ { NTSTATUS NtStatus; STRING Name; ULONG i; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY WorldSidAuthority = SECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY DomainSidAuthority = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY BuiltinAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; // // Get the domain SIDs from the policy database... // NtStatus = SampSetDomainPolicy(); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // A random large integer value.. // LargeInteger1.LowPart = 1234; LargeInteger1.HighPart = 0; LargeInteger2.LowPart = 4321; LargeInteger2.HighPart = 0; RtlInitString( &Name, DUMMY_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &DummyName1, &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); RtlInitString( &Name, DUMMY_NAME2 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &DummyName2, &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); RtlInitString( &DummyAnsiString1, DUMMY_STRING1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &DummyString1, &DummyAnsiString1, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); RtlInitString( &DummyAnsiString2, DUMMY_STRING2 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &DummyString2, &DummyAnsiString2, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); DummyLogonHours.UnitsPerWeek = SAM_HOURS_PER_WEEK; DummyLogonHours.LogonHours = &DummyLogonHoursBitMask[0]; DummyLogonHoursBitMask[LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET] = 103; // Any non-zero value NoLogonRestriction.UnitsPerWeek = SAM_HOURS_PER_WEEK; NoLogonRestriction.LogonHours = &NoLogonRestrictionBitMask[0]; for ( i=0; i<(ULONG)((NoLogonRestriction.UnitsPerWeek+7)/8); i++) { NoLogonRestrictionBitMask[0] = 0; } // // Initialize some SIDs // WorldSid = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, RtlLengthRequiredSid(1) ); ASSERT(WorldSid != NULL); RtlInitializeSid( WorldSid, &WorldSidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( WorldSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_WORLD_RID; AdminsAliasSid = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,RtlLengthRequiredSid( 2 )); ASSERT(AdminsAliasSid != NULL); RtlInitializeSid( AdminsAliasSid, &BuiltinAuthority, 2 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( AdminsAliasSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( AdminsAliasSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS; AccountAliasSid = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,RtlLengthRequiredSid( 2 )); ASSERT(AccountAliasSid != NULL); RtlInitializeSid( AccountAliasSid, &BuiltinAuthority, 2 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( AccountAliasSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( AccountAliasSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ACCOUNT_OPS; // // Initialize some stuff for SID and NAME lookup operations // RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME0 ); AllUses[0] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME0_USE; AllRids[0] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME0_RID; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AllNames[0], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); SomeUses[0] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME0_USE; SomeRids[0] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME0_RID; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &SomeNames[0], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); if (AccountDomainIsNotPrimaryDomain == TRUE) { RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_A ); } else { RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_P ); } AllUses[1] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_USE; AllRids[1] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_RID; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AllNames[1], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); SomeUses[1] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_USE; SomeRids[1] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME1_RID; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &SomeNames[1], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_UNKNOWN_NAME0 ); SomeUses[2] = SidTypeUnknown; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &SomeNames[2], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NoUses[0] = SidTypeUnknown; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &NoNames[0], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_UNKNOWN_NAME1 ); SomeUses[3] = SidTypeUnknown; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &SomeNames[3], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NoUses[1] = SidTypeUnknown; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &NoNames[1], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_UNKNOWN_NAME2 ); SomeUses[4] = SidTypeUnknown; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &SomeNames[4], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); if (AccountDomainIsNotPrimaryDomain == TRUE) { RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_A ); } else { RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_P ); } AllUses[2] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_USE; AllRids[2] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_RID; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AllNames[2], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); SomeUses[5] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_USE; SomeRids[5] = LOOKUP_KNOWN_NAME2_RID; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &SomeNames[5], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); RtlInitString( &Name, LOOKUP_UNKNOWN_NAME3 ); SomeUses[6] = SidTypeUnknown; NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &SomeNames[6], &Name, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); DetermineTestsToRun(); return(TRUE); } NTSTATUS SampSetDomainPolicy( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sets the names and SIDs for the builtin and account domains. The builtin account domain has a well known name and SID. The account domain has these stored in the Policy database. It places the information for these domains in: BuiltinDomainSid BuiltinDomainName AccountDomainSid AccountDomainName PrimaryDomainSid PrimaryDomainName It also sets the boolean: AccountDomainIsNotPrimaryDomain to TRUE if the account domain is found to be different from the Primary Domain. Arguments: None. Return Value: --*/ { NTSTATUS NtStatus; PPOLICY_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_INFO PolicyAccountDomainInfo; PPOLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY BuiltinAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; // // Builtin domain - well-known name and SID // RtlInitUnicodeString( &BuiltinDomainName, L"Builtin"); BuiltinDomainSid = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,RtlLengthRequiredSid( 1 )); ASSERT( BuiltinDomainSid != NULL ); RtlInitializeSid( BuiltinDomainSid, &BuiltinAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( BuiltinDomainSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; // // Account domain // NtStatus = SampGetLsaDomainInfo( &PolicyAccountDomainInfo, &PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { return(NtStatus); } AccountDomainSid = PolicyAccountDomainInfo->DomainSid; AccountDomainName = PolicyAccountDomainInfo->DomainName; PrimaryDomainSid = PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo->Sid; PrimaryDomainName = PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo->Name; // // Determine whether the account domain is a primary domain. // AccountDomainIsNotPrimaryDomain = !RtlEqualUnicodeString( &PrimaryDomainName, &AccountDomainName, TRUE); return(NtStatus);; } NTSTATUS SampGetLsaDomainInfo( PPOLICY_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_INFO *PolicyAccountDomainInfo, PPOLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO *PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine retrieves ACCOUNT domain information from the LSA policy database. Arguments: PolicyAccountDomainInfo - Receives a pointer to a POLICY_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_INFO structure containing the account domain info. PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo - Receives a pointer to a POLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO structure containing the Primary domain info. Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - Succeeded. Other status values that may be returned from: LsaOpenPolicy() LsaQueryInformationPolicy() --*/ { NTSTATUS Status, IgnoreStatus; LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES PolicyObjectAttributes; // // Open the policy database // InitializeObjectAttributes( &PolicyObjectAttributes, NULL, // Name 0, // Attributes NULL, // Root NULL ); // Security Descriptor Status = LsaOpenPolicy( NULL, &PolicyObjectAttributes, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &PolicyHandle ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // // Query the account domain information // Status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy( PolicyHandle, PolicyAccountDomainInformation, (PVOID *)PolicyAccountDomainInfo ); #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { ASSERT( (*PolicyAccountDomainInfo) != NULL ); ASSERT( (*PolicyAccountDomainInfo)->DomainSid != NULL ); ASSERT( (*PolicyAccountDomainInfo)->DomainName.Buffer != NULL ); } #endif \\DBG // // Query the Primary domain information // Status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy( PolicyHandle, PolicyPrimaryDomainInformation, (PVOID *)PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo ); #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { ASSERT( (*PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo) != NULL ); ASSERT( (*PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo)->Sid != NULL ); ASSERT( (*PolicyPrimaryDomainInfo)->Name.Buffer != NULL ); } #endif \\DBG IgnoreStatus = LsaClose( PolicyHandle ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus)); } return(Status); } PSID CreateUserSid( PSID DomainSid, ULONG Rid ) /*++ Routine Description: This function creates a domain account sid given a domain sid and the relative id of the account within the domain. Arguments: None. Return Value: Pointer to Sid, or NULL on failure. The returned Sid must be freed with DeleteUserSid --*/ { NTSTATUS IgnoreStatus; PSID AccountSid; UCHAR AccountSubAuthorityCount = *RtlSubAuthorityCountSid(DomainSid) + (UCHAR)1; ULONG AccountSidLength = RtlLengthRequiredSid(AccountSubAuthorityCount); PULONG RidLocation; // Temp sanity check ASSERT(AccountSidLength == SeLengthSid(DomainSid) + sizeof(ULONG)); // // Allocate space for the account sid // AccountSid = MIDL_user_allocate(AccountSidLength); if (AccountSid != NULL) { // // Copy the domain sid into the first part of the account sid // IgnoreStatus = RtlCopySid(AccountSidLength, AccountSid, DomainSid); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus)); // // Increment the account sid sub-authority count // *RtlSubAuthorityCountSid(AccountSid) = AccountSubAuthorityCount; // // Add the rid as the final sub-authority // RidLocation = RtlSubAuthoritySid(AccountSid, AccountSubAuthorityCount - 1); *RidLocation = Rid; } return(AccountSid); } VOID DeleteUserSid( PSID UserSid ) /*++ Routine Description: Frees a sid returned by CreateUserSid. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { MIDL_user_free(UserSid); } BOOLEAN EnableSecurityPrivilege( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This function enabled the SeSecurityPrivilege privilege. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE if privilege successfully enabled. FALSE if not successfully enabled. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Token; LUID SecurityPrivilege; PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState; ULONG ReturnLength; // // Open our own token // Status = NtOpenProcessToken( NtCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &Token ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf(" \n\n\n"); printf("Tsamobj: Can't open process token to enable Security Privilege.\n"); printf(" Completion status of NtOpenProcessToken() is: 0x%lx\n", Status); printf("\n"); return(FALSE); } // // Initialize the adjustment structure // SecurityPrivilege = RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger(SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE); ASSERT( (sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES) + sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)) < 100); NewState = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, 100 ); NewState->PrivilegeCount = 1; NewState->Privileges[0].Luid = SecurityPrivilege; NewState->Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; // // Set the state of the privilege to ENABLED. // Status = NtAdjustPrivilegesToken( Token, // TokenHandle FALSE, // DisableAllPrivileges NewState, // NewState 0, // BufferLength NULL, // PreviousState (OPTIONAL) &ReturnLength // ReturnLength ); // don't use NT_SUCCESS here because STATUS_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED is a success status if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return(FALSE); } // // Clean up some stuff before returning // RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, NewState ); Status = NtClose( Token ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); return TRUE; } VOID printfSid( PSID Sid ) /*++ Routine Description: Prints a sid Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { UCHAR Buffer[128]; UCHAR String[128]; UCHAR i; ULONG Tmp; PISID iSid = (PISID)Sid; // pointer to opaque structure PSID NextSid = (PSID)Buffer; ASSERT(sizeof(Buffer) >= RtlLengthRequiredSid(1)); { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidAuthority = SECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY; RtlInitializeSid(NextSid, &SidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid(NextSid, 0)) = SECURITY_WORLD_RID; if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, NextSid)) { printf("World"); return; } } { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidAuthority = SECURITY_LOCAL_SID_AUTHORITY; RtlInitializeSid(NextSid, &SidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid(NextSid, 0)) = SECURITY_LOCAL_RID; if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, NextSid)) { printf("Local"); return; } } { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidAuthority = SECURITY_CREATOR_SID_AUTHORITY; RtlInitializeSid(NextSid, &SidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid(NextSid, 0)) = SECURITY_CREATOR_OWNER_RID; if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, NextSid)) { printf("Creator"); return; } } { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; RtlInitializeSid(NextSid, &SidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid(NextSid, 0)) = SECURITY_DIALUP_RID; if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, NextSid)) { printf("Dialup"); return; } } { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; RtlInitializeSid(NextSid, &SidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid(NextSid, 0)) = SECURITY_NETWORK_RID; if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, NextSid)) { printf("Network"); return; } } { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; RtlInitializeSid(NextSid, &SidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid(NextSid, 0)) = SECURITY_BATCH_RID; if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, NextSid)) { printf("Batch"); return; } } { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; RtlInitializeSid(NextSid, &SidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid(NextSid, 0)) = SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID; if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, NextSid)) { printf("Interactive"); return; } } { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; RtlInitializeSid(NextSid, &SidAuthority, 1 ); *(RtlSubAuthoritySid(NextSid, 0)) = SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID; if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, NextSid)) { printf("Local System"); return; } } sprintf(Buffer, "S-%u-", (USHORT)iSid->Revision ); strcpy(String, Buffer); if ( (iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[0] != 0) || (iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[1] != 0) ){ sprintf(Buffer, "0x%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx", (USHORT)iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[0], (USHORT)iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[1], (USHORT)iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[2], (USHORT)iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[3], (USHORT)iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[4], (USHORT)iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[5] ); strcat(String, Buffer); } else { Tmp = (ULONG)iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[5] + (ULONG)(iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[4] << 8) + (ULONG)(iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[3] << 16) + (ULONG)(iSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[2] << 24); sprintf(Buffer, "%lu", Tmp); strcat(String, Buffer); } for (i=0;iSubAuthorityCount ;i++ ) { sprintf(Buffer, "-%lu", iSid->SubAuthority[i]); strcat(String, Buffer); } printf(Buffer); return; } VOID DetermineTestsToRun( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This function determines which tests are to be run. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Token; PTOKEN_USER User; PTOKEN_GROUPS Groups; ULONG ReturnLength, i; // // See if we can play with auditing information // SecurityOperatorTest = EnableSecurityPrivilege(); // // Open our own token // Status = NtOpenProcessToken( NtCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &Token ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf(" \n\n\n"); printf("Tsamobj: Can't open process token to query owner.\n"); printf(" Completion status of NtOpenProcessToken() is: 0x%lx\n", Status); printf("\n"); return; } // // Query the user id // User = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, 1000 ); // should be plenty big Status = NtQueryInformationToken( Token, TokenUser, User, 1000, &ReturnLength ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); // // See if the ID is one of the special IDs (e.g., local admin, // domain account operator, or domain admin) // SeeIfSidIsSpecial( User->User.Sid ); // // Query the group ids // Groups = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, 1000 ); // should be plenty big Status = NtQueryInformationToken( Token, TokenGroups, Groups, 1000, &ReturnLength ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); // // See if any of these IDs are special IDs // for (i=0; iGroupCount; i++) { SeeIfSidIsSpecial( Groups->Groups[i].Sid ); } // // Clean up some stuff before returning // RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, User ); RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, Groups ); Status = NtClose( Token ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); printf("\n\n\n\nPerforming:\n\n"); printf(" Administrator Alias Test. . . . . "); if (AdminsAliasTest) { printf("Yes\n\n"); } else { printf("No\n\n"); } printf(" Account Operator Alias Test . . "); if (AccountOpAliasTest) { printf("Yes\n\n"); } else { printf("No\n\n"); } printf(" Security Operator Test . . . . . "); if (SecurityOperatorTest) { printf("Yes\n\n"); } else { printf("No\n\n"); } printf("\n\n\n"); return; } VOID SeeIfSidIsSpecial( IN PSID Sid ) /*++ Routine Description: This function determines whether the passed SID is one of the special SIDs, such as ADMINISTRATORS alias, or DomainAccountOperator, and sets test flags accordingly. Arguments: Sid - Pointer to the SID to check. Return Value: None. --*/ { if (RtlEqualSid( Sid, AdminsAliasSid )){ AdminsAliasTest = TRUE; } if (RtlEqualSid( Sid, AccountAliasSid )){ AccountOpAliasTest = TRUE; } return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Server Object Test Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN ServerTestSuite( PHANDLE ServerHandle, PHANDLE DomainHandle, PHANDLE BuiltinDomainHandle, PSID *DomainSid ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; BOOLEAN TestStatus = TRUE; ULONG CountReturned; SAM_ENUMERATE_HANDLE EnumerationContext; PSAM_RID_ENUMERATION EnumerationBuffer; PSID BuiltinDomainSid; ACCESS_MASK ServerAccessMask, DomainAccessMask; printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Server Object Test\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Connect To Server // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Connect / Disconnect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); ServerAccessMask = SAM_SERVER_READ | SAM_SERVER_EXECUTE; if (AdminsAliasTest) { ServerAccessMask |= SAM_SERVER_ALL_ACCESS; } if (SecurityOperatorTest) { ServerAccessMask |= ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; } InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, 0, NULL ); NtStatus = SamConnect( NULL, // ServerName (Local machine) ServerHandle, ServerAccessMask, &ObjectAttributes ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf(" Disconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( (*ServerHandle) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } } printf(" Re-Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamConnect( NULL, // ServerName (Local machine) ServerHandle, ServerAccessMask, &ObjectAttributes ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Lookup/Enumerate Domains Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Domain Lookup/Enumerate/Open . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf(" Lookup Account Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamLookupDomainInSamServer( (*ServerHandle), &AccountDomainName, DomainSid ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { if ( TRUE != RtlEqualSid((*DomainSid), AccountDomainSid)) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" The SID retrieved from the policy database did not\n"); printf(" match the SID retrieved from SAM for the account\n"); printf(" domain.\n"); printf(" Sid from Policy Database is: "); printfSid( AccountDomainSid ); printf("\n"); printf(" Sid from SAM is: "); printfSid( (*DomainSid) ); printf("\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } } } if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf(" Enumerate Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); EnumerationContext = 0; EnumerationBuffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamEnumerateDomainsInSamServer( (*ServerHandle), &EnumerationContext, (PVOID *)&EnumerationBuffer, 1024, // PreferedMaximumLength &CountReturned ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { if (CountReturned == 0) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" CountReturned is: 0x%lx\n", CountReturned); printf(" EnumerationContext is: 0x%lx\n", EnumerationContext); printf(" EnumerationBuffer Address is: 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)EnumerationBuffer); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } SamFreeMemory( EnumerationBuffer ); } } if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf(" Open Account Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { DomainAccessMask = DOMAIN_READ | DOMAIN_EXECUTE; if (AccountOpAliasTest) { DomainAccessMask |= DOMAIN_READ | DOMAIN_WRITE | DOMAIN_EXECUTE; } if (AdminsAliasTest) { DomainAccessMask |= DOMAIN_ALL_ACCESS; } if (SecurityOperatorTest) { DomainAccessMask |= ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; } NtStatus = SamOpenDomain( (*ServerHandle), DomainAccessMask, *DomainSid, DomainHandle ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } } } if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf(" Open Builtin Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamLookupDomainInSamServer( (*ServerHandle), &BuiltinDomainName, &BuiltinDomainSid ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { DomainAccessMask = DOMAIN_READ | DOMAIN_EXECUTE; if (AccountOpAliasTest) { DomainAccessMask |= DOMAIN_READ | DOMAIN_WRITE | DOMAIN_EXECUTE; } if (AdminsAliasTest) { DomainAccessMask |= (DOMAIN_EXECUTE | DOMAIN_READ | DOMAIN_READ_OTHER_PARAMETERS | DOMAIN_ADMINISTER_SERVER | DOMAIN_CREATE_ALIAS); } // if (SecurityOperatorTest) { // DomainAccessMask |= ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; // } NtStatus = SamOpenDomain( (*ServerHandle), DomainAccessMask, BuiltinDomainSid, BuiltinDomainHandle ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } } } return(TestStatus); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Security Manipulation Test Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN SecurityTestSuite( HANDLE ServerHandle, HANDLE DomainHandle, ULONG Pass ) { BOOLEAN TestStatus = TRUE; NTSTATUS NtStatus; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR OriginalServerSD, OriginalDomainSD, OriginalUserSD, OriginalGroupSD, SD1; SECURITY_INFORMATION SI1; PVOID TmpPointer1; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SD1_Body; HANDLE GroupHandle, UserHandle; printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); if (Pass == 1) { printf(" Security Manipulation (Pass #1) Test\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Query Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Query Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); // // Get Server's original SD // SI1 = 0; if (AdminsAliasTest) { SI1 |= OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } if (SecurityOperatorTest) { SI1 |= SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } if (SI1 != 0) { printf(" Query Server Security Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . "); SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( ServerHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); // // Normally we would do a "SamFreeMemory( SD1 )" here. // However, we want to save this SD for future reference // and use. // OriginalServerSD = SD1; } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } // // Get domain's original SD // SI1 = 0; if (AdminsAliasTest) { SI1 |= OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } if (SecurityOperatorTest) { SI1 |= SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } if (SI1 != 0) { printf(" Query Domain Security Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . "); SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); // // Normally we would do a "SamFreeMemory( SD1 )" here. // However, we want to save this SD for future reference // and use. // OriginalDomainSD = SD1; } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } // // Make sure the wrapper doesn't choke on a non-null pointer being passed // (assuming we have allocated memory). // SI1 = 0; if (AdminsAliasTest) { SI1 |= OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } if (SecurityOperatorTest) { SI1 |= SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } if (SI1 != 0) { printf(" Query Passing Non-null return buffer . . . . . . . . "); SD1 = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, 1000 ); ASSERT(SD1 != NULL); TmpPointer1 = SD1; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (SD1 != TmpPointer1) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); if (TestStatus) { SamFreeMemory( SD1 ); } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Passed buffer address used on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated another buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, TmpPointer1 ); } // // Make sure we can query nothing // printf(" Query Nothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = 0; SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); if (TestStatus) { SamFreeMemory( SD1 ); } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query owner // if (AdminsAliasTest) { printf(" Query Owner (Server Object) . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( ServerHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); if (TestStatus) { SamFreeMemory( SD1 ); } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } if (AdminsAliasTest) { printf(" Query Owner (Domain Object) . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); if (TestStatus) { SamFreeMemory( SD1 ); } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } if (AdminsAliasTest) { // // Query Group // printf(" Query Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); if (TestStatus) { SamFreeMemory( SD1 ); } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query Dacl // printf(" Query DACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); if (TestStatus) { SamFreeMemory( SD1 ); } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query Sacl // printf(" Query SACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); if (TestStatus) { SamFreeMemory( SD1 ); } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } // end_if (AdminsAliasTest) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Set Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Set Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); // // Make sure we can set nothing // printf(" Set Nothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = 0; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, // <------ This is invalid SD1 ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set something not passed // printf(" Set something not passed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set a non-existant DACL // if (AdminsAliasTest) { printf(" Set non-existant DACL (Server object) . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); SD1_Body.Control = SE_DACL_PRESENT; ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( ServerHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } if (AdminsAliasTest) { printf(" Set non-existant DACL (Domain Object) . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); SD1_Body.Control = SE_DACL_PRESENT; ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } // // set original DACL (From original SD) // if (AdminsAliasTest) { printf(" Set original DACL (Server Object) . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = OriginalServerSD; NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( ServerHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } if (AdminsAliasTest) { printf(" Set original DACL (Domain Object) . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = OriginalDomainSD; NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } if (AdminsAliasTest) { // // set a non-existant SACL // printf(" Set non-existant SACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); SD1_Body.Control = SE_SACL_PRESENT; ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set original SACL (From original SD) // printf(" Set original SACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = OriginalDomainSD; NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set a owner to null // printf(" Set null Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); SD1_Body.Owner = NULL; ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NtStatus = STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set owner to invalid value // printf(" Set owner to invalid value . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); SD1_Body.Owner = WorldSid; ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_OWNER) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set a owner to valid value // printf(" Set owner to valid value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); printf("Untested\n"); // // set group to null // printf(" Set null Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); SD1_Body.Group = NULL; ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NtStatus = STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set Group to valid value // printf(" Set Group to valid value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); SD1_Body.Group = WorldSid; ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set Group back to original value // printf(" Set Group to original value . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = OriginalDomainSD; NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( DomainHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } // end Pass1 if (Pass == 2) { ACCESS_MASK AccessMask; PSID_NAME_USE LookedUpUses; PULONG LookedUpRids; UNICODE_STRING AccountNames[10]; STRING AccountNameAnsi; // // This pass depends upon user and group accounts established in pass #1 // if (AdminsAliasTest) { printf(" Security Manipulation (Pass #2) Test\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Query Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Query Security (User Object). . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); AccessMask = READ_CONTROL; if (SecurityOperatorTest) { AccessMask |= ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; } // // Open the user created in pass #1 // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeUser); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, AccessMask, LookedUpRids[0], &UserHandle); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed to open user account created in pass #1\n"); } TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Get user's original SD // SI1 |= OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; if (SecurityOperatorTest) { SI1 |= SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; } printf(" Query User Security Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . "); SD1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQuerySecurityObject( UserHandle, SI1, &SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { TestStatus = CheckReturnedSD( SI1, SD1, TRUE ); // // Normally we would do a "SamFreeMemory( SD1 )" here. // However, we want to save this SD for future reference // and use. // OriginalUserSD = SD1; } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT( UserHandle ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Set Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Set Security (User Object) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); AccessMask = WRITE_DAC | WRITE_OWNER; if (SecurityOperatorTest) { AccessMask |= ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; } // // Open the user created in pass #1 // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeUser); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, AccessMask, LookedUpRids[0], &UserHandle); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Failed to open user account created in pass #1\n"); } TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Make sure we can set nothing // printf(" Set Nothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = 0; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( UserHandle, SI1, // <------ This is invalid SD1 ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set something not passed // printf(" Set something not passed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( UserHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Set non-existant DACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = &SD1_Body; NtStatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SD1, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 ); SD1_Body.Control = SE_DACL_PRESENT; ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( UserHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // set original DACL (From original SD) // printf(" Set original DACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); SI1 = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; SD1 = OriginalUserSD; NtStatus = SamSetSecurityObject( UserHandle, SI1, SD1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT( UserHandle ); } DBG_UNREFERENCED_LOCAL_VARIABLE( GroupHandle ); DBG_UNREFERENCED_LOCAL_VARIABLE( OriginalGroupSD ); } return TestStatus; } BOOLEAN CheckReturnedSD( IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SI, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SD, IN BOOLEAN PrintTestSuccess ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; BOOLEAN Failed = FALSE, IgnoreBoolean, AclPresent, TestStatus = TRUE; PSID SID; PACL ACL; // // Check a returned security descriptor agains the information requested. // if (SD == NULL) { TestStatus = FALSE; if (PrintTestSuccess) { printf("Failed\n"); Failed = TRUE; printf(" The SecurityDescriptor return address was not properly\n"); printf(" set.\n"); } } if (TestStatus) { // // Check owner // NtStatus = RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor ( SD, &SID, &IgnoreBoolean); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); if (SI & OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { if (SID == NULL) { if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (!Failed) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Security descriptor address is 0x%lx\n", SD ); Failed = TRUE; } printf(" An owner was requested but the owner field of the\n"); printf(" security descriptor is not set.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { // Owner not specified if (SID != NULL) { if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (!Failed) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Security descriptor address is 0x%lx\n", SD ); Failed = TRUE; } printf(" An owner was not requested but the owner field of the\n"); printf(" security descriptor is set.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } // // Check group // NtStatus = RtlGetGroupSecurityDescriptor ( SD, &SID, &IgnoreBoolean); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); if (SI & GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { if (SID == NULL) { if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (!Failed) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Security descriptor address is 0x%lx\n", SD ); Failed = TRUE; } printf(" A group was requested but the group field of the\n"); printf(" security descriptor is not set.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { // Group not specified if (SID != NULL) { if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (!Failed) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Security descriptor address is 0x%lx\n", SD ); Failed = TRUE; } printf(" A group was not requested but the group field of the\n"); printf(" security descriptor is set.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } // // Check sacl // NtStatus = RtlGetSaclSecurityDescriptor ( SD, &AclPresent, &ACL, &IgnoreBoolean); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); if (SI & SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { if (!AclPresent) { if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (!Failed) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Security descriptor address is 0x%lx\n", SD ); Failed = TRUE; } printf(" An SACL was requested but the SaclPresent flag\n"); printf(" of the security descriptor is not set.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { // sacl not specified if (AclPresent) { if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (!Failed) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Security descriptor address is 0x%lx\n", SD ); Failed = TRUE; } printf(" An SACL was not requested but the SaclPresent flag\n"); printf(" of the security descriptor is set.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } // // Check Dacl // NtStatus = RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor ( SD, &AclPresent, &ACL, &IgnoreBoolean); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); if (SI & DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { if (!AclPresent) { if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (!Failed) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Security descriptor address is 0x%lx\n", SD ); Failed = TRUE; } printf(" A DACL was requested but the DaclPresent flag\n"); printf(" of the security descriptor is not set.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { // Dacl not specified if (AclPresent) { if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (!Failed) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Security descriptor address is 0x%lx\n", SD ); Failed = TRUE; } printf(" A DACL was not requested but the DaclPresent flag\n"); printf(" of the security descriptor is set.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } } if (PrintTestSuccess) { if (TestStatus) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } } return(TestStatus); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Domain Object Test Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN DomainTestSuite( HANDLE DomainHandle ) { BOOLEAN TestStatus = TRUE; NTSTATUS NtStatus, IgnoreStatus; PVOID Buffer, Buffer1, Buffer2; CHAR UnusedBuffer[20]; UNICODE_STRING AccountName; STRING AccountNameAnsi; HANDLE GroupHandle = NULL; HANDLE AliasHandle = NULL; HANDLE UserHandle = NULL; HANDLE ValidUserHandle = NULL; ULONG GroupRid, AliasRid, UserRid, SavedGroupRid, SavedAliasRid, AccountCount, i; SAM_ENUMERATE_HANDLE EnumerationContext; ULONG CountReturned; USHORT NameLength; PUNICODE_STRING LookedUpNames; PSID_NAME_USE LookedUpUses; PULONG LookedUpRids; printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Domain Test\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Query Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Query Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); // // Make sure the wrapper doesn't choke on a non-null pointer being passed // (assuming we have allocated memory). // printf(" Query Buffer Allocation Test . . . . . . . . . . . . "); Buffer = &UnusedBuffer[0]; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainStateInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != &UnusedBuffer[0]) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Passed buffer address used on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated another buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query all the fixed length info levels // Query - Password, Logoff, ServerRole, DomainState, ModifiedCount, LockoutInfo // printf(" Query DomainState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainStateInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Query ServerRole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainServerRoleInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Query Password Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainPasswordInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Query Logoff Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainLogoffInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Query Modified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainModifiedInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Query Lockout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainLockoutInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query the name of the domain ... // printf(" Query Domain Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainNameInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((DOMAIN_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->DomainName.MaximumLength > 0) && (((DOMAIN_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->DomainName.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" String body returned and allocated,\n"); printf(" but character buffer pointer is NULL.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query whatever is in the OEM Information field ... // printf(" Query OEM Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainOemInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->OemInformation.MaximumLength >= 0) && (((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->OemInformation.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" String body returned and allocated,\n"); printf(" but character buffer pointer is NULL.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query whatever is in the Replication Information field ... // printf(" Query Replication Information . . . . . . . . . . . . "); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainReplicationInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ReplicaSourceNodeName.MaximumLength >= 0) && (((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ReplicaSourceNodeName.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" String body returned and allocated,\n"); printf(" but character buffer pointer is NULL.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query domain general Information... // printf(" Query General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainGeneralInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Number of Users is: 0x%lx\n", ((DOMAIN_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserCount ); printf(" Number of groups is: 0x%lx\n", ((DOMAIN_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->GroupCount); printf(" Number of aliases is: 0x%lx\n", ((DOMAIN_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AliasCount); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Query domain general Information... // printf(" Query General Information 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainGeneralInformation2, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Number of Users is: 0x%lx\n", ((DOMAIN_GENERAL_INFORMATION2 *)Buffer)->I1.UserCount ); printf(" Number of groups is: 0x%lx\n", ((DOMAIN_GENERAL_INFORMATION2 *)Buffer)->I1.GroupCount); printf(" Number of aliases is: 0x%lx\n", ((DOMAIN_GENERAL_INFORMATION2 *)Buffer)->I1.AliasCount); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Set Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf(" Set Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); // // Set all the fixed length info levels // - Password, Logoff, ServerRole, DomainState, ModifiedCount // /* * CANT TEST SERVER STATE SETTING WITHOUT BREAKING THE REST OF THE TEST. * THE REASON IS, ONCE THE STATE IS CHANGED, NOTHING ELSE CAN BE DONE. * * printf(" Set DomainState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); * * // * // Get the current value... * // * * NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( * DomainHandle, * DomainStateInformation, * &Buffer1 * ); * ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); * * // * // Change the field to a new value and write it out. * // * * if ( ((DOMAIN_STATE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerState == * DomainServerEnabled ) { * ((DOMAIN_STATE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerState = * DomainServerDisabled; * } else { * ((DOMAIN_STATE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerState = * DomainServerEnabled; * } * * NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( * DomainHandle, * DomainStateInformation, * Buffer1 * ); * if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { * * // * // Now check that the change was really made... * // * * NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( * DomainHandle, * DomainStateInformation, * &Buffer2 * ); * ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); * if (((DOMAIN_STATE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerState == * ((DOMAIN_STATE_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->DomainServerState ) { * * printf("Succeeded\n"); * * } else { * * printf("Failed\n"); * printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); * printf(" Value Written is 0x%lx\n", * (ULONG)((DOMAIN_STATE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerState); * printf(" Value Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", * (ULONG)((DOMAIN_STATE_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->DomainServerState); * * TestStatus = FALSE; * * } * * SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); * SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); * * } else { * printf("Failed\n"); * printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); * TestStatus = FALSE; * SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); * * } */ /* * CANT TEST SERVER ROLE SETTING WITHOUT BREAKING THE REST OF THE TEST. * THE REASON IS, ONCE THE ROLE IS SET TO BACKUP, NOTHING ELSE CAN BE * SET. * * printf(" Set ServerRole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); * * // * // Get the current value... * // * * NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( * DomainHandle, * DomainServerRoleInformation, * &Buffer1 * ); * ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); * * // * // Change the field to a new value and write it out. * // * * if ( ((DOMAIN_SERVER_ROLE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerRole == * DomainServerRolePrimary ) { * ((DOMAIN_SERVER_ROLE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerRole = * DomainServerRoleBackup; * } else { * ((DOMAIN_SERVER_ROLE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerRole = * DomainServerRolePrimary; * } * * NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( * DomainHandle, * DomainServerRoleInformation, * Buffer1 * ); * if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { * * // * // Now check that the change was really made... * // * * NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( * DomainHandle, * DomainServerRoleInformation, * &Buffer2 * ); * ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); * if (((DOMAIN_SERVER_ROLE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerRole == * ((DOMAIN_SERVER_ROLE_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->DomainServerRole ) { * * printf("Succeeded\n"); * * } else { * * printf("Failed\n"); * printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); * printf(" Value Written is 0x%lx\n", * (ULONG)((DOMAIN_SERVER_ROLE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->DomainServerRole); * printf(" Value Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", * (ULONG)((DOMAIN_SERVER_ROLE_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->DomainServerRole); * * TestStatus = FALSE; * * } * * SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); * SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); * * } else { * printf("Failed\n"); * printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); * TestStatus = FALSE; * SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); * * } */ printf(" Set Password Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // Get the current value... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainPasswordInformation, &Buffer1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Change a field to a new value and write it out. // if ( ((DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->MinPasswordLength == 0 ) { ((DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->MinPasswordLength = 6; } else { ((DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->MinPasswordLength = 0; } // // Set PasswordProperties to COMPLEX so that tests run after this one // are a little more interesting. // ((DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->PasswordProperties |= DOMAIN_PASSWORD_COMPLEX; NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainPasswordInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainPasswordInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if (((DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->MinPasswordLength == ((DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->MinPasswordLength ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->MinPasswordLength); printf(" Value Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->MinPasswordLength); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Logoff Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // Get the current value... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainLogoffInformation, &Buffer1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // if ( ((DOMAIN_LOGOFF_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ForceLogoff.LowPart == 0 ) { ((DOMAIN_LOGOFF_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ForceLogoff.LowPart = 1000; } else { ((DOMAIN_LOGOFF_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ForceLogoff.LowPart = 0; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainLogoffInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainLogoffInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if (((DOMAIN_LOGOFF_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ForceLogoff.LowPart == ((DOMAIN_LOGOFF_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->ForceLogoff.LowPart ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_LOGOFF_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ForceLogoff.LowPart); printf(" Value Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_LOGOFF_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->ForceLogoff.LowPart); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Modified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainModifiedInformation, &LargeInteger1 ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Set Lockout Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // Get the current value... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainLockoutInformation, &Buffer1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // if ( ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutDuration.LowPart == 0 ) { ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutDuration.LowPart = 9000000; } else { ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutDuration.LowPart = 0; } if ( ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutObservationWindow.LowPart == 0 ) { ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutObservationWindow.LowPart = 8000000; } else { ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutObservationWindow.LowPart = 0; } if ( ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutThreshold == 0 ) { ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutThreshold = 2; } else { ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutThreshold = 0; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainLockoutInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainLockoutInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( (((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutDuration.LowPart == ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LockoutDuration.LowPart ) && (((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutObservationWindow.LowPart == ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LockoutObservationWindow.LowPart ) && (((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutThreshold == ((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LockoutThreshold ) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Duration Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutDuration.LowPart); printf(" Duration Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LockoutDuration.LowPart); printf(" Window Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutObservationWindow.LowPart); printf(" Window Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LockoutObservationWindow.LowPart); printf(" Duration Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LockoutThreshold); printf(" Duration Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_LOCKOUT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LockoutThreshold); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Domain Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainNameInformation, &DummyName1 ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Set OEM Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // Get the current value... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainOemInformation, &Buffer1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // NameLength = ((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->OemInformation.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyName1.Length ) { ((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->OemInformation = DummyName2; } else { ((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->OemInformation = DummyName1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainOemInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainOemInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if (((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->OemInformation.Length == ((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->OemInformation.Length ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->OemInformation.Length); printf(" Value Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_OEM_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->OemInformation.Length); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Replication Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // Get the current value... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainReplicationInformation, &Buffer1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // NameLength = ((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ReplicaSourceNodeName.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyName1.Length ) { ((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ReplicaSourceNodeName = DummyName2; } else { ((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ReplicaSourceNodeName = DummyName1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainReplicationInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationDomain( DomainHandle, DomainReplicationInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if (((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ReplicaSourceNodeName.Length == ((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->ReplicaSourceNodeName.Length ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ReplicaSourceNodeName.Length); printf(" Value Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((DOMAIN_REPLICATION_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->ReplicaSourceNodeName.Length); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Create User/Group/Alias Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf(" Create User/Group/Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Create Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, GROUP_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); GroupRid = 0; GroupHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateGroupInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, GROUP_ALL_ACCESS, &GroupHandle, &GroupRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if ( (GroupHandle == NULL) || (GroupRid == 0) ) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Invalid GroupHandle or GroupRid returned.\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" GroupHandle value is: 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)GroupHandle); printf(" GroupRid value is: 0x%lx\n", GroupRid); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); SavedGroupRid = GroupRid; NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( GroupHandle ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf(" SamCloseHandle() completion status is: 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); } ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Create Duplicate Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, GROUP_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); GroupRid = 0; GroupHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateGroupInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, GROUP_ALL_ACCESS, &GroupHandle, &GroupRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status should be STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Create Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, ALIAS_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); AliasRid = 0; AliasHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateAliasInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, ALIAS_ALL_ACCESS, &AliasHandle, &AliasRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if ( (AliasHandle == NULL) || (AliasRid == 0) ) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Invalid AliasHandle or AliasRid returned.\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" AliasHandle value is: 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)AliasHandle); printf(" AliasRid value is: 0x%lx\n", AliasRid); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); SavedAliasRid = AliasRid; NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( AliasHandle ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf(" SamCloseHandle() completion status is: 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); } ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); if (AliasRid == SavedGroupRid) { printf(" Create Group/Alias Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . Failed\n"); printf(" Same RID assigned to new alias and group.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Create another Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, ALIAS_NAME2 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); AliasRid = 0; AliasHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateAliasInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, ALIAS_ALL_ACCESS, &AliasHandle, &AliasRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if ( (AliasHandle == NULL) || (AliasRid == 0) ) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Invalid AliasHandle or AliasRid returned.\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" AliasHandle value is: 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)AliasHandle); printf(" AliasRid value is: 0x%lx\n", AliasRid); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); SavedAliasRid = AliasRid; NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( AliasHandle ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf(" SamCloseHandle() completion status is: 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); } ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); if (AliasRid == SavedGroupRid) { printf(" Create Group/Alias Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . Failed\n"); printf(" Same RID assigned to new alias and group.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Create Duplicate Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, ALIAS_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); AliasRid = 0; AliasHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateAliasInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, ALIAS_ALL_ACCESS, &AliasHandle, &AliasRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_ALIAS_EXISTS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status should be STATUS_ALIAS_EXISTS\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Create User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); UserRid = 0; UserHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if ( (UserHandle == NULL) || (UserRid == 0) ) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Invalid UserHandle or UserRid returned.\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" UserHandle value is: 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)UserHandle); printf(" UserRid value is: 0x%lx\n", UserRid); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); ValidUserHandle = UserHandle; if (UserRid == SavedGroupRid) { printf(" Create Group/User Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . Failed\n"); printf(" Same RID assigned to new user and group.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } if (UserRid == SavedAliasRid) { printf(" Create Alias/User Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . Failed\n"); printf(" Same RID assigned to new user and alias.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Create Duplicate User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); UserRid = 0; UserHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_USER_EXISTS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status should be STATUS_USER_EXISTS\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Create Group With Same Name As User . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); GroupRid = 0; GroupHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateGroupInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, GROUP_ALL_ACCESS, &GroupHandle, &GroupRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_USER_EXISTS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status should be STATUS_USER_EXISTS\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Create Group With Same Name As Alias. . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, ALIAS_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); GroupRid = 0; GroupHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateGroupInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, GROUP_ALL_ACCESS, &GroupHandle, &GroupRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_ALIAS_EXISTS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status should be STATUS_ALIAS_EXISTS\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Create Alias With Same Name As Group. . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, GROUP_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); AliasRid = 0; AliasHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateAliasInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, GROUP_ALL_ACCESS, &AliasHandle, &AliasRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status should be STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Create User With Same Name As Group . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, GROUP_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); UserRid = 0; UserHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status should be STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Create User With Same Name As Alias . . . . . . . . . "); RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, ALIAS_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); UserRid = 0; UserHandle = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_ALIAS_EXISTS) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status should be STATUS_ALIAS_EXISTS\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { printf("Succeeded\n"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Call server to test internal functions // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Test internal functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Test internal domain functions . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamTestPrivateFunctionsDomain( DomainHandle ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { printf("Succeeded.\n"); } else { if ( NtStatus == STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ) { printf("Not Implemented\n"); } else { printf("Failed.\n"); printf(" Status = %lx\n", NtStatus ); TestStatus = FALSE; } } printf(" Test internal user functions . . . . . . . . . . . "); if (ValidUserHandle == NULL) { printf("Test omitted - Valid User handle not available\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { NtStatus = SamTestPrivateFunctionsUser( ValidUserHandle ); IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( ValidUserHandle ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { printf("Succeeded.\n"); } else { if ( NtStatus == STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ) { printf("Not Implemented\n"); } else { printf("Failed.\n"); printf(" Status = %lx\n", NtStatus ); TestStatus = FALSE; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Enumerate Users/Groups Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf(" Enumerate Users/Groups/Aliases. . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Enumerate Groups - large prefered length . . . . . . "); EnumerationContext = 0; NtStatus = SamEnumerateGroupsInDomain( DomainHandle, &EnumerationContext, &Buffer, 12000, // PreferedMaximumLength &CountReturned ); AccountCount = CountReturned; // Save for future test if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (CountReturned > 1) { printf("Succeeded\n"); for (i=0; i= AccountCount -1) && (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS)) || ((i <= AccountCount -1) && (NtStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES)) ) { if (CountReturned != 1) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" Expected one entry to be returned.\n"); printf(" Received 0x%lx entries instead.\n", CountReturned); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); if (i < AccountCount -1 ) { printf(" Expected STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES to be returned.\n"); } else { printf(" Expected STATUS_SUCCESS to be returned.\n"); } printf(" Received 0x%lx instead.\n", NtStatus); printf(" Buffer = 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)Buffer); printf(" CountReturned = 0x%lx\n", CountReturned); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } if ( i == AccountCount) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Enumerate Aliases - large prefered length . . . . . . "); EnumerationContext = 0; NtStatus = SamEnumerateAliasesInDomain( DomainHandle, &EnumerationContext, &Buffer, 12000, // PreferedMaximumLength &CountReturned ); AccountCount = CountReturned; // Save for future test if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (CountReturned > 1) { printf("Succeeded\n"); for (i=0; i= AccountCount -1) && (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS)) || ((i <= AccountCount -1) && (NtStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES)) ) { if (CountReturned != 1) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" Expected one entry to be returned.\n"); printf(" Received 0x%lx entries instead.\n", CountReturned); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); if (i < AccountCount -1 ) { printf(" Expected STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES to be returned.\n"); } else { printf(" Expected STATUS_SUCCESS to be returned.\n"); } printf(" Received 0x%lx instead.\n", NtStatus); printf(" Buffer = 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)Buffer); printf(" CountReturned = 0x%lx\n", CountReturned); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } if ( i == AccountCount) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } printf(" Enumerate Users - large prefered length . . . . . . "); EnumerationContext = 0; NtStatus = SamEnumerateUsersInDomain( DomainHandle, &EnumerationContext, 0, &Buffer, 12000, // PreferedMaximumLength &CountReturned ); AccountCount = CountReturned; // Save for future test if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (CountReturned > 1) { printf("Succeeded\n"); for (i=0; i= AccountCount -1) && (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS)) || ((i <= AccountCount -1) && (NtStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES)) ) { if (CountReturned != 1) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" Expected one entry to be returned.\n"); printf(" Received 0x%lx entries instead.\n", CountReturned); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); if (i < AccountCount -1 ) { printf(" Expected STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES to be returned.\n"); } else { printf(" Expected STATUS_SUCCESS to be returned.\n"); } printf(" Received 0x%lx instead.\n", NtStatus); printf(" Buffer = 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)Buffer); printf(" CountReturned = 0x%lx\n", CountReturned); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; i = AccountCount + 100; } } if ( i == AccountCount) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Lookup Names/IDs Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LATER add alias search to lookup name suite..... printf("\n"); printf(" Lookup Names/IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Lookup Names (all existing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, ALL_NAMES_COUNT, &AllNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { ASSERT( LookedUpRids != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpUses != NULL ); if ( (LookedUpRids[0] == AllRids[0]) && (LookedUpUses[0] == AllUses[0]) && (LookedUpRids[1] == AllRids[1]) && (LookedUpUses[1] == AllUses[1]) && (LookedUpRids[2] == AllRids[2]) && (LookedUpUses[2] == AllUses[2]) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Rids or Uses dont match expected values.\n"); printf(" Expected Rids: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", AllRids[0], AllRids[1], AllRids[2]); printf(" Received Rids: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", LookedUpRids[0], LookedUpRids[1], LookedUpRids[2]); printf(" Expected Uses: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", AllUses[0], AllUses[1], AllUses[2]); printf(" Received Uses: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", LookedUpUses[0], LookedUpUses[1], LookedUpUses[2]); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Lookup Names (Some existing) . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, SOME_NAMES_COUNT, &SomeNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED) { ASSERT( LookedUpRids != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpUses != NULL ); if ( (LookedUpRids[0] == SomeRids[0]) && (LookedUpUses[0] == SomeUses[0]) && (LookedUpRids[1] == SomeRids[1]) && (LookedUpUses[1] == SomeUses[1]) && (LookedUpRids[2] == SomeRids[2]) && (LookedUpUses[2] == SomeUses[2]) && (LookedUpRids[3] == SomeRids[3]) && (LookedUpUses[3] == SomeUses[3]) && (LookedUpRids[4] == SomeRids[4]) && (LookedUpUses[4] == SomeUses[4]) && (LookedUpRids[5] == SomeRids[5]) && (LookedUpUses[5] == SomeUses[5]) && (LookedUpRids[6] == SomeRids[6]) && (LookedUpUses[6] == SomeUses[6]) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Rids or Uses dont match expected values.\n"); printf(" Expected Rids: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", SomeRids[0], SomeRids[1], SomeRids[2], SomeRids[3], SomeRids[4], SomeRids[5], SomeRids[6]); printf(" Received Rids: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", LookedUpRids[0], LookedUpRids[1], LookedUpRids[2], LookedUpRids[3], LookedUpRids[4], LookedUpRids[5], LookedUpRids[6]); printf(" Expected Uses: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", SomeUses[0], SomeUses[1], SomeUses[2], SomeUses[3], SomeUses[4], SomeUses[5], SomeUses[6]); printf(" Received Uses: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", LookedUpUses[0], LookedUpUses[1], LookedUpUses[2], LookedUpUses[3], LookedUpUses[4], LookedUpUses[5], LookedUpUses[2]); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Lookup Names (None existing) . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, NO_NAMES_COUNT, &NoNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_NONE_MAPPED) { ASSERT( LookedUpRids == NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpUses == NULL ); printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Lookup SIDs (all existing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamLookupIdsInDomain( DomainHandle, ALL_NAMES_COUNT, &AllRids[0], &LookedUpNames, &LookedUpUses ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { ASSERT( LookedUpUses != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames[0].Buffer != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames[1].Buffer != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames[2].Buffer != NULL ); if ( (LookedUpUses[0] == AllUses[0]) && (LookedUpUses[1] == AllUses[1]) && (LookedUpUses[2] == AllUses[2]) && !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&LookedUpNames[0], (PSTRING)&AllNames[0], TRUE ) && !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&LookedUpNames[1], (PSTRING)&AllNames[1], TRUE ) && !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&LookedUpNames[2], (PSTRING)&AllNames[2], TRUE ) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Names or Uses dont match expected values.\n"); printf(" Expected Name[0]: %wZ\n", &AllNames[0] ); printf(" Received Name[0]: %wZ\n", &LookedUpNames[0] ); printf(" Expected Name[1]: %wZ\n", &AllNames[1] ); printf(" Received Name[1]: %wZ\n", &LookedUpNames[1] ); printf(" Expected Name[2]: %wZ\n", &AllNames[2] ); printf(" Received Name[2]: %wZ\n", &LookedUpNames[2] ); printf(" Expected Uses: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", AllUses[0], AllUses[1], AllUses[2]); printf(" Received Uses: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", LookedUpUses[0], LookedUpUses[1], LookedUpUses[2]); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpNames ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Lookup SIDs (Some existing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamLookupIdsInDomain( DomainHandle, SOME_NAMES_COUNT, &SomeRids[0], &LookedUpNames, &LookedUpUses ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED) { ASSERT( LookedUpUses != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames[0].Buffer != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames[1].Buffer != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames[2].Buffer == NULL ); // Unknown ASSERT( LookedUpNames[3].Buffer == NULL ); // Unknown ASSERT( LookedUpNames[4].Buffer == NULL ); // Unknown ASSERT( LookedUpNames[5].Buffer != NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames[6].Buffer == NULL ); // Unknown if ( (LookedUpUses[0] == SomeUses[0]) && (LookedUpUses[1] == SomeUses[1]) && (LookedUpUses[2] == SomeUses[2]) && !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&LookedUpNames[0], (PSTRING)&SomeNames[0], TRUE ) && !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&LookedUpNames[1], (PSTRING)&SomeNames[1], TRUE ) && !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&LookedUpNames[5], (PSTRING)&SomeNames[5], TRUE ) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Names or Uses dont match expected values.\n"); printf(" Expected Name[0]: %wZ\n", &SomeNames[0] ); printf(" Received Name[0]: %wZ\n", &LookedUpNames[0] ); printf(" Expected Name[1]: %wZ\n", &SomeNames[1] ); printf(" Received Name[1]: %wZ\n", &LookedUpNames[1] ); printf(" Name[2]: (Unknown)\n"); printf(" Name[3]: (Unknown)\n"); printf(" Name[4]: (Unknown)\n"); printf(" Expected Name[5]: %wZ\n", &SomeNames[5] ); printf(" Received Name[5]: %wZ\n", &LookedUpNames[5] ); printf(" Name[6]: (Unknown)\n"); printf(" Expected Uses: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", SomeUses[0], SomeUses[1], SomeUses[2], SomeUses[3], SomeUses[4], SomeUses[5], SomeUses[6]); printf(" Received Uses: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", LookedUpUses[0], LookedUpUses[1], LookedUpUses[2], LookedUpUses[3], LookedUpUses[4], LookedUpUses[5], LookedUpUses[2]); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpNames ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Lookup SIDs (None existing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamLookupIdsInDomain( DomainHandle, NO_NAMES_COUNT, &NoRids[0], &LookedUpNames, &LookedUpUses ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_NONE_MAPPED) { ASSERT( LookedUpUses == NULL ); ASSERT( LookedUpNames == NULL ); printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } return TestStatus; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Group Object Test Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN GroupTestSuite( HANDLE DomainHandle, ULONG Pass ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus, IgnoreStatus; HANDLE GroupHandle1, GroupHandle2, UserHandle1; ULONG CountReturned, NameLength, i, MemberCount; ULONG UserRid, GroupRid; PVOID Buffer, Buffer1, Buffer2; SAM_ENUMERATE_HANDLE EnumerationContext; PULONG Members, Attributes; PSID_NAME_USE LookedUpUses; PULONG LookedUpRids; UNICODE_STRING AccountNames[10], AccountName; STRING AccountNameAnsi; BOOLEAN IndividualTestSucceeded, DeleteUser; BOOLEAN TestStatus = TRUE; if (Pass == 1) { // // This test suite assumes that lookup and enumeration API funciton // properly. // printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Group (Pass #1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Open Group Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf(" Open Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Open Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); IndividualTestSucceeded = TRUE; EnumerationContext = 0; NtStatus = SamEnumerateGroupsInDomain( DomainHandle, &EnumerationContext, &Buffer, 12000, // PreferedMaximumLength &CountReturned ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer != NULL); ASSERT(CountReturned > 0); for (i=0; iName.MaximumLength > 0) && (((GROUP_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Member Count is: 0x%lx\n", (((GROUP_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->MemberCount) ); printf(" Attributes are: 0x%lx\n", (((GROUP_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Attributes) ); printf(" Group Name is: %wZ\n", &(((GROUP_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Group Name not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Group Name Information . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenGroup( DomainHandle, GROUP_READ_INFORMATION, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS, &GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationGroup( GroupHandle1, GroupNameInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((GROUP_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name.MaximumLength > 0) && (((GROUP_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Group Name is: %wZ\n", &(((GROUP_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Group Name not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Group Admin Comment Information . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenGroup( DomainHandle, GROUP_READ_INFORMATION, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS, &GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationGroup( GroupHandle1, GroupAdminCommentInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AdminComment.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Group Admin Comment is: %wZ\n", &(((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AdminComment) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Group Admin Comment not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Group Attribute Information . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenGroup( DomainHandle, GROUP_READ_INFORMATION, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS, &GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationGroup( GroupHandle1, GroupAttributeInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Attributes are: 0x%lx\n", (((GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Attributes) ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Get Members Of Group Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Get Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Get Members of Well-Known Account . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenGroup( DomainHandle, GROUP_LIST_MEMBERS, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS, &GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamGetMembersInGroup( GroupHandle1, &Members, &Attributes, &MemberCount ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Members != NULL || Attributes != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Member Count: %d Users\n", MemberCount); for ( i=0; iAttributes ^= SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT; NtStatus = SamSetInformationGroup( GroupHandle1, GroupAttributeInformation, Buffer1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { // // Check the written value to make sure it stuck // Buffer2 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationGroup( GroupHandle1, GroupAttributeInformation, &Buffer2 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer2 != NULL); if (((GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->Attributes == ((GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->Attributes ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Returned Value Doesn't Match Set Value.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Set Admin Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenGroup( DomainHandle, GROUP_WRITE_ACCOUNT | GROUP_READ_INFORMATION, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS, &GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Get the current value... // Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationGroup( GroupHandle1, GroupAdminCommentInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // NameLength = ((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment = DummyString2; } else { ((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment = DummyString1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationGroup( GroupHandle1, GroupAdminCommentInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // Buffer2 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationGroup( GroupHandle1, GroupAdminCommentInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment, (PSTRING)&((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->AdminComment, TRUE) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment); printf(" Value Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((GROUP_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->AdminComment); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } } // END PASS #1 if (Pass == 2) { printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Group (Pass #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Delete Group Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Delete Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Delete Normal Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // This group was created in pass #1 // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, GROUP_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeGroup); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); GroupHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamOpenGroup( DomainHandle, DELETE, LookedUpRids[0], &GroupHandle1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); NtStatus = SamDeleteGroup( GroupHandle1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Delete Well Known Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); GroupHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamOpenGroup( DomainHandle, DELETE, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS, &GroupHandle1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamDeleteGroup( GroupHandle1 ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SPECIAL_ACCOUNT) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); printf(" Delete Primary Group Of A User. . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // Make a user (might already exist) // Make a group // Make the group the user's primary group // Attempt to delete the group // Change the user so the group isn't the primary group // delete the group // If we created the user, delete it. // // The following user might already exist (from earlier in the test) // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); UserRid = 0; UserHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle1, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); DeleteUser = TRUE; if (NtStatus == STATUS_USER_EXISTS) { DeleteUser = FALSE; RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeUser); UserRid = LookedUpRids[0]; NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_ALL_ACCESS, UserRid, &UserHandle1); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // create the group // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, GROUP_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); GroupRid = 0; GroupHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateGroupInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, GROUP_ALL_ACCESS, &GroupHandle1, &GroupRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Make the user a member of this group // NtStatus = SamAddMemberToGroup( GroupHandle1, UserRid, SE_GROUP_MANDATORY | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_GROUP_ENABLED ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Now try to delete the group // NtStatus = SamDeleteGroup( GroupHandle1 ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_MEMBER_IN_GROUP) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Now get rid of the group and possibly the user account // NtStatus = SamRemoveMemberFromGroup(GroupHandle1, UserRid); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); NtStatus = SamDeleteGroup( GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); if (DeleteUser == TRUE) { NtStatus = SamDeleteUser( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); } else { NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Add/Remove Member Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Add/Remove Member Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Add Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // This test sets things up for the next test // // // The following user might already exist (from earlier in the test) // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); UserRid = 0; UserHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle1, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); DeleteUser = TRUE; if (NtStatus == STATUS_USER_EXISTS) { DeleteUser = FALSE; RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeUser); UserRid = LookedUpRids[0]; NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_ALL_ACCESS, UserRid, &UserHandle1); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // create the group // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, GROUP_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); GroupRid = 0; GroupHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateGroupInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, GROUP_ALL_ACCESS, &GroupHandle1, &GroupRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Make the user a member of this group // NtStatus = SamAddMemberToGroup( GroupHandle1, UserRid, SE_GROUP_MANDATORY | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_GROUP_ENABLED ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { NtStatus = SamGetMembersInGroup( GroupHandle1, &Members, &Attributes, &MemberCount ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); NtStatus = STATUS_MEMBER_NOT_IN_GROUP; for ( i=0; i 0); for (i=0; iName.MaximumLength > 0) && (((ALIAS_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Member Count is: 0x%lx\n", (((ALIAS_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->MemberCount) ); printf(" Alias Name is: %wZ\n", &(((ALIAS_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Alias Name not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( AliasHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Alias Name Information . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenAlias( DomainHandle, ALIAS_READ_INFORMATION, AliasRid, &AliasHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationAlias( AliasHandle1, AliasNameInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((ALIAS_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name.MaximumLength > 0) && (((ALIAS_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Alias Name is: %wZ\n", &(((ALIAS_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->Name) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Alias Name not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( AliasHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Alias Admin Comment Information . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenAlias( DomainHandle, ALIAS_READ_INFORMATION, AliasRid, &AliasHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationAlias( AliasHandle1, AliasAdminCommentInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((ALIAS_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AdminComment.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Alias Admin Comment is: %wZ\n", &(((ALIAS_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AdminComment) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Alias Admin Comment not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( AliasHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Get Members Of Alias Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Get Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); #ifdef LATER // ALIAS_LATER - well-know aliases ? davidc/chads - this needs to access the builtin domain. printf(" Get Members of Well-Known Account . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenAlias( DomainHandle, ALIAS_LIST_MEMBERS, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, &AliasHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamGetMembersInAlias( AliasHandle1, &AliasMembers, &Attributes, &MemberCount ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Members != NULL || Attributes != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Member Count: %d Users\n", MemberCount); for ( i=0; i 0 : %d\n", MemberCount); for ( i=0; iAdminComment.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((ALIAS_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment = DummyString2; } else { ((ALIAS_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment = DummyString1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationAlias( AliasHandle1, AliasAdminCommentInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // Buffer2 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationAlias( AliasHandle1, AliasAdminCommentInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((ALIAS_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment, (PSTRING)&((ALIAS_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->AdminComment, TRUE) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((ALIAS_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment); printf(" Value Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((ALIAS_ADM_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->AdminComment); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } } // END PASS #1 if (Pass == 2) { printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Alias (Pass #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Delete Alias Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Delete Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Delete Normal Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // This alias was created in pass #1 // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, ALIAS_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeAlias); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); AliasHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamOpenAlias( DomainHandle, DELETE, LookedUpRids[0], &AliasHandle1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); NtStatus = SamDeleteAlias( AliasHandle1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } #ifdef LATER // ALIAS_LATER - well know aliases ? printf(" Delete Well Known Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); AliasHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamOpenAlias( DomainHandle, DELETE, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS, &AliasHandle1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamDeleteAlias( AliasHandle1 ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SPECIAL_ACCOUNT) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( AliasHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); printf(" Delete Admin Alias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); AliasHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamOpenAlias( DomainHandle, DELETE, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, &AliasHandle1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamDeleteAlias( AliasHandle1 ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SPECIAL_ACCOUNT) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( AliasHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Add/Remove Member Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Add/Remove Member Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Add Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // This test sets things up for the next test // // // The following user might already exist (from earlier in the test) // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); UserRid = 0; UserHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle1, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); DeleteUser = TRUE; if (NtStatus == STATUS_USER_EXISTS) { DeleteUser = FALSE; RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeUser); UserRid = LookedUpRids[0]; NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_ALL_ACCESS, UserRid, &UserHandle1); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // This account won't exist yet // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME2 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); UserRid2 = 0; UserHandle2 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle2, &UserRid2 ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // create the alias // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, ALIAS_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); AliasRid = 0; AliasHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateAliasInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, ALIAS_ALL_ACCESS, &AliasHandle1, &AliasRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Make user1 a member of this alias // UserSid1 = CreateUserSid(DomainSid, UserRid); ASSERT(UserSid1 != NULL); UserSid2 = CreateUserSid(DomainSid, UserRid2); ASSERT(UserSid2 != NULL); NtStatus = SamAddMemberToAlias( AliasHandle1, UserSid1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { NtStatus = SamGetMembersInAlias( AliasHandle1, &AliasMembers, &MemberCount ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); NtStatus = STATUS_MEMBER_NOT_IN_ALIAS; for ( i=0; i 0); for (i=0; iUserName.MaximumLength >= 0) && (((USER_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Primary Group is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->PrimaryGroupId) ); printf(" User Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName) ); printf(" Full Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->FullName) ); printf(" Admin Comment is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AdminComment) ); printf(" User Comment is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_GENERAL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserComment) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" One of the UNICODE_STRINGs not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Name Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_GENERAL, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserNameInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.MaximumLength > 0) && (((USER_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" User Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName) ); printf(" Full Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->FullName) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" One of the UNICODE_STRINGs not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Account Name Information . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_GENERAL, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAccountNameInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_ACCOUNT_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.MaximumLength > 0) && (((USER_ACCOUNT_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" User Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" UNICODE_STRING not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Full Name Information . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_GENERAL, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserFullNameInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_FULL_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->FullName.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Full Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_FULL_NAME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->FullName) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" UNICODE_STRING not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Admin Comment Information . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_GENERAL, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAdminCommentInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AdminComment.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Admin Comment is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AdminComment) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" User Admin Comment not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Primary Group Information . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_GENERAL, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPrimaryGroupInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Primary Group is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_PRIMARY_GROUP_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->PrimaryGroupId) ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Control Information . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_ACCOUNT, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserControlInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Account Control is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_CONTROL_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserAccountControl) ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Expiration Information . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_ACCOUNT, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserExpiresInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Account Expires on: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", (((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AccountExpires.HighPart), (((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AccountExpires.LowPart) ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Preferences Information . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_PREFERENCES | USER_READ_GENERAL, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPreferencesInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserComment.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" User Comment is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserComment) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" One of the UNICODE_STRINGs not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Home Directory Information . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserHomeInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->HomeDirectory.MaximumLength >= 0) && (((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->HomeDirectoryDrive.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Home Directory is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->HomeDirectory) ); printf(" Home Directory Drive is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->HomeDirectoryDrive) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" String not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Script Path Information . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserScriptInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ScriptPath.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Script Path is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ScriptPath) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" String not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User ProfilePath Information . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserProfileInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ProfilePath.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Profile Path is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ProfilePath) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" String not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Logon Information . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_GENERAL | USER_READ_PREFERENCES | USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserLogonInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.MaximumLength > 0) && (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" User RID is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserId) ); printf(" Primary Group is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->PrimaryGroupId) ); printf(" Logon Units are: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LogonHours.UnitsPerWeek) ); printf(" Bad PWD count is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->BadPasswordCount) ); printf(" Logon count is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LogonCount) ); printf(" last Logon is: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogon.HighPart), (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogon.LowPart) ); printf(" last Logoff is: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogoff.HighPart), (((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogoff.LowPart) ); printf(" User Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName) ); printf(" Full Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->FullName) ); printf(" Home Dir is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->HomeDirectory) ); printf(" Home Dir Drive is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->HomeDirectoryDrive) ); printf(" Script Path is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ScriptPath) ); printf(" Profile Path is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ProfilePath) ); printf(" WorkStations are: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_LOGON_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->WorkStations) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" One of the UNICODE_STRINGs not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query User Logon Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserLogonHoursInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Logon Units are: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LogonHours.UnitsPerWeek) ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Account Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_GENERAL | USER_READ_PREFERENCES | USER_READ_LOGON | USER_READ_ACCOUNT, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAccountInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.MaximumLength > 0) && (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName.Buffer != NULL) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" User RID is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserId) ); printf(" Primary Group is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->PrimaryGroupId) ); printf(" Logon Units are: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LogonHours.UnitsPerWeek) ); printf(" Bad PWD count is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->BadPasswordCount) ); printf(" Logon count is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LogonCount) ); printf(" Account Ctrl is: 0x%lx\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserAccountControl) ); printf(" last Logon is: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogon.HighPart), (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogon.LowPart) ); printf(" last Logoff is: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogoff.HighPart), (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogoff.LowPart) ); printf(" Pwd Last Set is: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->PasswordLastSet.HighPart), (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->PasswordLastSet.LowPart) ); printf(" Account Expires is: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AccountExpires.HighPart), (((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AccountExpires.LowPart) ); printf(" User Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->UserName) ); printf(" Full Name is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->FullName) ); printf(" Home Dir is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->HomeDirectory) ); printf(" Home Dir Drive is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->HomeDirectoryDrive) ); printf(" Script Path is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ScriptPath) ); printf(" Profile Path is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->ProfilePath) ); printf(" Admin Comment is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->AdminComment) ); printf(" WorkStations are: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->WorkStations) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" One of the UNICODE_STRINGs not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Workstations Information . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserWorkStationsInformation, &Buffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { if ( (((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->WorkStations.MaximumLength >= 0) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Workstations is: *%wZ*\n", &(((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->WorkStations) ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" String not returned.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Internal1 Information . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserInternal1Information, &Buffer ); if ( NtStatus == STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS ) { // // We're not a trusted client, so we expected this to fail. // printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Status was %lx.\n", NtStatus ); TestStatus = FALSE; if ( NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } } // This is the code that USED to test this function, when it was allowed // for non-trusted clients. // // if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { // if (Buffer != NULL) { // // if ( (((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs.MaximumLength > 0) && // (((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs.Buffer != NULL) && // (((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->CaseSensitiveUnicode.MaximumLength > 0) && // (((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->CaseSensitiveUnicode.Buffer != NULL) // ) { // // printf("Succeeded\n"); // // // // // Print them out as strings, even though they've been // // through a OWF. // // // // printf(" CaseInsensitiveDbcs is: *%s*\n", // &(((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs) ); // // printf(" CaseSensitiveUnicode is: *%s*\n", // &(((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->CaseSensitiveUnicode) ); // // // } else { // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" One of the strings not returned.\n"); // TestStatus = FALSE; // } // SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); // } else { // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); // printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); // TestStatus = FALSE; // } // } else { // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); // TestStatus = FALSE; // } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Internal2 Information . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserInternal2Information, &Buffer ); if ( NtStatus == STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS ) { // // We're not a trusted client, so we don't expect to be able // to do this. // printf("Succeeded.\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); } // This is the code that USED to test this function, when non-trusted // clients were allowed to do this... // // if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { // if (Buffer != NULL) { // // printf("Succeeded\n"); // // printf(" last Logon is: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogon.HighPart), // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogon.LowPart) ); // printf(" last Logoff is: (0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogoff.HighPart), // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LastLogoff.LowPart) ); // printf(" BadPwdCount is: (0x%x)\n", // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->BadPasswordCount ); // printf(" LogonCount is: (0x%x)\n", // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer)->LogonCount ); // // SamFreeMemory( Buffer ); // } else { // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" Buffer address not set on return.\n"); // printf(" RPC should have allocated a buffer.\n"); // TestStatus = FALSE; // } // } else { // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); // TestStatus = FALSE; // } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Query Set Password Information . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserSetPasswordInformation, &Buffer ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" Expected 0x%lx (INVALID_INFO_CLASS)\n", STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Get Groups For User Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Get Groups For User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Get Groups For Well-Known Account . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_LIST_GROUPS, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; NtStatus = SamGetGroupsForUser( UserHandle1, (PGROUP_MEMBERSHIP *)&Buffer, &MembershipCount ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { if (Buffer != NULL) { printf("Succeeded\n"); printf(" Member of: %d groups\n", MembershipCount); for ( i=0; iUserComment.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->UserComment = DummyString2; } else { ((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->UserComment = DummyString1; } ((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CountryCode += 1; ((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CodePage += 1; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPreferencesInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPreferencesInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->UserComment, (PSTRING)&((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->UserComment, TRUE) && (((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CountryCode == ((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->CountryCode) && (((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CodePage == ((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->CodePage) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); // // Change back some fields to keep from screwing up our database // ((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CountryCode -= 1; ((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CodePage -= 1; IgnoreStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPreferencesInformation, Buffer1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus)); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Values queried don't match values written\n"); printf(" UserComment Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->UserComment); printf(" UserComment Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->UserComment); printf(" CountryCode Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CountryCode); printf(" CountryCode Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->CountryCode); printf(" CodePage Written is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CodePage); printf(" CodePage Retrieved is 0x%lx\n", (ULONG)((USER_PREFERENCES_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->CodePage); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Logon Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_ALL_ACCESS, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Make the parameter marshallable, but don't worry about values. // LogonInformation.UserName = DummyName1; LogonInformation.FullName = DummyName1; LogonInformation.HomeDirectory = DummyName1; LogonInformation.HomeDirectoryDrive = DummyName1; LogonInformation.ScriptPath = DummyName1; LogonInformation.ProfilePath = DummyName1; LogonInformation.WorkStations = DummyName1; LogonInformation.LogonHours = DummyLogonHours; Buffer = &LogonInformation; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserLogonInformation, Buffer ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" Expected 0x%lx (INVALID_INFO_CLASS)\n", STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Set Logon Hours Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Get the current value... // Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserLogonHoursInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); ASSERT( ((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonHours.LogonHours != NULL); //Don't support zero length bit masks in this test yet. // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // We have two choices for out test: // NoLogonRestriction // DummyLogonHours // // They are guaranteed to have different values in the // LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET byte of their respective bit masks. // if ( 0 == ((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonHours.LogonHours[LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET]) { ((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonHours = DummyLogonHours; } else { ((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonHours = NoLogonRestriction; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserLogonHoursInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserLogonHoursInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( ((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonHours.LogonHours[LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET] == ((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LogonHours.LogonHours[LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET] ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Units Written are 0x%lx\n", ((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonHours.UnitsPerWeek); printf(" Units Retrieved are 0x%lx\n", ((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LogonHours.UnitsPerWeek); printf(" Byte 0x%lx of the written bit mask is 0x%lx\n", LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET, (ULONG)((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonHours.LogonHours[LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET] ); printf(" Byte 0x%lx of the retrieved bit mask is 0x%lx\n", LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET, (ULONG)((USER_LOGON_HOURS_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LogonHours.LogonHours[LOGON_HOURS_DIFFERENT_OFFSET] ); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Account Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_GENERAL | USER_READ_PREFERENCES | USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Make the parameter marshallable, but don't worry about values. // AccountInformation.UserName = DummyName1; AccountInformation.FullName = DummyName1; AccountInformation.HomeDirectory = DummyName1; AccountInformation.HomeDirectoryDrive = DummyName1; AccountInformation.ScriptPath = DummyName1; AccountInformation.ProfilePath = DummyName1; AccountInformation.AdminComment = DummyName1; AccountInformation.WorkStations = DummyName1; AccountInformation.LogonHours = DummyLogonHours; Buffer = &AccountInformation; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAccountInformation, Buffer ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); printf(" Expected 0x%lx (INVALID_INFO_CLASS)\n", STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Set Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Get the current value... // Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserHomeInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // NameLength = ((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectory.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectory = DummyString2; } else { ((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectory = DummyString1; } NameLength = ((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectoryDrive.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectoryDrive = DummyString2; } else { ((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectoryDrive = DummyString1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserHomeInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserHomeInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if (!RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectory, (PSTRING)&((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->HomeDirectory, TRUE) ) { if (!RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectoryDrive, (PSTRING)&((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->HomeDirectoryDrive, TRUE) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Drive Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectoryDrive); printf(" Value Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->HomeDirectoryDrive); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Directory Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->HomeDirectory); printf(" Value Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_HOME_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->HomeDirectory); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Get the current value... // Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserScriptInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // NameLength = ((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ScriptPath.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ScriptPath = DummyString2; } else { ((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ScriptPath = DummyString1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserScriptInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserScriptInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ScriptPath, (PSTRING)&((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->ScriptPath, TRUE) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ScriptPath); printf(" Value Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_SCRIPT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->ScriptPath); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Get the current value... // Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserProfileInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // NameLength = ((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ProfilePath.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ProfilePath = DummyString2; } else { ((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ProfilePath = DummyString1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserProfileInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserProfileInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ProfilePath, (PSTRING)&((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->ProfilePath, TRUE) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->ProfilePath); printf(" Value Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_PROFILE_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->ProfilePath); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Admin Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_GENERAL, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Get the current value... // Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAdminCommentInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // NameLength = ((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment = DummyString2; } else { ((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment = DummyString1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAdminCommentInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAdminCommentInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment, (PSTRING)&((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->AdminComment, TRUE) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AdminComment); printf(" Value Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_ADMIN_COMMENT_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->AdminComment); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } printf(" Set Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); printf("BROKEN TEST - NOT TESTED\n"); #ifdef BROKEN NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Get the current value... // Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserWorkStationsInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // Change the field to a new value and write it out. // NameLength = ((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->WorkStations.Length; if ( NameLength == DummyString1.Length ) { ((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->WorkStations = DummyString2; } else { ((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->WorkStations = DummyString1; } NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserWorkStationsInformation, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // Now check that the change was really made... // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserWorkStationsInformation, &Buffer2 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); if ( !RtlCompareString( (PSTRING)&((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->WorkStations, (PSTRING)&((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->WorkStations, TRUE) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); printf(" Value Written is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->WorkStations); printf(" Value Retrieved is %wZ\n", (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_WORKSTATIONS_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->WorkStations); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } #endif //BROKEN printf(" Set Internal1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_LOGON | USER_FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // We can't get the current values, since this level is only // queryable by trusted clients. So just try setting a couple // of values and make sure that we don't get an error. // Buffer1 = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION) ); ASSERT( Buffer1 != NULL ); ((PUSER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION)Buffer1)->NtPasswordPresent = FALSE; ((PUSER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION)Buffer1)->LmPasswordPresent = FALSE; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserInternal1Information, Buffer1 ); if (NtStatus != STATUS_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION) { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Expected Status = 0x%lx\n", STATUS_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION); printf(" Received Status = 0x%lx\n", NtStatus ); TestStatus = FALSE; } else { // // The NULL password worked, so let's try a real password. // NtStatus = RtlCalculateNtOwfPassword( &DummyName1, &((PUSER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION)Buffer1)->NtOwfPassword ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); ((PUSER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION)Buffer1)->NtPasswordPresent = TRUE; NtStatus = RtlCalculateLmOwfPassword( DUMMY_STRING1, &((PUSER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION)Buffer1)->LmOwfPassword ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); ((PUSER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION)Buffer1)->LmPasswordPresent = TRUE; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserInternal1Information, Buffer1 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Return status was %lx\n", NtStatus ); TestStatus = FALSE; } } RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer1 ); // This is the code that used to be here, when UserInternal1Information was // queryable by non-trusted clients... // // Buffer1 = NULL; // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( // UserHandle1, // UserInternal1Information, // &Buffer1 // ); // TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); // ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // // // // The passwords were initially empty. Put in some random // // OWF passwords, and have them written out. // // // // NtStatus = RtlCalculateNtOwfPassword( // (PNT_PASSWORD)&DummyName1, // &EncryptedPasswordBuffer // ); // // ((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseSensitiveUnicode.Buffer = (PCHAR)&EncryptedPasswordBuffer; // ((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseSensitiveUnicode.Length = 16; // ((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseSensitiveUnicode.MaximumLength = 16; // // NtStatus = RtlCalculateNtOwfPassword( // (PNT_PASSWORD)&DummyName2, // &EncryptedPasswordBuffer2 // ); // // ((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs.Buffer = (PCHAR)&EncryptedPasswordBuffer2; // ((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs.Length = 16; // ((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs.MaximumLength = 16; // // NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( // UserHandle1, // UserInternal1Information, // Buffer1 // ); // if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // // // // Now check that the change was really made... // // // // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( // UserHandle1, // UserInternal1Information, // &Buffer2 // ); // ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); // // if ( ( // !RtlCompareString( // (PSTRING)&((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseSensitiveUnicode, // (PSTRING)&((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->CaseSensitiveUnicode, // TRUE) // ) || ( // !RtlCompareString( // (PSTRING)&((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs, // (PSTRING)&((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs, // TRUE) // ) ) { // // printf("Succeeded\n"); // // } else { // // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); // printf(" CaseInsensitiveDbcs Written is %wZ\n", // (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs); // printf(" CaseInsensitiveDbcs Retrieved is %wZ\n", // (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->CaseInsensitiveDbcs); // printf(" CaseSensitiveUnicode Written is %wZ\n", // (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->CaseSensitiveUnicode); // printf(" CaseSensitiveUnicode Retrieved is %wZ\n", // (PUNICODE_STRING)&((USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->CaseSensitiveUnicode); // // TestStatus = FALSE; // // } // // SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); // SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); // // } else { // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); // TestStatus = FALSE; // SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); // // } printf(" Set Internal2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_LOGON, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // We can't get the current values, since this level is only // queryable by trusted clients. We can't set either, but // try it and make sure we get the correct error. // Buffer1 = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION) ); ASSERT( Buffer1 != NULL ); ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogon.HighPart = 1; ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogoff.HighPart = 2; ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogon.LowPart = 3; ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogoff.LowPart = 4; ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->BadPasswordCount = 5; ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonCount = 6; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserInternal2Information, Buffer1 ); RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer1 ); if ( NtStatus == STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Expected Status = 0x%lx\n", STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS); printf(" Received Status = 0x%lx\n", NtStatus ); TestStatus = FALSE; } // This is the code that was here when UserInternal2Information could be // queried and set by non-trusted clients... // // // // // Get the current values... // // // // Buffer1 = NULL; // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( // UserHandle1, // UserInternal2Information, // &Buffer1 // ); // TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); // ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // // // // Now change the fields and write them out. // // // // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogon.HighPart += 1; // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogoff.HighPart += 1; // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogon.LowPart += 2; // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogoff.LowPart += 2; // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->BadPasswordCount += 1; // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonCount += 1; // // NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( // UserHandle1, // UserInternal2Information, // Buffer1 // ); // if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // // // // Now check that the change was really made... // // // // NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( // UserHandle1, // UserInternal2Information, // &Buffer2 // ); // ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ); // if ( // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogon.HighPart == // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LastLogon.HighPart) && // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogon.LowPart == // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LastLogon.LowPart) && // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogoff.HighPart == // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LastLogoff.HighPart) && // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LastLogoff.LowPart == // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LastLogoff.LowPart) && // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->BadPasswordCount == // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->BadPasswordCount) && // (((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->LogonCount == // ((USER_INTERNAL2_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->LogonCount) // ) { // // printf("Succeeded\n"); // // } else { // // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" Value queried doesn't match value written\n"); // // TestStatus = FALSE; // // } // // SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); // SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); // // } else { // printf("Failed\n"); // printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); // TestStatus = FALSE; // SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); // // } printf(" Set Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); // // Create a fake cleartext UNICODE password and write it out. // NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserSetPasswordInformation, &DummyName2 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) { // // We can't verify that it really worked, so we just have // to trust the return code. // printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Return code was %lx\n", NtStatus ); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Set Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_ACCOUNT, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserControlInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // Change the value and write it back // ((USER_CONTROL_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->UserAccountControl ^= USER_HOME_DIRECTORY_REQUIRED; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserControlInformation, Buffer1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { // // Check the written value to make sure it stuck // Buffer2 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserControlInformation, &Buffer2 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer2 != NULL); if ( ((USER_CONTROL_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->UserAccountControl == ((USER_CONTROL_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->UserAccountControl ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); // // Make sure the account is left enabled to prevent problems. // ((USER_CONTROL_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->UserAccountControl &= ~USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED; IgnoreStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserControlInformation, Buffer1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus)); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Returned Value Doesn't Match Set Value.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); printf(" Set Expires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); printf("BROKEN TEST - NOT TESTED\n"); #ifdef BROKEN NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_ACCOUNT, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserExpiresInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); // // Change the value and write it back // ((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AccountExpires.LowPart += 1234; ((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AccountExpires.HighPart += 1234; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserExpiresInformation, Buffer1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { // // Check the written value to make sure it stuck // Buffer2 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserExpiresInformation, &Buffer2 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer2 != NULL); if ( ( ((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AccountExpires.LowPart == ((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->AccountExpires.LowPart ) && ( ((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AccountExpires.HighPart == ((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer2)->AccountExpires.HighPart ) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer2 ); // // Change the values back // ((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AccountExpires.LowPart += 1234; ((USER_EXPIRES_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->AccountExpires.HighPart += 1234; IgnoreStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserExpiresInformation, Buffer1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus)); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Returned Value Doesn't Match Set Value.\n"); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); #endif //BROKEN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Change Password For User Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Change Password For User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Change Password For Well-Known User . . . . . . . . . "); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD, DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN, &UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ); Buffer = NULL; // // The current password is DummyName2. Using DummyName2 as the // old password, change it to DummyName1 and make sure we get // STATUS_SUCCESS. // NtStatus = SamChangePasswordUser( UserHandle1, &DummyName2, &DummyName1 ); // // The current password is DummyName1. Using something WRONG for // the old password, try to change it to DummyName2 and make sure // it doesn't succeed. // if ( NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { NtStatus = SamChangePasswordUser( UserHandle1, &DummyName2, &DummyName2 ); if ( NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { NtStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } // // The current password is DummyName1. Using DummyName1 as the // old password, change it to DummyName2 and make sure it works // since by default there is no password history. // if ( NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { NtStatus = SamChangePasswordUser( UserHandle1, &DummyName1, &DummyName2 ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Status is %lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } IgnoreStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus) ); } // END PASS #1 if (Pass == 2) { printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" User (Pass #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Delete User Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Delete User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Delete Normal User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // This User was created in pass #1 // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeUser); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); UserHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, DELETE, LookedUpRids[0], &UserHandle1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); NtStatus = SamDeleteUser( UserHandle1 ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } printf(" Delete Admin Group Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); printf("(Unimplemented)\n"); printf(" Delete Last Admin Group Member . . . . . . . . . . . "); printf("(Unimplemented)\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Set User Suite // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n"); printf(" Set User (Pass 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suite\n"); printf(" Set ALL information. . . . . . . . . . . . "); printf("BROKEN TEST - NOT TESTED\n"); #ifdef BROKEN RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, "AllUser" ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); UserRid = 0; UserHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle1, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); All = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAllInformation, &All ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { // // Now change some of the data, and set it // RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "FullName" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->FullName), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "HomeDirectory" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->HomeDirectory), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "HomeDirectoryDrive" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->HomeDirectoryDrive), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "ScriptPath" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->ScriptPath), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "ProfilePath" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->ProfilePath), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "AdminComment" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->AdminComment), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "WorkStations" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->WorkStations), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "UserComment" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->UserComment), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "Parameters" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->Parameters), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); All->CountryCode = 7; All->CodePage = 8; All->PasswordExpired = TRUE; All->NtPasswordPresent = TRUE; All->LmPasswordPresent = FALSE; RtlInitString( &TmpAnsiString, "NtPassword" ); TmpStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING)(&All->NtPassword), &TmpAnsiString, TRUE ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( TmpStatus ) ); All->LogonHours.UnitsPerWeek = 7; All->WhichFields = ( USER_ALL_FULLNAME | USER_ALL_HOMEDIRECTORY | USER_ALL_HOMEDIRECTORYDRIVE | USER_ALL_SCRIPTPATH | USER_ALL_PROFILEPATH | USER_ALL_ADMINCOMMENT | USER_ALL_WORKSTATIONS | USER_ALL_USERCOMMENT | USER_ALL_PARAMETERS | USER_ALL_COUNTRYCODE | USER_ALL_CODEPAGE | USER_ALL_PASSWORDEXPIRED | USER_ALL_NTPASSWORDPRESENT | USER_ALL_LOGONHOURS ); NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAllInformation, All ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserAllInformation, &All2 ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { // // Verify that queried info is as we set it // if ( // // Fields that we didn't touch. Note that // PasswordMustChange changed anyway, since we // changed from a null to a non-null password. // ( All2->WhichFields != (USER_ALL_READ_GENERAL_MASK | USER_ALL_READ_PREFERENCES_MASK | USER_ALL_READ_ACCOUNT_MASK | USER_ALL_READ_LOGON_MASK) ) || ( !(All->LastLogon.QuadPart == All2->LastLogon.QuadPart ) ) || ( !(All->LastLogoff.QuadPart == All2->LastLogoff.QuadPart ) ) || ( !(All->PasswordLastSet.QuadPart == All2->PasswordLastSet.QuadPart ) ) || ( !(All->AccountExpires.QuadPart == All2->AccountExpires.QuadPart ) ) || ( !(All->PasswordCanChange.QuadPart == All2->PasswordCanChange.QuadPart ) ) || ( (All->PasswordMustChange.QuadPart == All2->PasswordMustChange.QuadPart ) ) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->UserName), &(All2->UserName), FALSE) != 0) || ( All->UserId != All2->UserId ) || ( All->PrimaryGroupId != All2->PrimaryGroupId ) || ( All->UserAccountControl != All2->UserAccountControl ) || ( All->PrivateDataSensitive != All2->PrivateDataSensitive ) || // Fields that we changed. Note that we set // NtPasswordSet, but it shouldn't be set on return. (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->FullName), &(All2->FullName), FALSE) != 0) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->HomeDirectory), &(All2->HomeDirectory), FALSE) != 0) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->HomeDirectoryDrive), &(All2->HomeDirectoryDrive), FALSE) != 0) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->ScriptPath), &(All2->ScriptPath), FALSE) != 0) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->ProfilePath), &(All2->ProfilePath), FALSE) != 0) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->AdminComment), &(All2->AdminComment), FALSE) != 0) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->WorkStations), &(All2->WorkStations), FALSE) != 0) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->UserComment), &(All2->UserComment), FALSE) != 0) || (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &(All->Parameters), &(All2->Parameters), FALSE) != 0) || ( All->CountryCode != All2->CountryCode ) || ( All->CodePage != All2->CodePage ) || ( All->LmPasswordPresent != All2->LmPasswordPresent ) || ( All->NtPasswordPresent == All2->NtPasswordPresent ) || ( All->LogonHours.UnitsPerWeek != All2->LogonHours.UnitsPerWeek ) ) { NtStatus = STATUS_DATA_ERROR; } SamFreeMemory( All2 ); } } SamFreeMemory( All ); } if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Now get rid of the user account if necessary // NtStatus = SamDeleteUser( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); #endif //BROKEN printf(" Set Primary Group (non member). . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // The following user might already exist (from earlier in the test) // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); UserRid = 0; UserHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle1, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); DeleteUser = TRUE; if (NtStatus == STATUS_USER_EXISTS) { DeleteUser = FALSE; RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeUser); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_ALL_ACCESS, LookedUpRids[0], &UserHandle1); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // The user is not a member of DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_ADMINS. // See if we can make this group the user's primary group // ASSERT(sizeof(GroupRid) == sizeof(USER_PRIMARY_GROUP_INFORMATION)); GroupRid = DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_ADMINS; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPrimaryGroupInformation, &GroupRid ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_MEMBER_NOT_IN_GROUP) { printf("Succeeded\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Now get rid of the user account if necessary // if (DeleteUser == TRUE) { NtStatus = SamDeleteUser( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); } else { NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); } printf(" Set Primary Group (member). . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); // // Make a user (might already exist) // Make a group // Make the group the user's primary group // Change the user so the group isn't the primary group // remove the group // delete the group // If we created the user, delete it. // // The following user might already exist (from earlier in the test) // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); UserRid = 0; UserHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateUserInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, USER_ALL_ACCESS, &UserHandle1, &UserRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); DeleteUser = TRUE; if (NtStatus == STATUS_USER_EXISTS) { DeleteUser = FALSE; RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, USER_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0], &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); NtStatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( DomainHandle, 1, &AccountNames[0], &LookedUpRids, &LookedUpUses ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountNames[0] ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(LookedUpUses[0] == SidTypeUser); UserRid = LookedUpRids[0]; NtStatus = SamOpenUser( DomainHandle, USER_ALL_ACCESS, UserRid, &UserHandle1); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpUses ); SamFreeMemory( LookedUpRids ); } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // create the group // RtlInitString( &AccountNameAnsi, GROUP_NAME1 ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &AccountName, &AccountNameAnsi, TRUE ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); //InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &AccountName, 0, 0, NULL ); GroupRid = 0; GroupHandle1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamCreateGroupInDomain( DomainHandle, &AccountName, GROUP_ALL_ACCESS, &GroupHandle1, &GroupRid ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &AccountName ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Make the user a member of this group // NtStatus = SamAddMemberToGroup( GroupHandle1, UserRid, SE_GROUP_MANDATORY | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_GROUP_ENABLED ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Set the user's primary group Id to be this group // NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPrimaryGroupInformation, &GroupRid ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { Buffer1 = NULL; NtStatus = SamQueryInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPrimaryGroupInformation, &Buffer1 ); TST_SUCCESS_ASSERT(NtStatus); ASSERT(Buffer1 != NULL); if ( ((USER_PRIMARY_GROUP_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->PrimaryGroupId == GroupRid ) { printf("Succeeded\n"); SamFreeMemory( Buffer1 ); } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Returned Value Doesn't Match Set Value.\n"); printf(" Value written is: 0x%lx\n", GroupRid); printf(" Value retrieved is: 0x%lx\n", ((USER_PRIMARY_GROUP_INFORMATION *)Buffer1)->PrimaryGroupId); TestStatus = FALSE; } } else { printf("Failed\n"); printf(" Completion status is 0x%lx\n", NtStatus); TestStatus = FALSE; } // // Set the user's primary group Id back and remove the user // from the group // GroupRid = DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS; NtStatus = SamSetInformationUser( UserHandle1, UserPrimaryGroupInformation, &GroupRid ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); NtStatus = SamRemoveMemberFromGroup(GroupHandle1, UserRid); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); // // Now get rid of the group and possibly the user account // NtStatus = SamDeleteGroup( GroupHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); if (DeleteUser == TRUE) { NtStatus = SamDeleteUser( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); } else { NtStatus = SamCloseHandle( UserHandle1 ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)); } printf(" Set Name Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); printf("(Untested)\n"); } return(TestStatus); } #endif // NOT_PART_OF_PROGRAM