/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: app.cpp Abstract: Source file for dealing with registered apps. Author: Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 06-Mar-2001 Revision History: --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "migutilp.h" #include "shappmgrp.h" ULONGLONG pComputeWstrChecksum ( IN ULONGLONG Checksum, IN PCWSTR String ) { Checksum = (Checksum << 2) | (Checksum >> 62); if (String) { while (*String) { Checksum = (Checksum << 17) | (Checksum >> 47); Checksum ^= (ULONGLONG) (*String); String++; } } return Checksum; } PINSTALLEDAPPW GetInstalledAppsW ( IN OUT PGROWBUFFER Buffer, OUT PUINT Count OPTIONAL ) { IShellAppManager *appManager = NULL; IEnumInstalledApps *enumApps = NULL; IInstalledApp *installedApp = NULL; APPINFODATA appInfoData; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; PINSTALLEDAPPW instApp; UINT orgEnd; MYASSERT(Buffer); orgEnd = Buffer->End; if (Count) { *Count = 0; } __try { // // Create shell manager interface // hr = CoCreateInstance ( __uuidof(ShellAppManager), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IShellAppManager), (void**) &appManager ); if (hr != S_OK) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't create ShellAppManager interface. hr=%X", hr)); __leave; } // // Create installed apps enum interface // hr = appManager->EnumInstalledApps (&enumApps); if (hr != S_OK) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't create EnumInstalledApps interface. hr=%X", hr)); __leave; } // // Enumerate the apps // hr = enumApps->Next (&installedApp); while (hr == S_OK) { ZeroMemory (&appInfoData, sizeof (APPINFODATA)); appInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(APPINFODATA); appInfoData.dwMask = AIM_DISPLAYNAME| AIM_VERSION| AIM_PUBLISHER| AIM_PRODUCTID| AIM_REGISTEREDOWNER| AIM_REGISTEREDCOMPANY| AIM_LANGUAGE| AIM_SUPPORTURL| AIM_SUPPORTTELEPHONE| AIM_HELPLINK| AIM_INSTALLLOCATION| AIM_INSTALLSOURCE| AIM_INSTALLDATE| AIM_CONTACT| AIM_COMMENTS| AIM_IMAGE| AIM_READMEURL| AIM_UPDATEINFOURL; hr = installedApp->GetAppInfo (&appInfoData); if (hr == S_OK) { instApp = (PINSTALLEDAPPW) GrowBuffer (Buffer, sizeof (INSTALLEDAPPW)); MYASSERT(instApp); StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->DisplayName, appInfoData.pszDisplayName, sizeof (instApp->DisplayName)); if (appInfoData.pszVersion) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->Version, appInfoData.pszVersion, sizeof (instApp->Version)); } else { instApp->Version[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszPublisher) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->Publisher, appInfoData.pszPublisher, sizeof (instApp->Publisher)); } else { instApp->Publisher[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszProductID) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->ProductID, appInfoData.pszProductID, sizeof (instApp->ProductID)); } else { instApp->ProductID[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszRegisteredOwner) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->RegisteredOwner, appInfoData.pszRegisteredOwner, sizeof (instApp->RegisteredOwner)); } else { instApp->RegisteredOwner[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszRegisteredCompany) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->RegisteredCompany, appInfoData.pszRegisteredCompany, sizeof (instApp->RegisteredCompany)); } else { instApp->RegisteredCompany[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszLanguage) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->Language, appInfoData.pszLanguage, sizeof (instApp->Language)); } else { instApp->Language[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszSupportUrl) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->SupportUrl, appInfoData.pszSupportUrl, sizeof (instApp->SupportUrl)); } else { instApp->SupportUrl[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszSupportTelephone) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->SupportTelephone, appInfoData.pszSupportTelephone, sizeof (instApp->SupportTelephone)); } else { instApp->SupportTelephone[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszHelpLink) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->HelpLink, appInfoData.pszHelpLink, sizeof (instApp->HelpLink)); } else { instApp->HelpLink[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszInstallLocation) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->InstallLocation, appInfoData.pszInstallLocation, sizeof (instApp->InstallLocation)); } else { instApp->InstallLocation[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszInstallSource) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->InstallSource, appInfoData.pszInstallSource, sizeof (instApp->InstallSource)); } else { instApp->InstallSource[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszInstallDate) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->InstallDate, appInfoData.pszInstallDate, sizeof (instApp->InstallDate)); } else { instApp->InstallDate[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszContact) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->Contact, appInfoData.pszContact, sizeof (instApp->Contact)); } else { instApp->Contact[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszComments) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->Comments, appInfoData.pszComments, sizeof (instApp->Comments)); } else { instApp->Comments[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszImage) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->Image, appInfoData.pszImage, sizeof (instApp->Image)); } else { instApp->Image[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszReadmeUrl) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->ReadmeUrl, appInfoData.pszReadmeUrl, sizeof (instApp->ReadmeUrl)); } else { instApp->ReadmeUrl[0] = 0; } if (appInfoData.pszUpdateInfoUrl) { StringCopyByteCountW (instApp->UpdateInfoUrl, appInfoData.pszUpdateInfoUrl, sizeof (instApp->UpdateInfoUrl)); } else { instApp->UpdateInfoUrl[0] = 0; } instApp->Checksum = pComputeWstrChecksum (0, appInfoData.pszVersion); instApp->Checksum = pComputeWstrChecksum (instApp->Checksum, appInfoData.pszPublisher); instApp->Checksum = pComputeWstrChecksum (instApp->Checksum, appInfoData.pszProductID); instApp->Checksum = pComputeWstrChecksum (instApp->Checksum, appInfoData.pszLanguage); instApp->Checksum = pComputeWstrChecksum (instApp->Checksum, appInfoData.pszInstallLocation); instApp->Checksum = pComputeWstrChecksum (instApp->Checksum, appInfoData.pszInstallDate); if (Count) { *Count += 1; } } installedApp->Release(); hr = enumApps->Next (&installedApp); } // // Done // hr = S_OK; } __finally { if (enumApps) { enumApps->Release(); } if (appManager) { appManager->Release(); } } return hr == S_OK ? (PINSTALLEDAPPW) (Buffer->Buf + orgEnd) : NULL; }