;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1989 - 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */ ;=========================================================================== ; ; ; FILE: SAFEDEF.INC ; ; Contains all structure declarations and equates for SAFE.ASM ; ; johnhe - 10/09/89 ;=========================================================================== ;=========================================================================== ; Entry layout for a DOS file in a DOS directory */ ;=========================================================================== Dir STRUC fName DB ' ' ; File primary name fExt DB ' ' ; File extension fAttrib DB 0 ; File attributes fReserved DB 10 DUP (0) ; Reserved by DOS fTime DW 0 ; Packed creation time fDate DW 0 ; Packed creation date fCluster DW 0 ; Files starting cluster fSize DD 0 ; File lenght in bytes Dir ENDS ;=========================================================================== ; Layout of the recovery file header ;=========================================================================== FileHeader STRUC fhSign1 DB 4 DUP (?) ; 055h, 0AAh, 0AAh, 055h fhSign2 DB 16 DUP (?) ; "Microsoft Corp.",0 fhHeadChksum DB (?) ; Chksum for 1st 512 bytes fhFileChkSum DB (?) ; Chksum for rest of the file fhChainOffset DW (?) ; File's cluster chain fhBootSize DD (?) ; Size of boot record fhFatSize DD (?) ; Size of FAT fhDirSize DD (?) ; Size of root directory fhClustSize DD (?) ; Size of the 2 cluster fhBootOffset DD (?) ; Offset of boot record fhFatOffset DD (?) ; Offset of FAT fhDirOffset DD (?) ; Offset of root directory fhClustOffset DD (?) ; Offset of the 2 cluster fhDir DB 32 DUP (?) ; This file's directory entry fhBpb DB 25 DUP (?) ; Disk's BPB structure fhFileReserve DB (?) ; Start of reserved area FileHeader ENDS ;=========================================================================== ; Layout of the int 25 & 26 packets ;=========================================================================== DiskPacket STRUC pAddr DD (?) ; Buffer address pSectors DW (?) ; Number of sectors pStart DD (?) ; Relative starting sector DiskPacket ENDS ;=========================================================================== ; Misc. equates ;=========================================================================== IGNORE_BIT EQU 00001000b ; Mask to get ignore bit from AH ; at entry to int 24h handler SECTOR_SIZE EQU 512 ; Normal sector size HEADER_SIZE EQU 2048 ; Smallest cluster on a hard disk MAX_SECTORS EQU 3fh ; Max secters for read or write OFFSET_BPB EQU 11 ; Offset of BPB in boot record BPB_LENGTH EQU 25 ; Length of BPB structure DIR_ENTRY_LEN EQU 32 ; Lenght of a directory entry DIR_NAME_LEN EQU 11 ; Bytes in a directory file name ERASED_FILE EQU 0e5h IFDEF DBLSPACE_HOOKS NUM_SYS_FILES EQU 4 ; IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS COMMAND.COM DBLSPACE.BIN ELSE NUM_SYS_FILES EQU 3 ; IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS COMMAND.COM ENDIF DO_READ EQU 0 ; Signal to do a read DO_WRITE EQU 1 ; Signal to do a write MAX_BLOCK_SIZE EQU 0fff0h ; Max bytes for DOS read or write BOOT_VALUE EQU 0 ; Layout of values in the arrays FAT_VALUE EQU 1 ; which describe the offset in DIR_VALUE EQU 2 ; in the restore file and each CLUSTER_VALUE EQU 3 ; areas length RESTORE_ATTRIBS EQU 7 ; Restore file's attributes ;===========================================================================