/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: resource.c Abstract: Routines that manipulate resources (strings, messages, etc). Author: Ted Miller (tedm) 6-Feb-1995 Revision History: --*/ #include "setupp.h" #pragma hdrstop PWSTR MyLoadString( IN UINT StringId ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieve a string from the string resources of this module. Arguments: StringId - supplies string table identifier for the string. Return Value: Pointer to buffer containing string. If the string was not found or some error occurred retrieving it, this buffer will bne empty. Caller can free the buffer with MyFree(). If NULL is returned, out of memory. --*/ { WCHAR Buffer[4096]; UINT Length; Length = LoadString(MyModuleHandle,StringId,Buffer,sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!Length) { Buffer[0] = 0; } return(pSetupDuplicateString(Buffer)); } PWSTR FormatStringMessageV( IN UINT FormatStringId, IN va_list *ArgumentList ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieve a string from the string resources of this module and format it using FormatMessage. Arguments: StringId - supplies string table identifier for the string. ArgumentList - supplies list of strings to be substituted in the format string. Return Value: Pointer to buffer containing formatted message. If the string was not found or some error occurred retrieving it, this buffer will bne empty. Caller can free the buffer with MyFree(). If NULL is returned, out of memory. --*/ { PWSTR FormatString; va_list arglist; PWSTR Message; PWSTR Return; DWORD d; // // First, load the format string. // FormatString = MyLoadString(FormatStringId); if(!FormatString) { return(NULL); } // // Now format the message using the arguments the caller passed. // d = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, FormatString, 0, 0, (PWSTR)&Message, 0, ArgumentList ); MyFree(FormatString); if(!d) { return(NULL); } // // Make duplicate using our memory system so user can free with MyFree(). // Return = pSetupDuplicateString(Message); LocalFree((HLOCAL)Message); return(Return); } PWSTR FormatStringMessage( IN UINT FormatStringId, ... ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieve a string from the string resources of this module and format it using FormatMessage. Arguments: StringId - supplies string table identifier for the string. Return Value: Pointer to buffer containing formatted message. If the string was not found or some error occurred retrieving it, this buffer will bne empty. Caller can free the buffer with MyFree(). If NULL is returned, out of memory. --*/ { va_list arglist; PWSTR p; va_start(arglist,FormatStringId); p = FormatStringMessageV(FormatStringId,&arglist); va_end(arglist); return(p); } PWSTR RetrieveAndFormatMessageV( IN PCWSTR MessageString, IN UINT MessageId, OPTIONAL IN va_list *ArgumentList ) /*++ Routine Description: Format a message string using a message string and caller-supplied arguments. The message id can be either a message in this dll's message table resources or a win32 error code, in which case a description of that error is retrieved from the system. Arguments: MessageString - supplies the message text. If this value is NULL, MessageId is used instead MessageId - supplies message-table identifier or win32 error code for the message. ArgumentList - supplies arguments to be inserted in the message text. Return Value: Pointer to buffer containing formatted message. If the message was not found or some error occurred retrieving it, this buffer will bne empty. Caller can free the buffer with MyFree(). If NULL is returned, out of memory. --*/ { DWORD d; PWSTR Buffer; PWSTR Message; WCHAR ModuleName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR ErrorNumber[24]; PWCHAR p; PWSTR Args[2]; DWORD Msg_Type; UINT Msg_Id = MessageId; if(MessageString > SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID) { d = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, MessageString, 0, 0, (PWSTR)&Buffer, 0, ArgumentList ); } else { if( Msg_Id & 0x0FFF0000 ) Msg_Type = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; // If the facility bits are set this is still Win32 else{ Msg_Id &= 0x0000FFFF; // Mask out Severity and Facility bits so that we do the right thing Msg_Type = ((Msg_Id < MSG_FIRST) ? FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM : FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE); } d = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | Msg_Type, (PVOID)MyModuleHandle, MessageId, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), (PWSTR)&Buffer, 0, ArgumentList ); } if(!d) { if(GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { return(NULL); } wsprintf(ErrorNumber,L"%x",MessageId); Args[0] = ErrorNumber; Args[1] = ModuleName; if(MyGetModuleFileName(MyModuleHandle,ModuleName,MAX_PATH)) { if(p = wcsrchr(ModuleName,L'\\')) { Args[1] = p+1; } } else { ModuleName[0] = 0; } d = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, NULL, ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), (PWSTR)&Buffer, 0, (va_list *)Args ); if(!d) { // // Give up. // return(NULL); } } // // Make duplicate using our memory system so user can free with MyFree(). // Message = pSetupDuplicateString(Buffer); LocalFree((HLOCAL)Buffer); return(Message); } PWSTR RetrieveAndFormatMessage( IN PCWSTR MessageString, IN UINT MessageId, OPTIONAL ... ) /*++ Routine Description: Format a message string using a message string and caller-supplied arguments. The message id can be either a message in this dll's message table resources or a win32 error code, in which case a description of that error is retrieved from the system. Arguments: MessageString - supplies the message text. If this value is NULL, MessageId is used instead MessageId - supplies message-table identifier or win32 error code for the message. ... - supplies arguments to be inserted in the message text. Return Value: Pointer to buffer containing formatted message. If the message was not found or some error occurred retrieving it, this buffer will bne empty. Caller can free the buffer with MyFree(). If NULL is returned, out of memory. --*/ { va_list arglist; PWSTR p; va_start(arglist,MessageId); p = RetrieveAndFormatMessageV(MessageString,MessageId,&arglist); va_end(arglist); return(p); } int MessageBoxFromMessageExV ( IN HWND Owner, OPTIONAL IN LogSeverity Severity, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR MessageString, IN UINT MessageId, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR Caption, OPTIONAL IN UINT CaptionStringId, OPTIONAL IN UINT Style, IN va_list ArgumentList ) /*++ Routine Description: Creates a dialog box containing a specified message Arguments: Severity - Severity and flags for the error message. Currently only the flags are significant. Onwer - handle to parent window MessageId - ID of message to display Caption - string to use as caption for dialog box CaptionStringId - ID of string to use as caption for dialog box (but not used if Caption is specified) Style - flags to specify the type of dialog box ArgumentList - parameters to MessageId Return Value: return status from MessageBox --*/ { static SETUPLOG_CONTEXT Context = {0}; PCWSTR Message; PCWSTR Title; int i; BOOL b; if(!Context.AllocMem) { Context.AllocMem = MyMalloc; Context.FreeMem = MyFree; Context.Format = RetrieveAndFormatMessageV; } Message = SetuplogFormatMessageWithContextV( &Context, Severity, (PTSTR)MessageString, MessageId, &ArgumentList); b = FALSE; i = IDOK; if(Message) { if(Title = Caption ? Caption : MyLoadString(CaptionStringId)) { b = TRUE; i = MessageBox(Owner,Message,Title,Style); if(Title != Caption) { MyFree(Title); } } MyFree(Message); } if(!b) { pSetupOutOfMemory(Owner); } return(i); } int MessageBoxFromMessageEx ( IN HWND Owner, OPTIONAL IN LogSeverity Severity, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR MessageString, IN UINT MessageId, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR Caption, OPTIONAL IN UINT CaptionStringId, OPTIONAL IN UINT Style, ... ) /* Wrapper for MessageBoxFromMessageExV */ { va_list ArgumentList; int Status; va_start(ArgumentList,Style); Status = MessageBoxFromMessageExV ( Owner, Severity, MessageString, MessageId, Caption, CaptionStringId, Style, ArgumentList); va_end(ArgumentList); return Status; } int MessageBoxFromMessage( IN HWND Owner, OPTIONAL IN UINT MessageId, IN PCWSTR Caption, OPTIONAL IN UINT CaptionStringId, OPTIONAL IN UINT Style, ... ) { PCWSTR Message; PCWSTR Title; va_list ArgumentList; int i; BOOL b; va_start(ArgumentList,Style); Message = RetrieveAndFormatMessageV(NULL,MessageId,&ArgumentList); va_end(ArgumentList); b = FALSE; i = IDOK; if(Message) { if(Title = Caption ? Caption : MyLoadString(CaptionStringId)) { b = TRUE; i = MessageBox(Owner,Message,Title,Style); if(Title != Caption) { MyFree(Title); } } MyFree(Message); } if(!b) { pSetupOutOfMemory(Owner); } return(i); }