/*++ Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: spcopy.h Abstract: Header file for file copying functions in text setup. Author: Ted Miller (tedm) 29-October-1993 Revision History: 02-Oct-1996 jimschm Added SpMoveWin9xFiles 24-Feb-1997 jimschm Added SpDeleteWin9xFiles 28-Feb-1997 marcw Moved *Win9x* functions to i386\win9xupg.c. Added declarations for SpMigDeleteFile and SpMigMoveFileOrDir --*/ #ifndef _SPCOPY_DEFN_ #define _SPCOPY_DEFN_ // // Define structure used to describe a file to be copied // to the target installation. // typedef struct _FILE_TO_COPY { struct _FILE_TO_COPY *Next; // // Name of the file to be copied, as it exists on the source media // (file name part only -- no paths). // PWSTR SourceFilename; // // Directory to which this file is to be copied. // PWSTR TargetDirectory; // // Name of file as it should exist on the target. // PWSTR TargetFilename; // // Path to target partition. This is useful because // be will have to copy files to the nt drive and system partition, // and we don't want to serialize these lists (ie, we don't want to // worry about where the target is). // PWSTR TargetDevicePath; // // Flag indicating whether TargetDirectory is absolute. If not, then it // is relative to a directory determined at run time (ie, sysroot). // This is useful for files that get copied to the system partition. // BOOLEAN AbsoluteTargetDirectory; // // Disposition flag to indicate the conditions under which the file // is to be copied. Can be one of the following, which may be ORed with // any of the COPY_xxx flags below. // // COPY_ALWAYS : always copied // COPY_ONLY_IF_PRESENT : copied only if present on the target // COPY_ONLY_IF_NOT_PRESENT : not copied if present on the target // COPY_NEVER : never copied // ULONG Flags; // // File attributes to be set on the file. If specified sets these attributes. // If FILE_ATTRIBUTES_NONE then takes the default logic of attribute setting. // ULONG FileAttributes; } FILE_TO_COPY, *PFILE_TO_COPY; typedef struct _DISK_FILE_LIST { PWSTR MediaShortname; PWSTR Description; PWSTR TagFile; PWSTR Directory; ULONG FileCount; PFILE_TO_COPY FileList; } DISK_FILE_LIST, *PDISK_FILE_LIST; typedef struct _INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_ENTRY { // // Next in line // struct _INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_ENTRY *Next; // // Future - currently always zero // ULONG Flags; // // Short name (no path) of the file that is incompatible // PWSTR IncompatibleFileName; // // Version string (future use) of this file // PWSTR VersionString; // // Where it lives on the target media // PWSTR FullPathOnTarget; } INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_ENTRY, *PINCOMPATIBLE_FILE_ENTRY; typedef struct _INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_LIST { // // First entry in the list // PINCOMPATIBLE_FILE_ENTRY Head; // // Count, to speed things up // ULONG EntryCount; } INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_LIST, *PINCOMPATIBLE_FILE_LIST; #define COPY_ALWAYS 0x00000000 #define COPY_ONLY_IF_PRESENT 0x00000001 #define COPY_ONLY_IF_NOT_PRESENT 0x00000002 #define COPY_NEVER 0x00000003 #define COPY_DISPOSITION_MASK 0x0000000f #define COPY_DELETESOURCE 0x00000010 #define COPY_SMASHLOCKS 0x00000020 #define COPY_SOURCEISOEM 0x00000040 #define COPY_OVERWRITEOEMFILE 0x00000080 #define COPY_FORCENOCOMP 0x00000100 #define COPY_SKIPIFMISSING 0x00000200 #define COPY_NOVERSIONCHECK 0x00000400 #define COPY_NODECOMP 0x00000800 #define COPY_DECOMPRESS_SYSPREP 0x00001000 // decompress even if it's a sysprep image // // Flags in [FileFlags] section of txtsetup.sif // #define FILEFLG_SMASHLOCKS 0x00000001 #define FILEFLG_FORCENOCOMP 0x00000002 #define FILEFLG_UPGRADEOVERWRITEOEM 0x00000004 #define FILEFLG_NOVERSIONCHECK 0x00000008 #define FILEFLG_DONTDELETESOURCE 0x00000010 #define SP_DELETE_FILESTODELETE 0 #define SP_COUNT_FILESTODELETE 1 // // Structure used to build a list of OEM inf files copied during the installation of OEM drivers // typedef struct _OEM_INF_FILE { struct _OEM_INF_FILE *Next; PWSTR InfName; } OEM_INF_FILE, *POEM_INF_FILE; // // Type of routine to be called from SpCopyFileWithRetry // when the screen needs repainting. // typedef VOID (*PCOPY_DRAW_ROUTINE) ( IN PWSTR FullSourcePath, OPTIONAL IN PWSTR FullTargetPath, OPTIONAL IN BOOLEAN RepaintEntireScreen ); // // Type of routine to be called from SpExpandFile // for each file found in cabinet. // typedef enum { EXPAND_COPY_FILE, EXPAND_COPIED_FILE, EXPAND_QUERY_OVERWRITE, EXPAND_NOTIFY_CANNOT_EXPAND, EXPAND_NOTIFY_MULTIPLE, EXPAND_NOTIFY_CREATE_FAILED } EXPAND_CALLBACK_MESSAGE; typedef enum { EXPAND_NO_ERROR = 0, EXPAND_SKIP_THIS_FILE, EXPAND_COPY_THIS_FILE, EXPAND_CONTINUE, EXPAND_ABORT } EXPAND_CALLBACK_RESULT; typedef EXPAND_CALLBACK_RESULT (*PEXPAND_CALLBACK) ( IN EXPAND_CALLBACK_MESSAGE Message, IN PWSTR FileName, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileSize, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileTime, IN ULONG FileAttributes, IN PVOID CallbackContext ); VOID SpCopyThirdPartyDrivers( IN PWSTR SourceDevicePath, IN PWSTR SysrootDevice, IN PWSTR Sysroot, IN PWSTR SyspartDevice, IN PWSTR SyspartDirectory, IN PDISK_FILE_LIST DiskFileLists, IN ULONG DiskCount ); NTSTATUS SpCopyFileUsingNames( IN PWSTR SourceFilename, IN PWSTR TargetFilename, IN ULONG TargetAttributes, IN ULONG Flags ); VOID SpValidateAndChecksumFile( IN HANDLE FileHandle, OPTIONAL IN PWSTR Filename, OPTIONAL OUT PBOOLEAN IsNtImage, OUT PULONG Checksum, OUT PBOOLEAN Valid ); VOID SpCopyFileWithRetry( IN PFILE_TO_COPY FileToCopy, IN PWSTR SourceDevicePath, IN PWSTR DirectoryOnSourceDevice, IN PWSTR SourceDirectory, OPTIONAL IN PWSTR TargetRoot, OPTIONAL IN ULONG TargetFileAttributes, IN PCOPY_DRAW_ROUTINE DrawScreen, IN PULONG CheckSum, IN PBOOLEAN FileSkipped, IN ULONG Flags ); VOID SpCopyFiles( IN PVOID SifHandle, IN PDISK_REGION SystemPartitionRegion, IN PDISK_REGION NtPartitionRegion, IN PWSTR Sysroot, IN PWSTR SystemPartitionDirectory, IN PWSTR SourceDevicePath, IN PWSTR DirectoryOnSourceDevice, IN PWSTR ThirdPartySourceDevicePath ); VOID SpDeleteAndBackupFiles( IN PVOID SifHandle, IN PDISK_REGION TargetRegion, IN PWSTR TargetPath ); // // The user may skip this operation, in which case SpCreateDirectory // returns FALSE. // #define CREATE_DIRECTORY_FLAG_SKIPPABLE (0x00000001) // // The headless spinner and error ui are not affected by this flag. // #define CREATE_DIRECTORY_FLAG_NO_STATUS_TEXT_UI (0x00000002) BOOLEAN SpCreateDirectory_Ustr( IN PCUNICODE_STRING DevicePath, IN PCUNICODE_STRING RootDirectory, OPTIONAL IN PCUNICODE_STRING Directory, IN ULONG DirAttrs, IN ULONG CreateFlags ); BOOLEAN SpCreateDirectory( IN PCWSTR DevicePath, IN PCWSTR RootDirectory, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR Directory, IN ULONG DirAttrs, IN ULONG CreateFlags ); VOID SpCreateDirectoryStructureFromSif( IN PVOID SifHandle, IN PWSTR SifSection, IN PWSTR DevicePath, IN PWSTR RootDirectory ); NTSTATUS SpMoveFileOrDirectory( IN PWSTR SrcPath, IN PWSTR DestPath ); VOID SpCopyDirRecursive( IN PWSTR SrcPath, IN PWSTR DestDevPath, IN PWSTR DestDirPath, IN ULONG CopyFlags ); // // Diamond/decompression routines. // VOID SpdInitialize( VOID ); VOID SpdTerminate( VOID ); BOOLEAN SpdIsCabinet( IN PVOID SourceBaseAddress, IN ULONG SourceFileSize, OUT PBOOLEAN ContainsMultipleFiles ); BOOLEAN SpdIsCompressed( IN PVOID SourceBaseAddress, IN ULONG SourceFileSize ); NTSTATUS SpdDecompressFile( IN PVOID SourceBaseAddress, IN ULONG SourceFileSize, IN HANDLE DestinationHandle ); NTSTATUS SpdDecompressCabinet( IN PVOID SourceBaseAddress, IN ULONG SourceFileSize, IN PWSTR DestinationPath, IN PEXPAND_CALLBACK Callback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ); NTSTATUS SpdDecompressFileFromDriverCab( IN PWSTR SourceFileName, IN PVOID SourceBaseAddress, IN ULONG SourceFileSize, IN HANDLE DestinationHandle, OUT PUSHORT pDate, OUT PUSHORT pTime ); BOOLEAN SpTimeFromDosTime( IN USHORT Date, IN USHORT Time, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER UtcTime ); VOID SpMigDeleteFile ( PWSTR DosFileToDelete ); VOID SpMigMoveFileOrDir ( IN PWSTR SourceFileOrDir, IN PWSTR DestFileOrDir ); VOID SpInitializeFileLists( IN PVOID SifHandle, OUT PDISK_FILE_LIST *DiskFileLists, OUT PULONG DiskCount ); VOID SpAddSectionFilesToCopyList( IN PVOID SifHandle, IN PDISK_FILE_LIST DiskFileLists, IN ULONG DiskCount, IN PWSTR SectionName, IN PWSTR TargetDevicePath, IN PWSTR TargetDirectory, IN ULONG CopyOptions, IN BOOLEAN CheckForNoComp, IN BOOLEAN FileAttributesAvailable ); VOID SpCopyFilesInCopyList( IN PVOID SifHandle, IN PDISK_FILE_LIST DiskFileLists, IN ULONG DiskCount, IN PWSTR SourceDevicePath, IN PWSTR DirectoryOnSourceDevice, IN PWSTR TargetRoot, IN PINCOMPATIBLE_FILE_LIST CompatibilityExceptionList OPTIONAL ); VOID SpFreeCopyLists( IN OUT PDISK_FILE_LIST *DiskFileLists, IN ULONG DiskCount ); NTSTATUS SpExpandFile( IN PWSTR SourceFilename, IN PWSTR TargetPathname, IN PEXPAND_CALLBACK Callback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ); NTSTATUS SpCreateIncompatibleFileEntry( OUT PINCOMPATIBLE_FILE_ENTRY *TargetEntry, IN PWSTR FileName, IN PWSTR VersionString OPTIONAL, IN PWSTR TargetAbsolutePath OPTIONAL, IN ULONG Flags OPTIONAL ); NTSTATUS SpFreeIncompatibleFileList( IN PINCOMPATIBLE_FILE_LIST FileListHead ); BOOLEAN SpIsFileIncompatible( IN PINCOMPATIBLE_FILE_LIST FileList, IN PFILE_TO_COPY pFile, IN PWSTR TargetRoot OPTIONAL ); NTSTATUS SpInitializeCompatibilityOverwriteLists( IN PVOID SifHandle, OUT PINCOMPATIBLE_FILE_LIST IncompatibleFileList ); #endif // ndef _SPCOPY_DEFN_