/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: migrate.c Abstract: This source file implements the windows 9x DEVUPGRD migration dll. Author: Marc R. Whitten (marcw) 07-January-2000 Revision History: Ovidiu Temereanca (ovidiut) 04-Aug-2000 Fixed bugs and support for INF-less paths --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "devupgrdp.h" VENDORINFO g_VendorInfo = {"", "", "", ""}; CHAR g_ProductId [MAX_PATH]; PCSTR g_MigrateInfPath = NULL; HINF g_MigrateInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE g_hHeap; HINSTANCE g_hInst; TCHAR g_DllDir[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; #define D_DLLVERSION 2 #undef DEFMAC #define MEMDB_CATEGORY_DLLENTRIES "MigDllEntries" #define S_ACTIVE "Active" #define DBG_MIGDLL "SMIGDLL" // // the temp file that records original sources location // #define S_MIGRATEDATA "migrate.dat" #define S_MIGRATEDATW L"migrate.dat" #define S_SECTION_DATAA "Data" #define S_SECTION_DATAW L"Data" #define S_KEY_SOURCESA "Sources" #define S_KEY_SOURCESW L"Sources" PCSTR g_WorkingDir = NULL; PCSTR g_DataFileA = NULL; PCWSTR g_DataFileW = NULL; typedef BOOL (WINAPI INITROUTINE_PROTOTYPE)(HINSTANCE, DWORD, LPVOID); INITROUTINE_PROTOTYPE MigUtil_Entry; POOLHANDLE g_GlobalPool; #define DEVREGKEY "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\UpgradeDrivers" BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( IN HINSTANCE DllInstance, IN ULONG ReasonForCall, IN LPVOID Reserved ) { PSTR p; BOOL result = TRUE; switch (ReasonForCall) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // // We don't need DLL_THREAD_ATTACH or DLL_THREAD_DETACH messages // DisableThreadLibraryCalls (DllInstance); // // Global init // g_hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); g_hInst = DllInstance; // // Init common controls // InitCommonControls(); // // Get DLL path and strip directory // GetModuleFileNameA (DllInstance, g_DllDir, MAX_TCHAR_PATH); p = strrchr (g_DllDir, '\\'); MYASSERT (p); if (p) { *p = 0; } if (!MigUtil_Entry (DllInstance, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, NULL)) { return FALSE; } // // Allocate a global pool // g_GlobalPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("Global Pool"); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if (g_MigrateInfPath) { FreePathStringA (g_MigrateInfPath); g_MigrateInfPath = NULL; } if (g_MigrateInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { InfCloseInfFile (g_MigrateInf); g_MigrateInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // // Free standard pools // if (g_GlobalPool) { PoolMemDestroyPool (g_GlobalPool); g_GlobalPool = NULL; } MigUtil_Entry (DllInstance, DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, NULL); break; } return result; } LONG CALLBACK QueryVersion ( OUT PCSTR *ProductID, OUT PUINT DllVersion, OUT PINT *CodePageArray, OPTIONAL OUT PCSTR *ExeNamesBuf, OPTIONAL OUT PVENDORINFO *VendorInfo ) { LONG result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; PCSTR tempStr; HANDLE h; // // Fill the data. // tempStr = GetStringResourceA (MSG_PRODUCT_ID); if (tempStr) { StringCopyByteCountA (g_ProductId, tempStr, MAX_PATH); FreeStringResourceA (tempStr); } *ProductID = g_ProductId; *DllVersion = D_DLLVERSION; *CodePageArray = NULL; *VendorInfo = &g_VendorInfo; // now get the VendorInfo data from resources tempStr = GetStringResourceA (MSG_VI_COMPANY_NAME); if (tempStr) { StringCopyByteCountA (g_VendorInfo.CompanyName, tempStr, 256); FreeStringResourceA (tempStr); } tempStr = GetStringResourceA (MSG_VI_SUPPORT_NUMBER); if (tempStr) { StringCopyByteCountA (g_VendorInfo.SupportNumber, tempStr, 256); FreeStringResourceA (tempStr); } tempStr = GetStringResourceA (MSG_VI_SUPPORT_URL); if (tempStr) { StringCopyByteCountA (g_VendorInfo.SupportUrl, tempStr, 256); FreeStringResourceA (tempStr); } tempStr = GetStringResourceA (MSG_VI_INSTRUCTIONS); if (tempStr) { StringCopyByteCountA (g_VendorInfo.InstructionsToUser, tempStr, 1024); FreeStringResourceA (tempStr); } *ExeNamesBuf = NULL; // // See if the registry key exists. If it does not, return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED. // h = OpenRegKeyStr (DEVREGKEY); if (h && h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { result = ERROR_SUCCESS; CloseRegKey (h); } return result; } LONG CALLBACK Initialize9x ( IN PCSTR WorkingDirectory, IN PCSTR SourceDirectories, IN PCSTR MediaDir ) { // // remember source directory, so it can be removed on cleanup // g_DataFileA = JoinPathsExA (g_GlobalPool, WorkingDirectory, S_MIGRATEDATA); WritePrivateProfileStringA (S_SECTION_DATAA, S_KEY_SOURCESA, MediaDir, g_DataFileA); g_WorkingDir = DuplicatePathString (WorkingDirectory, 0); g_MigrateInfPath = JoinPathsExA (g_GlobalPool, WorkingDirectory, S_MIGRATE_INF); g_MigrateInf = InfOpenInfFileA (g_MigrateInfPath); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG CALLBACK MigrateUser9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN PCSTR UnattendFile, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN PCSTR UserName, PVOID Reserved ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystem9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN PCSTR UnattendFile, PVOID Reserved ) { HANDLE h; REGVALUE_ENUM eValue; REGTREE_ENUM eTree; BOOL found; PSTR value; PSTR p; PSTR end; PSTR dir; CHAR deviceInf [MEMDB_MAX]; HASHTABLE table; PSTR pnpId; DWORD attr; DWORD result = ERROR_SUCCESS; table = HtAllocWithData (sizeof (PSTR)); if (!table) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } __try { // // Gather list of pnpids registered on this machine. // h = OpenRegKeyStrA (DEVREGKEY); if (!h || h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; __leave; } if (EnumFirstRegValue (&eValue, h)) { do { p = GetRegValueStringA (h, eValue.ValueName); if (!p) { continue; } value = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_GlobalPool, p); MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, p); if (!value) { result = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; __leave; } HtAddStringAndDataA (table, eValue.ValueName, &value); } while (EnumNextRegValue (&eValue)); } CloseRegKey (h); // // Now, enumerate the registry. // if (EnumFirstRegKeyInTreeA (&eTree, "HKLM\\Enum")) { do { // // For each registry key, look to see if we have a compatible id or hardware id // that is in our hash table. // found = FALSE; value = GetRegValueStringA (eTree.CurrentKey->KeyHandle, "HardwareId"); if (value) { if (HtFindStringAndDataA (table, value, &dir)) { found = TRUE; pnpId = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_GlobalPool, value); } else { p = value; while (p && !found) { end = _mbschr (p, ','); if (end) { *end = 0; } if (HtFindStringAndDataA (table, p, &dir)) { found = TRUE; pnpId = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_GlobalPool, p); } else { p = end; if (p) { p++; } } } } MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, value); } if (!found) { value = GetRegValueStringA (eTree.CurrentKey->KeyHandle, "CompatibleIds"); if (value) { if (HtFindStringAndDataA (table, value, &dir)) { found = TRUE; pnpId = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_GlobalPool, value); } p = value; while (p && !found) { end = _mbschr (p, ','); if (end) { *end = 0; } if (HtFindStringAndDataA (table, p, &dir)) { found = TRUE; pnpId = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_GlobalPool, p); } else { p = end; if (p) { p++; } } } MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, value); } } if (found) { // // build path to deviceInf (no OriginalInstallMedia since the directory will be blown away) // lstrcpyA (deviceInf, dir); // // GUI setup expects a path to the actual INF, not a directory, // so let's fix it if this is the case // attr = GetFileAttributesA (deviceInf); if (attr == (DWORD)-1) { // // invalid path spec; ignore it // continue; } if (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // // just pick up the first INF // HANDLE h2; WIN32_FIND_DATAA fd; PSTR pattern; pattern = JoinPathsExA (g_GlobalPool, deviceInf, "*.inf"); h2 = FindFirstFileA (pattern, &fd); if (h2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // // no INF found here; skip // continue; } FindClose (h2); // // build path to the INF; also handle the case when deviceInf ends with a \ // pattern = JoinPathsExA (g_GlobalPool, deviceInf, fd.cFileName); lstrcpyA (deviceInf, pattern); } // // Handle the key (remove the message from the compatibility report). // WritePrivateProfileStringA ( "HANDLED", eTree.FullKeyName, "REGISTRY", g_MigrateInfPath ); // // Add to the appropriate section of the SIF file. // WritePrivateProfileString ( "DeviceDrivers", pnpId, deviceInf, UnattendFile ); // // Flush to disk. // WritePrivateProfileString (NULL, NULL, NULL, g_MigrateInfPath); WritePrivateProfileString (NULL, NULL, NULL, UnattendFile); } } while (EnumNextRegKeyInTree (&eTree)); } } __finally { // // Clean up resources. // HtFree (table); } return result; } LONG CALLBACK InitializeNT ( IN PCWSTR WorkingDirectory, IN PCWSTR SourceDirectories, PVOID Reserved ) { g_DataFileW = JoinPathsExW (g_GlobalPool, WorkingDirectory, S_MIGRATEDATW); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG CALLBACK MigrateUserNT ( IN HINF UnattendInfHandle, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN PCWSTR UserName, PVOID Reserved ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystemNT ( IN HINF UnattendInfHandle, PVOID Reserved ) { WCHAR SourceDirectory[MAX_PATH + 2]; // // remove original sources directories // if (GetPrivateProfileStringW ( S_SECTION_DATAW, S_KEY_SOURCESW, L"", SourceDirectory, MAX_PATH + 2, g_DataFileW )) { RemoveCompleteDirectoryW (SourceDirectory); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }