/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: sputils.w (generates sputils.h) Abstract: Header file for utility routines used primarily by setupapi that's also used by other components for convinience. Link to either sputils.lib (static version) or spapip.lib (dll version) For internal use only. Author: Jamie Hunter (jamiehun) Jun-26-2000 Revision History: --*/ #if defined(SPUTILSW) && defined(UNICODE) // // SPUTILSW.LIB is cut down version of SPUTILSU.LIB // with renamed API's // thus SPUTILSW.LIB can be used with SPUTILSA.LIB // #define pSetupDebugPrintEx pSetupDebugPrintExW #define pSetupStringTableInitialize pSetupStringTableInitializeW #define pSetupStringTableInitializeEx pSetupStringTableInitializeExW #define pSetupStringTableDestroy pSetupStringTableDestroyW #define pSetupStringTableAddString pSetupStringTableAddStringW #define pSetupStringTableAddStringEx pSetupStringTableAddStringExW #define pSetupStringTableLookUpString pSetupStringTableLookUpStringW #define pSetupStringTableLookUpStringEx pSetupStringTableLookUpStringExW #define pSetupStringTableGetExtraData pSetupStringTableGetExtraDataW #define pSetupStringTableSetExtraData pSetupStringTableSetExtraDataW #define PSTRTAB_ENUM_ROUTINE PSTRTAB_ENUM_ROUTINE_W #define pSetupStringTableEnum pSetupStringTableEnumW #define pSetupStringTableStringFromId pSetupStringTableStringFromIdW #define pSetupStringTableStringFromIdEx pSetupStringTableStringFromIdExW #define pSetupStringTableDuplicate pSetupStringTableDuplicateW // // fileutil.c // #define pSetupOpenAndMapFileForRead pSetupOpenAndMapFileForReadW #define pSetupFileExists pSetupFileExistsW #define pSetupMakeSurePathExists pSetupMakeSurePathExistsW #define pSetupDoesUserHavePrivilege pSetupDoesUserHavePrivilegeW #define pSetupEnablePrivilege pSetupEnablePrivilegeW #define pSetupRegistryDelnode pSetupRegistryDelnodeW #define pSetupRegistryDelnodeEx pSetupRegistryDelnodeExW // // miscutil.c // #define pSetupDuplicateString pSetupDuplicateStringW #define pSetupCaptureAndConvertAnsiArg pSetupCaptureAndConvertAnsiArgW #define pSetupConcatenatePaths pSetupConcatenatePathsW #define pSetupGetFileTitle pSetupGetFileTitleW #endif // SPUTILSW && UNICODE // // // // Initialization - must be called to use the tools (static version only) // BOOL pSetupInitializeUtils( VOID ); BOOL pSetupUninitializeUtils( VOID ); // // Memory allocation functions (also used by other functions below) // PVOID pSetupMalloc( IN DWORD Size ); PVOID pSetupDebugMalloc( IN DWORD Size, IN PCSTR Filename, IN DWORD Line ); PVOID pSetupDebugMallocWithTag( IN DWORD Size, IN PCSTR Filename, IN DWORD Line, IN DWORD Tag ); PVOID pSetupRealloc( IN PVOID Block, IN DWORD NewSize ); PVOID pSetupReallocWithTag( IN PVOID Block, IN DWORD NewSize, IN DWORD Tag ); VOID pSetupFree( IN CONST VOID *Block ); VOID pSetupFreeWithTag( IN CONST VOID *Block, IN DWORD Tag ); VOID pSetupDebugPrintEx( DWORD Level, PCTSTR format, ... OPTIONAL ); HANDLE pSetupGetHeap( VOID ); #if DBG #define pSetupCheckedMalloc(Size) pSetupDebugMalloc(Size,__FILE__,__LINE__) #define pSetupMallocWithTag(Size,Tag) pSetupDebugMallocWithTag(Size,__FILE__,__LINE__,Tag) #else #define pSetupCheckedMalloc(Size) pSetupMalloc(Size) #define pSetupMallocWithTag(Size,Tag) pSetupMalloc(Size) #endif #if DBG #define pSetupCheckInternalHeap() pSetupHeapCheck() #else #define pSetupCheckInternalHeap() #endif // // String table functions // PVOID pSetupStringTableInitialize( VOID ); PVOID pSetupStringTableInitializeEx( IN UINT ExtraDataSize, OPTIONAL IN UINT Reserved ); VOID pSetupStringTableDestroy( IN PVOID StringTable ); // // Flags to be used by pSetupStringTableAddString and pSetupStringTableLookUpString // #define STRTAB_CASE_INSENSITIVE 0x00000000 #define STRTAB_CASE_SENSITIVE 0x00000001 #define STRTAB_BUFFER_WRITEABLE 0x00000002 #define STRTAB_NEW_EXTRADATA 0x00000004 LONG pSetupStringTableAddString( IN PVOID StringTable, IN OUT PTSTR String, IN DWORD Flags ); LONG pSetupStringTableAddStringEx( IN PVOID StringTable, IN PTSTR String, IN DWORD Flags, IN PVOID ExtraData, OPTIONAL IN UINT ExtraDataSize OPTIONAL ); LONG pSetupStringTableLookUpString( IN PVOID StringTable, IN OUT PTSTR String, IN DWORD Flags ); LONG pSetupStringTableLookUpStringEx( IN PVOID StringTable, IN OUT PTSTR String, IN DWORD Flags, OUT PVOID ExtraData, OPTIONAL IN UINT ExtraDataBufferSize OPTIONAL ); BOOL pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, OUT PVOID ExtraData, IN UINT ExtraDataBufferSize ); BOOL pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, IN PVOID ExtraData, IN UINT ExtraDataSize ); // // Type for pSetupStringTableEnum // typedef BOOL (*PSTRTAB_ENUM_ROUTINE)( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, IN PCTSTR String, IN PVOID ExtraData, IN UINT ExtraDataSize, IN LPARAM lParam ); BOOL pSetupStringTableEnum( IN PVOID StringTable, OUT PVOID ExtraDataBuffer, OPTIONAL IN UINT ExtraDataBufferSize, OPTIONAL IN PSTRTAB_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback, IN LPARAM lParam OPTIONAL ); PTSTR pSetupStringTableStringFromId( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId ); BOOL pSetupStringTableStringFromIdEx( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, IN OUT PTSTR pBuffer, IN OUT PULONG pBufSize ); PVOID pSetupStringTableDuplicate( IN PVOID StringTable ); // // File functions in fileutil.c // DWORD pSetupOpenAndMapFileForRead( IN PCTSTR FileName, OUT PDWORD FileSize, OUT PHANDLE FileHandle, OUT PHANDLE MappingHandle, OUT PVOID *BaseAddress ); DWORD pSetupMapFileForRead( IN HANDLE FileHandle, OUT PDWORD FileSize, OUT PHANDLE MappingHandle, OUT PVOID *BaseAddress ); BOOL pSetupUnmapAndCloseFile( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN HANDLE MappingHandle, IN PVOID BaseAddress ); DWORD pSetupMakeSurePathExists( IN PCTSTR FullFilespec ); BOOL pSetupFileExists( IN PCTSTR FileName, OUT PWIN32_FIND_DATA FindData OPTIONAL ); // // Non-file-related security routines in security.c. // BOOL pSetupIsUserAdmin( VOID ); BOOL pSetupDoesUserHavePrivilege( PCTSTR PrivilegeName ); BOOL pSetupEnablePrivilege( IN PCTSTR PrivilegeName, IN BOOL Enable ); BOOL pSetupIsLocalSystem( VOID ); // // Registry utility functions // DWORD pSetupRegistryDelnode( IN HKEY RootKey, IN PCTSTR SubKeyName ); DWORD pSetupRegistryDelnodeEx( IN HKEY RootKey, IN PCTSTR SubKeyName, IN DWORD ExtraFlags ); // // Miscellaneous utility functions // DWORD pSetupCaptureAndConvertAnsiArg( IN PCSTR AnsiString, OUT PCWSTR *UnicodeString ); PTSTR pSetupDuplicateString( IN PCTSTR String ); PSTR pSetupUnicodeToMultiByte( IN PCWSTR UnicodeString, IN UINT Codepage ); PWSTR pSetupMultiByteToUnicode( IN PCSTR String, IN UINT Codepage ); VOID pSetupCenterWindowRelativeToParent( HWND hwnd ); #define pSetupUnicodeToAnsi(UnicodeString) pSetupUnicodeToMultiByte((UnicodeString),CP_ACP) #define pSetupUnicodeToOem(UnicodeString) pSetupUnicodeToMultiByte((UnicodeString),CP_OEMCP) #define pSetupAnsiToUnicode(AnsiString) pSetupMultiByteToUnicode((AnsiString),CP_ACP) #define pSetupOemToUnicode(OemString) pSetupMultiByteToUnicode((OemString),CP_OEMCP) BOOL pSetupConcatenatePaths( IN OUT PTSTR Target, IN PCTSTR Path, IN UINT TargetBufferSize, OUT PUINT RequiredSize ); PCTSTR pSetupGetFileTitle( IN PCTSTR FilePath );