/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: Wmium.h Abstract: Public headers for WMI data consumers and providers Author: 16-Jan-1997 AlanWar Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _WMIUM_ #define _WMIUM_ #ifndef MIDL_PASS #ifdef _WMI_SOURCE_ #define WMIAPI __stdcall #else #define WMIAPI DECLSPEC_IMPORT __stdcall #endif #endif #include #include #include #include typedef PVOID WMIHANDLE, *PWMIHANDLE, MOFHANDLE, *PMOFHANDLE; // // When set the guid can be opened and accessed #define MOFCI_RESERVED0 0x00000001 #define MOFCI_RESERVED1 0x00000002 #define MOFCI_RESERVED2 0x00000004 typedef struct { #ifdef MIDL_PASS [string] PDFTCHAR #else LPWSTR #endif ImagePath; // Path to image containing MOF resource #ifdef MIDL_PASS [string] PDFTCHAR #else LPWSTR #endif ResourceName; // Name of resource in image ULONG ResourceSize; // Number of bytes in resource #ifdef MIDL_PASS [size_is(0)] PDFBYTE #else PUCHAR #endif ResourceBuffer; // Reserved } MOFRESOURCEINFOW, *PMOFRESOURCEINFOW; typedef struct { LPSTR ImagePath; // Path to image containing MOF resource LPSTR ResourceName; // Name of resource in image ULONG ResourceSize; // Number of bytes in resource UCHAR *ResourceBuffer; // Reserved } MOFRESOURCEINFOA, *PMOFRESOURCEINFOA; #ifdef UNICODE typedef MOFRESOURCEINFOW MOFRESOURCEINFO; typedef PMOFRESOURCEINFOW PMOFRESOURCEINFO; #else typedef MOFRESOURCEINFOA MOFRESOURCEINFO; typedef PMOFRESOURCEINFOA PMOFRESOURCEINFO; #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // // Data consumer apis ULONG WMIAPI WmiOpenBlock( IN GUID *Guid, IN ULONG DesiredAccess, OUT WMIHANDLE *DataBlockHandle ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiCloseBlock( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiQueryAllDataA( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN OUT ULONG *BufferSize, OUT PVOID Buffer ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiQueryAllDataW( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN OUT ULONG *BufferSize, OUT PVOID Buffer ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiQueryAllData WmiQueryAllDataW #else #define WmiQueryAllData WmiQueryAllDataA #endif ULONG WMIAPI WmiQueryAllDataMultipleA( IN WMIHANDLE *HandleList, IN ULONG HandleCount, IN OUT ULONG *InOutBufferSize, OUT LPVOID OutBuffer ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiQueryAllDataMultipleW( IN WMIHANDLE *HandleList, IN ULONG HandleCount, IN OUT ULONG *InOutBufferSize, OUT LPVOID OutBuffer ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiQueryAllDataMultiple WmiQueryAllDataMultipleW #else #define WmiQueryAllDataMultiple WmiQueryAllDataMultipleA #endif ULONG WMIAPI WmiQuerySingleInstanceA( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN LPCSTR InstanceName, IN OUT ULONG *BufferSize, OUT PVOID Buffer ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiQuerySingleInstanceW( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN LPCWSTR InstanceName, IN OUT ULONG *BufferSize, OUT PVOID Buffer ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiQuerySingleInstance WmiQuerySingleInstanceW #else #define WmiQuerySingleInstance WmiQuerySingleInstanceA #endif ULONG WMIAPI WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultipleW( IN WMIHANDLE *HandleList, IN LPCWSTR *InstanceNames, IN ULONG HandleCount, IN OUT ULONG *InOutBufferSize, OUT LPVOID OutBuffer ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultipleA( IN WMIHANDLE *HandleList, IN LPCSTR *InstanceNames, IN ULONG HandleCount, IN OUT ULONG *InOutBufferSize, OUT LPVOID OutBuffer ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultiple WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultipleW #else #define WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultiple WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultipleA #endif ULONG WMIAPI WmiSetSingleInstanceA( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN LPCSTR InstanceName, IN ULONG Reserved, IN ULONG ValueBufferSize, IN PVOID ValueBuffer ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiSetSingleInstanceW( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN LPCWSTR InstanceName, IN ULONG Reserved, IN ULONG ValueBufferSize, IN PVOID ValueBuffer ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiSetSingleInstance WmiSetSingleInstanceW #else #define WmiSetSingleInstance WmiSetSingleInstanceA #endif ULONG WMIAPI WmiSetSingleItemA( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN LPCSTR InstanceName, IN ULONG DataItemId, IN ULONG Reserved, IN ULONG ValueBufferSize, IN PVOID ValueBuffer ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiSetSingleItemW( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN LPCWSTR InstanceName, IN ULONG DataItemId, IN ULONG Reserved, IN ULONG ValueBufferSize, IN PVOID ValueBuffer ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiSetSingleItem WmiSetSingleItemW #else #define WmiSetSingleItem WmiSetSingleItemA #endif ULONG WMIAPI WmiExecuteMethodA( IN WMIHANDLE MethodDataBlockHandle, IN LPCSTR MethodInstanceName, IN ULONG MethodId, IN ULONG InputValueBufferSize, IN PVOID InputValueBuffer, IN OUT ULONG *OutputBufferSize, OUT PVOID OutputBuffer ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiExecuteMethodW( IN WMIHANDLE MethodDataBlockHandle, IN LPCWSTR MethodInstanceName, IN ULONG MethodId, IN ULONG InputValueBufferSize, IN PVOID InputValueBuffer, IN OUT ULONG *OutputBufferSize, OUT PVOID OutputBuffer ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiExecuteMethod WmiExecuteMethodW #else #define WmiExecuteMethod WmiExecuteMethodA #endif // Set this Flag when calling NotficationRegistration to enable or // disable a trace logging guid #define NOTIFICATION_TRACE_FLAG 0x00010000 // Set this flag when enabling a notification that should be delivered via // a direct callback. Any notifications received will be given their own // thread and the callback function called immediately. #define NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_DIRECT 0x00000004 // // Set this flag (and only this flag) when you want to only check if the // caller has permission to receive events for the guid // #define NOTIFICATION_CHECK_ACCESS 0x00000008 // // Event notification callback function prototype typedef void ( #ifndef MIDL_PASS WINAPI #endif *NOTIFICATIONCALLBACK)( PWNODE_HEADER Wnode, UINT_PTR NotificationContext ); #ifndef MIDL_PASS // // This guid is for notifications of changes to registration // {B48D49A1-E777-11d0-A50C-00A0C9062910} DEFINE_GUID(GUID_REGISTRATION_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION, 0xb48d49a1, 0xe777, 0x11d0, 0xa5, 0xc, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x6, 0x29, 0x10); // // This guid id for notifications of new mof resources being added // {B48D49A2-E777-11d0-A50C-00A0C9062910} DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MOF_RESOURCE_ADDED_NOTIFICATION, 0xb48d49a2, 0xe777, 0x11d0, 0xa5, 0xc, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x6, 0x29, 0x10); // // This guid id for notifications of new mof resources being added // {B48D49A3-E777-11d0-A50C-00A0C9062910} DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MOF_RESOURCE_REMOVED_NOTIFICATION, 0xb48d49a3, 0xe777, 0x11d0, 0xa5, 0xc, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x6, 0x29, 0x10); #endif ULONG WMIAPI WmiNotificationRegistrationA( IN LPGUID Guid, IN BOOLEAN Enable, IN PVOID DeliveryInfo, IN ULONG_PTR DeliveryContext, IN ULONG Flags ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiNotificationRegistrationW( IN LPGUID Guid, IN BOOLEAN Enable, IN PVOID DeliveryInfo, IN ULONG_PTR DeliveryContext, IN ULONG Flags ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiNotificationRegistration WmiNotificationRegistrationW #else #define WmiNotificationRegistration WmiNotificationRegistrationA #endif void WMIAPI WmiFreeBuffer( IN PVOID Buffer ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiEnumerateGuids( OUT LPGUID GuidList, IN OUT ULONG *GuidCount ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiMofEnumerateResourcesW( IN MOFHANDLE MofResourceHandle, OUT ULONG *MofResourceCount, OUT PMOFRESOURCEINFOW *MofResourceInfo ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiMofEnumerateResourcesA( IN MOFHANDLE MofResourceHandle, OUT ULONG *MofResourceCount, OUT PMOFRESOURCEINFOA *MofResourceInfo ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiMofEnumerateResources WmiMofEnumerateResourcesW #else #define WmiMofEnumerateResources WmiMofEnumerateResourcesA #endif ULONG WMIAPI WmiFileHandleToInstanceNameA( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN OUT ULONG *NumberCharacters, OUT CHAR *InstanceNames ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiFileHandleToInstanceNameW( IN WMIHANDLE DataBlockHandle, IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN OUT ULONG *NumberCharacters, OUT WCHAR *InstanceNames ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiFileHandleToInstanceName WmiFileHandleToInstanceNameW #else #define WmiFileHandleToInstanceName WmiFileHandleToInstanceNameA #endif #define WmiInsertTimestamp(WnodeHeader) \ GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME *)&((PWNODE_HEADER)WnodeHeader)->TimeStamp) ULONG WMIAPI WmiDevInstToInstanceNameA( OUT CHAR *InstanceName, IN ULONG InstanceNameLength, IN CHAR *DevInst, IN ULONG InstanceIndex ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiDevInstToInstanceNameW( OUT WCHAR *InstanceName, IN ULONG InstanceNameLength, IN WCHAR *DevInst, IN ULONG InstanceIndex ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiDevInstToInstanceName WmiDevInstToInstanceNameW #else #define WmiDevInstToInstanceName WmiDevInstToInstanceNameA #endif typedef struct _WMIGUIDINFORMATION { ULONG Size; BOOLEAN IsExpensive; BOOLEAN IsEventOnly; } WMIGUIDINFORMATION, *PWMIGUIDINFORMATION; ULONG WMIAPI WmiQueryGuidInformation( IN WMIHANDLE GuidHandle, OUT PWMIGUIDINFORMATION GuidInfo ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiReceiveNotificationsW( IN ULONG HandleCount, IN HANDLE *HandleList, IN NOTIFICATIONCALLBACK Callback, IN ULONG_PTR DeliveryContext ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiReceiveNotificationsA( IN ULONG HandleCount, IN HANDLE *HandleList, IN NOTIFICATIONCALLBACK Callback, IN ULONG_PTR DeliveryContext ); #ifdef UNICODE #define WmiReceiveNotifications WmiReceiveNotificationsW #else #define WmiReceiveNotifications WmiReceiveNotificationsA #endif // // Internal Flags for different processing modes. // Applies to the TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER ReservedFlags field. // // Used with OpenTrace(), prevents conversion of TimeStamps to UTC #define EVENT_TRACE_USE_RAWTIMESTAMP 0x00000002 // Used with OpenTrace(), retrieves event from file as is. #define EVENT_TRACE_GET_RAWEVENT 0x00000100 // Used with OpenTrace() to ReadBehind a live logger session #define EVENT_TRACE_READ_BEHIND 0x00000200 // // Used in EventCallbacks to indicate that the InstanceId field // is a sequence number. For Next version, move this constant to evntrace.h // #define EVENT_TRACE_USE_SEQUENCE 0x0004 // // Low level trace consumer routines // typedef enum tagWMI_HEADER_TYPE { WMIHT_NONE, WMIHT_UNKNOWN, WMIHT_SYSTEM32, WMIHT_SYSTEM64, WMIHT_EVENT_TRACE, WMIHT_EVENT_INSTANCE, WMIHT_TIMED, WMIHT_ULONG32, WMIHT_WNODE, WMIHT_MESSAGE, WMIHT_PERFINFO32, WMIHT_PERFINFO64 } WMI_HEADER_TYPE; typedef enum tagWMI_BUFFER_SOURCE { WMIBS_FLUSH_LIST, WMIBS_FREE_LIST, WMIBS_TRANSITION_LIST, WMIBS_CURRENT_LIST, WMIBS_LOG_FILE } WMI_BUFFER_SOURCE; typedef struct { WMI_BUFFER_SOURCE BufferSource; ULONG BufferSize; // Size of the Buffer ULONG ProcessorNumber; ULONG Alignment; // Alignment PVOID Buffer; // Pointer to the raw buffer } WMIBUFFERINFO, *PWMIBUFFERINFO; // // Get buffer offset to first event only. Returns Size. // Fix up the Buffer for proper termination and alignment. // ULONG WMIAPI WmiGetFirstTraceOffset( IN PWMIBUFFERINFO BufferInfo ); // // Get the next event, size and type. Caller must advance offset with Size // WMI_HEADER_TYPE WMIAPI WmiGetTraceHeader( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, OUT ULONG *Size ); // // Returns a EVENT_TRACE / (new Structure Ian will define) // in the Buffer provided ULONG WMIAPI WmiParseTraceEvent( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN WMI_HEADER_TYPE HeaderType, IN OUT PVOID EventInfo, IN ULONG EventInfoSize ); // // Structures and routines to process trace // with cursor. // typedef struct _WMI_BUFFER_CURSOR { PVOID BufferHeader; LARGE_INTEGER CurrentBufferOffset; ULONG CurrentEventOffset; EVENT_TRACE CurrentEvent; BOOLEAN NoMoreEvents; } WMI_BUFFER_CURSOR, *PWMI_BUFFER_CURSOR; #define WMI_MERGE_ETL_CURSOR_VERSION 1 typedef struct _WMI_MERGE_ETL_CURSOR { ULONG CursorVersion; HANDLE TraceMappingHandle; PVOID Base; ULONG CurrentCpu; WMI_BUFFER_CURSOR BufferCursor[MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS]; EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW Logfile; } WMI_MERGE_ETL_CURSOR, *PWMI_MERGE_ETL_CURSOR; ULONG WMIAPI WmiOpenTraceWithCursor( IN PWMI_MERGE_ETL_CURSOR LogCursor ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiCloseTraceWithCursor( IN PWMI_MERGE_ETL_CURSOR LogCursor ); VOID WMIAPI WmiConvertTimestamp( OUT PLARGE_INTEGER DestTime, IN PLARGE_INTEGER SrcTime, IN PWMI_MERGE_ETL_CURSOR LogCursor ); ULONG WMIAPI WmiGetNextEvent( IN PWMI_MERGE_ETL_CURSOR LogCursor ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _WMIUM_