/*++ Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: synch.c Abstract: This module implements all Win32 syncronization objects. Author: Mark Lucovsky (markl) 19-Sep-1990 Revision History: --*/ #include "basedll.h" // // Critical Section Services // VOID InitializeCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection ) /*++ Routine Description: A critical section object is initialized using Win32InitializeCriticalSection. Once a critical section object has been initialized threads within a single process may enter and exit critical sections using the critical section object. A critical section object may not me moved or copied. The application must also not modify the insides of the object, but must treat it as logically opaque. description-of-function. Arguments: lpCriticalSection - Supplies the address of a critical section object to be initialized. It is the callers resposibility to allocate the storage used by a critical section object. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ RtlRaiseStatus(Status); } } BOOL InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection, DWORD dwSpinCount ) /*++ Routine Description: A critical section object is initialized using Win32InitializeCriticalSection. Once a critical section object has been initialized threads within a single process may enter and exit critical sections using the critical section object. A critical section object may not me moved or copied. The application must also not modify the insides of the object, but must treat it as logically opaque. description-of-function. Arguments: lpCriticalSection - Supplies the address of a critical section object to be initialized. It is the callers resposibility to allocate the storage used by a critical section object. Return Value: TRUE is the code suceeded, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; BOOL rv; rv = TRUE; Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(lpCriticalSection,dwSpinCount); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ BaseSetLastNTError(Status); rv = FALSE; } return rv; } // // Event Services // HANDLE APIENTRY CreateEventA( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, BOOL bInitialState, LPCSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: ANSI thunk to CreateEventW --*/ { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; LPCWSTR NameBuffer; NameBuffer = NULL; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } return NULL; } NameBuffer = (LPCWSTR)Unicode->Buffer; } return CreateEventW( lpEventAttributes, bManualReset, bInitialState, NameBuffer ); } HANDLE APIENTRY CreateEventW( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, BOOL bInitialState, LPCWSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: An event object is created and a handle opened for access to the object with the CreateEvent function. The CreateEvent function creates an event object with the specified initial state. If an event is in the Signaled state (TRUE), a wait operation on the event does not block. If the event is in the Not- Signaled state (FALSE), a wait operation on the event blocks until the specified event attains a state of Signaled, or the timeout value is exceeded. In addition to the STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED access flags, the following object type specific access flags are valid for event objects: - EVENT_MODIFY_STATE - Modify state access (set and reset) to the event is desired. - SYNCHRONIZE - Synchronization access (wait) to the event is desired. - EVENT_ALL_ACCESS - This set of access flags specifies all of the possible access flags for an event object. Arguments: lpEventAttributes - An optional parameter that may be used to specify the attributes of the new event. If the parameter is not specified, then the event is created without a security descriptor, and the resulting handle is not inherited on process creation. bManualReset - Supplies a flag which if TRUE specifies that the event must be manually reset. If the value is FALSE, then after releasing a single waiter, the system automaticaly resets the event. bInitialState - The initial state of the event object, one of TRUE or FALSE. If the InitialState is specified as TRUE, the event's current state value is set to one, otherwise it is set to zero. lpName - Optional unicode name of event Return Value: NON-NULL - Returns a handle to the new event. The handle has full access to the new event and may be used in any API that requires a handle to an event object. FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES pObja; HANDLE Handle; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName,lpName); pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpEventAttributes,&ObjectName); } else { pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpEventAttributes,NULL); } Status = NtCreateEvent( &Handle, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, pObja, bManualReset ? NotificationEvent : SynchronizationEvent, (BOOLEAN)bInitialState ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS ) { SetLastError(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); } else { SetLastError(0); } return Handle; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return NULL; } } HANDLE APIENTRY OpenEventA( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: ANSI thunk to OpenNamedEventW --*/ { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } return NULL; } } else { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } return OpenEventW( dwDesiredAccess, bInheritHandle, (LPCWSTR)Unicode->Buffer ); } HANDLE APIENTRY OpenEventW( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCWSTR lpName ) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Object; if ( !lpName ) { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName,lpName); InitializeObjectAttributes( &Obja, &ObjectName, (bInheritHandle ? OBJ_INHERIT : 0), BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory(), NULL ); Status = NtOpenEvent( &Object, dwDesiredAccess, &Obja ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return NULL; } return Object; } BOOL SetEvent( HANDLE hEvent ) /*++ Routine Description: An event can be set to the signaled state (TRUE) with the SetEvent function. Setting the event causes the event to attain a state of Signaled, which releases all currently waiting threads (for manual reset events), or a single waiting thread (for automatic reset events). Arguments: hEvent - Supplies an open handle to an event object. The handle must have EVENT_MODIFY_STATE access to the event. Return Value: TRUE - The operation was successful FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtSetEvent(hEvent,NULL); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { return TRUE; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } BOOL ResetEvent( HANDLE hEvent ) /*++ Routine Description: The state of an event is set to the Not-Signaled state (FALSE) using the ClearEvent function. Once the event attains a state of Not-Signaled, any threads which wait on the event block, awaiting the event to become Signaled. The reset event service sets the event count to zero for the state of the event. Arguments: hEvent - Supplies an open handle to an event object. The handle must have EVENT_MODIFY_STATE access to the event. Return Value: TRUE - The operation was successful FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtClearEvent(hEvent); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { return TRUE; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } BOOL PulseEvent( HANDLE hEvent ) /*++ Routine Description: An event can be set to the Signaled state and reset to the Not- Signaled state atomically with the PulseEvent function. Pulsing the event causes the event to attain a state of Signaled, release appropriate threads, and then reset the event. When no waiters are currently waiting on the event, pulsing an event causes the event to release no threads and end up in the Not-Signaled state. With waiters waiting on an event, pulsing an event has a different effect for manual reset events that it does for automatic reset events. For manual reset events, pulsing releases all waiters and then leaves the event in the Not-Signaled state. For automatic reset events, pulsing the event releases a single waiter and then leaves the event in the Not-Signaled state. Arguments: hEvent - Supplies an open handle to an event object. The handle must have EVENT_MODIFY_STATE access to the event. Return Value: TRUE - The operation was successful FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtPulseEvent(hEvent,NULL); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { return TRUE; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } // // Semaphore Services // HANDLE APIENTRY CreateSemaphoreA( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSemaphoreAttributes, LONG lInitialCount, LONG lMaximumCount, LPCSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: ANSI thunk to CreateSemaphoreW --*/ { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; LPCWSTR NameBuffer; NameBuffer = NULL; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } return NULL; } NameBuffer = (LPCWSTR)Unicode->Buffer; } return CreateSemaphoreW( lpSemaphoreAttributes, lInitialCount, lMaximumCount, NameBuffer ); } HANDLE APIENTRY CreateSemaphoreW( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSemaphoreAttributes, LONG lInitialCount, LONG lMaximumCount, LPCWSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: A semaphore object is created and a handle opened for access to the object with the CreateSemaphore function. The CreateSemaphore function causes a semaphore object to be created which contains the specified initial and maximum counts. In addition to the STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED access flags, the following object type specific access flags are valid for semaphore objects: - SEMAPHORE_MODIFY_STATE - Modify state access (release) to the semaphore is desired. - SYNCHRONIZE - Synchronization access (wait) to the semaphore is desired. - SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS - This set of access flags specifies all of the possible access flags for a semaphore object. Arguments: lpSemaphoreAttributes - An optional parameter that may be used to specify the attributes of the new semaphore. If the parameter is not specified, then the semaphore is created without a security descriptor, , and the resulting handle is not inherited on process creation. lInitialCount - The initial count for the semaphore, this value must be positive and less than or equal to the maximum count. lMaximumCount - The maximum count for the semaphore, this value must be greater than zero.. lpName - Supplies an optional unicode name for the object. Return Value: NON-NULL - Returns a handle to the new semaphore. The handle has full access to the new semaphore and may be used in any API that requires a handle to a semaphore object. FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES pObja; HANDLE Handle; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName,lpName); pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpSemaphoreAttributes,&ObjectName); } else { pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpSemaphoreAttributes,NULL); } Status = NtCreateSemaphore( &Handle, SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS, pObja, lInitialCount, lMaximumCount ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS ) { SetLastError(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); } else { SetLastError(0); } return Handle; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return NULL; } } HANDLE APIENTRY OpenSemaphoreA( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: ANSI thunk to OpenSemaphoreW --*/ { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } return NULL; } } else { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } return OpenSemaphoreW( dwDesiredAccess, bInheritHandle, (LPCWSTR)Unicode->Buffer ); } HANDLE APIENTRY OpenSemaphoreW( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCWSTR lpName ) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Object; if ( !lpName ) { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName,lpName); InitializeObjectAttributes( &Obja, &ObjectName, (bInheritHandle ? OBJ_INHERIT : 0), BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory(), NULL ); Status = NtOpenSemaphore( &Object, dwDesiredAccess, &Obja ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return NULL; } return Object; } BOOL ReleaseSemaphore( HANDLE hSemaphore, LONG lReleaseCount, LPLONG lpPreviousCount ) /*++ Routine Description: A semaphore object can be released with the ReleaseSemaphore function. When the semaphore is released, the current count of the semaphore is incremented by the ReleaseCount. Any threads that are waiting for the semaphore are examined to see if the current semaphore value is sufficient to satisfy their wait. If the value specified by ReleaseCount would cause the maximum count for the semaphore to be exceeded, then the count for the semaphore is not affected and an error status is returned. Arguments: hSemaphore - Supplies an open handle to a semaphore object. The handle must have SEMAPHORE_MODIFY_STATE access to the semaphore. lReleaseCount - The release count for the semaphore. The count must be greater than zero and less than the maximum value specified for the semaphore. lpPreviousCount - An optional pointer to a variable that receives the previous count for the semaphore. Return Value: TRUE - The operation was successful FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore,lReleaseCount,lpPreviousCount); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { return TRUE; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } // // Mutex Services // HANDLE APIENTRY CreateMutexA( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, BOOL bInitialOwner, LPCSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: ANSI thunk to CreateMutexW --*/ { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; LPCWSTR NameBuffer; NameBuffer = NULL; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } return NULL; } NameBuffer = (LPCWSTR)Unicode->Buffer; } return CreateMutexW( lpMutexAttributes, bInitialOwner, NameBuffer ); } HANDLE APIENTRY CreateMutexW( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, BOOL bInitialOwner, LPCWSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: A mutex object can be created and a handle opened for access to the object with the CreateMutex function. A new mutex object is created and a handle opened to the object with ownership as determined by the InitialOwner parameter. The status of the newly created mutex object is set to not abandoned. In addition to the STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED access flags, the following object type specific access flags are valid for mutex objects: - MUTEX_MODIFY_STATE - Modify access to the mutex is desired. This allows a process to release a mutex. - SYNCHRONIZE - Synchronization access (wait or release) to the mutex object is desired. - MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS - All possible types of access to the mutex object are desired. Arguments: lpMutexAttributes - An optional parameter that may be used to specify the attributes of the new mutex. If the parameter is not specified, then the mutex is created without a security descriptor, and the resulting handle is not inherited on process creation. bInitialOwner - A boolean value that determines whether the creator of the object desires immediate ownership of the mutex object. lpName - Supplies an optional unicode name for the mutex. Return Value: NON-NULL - Returns a handle to the new mutex. The handle has full access to the new mutex and may be used in any API that requires a handle to a mutex object. FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES pObja; HANDLE Handle; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName,lpName); pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpMutexAttributes,&ObjectName); } else { pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpMutexAttributes,NULL); } Status = NtCreateMutant( &Handle, MUTANT_ALL_ACCESS, pObja, (BOOLEAN)bInitialOwner ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS ) { SetLastError(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); } else { SetLastError(0); } return Handle; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return NULL; } } HANDLE APIENTRY OpenMutexA( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCSTR lpName ) /*++ Routine Description: ANSI thunk to OpenMutexW --*/ { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpName) ) { Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } return NULL; } } else { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } return OpenMutexW( dwDesiredAccess, bInheritHandle, (LPCWSTR)Unicode->Buffer ); } HANDLE APIENTRY OpenMutexW( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCWSTR lpName ) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Object; if ( !lpName ) { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName,lpName); InitializeObjectAttributes( &Obja, &ObjectName, (bInheritHandle ? OBJ_INHERIT : 0), BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory(), NULL ); Status = NtOpenMutant( &Object, dwDesiredAccess, &Obja ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return NULL; } return Object; } BOOL ReleaseMutex( HANDLE hMutex ) /*++ Routine Description: Ownership of a mutex object can be released with the ReleaseMutex function. A mutex object can only be released by a thread that currently owns the mutex object. When the mutex is released, the current count of the mutex object is incremented by one. If the resultant count is one, then the mutex object is no longer owned. Any threads that are waiting for the mutex object are examined to see if their wait can be satisfied. Arguments: hMutex - An open handle to a mutex object. The handle must have MUTEX_MODIFY_STATE access to the mutex. Return Value: TRUE - The operation was successful FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtReleaseMutant(hMutex,NULL); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { return TRUE; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } // // Wait Services // DWORD WaitForSingleObject( HANDLE hHandle, DWORD dwMilliseconds ) /*++ Routine Description: A wait operation on a waitable object is accomplished with the WaitForSingleObject function. Waiting on an object checks the current state of the object. If the current state of the object allows continued execution, any adjustments to the object state are made (for example, decrementing the semaphore count for a semaphore object) and the thread continues execution. If the current state of the object does not allow continued execution, the thread is placed into the wait state pending the change of the object's state or time-out. Arguments: hHandle - An open handle to a waitable object. The handle must have SYNCHRONIZE access to the object. dwMilliseconds - A time-out value that specifies the relative time, in milliseconds, over which the wait is to be completed. A timeout value of 0 specified that the wait is to timeout immediately. This allows an application to test an object to determine if it is in the signaled state. A timeout value of -1 specifies an infinite timeout period. Return Value: WAIT_TIME_OUT - Indicates that the wait was terminated due to the TimeOut conditions. 0 - indicates the specified object attained a Signaled state thus completing the wait. WAIT_ABANDONED - indicates the specified object attained a Signaled state but was abandoned. --*/ { return WaitForSingleObjectEx(hHandle,dwMilliseconds,FALSE); } DWORD APIENTRY WaitForSingleObjectEx( HANDLE hHandle, DWORD dwMilliseconds, BOOL bAlertable ) /*++ Routine Description: A wait operation on a waitable object is accomplished with the WaitForSingleObjectEx function. Waiting on an object checks the current state of the object. If the current state of the object allows continued execution, any adjustments to the object state are made (for example, decrementing the semaphore count for a semaphore object) and the thread continues execution. If the current state of the object does not allow continued execution, the thread is placed into the wait state pending the change of the object's state or time-out. If the bAlertable parameter is FALSE, the only way the wait terminates is because the specified timeout period expires, or because the specified object entered the signaled state. If the bAlertable parameter is TRUE, then the wait can return due to any one of the above wait termination conditions, or because an I/O completion callback terminated the wait early (return value of WAIT_IO_COMPLETION). Arguments: hHandle - An open handle to a waitable object. The handle must have SYNCHRONIZE access to the object. dwMilliseconds - A time-out value that specifies the relative time, in milliseconds, over which the wait is to be completed. A timeout value of 0 specified that the wait is to timeout immediately. This allows an application to test an object to determine if it is in the signaled state. A timeout value of 0xffffffff specifies an infinite timeout period. bAlertable - Supplies a flag that controls whether or not the wait may terminate early due to an I/O completion callback. A value of TRUE allows this API to complete early due to an I/O completion callback. A value of FALSE will not allow I/O completion callbacks to terminate this call early. Return Value: WAIT_TIME_OUT - Indicates that the wait was terminated due to the TimeOut conditions. 0 - indicates the specified object attained a Signaled state thus completing the wait. 0xffffffff - The wait terminated due to an error. GetLastError may be used to get additional error information. WAIT_ABANDONED - indicates the specified object attained a Signaled state but was abandoned. WAIT_IO_COMPLETION - The wait terminated due to one or more I/O completion callbacks. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut; PLARGE_INTEGER pTimeOut; PPEB Peb; RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME Frame = { sizeof(Frame), RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_FORMAT_WHISTLER }; if (bAlertable) { // make the process default activation context active so that // APCs are delivered under it RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&Frame, NULL); } __try { Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); switch( HandleToUlong(hHandle) ) { case STD_INPUT_HANDLE: hHandle = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardInput; break; case STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE: hHandle = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardOutput; break; case STD_ERROR_HANDLE: hHandle = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardError; break; } if (CONSOLE_HANDLE(hHandle) && VerifyConsoleIoHandle(hHandle)) { hHandle = GetConsoleInputWaitHandle(); } pTimeOut = BaseFormatTimeOut(&TimeOut,dwMilliseconds); rewait: Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(hHandle,(BOOLEAN)bAlertable,pTimeOut); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); Status = (NTSTATUS)0xffffffff; } else { if ( bAlertable && Status == STATUS_ALERTED ) { goto rewait; } } } __finally { if (bAlertable) { RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&Frame); } } return (DWORD)Status; } DWORD WINAPI SignalObjectAndWait( HANDLE hObjectToSignal, HANDLE hObjectToWaitOn, DWORD dwMilliseconds, BOOL bAlertable ) { NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut; PLARGE_INTEGER pTimeOut; PPEB Peb; RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME Frame = { sizeof(Frame), RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_FORMAT_WHISTLER }; if (bAlertable) { // make the process default activation context active so that // APCs are delivered under it RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&Frame, NULL); } __try { Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); switch( HandleToUlong(hObjectToWaitOn) ) { case STD_INPUT_HANDLE: hObjectToWaitOn = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardInput; break; case STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE: hObjectToWaitOn = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardOutput; break; case STD_ERROR_HANDLE: hObjectToWaitOn = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardError; break; } if (CONSOLE_HANDLE(hObjectToWaitOn) && VerifyConsoleIoHandle(hObjectToWaitOn)) { hObjectToWaitOn = GetConsoleInputWaitHandle(); } pTimeOut = BaseFormatTimeOut(&TimeOut,dwMilliseconds); rewait: Status = NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject( hObjectToSignal, hObjectToWaitOn, (BOOLEAN)bAlertable, pTimeOut ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); Status = (NTSTATUS)0xffffffff; } else { if ( bAlertable && Status == STATUS_ALERTED ) { goto rewait; } } } __finally { if (bAlertable) { RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&Frame); } } return (DWORD)Status; } DWORD WaitForMultipleObjects( DWORD nCount, CONST HANDLE *lpHandles, BOOL bWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliseconds ) /*++ Routine Description: A wait operation on multiple waitable objects (up to MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) is accomplished with the WaitForMultipleObjects function. Arguments: nCount - A count of the number of objects that are to be waited on. lpHandles - An array of object handles. Each handle must have SYNCHRONIZE access to the associated object. bWaitAll - A flag that supplies the wait type. A value of TRUE indicates a "wait all". A value of false indicates a "wait any". dwMilliseconds - A time-out value that specifies the relative time, in milliseconds, over which the wait is to be completed. A timeout value of 0 specified that the wait is to timeout immediately. This allows an application to test an object to determine if it is in the signaled state. A timeout value of -1 specifies an infinite timeout period. Return Value: WAIT_TIME_OUT - indicates that the wait was terminated due to the TimeOut conditions. 0 to MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS-1, indicates, in the case of wait for any object, the object number which satisfied the wait. In the case of wait for all objects, the value only indicates that the wait was completed successfully. WAIT_ABANDONED_0 to (WAIT_ABANDONED_0)+(MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - 1), indicates, in the case of wait for any object, the object number which satisfied the event, and that the object which satisfied the event was abandoned. In the case of wait for all objects, the value indicates that the wait was completed successfully and at least one of the objects was abandoned. --*/ { return WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(nCount,lpHandles,bWaitAll,dwMilliseconds,FALSE); } DWORD APIENTRY WaitForMultipleObjectsEx( DWORD nCount, CONST HANDLE *lpHandles, BOOL bWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliseconds, BOOL bAlertable ) /*++ Routine Description: A wait operation on multiple waitable objects (up to MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) is accomplished with the WaitForMultipleObjects function. This API can be used to wait on any of the specified objects to enter the signaled state, or all of the objects to enter the signaled state. If the bAlertable parameter is FALSE, the only way the wait terminates is because the specified timeout period expires, or because the specified objects entered the signaled state. If the bAlertable parameter is TRUE, then the wait can return due to any one of the above wait termination conditions, or because an I/O completion callback terminated the wait early (return value of WAIT_IO_COMPLETION). Arguments: nCount - A count of the number of objects that are to be waited on. lpHandles - An array of object handles. Each handle must have SYNCHRONIZE access to the associated object. bWaitAll - A flag that supplies the wait type. A value of TRUE indicates a "wait all". A value of false indicates a "wait any". dwMilliseconds - A time-out value that specifies the relative time, in milliseconds, over which the wait is to be completed. A timeout value of 0 specified that the wait is to timeout immediately. This allows an application to test an object to determine if it is in the signaled state. A timeout value of 0xffffffff specifies an infinite timeout period. bAlertable - Supplies a flag that controls whether or not the wait may terminate early due to an I/O completion callback. A value of TRUE allows this API to complete early due to an I/O completion callback. A value of FALSE will not allow I/O completion callbacks to terminate this call early. Return Value: WAIT_TIME_OUT - indicates that the wait was terminated due to the TimeOut conditions. 0 to MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS-1, indicates, in the case of wait for any object, the object number which satisfied the wait. In the case of wait for all objects, the value only indicates that the wait was completed successfully. 0xffffffff - The wait terminated due to an error. GetLastError may be used to get additional error information. WAIT_ABANDONED_0 to (WAIT_ABANDONED_0)+(MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - 1), indicates, in the case of wait for any object, the object number which satisfied the event, and that the object which satisfied the event was abandoned. In the case of wait for all objects, the value indicates that the wait was completed successfully and at least one of the objects was abandoned. WAIT_IO_COMPLETION - The wait terminated due to one or more I/O completion callbacks. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut; PLARGE_INTEGER pTimeOut; DWORD i; LPHANDLE HandleArray; HANDLE Handles[ 8 ]; PPEB Peb; DWORD RetVal; RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME Frame = { sizeof(Frame), RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_FORMAT_WHISTLER }; if (bAlertable) { // make the process default activation context active so that // APCs are delivered under it RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&Frame, NULL); } __try { if (nCount > sizeof (Handles) / sizeof (Handles[0])) { HandleArray = (LPHANDLE) RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( TMP_TAG ), nCount*sizeof(HANDLE)); if (HandleArray == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; RetVal = 0xffffffff; leave; } } else { HandleArray = Handles; } RtlCopyMemory(HandleArray,(LPVOID)lpHandles,nCount*sizeof(HANDLE)); Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); for (i=0;iProcessParameters->StandardInput; break; case STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE: HandleArray[i] = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardOutput; break; case STD_ERROR_HANDLE: HandleArray[i] = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardError; break; } if (CONSOLE_HANDLE(HandleArray[i]) && VerifyConsoleIoHandle(HandleArray[i])) { HandleArray[i] = GetConsoleInputWaitHandle(); } } pTimeOut = BaseFormatTimeOut(&TimeOut,dwMilliseconds); rewait: Status = NtWaitForMultipleObjects( nCount, HandleArray, bWaitAll ? WaitAll : WaitAny, (BOOLEAN)bAlertable, pTimeOut ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { RetVal = 0xffffffff; } else { if ( bAlertable && Status == STATUS_ALERTED ) { goto rewait; } RetVal = (DWORD) Status; } if (HandleArray != Handles) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, HandleArray); } } __finally { if (bAlertable) { RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&Frame); } } if (RetVal == 0xffffffff) { BaseSetLastNTError (Status); } return RetVal; } VOID Sleep( DWORD dwMilliseconds ) /*++ Routine Description: The execution of the current thread can be delayed for a specified interval of time with the Sleep function. The Sleep function causes the current thread to enter a waiting state until the specified interval of time has passed. Arguments: dwMilliseconds - A time-out value that specifies the relative time, in milliseconds, over which the wait is to be completed. A timeout value of 0 specified that the wait is to timeout immediately. This allows an application to test an object to determine if it is in the signaled state. A timeout value of -1 specifies an infinite timeout period. Return Value: None. --*/ { SleepEx(dwMilliseconds,FALSE); } DWORD APIENTRY SleepEx( DWORD dwMilliseconds, BOOL bAlertable ) /*++ Routine Description: The execution of the current thread can be delayed for a specified interval of time with the SleepEx function. The SleepEx function causes the current thread to enter a waiting state until the specified interval of time has passed. If the bAlertable parameter is FALSE, the only way the SleepEx returns is when the specified time interval has passed. If the bAlertable parameter is TRUE, then the SleepEx can return due to the expiration of the time interval (return value of 0), or because an I/O completion callback terminated the SleepEx early (return value of WAIT_IO_COMPLETION). Arguments: dwMilliseconds - A time-out value that specifies the relative time, in milliseconds, over which the wait is to be completed. A timeout value of 0 specified that the wait is to timeout immediately. A timeout value of -1 specifies an infinite timeout period. bAlertable - Supplies a flag that controls whether or not the SleepEx may terminate early due to an I/O completion callback. A value of TRUE allows this API to complete early due to an I/O completion callback. A value of FALSE will not allow I/O completion callbacks to terminate this call early. Return Value: 0 - The SleepEx terminated due to expiration of the time interval. WAIT_IO_COMPLETION - The SleepEx terminated due to one or more I/O completion callbacks. --*/ { LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut; PLARGE_INTEGER pTimeOut; NTSTATUS Status; RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME Frame = { sizeof(Frame), RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_FORMAT_WHISTLER }; if (bAlertable) { // make the process default activation context active so that // APCs are delivered under it RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&Frame, NULL); } __try { pTimeOut = BaseFormatTimeOut(&TimeOut,dwMilliseconds); if (pTimeOut == NULL) { // // If Sleep( -1 ) then delay for the longest possible integer // relative to now. // TimeOut.LowPart = 0x0; TimeOut.HighPart = 0x80000000; pTimeOut = &TimeOut; } rewait: Status = NtDelayExecution( (BOOLEAN)bAlertable, pTimeOut ); if ( bAlertable && Status == STATUS_ALERTED ) { goto rewait; } } __finally { if (bAlertable) { RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&Frame); } } return Status == STATUS_USER_APC ? WAIT_IO_COMPLETION : 0; } HANDLE WINAPI CreateWaitableTimerA( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTimerAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, LPCSTR lpTimerName ) /*++ Routine Description: ANSI thunk to CreateWaitableTimerW --*/ { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; LPCWSTR NameBuffer; NameBuffer = NULL; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpTimerName) ) { Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpTimerName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } return NULL; } NameBuffer = (LPCWSTR)Unicode->Buffer; } return CreateWaitableTimerW( lpTimerAttributes, bManualReset, NameBuffer ); } HANDLE WINAPI CreateWaitableTimerW( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTimerAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, LPCWSTR lpTimerName ) { NTSTATUS Status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES pObja; HANDLE Handle; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpTimerName) ) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName,lpTimerName); pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpTimerAttributes,&ObjectName); } else { pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpTimerAttributes,NULL); } Status = NtCreateTimer( &Handle, TIMER_ALL_ACCESS, pObja, bManualReset ? NotificationTimer : SynchronizationTimer ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS ) { SetLastError(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); } else { SetLastError(0); } return Handle; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return NULL; } } HANDLE WINAPI OpenWaitableTimerA( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCSTR lpTimerName ) { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpTimerName) ) { Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpTimerName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } return NULL; } } else { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } return OpenWaitableTimerW( dwDesiredAccess, bInheritHandle, (LPCWSTR)Unicode->Buffer ); } HANDLE WINAPI OpenWaitableTimerW( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCWSTR lpTimerName ) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Object; if ( !lpTimerName ) { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName,lpTimerName); InitializeObjectAttributes( &Obja, &ObjectName, (bInheritHandle ? OBJ_INHERIT : 0), BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory(), NULL ); Status = NtOpenTimer( &Object, dwDesiredAccess, &Obja ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return NULL; } return Object; } static VOID CALLBACK BasepTimerAPCProc( PVOID pvContext, ULONG TimerLowValue, LONG TimerHighValue ) { PBASE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ACTIVATION_BLOCK ActivationBlock = (PBASE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ACTIVATION_BLOCK) pvContext; const PVOID CallbackContext = ActivationBlock->CallbackContext; const PTIMERAPCROUTINE TimerAPCRoutine = (PTIMERAPCROUTINE) ActivationBlock->CallbackFunction; RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME ActivationFrame = { sizeof(ActivationFrame), RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_FORMAT_WHISTLER }; const PACTIVATION_CONTEXT ActivationContext = ActivationBlock->ActivationContext; if ((ActivationBlock->Flags & BASE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ACTIVATION_BLOCK_FLAG_DO_NOT_FREE_AFTER_CALLBACK) == 0) { BasepFreeActivationContextActivationBlock(ActivationBlock); } RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&ActivationFrame, ActivationContext); __try { (*TimerAPCRoutine)(CallbackContext, TimerLowValue, TimerHighValue); } __finally { RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast(&ActivationFrame); } } BOOL WINAPI SetWaitableTimer( HANDLE hTimer, const LARGE_INTEGER *lpDueTime, LONG lPeriod, PTIMERAPCROUTINE pfnCompletionRoutine, LPVOID lpArgToCompletionRoutine, BOOL fResume ) { NTSTATUS Status; PBASE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ACTIVATION_BLOCK ActivationBlock = NULL; PTIMER_APC_ROUTINE TimerApcRoutine = (PTIMER_APC_ROUTINE) pfnCompletionRoutine; PVOID TimerApcContext = lpArgToCompletionRoutine; // If there's an APC routine to call and we have a non-default activation // context active for this thread, we need to allocate a little chunk of heap // to pass to the APC callback. if (pfnCompletionRoutine != NULL) { DWORD dwActivationBlockAllocationFlags = BASEP_ALLOCATE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ACTIVATION_BLOCK_FLAG_DO_NOT_ALLOCATE_IF_PROCESS_DEFAULT; // If it's a periodic timer, don't free the block until the timer is cancelled. if (lPeriod > 0) dwActivationBlockAllocationFlags |= BASEP_ALLOCATE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ACTIVATION_BLOCK_FLAG_DO_NOT_FREE_AFTER_CALLBACK; Status = BasepAllocateActivationContextActivationBlock(dwActivationBlockAllocationFlags, pfnCompletionRoutine, lpArgToCompletionRoutine, &ActivationBlock); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } if (ActivationBlock != NULL) { TimerApcRoutine = &BasepTimerAPCProc; TimerApcContext = ActivationBlock; } } Status = NtSetTimer( hTimer, (PLARGE_INTEGER) lpDueTime, TimerApcRoutine, // will be NULL if pfnCompletionRoutine was null TimerApcContext, (BOOLEAN) fResume, lPeriod, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if (ActivationBlock != NULL) BasepFreeActivationContextActivationBlock(ActivationBlock); BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } else { if ( Status == STATUS_TIMER_RESUME_IGNORED ) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); } return TRUE; } } BOOL WINAPI CancelWaitableTimer( HANDLE hTimer ) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtCancelTimer(hTimer, NULL); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }