/*++ Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: vdm.c Abstract: This module implements Win32 APIs for VDMs Author: Sudeepb Bharati (sudeepb) 04-Sep-1991 Revision History: --*/ #include "basedll.h" #include "apcompat.h" #define STRSAFE_NO_DEPRECATE #include #pragma hdrstop BOOL APIENTRY GetBinaryTypeA( IN LPCSTR lpApplicationName, OUT LPDWORD lpBinaryType ) /*++ Routine Description: ANSI version of GetBinaryTypeW. This API returns the binary type of lpApplicationName. Arguments: lpApplicationName - Full pathname of the binary lpBinaryType - pointer where binary type will be returned. Return Value: TRUE - if SUCCESS; lpBinaryType has following SCS_64BIT_BINARY - Win64 Binary SCS_32BIT_BINARY - Win32 Binary SCS_DOS_BINARY - DOS Binary SCS_WOW_BINARY - Windows 3.X Binary SCS_PIF_BINARY - PIF file SCS_POSIX_BINARY - POSIX Binary SCS_OS216_BINARY - OS/2 Binary FALSE - if file not found or of unknown type. More info with GetLastError --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PUNICODE_STRING CommandLine; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING DynamicCommandLine; BOOLEAN bReturn = FALSE; CommandLine = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpApplicationName); if ( (ULONG)AnsiString.Length<<1 < (ULONG)NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString.MaximumLength ) { DynamicCommandLine.Buffer = NULL; Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(CommandLine,&AnsiString,FALSE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } else { Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&DynamicCommandLine,&AnsiString,TRUE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } bReturn = (BOOLEAN)GetBinaryTypeW( DynamicCommandLine.Buffer ? DynamicCommandLine.Buffer : CommandLine->Buffer, lpBinaryType); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DynamicCommandLine); return((BOOL)bReturn); } BOOL WINAPI GetBinaryTypeW( IN LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, OUT LPDWORD lpBinaryType ) /*++ Routine Description: Unicode version. This API returns the binary type of lpApplicationName. Arguments: lpApplicationName - Full pathname of the binary lpBinaryType - pointer where binary type will be returned. Return Value: TRUE - if SUCCESS; lpBinaryType has following SCS_64BIT_BINARY - Win64 Binary SCS_32BIT_BINARY - Win32 Binary SCS_DOS_BINARY - DOS Binary SCS_WOW_BINARY - Windows 3.X Binary SCS_PIF_BINARY - PIF file SCS_POSIX_BINARY - POSIX Binary SCS_OS216_BINARY - OS/2 Binary FALSE - if file not found or of unknown type. More info with GetLastError --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING PathName; RTL_RELATIVE_NAME_U RelativeName; BOOLEAN TranslationStatus; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; PVOID FreeBuffer = NULL; HANDLE FileHandle, SectionHandle=NULL; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; LONG fBinaryType = SCS_THIS_PLATFORM_BINARY; BOOLEAN bReturn = FALSE; SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION ImageInformation; try { // // Translate to an NT name. // TranslationStatus = RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U( // DynamicCommandLine.Buffer ? DynamicCommandLine.Buffer : CommandLine->Buffer, lpApplicationName, &PathName, NULL, &RelativeName ); if ( !TranslationStatus ) { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID); goto GBTtryexit; } FreeBuffer = PathName.Buffer; if ( RelativeName.RelativeName.Length ) { PathName = RelativeName.RelativeName; } else { RelativeName.ContainingDirectory = NULL; } InitializeObjectAttributes( &Obja, &PathName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, RelativeName.ContainingDirectory, NULL ); // // Open the file for execute access // Status = NtOpenFile( &FileHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_EXECUTE, &Obja, &IoStatusBlock, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT | FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE ); RtlReleaseRelativeName(&RelativeName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); goto GBTtryexit; } // // Create a section object backed by the file // Status = NtCreateSection( &SectionHandle, SECTION_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, PAGE_EXECUTE, SEC_IMAGE, FileHandle ); NtClose(FileHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { SectionHandle = NULL; switch (Status) { case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NE_FORMAT: #if defined(i386) && defined(OS2_SUPPORT_ENABLED) fBinaryType = SCS_OS216_BINARY; break; #endif case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_PROTECT: fBinaryType = SCS_DOS_BINARY; break; case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_16: fBinaryType = SCS_WOW_BINARY; break; case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_MZ: fBinaryType = BaseIsDosApplication(&PathName, Status); if (!fBinaryType){ BaseSetLastNTError(Status); goto GBTtryexit; } fBinaryType = (fBinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_DOS_PIF) ? SCS_PIF_BINARY : SCS_DOS_BINARY; break; case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_32: fBinaryType = SCS_32BIT_BINARY; break; case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_64: fBinaryType = SCS_64BIT_BINARY; break; default: BaseSetLastNTError(Status); goto GBTtryexit; } } else { // // Query the section // Status = NtQuerySection( SectionHandle, SectionImageInformation, &ImageInformation, sizeof( ImageInformation ), NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); goto GBTtryexit; } if (ImageInformation.ImageCharacteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT); goto GBTtryexit; } if (ImageInformation.Machine != RtlImageNtHeader(NtCurrentPeb()->ImageBaseAddress)->FileHeader.Machine) { #ifdef MIPS if ( ImageInformation.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R3000 || ImageInformation.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000 ) { ; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT); goto GBTtryexit; } #else switch ( ImageInformation.Machine ) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: fBinaryType = SCS_32BIT_BINARY; break; #if defined(BUILD_WOW6432) // // GetBinaryType (64-bit image) from an application running on win64 // will fall to here since the 64-bit kernel allows creation of 32-bit/64-bit // image sections. // case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: fBinaryType = SCS_64BIT_BINARY; break; #endif default: SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT); goto GBTtryexit; } #endif // MIPS } else if ( ImageInformation.SubSystemType != IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI && ImageInformation.SubSystemType != IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI ) { if ( ImageInformation.SubSystemType == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI ) { fBinaryType = SCS_POSIX_BINARY; } } } *lpBinaryType = fBinaryType; bReturn = TRUE; GBTtryexit:; } finally { if (SectionHandle) NtClose(SectionHandle); if (FreeBuffer) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer); } return bReturn; } VOID APIENTRY VDMOperationStarted ( BOOL IsWowCaller ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used by MVDM to tell base that it has hooked ctrl-c handler with console. If the cmd window is killed before VDM could hook ctrl-c, then we wont get a chance to cleanup our data structures. The absence of this call tells base that it has to clean up the resources next time a call is made to create a VDM. Arguments: IsWowCaller - TRUE if the caller is WOWVDM Return Value: None --*/ { BaseUpdateVDMEntry(UPDATE_VDM_HOOKED_CTRLC, NULL, 0, IsWowCaller); return; } BOOL APIENTRY GetNextVDMCommand( PVDMINFO lpVDMInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used by MVDM to get a new command to execute. The VDM is blocked untill a DOS/WOW binary is encountered. Arguments: lpVDMInfo - pointer to VDMINFO where new DOS command and other enviornment information is returned. if lpVDMInfo is NULL, then the caller is asking whether its the first VDM in the system. Return Value: TRUE - The operation was successful. lpVDMInfo is filled in. FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status, Status2; BASE_API_MSG m; PBASE_GET_NEXT_VDM_COMMAND_MSG a = &m.u.GetNextVDMCommand; PBASE_EXIT_VDM_MSG c = &m.u.ExitVDM; PBASE_IS_FIRST_VDM_MSG d = &m.u.IsFirstVDM; PBASE_SET_REENTER_COUNT_MSG e = &m.u.SetReenterCount; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer; ULONG Len,nPointers; USHORT VDMStateSave; if (lpVDMInfo->VDMState & (ASKING_FOR_WOWPROCLIST | ASKING_FOR_WOWTASKLIST | ASKING_TO_ADD_WOWTASK)) { RtlZeroMemory(a,sizeof(BASE_GET_NEXT_VDM_COMMAND_MSG)); a->iTask = lpVDMInfo->iTask; a->EnvLen = lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize; a->Reserved = lpVDMInfo->Reserved; a->VDMState = lpVDMInfo->VDMState; CaptureBuffer = NULL; if (lpVDMInfo->Enviornment) { Len= (lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize) ? ROUND_UP(lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize, 4) : 4; CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(1, Len); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { BaseSetLastNTError( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; } CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize, (PVOID *)&a->Env ); RtlMoveMemory(a->Env, lpVDMInfo->Enviornment, lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize); } Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepGetNextVDMCommand ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = (NTSTATUS)m.ReturnValue; } if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if(CaptureBuffer) { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); } BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } // // Copy back info from the server side // try{ if (lpVDMInfo->Enviornment){ RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->Enviornment, a->Env, lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize); } } except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { BaseSetLastNTError(GetExceptionCode()); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); return FALSE; } lpVDMInfo->iTask = a->iTask; lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize = a->EnvLen; if(CaptureBuffer) { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); } return TRUE; } // Special case to query the first VDM In the system. if(lpVDMInfo == NULL){ Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER(BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepIsFirstVDM ), sizeof( *d ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(d->FirstVDM); } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } // Special case to increment/decrement the re-enterancy count if (lpVDMInfo->VDMState == INCREMENT_REENTER_COUNT || lpVDMInfo->VDMState == DECREMENT_REENTER_COUNT) { e->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; e->fIncDec = lpVDMInfo->VDMState; Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepSetReenterCount ), sizeof( *e ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return TRUE; } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } VDMStateSave = lpVDMInfo->VDMState; // console handle is always passed on in this case // wow is differentiated by a parameter a->VDMState // a->VDMState & ASKING_FOR_WOW_BINARY indicates wow a->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; if (lpVDMInfo->VDMState & ASKING_FOR_PIF) { a->iTask = lpVDMInfo->iTask; } else { a->iTask = 0; } a->AppLen = lpVDMInfo->AppLen; a->PifLen = lpVDMInfo->PifLen; a->CmdLen = lpVDMInfo->CmdSize; a->EnvLen = lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize; a->ExitCode = lpVDMInfo->ErrorCode; a->VDMState = VDMStateSave; a->WaitObjectForVDM = 0; a->DesktopLen = lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen; a->TitleLen = lpVDMInfo->TitleLen; a->ReservedLen = lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen; a->CurDirectoryLen = lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen; // Find the total space for capture buffer // startup info Len = ROUND_UP(sizeof(STARTUPINFOA),4); nPointers = 1; if (lpVDMInfo->CmdSize) { Len += ROUND_UP(a->CmdLen,4); nPointers++; } if (lpVDMInfo->AppLen) { Len +=ROUND_UP(a->AppLen,4); nPointers++; } if (lpVDMInfo->PifLen) { Len +=ROUND_UP(a->PifLen,4); nPointers++; } if (lpVDMInfo->Enviornment) { nPointers++; Len+= (lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize) ? ROUND_UP(lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize, 4) : 4; } if (lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen == 0) a->CurDirectory = NULL; else{ Len += ROUND_UP(lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen,4); nPointers++; } if (lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen == 0) a->Desktop = NULL; else { Len += ROUND_UP(lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen,4); nPointers++; } if (lpVDMInfo->TitleLen == 0) a->Title = NULL; else { Len += ROUND_UP(lpVDMInfo->TitleLen,4); nPointers++; } if (lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen == 0) a->Reserved = NULL; else { Len += ROUND_UP(lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen,4); nPointers++; } CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(nPointers, Len); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { BaseSetLastNTError( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; } if (lpVDMInfo->CmdLine) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->CmdSize, (PVOID *)&a->CmdLine ); } else { a->CmdLine = NULL; } if (lpVDMInfo->AppLen) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->AppLen, (PVOID *)&a->AppName ); } else { a->AppName = NULL; } if (lpVDMInfo->PifLen) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->PifLen, (PVOID *)&a->PifFile ); } else { a->PifFile = NULL; } if (lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize, (PVOID *)&a->Env ); } else { a->Env = NULL; } if (lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen) CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen, (PVOID *)&a->CurDirectory ); else a->CurDirectory = NULL; CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, sizeof(STARTUPINFOA), (PVOID *)&a->StartupInfo ); if (lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen) CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen, (PVOID *)&a->Desktop ); else a->Desktop = NULL; if (lpVDMInfo->TitleLen) CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->TitleLen, (PVOID *)&a->Title ); else a->Title = NULL; if (lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen) CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen, (PVOID *)&a->Reserved ); else a->Reserved = NULL; retry: Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepGetNextVDMCommand ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (a->WaitObjectForVDM) { Status2 = NtWaitForSingleObject(a->WaitObjectForVDM,FALSE,NULL); if (Status2 != STATUS_SUCCESS){ CsrFreeCaptureBuffer(CaptureBuffer); BaseSetLastNTError(Status2); return FALSE; } else { a->VDMState |= ASKING_FOR_SECOND_TIME; a->ExitCode = 0; goto retry; } } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = (NTSTATUS)m.ReturnValue; } if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { if (Status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) { //This means one of the buffer size is less than required. lpVDMInfo->CmdSize = a->CmdLen; lpVDMInfo->AppLen = a->AppLen; lpVDMInfo->PifLen = a->PifLen; lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize = a->EnvLen; lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen = a->CurDirectoryLen; lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen = a->DesktopLen; lpVDMInfo->TitleLen = a->TitleLen; lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen = a->ReservedLen; } else { lpVDMInfo->CmdSize = 0; lpVDMInfo->AppLen = 0; lpVDMInfo->PifLen = 0; lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize = 0; lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen = 0; lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen = 0; lpVDMInfo->TitleLen = 0; lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen = 0; } CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } try { if (lpVDMInfo->CmdSize) RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->CmdLine, a->CmdLine, a->CmdLen); if (lpVDMInfo->AppLen) RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->AppName, a->AppName, a->AppLen); if (lpVDMInfo->PifLen) RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->PifFile, a->PifFile, a->PifLen); if (lpVDMInfo->Enviornment) RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->Enviornment, a->Env, a->EnvLen); if (lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen) RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->CurDirectory, a->CurDirectory, a->CurDirectoryLen); if (a->VDMState & STARTUP_INFO_RETURNED) RtlMoveMemory(&lpVDMInfo->StartupInfo, a->StartupInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFOA)); if (lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen){ RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->Desktop, a->Desktop, a->DesktopLen); lpVDMInfo->StartupInfo.lpDesktop = lpVDMInfo->Desktop; } if (lpVDMInfo->TitleLen){ RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->Title, a->Title, a->TitleLen); lpVDMInfo->StartupInfo.lpTitle = lpVDMInfo->Title; } if (lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen){ RtlMoveMemory(lpVDMInfo->Reserved, a->Reserved, a->ReservedLen); lpVDMInfo->StartupInfo.lpReserved = lpVDMInfo->Reserved; } lpVDMInfo->CmdSize = a->CmdLen; lpVDMInfo->AppLen = a->AppLen; lpVDMInfo->PifLen = a->PifLen; lpVDMInfo->EnviornmentSize = a->EnvLen; if (a->VDMState & STARTUP_INFO_RETURNED) lpVDMInfo->VDMState = STARTUP_INFO_RETURNED; else lpVDMInfo->VDMState = 0; lpVDMInfo->CurDrive = a->CurrentDrive; lpVDMInfo->StdIn = a->StdIn; lpVDMInfo->StdOut = a->StdOut; lpVDMInfo->StdErr = a->StdErr; lpVDMInfo->iTask = a->iTask; lpVDMInfo->CodePage = a->CodePage; lpVDMInfo->CurDirectoryLen = a->CurDirectoryLen; lpVDMInfo->DesktopLen = a->DesktopLen; lpVDMInfo->TitleLen = a->TitleLen; lpVDMInfo->ReservedLen = a->ReservedLen; lpVDMInfo->dwCreationFlags = a->dwCreationFlags; lpVDMInfo->fComingFromBat = a->fComingFromBat; CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); return TRUE; } except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { BaseSetLastNTError(GetExceptionCode()); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); return FALSE; } } VOID APIENTRY ExitVDM( BOOL IsWowCaller, ULONG iWowTask ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used by MVDM to exit. Arguments: IsWowCaller - TRUE if the caller is WOWVDM. FALSE if the caller is DOSVDM This parameter is obsolete as basesrv knows about the kind of vdm that is calling us iWowTask - if IsWowCaller == FALSE then Dont Care - if IsWowCaller == TRUE && iWowTask != -1 kill iWowTask task - if IsWowCaller == TRUE && iWowTask == -1 kill all wow task Return Value: None --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; BASE_API_MSG m; PBASE_EXIT_VDM_MSG c = &m.u.ExitVDM; c->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; if (IsWowCaller) { c->iWowTask = iWowTask; } else { c->iWowTask = 0; } // this parameter means c->WaitObjectForVDM =0; Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepExitVDM ), sizeof( *c ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && c->WaitObjectForVDM) { NtClose (c->WaitObjectForVDM); } return; } /*++ Routine Description: Set new VDM current directories Arguments: cchCurDir - length of buffer in bytes lpszCurDir - buffer to return the current director of NTVDM Return Value: TRUE if function succeed FALSE if function failed, GetLastError() has the error code --*/ BOOL APIENTRY SetVDMCurrentDirectories( IN ULONG cchCurDirs, IN LPSTR lpszzCurDirs ) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer; BASE_API_MSG m; PBASE_GET_SET_VDM_CUR_DIRS_MSG a = &m.u.GetSetVDMCurDirs; a->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; // caller must have a valid console(WOW will fail) if (a->ConsoleHandle == (HANDLE) -1) { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } if (cchCurDirs && lpszzCurDirs) { // get capture buffer, one pointer in the message CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(1, cchCurDirs); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { BaseSetLastNTError( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; } CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, cchCurDirs, (PVOID *)&a->lpszzCurDirs ); a->cchCurDirs = cchCurDirs; try { RtlMoveMemory(a->lpszzCurDirs, lpszzCurDirs, cchCurDirs); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { BaseSetLastNTError(GetExceptionCode()); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer(CaptureBuffer); return FALSE; } Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER(BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepSetVDMCurDirs ), sizeof( *a ) ); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer(CaptureBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || !NT_SUCCESS((NTSTATUS)m.ReturnValue)) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*++ Routine Description: To return current directory of NTVDM. This allows the parent process(CMD.EXE in most cases) to keep track the current directory after each VDM execution. NOTE: this function doesn't apply to wow Arguments: cchCurDir - length of buffer in bytes lpszCurDir - buffer to return the current director of NTVDM Note: We don't require the process id to the running VDM because current directories are global to every VDMs under a single NTVDM control -- each console handle has its own current directories Return Value: ULONG - (1). number of bytes written to the given buffer if succeed (2). lentgh of the current directory including NULL if the provided buffer is not large enough (3). 0 then GetLastError() has the error code --*/ ULONG APIENTRY GetVDMCurrentDirectories( IN ULONG cchCurDirs, IN LPSTR lpszzCurDirs ) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer; BASE_API_MSG m; PBASE_GET_SET_VDM_CUR_DIRS_MSG a = &m.u.GetSetVDMCurDirs; a->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; if (a->ConsoleHandle == (HANDLE) -1) { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0L; } if (cchCurDirs && lpszzCurDirs) { CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(1, cchCurDirs); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { BaseSetLastNTError( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; } CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, cchCurDirs, (PVOID *)&a->lpszzCurDirs ); a->cchCurDirs = cchCurDirs; } else { a->cchCurDirs = 0; a->lpszzCurDirs = NULL; CaptureBuffer = NULL; } m.ReturnValue = 0xffffffff; Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER(BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepGetVDMCurDirs ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (m.ReturnValue == 0xffffffff) { a->cchCurDirs = 0; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = m.ReturnValue; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { try { RtlMoveMemory(lpszzCurDirs, a->lpszzCurDirs, a->cchCurDirs); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); a->cchCurDirs = 0; } } else { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } if (CaptureBuffer) { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer(CaptureBuffer); } return a->cchCurDirs; } VOID APIENTRY CmdBatNotification( IN ULONG fBeginEnd ) /*++ Routine Description: This API lets base know about .bat processing from cmd. This is required by VDM, so that it can decided correctly when to put command.com prompt on TSRs. If the command came from .bat file then VDM should'nt put its prompt. This is important for ventura publisher and civilization apps. Arguments: fBeginEnd - CMD_BAT_OPERATION_STARTING -> .BAT processing is starting CMD_BAT_OPERATION_TERMINATING -> .BAT processing is ending Return Value: None --*/ { #if defined(BUILD_WOW6432) // 32-bit cmd.exe calls this in WOW64, but there is no VDM support, so // no need for a WOW64 thunk for it. UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(fBeginEnd); #else BASE_API_MSG m; PBASE_BAT_NOTIFICATION_MSG a = &m.u.BatNotification; a->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; if (a->ConsoleHandle == (HANDLE) -1) return; a->fBeginEnd = fBeginEnd; CsrClientCallServer((PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER(BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepBatNotification ), sizeof( *a ) ); #endif return; } NTSTATUS APIENTRY RegisterWowExec( IN HANDLE hwndWowExec ) /*++ Routine Description: This API gives basesrv the window handle for the shared WowExec so it can send WM_WOWEXECSTARTAPP messages to WowExec. This saves having a thread in WOW dedicated to GetNextVDMCommand. Arguments: hwndWowExec - Win32 window handle for WowExec in shared WOW VDM. Separate WOW VDMs don't register their WowExec handle because they never get commands from base. NULL is passed to de-register any given wowexec Return Value: If hwndWowExec != NULL then returns success if wow had been registered successfully if hwndWowExec == NULL then returns success if no tasks are pending to be executed --*/ { BASE_API_MSG m; PBASE_REGISTER_WOWEXEC_MSG a = &m.u.RegisterWowExec; NTSTATUS Status; a->hwndWowExec = hwndWowExec; a->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; Status = CsrClientCallServer((PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER(BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepRegisterWowExec ), sizeof( *a ) ); return Status; } /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to close standard IO handles before returning to the caller Arguments: pVDMInfo - VDM Info record containing stdio handles Return Value: None --*/ VOID BaseCloseStandardHandle( IN PVDMINFO pVDMInfo ) { if (pVDMInfo->StdIn) NtClose (pVDMInfo->StdIn); if (pVDMInfo->StdOut) NtClose (pVDMInfo->StdOut); if (pVDMInfo->StdErr) NtClose (pVDMInfo->StdErr); pVDMInfo->StdIn = 0; pVDMInfo->StdOut = 0; pVDMInfo->StdErr = 0; } NTSTATUS BaseGetVdmLuid( HANDLE Token, PLUID pluidCaller ) { PTOKEN_STATISTICS pStats; ULONG BytesRequired; NTSTATUS Status; /* * Get the session id of the caller. */ Status = NtQueryInformationToken( Token, // Handle TokenStatistics, // TokenInformationClass NULL, // TokenInformation 0, // TokenInformationLength &BytesRequired // ReturnLength ); if (Status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { return Status; } // // Allocate space for the user info // pStats = (PTOKEN_STATISTICS)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ), BytesRequired); if (pStats == NULL) { return Status; } // // Read in the user info // Status = NtQueryInformationToken( Token, // Handle TokenStatistics, // TokenInformationClass pStats, // TokenInformation BytesRequired, // TokenInformationLength &BytesRequired // ReturnLength ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (pluidCaller != NULL) *pluidCaller = pStats->AuthenticationId; } RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pStats); return Status; } NTSTATUS BaseCheckVDMp( IN ULONG BinaryType, IN PCWCH lpApplicationName, IN PCWCH lpCommandLine, IN PCWCH lpCurrentDirectory, IN ANSI_STRING *pAnsiStringEnv, IN PBASE_API_MSG m, IN OUT PULONG iTask, IN DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, IN HANDLE hUserToken ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine calls the windows server to find out if the VDM for the current session is already present. If so, a new process is'nt created instead the DOS binary is dispatched to the existing VDM. Otherwise, a new VDM process is created. This routine also passes the app name and command line to the server in DOS int21/0ah style which is later passed by the server to the VDM. Arguments: BinaryType - DOS/WOW binary lpApplicationName -- pointer to the full path name of the executable. lpCommandLine -- command line lpCurrentDirectory - Current directory lpEnvironment, - Envirinment strings m - pointer to the base api message. iTask - taskid for win16 apps, and no-console dos apps dwCreationFlags - creation flags as passed to createprocess lpStartupInfo =- pointer to startupinfo as passed to createprocess Return Value: OEM vs. ANSI: The command line, Application Name, title are converted to OEM strings, suitable for the VDM. All other strings are returned as ANSI. returns nt status code of the last operation STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED -- Operation failed (desktop access denied) STATUS_SUCCESS -- Operation sucseeded --*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; PPEB Peb; PBASE_CHECKVDM_MSG b= (PBASE_CHECKVDM_MSG)&m->u.CheckVDM; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer; ANSI_STRING AnsiStringCurrentDir,AnsiStringDesktop; ANSI_STRING AnsiStringReserved, AnsiStringPif; OEM_STRING OemStringCmd, OemStringAppName, OemStringTitle; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; PCHAR pch, Buffer = NULL; ULONG Len; ULONG bufPointers; LPWSTR wsBuffer; LPWSTR wsAppName; LPWSTR wsPifName; LPWSTR wsCmdLine; LPWSTR wsPif=L".pif"; LPWSTR wsSharedWowPif=L"wowexec.pif"; PWCHAR pwch; BOOLEAN bNewConsole; DWORD dw, dwTotal, Length; WCHAR wchBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; ULONG BinarySubType; LPWSTR lpAllocatedReserved = NULL; DWORD HandleFlags; LUID VdmUserLuid; // does a trivial test of the environment if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pAnsiStringEnv) || pAnsiStringEnv->Length > MAXIMUM_VDM_ENVIORNMENT) { BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } wsCmdLine = wsAppName = NULL; OemStringCmd.Buffer = NULL; OemStringAppName.Buffer = NULL; AnsiStringCurrentDir.Buffer = NULL; AnsiStringDesktop.Buffer = NULL; AnsiStringPif.Buffer = NULL; OemStringTitle.Buffer = NULL; AnsiStringReserved.Buffer = NULL; wsBuffer = NULL; wsPifName = NULL; BinarySubType = BinaryType & BINARY_SUBTYPE_MASK; BinaryType = BinaryType & ~BINARY_SUBTYPE_MASK; bNewConsole = !NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle || (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE); try { if (BinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_DOS) { Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); if (lpStartupInfo && lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES) { b->StdIn = lpStartupInfo->hStdInput; b->StdOut = lpStartupInfo->hStdOutput; b->StdErr = lpStartupInfo->hStdError; } else { b->StdIn = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardInput; b->StdOut = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardOutput; b->StdErr = Peb->ProcessParameters->StandardError; // // Verify that the standard handles ntvdm process will inherit // from the calling process are real handles. They are not // handles if the calling process was created with // STARTF_USEHOTKEY | STARTF_HASSHELLDATA. // Note that CreateProcess clears STARTF_USESTANDHANDLES // if either STARTF_USEHOTKEY or STARTF_HASSHELLDATA is set. // if (Peb->ProcessParameters->WindowFlags & (STARTF_USEHOTKEY | STARTF_HASSHELLDATA)) { if (b->StdIn && !CONSOLE_HANDLE(b->StdIn) && !GetHandleInformation(b->StdIn, &HandleFlags)) b->StdIn = 0; if (b->StdOut && !CONSOLE_HANDLE(b->StdOut) && !GetHandleInformation(b->StdOut, &HandleFlags)) { if (b->StdErr == b->StdOut) b->StdErr = 0; b->StdOut = 0; } if (b->StdErr && b->StdErr != b->StdOut && !CONSOLE_HANDLE(b->StdErr) && !GetHandleInformation(b->StdErr, &HandleFlags)) b->StdErr = 0; } } if (CONSOLE_HANDLE((b->StdIn))) b->StdIn = 0; if (CONSOLE_HANDLE((b->StdOut))) b->StdOut = 0; if (CONSOLE_HANDLE((b->StdErr))) b->StdErr = 0; } if (BinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_SEPWOW) { bNewConsole = TRUE; } // // Convert Unicode Application Name to Oem short name // // skiping leading white space while(*lpApplicationName == (WCHAR)' ' || *lpApplicationName == (WCHAR)'\t' ) { lpApplicationName++; } // space for short AppName Len = wcslen(lpApplicationName); dwTotal = Len + 1 + MAX_PATH; wsAppName = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG(VDM_TAG), dwTotal * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (wsAppName == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto BCVTryExit; } dw = GetShortPathNameW(lpApplicationName, wsAppName, dwTotal); // If getting the short name is impossible, stop right here. // We can not execute a 16bits biranry if we can not find // its appropriate short name alias. Sorry HPFS, Sorry NFS if (0 == dw || dw > dwTotal) { Status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; goto BCVTryExit; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, wsAppName); Status = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString(&OemStringAppName, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ goto BCVTryExit; } // // Find len of basename excluding extension, // for CommandTail max len check. // dw = OemStringAppName.Length; pch = OemStringAppName.Buffer; Length = 1; // start at one for space between cmdname & cmdtail while (dw-- && *pch != '.') { if (*pch == '\\') { Length = 1; } else { Length++; } pch++; } // // Find the beg of the command tail to pass as the CmdLine // Len = wcslen(lpApplicationName); if (L'"' == lpCommandLine[0]) { // // Application name is quoted, skip the quoted text // to get command tail. // pwch = (LPWSTR)&lpCommandLine[1]; while (*pwch && L'"' != *pwch++) { ; } } else if (Len <= wcslen(lpCommandLine) && 0 == _wcsnicmp(lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, Len)) { // // Application path is also on the command line, skip past // that to reach the command tail instead of looking for // the first white space. // pwch = (LPWSTR)lpCommandLine + Len; } else { // // We assume first token is exename (argv[0]). // pwch = (LPWSTR)lpCommandLine; // skip leading white characters while (*pwch != UNICODE_NULL && (*pwch == (WCHAR) ' ' || *pwch == (WCHAR) '\t')) { pwch++; } // skip first token if (*pwch == (WCHAR) '\"') { // quotes as delimiter pwch++; while (*pwch && *pwch++ != '\"') { ; } } else { // white space as delimiter while (*pwch && *pwch != ' ' && *pwch != '\t') { pwch++; } } } // // pwch points past the application name, now skip any trailing // whitespace. // while (*pwch && (L' ' == *pwch || L'\t' == *pwch)) { pwch++; } wsCmdLine = pwch; dw = wcslen(wsCmdLine); // convert to oem UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT)(dw * sizeof(WCHAR)); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = UnicodeString.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); UnicodeString.Buffer = wsCmdLine; Status = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemStringCmd, &UnicodeString, TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ goto BCVTryExit; } // // check len of command line for dos compatibility // if (OemStringCmd.Length >= MAXIMUM_VDM_COMMAND_LENGTH - Length) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto BCVTryExit; } // // Search for matching pif file. Search order is AppName dir, // followed by win32 default search path. For the shared wow, pif // is wowexec.pif if it exists. // wsBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(),MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ),MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!wsBuffer) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto BCVTryExit; } wsPifName = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(),MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ),MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!wsPifName) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto BCVTryExit; } if (BinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_WIN16) { wcscpy(wsBuffer, wsSharedWowPif); Len = 0; } else { // dos application path should be less than MAX_PATH if(Len >= MAX_PATH) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto BCVTryExit; } // start with fully qualified app name wcscpy(wsBuffer, lpApplicationName); // strip extension if any pwch = wcsrchr(wsBuffer, (WCHAR)'.'); // dos application must have an extention if (pwch == NULL || wsBuffer - pwch + MAX_PATH < sizeof(wsPif)/sizeof(WCHAR)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto BCVTryExit; } wcscpy(pwch, wsPif); Len = GetFileAttributesW(wsBuffer); if (Len == (DWORD)(-1) || (Len & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { Len = 0; } else { Len = wcslen(wsBuffer) + 1; wcsncpy(wsPifName, wsBuffer, Len); } } if (!Len) { // try basename // find beg of basename pwch = wcsrchr(wsBuffer, (WCHAR)'\\'); if (!pwch ) { pwch = wcsrchr(wsBuffer, (WCHAR)':'); } // move basename to beg of wsBuffer if (pwch++) { while (*pwch != UNICODE_NULL && *pwch != (WCHAR)' ' && *pwch != (WCHAR)'\t' ) { wsBuffer[Len++] = *pwch++; } wsBuffer[Len] = UNICODE_NULL; } if (Len) { Len = SearchPathW( NULL, wsBuffer, wsPif, // L".pif" MAX_PATH, wsPifName, NULL ); if (Len >= MAX_PATH) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto BCVTryExit; } } } if (!Len) *wsPifName = UNICODE_NULL; if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( lpCurrentDirectory )) { #pragma prefast(suppress: 209, "RtlGetCurrentDirectory_U takes a byte count") dw = RtlGetCurrentDirectory_U(sizeof (wchBuffer), wchBuffer); wchBuffer[dw / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; dw = GetShortPathNameW(wchBuffer, wchBuffer, sizeof(wchBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (dw > sizeof(wchBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR)) goto BCVTryExit; else if (dw == 0) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, wchBuffer); dw = UnicodeString.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); } else { UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT)(dw * sizeof(WCHAR)); UnicodeString.Buffer = wchBuffer; UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)sizeof(wchBuffer); } // DOS limit of 64 includes the final NULL but not the leading // drive and slash. So here we should be checking the ansi length // of current directory + 1 (for NULL) - 3 (for c:\). if ( dw - 2 <= MAXIMUM_VDM_CURRENT_DIR ) { Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiStringCurrentDir, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { goto BCVTryExit; } } else { // first get a full path name dw = GetFullPathNameW(lpCurrentDirectory, sizeof(wchBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR), wchBuffer, NULL); if (0 != dw && dw <= sizeof(wchBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR)) { dw = GetShortPathNameW(wchBuffer, wchBuffer, sizeof(wchBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR)); } if (dw > sizeof(wchBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR)) goto BCVTryExit; if (dw != 0) { UnicodeString.Buffer = wchBuffer; UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT)(dw * sizeof(WCHAR)); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = sizeof(wchBuffer); } else RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, lpCurrentDirectory); Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiStringCurrentDir, &UnicodeString, TRUE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ goto BCVTryExit; } // DOS limit of 64 includes the final NULL but not the leading // drive and slash. So here we should be checking the ansi length // of current directory + 1 (for NULL) - 3 (for c:\). if((AnsiStringCurrentDir.Length - 2) > MAXIMUM_VDM_CURRENT_DIR) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto BCVTryExit; } } // NT allows applications to use UNC name as their current directory. // while NTVDM can't do that. We will end up a weird drive number // like '\' - 'a') here ???????????????????????????????? // // Place Current Drive if(AnsiStringCurrentDir.Buffer[0] <= 'Z') b->CurDrive = AnsiStringCurrentDir.Buffer[0] - 'A'; else b->CurDrive = AnsiStringCurrentDir.Buffer[0] - 'a'; // // Hotkey info in NT traditionally is specified in the // startupinfo.lpReserved field, but Win95 added a // duplicate mechanism. If the Win95 method was used, // map it to the NT method here so the rest of the // VDM code only has to deal with one method. // // If the caller was specified a hotkey // in lpReserved as well as using STARTF_USEHOTKEY, // the STARTF_USEHOTKEY hotkey will take precedence. // if (lpStartupInfo && lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USEHOTKEY) { DWORD cbAlloc = sizeof(WCHAR) * (20 + // "hotkey.4294967295 " (MAXULONG) (lpStartupInfo->lpReserved // length of prev lpReserved ? wcslen(lpStartupInfo->lpReserved) : 0 ) + 1 // NULL terminator ); lpAllocatedReserved = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ), cbAlloc ); if (lpAllocatedReserved) { swprintf(lpAllocatedReserved, L"hotkey.%u %s", HandleToUlong(lpStartupInfo->hStdInput), lpStartupInfo->lpReserved ? lpStartupInfo->lpReserved : L"" ); lpStartupInfo->dwFlags &= ~STARTF_USEHOTKEY; lpStartupInfo->hStdInput = 0; lpStartupInfo->lpReserved = lpAllocatedReserved; } } // // Allocate Capture Buffer // // bufPointers = 2; // CmdLine, AppName // // CmdLine for capture buffer, 3 for 0xd,0xa and NULL // Len = ROUND_UP((OemStringCmd.Length + 3),4); // AppName, 1 for NULL Len += ROUND_UP((OemStringAppName.Length + 1),4); // Env if (pAnsiStringEnv->Length) { bufPointers++; Len += ROUND_UP(pAnsiStringEnv->Length, 4); } // CurrentDir if (AnsiStringCurrentDir.Length){ bufPointers++; Len += ROUND_UP((AnsiStringCurrentDir.Length +1),4); // 1 for NULL } // pif file name, 1 for NULL if (wsPifName && *wsPifName != UNICODE_NULL) { bufPointers++; RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString,wsPifName); Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiStringPif, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ goto BCVTryExit; } Len += ROUND_UP((AnsiStringPif.Length+1),4); } // // startupinfo space // if (lpStartupInfo) { Len += ROUND_UP(sizeof(STARTUPINFOA),4); bufPointers++; if (lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop) { bufPointers++; RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString,lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop); Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiStringDesktop, &UnicodeString, TRUE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ goto BCVTryExit; } Len += ROUND_UP((AnsiStringDesktop.Length+1),4); } if (lpStartupInfo->lpTitle) { bufPointers++; RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString,lpStartupInfo->lpTitle); Status = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemStringTitle, &UnicodeString, TRUE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ goto BCVTryExit; } Len += ROUND_UP((OemStringTitle.Length+1),4); } if (lpStartupInfo->lpReserved) { bufPointers++; RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString,lpStartupInfo->lpReserved); Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiStringReserved, &UnicodeString, TRUE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){ goto BCVTryExit; } Len += ROUND_UP((AnsiStringReserved.Length+1),4); } } // // luid space // // Allocate UserLuid pointer if(hUserToken) { bufPointers++; if (!NT_SUCCESS(BaseGetVdmLuid(hUserToken,&VdmUserLuid))) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto BCVTryExit; } Len += ROUND_UP(sizeof(LUID),4); } // capture message buffer CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(bufPointers, Len); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto BCVTryExit; } // Allocate CmdLine pointer CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP((OemStringCmd.Length + 3),4), (PVOID *)&b->CmdLine ); // Copy Command Line RtlMoveMemory (b->CmdLine, OemStringCmd.Buffer, OemStringCmd.Length); b->CmdLine[OemStringCmd.Length] = 0xd; b->CmdLine[OemStringCmd.Length+1] = 0xa; b->CmdLine[OemStringCmd.Length+2] = 0; b->CmdLen = (USHORT)(OemStringCmd.Length + 3); // Allocate AppName pointer CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP((OemStringAppName.Length + 1),4), (PVOID *)&b->AppName ); // Copy AppName RtlMoveMemory (b->AppName, OemStringAppName.Buffer, OemStringAppName.Length ); b->AppName[OemStringAppName.Length] = 0; b->AppLen = OemStringAppName.Length + 1; // Allocate PifFile pointer, Copy PifFile name if(AnsiStringPif.Buffer) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP((AnsiStringPif.Length + 1),4), (PVOID *)&b->PifFile ); RtlMoveMemory(b->PifFile, AnsiStringPif.Buffer, AnsiStringPif.Length); b->PifFile[AnsiStringPif.Length] = 0; b->PifLen = AnsiStringPif.Length + 1; } else { b->PifLen = 0; b->PifFile = NULL; } // Allocate Env pointer, Copy Env strings if(pAnsiStringEnv->Length) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP((pAnsiStringEnv->Length),4), (PVOID *)&b->Env ); RtlMoveMemory(b->Env, pAnsiStringEnv->Buffer, pAnsiStringEnv->Length); b->EnvLen = pAnsiStringEnv->Length; } else { b->EnvLen = 0; b->Env = NULL; } if(AnsiStringCurrentDir.Length) { // Allocate Curdir pointer CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP((AnsiStringCurrentDir.Length + 1),4), (PVOID *)&b->CurDirectory ); // copy cur directory RtlMoveMemory (b->CurDirectory, AnsiStringCurrentDir.Buffer, AnsiStringCurrentDir.Length+1); b->CurDirectoryLen = AnsiStringCurrentDir.Length+1; } else { b->CurDirectory = NULL; b->CurDirectoryLen = 0; } // Allocate startupinfo pointer if (lpStartupInfo) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP(sizeof(STARTUPINFOA),4), (PVOID *)&b->StartupInfo ); // Copy startupinfo b->StartupInfo->dwX = lpStartupInfo->dwX; b->StartupInfo->dwY = lpStartupInfo->dwY; b->StartupInfo->dwXSize = lpStartupInfo->dwXSize; b->StartupInfo->dwYSize = lpStartupInfo->dwYSize; b->StartupInfo->dwXCountChars= lpStartupInfo->dwXCountChars; b->StartupInfo->dwYCountChars= lpStartupInfo->dwYCountChars; b->StartupInfo->dwFillAttribute=lpStartupInfo->dwFillAttribute; b->StartupInfo->dwFlags = lpStartupInfo->dwFlags; b->StartupInfo->wShowWindow = lpStartupInfo->wShowWindow; b->StartupInfo->cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA); } else { b->StartupInfo = NULL; } // Allocate pointer for Desktop info if needed if (AnsiStringDesktop.Buffer) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP((AnsiStringDesktop.Length + 1),4), (PVOID *)&b->Desktop ); // Copy desktop string RtlMoveMemory (b->Desktop, AnsiStringDesktop.Buffer, AnsiStringDesktop.Length+1); b->DesktopLen =AnsiStringDesktop.Length+1; } else { b->Desktop = NULL; b->DesktopLen =0; } // Allocate pointer for Title info if needed if (OemStringTitle.Buffer) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP((OemStringTitle.Length + 1),4), (PVOID *)&b->Title ); // Copy title string RtlMoveMemory (b->Title, OemStringTitle.Buffer, OemStringTitle.Length+1); b->TitleLen = OemStringTitle.Length+1; } else { b->Title = NULL; b->TitleLen = 0; } // Allocate pointer for Reserved field if needed if (AnsiStringReserved.Buffer) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP((AnsiStringReserved.Length + 1),4), (PVOID *)&b->Reserved ); // Copy reserved string RtlMoveMemory (b->Reserved, AnsiStringReserved.Buffer, AnsiStringReserved.Length+1); b->ReservedLen = AnsiStringReserved.Length+1; } else { b->Reserved = NULL; b->ReservedLen = 0; } // Allocate UserLuid pointer if(hUserToken) { CsrAllocateMessagePointer( CaptureBuffer, ROUND_UP(sizeof(LUID),4), (PVOID *)&b->UserLuid ); RtlCopyLuid(b->UserLuid,&VdmUserLuid); } else { b->UserLuid = NULL; } // VadimB: this code is of no consequence to our marvelous new // architecture for tracking shared wows. // Reason: the checkvdm command is executed within the context of // a parent process thus at this point ConsoleHandle is of any // interest only to DOS apps. if (BinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_WIN16) b->ConsoleHandle = (HANDLE)-1; else if (bNewConsole) b->ConsoleHandle = 0; else b->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; b->VDMState = FALSE; b->BinaryType = BinaryType; b->CodePage = (ULONG) GetConsoleCP (); b->dwCreationFlags = dwCreationFlags; Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepCheckVDM ), sizeof( *b ) ); // if desktop access is denied, then we try again with the // current default desktop // if ((STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == Status) && (0 == b->DesktopLen)) { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer(CaptureBuffer); goto BCVTryExit; } CsrFreeCaptureBuffer(CaptureBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || !NT_SUCCESS((NTSTATUS)m->ReturnValue)) { Status = (NTSTATUS)m->ReturnValue; goto BCVTryExit; } // VadimB: This iTask could be : // (*) If not wow task - then dos task id (items below are not // relevant for this case) // (*) Shared wow exists and ready - this is a wow task id // that is unique across all the shared wows *iTask = b->iTask; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; BCVTryExit:; } finally { if(Buffer != NULL) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, (PVOID)Buffer); if(wsBuffer != NULL) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, (PVOID)wsBuffer); if(wsPifName != NULL) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, (PVOID)wsPifName); if(OemStringCmd.Buffer != NULL) RtlFreeOemString(&OemStringCmd); if(OemStringAppName.Buffer != NULL) RtlFreeOemString(&OemStringAppName); if(AnsiStringPif.Buffer != NULL) RtlFreeAnsiString(&AnsiStringPif); if(AnsiStringCurrentDir.Buffer != NULL) RtlFreeAnsiString(&AnsiStringCurrentDir); if(AnsiStringDesktop.Buffer != NULL) RtlFreeAnsiString(&AnsiStringDesktop); if(OemStringTitle.Buffer != NULL) RtlFreeAnsiString(&OemStringTitle); if(AnsiStringReserved.Buffer != NULL) RtlFreeAnsiString(&AnsiStringReserved); if (wsAppName != NULL) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, wsAppName); if (lpAllocatedReserved != NULL) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, lpAllocatedReserved); } return Status; } /* jarbats Some apps send startupinfo with bad desktop name as a result, basecheckvdm will fail with because access to the desktop can't be obtained in that case we attempt again with the parents desktop */ NTSTATUS BaseCheckVDM( IN ULONG BinaryType, IN PCWCH lpApplicationName, IN PCWCH lpCommandLine, IN PCWCH lpCurrentDirectory, IN ANSI_STRING *pAnsiStringEnv, IN PBASE_API_MSG m, IN OUT PULONG iTask, IN DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, IN HANDLE hUserToken ) { NTSTATUS Status; LPWSTR lpDesktopOld; Status = BaseCheckVDMp( BinaryType, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpCurrentDirectory, pAnsiStringEnv, m, iTask, dwCreationFlags, lpStartupInfo, hUserToken ); if ( Status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ) { lpDesktopOld = lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop; lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop = (LPWSTR)((PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS)NtCurrentPeb()-> ProcessParameters)->DesktopInfo.Buffer; Status = BaseCheckVDMp( BinaryType, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpCurrentDirectory, pAnsiStringEnv, m, iTask, dwCreationFlags, lpStartupInfo, hUserToken ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop = lpDesktopOld; } } else if (Status == STATUS_VDM_DISALLOWED) { UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; ULONG_PTR ErrorParameters[2]; ULONG ErrorResponse; RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, lpApplicationName); ErrorParameters[0] = (ULONG_PTR)&UnicodeString; NtRaiseHardError( STATUS_VDM_DISALLOWED, 1, // 1 parameter 1, // ParameterStringMask ErrorParameters, OptionOk, &ErrorResponse ); } return Status; } BOOL BaseUpdateVDMEntry( IN ULONG UpdateIndex, IN OUT HANDLE *WaitHandle, IN ULONG IndexInfo, IN ULONG BinaryType ) { NTSTATUS Status; BASE_API_MSG m; PBASE_UPDATE_VDM_ENTRY_MSG c = &m.u.UpdateVDMEntry; switch (UpdateIndex) { case UPDATE_VDM_UNDO_CREATION: c->iTask = HandleToUlong(*WaitHandle); c->VDMCreationState = (USHORT)IndexInfo; break; case UPDATE_VDM_PROCESS_HANDLE: c->VDMProcessHandle = *WaitHandle; // Actually this is VDM handle c->iTask = IndexInfo; break; } // VadimB: this ConsoleHandle is of no consequence to the // shared wow tracking mechanism if(BinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_WIN16) c->ConsoleHandle = (HANDLE)-1; else if (c->iTask) c->ConsoleHandle = 0; else c->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; c->EntryIndex = (WORD)UpdateIndex; c->BinaryType = BinaryType; Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepUpdateVDMEntry ), sizeof( *c ) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || !NT_SUCCESS((NTSTATUS)m.ReturnValue)) { BaseSetLastNTError((NTSTATUS)m.ReturnValue); return FALSE; } switch (UpdateIndex) { case UPDATE_VDM_UNDO_CREATION: break; case UPDATE_VDM_PROCESS_HANDLE: *WaitHandle = c->WaitObjectForParent; break; } return TRUE; } ULONG BaseIsDosApplication( IN PUNICODE_STRING PathName, IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++ Routine Description: Determines if app is a ".com" or a ".pif" type of app by looking at the extension, and the Status from NtCreateSection for PAGE_EXECUTE. Arguments: PathName -- Supplies a pointer to the path string Status -- Status code from CreateSection call bNewConsole -- Pif can exec only from a new console Return Value: file is a com\pif dos application SCS_DOS_BINARY - ".com", may also be a .exe extension SCS_PIF_BINARY - ".pif" 0 -- file is not a dos application, may be a .bat or .cmd file --*/ { UNICODE_STRING String; // check for .com extension String.Length = BaseDotComSuffixName.Length; String.Buffer = &(PathName->Buffer[(PathName->Length - String.Length) / sizeof(WCHAR)]); if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&String, &BaseDotComSuffixName, TRUE)) return BINARY_TYPE_DOS_COM; // check for .pif extension String.Length = BaseDotPifSuffixName.Length; String.Buffer = &(PathName->Buffer[(PathName->Length - String.Length) / sizeof(WCHAR)]); if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&String, &BaseDotPifSuffixName, TRUE)) return BINARY_TYPE_DOS_PIF; // check for .exe extension String.Length = BaseDotExeSuffixName.Length; String.Buffer = &(PathName->Buffer[(PathName->Length - String.Length) / sizeof(WCHAR)]); if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&String, &BaseDotExeSuffixName, TRUE)) return BINARY_TYPE_DOS_EXE; return 0; } BOOL BaseGetVdmConfigInfo( IN LPCWSTR CommandLine, IN ULONG DosSeqId, IN ULONG BinaryType, IN PUNICODE_STRING CmdLineString, IN OUT PULONG VdmSize ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine locates the VDM configuration information for Wow vdms in the system configuration file. It also reconstructs the commandline so that we can start the VDM. The new command line is composed from the information in the configuration file + the old command line. Arguments: CommandLine -- pointer to a string pointer that is used to pass the command line string DosSeqId - new console session id. This parameter is also valid for shared wow as it is passed to ntvdm as -i parameter. Another parameter to identify shared wow is passed to ntvdm as '-ws' where 'w' stands for wow app, 's' stands for separate In response to this 's' parameter ntvdm launches a separate wow (one-time shot). By default, ntvdm starts a shared wow. VdmSize --entry: return: the size in bytes of the VDM to be created BinaryType - dos, sharedwow, sepwow Return Value: TRUE -- VDM configuration information was available FALSE -- VDM configuration information was not available Notes: --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; PCH pDst; WCHAR CmdLine[2*MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szSystemDirectory[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLen; CmdLineString->Buffer = NULL; *VdmSize = 16L*1024L*1024L; dwLen = GetSystemDirectoryW(szSystemDirectory,MAX_PATH); if(!dwLen || dwLen >= MAX_PATH) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_NAME); return FALSE; } if (DosSeqId) { #pragma prefast(suppress:53, the buffer is big enough (PREfast bug 775)) _snwprintf(CmdLine, sizeof(CmdLine)/sizeof(WCHAR), L"\"%s\\ntvdm.exe\" -i%lx %s%c", szSystemDirectory, DosSeqId, BinaryType != BINARY_TYPE_DOS? L"-w":L"", BinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_SEPWOW? L's':L' ' ); } else { #pragma prefast(suppress:53, the buffer is big enough (PREfast bug 775)) _snwprintf(CmdLine, sizeof(CmdLine)/sizeof(WCHAR), L"\"%s\\ntvdm.exe\" %s%c", szSystemDirectory, BinaryType != BINARY_TYPE_DOS? L"-w":L"", BinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_SEPWOW? L's':L'\0' ); } return RtlCreateUnicodeString(CmdLineString, CmdLine); } BOOL BaseCheckForVDM( IN HANDLE hProcess, OUT LPDWORD lpExitCode ) { NTSTATUS Status; EVENT_BASIC_INFORMATION ebi; BASE_API_MSG m; PBASE_GET_VDM_EXIT_CODE_MSG a = &m.u.GetVDMExitCode; Status = NtQueryEvent ( hProcess, EventBasicInformation, &ebi, sizeof(ebi), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return FALSE; } a->ConsoleHandle = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle; a->hParent = hProcess; Status = CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepGetVDMExitCode), sizeof( *a ) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return FALSE; } *lpExitCode = (DWORD)a->ExitCode; return TRUE; } DWORD APIENTRY GetShortPathNameA( IN LPCSTR lpszLongPath, IN LPSTR lpShortPath, IN DWORD cchBuffer ) { UNICODE_STRING UString, UStringRet; ANSI_STRING AString; NTSTATUS Status; WCHAR TempPathW[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR lpShortPathW = NULL; DWORD ReturnValue; DWORD ReturnValueW; if (lpszLongPath == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } // We have to initialize it before the "try" statement AString.Buffer = NULL; UString.Buffer = NULL; ReturnValue = 0; ReturnValueW = 0; try { if (!Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString(&UString, lpszLongPath )) { goto gspTryExit; } // we have to get the real converted path in order to find out // the required length. An UNICODE char does not necessarily convert // to one ANSI char(A DBCS is basically TWO ANSI char!!!!!). // First, we use the buffer allocated from the stack. If the buffer // is too small, we then allocate it from heap. // A check of (lpShortPathW && TempPathW != lpShortPathW) will reveal // if we have allocated a buffer from heap and need to release it. lpShortPathW = TempPathW; ReturnValueW = GetShortPathNameW(UString.Buffer, lpShortPathW, sizeof(TempPathW) / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (ReturnValueW >= sizeof(TempPathW) / sizeof(WCHAR)) { // the stack-based buffer is too small. Allocate a new buffer // from heap. lpShortPathW = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ), ReturnValueW * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (lpShortPathW) { ReturnValueW = GetShortPathNameW(UString.Buffer, lpShortPathW, ReturnValueW); } else { ReturnValueW = 0; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } } if (ReturnValueW) { // we are here because we have something interesting left to do. // Convert the UNICODE path name to ANSI(or OEM). UString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)((ReturnValueW + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); UStringRet.Buffer = lpShortPathW; UStringRet.Length = (USHORT)(ReturnValueW * sizeof(WCHAR)); Status = BasepUnicodeStringTo8BitString(&AString, &UStringRet, TRUE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); ReturnValue=0; goto gspTryExit; } // now AString.Length contains the size of the converted path // name. If the caller provides enough buffer, copy the // path name. ReturnValue = AString.Length; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpShortPath) && cchBuffer > ReturnValue) { RtlMoveMemory(lpShortPath, AString.Buffer, ReturnValue); // terminate the string with NULL char lpShortPath[ReturnValue] = '\0'; } else { // either the caller does not provide a buffer or // the provided buffer is too small return the required size, // including the terminated null char ReturnValue++; } } gspTryExit:; } finally { if (UString.Buffer) RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UString); if (AString.Buffer) RtlFreeAnsiString(&AString); if (lpShortPathW && lpShortPathW != TempPathW) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, lpShortPathW); } return ReturnValue; } /**** GetShortPathName Description: This function converts the given path name to its short form if needed. The conversion may not be necessary and in that case, this function simply copies down the given name to the return buffer. The caller can have the return buffer set equal to the given path name address. Parameters: lpszLongPath - Points to a NULL terminated string. lpszShortPath - Buffer address to return the short name. cchBuffer - Buffer size in char of lpszShortPath. Return Value If the GetShortPathName function succeeds, the return value is the length, in characters, of the string copied to lpszShortPath, not including the terminating null character. If the lpszShortPath is too small, the return value is the size of the buffer, in characters, required to hold the path. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, use the GetLastError function. Remarks: The "short name" can be longer than its "long name". lpszLongPath doesn't have to be a fully qualified path name or a long path name. ****/ DWORD APIENTRY GetShortPathNameW( IN LPCWSTR lpszLongPath, IN LPWSTR lpszShortPath, IN DWORD cchBuffer ) { LPCWSTR pcs; LPWSTR pSrcCopy, pSrc, pFirst, pLast, pDst; WCHAR wch; HANDLE FindHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindData; LPWSTR Buffer; DWORD ReturnLen=0, Length; UINT PrevErrorMode; if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszLongPath)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } // // override the error mode since we will be touching the media. // This is to prevent file system's pop-up when the given path does not // exist or the media is not available. // we are doing this because we can not depend on the caller's current // error mode. NOTE: the old error mode must be restored. PrevErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX | SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); try { Buffer = NULL; pSrcCopy = NULL; // first, make sure the given path exist if (0xFFFFFFFF == GetFileAttributesW(lpszLongPath)) { // // (bjm - 3/17/99) // This behavior (failing if the file does not exist) is new (to NT) with NT 5. // (It's the Win9x behavior.) // Give an exception to Norton AntiVirus Uninstall. // If we fail this call, there will be a registry value left behind in VDD that'll cause // undeserved ugly messages for a user. Norton AV Uninstall counts on NT 4 behavior // which did not care if the file existed to do this conversion. This was changed in // NT 5.0 to match Win9x behavior. // if ( !NtCurrentPeb() || !APPCOMPATFLAG(KACF_OLDGETSHORTPATHNAME) ) { // last error has been set by GetFileAttributes ReturnLen = 0; goto gsnTryExit; } } pcs = SkipPathTypeIndicator_U(lpszLongPath); if (!pcs || *pcs == UNICODE_NULL || !FindLFNorSFN_U((LPWSTR)pcs, &pFirst, &pLast, TRUE)) { // nothing to convert, copy down the source string // to the buffer if necessary ReturnLen = wcslen(lpszLongPath); if (cchBuffer > ReturnLen && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszShortPath)) { if (lpszShortPath != lpszLongPath) RtlMoveMemory(lpszShortPath, lpszLongPath, (ReturnLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } else { // the caller does not provide enough buffer, return // necessary string length plus the terminated null char ReturnLen++; } goto gsnTryExit; } // conversions are necessary, make a local copy of the string // because we have to party on it. ASSERT(!pSrcCopy); // get the source string length Length = wcslen(lpszLongPath) + 1; pSrcCopy = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ), Length * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!pSrcCopy) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto gsnTryExit; } wcsncpy(pSrcCopy, lpszLongPath, Length); // pFirst points to the first char of the very first LFN in the path // pLast points to the char right after the last char of the very // first LFN in the path. *pLast could be UNICODE_NULL pFirst = pSrcCopy + (pFirst - lpszLongPath); pLast = pSrcCopy + (pLast - lpszLongPath); // // We allow lpszShortPath be overlapped with lpszLongPath so // allocate a local buffer. pDst = lpszShortPath; if (cchBuffer > 0 && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszShortPath) && (lpszShortPath >= lpszLongPath &&lpszShortPath < lpszLongPath + Length || lpszShortPath < lpszLongPath && lpszShortPath + cchBuffer >= lpszLongPath)) { ASSERT(!Buffer); Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ), cchBuffer * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!Buffer){ SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto gsnTryExit; } pDst = Buffer; } pSrc = pSrcCopy; ReturnLen = 0; do { // there are three pointers involve in the conversion loop: // pSrc, pFirst and pLast. Their relationship // is: // // "c:\long~1.1\\foo.bar\\long~2.2\\bar" // ^ ^ ^ ^ // | | | | // | pSrc pFirst pLast // pSrcCopy // // pSrcCopy always points to the very first char of the entire // path. // // chars between pSrc(included) and pFirst(not included) // do not need conversion so we simply copy them. // chars between pFirst(included) and pLast(not included) // need conversion. // Length = (ULONG)(pFirst - pSrc); if (Length) { ReturnLen += Length; if (cchBuffer > ReturnLen && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszShortPath)) { RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pSrc, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); pDst += Length; } } wch = *pLast; *pLast = UNICODE_NULL; FindHandle = FindFirstFileW(pSrcCopy, &FindData); *pLast = wch; if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle) { FindClose(FindHandle); // if no short name could be found, copy the original name. // the origian name starts with pFirst(included) and ends // with pLast(excluded). if (!(Length = wcslen(FindData.cAlternateFileName))) Length = (ULONG)(pLast - pFirst); else pFirst = FindData.cAlternateFileName; ReturnLen += Length; if (cchBuffer > ReturnLen && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszShortPath)) { RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pFirst, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); pDst += Length; } } else { // part of the path does not exist, fail the function // ReturnLen = 0; break; } // move to next path name pSrc = pLast; if (*pLast == UNICODE_NULL) break; }while (FindLFNorSFN_U(pSrc, &pFirst, &pLast, TRUE)); // if ReturnLen == 0, we fail somewhere inside while loop. if (ReturnLen) { // (*pSrc == UNICODE_NULL) means the last pathname is a LFN which // has been dealt with. otherwise, the substring pointed by // pSrc is a legal short path name and we have to copy it //Length could be zero Length = wcslen(pSrc); ReturnLen += Length; if (cchBuffer > ReturnLen && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszShortPath)) { //include the terminated null char RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pSrc, (Length + 1)* sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Buffer) RtlMoveMemory(lpszShortPath, Buffer, (ReturnLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else // not enough buffer, the return value counts the terminated NULL ReturnLen++; } gsnTryExit:; } finally { if (Buffer) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer); if (pSrcCopy) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pSrcCopy); // restore the error mode SetErrorMode(PrevErrorMode); } return ReturnLen; } /** function to create VDM environment for the new executable. Input: lpEnvironmen = optinal environment strings prototype in UNICODE. If it is NULL, this function use the environment block attached to the process pAStringEnv = pointer to a ANSI_STRING to receive the new environment strings. pUStringEnv = pointer to a UNICODE_STRING to receive the new environment strings. Output: FALSE if the creattion failed. TRUE creation successful, pAStringEnv has been setup. This function was provided so that BaseCheckVdm can have correct environment(includes the newly create NTVDM process). This was done because before command.com gets the next command, users can have tons of things specified in config.sys and autoexec.bat which may rely on current directory of each drive. **/ BOOL BaseCreateVDMEnvironment( PWCHAR lpEnvironment, ANSI_STRING * pAStringEnv, UNICODE_STRING *pUStringEnv ) { WCHAR *pEnv, *pDst, *EnvStrings=NULL,* pTmp, *pNewEnv=NULL; DWORD cchEnv, dw, Length, dwRemain; NTSTATUS Status; UINT NameType; BOOL bRet = FALSE; SIZE_T EnvSize; if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pAStringEnv) || !ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pUStringEnv)){ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } try { // the environment strings are shared by every thread of the same // process. Since we have no idea of what the caller process // is, we have to grab the entire environment to our local buffer in one // shot then we can walk through the strings. // Note that if another thread makes call to RtlSetEnvironmentVariable // then we are out of sync. It is a problem of process structure and // I don't want to think about it now. // The funny thing is that we have to assume the environment // is a block of strings(otherwise, how can we do it?)t, nothing more and // nothing less. If someday and somebody dares to change it, he will be // the one to blame. If the caller(CreateProcess) // provides the environment, we assume it is safe to walk through it. // if (lpEnvironment == NULL) { // create a new environment and inherit the current process env Status = RtlCreateEnvironment(TRUE, (PVOID *)&EnvStrings); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto bveTryExit; } else EnvStrings = lpEnvironment; if (EnvStrings == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT); goto bveTryExit; } // figure out how long the environment is // why can Rtl just provides such a function for us? // cchEnv = 0; pEnv = EnvStrings; // environment is double-null terminated while (!(*pEnv++ == UNICODE_NULL && *pEnv == UNICODE_NULL)) cchEnv++; // count the last two NULLs cchEnv += 2; // we don't want to change the original environment, so // make a local buffer for it. EnvSize = (cchEnv + MAX_PATH) * sizeof(WCHAR); Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &pNewEnv, 0, &EnvSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); pNewEnv = NULL; goto bveTryExit; } // give the last two for null dwRemain = MAX_PATH - 2; // now walk through the environment string pEnv = EnvStrings; // the new environmet will be pDst = pNewEnv; while (*pEnv != UNICODE_NULL) { // current directory environment has the form as: // "=d:=d:\pathname" where d: is the drive designator. if (pEnv[0] == L'=') { if ((pEnv[1] >= L'A' && pEnv[1] <= L'Z' || pEnv[1] >= L'a' && pEnv[1] <= L'z') && pEnv[2] == L':' && pEnv[3] == L'=' && wcslen(pEnv) >= 7) { // hack hack!!!! // if the path points to the root directory, // bypass the conversion. Dos or Wow keeps current directory // for every valid drive. If we do the conversion for // every current directory, it could take several // seconds on removable drives, especially, on // floppy drives. if (pEnv[7] == UNICODE_NULL && (pEnv[6] == L'\\' || pEnv[6] == L'/') && pEnv[5] == L':' && (pEnv[4] >= L'A' && pEnv[4] <= L'Z' || pEnv[4] >= L'a' && pEnv[4] <= L'z')) { NameType = ENV_NAME_TYPE_NO_PATH; } else { // copy "=N:=", where N is the drive letter *pDst++ = *pEnv++;*pDst++ = *pEnv++; *pDst++ = *pEnv++;*pDst++ = *pEnv++; NameType = ENV_NAME_TYPE_SINGLE_PATH; } } else { // a weird environment was detected. // treat it as no path NameType = ENV_NAME_TYPE_NO_PATH; } } else { pTmp = pEnv; // copy down the name and the '=' while (*pEnv != UNICODE_NULL && (*pDst++ = *pEnv++) != L'=') ; NameType = BaseGetEnvNameType_U(pTmp, (DWORD)(pEnv - pTmp) - 1); } if (NameType == ENV_NAME_TYPE_NO_PATH) { while ((*pDst++ = *pEnv++) != UNICODE_NULL) ; } else if (NameType == ENV_NAME_TYPE_SINGLE_PATH) { Length = wcslen(pEnv) + 1; dw = GetShortPathNameW(pEnv, pDst, Length + dwRemain); // if the conversion failed, we simply pass down the original // one no matter what the reason is. This is done because we // are doing the environment strings. if (dw == 0 || dw >= Length + dwRemain){ RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pEnv, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); dw = Length - 1; } pDst += dw + 1; pEnv += Length; if (dw > Length) dwRemain -= dw - Length; } else { // multiple path name found. // the character ';' is used for seperator pTmp = pEnv; while(*pEnv != UNICODE_NULL) { if (*pEnv == L';') { // length not include the ';' Length = (DWORD)(pEnv - pTmp); if (Length > 0) { *pEnv = UNICODE_NULL; dw = GetShortPathNameW(pTmp, pDst, Length + 1 + dwRemain); // again, if the conversion failed, use the original one if (dw == 0 || dw > Length + dwRemain) { RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pTmp, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); dw = Length; } pDst += dw; *pDst++ = *pEnv++ = L';'; if (dw > Length) dwRemain -= dw - Length; } // skip all consecutive ';' while (*pEnv == L';') *pDst++ = *pEnv++; pTmp = pEnv; } else pEnv++; } // convert the last one if ((Length = (DWORD)(pEnv - pTmp)) != 0) { dw = GetShortPathNameW(pTmp, pDst, Length+1 + dwRemain); if (dw == 0 || dw > Length) { RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pTmp, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); dw = Length; } pDst += dw; if (dw > Length) dwRemain -= dw - Length; } *pDst++ = *pEnv++; } } *pDst++ = UNICODE_NULL; cchEnv = (ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)pDst - (ULONG_PTR)pNewEnv); pUStringEnv->MaximumLength = pUStringEnv->Length = (USHORT)cchEnv; pUStringEnv->Buffer = pNewEnv; Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(pAStringEnv, pUStringEnv, TRUE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); } else { pNewEnv = NULL; bRet = TRUE; } bveTryExit:; } finally { if (lpEnvironment == NULL && EnvStrings != NULL) { RtlDestroyEnvironment(EnvStrings); } if (pNewEnv != NULL) { pUStringEnv->Length = pUStringEnv->MaximumLength = 0; pUStringEnv->Buffer = NULL; pAStringEnv->Length = pAStringEnv->MaximumLength = 0; pAStringEnv->Buffer = NULL; EnvSize = 0; Status = NtFreeVirtualMemory (NtCurrentProcess(), &pNewEnv, &EnvSize, MEM_RELEASE); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (Status)); } } return bRet; } /** Destroy the environment block created by BaseCreateVDMEnvironment Input: ANSI_STRING * pAnsiStringVDMEnv Environment block in ANSI, should be freed via RtlFreeAnsiString UNICODE_STRING * pUnicodeStringEnv Environment block in UNICODE. The Buffer should be freed with RtlFreeHeap. Output: should always be TRUE. **/ BOOL BaseDestroyVDMEnvironment( ANSI_STRING *pAStringEnv, UNICODE_STRING *pUStringEnv ) { if (pAStringEnv->Buffer) RtlFreeAnsiString(pAStringEnv); if (pUStringEnv->Buffer) { NTSTATUS Status; SIZE_T RegionSize; // // Free the specified environment variable block. // RegionSize = 0; Status = NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &pUStringEnv->Buffer, &RegionSize, MEM_RELEASE ); } return TRUE; } /** This function returns the name type of the given environment variable name The name type has three possibilities. Each one represents if the given name can have pathnames as its value. ENV_NAME_TYPE_NO_PATH: no pathname can be its value ENV_NAME_TYPE_SINGLE_PATH: single pathname ENV_NAME_MULTIPLE_PATH: multiple path SIDE NOTE: Currently, nt can not installed on a long path and it seems that systemroot and windir are never be in long path. **/ UINT BaseGetEnvNameType_U(WCHAR * Name, DWORD NameLength) { // so far we only take care of five predefined names: // PATH // WINDIR and // SYSTEMROOT. // TEMP // TMP // static ENV_INFO EnvInfoTable[STD_ENV_NAME_COUNT] = { {ENV_NAME_TYPE_MULTIPLE_PATH, ENV_NAME_PATH_LEN, ENV_NAME_PATH}, {ENV_NAME_TYPE_SINGLE_PATH, ENV_NAME_WINDIR_LEN, ENV_NAME_WINDIR}, {ENV_NAME_TYPE_SINGLE_PATH, ENV_NAME_SYSTEMROOT_LEN, ENV_NAME_SYSTEMROOT}, {ENV_NAME_TYPE_MULTIPLE_PATH, ENV_NAME_TEMP_LEN, ENV_NAME_TEMP}, {ENV_NAME_TYPE_MULTIPLE_PATH, ENV_NAME_TMP_LEN, ENV_NAME_TMP} }; UINT NameType; int i; NameType = ENV_NAME_TYPE_NO_PATH; for (i = 0; i < STD_ENV_NAME_COUNT; i++) { if (EnvInfoTable[i].NameLength == NameLength && !_wcsnicmp(EnvInfoTable[i].Name, Name, NameLength)) { NameType = EnvInfoTable[i].NameType; break; } } return NameType; } DWORD APIENTRY GetLongPathNameA( IN LPCSTR lpszShortPath, IN LPSTR lpLongPath, IN DWORD cchBuffer ) { UNICODE_STRING UString, UStringRet; ANSI_STRING AString; NTSTATUS Status; LPWSTR lpLongPathW = NULL; WCHAR TempPathW[MAX_PATH]; DWORD ReturnValue, ReturnValueW; if (lpszShortPath == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } AString.Buffer = NULL; UString.Buffer = NULL; ReturnValue = 0; ReturnValueW = 0; try { if (!Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString(&UString, lpszShortPath )) { goto glpTryExit; } // we have to get the real converted path in order to find out // the required length. An UNICODE char does not necessarily convert // to one ANSI char(A DBCS is basically TWO ANSI char!!!!!). // First, we use the buffer allocated from the stack. If the buffer // is too small, we then allocate it from heap. // A check of (lpLongPathW && TempPathW != lpLongPathW) will reveal // if we have allocated a buffer from heap and need to release it. lpLongPathW = TempPathW; ReturnValueW = GetLongPathNameW(UString.Buffer, lpLongPathW, sizeof(TempPathW) / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (ReturnValueW >= sizeof(TempPathW) / sizeof(WCHAR)) { // the stack-based buffer is too small. Allocate a new buffer // from heap. lpLongPathW = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ), ReturnValueW * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (lpLongPathW) { ReturnValueW = GetLongPathNameW(UString.Buffer, lpLongPathW, ReturnValueW); } else { ReturnValueW = 0; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } } if (ReturnValueW) { // we are here because we have something interesting left to do. // Convert the UNICODE path name to ANSI(or OEM). UString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)((ReturnValueW + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); UStringRet.Buffer = lpLongPathW; UStringRet.Length = (USHORT)(ReturnValueW * sizeof(WCHAR)); Status = BasepUnicodeStringTo8BitString(&AString, &UStringRet, TRUE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BaseSetLastNTError(Status); ReturnValue=0; goto glpTryExit; } // now AString.Length contains the size of the converted path // name. If the caller provides enough buffer, copy the // path name. ReturnValue = AString.Length; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpLongPath) && cchBuffer > ReturnValue) { RtlMoveMemory(lpLongPath, AString.Buffer, ReturnValue); // terminate the buffer with NULL char. lpLongPath[ReturnValue] = '\0'; } else { // either the caller does not provide a buffer or // the provided buffer is too small, return the required size, // including the terminated null char. ReturnValue++; } } glpTryExit:; } finally { if (UString.Buffer) RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UString); if (AString.Buffer) RtlFreeAnsiString(&AString); if (lpLongPathW && lpLongPathW != TempPathW) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, lpLongPathW); } return ReturnValue; } DWORD APIENTRY GetLongPathNameW( IN LPCWSTR lpszShortPath, IN LPWSTR lpszLongPath, IN DWORD cchBuffer ) { LPCWSTR pcs; DWORD ReturnLen, Length; LPWSTR pSrc, pSrcCopy, pFirst, pLast, Buffer, pDst; WCHAR wch; HANDLE FindHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindData; UINT PrevErrorMode; if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszShortPath)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } // // override the error mode since we will be touching the media. // This is to prevent file system's pop-up when the given path does not // exist or the media is not available. // we are doing this because we can not depend on the caller's current // error mode. NOTE: the old error mode must be restored. PrevErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX | SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); try { Buffer = NULL; pSrcCopy = NULL; // first make sure the given path exist. // if (0xFFFFFFFF == GetFileAttributesW(lpszShortPath)) { // last error has been set by GetFileAttributes ReturnLen = 0; goto glnTryExit; } pcs = SkipPathTypeIndicator_U(lpszShortPath); if (!pcs || *pcs == UNICODE_NULL || !FindLFNorSFN_U((LPWSTR)pcs, &pFirst, &pLast, FALSE)) { // The path is ok and does not need conversion at all. // Check if we need to do copy ReturnLen = wcslen(lpszShortPath); if (cchBuffer > ReturnLen && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszLongPath)) { if (lpszLongPath != lpszShortPath) RtlMoveMemory(lpszLongPath, lpszShortPath, (ReturnLen + 1)* sizeof(WCHAR) ); } else { // No buffer or buffer too small, the return size // has to count the terminated NULL char ReturnLen++; } goto glnTryExit; } // conversions are necessary, make a local copy of the string // because we have to party on it. ASSERT(!pSrcCopy); Length = wcslen(lpszShortPath) + 1; pSrcCopy = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ), Length * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!pSrcCopy) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto glnTryExit; } RtlMoveMemory(pSrcCopy, lpszShortPath, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); // pFirst points to the first char of the very first SFN in the path // pLast points to the char right after the last char of the very // first SFN in the path. *pLast could be UNICODE_NULL pFirst = pSrcCopy + (pFirst - lpszShortPath); pLast = pSrcCopy + (pLast - lpszShortPath); // // We allow lpszShortPath be overlapped with lpszLongPath so // allocate a local buffer if necessary: // (1) the caller does provide a legitimate buffer and // (2) the buffer overlaps with lpszShortName pDst = lpszLongPath; if (cchBuffer && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszLongPath) && (lpszLongPath >= lpszShortPath && lpszLongPath < lpszShortPath + Length || lpszLongPath < lpszShortPath && lpszLongPath + cchBuffer >= lpszShortPath)) { ASSERT(!Buffer); Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( VDM_TAG ), cchBuffer * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!Buffer){ SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto glnTryExit; } pDst = Buffer; } pSrc = pSrcCopy; ReturnLen = 0; do { // there are three pointers involve in the conversion loop: // pSrc, pFirst and pLast. Their relationship // is: // // "c:\long~1.1\\foo.bar\\long~2.2\\bar" // ^ ^ ^ ^ // | | | | // | pSrc pFirst pLast // pSrcCopy // // pSrcCopy always points to the very first char of the entire // path. // // chars between pSrc(included) and pFirst(not included) // do not need conversion so we simply copy them. // chars between pFirst(included) and pLast(not included) // need conversion. // Length = (ULONG)(pFirst - pSrc); ReturnLen += Length; if (Length && cchBuffer > ReturnLen && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszShortPath)) { RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pSrc, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); pDst += Length; } // now try to convert the name, chars between pFirst and (pLast - 1) wch = *pLast; *pLast = UNICODE_NULL; FindHandle = FindFirstFileW(pSrcCopy, &FindData); *pLast = wch; if (FindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ FindClose(FindHandle); // if no long name, copy the original name // starts with pFirst(included) and ends with pLast(excluded) if (!(Length = wcslen(FindData.cFileName))) Length = (ULONG)(pLast - pFirst); else pFirst = FindData.cFileName; ReturnLen += Length; if (cchBuffer > ReturnLen && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszLongPath)) { RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pFirst, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); pDst += Length; } } else { // invalid path, reset the length, mark the error and // bail out of the loop. We will be copying the source // to destination later. // ReturnLen = 0; break; } pSrc = pLast; if (*pSrc == UNICODE_NULL) break; } while (FindLFNorSFN_U(pSrc, &pFirst, &pLast, FALSE)); if (ReturnLen) { //copy the rest of the path from pSrc. This may only contain //a single NULL char Length = wcslen(pSrc); ReturnLen += Length; if (cchBuffer > ReturnLen && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszLongPath)) { RtlMoveMemory(pDst, pSrc, (Length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Buffer) RtlMoveMemory(lpszLongPath, Buffer, (ReturnLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else ReturnLen++; } glnTryExit: ; } finally { if (pSrcCopy) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pSrcCopy); if (Buffer) RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer); } // restore error mode. SetErrorMode(PrevErrorMode); return ReturnLen; } /** Search for SFN(Short File Name) or LFN(Long File Name) in the given path depends on FindLFN. Input: LPWSTR Path The given path name. Does not have to be fully qualified. However, path type separaters are not allowed. LPWSTR* ppFirst To return the pointer points to the first char of the name found. LPWSTR* ppLast To return the pointer points the char right after the last char of the name found. BOOL FindLFN TRUE to search for LFN, otherwise, search for SFN Output: TRUE if the target file name type is found, ppFirst and ppLast are filled with pointers. FALSE if the target file name type not found. Remark: "\\." and "\\.." are special cases. When encountered, they are ignored and the function continue to search **/ BOOL FindLFNorSFN_U( LPWSTR Path, LPWSTR* ppFirst, LPWSTR* ppLast, BOOL FindLFN ) { LPWSTR pFirst, pLast; BOOL TargetFound; ASSERT(Path); pFirst = Path; TargetFound = FALSE; while(TRUE) { //skip over leading path separator // it is legal to have multiple path separators in between // name such as "foobar\\\\\\multiplepathchar" while (*pFirst != UNICODE_NULL && (*pFirst == L'\\' || *pFirst == L'/')) pFirst++; if (*pFirst == UNICODE_NULL) break; pLast = pFirst + 1; while (*pLast != UNICODE_NULL && *pLast != L'\\' && *pLast != L'/') pLast++; if (FindLFN) TargetFound = !IsShortName_U(pFirst, (int)(pLast - pFirst)); else TargetFound = !IsLongName_U(pFirst, (int)(pLast - pFirst)); if (TargetFound) { if(ppFirst && ppLast) { *ppFirst = pFirst; // pLast point to the last char of the path/file name *ppLast = pLast; } break; } if (*pLast == UNICODE_NULL) break; pFirst = pLast + 1; } return TargetFound; } LPCWSTR SkipPathTypeIndicator_U( LPCWSTR Path ) { RTL_PATH_TYPE RtlPathType; LPCWSTR pFirst; DWORD Count; RtlPathType = RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U(Path); switch (RtlPathType) { // form: "\\server_name\share_name\rest_of_the_path" case RtlPathTypeUncAbsolute: case RtlPathTypeLocalDevice: pFirst = Path + 2; Count = 2; // guard for UNICODE_NULL is necessary because // RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U doesn't really // verify an UNC name. while (Count && *pFirst != UNICODE_NULL) { if (*pFirst == L'\\' || *pFirst == L'/') Count--; pFirst++; } break; // form: "\\." case RtlPathTypeRootLocalDevice: pFirst = NULL; break; // form: "D:\rest_of_the_path" case RtlPathTypeDriveAbsolute: pFirst = Path + 3; break; // form: "D:rest_of_the_path" case RtlPathTypeDriveRelative: pFirst = Path + 2; break; // form: "\rest_of_the_path" case RtlPathTypeRooted: pFirst = Path + 1; break; // form: "rest_of_the_path" case RtlPathTypeRelative: pFirst = Path; break; default: pFirst = NULL; break; } return pFirst; } /** This function determines if the given name is a valid short name. This function only does "obvious" testing since there are not precise ways to cover all the file systems(each file system has its own file name domain(for example, FAT allows all extended chars and space char while NTFS **may** not). The main purpose is to help the caller decide if a long to short name conversion is necessary. When in doubt, this function simply tells the caller that the given name is NOT a short name so that caller would do whatever it takes to convert the name. This function applies strict rules in deciding if the given name is a valid short name. For example, a name containing any extended chars is treated as invalid; a name with embedded space chars is also treated as invalid. A name is a valid short name if ALL the following conditions are met: (1). total length <= 13. (2). 0 < base name length <= 8. (3). extention name length <= 3. (4). only one '.' is allowed and must not be the first char. (5). every char must be legal defined by the IllegalMask array. null path, "." and ".." are treated valid. Input: LPCWSTR Name - points to the name to be checked. It does not have to be NULL terminated. int Length - Length of the name, not including teminated NULL char. output: TRUE - if the given name is a short file name. FALSE - if the given name is not a short file name **/ // bit set -> char is illegal DWORD IllegalMask[] = { // code 0x00 - 0x1F --> all illegal 0xFFFFFFFF, // code 0x20 - 0x3f --> 0x20,0x22,0x2A-0x2C,0x2F and 0x3A-0x3F are illegal 0xFC009C05, // code 0x40 - 0x5F --> 0x5B-0x5D are illegal 0x38000000, // code 0x60 - 0x7F --> 0x7C is illegal 0x10000000 }; BOOL IsShortName_U( LPCWSTR Name, int Length ) { int Index; BOOL ExtensionFound; DWORD dwStatus; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeName; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UCHAR AnsiBuffer[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR Char; ASSERT(Name); // total length must less than 13(8.3 = 8 + 1 + 3 = 12) if (Length > 12) return FALSE; // "" or "." or ".." if (!Length) return TRUE; if (L'.' == *Name) { // "." or ".." if (1 == Length || (2 == Length && L'.' == Name[1])) return TRUE; else // '.' can not be the first char(base name length is 0) return FALSE; } UnicodeName.Buffer = (LPWSTR)Name; UnicodeName.Length = UnicodeName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); AnsiString.Buffer = AnsiBuffer; AnsiString.Length = 0; AnsiString.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH; // make a dangerous assumption dwStatus = BasepUnicodeStringTo8BitString(&AnsiString, &UnicodeName, FALSE); if (! NT_SUCCESS(dwStatus)) { return(FALSE); } // all trivial cases are tested, now we have to walk through the name ExtensionFound = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < AnsiString.Length; Index++) { Char = AnsiString.Buffer[Index]; // Skip over and Dbcs characters if (IsDBCSLeadByte(Char)) { // // 1) if we're looking at base part ( !ExtensionPresent ) and the 8th byte // is in the dbcs leading byte range, it's error ( Index == 7 ). If the // length of base part is more than 8 ( Index > 7 ), it's definitely error. // // 2) if the last byte ( Index == DbcsName.Length - 1 ) is in the dbcs leading // byte range, it's error // if ((!ExtensionFound && (Index >= 7)) || (Index == AnsiString.Length - 1)) { return FALSE; } Index += 1; continue; } // make sure the char is legal if (Char > 0x7F || IllegalMask[Char / 32] & (1 << (Char % 32))) return FALSE; if ('.' == Char) { // (1) can have only one '.' // (2) can not have more than 3 chars following. if (ExtensionFound || Length - (Index + 1) > 3) { return FALSE; } ExtensionFound = TRUE; } // base length > 8 chars if (Index >= 8 && !ExtensionFound) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** This function determines if the given name is a valid long name. This function only does "obvious" testing since there are not precise ways to cover all the file systems(each file system has its own file name domain(for example, FAT allows all extended chars and space char while NTFS **may** not) This function helps the caller to determine if a short to long name conversion is necessary. When in doubt, this function simply tells the caller that the given name is NOT a long name so that caller would do whatever it takes to convert the name. A name is a valid long name if one of the following conditions is met: (1). total length >= 13. (2). 0 == base name length || base name length > 8. (3). extention name length > 3. (4). '.' is the first char. (5). muitlple '.' null path, "." and ".." are treat as valid long name. Input: LPCWSTR Name - points to the name to be checked. It does not have to be NULL terminated. int Length - Length of the name, not including teminated NULL char. output: TRUE - if the given name is a long file name. FALSE - if the given name is not a long file name **/ BOOL IsLongName_U( LPCWSTR Name, int Length ) { int Index; BOOL ExtensionFound; // (1) NULL path // (2) total length > 12 // (3) . is the first char (cover "." and "..") if (!Length || Length > 12 || L'.' == *Name) return TRUE; ExtensionFound = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < Length; Index++) { if (L'.' == Name[Index]) { // multiple . or extension longer than 3 if (ExtensionFound || Length - (Index + 1) > 3) return TRUE; ExtensionFound = TRUE; } // base length longer than 8 if (Index >= 8 && !ExtensionFound) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }