#if !defined(_FUSION_SXS_CTEESTREAM_H_INCLUDED_) #define _FUSION_SXS_CTEESTREAM_H_INCLUDED_ /*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: CTeeStream.h Abstract: This implementation of IStream is intended for when you want to copy the stream you are reading to a file. We read from a stream you specify. We write to a file you specify. You can delay specifying the file; we buffer anything read until you specify a file; we actually needed this delay feature in the first client of CTeeStream. The Unix utility tee writes it standard input to its standard output, and to the specified file (or files?); "tee" as in a fork in a road, or a juncture in pipes (the input/output kind, analogous to the kind that water flows through.. ascii text is computer water..) A simple working tee can be found at \\scratch\scratch\a-JayK\t.c Author: Jay Krell (a-JayK, JayKrell) May 2000 Revision History: --*/ #pragma once #include "fusionhandle.h" #include "fusionbytebuffer.h" #include "smartref.h" #include "sxsp.h" class CTeeStream : public IStream { public: inline CTeeStream() : m_cRef(0), m_fBuffer(TRUE), m_hresult(NOERROR) { } virtual ~CTeeStream(); VOID SetSource(IStream*); BOOL SetSink( const CImpersonationData &ImpersonationData, const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuff, DWORD openOrCreate = CREATE_NEW ); BOOL SetSink(const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuff, DWORD openOrCreate = CREATE_NEW) { return this->SetSink(CImpersonationData(), rbuff, openOrCreate); } BOOL Close(); // IUnknown methods: virtual ULONG __stdcall AddRef(); virtual ULONG __stdcall Release(); virtual HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj); // ISequentialStream methods: virtual HRESULT __stdcall Read(PVOID pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead); virtual HRESULT __stdcall Write(const VOID *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten); // IStream methods: virtual HRESULT __stdcall Seek(LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition); virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetSize(ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize); virtual HRESULT __stdcall CopyTo(IStream *pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten); virtual HRESULT __stdcall Commit(DWORD grfCommitFlags); virtual HRESULT __stdcall Revert(); virtual HRESULT __stdcall LockRegion(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType); virtual HRESULT __stdcall UnlockRegion(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType); virtual HRESULT __stdcall Stat(STATSTG *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag); virtual HRESULT __stdcall Clone(IStream **ppIStream); protected: LONG m_cRef; CFusionFile m_fileSink; CByteBuffer m_buffer; CSmartRef m_streamSource; BOOL m_fBuffer; HRESULT m_hresult; CStringBuffer m_bufferSinkPath; CImpersonationData m_ImpersonationData; private: // intentionally not implemented CTeeStream(const CTeeStream&); void operator=(const CTeeStream&); }; #endif // !defined(_FUSION_SXS_CTEESTREAM_H_INCLUDED_)