/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation */ #include "stdinc.h" // // ISSUE - 2002/05/20 - jonwis - SxsLookupClrGuid could be a little smarter - if you // don't pass either of the "look for class" or "look for guid" flags, it simply // returns NOT_FOUND, rather than INVALID_PARAMETER. PaulKe pointed this out, // but notes that it doesn't really matter. The reason it's an issue is that // SxsFindClrClassInformation has a similar pattern, but requires you to set // exactly one of its "look for" flags, and fails if none of them are set. // typedef CFusionArray CStackBackingBuffer; #define WRITE_INTO_BUFFER(cursor, target, length, source, leftover) \ (target) = (cursor); \ RtlCopyMemory(cursor, source, length); \ leftover -= (length); \ INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK((length % sizeof(WCHAR) == 0)); \ (cursor) = (PWSTR)(((ULONG_PTR)(cursor)) + length); \ *(cursor)++ = UNICODE_NULL; BOOL SxspLookupAssemblyIdentityInActCtx( HANDLE hActCtx, ULONG ulRosterIndex, CStringBuffer &TargetString ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 SIZE_T cbRequired = 0; bool fMoreSpaceRequired = false; CStackBackingBuffer TargetRegion; PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ASSEMBLY_DETAILED_INFORMATION pDetailedInfo = NULL; TargetString.Clear(); IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS2( QueryActCtxW( 0, hActCtx, (PVOID)&ulRosterIndex, AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContext, TargetRegion.GetArrayPtr(), TargetRegion.GetSize(), &cbRequired), LIST_1(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER), fMoreSpaceRequired); if (fMoreSpaceRequired) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(TargetRegion.Win32SetSize(cbRequired, CStackBackingBuffer::eSetSizeModeExact)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( QueryActCtxW( 0, hActCtx, (PVOID)&ulRosterIndex, AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContext, TargetRegion.GetArrayPtr(), TargetRegion.GetSize(), &cbRequired)); } pDetailedInfo = (PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ASSEMBLY_DETAILED_INFORMATION)TargetRegion.GetArrayPtr(); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(TargetString.Win32Assign( pDetailedInfo->lpAssemblyEncodedAssemblyIdentity, pDetailedInfo->ulEncodedAssemblyIdentityLength / sizeof(WCHAR))); FN_EPILOG } BOOL WINAPI SxsFindClrClassInformation( DWORD dwFlags, PVOID pvSearchData, HANDLE hActivationContext, PVOID pvDataBuffer, SIZE_T cbDataBuffer, PSIZE_T pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 SIZE_T cbRequired = 0; CStringBuffer AssemblyIdentity; CFusionActCtxScope ActivationScope; CFusionActCtxHandle UsedHandleDuringSearch; GUID GuidToSearch; ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA KeyedData = {sizeof(KeyedData)}; PSXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION pOutputStruct = NULL; PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_COM_SERVER_REDIRECTION pComServerRedirect = NULL; PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_COM_SERVER_REDIRECTION_SHIM pClrShim = NULL; if (pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired) *pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired = 0; PARAMETER_CHECK(pvSearchData != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(pvDataBuffer || (cbDataBuffer == 0)); IFINVALID_FLAGS_EXIT_WIN32(dwFlags, SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_PROGID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_GUID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_ACTIVATE_ACTCTX | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_IDENTITY | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_PROGID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_RUNTIME_VERSION | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_TYPE_NAME); // // Can't be both... I'm sure there's a logic thing I could do smarter here, but ohwell. // if ((dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_PROGID) && (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_GUID)) { ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(CantSearchBothProgidAndGuid, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } // But it has to be at least one of these. // else if ((dwFlags & (SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_PROGID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_GUID)) == 0) { ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(MustHaveAtLeastOneSearchTypeSet, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } // // // Activate if necessary // if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_ACTIVATE_ACTCTX) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(ActivationScope.Win32Activate(hActivationContext)); AddRefActCtx(hActivationContext); UsedHandleDuringSearch = hActivationContext; } else { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(GetCurrentActCtx(&UsedHandleDuringSearch)); } // // Aha, they wanted a progid search // if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_PROGID) { PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_COM_PROGID_REDIRECTION pProgidFound = NULL; IFW32FALSE_EXIT( FindActCtxSectionStringW( 0, NULL, ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_COM_PROGID_REDIRECTION, (LPCWSTR)pvSearchData, &KeyedData)); pProgidFound = (PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_COM_PROGID_REDIRECTION)KeyedData.lpData; GuidToSearch = *(LPGUID)(((ULONG_PTR)KeyedData.lpSectionBase) + pProgidFound->ConfiguredClsidOffset); } // // They handed us a GUID instead // else if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_GUID) { GuidToSearch = *(LPGUID)pvSearchData; } // Hmm.. we validated these flags above, how could we possibly get here? // else { INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(FALSE); } // // // Now that we've got the guids, let's look in the GUID clr class table for more information // RtlZeroMemory(&KeyedData, sizeof(KeyedData)); KeyedData.cbSize = sizeof(KeyedData); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( FindActCtxSectionGuid( 0, NULL, ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_COM_SERVER_REDIRECTION, &GuidToSearch, &KeyedData)); pComServerRedirect = (PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_COM_SERVER_REDIRECTION)KeyedData.lpData; // // What do we want to do here if you've asked for a CLR class and yet there's no surrogate // information?? // if (pComServerRedirect->ShimDataOffset == 0) { ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(ThisGuidIsNotAClrClass, ERROR_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND); } pClrShim = (PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_COM_SERVER_REDIRECTION_SHIM)(((ULONG_PTR)pComServerRedirect) + pComServerRedirect->ShimDataOffset); // // Now we've got all the stuff we need. Calculate the required size of things. // cbRequired = sizeof(SXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION); if ((dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_PROGID) && (pComServerRedirect->ProgIdLength > 0)) cbRequired += pComServerRedirect->ProgIdLength + sizeof(WCHAR); if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_IDENTITY) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT( SxspLookupAssemblyIdentityInActCtx( UsedHandleDuringSearch, KeyedData.ulAssemblyRosterIndex, AssemblyIdentity)); if (AssemblyIdentity.Cch() > 0) { cbRequired += (AssemblyIdentity.Cch() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); } } if ((dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_RUNTIME_VERSION) && (pClrShim->ShimVersionLength > 0)) cbRequired += pClrShim->ShimVersionLength + sizeof(WCHAR); if ((dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_TYPE_NAME) && (pClrShim->TypeLength > 0)) cbRequired += pClrShim->TypeLength + sizeof(WCHAR); // // Is there enough space in the outbound buffer? // if (cbRequired <= cbDataBuffer) { PWSTR pwszCursor; SIZE_T cbRemaining = cbDataBuffer; pOutputStruct = (PSXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION)pvDataBuffer; pwszCursor = (PWSTR)(pOutputStruct + 1); cbRemaining -= sizeof(SXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION); pOutputStruct->ReferenceClsid = pComServerRedirect->ReferenceClsid; pOutputStruct->dwFlags = 0; pOutputStruct->dwSize = sizeof(*pOutputStruct); pOutputStruct->ulThreadingModel = pComServerRedirect->ThreadingModel; pOutputStruct->ulType = pClrShim->Type; if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_IDENTITY) { SIZE_T cbWritten; pOutputStruct->pcwszImplementingAssembly = pwszCursor; IFW32FALSE_EXIT( AssemblyIdentity.Win32CopyIntoBuffer( &pwszCursor, &cbRemaining, &cbWritten, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } else pOutputStruct->pcwszImplementingAssembly = NULL; if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_PROGID) { WRITE_INTO_BUFFER( pwszCursor, pOutputStruct->pcwszProgId, pComServerRedirect->ProgIdLength, (PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)pComServerRedirect) + pComServerRedirect->ProgIdOffset), cbRemaining); } else pOutputStruct->pcwszProgId = NULL; if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_RUNTIME_VERSION) { WRITE_INTO_BUFFER( pwszCursor, pOutputStruct->pcwszRuntimeVersion, pClrShim->ShimVersionLength, (PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)pClrShim) + pClrShim->ShimVersionOffset), cbRemaining); } else pOutputStruct->pcwszRuntimeVersion = NULL; if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_TYPE_NAME) { WRITE_INTO_BUFFER( pwszCursor, pOutputStruct->pcwszTypeName, pClrShim->TypeLength, (PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)pClrShim) + pClrShim->TypeOffset), cbRemaining); } else pOutputStruct->pcwszTypeName = NULL; if (pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired) *pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired = cbRequired; } else { if (pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired) *pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired = cbRequired; ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(NotEnoughSpaceInOutboundBuffer, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } FN_EPILOG } BOOL WINAPI SxsFindClrSurrogateInformation( DWORD dwFlags, LPGUID lpGuidToFind, HANDLE hActivationContext, PVOID pvDataBuffer, SIZE_T cbDataBuffer, PSIZE_T pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 SIZE_T cbRequired = 0; PSXS_CLR_SURROGATE_INFORMATION pOutputStruct = NULL; PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_CLR_SURROGATE pSurrogateInfo = NULL; ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA KeyedData = {sizeof(KeyedData)}; CFusionActCtxScope ActCtxScope; CFusionActCtxHandle UsedActivationContext; CStringBuffer AssemblyIdentity; if (pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired != NULL) *pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired = 0; // // The data buffer has to be present, or the data buffer size has to be zero, // and the written-or-required value must be present as well. // PARAMETER_CHECK(lpGuidToFind != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(pvDataBuffer || (cbDataBuffer == 0)); IFINVALID_FLAGS_EXIT_WIN32(dwFlags, SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_USE_ACTCTX | SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_IDENTITY | SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_RUNTIME_VERSION | SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_TYPE_NAME); // // Steps we take here: // - Activate the actctx if required. // - Find the surrogate that corresponds to this progid // - Calculate required size of data // - If there's enough space, then start copying into the output blob // - Otherwise, set the "required" size and error out with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER // // // If we were told to use the actctx, then activate it over this function, // and get a reference to it into UsedActivationContext so we can query with // it later. // if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_USE_ACTCTX) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(ActCtxScope.Win32Activate(hActivationContext)); AddRefActCtx(hActivationContext); UsedActivationContext = hActivationContext; } // // Otherwise, grab the current actctx and go to town. This addrefs the activation // context, so we can let UsedActivationContext's destructor release it on the // exit path. // else { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(GetCurrentActCtx(&UsedActivationContext)); } // // Initially, we require at least this amount of space. // cbRequired += sizeof(SXS_CLR_SURROGATE_INFORMATION); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( FindActCtxSectionGuid( 0, NULL, ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_CLR_SURROGATES, lpGuidToFind, &KeyedData)); // // Start totalling up the size // pSurrogateInfo = (PCACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA_CLR_SURROGATE)KeyedData.lpData; if ((dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_TYPE_NAME) && (pSurrogateInfo->TypeNameLength > 0)) cbRequired += pSurrogateInfo->TypeNameLength + sizeof(WCHAR); if ((dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_RUNTIME_VERSION) && (pSurrogateInfo->VersionLength > 0)) cbRequired += pSurrogateInfo->VersionLength + sizeof(WCHAR); if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_IDENTITY) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT( SxspLookupAssemblyIdentityInActCtx( UsedActivationContext, KeyedData.ulAssemblyRosterIndex, AssemblyIdentity)); if (AssemblyIdentity.Cch() > 0) { cbRequired += (AssemblyIdentity.Cch() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); } } // // Go stomp the gathered data into the right places // if (cbRequired <= cbDataBuffer) { PWSTR pwszOutputCursor; SIZE_T cbRemaining = cbDataBuffer; SIZE_T cbWritten = 0; pOutputStruct = (PSXS_CLR_SURROGATE_INFORMATION)pvDataBuffer; pwszOutputCursor = (PWSTR)(pOutputStruct + 1); pOutputStruct->cbSize = sizeof(SXS_CLR_SURROGATE_INFORMATION); pOutputStruct->dwFlags = 0; pOutputStruct->SurrogateIdent = pSurrogateInfo->SurrogateIdent; // // Write things into the output buffer // if ((dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_IDENTITY) && (AssemblyIdentity.Cch() > 0)) { pOutputStruct->pcwszImplementingAssembly = pwszOutputCursor; IFW32FALSE_EXIT( AssemblyIdentity.Win32CopyIntoBuffer( &pwszOutputCursor, &cbRemaining, &cbWritten, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } else pOutputStruct->pcwszImplementingAssembly = NULL; if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_TYPE_NAME) { WRITE_INTO_BUFFER( pwszOutputCursor, pOutputStruct->pcwszSurrogateType, pSurrogateInfo->TypeNameLength, (PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)pSurrogateInfo) + pSurrogateInfo->TypeNameOffset), cbRemaining); } else pOutputStruct->pcwszSurrogateType = NULL; if (dwFlags & SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_RUNTIME_VERSION) { WRITE_INTO_BUFFER( pwszOutputCursor, pOutputStruct->pcwszRuntimeVersion, pSurrogateInfo->VersionLength, (PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)pSurrogateInfo) + pSurrogateInfo->VersionOffset), cbRemaining); } else pOutputStruct->pcwszRuntimeVersion = NULL; if (pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired) *pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired = cbRequired; } else { if (pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired) *pcbDataBufferWrittenOrRequired = cbRequired; ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(NotEnoughSpaceInOutputBuffer, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } FN_EPILOG } BOOL WINAPI SxsLookupClrGuid( DWORD dwFlags, LPGUID pClsid, HANDLE hActCtx, PVOID pvOutputBuffer, SIZE_T cbOutputBuffer, PSIZE_T pcbOutputBuffer ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 if (pcbOutputBuffer) *pcbOutputBuffer = 0; CStackBackingBuffer BackingBuffer; DWORD dwLastError; SIZE_T cbRequired = 0; PSXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR pOutputTarget = NULL; PCWSTR pcwszRuntimeVersion = NULL; PCWSTR pcwszTypeName = NULL; PCWSTR pcwszAssemblyName = NULL; SIZE_T cchRuntimeVersion = 0; SIZE_T cchTypeName = 0; SIZE_T cchAssemblyName = 0; enum { eFoundSurrogate, eFoundClrClass, eNotFound } FoundThingType = eNotFound; PARAMETER_CHECK(pvOutputBuffer || (cbOutputBuffer == 0)); PARAMETER_CHECK(pClsid != NULL); IFINVALID_FLAGS_EXIT_WIN32(dwFlags, SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_USE_ACTCTX | SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_SURROGATE | SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_CLR_CLASS | SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_ANY); // // Nothing found yet, let's look into the surrogate data tables first // if ((FoundThingType == eNotFound) && ((dwFlags & SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_SURROGATE) != 0)) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS3( SxsFindClrSurrogateInformation( SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_ALL | ((dwFlags & SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_USE_ACTCTX) ? SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_USE_ACTCTX : 0), pClsid, hActCtx, BackingBuffer.GetArrayPtr(), BackingBuffer.GetSize(), &cbRequired), LIST_3(ERROR_SXS_SECTION_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER), dwLastError); // // If we found the key and section, but the buffer was too small, resize and try again // if (dwLastError == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(BackingBuffer.Win32SetSize(cbRequired, CStackBackingBuffer::eSetSizeModeExact)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS3( SxsFindClrSurrogateInformation( SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_GET_ALL | ((dwFlags & SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_USE_ACTCTX) ? SXS_FIND_CLR_SURROGATE_USE_ACTCTX : 0), pClsid, hActCtx, BackingBuffer.GetArrayPtr(), BackingBuffer.GetSize(), &cbRequired), LIST_2(ERROR_SXS_SECTION_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND), dwLastError); } // // Great - we either succeeded during the first call, or we succeeded after // resizing our buffers. Gather information, set the type, and continue. // if (dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // At this point, BackingBuffer contains goop about a CLR surrogate. Ensure that // our output buffer is large enough, and then fill it out. // PCSXS_CLR_SURROGATE_INFORMATION pSurrogateInfo = (PCSXS_CLR_SURROGATE_INFORMATION)BackingBuffer.GetArrayPtr(); pcwszAssemblyName = pSurrogateInfo->pcwszImplementingAssembly; pcwszTypeName = pSurrogateInfo->pcwszSurrogateType; pcwszRuntimeVersion = pSurrogateInfo->pcwszRuntimeVersion; FoundThingType = eFoundSurrogate; } } // // We've yet to find anything, and the flags say we can look up a clr class // if ((FoundThingType == eNotFound) && ((dwFlags & SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_CLR_CLASS) != 0)) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS3( SxsFindClrClassInformation( SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_GUID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_ALL | ((dwFlags & SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_USE_ACTCTX) ? SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_ACTIVATE_ACTCTX : 0), (PVOID)pClsid, hActCtx, BackingBuffer.GetArrayPtr(), BackingBuffer.GetSize(), &cbRequired), LIST_3(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, ERROR_SXS_SECTION_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND), dwLastError); if (dwLastError == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(BackingBuffer.Win32SetSize(cbRequired, CStackBackingBuffer::eSetSizeModeExact)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS3( SxsFindClrClassInformation( SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_SEARCH_GUID | SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_GET_ALL | ((dwFlags & SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_USE_ACTCTX) ? SXS_FIND_CLR_CLASS_ACTIVATE_ACTCTX : 0), (PVOID)pClsid, hActCtx, BackingBuffer.GetArrayPtr(), BackingBuffer.GetSize(), &cbRequired), LIST_2(ERROR_SXS_SECTION_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND), dwLastError); } // // We succeeded, either after the first query, or after resizing. // if (dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PCSXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION pClassInfo = (PCSXS_CLR_CLASS_INFORMATION)BackingBuffer.GetArrayPtr(); FoundThingType = eFoundClrClass; pcwszAssemblyName = pClassInfo->pcwszImplementingAssembly; pcwszRuntimeVersion = pClassInfo->pcwszRuntimeVersion; pcwszTypeName = pClassInfo->pcwszTypeName; } } // // If we got to this point and didn't find anything, then error out with a reasonable // error code. // if (FoundThingType == eNotFound) { ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(DidntFindObject, ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } // // Calculate some sizes - string lengths, etc. // cbRequired = sizeof(SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR); cchAssemblyName = StringLength(pcwszAssemblyName); cchRuntimeVersion = StringLength(pcwszRuntimeVersion); cchTypeName = StringLength(pcwszTypeName); cbRequired += (cchAssemblyName + cchRuntimeVersion + cchTypeName + 3) * sizeof(WCHAR); // // If there was enough space, start stomping data into the output buffer // if (cbRequired <= cbOutputBuffer) { PWSTR pwszCursor; pOutputTarget = (PSXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR)pvOutputBuffer; pwszCursor = (PWSTR)(pOutputTarget + 1); pOutputTarget->cbSize = sizeof(*pOutputTarget); pOutputTarget->dwFlags = 0; switch (FoundThingType) { case eFoundClrClass: pOutputTarget->dwFlags |= SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR_FLAG_IS_CLASS; break; case eFoundSurrogate: pOutputTarget->dwFlags |= SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR_FLAG_IS_SURROGATE; break; default: INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(FALSE); break; } // // This grossness is unfortunately required. // pOutputTarget->pcwszAssemblyIdentity = pwszCursor; wcscpy(pwszCursor, pcwszAssemblyName); pwszCursor += cchAssemblyName + 1; pOutputTarget->pcwszRuntimeVersion= pwszCursor; wcscpy(pwszCursor, pcwszRuntimeVersion); pwszCursor += cchRuntimeVersion+ 1; pOutputTarget->pcwszTypeName = pwszCursor; wcscpy(pwszCursor, pcwszTypeName); pwszCursor += cchTypeName + 1; if (pcbOutputBuffer) *pcbOutputBuffer = cbRequired; } else { if (pcbOutputBuffer) *pcbOutputBuffer = cbRequired; ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(NotEnoughSpaceInOutputBuffer, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } FN_EPILOG }