REM REM This file is meant only to assist in ensuring offsets in peb and teb REM are maintained while editing base\published\pebteb.w. REM setlocal del *.obj *.pdb *.exe del *.txt call \lab1\developer\jaykrell\unrazzle call %sdxroot%\tools\razzle win64 call :F1 lab1 ia64 _IA64_ 64 win64 call :F1 fusi ia64 _IA64_ 64 win64 call :F1 lab1 i386 _X86_ 32 win32 call :F1 fusi i386 _X86_ 32 win32 lab1_32 > lab1_32.txt fusi_32 > fusi_32.txt lab1_64 > lab1_64.txt fusi_64 > fusi_64.txt endlocal goto :eof :F1 call \%1\tools\razzle %5 echo on set root=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT% set include=%root%\public\sdk\inc;%root%\public\internal\base\inc;%root%\public\sdk\inc\crt set lib=%root%\public\sdk\lib\%2 set _CL_=%_CL_% -D%3 -D%4 -nologo -MD set _LINK_=%_LINK_% -nologo pushd %root%\base\published build -Z popd del *.obj *.pdb cl teb.c -link -out:%1_%4.exe call \lab1\developer\jaykrell\unrazzle goto :eof