/* * INSOBJ.CPP * * Implements the OleUIInsertObject function which invokes the complete * Insert Object dialog. Makes use of the OleChangeIcon function in * ICON.CPP. * * Copyright (c)1993 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */ #include "precomp.h" #include "common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "utility.h" #include "resimage.h" #include "iconbox.h" #include "strcache.h" OLEDBGDATA #if USE_STRING_CACHE==1 extern CStringCache gInsObjStringCache; //defined in strcache.cpp DWORD g_dwOldListType = 0; #endif // Internally used structure typedef struct tagINSERTOBJECT { LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT lpOIO; // Original structure passed. UINT nIDD; // IDD of dialog (used for help info) /* * What we store extra in this structure besides the original caller's * pointer are those fields that we need to modify during the life of * the dialog but that we don't want to change in the original structure * until the user presses OK. */ DWORD dwFlags; CLSID clsid; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fFileSelected; // Enables Display As Icon for links BOOL fAsIconNew; BOOL fAsIconFile; BOOL fFileDirty; BOOL fFileValid; UINT nErrCode; HGLOBAL hMetaPictFile; UINT nBrowseHelpID; // Help ID callback for Browse dlg BOOL bObjectListFilled; BOOL bControlListFilled; BOOL bControlListActive; } INSERTOBJECT, *PINSERTOBJECT, FAR *LPINSERTOBJECT; // Internal function prototypes // INSOBJ.CPP void EnableChangeIconButton(HWND hDlg, BOOL fEnable); INT_PTR CALLBACK InsertObjectDialogProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); BOOL FInsertObjectInit(HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM); UINT UFillClassList(HWND, UINT, LPCLSID, BOOL, BOOL); LRESULT URefillClassList(HWND, LPINSERTOBJECT); BOOL FToggleObjectSource(HWND, LPINSERTOBJECT, DWORD); void UpdateClassType(HWND, LPINSERTOBJECT, BOOL); void SetInsertObjectResults(HWND, LPINSERTOBJECT); BOOL FValidateInsertFile(HWND, BOOL, UINT FAR*); void InsertObjectCleanup(HWND); static void UpdateClassIcon(HWND hDlg, LPINSERTOBJECT lpIO, HWND hList); BOOL CALLBACK HookDlgProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); #define IS_FILENAME_DELIM(c) ( (c) == '\\' || (c) == '/' || (c) == ':') BOOL CALLBACK HookDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { #ifdef CHICO switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; LoadString(_g_hOleStdResInst, IDS_INSERT , szTemp, MAX_PATH); CommDlg_OpenSave_SetControlText(GetParent(hDlg), IDOK, szTemp); return(TRUE); default: break; } #endif return(FALSE); } /* * OleUIInsertObject * * Purpose: * Invokes the standard OLE Insert Object dialog box allowing the * user to select an object source and classname as well as the option * to display the object as itself or as an icon. * * Parameters: * lpIO LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT pointing to the in-out structure * for this dialog. * * Return Value: * UINT OLEUI_SUCCESS or OLEUI_OK if all is well, otherwise * an error value. */ STDAPI_(UINT) OleUIInsertObject(LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT lpIO) { HGLOBAL hMemDlg = NULL; UINT uRet = UStandardValidation((LPOLEUISTANDARD)lpIO, sizeof(OLEUIINSERTOBJECT), &hMemDlg); if (OLEUI_SUCCESS != uRet) return uRet; //Now we can do Insert Object specific validation. if (NULL != lpIO->lpszFile && (lpIO->cchFile <= 0 || lpIO->cchFile > MAX_PATH)) { uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_CCHFILEINVALID; } // NULL is NOT valid for lpszFile if (lpIO->lpszFile == NULL) { uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_LPSZFILEINVALID; } else { if (IsBadWritePtr(lpIO->lpszFile, lpIO->cchFile*sizeof(TCHAR))) uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_LPSZFILEINVALID; } if (0 != lpIO->cClsidExclude && IsBadReadPtr(lpIO->lpClsidExclude, lpIO->cClsidExclude * sizeof(CLSID))) { uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_LPCLSIDEXCLUDEINVALID; } //If we have flags to create any object, validate necessary data. if (lpIO->dwFlags & (IOF_CREATENEWOBJECT | IOF_CREATEFILEOBJECT | IOF_CREATELINKOBJECT)) { if (NULL != lpIO->lpFormatEtc && IsBadReadPtr(lpIO->lpFormatEtc, sizeof(FORMATETC))) uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_LPFORMATETCINVALID; if (NULL != lpIO->ppvObj && IsBadWritePtr(lpIO->ppvObj, sizeof(LPVOID))) uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_PPVOBJINVALID; if (NULL != lpIO->lpIOleClientSite && IsBadReadPtr(*(VOID**)&lpIO->lpIOleClientSite, sizeof(DWORD))) uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_LPIOLECLIENTSITEINVALID; if (NULL != lpIO->lpIStorage && IsBadReadPtr(*(VOID**)&lpIO->lpIStorage, sizeof(DWORD))) uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_LPISTORAGEINVALID; } if (OLEUI_ERR_STANDARDMIN <= uRet) { return uRet; } #if USE_STRING_CACHE==1 // Inform the string cache about a fresh InsertObject invocation. gInsObjStringCache.NewCall(lpIO->dwFlags, lpIO->cClsidExclude); #endif //Now that we've validated everything, we can invoke the dialog. uRet = UStandardInvocation(InsertObjectDialogProc, (LPOLEUISTANDARD)lpIO, hMemDlg, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INSERTOBJECT)); //Stop here if we cancelled or had an error. if (OLEUI_SUCCESS !=uRet && OLEUI_OK!=uRet) return uRet; /* * If any of the flags specify that we're to create objects on return * from this dialog, then do so. If we encounter an error in this * processing, we return OLEUI_IOERR_SCODEHASERROR. Since the * three select flags are mutually exclusive, we don't have to * if...else here, just if each case (keeps things cleaner that way). */ lpIO->sc = S_OK; // Check if Create New was selected and we have IOF_CREATENEWOBJECT if ((lpIO->dwFlags & (IOF_SELECTCREATENEW|IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL)) && (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CREATENEWOBJECT)) { HRESULT hrErr = OleCreate(lpIO->clsid, lpIO->iid, lpIO->oleRender, lpIO->lpFormatEtc, lpIO->lpIOleClientSite, lpIO->lpIStorage, lpIO->ppvObj); lpIO->sc = GetScode(hrErr); } // Try Create From File if ((lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE)) { if (!(lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKLINK) && (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CREATEFILEOBJECT)) { HRESULT hrErr=OleCreateFromFile(CLSID_NULL, lpIO->lpszFile, lpIO->iid, lpIO->oleRender, lpIO->lpFormatEtc, lpIO->lpIOleClientSite, lpIO->lpIStorage, lpIO->ppvObj); lpIO->sc = GetScode(hrErr); } if ((lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKLINK) && (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CREATELINKOBJECT)) { HRESULT hrErr=OleCreateLinkToFile(lpIO->lpszFile, lpIO->iid, lpIO->oleRender, lpIO->lpFormatEtc, lpIO->lpIOleClientSite, lpIO->lpIStorage, lpIO->ppvObj); lpIO->sc = GetScode(hrErr); } } //If we tried but failed a create option, then return the appropriate error if (S_OK != lpIO->sc) uRet = OLEUI_IOERR_SCODEHASERROR; return uRet; } /* * InsertObjectDialogProc * * Purpose: * Implements the OLE Insert Object dialog as invoked through the * OleUIInsertObject function. */ INT_PTR CALLBACK InsertObjectDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Declare Win16/Win32 compatible WM_COMMAND parameters. COMMANDPARAMS(wID, wCode, hWndMsg); // This will fail under WM_INITDIALOG, where we allocate it. UINT uRet = 0; LPINSERTOBJECT lpIO = (LPINSERTOBJECT)LpvStandardEntry(hDlg, iMsg, wParam, lParam, &uRet); // If the hook processed the message, we're done. if (0 != uRet) return (BOOL)uRet; // Process help message from Change Icon if (iMsg == uMsgHelp) { if (lpIO && (lpIO->lpOIO)) PostMessage(lpIO->lpOIO->hWndOwner, uMsgHelp, wParam, lParam); return FALSE; } // Process the temination message if (iMsg == uMsgEndDialog) { EndDialog(hDlg, wParam); return TRUE; } // The following messages do not require lpio to be non-null. switch (iMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return FInsertObjectInit(hDlg, wParam, lParam); } // The following messages DO require lpIO to be non-null, so don't // continue processing if lpIO is NULL. if (NULL == lpIO) return FALSE; switch (iMsg) { case WM_DESTROY: InsertObjectCleanup(hDlg); StandardCleanup(lpIO, hDlg); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (wID) { case IDC_IO_CREATENEW: if (1 == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATENEW)) { FToggleObjectSource(hDlg, lpIO, IOF_SELECTCREATENEW); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATENEW)); } break; case IDC_IO_CREATEFROMFILE: if (1 == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATEFROMFILE)) { FToggleObjectSource(hDlg, lpIO, IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATEFROMFILE)); } break; case IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL: if (1 == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL)) { FToggleObjectSource(hDlg, lpIO, IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL)); } break; case IDC_IO_LINKFILE: { BOOL fCheck=IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, wID); if (fCheck) lpIO->dwFlags |=IOF_CHECKLINK; else lpIO->dwFlags &=~IOF_CHECKLINK; // Results change here, so be sure to update it. SetInsertObjectResults(hDlg, lpIO); UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, NULL); } break; case IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST: switch (wCode) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, hWndMsg); SetInsertObjectResults(hDlg, lpIO); break; case LBN_DBLCLK: SendCommand(hDlg, IDOK, BN_CLICKED, hWndMsg); break; } break; case IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY: // If there are characters, enable OK and Display As Icon if (EN_CHANGE == wCode) { lpIO->fFileDirty = TRUE; lpIO->fFileValid = FALSE; lpIO->fFileSelected = (0L != SendMessage(hWndMsg, EM_LINELENGTH, 0, 0L)); StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_LINKFILE, lpIO->fFileSelected); StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON, lpIO->fFileSelected); EnableChangeIconButton(hDlg, lpIO->fFileSelected); StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK, lpIO->fFileSelected); } if (EN_KILLFOCUS == wCode && NULL != lpIO) { if (FValidateInsertFile(hDlg, FALSE, &lpIO->nErrCode)) { lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = TRUE; UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, NULL); UpdateClassType(hDlg, lpIO, TRUE); } else { lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = FALSE; UpdateClassType(hDlg, lpIO, FALSE); } } break; case IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON: { BOOL fCheck = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, wID); if (fCheck) lpIO->dwFlags |=IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON; else lpIO->dwFlags &=~IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON; // Update the internal flag based on this checking if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) lpIO->fAsIconNew = fCheck; else lpIO->fAsIconFile = fCheck; // Re-read the class icon on Display checked if (fCheck) { if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE) { if (FValidateInsertFile(hDlg, TRUE,&lpIO->nErrCode)) { lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = TRUE; UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST)); UpdateClassType(hDlg, lpIO, TRUE); } else { lpIO->fAsIconFile= FALSE; lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = FALSE; SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, IBXM_IMAGESET, 0, 0L); UpdateClassType(hDlg, lpIO, FALSE); lpIO->dwFlags &=~IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON; CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON, 0); HWND hWndEC = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY); SetFocus(hWndEC); SendMessage(hWndEC, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); return TRUE; } } else UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST)); } // Results change here, so be sure to update it. SetInsertObjectResults(hDlg, lpIO); /* * Show or hide controls as appropriate. Do the icon * display last because it will take some time to repaint. * If we do it first then the dialog looks too sluggish. */ UINT i = (fCheck) ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : SW_HIDE; StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, i); StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CHANGEICON, i); EnableChangeIconButton(hDlg, fCheck); } break; case IDC_IO_CHANGEICON: { // if we're in SELECTCREATEFROMFILE mode, then we need to Validate // the contents of the edit control first. if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE) { if (lpIO->fFileDirty && !FValidateInsertFile(hDlg, TRUE, &lpIO->nErrCode)) { HWND hWndEC; lpIO->fFileValid = FALSE; hWndEC = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY); SetFocus(hWndEC); SendMessage(hWndEC, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); return TRUE; } else { lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; } } // Initialize the structure for the hook. OLEUICHANGEICON ci; memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(ci)); ci.cbStruct = sizeof(ci); ci.hMetaPict = (HGLOBAL)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, IBXM_IMAGEGET, 0, 0L); ci.hWndOwner= hDlg; ci.dwFlags = CIF_SELECTCURRENT; if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SHOWHELP) ci.dwFlags |= CIF_SHOWHELP; HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); int iCurSel = (int)SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) { LPTSTR pszString = (LPTSTR)OleStdMalloc( OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE + OLEUI_CCHCLSIDSTRING_SIZE); SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, iCurSel, (LPARAM)pszString); LPTSTR pszCLSID = PointerToNthField(pszString, 2, '\t'); CLSIDFromString(pszCLSID, &ci.clsid); OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszString); } else // IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, szFileName, MAX_PATH); if (S_OK != GetClassFile(szFileName, &ci.clsid)) { int istrlen = lstrlen(szFileName); LPTSTR lpszExtension = szFileName + istrlen -1; while (lpszExtension > szFileName && *lpszExtension != '.') { lpszExtension = CharPrev(szFileName, lpszExtension); } GetAssociatedExecutable(lpszExtension, ci.szIconExe, sizeof(ci.szIconExe)/sizeof(ci.szIconExe[0])); ci.cchIconExe = lstrlen(ci.szIconExe); ci.dwFlags |= CIF_USEICONEXE; } } // Let the hook in to customize Change Icon if desired. uRet = UStandardHook(lpIO, hDlg, uMsgChangeIcon, 0, (LPARAM)&ci); if (0 == uRet) uRet = (UINT)(OLEUI_OK == OleUIChangeIcon(&ci)); // Update the display and itemdata if necessary. if (0 != uRet) { /* * OleUIChangeIcon will have already freed our * current hMetaPict that we passed in when OK is * pressed in that dialog. So we use 0L as lParam * here so the IconBox doesn't try to free the * metafilepict again. */ SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, IBXM_IMAGESET, 0, (LPARAM)ci.hMetaPict); if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) SendMessage(hList, LB_SETITEMDATA, iCurSel, (LPARAM)ci.hMetaPict); } } break; case IDC_IO_FILE: { /* * To allow the hook to customize the browse dialog, we * send OLEUI_MSG_BROWSE. If the hook returns FALSE * we use the default, otherwise we trust that it retrieved * a filename for us. This mechanism prevents hooks from * trapping IDC_IO_BROWSE to customize the dialog and from * trying to figure out what we do after we have the name. */ TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; int nChars = GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, szTemp, MAX_PATH); TCHAR szInitialDir[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fUseInitialDir = FALSE; if (FValidateInsertFile(hDlg, FALSE, &lpIO->nErrCode)) { StandardGetFileTitle(szTemp, lpIO->szFile, MAX_PATH); int istrlen = lstrlen(lpIO->szFile); lstrcpyn(szInitialDir, szTemp, nChars - istrlen); fUseInitialDir = TRUE; } else // file name isn't valid...lop off end of szTemp to get a // valid directory { TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyn(szBuffer, szTemp, sizeof(szBuffer)/sizeof(TCHAR)); if ('\\' == szBuffer[nChars-1]) szBuffer[nChars-1] = '\0'; DWORD Attribs = GetFileAttributes(szBuffer); if (Attribs != 0xffffffff && (Attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { lstrcpy(szInitialDir, szBuffer); fUseInitialDir = TRUE; } *lpIO->szFile = '\0'; } uRet = UStandardHook(lpIO, hDlg, uMsgBrowse, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)lpIO->szFile); if (0 == uRet) { DWORD dwOfnFlags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_ENABLEHOOK; if (lpIO->lpOIO->dwFlags & IOF_SHOWHELP) dwOfnFlags |= OFN_SHOWHELP; uRet = (UINT)Browse(hDlg, lpIO->szFile, fUseInitialDir ? szInitialDir : NULL, MAX_PATH, IDS_FILTERS, dwOfnFlags, ID_BROWSE_INSERTFILE, (LPOFNHOOKPROC)HookDlgProc); } // Only update if the file changed. if (0 != uRet && 0 != lstrcmpi(szTemp, lpIO->szFile)) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, lpIO->szFile); lpIO->fFileSelected=TRUE; if (FValidateInsertFile(hDlg, TRUE, &lpIO->nErrCode)) { lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = TRUE; UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, NULL); UpdateClassType(hDlg, lpIO, TRUE); // auto set OK to be default button if valid file SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), 0L); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK)); } else // filename is invalid - set focus back to ec { HWND hWnd; lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = FALSE; hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY); SetFocus(hWnd); SendMessage(hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); } // Once we have a file, Display As Icon is always enabled StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON, TRUE); // As well as OK StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK, TRUE); } } break; case IDC_IO_ADDCONTROL: { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; szFileName[0] = 0; // allow hook to customize uRet = UStandardHook(lpIO, hDlg, uMsgAddControl, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)szFileName); if (0 == uRet) { DWORD dwOfnFlags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_ENABLEHOOK; if (lpIO->lpOIO->dwFlags & IOF_SHOWHELP) dwOfnFlags |= OFN_SHOWHELP; uRet = (UINT)Browse(hDlg, szFileName, NULL, MAX_PATH, IDS_OCX_FILTERS, dwOfnFlags, ID_BROWSE_ADDCONTROL , (LPOFNHOOKPROC)HookDlgProc); } if (0 != uRet) { // try to register the control DLL HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary(szFileName); if (hInst == NULL) { PopupMessage(hDlg, IDS_ADDCONTROL, IDS_CANNOTLOADOCX, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); break; } HRESULT (FAR STDAPICALLTYPE* lpfn)(void); (FARPROC&)lpfn = GetProcAddress(hInst, "DllRegisterServer"); if (lpfn == NULL) { PopupMessage(hDlg, IDS_ADDCONTROL, IDS_NODLLREGISTERSERVER, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); FreeLibrary(hInst); break; } if (FAILED((*lpfn)())) { PopupMessage(hDlg, IDS_ADDCONTROL, IDS_DLLREGISTERFAILED, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); FreeLibrary(hInst); break; } // cleanup the DLL from memory FreeLibrary(hInst); // registered successfully -- refill the list box lpIO->bControlListFilled = FALSE; lpIO->bObjectListFilled = FALSE; URefillClassList(hDlg, lpIO); } } break; case IDOK: { if ((HWND)lParam != GetFocus()) SetFocus((HWND)lParam); // If the file name is clean (already validated), or // if Create New is selected, then we can skip this part. if ((lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE) && lpIO->fFileDirty) { if (FValidateInsertFile(hDlg, TRUE, &lpIO->nErrCode)) { lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = TRUE; UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, NULL); UpdateClassType(hDlg, lpIO, TRUE); } else // filename is invalid - set focus back to ec { HWND hWnd; lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = FALSE; hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY); SetFocus(hWnd); SendMessage(hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); UpdateClassType(hDlg, lpIO, FALSE); } return TRUE; // eat this message } else if ((lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE) && !lpIO->fFileValid) { // filename is invalid - set focus back to ec HWND hWnd; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; if (0 != GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, szFile, MAX_PATH)) { OpenFileError(hDlg, lpIO->nErrCode, szFile); } lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = FALSE; hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY); SetFocus(hWnd); SendMessage(hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); UpdateClassType(hDlg, lpIO, FALSE); return TRUE; // eat this message } // Copy the necessary information back to the original struct LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT lpOIO = lpIO->lpOIO; lpOIO->dwFlags = lpIO->dwFlags; if (lpIO->dwFlags & (IOF_SELECTCREATENEW|IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL)) { HWND hListBox = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); UINT iCurSel = (UINT)SendMessage(hListBox, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON) { lpOIO->hMetaPict=(HGLOBAL)SendMessage(hListBox, LB_GETITEMDATA, iCurSel, 0L); /* * Set the item data to 0 here so that the cleanup * code doesn't delete the metafile. */ SendMessage(hListBox, LB_SETITEMDATA, iCurSel, 0L); } else lpOIO->hMetaPict = (HGLOBAL)NULL; TCHAR szBuffer[OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX+OLEUI_CCHCLSIDSTRING]; SendMessage(hListBox, LB_GETTEXT, iCurSel, (LPARAM)szBuffer); LPTSTR lpszCLSID = PointerToNthField(szBuffer, 2, '\t'); CLSIDFromString(lpszCLSID, &lpOIO->clsid); } else // IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE { if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON) { // get metafile here lpOIO->hMetaPict = (HGLOBAL)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, IBXM_IMAGEGET, 0, 0L); } else lpOIO->hMetaPict = (HGLOBAL)NULL; } GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, lpIO->szFile, lpOIO->cchFile); lstrcpyn(lpOIO->lpszFile, lpIO->szFile, lpOIO->cchFile); SendMessage(hDlg, uMsgEndDialog, OLEUI_OK, 0L); } break; case IDCANCEL: SendMessage(hDlg, uMsgEndDialog, OLEUI_CANCEL, 0L); break; case IDC_OLEUIHELP: PostMessage(lpIO->lpOIO->hWndOwner, uMsgHelp, (WPARAM)hDlg, MAKELPARAM(IDD_INSERTOBJECT, 0)); break; } break; default: if (iMsg == lpIO->nBrowseHelpID) { PostMessage(lpIO->lpOIO->hWndOwner, uMsgHelp, (WPARAM)hDlg, MAKELPARAM(IDD_INSERTFILEBROWSE, 0)); } if (iMsg == uMsgBrowseOFN && lpIO->lpOIO && lpIO->lpOIO->hWndOwner) { SendMessage(lpIO->lpOIO->hWndOwner, uMsgBrowseOFN, wParam, lParam); } break; } return FALSE; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CheckButton // // Synopsis: Handles checking the radio buttons // // Arguments: [hDlg] - dialog handle // [iID] - ID of the button to check // // Returns: nothing // // History: 1-19-95 stevebl Created // // Notes: Used in place of CheckRadioButtons to avoid a GP fault under // win32s that arises from IDC_IO_CREATENEW, IDC_IO_CREATEFROMFILE // and IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL not being contiguous. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckButton(HWND hDlg, int iID) { CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATENEW, iID == IDC_IO_CREATENEW ? 1 : 0); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATEFROMFILE, iID == IDC_IO_CREATEFROMFILE ? 1 : 0); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL, iID == IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL ? 1 : 0); } /* * FInsertObjectInit * * Purpose: * WM_INITIDIALOG handler for the Insert Object dialog box. * * Parameters: * hDlg HWND of the dialog * wParam WPARAM of the message * lParam LPARAM of the message * * Return Value: * BOOL Value to return for WM_INITDIALOG. */ BOOL FInsertObjectInit(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Copy the structure at lParam into our instance memory. HFONT hFont; LPINSERTOBJECT lpIO = (LPINSERTOBJECT)LpvStandardInit(hDlg, sizeof(INSERTOBJECT), &hFont); // PvStandardInit send a termination to us already. if (NULL == lpIO) return FALSE; LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT lpOIO = (LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT)lParam; // Save the original pointer and copy necessary information. lpIO->lpOIO = lpOIO; lpIO->nIDD = IDD_INSERTOBJECT; lpIO->dwFlags = lpOIO->dwFlags; lpIO->clsid = lpOIO->clsid; if ((lpOIO->lpszFile) && ('\0' != *lpOIO->lpszFile)) lstrcpyn(lpIO->szFile, lpOIO->lpszFile, MAX_PATH); else *(lpIO->szFile) = '\0'; lpIO->hMetaPictFile = (HGLOBAL)NULL; // If we got a font, send it to the necessary controls. if (NULL != hFont) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_RESULTTEXT, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILETYPE, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, 0L); } // Initilize the file name display to cwd if we don't have any name. if ('\0' == *(lpIO->szFile)) { TCHAR szCurDir[MAX_PATH]; int nLen; GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szCurDir); nLen = lstrlen(szCurDir); if (nLen != 0 && szCurDir[nLen-1] != '\\') lstrcat(szCurDir, _T("\\")); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, szCurDir); lpIO->fFileDirty = TRUE; // cwd is not a valid filename } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, lpIO->szFile); if (FValidateInsertFile(hDlg, FALSE, &lpIO->nErrCode)) { lpIO->fFileDirty = FALSE; lpIO->fFileValid = TRUE; } else { lpIO->fFileDirty = TRUE; lpIO->fFileValid = FALSE; } } // Initialize radio button and related controls if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON) { if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) lpIO->fAsIconNew = TRUE; else lpIO->fAsIconFile = TRUE; } if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) CheckButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATENEW); if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE) CheckButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATEFROMFILE); if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL) CheckButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_LINKFILE, (BOOL)(0L != (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKLINK))); lpIO->dwFlags &= ~(IOF_SELECTCREATENEW|IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE|IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL); FToggleObjectSource(hDlg, lpIO, lpOIO->dwFlags & (IOF_SELECTCREATENEW|IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE|IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL)); // Show or hide the help button if (!(lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SHOWHELP)) StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_OLEUIHELP, SW_HIDE); // Show or hide the Change icon button if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_HIDECHANGEICON) DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CHANGEICON)); // Hide Insert Control button if necessary if (!(lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SHOWINSERTCONTROL)) StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL, SW_HIDE); // Initialize the result display UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST)); SetInsertObjectResults(hDlg, lpIO); // Change the caption if (NULL!=lpOIO->lpszCaption) SetWindowText(hDlg, lpOIO->lpszCaption); // Hide all DisplayAsIcon related controls if it should be disabled if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_DISABLEDISPLAYASICON) { StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON, SW_HIDE); StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CHANGEICON, SW_HIDE); StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, SW_HIDE); } lpIO->nBrowseHelpID = RegisterWindowMessage(HELPMSGSTRING); // All Done: call the hook with lCustData UStandardHook(lpIO, hDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, wParam, lpOIO->lCustData); /* * We either set focus to the listbox or the edit control. In either * case we don't want Windows to do any SetFocus, so we return FALSE. */ return FALSE; } /* * URefillClassList * * Purpose: * Fills the class list box with names as appropriate for the current * flags. This function is called when the user changes the flags * via the "exclusion" radio buttons. * * Note that this function removes any prior contents of the listbox. * * Parameters: * hDlg HWND to the dialog box. * lpIO pointer to LPINSERTOBJECT structure * * Return Value: * LRESULT Number of strings added to the listbox, -1 on failure. */ LRESULT URefillClassList(HWND hDlg, LPINSERTOBJECT lpIO) { OleDbgAssert(lpIO->dwFlags & (IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL|IOF_SELECTCREATENEW)); // always the same dialog ID because they are swapped HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); // determine if already filled BOOL bFilled; if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL) bFilled = lpIO->bControlListFilled; else bFilled = lpIO->bObjectListFilled; if (!bFilled) { // fill the list LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECT lpOIO = lpIO->lpOIO; UINT uResult = UFillClassList(hList, lpOIO->cClsidExclude, lpOIO->lpClsidExclude, (BOOL)(lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_VERIFYSERVERSEXIST), (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL)); // mark the list as filled if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL) lpIO->bControlListFilled = TRUE; else lpIO->bObjectListFilled = TRUE; } // return number of items now in the list return SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); } /* * UFillClassList * * Purpose: * Enumerates available OLE object classes from the registration * database and fills a listbox with those names. * * Note that this function removes any prior contents of the listbox. * * Parameters: * hList HWND to the listbox to fill. * cIDEx UINT number of CLSIDs to exclude in lpIDEx * lpIDEx LPCLSID to CLSIDs to leave out of the listbox. * fVerify BOOL indicating if we are to validate existence of * servers before putting them in the list. * * Return Value: * UINT Number of strings added to the listbox, -1 on failure. */ UINT UFillClassList(HWND hList, UINT cIDEx, LPCLSID lpIDEx, BOOL fVerify, BOOL fExcludeObjects) { OleDbgAssert(hList != NULL); // Set the tab width in the list to push all the tabs off the side. RECT rc; GetClientRect(hList, &rc); DWORD dw = GetDialogBaseUnits(); rc.right =(8*rc.right)/LOWORD(dw); //Convert pixels to 2x dlg units. SendMessage(hList, LB_SETTABSTOPS, 1, (LPARAM)(LPINT)&rc.right); // Clean out the existing strings. SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L); UINT cStrings = 0; #if USE_STRING_CACHE==1 if (gInsObjStringCache.OKToUse() && gInsObjStringCache.IsUptodate()) { // IsUptodate returns false if the cache is not yet populated // or if any CLSID key changed in the registry since the last // time the cache was populated. LPCTSTR lpStr; // Reset enumerator in the cache. gInsObjStringCache.ResetEnumerator(); while ( (lpStr = gInsObjStringCache.NextString()) != NULL) { SendMessage(hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)lpStr); cStrings++; } } else { // Setup the cache if it was successfully initialized and // there were no errors in a previous use. if (gInsObjStringCache.OKToUse()) { // Clear the string counter and enumerator. // We will fill up the cache with strings in this round. gInsObjStringCache.FlushCache(); } #endif LPTSTR pszExec = (LPTSTR)OleStdMalloc(OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE*4); if (NULL == pszExec) return (UINT)-1; LPTSTR pszClass = pszExec+OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX; LPTSTR pszKey = pszClass+OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX; // Open up the root key. HKEY hKey; LONG lRet = OpenClassesRootKey(NULL, &hKey); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS!=lRet) { OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszExec); return (UINT)-1; } // We will now loop over all ProgIDs and add candidates that // pass various insertable tests to the ListBox one by one. while (TRUE) { // assume not yet (for handling of OLE1.0 compat case) BOOL bHaveCLSID = FALSE; LPTSTR pszID = pszKey+OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX; lRet = RegEnumKey(hKey, cStrings++, pszClass, OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) break; if (!iswalpha(pszClass[0])) { // avoids looking into ".ext" type entries under HKCR continue; } // Cheat on lstrcat by using lstrcpy after this string, saving time UINT cch = lstrlen(pszClass); // Check for \NotInsertable. If this is found then this overrides // all other keys; this class will NOT be added to the InsertObject // list. lstrcpy(pszClass+cch, TEXT("\\NotInsertable")); HKEY hKeyTemp = NULL; lRet = RegOpenKey(hKey, pszClass, &hKeyTemp); if (hKeyTemp != NULL) RegCloseKey(hKeyTemp); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) continue; // NotInsertable IS found--skip this class // check if ProgId says "Insertable" lstrcpy(pszClass+cch, TEXT("\\Insertable")); hKeyTemp = NULL; lRet = RegOpenKey(hKey, pszClass, &hKeyTemp); if (hKeyTemp != NULL) RegCloseKey(hKeyTemp); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS || fExcludeObjects) { // ProgId says insertable (=> can't be OLE 1.0) // See if we are displaying Objects or Controls // Check for CLSID lstrcpy(pszClass+cch, TEXT("\\CLSID")); dw = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; lRet = RegQueryValue(hKey, pszClass, pszID, (LONG*)&dw); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) continue; // CLSID subkey not found bHaveCLSID = TRUE; // CLSID\ is 6, dw contains pszID length. cch = 6 + ((UINT)dw/sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1; lstrcpy(pszExec, TEXT("CLSID\\")); lstrcpy(pszExec+6, pszID); // fExcludeObjects is TRUE for the Insert Control box. // It's FALSE for the Insert Object box. lstrcpy(pszExec+cch, TEXT("\\Control")); hKeyTemp = NULL; lRet = RegOpenKey(hKey, pszExec, &hKeyTemp); if (hKeyTemp != NULL) RegCloseKey(hKeyTemp); if (!fExcludeObjects) { // We are listing Objects. if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // this is a control continue; } } else { // We are listing controls if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // This is an Object continue; } // Some generous soul at some point of time in the past // decided that for controls it is OK to have the // Inertable key on the clsid too. So we have to perform // that additional check before we decide if the control // entry should be listed or not. lstrcpy(pszExec+cch, TEXT("\\Insertable")); hKeyTemp = NULL; lRet = RegOpenKey(hKey, pszExec, &hKeyTemp); if (hKeyTemp != NULL) RegCloseKey(hKeyTemp); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) continue; } // This is beginning to look like a probable list candidate // Check \LocalServer32, LocalServer, and \InprocServer // if we were requested to (IOF_VERIFYSERVERSEXIST) if (fVerify) { // Try LocalServer32 lstrcpy(pszExec+cch, TEXT("\\LocalServer32")); dw = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; lRet = RegQueryValue(hKey, pszExec, pszKey, (LONG*)&dw); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { // Try LocalServer lstrcpy(pszExec+cch, TEXT("\\LocalServer")); dw = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; lRet = RegQueryValue(hKey, pszExec, pszKey, (LONG*)&dw); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { // Try InprocServer32 lstrcpy(pszExec+cch, TEXT("\\InProcServer32")); dw = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; lRet = RegQueryValue(hKey, pszExec, pszKey, (LONG*)&dw); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { // Try InprocServer lstrcpy(pszExec+cch, TEXT("\\InProcServer")); dw = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; lRet = RegQueryValue(hKey, pszExec, pszKey, (LONG*)&dw); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) continue; } } } if (!DoesFileExist(pszKey, OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX)) continue; } //fVerify // Get the readable name for the server. // We'll needed it for the listbox. *(pszExec+cch) = 0; //Remove \\*Server dw = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; lRet = RegQueryValue(hKey, pszExec, pszKey, (LONG*)&dw); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS!=lRet) continue; } else { // We did not see an "Insertable" under ProgId, can // this be an OLE 1.0 time server entry? // Check for a \protocol\StdFileEditing\server entry. lstrcpy(pszClass+cch, TEXT("\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\server")); DWORD dwTemp = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; lRet = RegQueryValue(hKey, pszClass, pszKey, (LONG*)&dwTemp); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { // This is not a control // skip it if excluding non-controls if (fExcludeObjects) continue; // Check if the EXE actually exists. // (By default we don't do this for speed. // If an application wants to, it must provide // IOF_VERIFYSERVERSEXIST flag in the request) if (fVerify && !DoesFileExist(pszKey, OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX)) continue; // get readable class name dwTemp = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; *(pszClass+cch) = 0; // set back to rootkey lRet=RegQueryValue(hKey, pszClass, pszKey, (LONG*)&dwTemp); // attempt to get clsid directly from registry lstrcpy(pszClass+cch, TEXT("\\CLSID")); dwTemp = OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE; lRet = RegQueryValue(hKey, pszClass, pszID, (LONG*)&dwTemp); if ((LONG)ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) bHaveCLSID = TRUE; *(pszClass+cch) = 0; // set back to rootkey } else { // This is not OLE 1.0 either! continue; } } // At this point we have an insertable candidate. // or OLE 1.0 time. // get CLSID to add to listbox. CLSID clsid; if (!bHaveCLSID) { if (FAILED(CLSIDFromProgID(pszClass, &clsid))) continue; if (FAILED(StringFromCLSID(clsid, &pszID))) continue; } else { if (FAILED(CLSIDFromString(pszID, &clsid))) continue; } // ##### WARNING #####: using 'continue' after this point // would leak memory so don't use it! // check if this CLSID is in the exclusion list. BOOL fExclude = FALSE; for (UINT i=0; i < cIDEx; i++) { if (IsEqualCLSID(clsid, lpIDEx[i])) { fExclude=TRUE; break; } } // don't add objects without names if (lstrlen(pszKey) > 0 && !fExclude) { // We got through all the conditions, add the string. if (LB_ERR == SendMessage(hList, LB_FINDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pszKey)) { pszKey[cch = lstrlen(pszKey)] = '\t'; lstrcpy(pszKey+cch+1, pszID); SendMessage(hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pszKey); #if USE_STRING_CACHE==1 if (gInsObjStringCache.OKToUse()) { if (!gInsObjStringCache.AddString(pszKey)) { // Adding the string failed due to some reason OleDbgAssert(!"Failure adding string"); // A failed Add() should mark the // Cache not OK to use any more. OleDbgAssert(!gInsObjStringCache.OKToUse()) } } #endif } } if (!bHaveCLSID) OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszID); } // While (TRUE) RegCloseKey(hKey); OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszExec); #if USE_STRING_CACHE } #endif // Select the first item by default SendMessage(hList, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L); return cStrings; } /* * FToggleObjectSource * * Purpose: * Handles enabling, disabling, showing, and flag manipulation when the * user changes between Create New, Insert File, and Link File in the * Insert Object dialog. * * Parameters: * hDlg HWND of the dialog * lpIO LPINSERTOBJECT pointing to the dialog structure * dwOption DWORD flag indicating the option just selected: * IOF_SELECTCREATENEW or IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if the option was already selected, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL FToggleObjectSource(HWND hDlg, LPINSERTOBJECT lpIO, DWORD dwOption) { // Skip all of this if we're already selected. if (lpIO->dwFlags & dwOption) return TRUE; #ifdef USE_STRING_CACHE // if we're using string cache, we need to flush the cache if // the list previously displayed was of different type if(IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL == dwOption) { if(g_dwOldListType == IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) gInsObjStringCache.FlushCache(); g_dwOldListType = IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL; } else if(IOF_SELECTCREATENEW == dwOption) { if(g_dwOldListType == IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL) gInsObjStringCache.FlushCache(); g_dwOldListType = IOF_SELECTCREATENEW; } #endif // if we're switching from "from file" to "create new" and we've got // an icon for "from file", then we need to save it so that we can // show it if the user reselects "from file". if ((IOF_SELECTCREATENEW == dwOption) && (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON)) { lpIO->hMetaPictFile = (HGLOBAL)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, IBXM_IMAGEGET, 0, 0L); } /* * 1. Change the Display As Icon checked state to reflect the * selection for this option, stored in the fAsIcon* flags. */ BOOL fTemp; if (IOF_SELECTCREATENEW == dwOption) fTemp = lpIO->fAsIconNew; else if (IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE == dwOption) fTemp = lpIO->fAsIconFile; else fTemp = FALSE; if (fTemp) lpIO->dwFlags |= IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON; else lpIO->dwFlags &= ~IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON; CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON, (BOOL)(0L!=(lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON))); EnableChangeIconButton(hDlg, fTemp); /* * Display Icon: Enabled on Create New or on Create from File if * there is a selected file. */ if (IOF_SELECTCREATENEW == dwOption) fTemp = TRUE; else if (IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE == dwOption) fTemp = lpIO->fFileSelected; else fTemp = FALSE; if (IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL == dwOption) StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON, SW_HIDE); else if (!(lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_DISABLEDISPLAYASICON)) StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON, SW_SHOW); StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON, fTemp); // OK and Link follow the same enabling as Display As Icon. StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK, fTemp || IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL == dwOption); StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_LINKFILE, fTemp); // Enable Browse... when Create from File is selected. fTemp = (IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE != dwOption); StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILE, !fTemp); StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, !fTemp); // Switch Object Type & Control Type listboxes if necessary HWND hWnd1 = NULL, hWnd2 = NULL; if (lpIO->bControlListActive && IOF_SELECTCREATENEW == dwOption) { hWnd1 = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); hWnd2 = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CONTROLTYPELIST); SetWindowLong(hWnd1, GWL_ID, IDC_IO_CONTROLTYPELIST); SetWindowLong(hWnd2, GWL_ID, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); lpIO->bControlListActive = FALSE; } else if (!lpIO->bControlListActive && IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL == dwOption) { hWnd1 = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); hWnd2 = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CONTROLTYPELIST); SetWindowLong(hWnd1, GWL_ID, IDC_IO_CONTROLTYPELIST); SetWindowLong(hWnd2, GWL_ID, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); lpIO->bControlListActive = TRUE; } // Clear out any existing selection flags and set the new one DWORD dwTemp = IOF_SELECTCREATENEW | IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE | IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL; lpIO->dwFlags = (lpIO->dwFlags & ~dwTemp) | dwOption; if (dwOption & (IOF_SELECTCREATENEW|IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL)) { // refill class list box if necessary if ((lpIO->bControlListActive && !lpIO->bControlListFilled) || (!lpIO->bControlListActive && !lpIO->bObjectListFilled)) { URefillClassList(hDlg, lpIO); } } if (hWnd1 != NULL && hWnd2 != NULL) { ShowWindow(hWnd1, SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hWnd2, SW_SHOW); } /* * Switch between Object Type listbox on Create New and * file buttons on others. */ UINT uTemp = (fTemp) ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : SW_HIDE; StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST, uTemp); StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPETEXT, uTemp); uTemp = (fTemp) ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOWNORMAL; StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILETEXT, uTemp); StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILETYPE, uTemp); StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, uTemp); StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILE, uTemp); // Link is always hidden if IOF_DISABLELINK is set. if (IOF_DISABLELINK & lpIO->dwFlags) uTemp = SW_HIDE; StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_LINKFILE, uTemp); //last use of uTemp // Remove add button when not in Insert control mode uTemp = (IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL == dwOption) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_ADDCONTROL, uTemp); /* * Show or hide controls as appropriate. Do the icon * display last because it will take some time to repaint. * If we do it first then the dialog looks too sluggish. */ int i = (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON) ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : SW_HIDE; StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CHANGEICON, i); StandardShowDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, i); EnableChangeIconButton(hDlg, SW_SHOWNORMAL == i); // Change result display SetInsertObjectResults(hDlg, lpIO); /* * For Create New, twiddle the listbox to think we selected it * so it updates the icon from the object type. set the focus * to the list box. * * For Insert or Link file, set the focus to the filename button * and update the icon if necessary. */ if (fTemp) { UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST)); } else { if (lpIO->fAsIconFile && (NULL != lpIO->hMetaPictFile) ) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, IBXM_IMAGESET, 0, (LPARAM)lpIO->hMetaPictFile); lpIO->hMetaPictFile = 0; } else { UpdateClassIcon(hDlg, lpIO, NULL); } SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILE)); } return FALSE; } /* * UpdateClassType * * Purpose: * Updates static text control to reflect current file type. Assumes * a valid filename. * * Parameters * hDlg HWND of the dialog box. * lpIO LPINSERTOBJECT pointing to the dialog structure * fSet TRUE to set the text, FALSE to explicitly clear it * * Return Value: * None */ void UpdateClassType(HWND hDlg, LPINSERTOBJECT lpIO, BOOL fSet) { LPTSTR lpszFileType = NULL; if (fSet) { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, szFileName, MAX_PATH); CLSID clsid; if (S_OK == GetClassFile(szFileName, &clsid)) OleRegGetUserType(clsid, USERCLASSTYPE_FULL, &lpszFileType); } if (lpszFileType != NULL) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILETYPE, lpszFileType); OleStdFree(lpszFileType); } } /* * UpdateClassIcon * * Purpose: * Handles LBN_SELCHANGE for the Object Type listbox. On a selection * change, we extract an icon from the server handling the currently * selected object type using the utility function HIconFromClass. * Note that we depend on the behavior of FillClassList to stuff the * object class after a tab in the listbox string that we hide from * view (see WM_INITDIALOG). * * Parameters * hDlg HWND of the dialog box. * lpIO LPINSERTOBJECT pointing to the dialog structure * hList HWND of the Object Type listbox. * * Return Value: * None */ static void UpdateClassIcon(HWND hDlg, LPINSERTOBJECT lpIO, HWND hList) { // If Display as Icon is not selected, exit if (!(lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON)) return; /* * When we change object type selection, get the new icon for that * type into our structure and update it in the display. We use the * class in the listbox when Create New is selected or the association * with the extension in Create From File. */ DWORD cb = MAX_PATH; UINT iSel; if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) { iSel = (UINT)SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); if (LB_ERR==(int)iSel) return; // Check to see if we've already got the hMetaPict for this item LRESULT dwRet = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iSel, 0L); HGLOBAL hMetaPict=(HGLOBAL)dwRet; if (hMetaPict) { // Yep, we've already got it, so just display it and return. SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, IBXM_IMAGESET, 0, (LPARAM)hMetaPict); return; } iSel = (UINT)SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); if (LB_ERR==(int)iSel) return; // Allocate a string to hold the entire listbox string cb = (DWORD)SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXTLEN, iSel, 0L); } LPTSTR pszName = (LPTSTR)OleStdMalloc((cb+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == pszName) return; *pszName = 0; // Get the clsid we want. HGLOBAL hMetaPict; if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) { // Grab the classname string from the list SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, iSel, (LPARAM)pszName); // Set pointer to CLSID (string) LPTSTR pszCLSID = PointerToNthField(pszName, 2, '\t'); // Get CLSID from the string and then accociated icon HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromString(pszCLSID, &lpIO->clsid); if (FAILED(hr)) lpIO->clsid = GUID_NULL; hMetaPict = OleGetIconOfClass(lpIO->clsid, NULL, TRUE); } else { // Get the class from the filename GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, pszName, MAX_PATH); hMetaPict = OleGetIconOfFile(pszName, lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKLINK ? TRUE : FALSE); } // Replace the current display with this new one. SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY, IBXM_IMAGESET, 0, (LPARAM)hMetaPict); // Enable or disable "Change Icon" button depending on whether // we've got a valid filename or not. EnableChangeIconButton(hDlg, hMetaPict ? TRUE : FALSE); // Save the hMetaPict so that we won't have to re-create if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW) SendMessage(hList, LB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iSel, (LPARAM)hMetaPict); OleStdFree(pszName); } /* * SetInsertObjectResults * * Purpose: * Centralizes setting of the Result and icon displays in the Insert Object * dialog. Handles loading the appropriate string from the module's * resources and setting the text, displaying the proper result picture, * and showing the proper icon. * * Parameters: * hDlg HWND of the dialog box so we can access controls. * lpIO LPINSERTOBJECT in which we assume that the * current radiobutton and Display as Icon selections * are set. We use the state of those variables to * determine which string we use. * * Return Value: * None */ void SetInsertObjectResults(HWND hDlg, LPINSERTOBJECT lpIO) { /* * We need scratch memory for loading the stringtable string, loading * the object type from the listbox, and constructing the final string. * We therefore allocate three buffers as large as the maximum message * length (512) plus the object type, guaranteeing that we have enough * in all cases. */ UINT i = (UINT)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); UINT cch = 512; if (i != LB_ERR) { cch += (UINT)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST, LB_GETTEXTLEN, i, 0L); } LPTSTR pszTemp= (LPTSTR)OleStdMalloc((DWORD)(4*cch)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == pszTemp) return; LPTSTR psz1 = pszTemp; LPTSTR psz2 = psz1+cch; LPTSTR psz3 = psz2+cch; LPTSTR psz4 = psz3+cch; BOOL fAsIcon = (0L != (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON)); UINT iImage=0, iString1=0, iString2=0; if (lpIO->dwFlags & (IOF_SELECTCREATENEW|IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL)) { iString1 = fAsIcon ? IDS_IORESULTNEWICON : IDS_IORESULTNEW; iString2 = 0; iImage = fAsIcon ? RESULTIMAGE_EMBEDICON : RESULTIMAGE_EMBED; } if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE) { // Pay attention to Link checkbox if (lpIO->dwFlags & IOF_CHECKLINK) { iString1 = fAsIcon ? IDS_IORESULTLINKFILEICON1 : IDS_IORESULTLINKFILE1; iString2 = fAsIcon ? IDS_IORESULTLINKFILEICON2 : IDS_IORESULTLINKFILE2; iImage =fAsIcon ? RESULTIMAGE_LINKICON : RESULTIMAGE_LINK; } else { iString1 = IDS_IORESULTFROMFILE1; iString2 = fAsIcon ? IDS_IORESULTFROMFILEICON2 : IDS_IORESULTFROMFILE2; iImage =fAsIcon ? RESULTIMAGE_EMBEDICON : RESULTIMAGE_EMBED; } } // Default is an empty string. *psz1=0; if (0 != LoadString(_g_hOleStdResInst, iString1, psz1, cch)) { // Load second string, if necessary if (0 != iString2 && 0 != LoadString(_g_hOleStdResInst, iString2, psz4, cch)) { lstrcat(psz1, psz4); // concatenate strings together. } // In Create New, do the extra step of inserting the object type string if (lpIO->dwFlags & (IOF_SELECTCREATENEW|IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL)) { if (i == LB_ERR) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_RESULTTEXT, NULL); // Change the image. SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_RESULTIMAGE, RIM_IMAGESET, RESULTIMAGE_NONE, 0L); OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszTemp); return; } *psz2=NULL; SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)psz2); // Null terminate at any tab (before the classname) LPTSTR pszT = psz2; while (_T('\t') != *pszT && 0 != *pszT) pszT++; OleDbgAssert(pszT < psz3); *pszT=0; // Build the string and point psz1 to it. wsprintf(psz3, psz1, psz2); psz1 = psz3; } } // If LoadString failed, we simply clear out the results (*psz1=0 above) SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_RESULTTEXT, psz1); // Go change the image and Presto! There you have it. SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_IO_RESULTIMAGE, RIM_IMAGESET, iImage, 0L); OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszTemp); } /* * FValidateInsertFile * * Purpose: * Given a possibly partial pathname from the file edit control, * attempt to locate the file and if found, store the full path * in the edit control IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY. * * Parameters: * hDlg HWND of the dialog box. * fTellUser BOOL TRUE if function should tell user, FALSE if * function should validate silently. * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if the file is acceptable, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL FValidateInsertFile(HWND hDlg, BOOL fTellUser, UINT FAR* lpnErrCode) { *lpnErrCode = 0; /* * To validate we attempt OpenFile on the string. If OpenFile * fails then we display an error. If not, OpenFile will store * the complete path to that file in the OFSTRUCT which we can * then stuff in the edit control. */ TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; if (0 == GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, szFile, MAX_PATH)) return FALSE; // #4569 : return FALSE when there is no text in ctl // if file is currently open (ie. sharing violation) OleCreateFromFile // and OleCreateLinkToFile can still succeed; do not consider it an // error. if (!DoesFileExist(szFile, MAX_PATH)) { *lpnErrCode = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; if (fTellUser) OpenFileError(hDlg, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, szFile); return FALSE; } // get full pathname, since the file exists TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR lpszDummy; GetFullPathName(szFile, sizeof(szPath)/sizeof(TCHAR), szPath, &lpszDummy); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, szPath); return TRUE; } /* * InsertObjectCleanup * * Purpose: * Clears cached icon metafiles from those stored in the listbox. * * Parameters: * hDlg HWND of the dialog. * * Return Value: * None */ void InsertObjectCleanup(HWND hDlg) { HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); UINT iItems= (UINT)SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L); for (UINT i = 0; i < iItems; i++) { LRESULT dwRet = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)i, 0L); HGLOBAL hMetaPict=(HGLOBAL)dwRet; if (hMetaPict) OleUIMetafilePictIconFree(hMetaPict); } } void EnableChangeIconButton(HWND hDlg, BOOL fEnable) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(fEnable){ HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST); int iCurSel = (int)SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); CLSID clsid = {0}; if (1 == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_IO_CREATENEW)) { LPTSTR pszString = (LPTSTR)OleStdMalloc( OLEUI_CCHKEYMAX_SIZE + OLEUI_CCHCLSIDSTRING_SIZE); if(NULL == pszString) { fEnable = FALSE; goto CLEANUP; } SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, iCurSel, (LPARAM)pszString); if(0 == *pszString) { fEnable = FALSE; OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszString); goto CLEANUP; } LPTSTR pszCLSID = PointerToNthField(pszString, 2, '\t'); if(NULL == pszCLSID || 0 == *pszCLSID) { fEnable = FALSE; OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszString); goto CLEANUP; } hr = CLSIDFromString(pszCLSID, &clsid); OleStdFree((LPVOID)pszString); if(FAILED(hr)) { fEnable = FALSE; } } else // IOF_SELECTCREATEFROMFILE { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY, szFileName, MAX_PATH); if (S_OK != GetClassFile(szFileName, &clsid)) { int istrlen = lstrlen(szFileName); LPTSTR lpszExtension = szFileName + istrlen -1; while (lpszExtension > szFileName && *lpszExtension != '.') { lpszExtension = CharPrev(szFileName, lpszExtension); } *szFileName = 0; GetAssociatedExecutable(lpszExtension, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName)/sizeof(szFileName[0])); if(0 == *szFileName){ fEnable = FALSE; } } } } CLEANUP: StandardEnableDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IO_CHANGEICON, fEnable); }