//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: wtypes.idl // // Contents: This interface definition contains typedefs for remotable // data types. // // History: 09-May-96 MikeHill Updated VARENUM comments. // 22-May-96 MikeHill Added FMTID defintions/macros. // 06-Jun-96 MikeHill Added CBPCLIPDATA macro. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Microsoft Windows") cpp_quote("// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("#if ( _MSC_VER >= 1020 )") cpp_quote("#pragma once") cpp_quote("#endif") // // Import definitions of the base types related to the 64b porting effort. // import "basetsd.h"; import "guiddef.h"; [ uuid(D3980A60-910C-1068-9341-00DD010F2F1C), version(0.1), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWinTypes { typedef struct tagRemHGLOBAL { long fNullHGlobal; unsigned long cbData; [size_is(cbData)] byte data[]; } RemHGLOBAL; typedef struct tagRemHMETAFILEPICT { long mm; long xExt; long yExt; unsigned long cbData; [size_is(cbData)] byte data[]; } RemHMETAFILEPICT; typedef struct tagRemHENHMETAFILE { unsigned long cbData; [size_is(cbData)] byte data[]; } RemHENHMETAFILE; typedef struct tagRemHBITMAP { unsigned long cbData; [size_is(cbData)] byte data[]; } RemHBITMAP; typedef struct tagRemHPALETTE { unsigned long cbData; [size_is(cbData)] byte data[]; } RemHPALETTE; typedef struct tagRemBRUSH { unsigned long cbData; [size_is(cbData)] byte data[]; } RemHBRUSH; cpp_quote("#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_MPPC_)" ) cpp_quote("// The following code is for Win16 only") cpp_quote("#ifndef WINAPI // If not included with 3.1 headers...") cpp_quote("#define FAR _far") cpp_quote("#define PASCAL _pascal") cpp_quote("#define CDECL _cdecl") cpp_quote("#define VOID void") cpp_quote("#define WINAPI FAR PASCAL") cpp_quote("#define CALLBACK FAR PASCAL") cpp_quote("#ifndef FALSE") cpp_quote("#define FALSE 0") cpp_quote("#define TRUE 1") cpp_quote("#endif // !FALSE") cpp_quote("#ifndef _BYTE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _BYTE_DEFINED") typedef byte BYTE; cpp_quote("#endif // !_BYTE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _WORD_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _WORD_DEFINED") typedef unsigned short WORD; cpp_quote("#endif // !_WORD_DEFINED") typedef unsigned int UINT; typedef int INT; typedef long BOOL; cpp_quote("#ifndef _LONG_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LONG_DEFINED") typedef long LONG; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LONG_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _WPARAM_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _WPARAM_DEFINED") typedef UINT_PTR WPARAM; cpp_quote("#endif // _WPARAM_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _DWORD_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _DWORD_DEFINED") typedef unsigned long DWORD; cpp_quote("#endif // !_DWORD_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPARAM_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPARAM_DEFINED") typedef LONG_PTR LPARAM; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPARAM_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LRESULT_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LRESULT_DEFINED") typedef LONG_PTR LRESULT; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LRESULT_DEFINED") typedef void * HANDLE; #define DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE(name) \ typedef [wire_marshal(wire ## name)] void * name #define DECLARE_HANDLE(name) typedef void * name DECLARE_HANDLE(HMODULE); DECLARE_HANDLE(HINSTANCE); DECLARE_HANDLE(HRGN); DECLARE_HANDLE(HTASK); DECLARE_HANDLE(HKEY); DECLARE_HANDLE(HDESK); DECLARE_HANDLE(HMF); DECLARE_HANDLE(HEMF); DECLARE_HANDLE(HPEN); DECLARE_HANDLE(HRSRC); DECLARE_HANDLE(HSTR); DECLARE_HANDLE(HWINSTA); DECLARE_HANDLE(HKL); DECLARE_HANDLE(HGDIOBJ); typedef HANDLE HDWP; cpp_quote("#ifndef _HFILE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _HFILE_DEFINED") typedef INT HFILE; /* Polymorphic with C runtime file handle type */ cpp_quote("#endif // !_HFILE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWORD_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWORD_DEFINED") typedef WORD *LPWORD; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPWORD_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPDWORD_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPDWORD_DEFINED") typedef DWORD *LPDWORD; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPDWORD_DEFINED") typedef char CHAR; typedef [string] CHAR *LPSTR; typedef [string] const CHAR *LPCSTR; cpp_quote("#ifndef _WCHAR_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _WCHAR_DEFINED") typedef wchar_t WCHAR; typedef WCHAR TCHAR; cpp_quote("#endif // !_WCHAR_DEFINED") typedef [string] WCHAR *LPWSTR; typedef [string] TCHAR *LPTSTR; typedef [string] const WCHAR *LPCWSTR; typedef [string] const TCHAR *LPCTSTR; cpp_quote("#ifndef _COLORREF_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _COLORREF_DEFINED") typedef DWORD COLORREF; cpp_quote("#endif // !_COLORREF_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPCOLORREF_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPCOLORREF_DEFINED") typedef DWORD *LPCOLORREF; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPCOLORREF_DEFINED") typedef HANDLE *LPHANDLE; //typedefs for remotable types from wingdi.h typedef struct _RECTL { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECTL, *PRECTL, *LPRECTL; typedef struct tagPOINT { LONG x; LONG y; } POINT, *PPOINT, *LPPOINT; typedef struct _POINTL { LONG x; LONG y; } POINTL, *PPOINTL; cpp_quote("#ifndef WIN16") typedef struct tagSIZE { LONG cx; LONG cy; } SIZE, *PSIZE, *LPSIZE; cpp_quote("#else // WIN16") cpp_quote("typedef struct tagSIZE") cpp_quote("{") cpp_quote(" INT cx;") cpp_quote(" INT cy;") cpp_quote("} SIZE, *PSIZE, *LPSIZE;") cpp_quote("#endif // WIN16") typedef struct tagSIZEL { LONG cx; LONG cy; } SIZEL, *PSIZEL, *LPSIZEL; cpp_quote("#endif //WINAPI") cpp_quote("#endif //!WIN32 && !MPPC") cpp_quote("#ifndef _PALETTEENTRY_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _PALETTEENTRY_DEFINED") typedef struct tagPALETTEENTRY { BYTE peRed; BYTE peGreen; BYTE peBlue; BYTE peFlags; } PALETTEENTRY, *PPALETTEENTRY, *LPPALETTEENTRY; cpp_quote("#endif // !_PALETTEENTRY_DEFINED") // Logical Palette cpp_quote("#ifndef _LOGPALETTE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LOGPALETTE_DEFINED") typedef struct tagLOGPALETTE { WORD palVersion; WORD palNumEntries; [size_is(palNumEntries)] PALETTEENTRY palPalEntry[]; } LOGPALETTE, *PLOGPALETTE, *LPLOGPALETTE; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LOGPALETTE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(OLE2ANSI)") typedef WCHAR OLECHAR; typedef [string] OLECHAR *LPOLESTR; typedef [string] const OLECHAR *LPCOLESTR; cpp_quote("#define OLESTR(str) L##str") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("typedef char OLECHAR;") cpp_quote("typedef LPSTR LPOLESTR;") cpp_quote("typedef LPCSTR LPCOLESTR;") cpp_quote("#define OLESTR(str) str") cpp_quote("#endif") // This block contains types that are normally defined by the nt sdk in WINDEF.H // but we need them here for definitions that follow in this file. If WINDEF.H // hasn't been included then we need to define them now so that WTYPES.H // will compile. cpp_quote("#ifndef _WINDEF_") typedef const RECTL *LPCRECTL; typedef void * PVOID, * LPVOID; typedef float FLOAT; typedef struct tagRECT { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECT, *PRECT, *LPRECT; typedef const RECT *LPCRECT; cpp_quote("#endif //_WINDEF_") typedef unsigned char UCHAR; typedef short SHORT; typedef unsigned short USHORT; typedef DWORD ULONG; typedef double DOUBLE; cpp_quote("#ifndef _DWORDLONG_") typedef unsigned __int64 DWORDLONG; typedef DWORDLONG *PDWORDLONG; cpp_quote("#endif // !_DWORDLONG_") cpp_quote("#ifndef _ULONGLONG_") typedef __int64 LONGLONG; typedef unsigned __int64 ULONGLONG; typedef LONGLONG *PLONGLONG; typedef ULONGLONG *PULONGLONG; cpp_quote("#endif // _ULONGLONG_") // just for local wtypes cpp_quote("#if 0") typedef struct _LARGE_INTEGER { LONGLONG QuadPart; } LARGE_INTEGER; typedef LARGE_INTEGER *PLARGE_INTEGER; typedef struct _ULARGE_INTEGER { ULONGLONG QuadPart; } ULARGE_INTEGER; // just for local wtypes cpp_quote("#endif // 0") cpp_quote("#ifndef _WINBASE_") cpp_quote("#ifndef _FILETIME_") cpp_quote("#define _FILETIME_") typedef struct _FILETIME { DWORD dwLowDateTime; DWORD dwHighDateTime; } FILETIME, *PFILETIME, *LPFILETIME; cpp_quote("#endif // !_FILETIME") cpp_quote("#ifndef _SYSTEMTIME_") cpp_quote("#define _SYSTEMTIME_") typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME { WORD wYear; WORD wMonth; WORD wDayOfWeek; WORD wDay; WORD wHour; WORD wMinute; WORD wSecond; WORD wMilliseconds; } SYSTEMTIME, *PSYSTEMTIME, *LPSYSTEMTIME; cpp_quote("#endif // !_SYSTEMTIME") cpp_quote("#ifndef _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_") cpp_quote("#define _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_") typedef struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { DWORD nLength; [size_is(nLength)] LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor; BOOL bInheritHandle; } SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, *PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, *LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; cpp_quote("#endif // !_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_") cpp_quote("#ifndef SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION") typedef USHORT SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, *PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL; typedef PVOID PSID; // winnt typedef struct _ACL { UCHAR AclRevision; UCHAR Sbz1; USHORT AclSize; USHORT AceCount; USHORT Sbz2; } ACL; typedef ACL *PACL; typedef struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { UCHAR Revision; UCHAR Sbz1; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL Control; PSID Owner; PSID Group; PACL Sacl; PACL Dacl; } SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, *PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR; cpp_quote("#endif // !SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION") cpp_quote("#endif //_WINBASE_") typedef struct _COAUTHIDENTITY { [size_is(UserLength+1)] USHORT * User; ULONG UserLength; [size_is(DomainLength+1)] USHORT * Domain; ULONG DomainLength; [size_is(PasswordLength+1)] USHORT * Password; ULONG PasswordLength; ULONG Flags; } COAUTHIDENTITY; typedef struct _COAUTHINFO { DWORD dwAuthnSvc; DWORD dwAuthzSvc; LPWSTR pwszServerPrincName; DWORD dwAuthnLevel; DWORD dwImpersonationLevel; COAUTHIDENTITY * pAuthIdentityData; DWORD dwCapabilities; } COAUTHINFO; // // SCODE, HRESULT // // // Status values are 32 bit values layed out as follows: // // 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 // 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 // +-+-----------------------------+-------------------------------+ // |S| Facility | Code | // +-+-----------------------------+-------------------------------+ // // where // // S - is the severity code // // 0 - Success // 1 - Error // // // Facility - is the facility code // // Code - is the facility's status code // // SCODE and HRESULT are mktyplib base types. // typedef LONG SCODE; cpp_quote("#ifndef _HRESULT_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _HRESULT_DEFINED") #if defined(_STRICT_HRESULT) typedef struct _HRESULT_STRUCT { DWORD Data1; } HRESULT_STRUCT, *PHRESULT_STRUCT; typedef PHRESULT_STRUCT HRESULT; #else // defined(_STRICT_HRESULT) typedef LONG HRESULT; #endif // defined(_STRICT_HRESULT) cpp_quote("#endif // !_HRESULT_DEFINED") typedef SCODE *PSCODE; cpp_quote("#ifndef __OBJECTID_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define __OBJECTID_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _OBJECTID_DEFINED") typedef struct _OBJECTID // NOTE!! Order of structure members is important for OFS { // enumeration. GUID Lineage; // Unique for objects copied from same original and copies of. unsigned long Uniquifier; // Random, to provide uniqueness within small set with same } OBJECTID; // lineage id. cpp_quote("#endif // !_OBJECTID_DEFINED") //The following typedefs are used internally by MIDL. cpp_quote("#if 0") /* MIDL 2.0+ definitions */ typedef GUID *REFGUID; typedef IID *REFIID; typedef CLSID *REFCLSID; typedef FMTID *REFFMTID; cpp_quote("#endif // 0") /************************* Misc types ***********************************/ // Common typdefs used in API paramaters, gleamed from compobj.h // memory context values; passed to CoGetMalloc typedef enum tagMEMCTX { MEMCTX_TASK = 1, // task (private) memory MEMCTX_SHARED = 2, // shared memory (between processes) MEMCTX_MACSYSTEM = 3, // on the mac, the system heap // these are mostly for internal use... MEMCTX_UNKNOWN = -1, // unknown context (when asked about it) MEMCTX_SAME = -2, // same context (as some other pointer) } MEMCTX; // For IRunningObjectTable::Register cpp_quote("#ifndef _ROTFLAGS_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _ROTFLAGS_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define ROTFLAGS_REGISTRATIONKEEPSALIVE 0x1") cpp_quote("#define ROTFLAGS_ALLOWANYCLIENT 0x2") cpp_quote("#endif // !_ROTFLAGS_DEFINED") // Maximum size of comparison buffer for IROTData::GetComparisonData cpp_quote("#ifndef _ROT_COMPARE_MAX_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _ROT_COMPARE_MAX_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define ROT_COMPARE_MAX 2048") cpp_quote("#endif // !_ROT_COMPARE_MAX_DEFINED") // class context: used to determine what scope and kind of class object to use // NOTE: this is a bitwise enum typedef enum tagCLSCTX { CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 0x01, // server dll (runs in same process as caller) CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER = 0x02, // handler dll (runs in same process as caller) CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER = 0x04, // server exe (runs on same machine; diff proc) CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER16 = 0x08, // 16-bit server dll (runs in same process as caller) CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER = 0x10, // remote server exe (runs on different machine) CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER16 = 0x20, // 16-bit handler dll (runs in same process as caller) CLSCTX_RESERVED1 = 0x40, // formerly INPROC_SERVERX86, deprectated CLSCTX_RESERVED2 = 0x80, // formerly INPROC_HANDLERX86, deprectated CLSCTX_RESERVED3 = 0x100, // formerly ESERVER_HANDLER, deprecated CLSCTX_RESERVED4 = 0x200, // reserved CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 0x400, // disallow code download from the Directory Service (if any) or the internet -rahulth CLSCTX_RESERVED5 = 0x800, // formerly NO_WX86_TRANSLATION, deprecated CLSCTX_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL = 0x1000, CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 0x2000, // allow code download from the Directory Service (if any) or the internet CLSCTX_NO_FAILURE_LOG = 0x4000, // do not log messages about activation failure (should one occur) to Event Log CLSCTX_DISABLE_AAA = 0x8000, // Disable activate-as-activator capability for this activation only CLSCTX_ENABLE_AAA = 0x10000, // Enable activate-as-activator capability for this activation only CLSCTX_FROM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT = 0x20000 // Begin this activation from the default context of the current apartment } CLSCTX; // marshaling flags; passed to CoMarshalInterface typedef enum tagMSHLFLAGS { MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL = 0, // normal marshaling via proxy/stub MSHLFLAGS_TABLESTRONG = 1, // keep object alive; must explicitly release MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK = 2, // doesn't hold object alive; still must release MSHLFLAGS_NOPING = 4, // remote clients dont 'ping' to keep objects alive MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED1 = 8, // reserved MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED2 = 16, // reserved MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED3 = 32, // reserved MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED4 = 64 // reserved } MSHLFLAGS; // marshal context: determines the destination context of the marshal operation typedef enum tagMSHCTX { MSHCTX_LOCAL = 0, // unmarshal context is local (eg.shared memory) MSHCTX_NOSHAREDMEM = 1, // unmarshal context has no shared memory access MSHCTX_DIFFERENTMACHINE = 2,// unmarshal context is on a different machine MSHCTX_INPROC = 3, // unmarshal context is on different thread MSHCTX_CROSSCTX = 4 // unmarshal context is on different context } MSHCTX; // // Common typedefs for paramaters used in data view API's, gleamed // from dvobj.h // // Data/View aspect; specifies the desired aspect of the object when // drawing or getting data. typedef enum tagDVASPECT { DVASPECT_CONTENT = 1, DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL = 2, DVASPECT_ICON = 4, DVASPECT_DOCPRINT = 8 } DVASPECT; /****** Storage types *************************************************/ /* Storage commit types */ typedef enum tagSTGC { STGC_DEFAULT = 0, STGC_OVERWRITE = 1, STGC_ONLYIFCURRENT = 2, STGC_DANGEROUSLYCOMMITMERELYTODISKCACHE = 4, STGC_CONSOLIDATE = 8 } STGC; typedef enum tagSTGMOVE { STGMOVE_MOVE = 0, STGMOVE_COPY = 1, STGMOVE_SHALLOWCOPY = 2 } STGMOVE; typedef enum tagSTATFLAG { STATFLAG_DEFAULT = 0, STATFLAG_NONAME = 1, STATFLAG_NOOPEN = 2 } STATFLAG; typedef [context_handle] void *HCONTEXT; /****** Critical Section Wrappers ***********************************/ /* if not already picked up from olenls.h */ cpp_quote("#ifndef _LCID_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LCID_DEFINED") typedef DWORD LCID; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LCID_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LANGID_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LANGID_DEFINED") typedef USHORT LANGID; cpp_quote("#endif // !_LANGID_DEFINED") // ####################################################################### // // User marshal support for Windows data types. // // Frequently used helpers: sized blobs // // Never put [user_marshal] or [wire_marshal] on the helpers directly. // // Simple blobs. typedef struct _BYTE_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] byte abData[]; } BYTE_BLOB; typedef [unique] BYTE_BLOB * UP_BYTE_BLOB; typedef struct _WORD_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] unsigned short asData[]; } WORD_BLOB; typedef [unique] WORD_BLOB * UP_WORD_BLOB; typedef struct _DWORD_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] unsigned long alData[]; } DWORD_BLOB; typedef [unique] DWORD_BLOB * UP_DWORD_BLOB; // Flagged blobs. typedef struct _FLAGGED_BYTE_BLOB { unsigned long fFlags; unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] byte abData[]; } FLAGGED_BYTE_BLOB; typedef [unique] FLAGGED_BYTE_BLOB * UP_FLAGGED_BYTE_BLOB; typedef struct _FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB { unsigned long fFlags; unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] unsigned short asData[]; } FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB; typedef [unique] FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB * UP_FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB; // Frequently used helpers with sized pointers. typedef struct _BYTE_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] byte * pData ; } BYTE_SIZEDARR; typedef struct _SHORT_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] unsigned short* pData ; } WORD_SIZEDARR; typedef struct _LONG_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] unsigned long * pData ; } DWORD_SIZEDARR; typedef struct _HYPER_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; [size_is(clSize)] hyper * pData ; } HYPER_SIZEDARR; // ######################################################################### // // Constants for the call context // const unsigned long WDT_INPROC_CALL = 0x48746457; const unsigned long WDT_REMOTE_CALL = 0x52746457; const unsigned long WDT_INPROC64_CALL = 0x50746457; // ######################################################################### // // CLIPFORMAT // typedef union _userCLIPFORMAT switch(long fContext) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: DWORD dwValue; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: [string] wchar_t * pwszName; } userCLIPFORMAT; typedef [unique] userCLIPFORMAT * wireCLIPFORMAT; typedef [wire_marshal(wireCLIPFORMAT)] WORD CLIPFORMAT; // ######################################################################### // // Good for most of the gdi handles. typedef union _GDI_NONREMOTE switch( long fContext ) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: long hInproc; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: DWORD_BLOB *hRemote; } GDI_NONREMOTE; // ######################################################################### // // HGLOBAL // // A global may be Null or may be non-NULL with 0 length. typedef union _userHGLOBAL switch( long fContext ) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: long hInproc; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: FLAGGED_BYTE_BLOB * hRemote; case WDT_INPROC64_CALL: __int64 hInproc64; } userHGLOBAL; typedef [unique] userHGLOBAL * wireHGLOBAL; // ######################################################################### // // HMETAFILE // typedef union _userHMETAFILE switch( long fContext ) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: long hInproc; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: BYTE_BLOB * hRemote; case WDT_INPROC64_CALL: __int64 hInproc64; } userHMETAFILE; // ######################################################################### // // HMETAFILEPICT // typedef struct _remoteMETAFILEPICT { long mm; long xExt; long yExt; userHMETAFILE * hMF; } remoteMETAFILEPICT; typedef union _userHMETAFILEPICT switch( long fContext ) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: long hInproc; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: remoteMETAFILEPICT* hRemote; case WDT_INPROC64_CALL: __int64 hInproc64; } userHMETAFILEPICT; // ######################################################################### // // HENHMETAFILE // typedef union _userHENHMETAFILE switch( long fContext ) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: long hInproc; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: BYTE_BLOB * hRemote; case WDT_INPROC64_CALL: __int64 hInproc64; } userHENHMETAFILE; // ######################################################################### // // HBITMAP // // RemHBITMAP was just a byte blob, but the whole bitmap structure was copied // at the beginning of the buffer. // So, we take BITMAP fields from wingdi.x typedef struct _userBITMAP { LONG bmType; LONG bmWidth; LONG bmHeight; LONG bmWidthBytes; WORD bmPlanes; WORD bmBitsPixel; ULONG cbSize; [size_is(cbSize)] byte pBuffer[]; } userBITMAP; typedef union _userHBITMAP switch( long fContext ) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: long hInproc; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: userBITMAP * hRemote; case WDT_INPROC64_CALL: __int64 hInproc64; } userHBITMAP; // ######################################################################### // // HPALETTE // // PALETTEENTRY is in wingdi.x, it is a struct with 4 bytes. // LOGPALETTE is in wingdi.x, it is a conf struct with paletteentries and // a version field typedef union _userHPALETTE switch( long fContext ) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: long hInproc; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: LOGPALETTE * hRemote; case WDT_INPROC64_CALL: __int64 hInproc64; } userHPALETTE; // ######################################################################### // // Handles passed locally as longs. // typedef union _RemotableHandle switch( long fContext ) u { case WDT_INPROC_CALL: long hInproc; case WDT_REMOTE_CALL: long hRemote; } RemotableHandle; typedef [unique] RemotableHandle * wireHWND; typedef [unique] RemotableHandle * wireHMENU; typedef [unique] RemotableHandle * wireHACCEL; typedef [unique] RemotableHandle * wireHBRUSH; typedef [unique] RemotableHandle * wireHFONT; typedef [unique] RemotableHandle * wireHDC; typedef [unique] RemotableHandle * wireHICON; cpp_quote("#if 0") #ifndef _MIDL_DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HWND ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HMENU ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HACCEL ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HBRUSH ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HFONT ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HDC ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HICON ); #endif cpp_quote("#ifndef _HCURSOR_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _HCURSOR_DEFINED") typedef HICON HCURSOR; /* HICONs & HCURSORs are polymorphic */ cpp_quote("#endif // !_HCURSOR_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#endif //0") cpp_quote("#ifndef _TEXTMETRIC_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _TEXTMETRIC_DEFINED") typedef struct tagTEXTMETRICW { LONG tmHeight; LONG tmAscent; LONG tmDescent; LONG tmInternalLeading; LONG tmExternalLeading; LONG tmAveCharWidth; LONG tmMaxCharWidth; LONG tmWeight; LONG tmOverhang; LONG tmDigitizedAspectX; LONG tmDigitizedAspectY; WCHAR tmFirstChar; WCHAR tmLastChar; WCHAR tmDefaultChar; WCHAR tmBreakChar; BYTE tmItalic; BYTE tmUnderlined; BYTE tmStruckOut; BYTE tmPitchAndFamily; BYTE tmCharSet; } TEXTMETRICW, *PTEXTMETRICW, *LPTEXTMETRICW; cpp_quote("#endif // !_TEXTMETRIC_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#ifndef _WIN32 // The following code is for Win16 only") cpp_quote("#ifndef WINAPI // If not included with 3.1 headers...") // Message structure typedef struct tagMSG { HWND hwnd; UINT message; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; DWORD time; POINT pt; } MSG, *PMSG, *NPMSG, *LPMSG; cpp_quote("#endif // _WIN32") cpp_quote("#endif // WINAPI") typedef [unique] userHBITMAP * wireHBITMAP; typedef [unique] userHPALETTE * wireHPALETTE; typedef [unique] userHENHMETAFILE * wireHENHMETAFILE; typedef [unique] userHMETAFILE * wireHMETAFILE; typedef [unique] userHMETAFILEPICT* wireHMETAFILEPICT; cpp_quote("#if 0") DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HGLOBAL ); typedef HGLOBAL HLOCAL; DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HBITMAP ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HPALETTE ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HENHMETAFILE ); DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HMETAFILE ); cpp_quote("#endif //0") DECLARE_WIREM_HANDLE( HMETAFILEPICT ); } // ######################################################################### // cpp_quote("#if ( _MSC_VER >= 800 )") cpp_quote("#if _MSC_VER >= 1200") cpp_quote("#pragma warning(push)") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#pragma warning(disable:4201)") cpp_quote("#endif") typedef double DATE; /* This is a helper struct for use in handling currency. */ cpp_quote("#ifndef _tagCY_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _tagCY_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _CY_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#if 0") cpp_quote("/* the following isn't the real definition of CY, but it is */") cpp_quote("/* what RPC knows how to remote */") typedef struct tagCY { LONGLONG int64; } CY; cpp_quote("#else /* 0 */") cpp_quote("/* real definition that makes the C++ compiler happy */") cpp_quote("typedef union tagCY {") cpp_quote(" struct {") cpp_quote("#ifdef _MAC") cpp_quote(" long Hi;") cpp_quote(" long Lo;") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote(" unsigned long Lo;") cpp_quote(" long Hi;") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote(" };") cpp_quote(" LONGLONG int64;") cpp_quote("} CY;") cpp_quote("#endif /* 0 */") cpp_quote("#endif /* _tagCY_DEFINED */") typedef CY *LPCY; cpp_quote("#if 0 /* _tagDEC_DEFINED */") cpp_quote("/* The following isn't the real definition of Decimal type, */") cpp_quote("/* but it is what RPC knows how to remote */") typedef struct tagDEC { USHORT wReserved; BYTE scale; BYTE sign; ULONG Hi32; ULONGLONG Lo64; } DECIMAL; cpp_quote("#else /* _tagDEC_DEFINED */") cpp_quote("/* real definition that makes the C++ compiler happy */") cpp_quote("typedef struct tagDEC {") cpp_quote(" USHORT wReserved;") cpp_quote(" union {") cpp_quote(" struct {") cpp_quote(" BYTE scale;") cpp_quote(" BYTE sign;") cpp_quote(" };") cpp_quote(" USHORT signscale;") cpp_quote(" };") cpp_quote(" ULONG Hi32;") cpp_quote(" union {") cpp_quote(" struct {") cpp_quote("#ifdef _MAC") cpp_quote(" ULONG Mid32;") cpp_quote(" ULONG Lo32;") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote(" ULONG Lo32;") cpp_quote(" ULONG Mid32;") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote(" };") cpp_quote(" ULONGLONG Lo64;") cpp_quote(" };") cpp_quote("} DECIMAL;") cpp_quote("#define DECIMAL_NEG ((BYTE)0x80)") cpp_quote("#define DECIMAL_SETZERO(dec) \\") cpp_quote(" {(dec).Lo64 = 0; (dec).Hi32 = 0; (dec).signscale = 0;}") cpp_quote("#endif /* _tagDEC_DEFINED */") typedef DECIMAL *LPDECIMAL; cpp_quote("#if ( _MSC_VER >= 800 )") cpp_quote("#if _MSC_VER >= 1200") cpp_quote("#pragma warning(pop)") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("#pragma warning(default:4201)") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#endif") /* IDL declarations for BSTR how to transmit them */ // typedef [unique] FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB * wireBSTR; typedef [wire_marshal( wireBSTR )] OLECHAR * BSTR; typedef BSTR * LPBSTR; cpp_quote("/* 0 == FALSE, -1 == TRUE */") typedef short VARIANT_BOOL; cpp_quote("#if !__STDC__ && (_MSC_VER <= 1000)") cpp_quote("/* For backward compatibility */") typedef VARIANT_BOOL _VARIANT_BOOL; cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("/* ANSI C/C++ reserve bool as keyword */") cpp_quote("#define _VARIANT_BOOL /##/") cpp_quote("#endif") typedef boolean BOOLEAN; cpp_quote("/* The BSTRBLOB structure is used by some implementations */") cpp_quote("/* of the IPropertyStorage interface when marshaling BSTRs */") cpp_quote("/* on systems which don't support BSTR marshaling. */") cpp_quote("#ifndef _tagBSTRBLOB_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _tagBSTRBLOB_DEFINED") typedef struct tagBSTRBLOB { ULONG cbSize; [size_is(cbSize)] BYTE *pData; } BSTRBLOB, *LPBSTRBLOB; cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#define VARIANT_TRUE ((VARIANT_BOOL)-1)") cpp_quote("#define VARIANT_FALSE ((VARIANT_BOOL)0)") cpp_quote("#ifndef _tagBLOB_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _tagBLOB_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _BLOB_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPBLOB_DEFINED") typedef struct tagBLOB { ULONG cbSize; [size_is(cbSize)] BYTE *pBlobData; } BLOB, * LPBLOB; cpp_quote("#endif") typedef struct tagCLIPDATA { ULONG cbSize; // count that includes sizeof(ulClipFmt) long ulClipFmt; // long to keep alignment [size_is(cbSize-4)] BYTE * pClipData; // cbSize-sizeof(ULONG) bytes of data in clipboard format } CLIPDATA; cpp_quote("// Macro to calculate the size of the above pClipData") cpp_quote("#define CBPCLIPDATA(clipdata) ( (clipdata).cbSize - sizeof((clipdata).ulClipFmt) )") typedef unsigned short VARTYPE; // ######################################################################### // // VARTYPE // // ######################################################################### cpp_quote("/*") cpp_quote(" * VARENUM usage key,") cpp_quote(" *") cpp_quote(" * * [V] - may appear in a VARIANT") cpp_quote(" * * [T] - may appear in a TYPEDESC") cpp_quote(" * * [P] - may appear in an OLE property set") cpp_quote(" * * [S] - may appear in a Safe Array") cpp_quote(" *") cpp_quote(" *") cpp_quote(" * VT_EMPTY [V] [P] nothing") cpp_quote(" * VT_NULL [V] [P] SQL style Null") cpp_quote(" * VT_I2 [V][T][P][S] 2 byte signed int") cpp_quote(" * VT_I4 [V][T][P][S] 4 byte signed int") cpp_quote(" * VT_R4 [V][T][P][S] 4 byte real") cpp_quote(" * VT_R8 [V][T][P][S] 8 byte real") cpp_quote(" * VT_CY [V][T][P][S] currency") cpp_quote(" * VT_DATE [V][T][P][S] date") cpp_quote(" * VT_BSTR [V][T][P][S] OLE Automation string") cpp_quote(" * VT_DISPATCH [V][T] [S] IDispatch *") cpp_quote(" * VT_ERROR [V][T][P][S] SCODE") cpp_quote(" * VT_BOOL [V][T][P][S] True=-1, False=0") cpp_quote(" * VT_VARIANT [V][T][P][S] VARIANT *") cpp_quote(" * VT_UNKNOWN [V][T] [S] IUnknown *") cpp_quote(" * VT_DECIMAL [V][T] [S] 16 byte fixed point") cpp_quote(" * VT_RECORD [V] [P][S] user defined type") cpp_quote(" * VT_I1 [V][T][P][s] signed char") cpp_quote(" * VT_UI1 [V][T][P][S] unsigned char") cpp_quote(" * VT_UI2 [V][T][P][S] unsigned short") cpp_quote(" * VT_UI4 [V][T][P][S] unsigned long") cpp_quote(" * VT_I8 [T][P] signed 64-bit int") cpp_quote(" * VT_UI8 [T][P] unsigned 64-bit int") cpp_quote(" * VT_INT [V][T][P][S] signed machine int") cpp_quote(" * VT_UINT [V][T] [S] unsigned machine int") cpp_quote(" * VT_INT_PTR [T] signed machine register size width") cpp_quote(" * VT_UINT_PTR [T] unsigned machine register size width") cpp_quote(" * VT_VOID [T] C style void") cpp_quote(" * VT_HRESULT [T] Standard return type") cpp_quote(" * VT_PTR [T] pointer type") cpp_quote(" * VT_SAFEARRAY [T] (use VT_ARRAY in VARIANT)") cpp_quote(" * VT_CARRAY [T] C style array") cpp_quote(" * VT_USERDEFINED [T] user defined type") cpp_quote(" * VT_LPSTR [T][P] null terminated string") cpp_quote(" * VT_LPWSTR [T][P] wide null terminated string") cpp_quote(" * VT_FILETIME [P] FILETIME") cpp_quote(" * VT_BLOB [P] Length prefixed bytes") cpp_quote(" * VT_STREAM [P] Name of the stream follows") cpp_quote(" * VT_STORAGE [P] Name of the storage follows") cpp_quote(" * VT_STREAMED_OBJECT [P] Stream contains an object") cpp_quote(" * VT_STORED_OBJECT [P] Storage contains an object") cpp_quote(" * VT_VERSIONED_STREAM [P] Stream with a GUID version") cpp_quote(" * VT_BLOB_OBJECT [P] Blob contains an object ") cpp_quote(" * VT_CF [P] Clipboard format") cpp_quote(" * VT_CLSID [P] A Class ID") cpp_quote(" * VT_VECTOR [P] simple counted array") cpp_quote(" * VT_ARRAY [V] SAFEARRAY*") cpp_quote(" * VT_BYREF [V] void* for local use") cpp_quote(" * VT_BSTR_BLOB Reserved for system use") cpp_quote(" */") enum VARENUM { VT_EMPTY = 0, VT_NULL = 1, VT_I2 = 2, VT_I4 = 3, VT_R4 = 4, VT_R8 = 5, VT_CY = 6, VT_DATE = 7, VT_BSTR = 8, VT_DISPATCH = 9, VT_ERROR = 10, VT_BOOL = 11, VT_VARIANT = 12, VT_UNKNOWN = 13, VT_DECIMAL = 14, // VBA reserves 15 for future use VT_I1 = 16, VT_UI1 = 17, VT_UI2 = 18, VT_UI4 = 19, VT_I8 = 20, VT_UI8 = 21, VT_INT = 22, VT_UINT = 23, VT_VOID = 24, VT_HRESULT = 25, VT_PTR = 26, VT_SAFEARRAY = 27, VT_CARRAY = 28, VT_USERDEFINED = 29, VT_LPSTR = 30, VT_LPWSTR = 31, // VBA reserves 32-35 for future use VT_RECORD = 36, VT_INT_PTR = 37, VT_UINT_PTR = 38, VT_FILETIME = 64, VT_BLOB = 65, VT_STREAM = 66, VT_STORAGE = 67, VT_STREAMED_OBJECT = 68, VT_STORED_OBJECT = 69, VT_BLOB_OBJECT = 70, VT_CF = 71, VT_CLSID = 72, VT_VERSIONED_STREAM= 73, VT_BSTR_BLOB = 0x0fff, VT_VECTOR = 0x1000, VT_ARRAY = 0x2000, VT_BYREF = 0x4000, VT_RESERVED = 0x8000, VT_ILLEGAL = 0xffff, VT_ILLEGALMASKED = 0x0fff, VT_TYPEMASK = 0x0fff }; // Property stuff typedef ULONG PROPID; // Access Control - ntseapi.h cpp_quote( "#ifndef SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY_DEFINED" ) cpp_quote( "#define SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY_DEFINED" ) typedef struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY { UCHAR Value[6]; } SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY, *PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY; cpp_quote( "#endif" ) cpp_quote( "#ifndef SID_DEFINED" ) cpp_quote( "#define SID_DEFINED" ) typedef struct _SID { BYTE Revision; BYTE SubAuthorityCount; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY IdentifierAuthority; [size_is(SubAuthorityCount)] ULONG SubAuthority[*]; } SID, *PISID; typedef struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES { SID * Sid; DWORD Attributes; } SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, * PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES; cpp_quote( "#endif" ) // Class Store types // // Platform/Architecture Definition // typedef struct tagCSPLATFORM { DWORD dwPlatformId; // This is the OS Platform DWORD dwVersionHi; // Major Version of OS DWORD dwVersionLo; // Minor Version of OS DWORD dwProcessorArch; // This is the Processor Architecure } CSPLATFORM; // // Query Context Structure // This contains a list of attributes used to look up a class implementation // typedef struct tagQUERYCONTEXT { DWORD dwContext; // Execution context CSPLATFORM Platform; // Client Platform/Architecture LCID Locale; // Locale ID DWORD dwVersionHi; // Low Version number DWORD dwVersionLo; // Hi Version number } QUERYCONTEXT; // // Class Specifier structure // All means of mapping to a Class ID // (Union of CLSID, File Extension, ProgId, MimeType, File Ext) // typedef [v1_enum] enum tagTYSPEC { TYSPEC_CLSID, TYSPEC_FILEEXT, TYSPEC_MIMETYPE, TYSPEC_FILENAME, TYSPEC_PROGID, TYSPEC_PACKAGENAME, TYSPEC_OBJECTID } TYSPEC; typedef union switch(DWORD tyspec) { case TYSPEC_CLSID: CLSID clsid; case TYSPEC_FILEEXT: LPOLESTR pFileExt; case TYSPEC_MIMETYPE: LPOLESTR pMimeType; case TYSPEC_PROGID: LPOLESTR pProgId; case TYSPEC_FILENAME: LPOLESTR pFileName; case TYSPEC_PACKAGENAME: struct { LPOLESTR pPackageName; GUID PolicyId; } ByName; case TYSPEC_OBJECTID: struct { GUID ObjectId; GUID PolicyId; } ByObjectId; } uCLSSPEC;