/*++ Microsoft Windows NT RPC Name Service Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999 Module Name: var.hxx Abstract: This module, contains all global definitions and declarations needed by other modules which depend on locator-related classes. Definitions and declarations independent of such classes are in "globals.hxx". Most declarations for global variables are also here. Author: Satish Thatte (SatishT) 08/16/95 Created all the code below except where otherwise indicated. --*/ #ifndef _VARIABLES_ #define _VARIABLES_ extern Locator *myRpcLocator; // object encapsulating most global info extern ULONG StartTime; // time the locator started extern CEntry * GetPersistentEntry(STRING_T); extern STATUS UpdatePersistentEntry(CEntry*); extern HANDLE hHeapHandle; NSI_UUID_VECTOR_T * getVector(CObjectInqHandle *pInqHandle); void StripDomainFromDN(WCHAR *FullName, WCHAR **szDomainName, WCHAR **pszEntryName, WCHAR **pszRpcContainerDN); void parseEntryName( CONST_STRING_T fullName, CStringW * &pswDomainName, CStringW * &pswEntryName ); #endif _VARIABLES_