/*****************************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1987-1999 **/ /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** File : attrnode.cxx Title : attribute node routines History : 04-Aug-1991 VibhasC Created *****************************************************************************/ #pragma warning ( disable : 4514 4710 ) /**************************************************************************** local defines and includes ****************************************************************************/ #include "nulldefs.h" extern "C" { #include #include #include #include } #include "allnodes.hxx" #include "cmdana.hxx" #include "buffer.hxx" #include "mbcs.hxx" #define W_CHAR_T_STRLEN_NAME ("MIDL_wchar_strlen") #define CHAR_STRLEN_NAME ("MIDL_ascii_strlen") /**************************************************************************** external data ****************************************************************************/ extern CMD_ARG * pCommand; extern SymTable * pBaseSymTbl; /**************************************************************************** external procedures ****************************************************************************/ extern void ParseError( STATUS_T, char *); extern int HexCheck(char *); extern node_skl * pBaseImplicitHandle; /****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** node_base_attr: ****************************************************************************/ const char * const AttrNodeNameArray[ ACF_ATTR_END ] = { "[none]" ,"[first_is]" ,"[last_is]" ,"[length_is]" ,"[min_is]" ,"[max_is]" ,"[size_is]" ,"[range]" ,"[case]" ,"[funcdescattr]" ,"[idldescattr]" ,"[typedescattr]" ,"[vardescattr]" ,"[type attribute]" ,"[member attribute]" ,"[id]" ,"[helpcontext]" ,"[helpstringcontext]" ,"[lcid]" // ATTR_LCID - applied to libraries - associated with an LCID constant ,"[dllname]" ,"[helpstring]" ,"[helpfile]" ,"[helpstringdll]" ,"[entry]" ,"[uuid]" ,"[async_uuid]" ,"[version]" ,"[switch_is]" ,"[iid_is]" ,"[defaultvalue]" ,"[transmit_as]" ,"[wire_marshal]" ,"[represent_as]" ,"[call_as]" // last attribute that may not appear more than once ,"[custom]" ,"[switch_type]" ,"[handle]" ,"[user_marshal]" ,"[ms_union]" ,"[ms_conf_struct]" ,"[v1_enum]" ,"[lcid]" // ATTR_FLCID - applied to parameters - bit attribute ,"[hidden]" ,"[ptr kind]" ,"[string]" ,"[bstring]" ,"[endpoint]" ,"[local]" ,"[object]" ,"[ignore]" ,"[opaque]" ,"[idempotent]" ,"[broadcast]" ,"[maybe]" ,"[async]" ,"[input_sync]" ,"[byte_count]" ,"[callback]" ,"[message]" ,"[in]" ,"[out]" ,"[partial_ignore]" ,"[default]" ,"[context_handle]" ,"[code]" ,"[nocode]" ,"[optimize]" ,"[comm_status]" ,"[fault_status]" ,"[allocate]" ,"[heap]" ,"[implicit_handle]" ,"[explicit_handle]" ,"[auto_handle]" ,"[ptrsize]" ,"[notify]" ,"[notify_flag]" ,"[enable_allocate]" ,"[encode]" ,"[decode]" ,"[strict_context_handle]" ,"[context_handle_noserialize]" ,"[context_handle_serialize]" ,"[force_allocate]" ,"[cs_drtag]" ,"[cs_rtag]" ,"[cs_stag]" ,"[cs_char]" ,"[cs_tag_rtn]" }; const char * PtrKindArray[] = { "", "[ref]", "[unique]", "[full]" }; const char * TypeAttrArray[] = { "[public]", "[appobject]", "[control]", "[dual]", "[licensed]", "[nonextensible]", "[oleautomation]", "[noncreatable]", "[aggregatable]", "[proxy]" }; const char * MemberAttrArray[] = { "[readonly]", "[source]", "[bindable]", "[displaybind]", "[defaultbind]", "[requestedit]", "[propget]", "[propput]", "[propputref]", "[restricted]", "[optional]", "[retval]", "[vararg]", "[predeclid]", "[uidefault]", "[nonbrowsable]", "[defaultcollelem]", "[defaultvtable]", "[immediatebind]", "[usesgetlasterror]", "[replaceable]" }; char * node_base_attr::GetNodeNameString() { int At = (int) GetAttrID(); MIDL_ASSERT ( At < sizeof(AttrNodeNameArray)/sizeof(char *) ); if ( At == ATTR_PTR_KIND ) return (char *) PtrKindArray[ ((node_ptr_attr *)this)->GetPtrKind() ]; if ( At == ATTR_TYPE ) return (char *) TypeAttrArray[ ((node_type_attr *)this)->GetAttr() - TATTR_BEGIN]; if ( At == ATTR_MEMBER ) return (char *) MemberAttrArray[ ((node_member_attr *)this)->GetAttr() - MATTR_BEGIN]; return (char *) AttrNodeNameArray[ (int) At ]; } /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::Merge Merge two ATTRLISTs -- singly linked linear lists - insert at head ****************************************************************************/ void ATTRLIST::Merge(ATTRLIST & MoreAttrs ) { node_base_attr * pCur = MoreAttrs.pHead; if (pCur == NULL) { return; } while (pCur->pNext) { pCur = pCur->pNext; } pCur->pNext = pHead; pHead = MoreAttrs.pHead; }; /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::Reverse Reverse an ATTRLIST -- singly linked linear list ****************************************************************************/ void ATTRLIST::Reverse() { node_base_attr * pCur = pHead; node_base_attr * pNext; node_base_attr * pPrev = NULL; while (pCur) { pNext = pCur->pNext; pCur->pNext = pPrev; // advance to the next node pPrev = pCur; pCur = pNext; } pHead = pPrev; }; /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::FInSummary Search for matching attribute -- singly linked linear lists ****************************************************************************/ BOOL ATTRLIST::FInSummary(ATTR_T flag ) { node_base_attr * pCur = pHead; while (pCur) { if ( pCur->AttrID == flag ) { return TRUE; }; pCur = pCur->pNext; } return FALSE; }; /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::FMATTRInSummary Search for matching MEMEBER attribute -- singly linked linear lists ****************************************************************************/ BOOL ATTRLIST::FMATTRInSummary(MATTR_T flag) { node_base_attr * pCur = pHead; while (pCur) { if ( pCur->AttrID == ATTR_MEMBER) { if (((node_member_attr *)pCur)->GetAttr() == flag) return TRUE; }; pCur = pCur->pNext; } return FALSE; }; /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::FTATTRInSummary Search for matching MEMEBER attribute -- singly linked linear lists ****************************************************************************/ BOOL ATTRLIST::FTATTRInSummary(TATTR_T flag) { node_base_attr * pCur = pHead; while (pCur) { if ( pCur->AttrID == ATTR_TYPE) { if (((node_member_attr *)pCur)->GetAttr() == flag) return TRUE; }; pCur = pCur->pNext; } return FALSE; }; /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::GetAttribute Search for matching attribute -- singly linked linear lists ****************************************************************************/ node_base_attr * ATTRLIST::GetAttribute(ATTR_T flag ) { node_base_attr * pCur = pHead; while (pCur) { if ( pCur->AttrID == flag ) { return pCur; } pCur = pCur->pNext; } return NULL; }; /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::Remove ****************************************************************************/ void ATTRLIST::Remove( ATTR_T flag ) { node_base_attr* pCur = pHead; node_base_attr* pPrev = 0; while (pCur) { if ( pCur->AttrID == flag ) { if ( pPrev ) { pPrev->pNext = pCur->pNext; } else { pHead = pHead->pNext; } delete pCur; } pPrev = pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext; } } /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::GetAttributeList Return entire attribute list ****************************************************************************/ STATUS_T ATTRLIST::GetAttributeList(type_node_list * pTNList ) { node_base_attr * pCur = pHead; while (pCur) { pTNList->SetPeer( (node_skl *)pCur ); pCur = pCur->pNext; } return (pHead) ? STATUS_OK: I_ERR_NO_MEMBER; }; /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::Clone Return an attribute list with all new attribute nodes ****************************************************************************/ ATTRLIST ATTRLIST::Clone() { node_base_attr * pCur = pHead; ATTRLIST NewList; NewList.MakeAttrList(); while (pCur) { // gaj - does this reverse the list ?? and if so is it OK? NewList.Add( pCur->Clone() ); pCur = pCur->pNext; } return NewList; }; /**************************************************************************** ATTRLIST::Dump Dump all attributes on list ****************************************************************************/ void ATTRLIST::Dump( ISTREAM* pStream) { node_base_attr * pCur = pHead; while (pCur) { int At = (int) pCur->GetAttrID(); if ( At == ATTR_CASE ) { pStream->Write( "[case(" ); /* I removed this section just before check in for midl 3.00.12 as it somehow was messing up with the print type's Buffer at the typedef level for an upper struct, when the expression had a (DWORD) cast in it. repro: test10, problem from spoolss. Rkk. expr_list * pExprList; expr_node * pExpr; BOOL fFirstExpr = TRUE; pExprList = ((node_case *)pCur)->GetExprList(); pExprList->Init(); while (( pExprList->GetPeer( &pExpr ) == STATUS_OK )) { if ( fFirstExpr ) fFirstExpr = FALSE; else pStream->Write( "," ); if ( pExpr ) pExpr->Print( pStream ); } */ pStream->Write( ")]" ); } else { // returns a "[attrname]" string pStream->Write( pCur->GetNodeNameString() ); } pCur = pCur->pNext; } }; /**************************************************************************** miscellaneous attributes ****************************************************************************/ inline unsigned long HexToULong( const char * pStr) { unsigned long Cumulative = 0; for ( ; *pStr; pStr++ ) { Cumulative <<= 4; // add in another nibble Cumulative += ( *pStr >= 'a' ) ? ( *pStr - 'a' + 10 ) : ( *pStr >= 'A' ) ? ( *pStr - 'A' + 10 ) : ( *pStr - '0' ); } return Cumulative; } #define GUID_STRING_1_SIZE 8 #define GUID_STRING_2_SIZE 4 #define GUID_STRING_3_SIZE 4 #define GUID_STRING_4_SIZE 4 #define GUID_STRING_5_SIZE 12 void GUID_STRS::SetValue() { char buffer[GUID_STRING_5_SIZE + 2]; int i,j; Value.Data1 = HexToULong( str1 ); Value.Data2 = (unsigned short) HexToULong( str2 ); Value.Data3 = (unsigned short) HexToULong( str3 ); // go through the last strings backwards, advancing the null // byte as we go. // compute bytes 1 and 0 strncpy( buffer, str4, GUID_STRING_4_SIZE+1 ); for ( i = GUID_STRING_4_SIZE/2 - 1, j=GUID_STRING_4_SIZE-2 ; i >=0 ; i--, j-=2 ) { Value.Data4[i] = (unsigned char) HexToULong( &buffer[j] ); buffer[j] = '\0'; } // compute bytes 7 to 2 strncpy( buffer, str5, GUID_STRING_5_SIZE+1 ); for ( i = GUID_STRING_5_SIZE/2 + 1, j=GUID_STRING_5_SIZE-2 ; i >=2 ; i--, j-=2 ) { Value.Data4[i] = (unsigned char) HexToULong( &buffer[j] ); buffer[j] = '\0'; } } node_guid::node_guid(char* pIn, ATTR_T At ) : ma( At ) { char * p1 = pIn, * p2 = (p1) ? (strchr( p1+1 , '-')) : 0, * p3 = (p2) ? (strchr( p2+1 , '-')) : 0, * p4 = (p3) ? (strchr( p3+1 , '-')) : 0, * p5 = (p4) ? (strchr( p4+1 , '-')) : 0; if( p1 && p2 && p3 && p4 && p5 ) { *p2++ = *p3++ = *p4++ = *p5++ = '\0'; CheckAndSetGuid( p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 ); } else ParseError( UUID_FORMAT, (char *)0 ); } node_guid::node_guid ( char * pStr1, char * pStr2, char * pStr3, char * pStr4, char * pStr5, ATTR_T At ) : ma( At ) { CheckAndSetGuid( pStr1, pStr2, pStr3, pStr4, pStr5 ); } void node_guid::GetStrs ( char ** pStr1, char ** pStr2, char ** pStr3, char ** pStr4, char ** pStr5 ) { *pStr1 = cStrs.str1; *pStr2 = cStrs.str2; *pStr3 = cStrs.str3; *pStr4 = cStrs.str4; *pStr5 = cStrs.str5; }; void node_guid::CheckAndSetGuid( char * pStr1, char * pStr2, char * pStr3, char * pStr4, char * pStr5 ) { cStrs.SetStrs( pStr1, pStr2, pStr3, pStr4, pStr5 ); int Len1 = (int) strlen(pStr1); int Len2 = (int) strlen(pStr2); int Len3 = (int) strlen(pStr3); int Len4 = (int) strlen(pStr4); int Len5 = (int) strlen(pStr5); if( (Len1 == GUID_STRING_1_SIZE) && (Len2 == GUID_STRING_2_SIZE) && (Len3 == GUID_STRING_3_SIZE) && (Len4 == GUID_STRING_4_SIZE) && (Len5 == GUID_STRING_5_SIZE) ) { if( !HexCheck(pStr1) || !HexCheck(pStr2) || !HexCheck(pStr3) || !HexCheck(pStr4) || !HexCheck(pStr5) ) { ParseError(UUID_NOT_HEX, (char *)NULL); } else { guidstr = new char[ Len1 + Len2 + Len3 + Len4 + Len5 + 5 ]; strcpy(guidstr, pStr1); strcat(guidstr, "-"); strcat(guidstr, pStr2); strcat(guidstr, "-"); strcat(guidstr, pStr3); strcat(guidstr, "-"); strcat(guidstr, pStr4); strcat(guidstr, "-"); strcat(guidstr, pStr5); } } else { ParseError(UUID_FORMAT, (char *)NULL); } } node_version::node_version( unsigned long vMajor, unsigned long vMinor ) : nbattr( ATTR_VERSION ) { major = vMajor; minor = vMinor; if( (major > 0x0000ffff ) || (minor > 0x0000ffff)) ParseError( VERSION_FORMAT, (char *)0); } node_version::node_version(char * pV ) : nbattr(ATTR_VERSION) { char * pMinor; char * pMajor = pV; BOOL fError = TRUE; major = minor = 0; if( pMajor && *pMajor ) { if( ( pMinor = strchr( pMajor, '.' ) ) != 0 ) { fError = TRUE; if( *(++pMinor) ) { minor = strtoul( pMinor, &pMinor, 10 ); if( ! *pMinor ) fError = FALSE; } } else fError = FALSE; if( fError == FALSE ) { //use pMinor to save pMajor value; major = strtoul( pMinor = pMajor, &pMajor, 10 ); if( (*pMajor && (*pMajor != '.' )) || (pMajor == pMinor) ) fError = TRUE; } } if( (fError == TRUE ) || (major > (unsigned long )0x0000ffff) || (minor > (unsigned long )0x0000ffff) ) { ParseError( VERSION_FORMAT, (char *)0 ); } } STATUS_T node_version::GetVersion( unsigned short *pMajor, unsigned short *pMinor ) { *pMajor = (unsigned short) major; *pMinor = (unsigned short) minor; return STATUS_OK; } node_endpoint::node_endpoint(char * pEndPointString ) : nbattr( ATTR_ENDPOINT ) { SetEndPointString( pEndPointString ); } void node_endpoint::SetEndPointString( char * pString ) { ENDPT_PAIR * pEntry = new ENDPT_PAIR; char * p1 = pString; char * p2 = 0; char * pTemp; short Len; STATUS_T Status = ENDPOINT_SYNTAX; // // Parse the string. Note that we can assume that the string is at least // a null string, because it came from the parser. If it wasnt a string, // the parser would have barfed anyhow. // // Firstly, the string must have a ':' separator. Also, it must have // at least 1 character before the :. // if( pString && (pTemp = strchr( pString , ':' ) ) != 0 && ((pTemp - pString) > 0) ) { // // pick up the first part of the string. // Len = short( pTemp - pString ); p1 = new char [ Len + 1 ]; // one for null. strncpy( p1, pString, Len ); p1[ Len ] = '\0'; // // pick up the last part of the string. Skip beyond the :. There can be // some characters after the : and before the '['. This is the server // name. Then follows the port within the []. The actual string will // not have the []. // // skip the : pTemp += 1; // find out the total length of the string. Allocate 2 less than that // 'cause we dont need the '[' and ']'. The string must be more than // 2 characters 'cause it must have the brackets anyhow. Len = (short) strlen( pTemp ); if( (Len > 2 ) && (strchr( pTemp, '[' )) && (pTemp[ Len - 1] == ']')) { char *p2Cur; while( *pTemp != '[' ) { pTemp++; Len--; } // // in the second half of the parse, just get the whole string till // the null. Now the user could be perverted, he could have a // ] embedded within the string, in addition to the last ]. To // ensure that he gets what he deserves, transfer till the end // except the last character which must be ']'. pTemp++; Len--; p2Cur = p2 = new char[ Len ]; // Yes, not Len + 1 'cause we are // going to re-use the last char // which is ] for the null. strncpy( p2Cur, pTemp, --Len ); p2Cur[ Len ] = '\0'; Status = STATUS_OK; } else { delete p1; } } if( Status != STATUS_OK ) { ParseError( Status, pString ); p1 = p2 = 0; } // // set up the pair. // pEntry->pString1 = p1; pEntry->pString2 = p2; EndPointStringList.Insert( pEntry ); } ITERATOR & node_endpoint::GetEndPointPairs() { EndPointStringList.Init(); return EndPointStringList; } /**************************************************************************** utility routines ****************************************************************************/ int HexCheck(char *pStr) { if(pStr && *pStr) { while(*pStr) { if(! isxdigit(*pStr)) return 0; pStr++; } return 1; } return 0; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: TranslateEscapeSequences // // Purpose: Replaces a string's escape sequences with the appropriate // ASCII characters. // // NOTE: this can be done in place because the resulting string // length will always be shorter than or equal to the input string // length. // // Assumes: The string is NULL terminated and in writable memory. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define ESCAPE_CHARACTER '\\' void TranslateEscapeSequences(char * sz) { char * pchNextOut = sz; char ch; while (0 != (ch = *sz)) { if ((char)ESCAPE_CHARACTER == ch) { ch = *(++sz); switch ((char)tolower(ch)) { case '0': // octal sequence case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': { char count = 3; unsigned char value = 0; do { value *= 8; value = unsigned char( value + ch - '0' ); ch = *(++sz); count--; } while (ch <= '8' && ch >= '0' && count); sz--; ch = (char) value; break; } case 'x': // hex sequence { unsigned char value = 0; ch = (char)tolower(*(++sz)); if ((ch <= '8' && ch >= '0') || (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a')) { do { value *= 16; if (ch < 'a') value = unsigned char(value + ch - '0'); else value = unsigned char(value + ch - 'a' + 10); ch = (char)tolower(*(++sz)); } while ((ch <= '8' && ch >= '0') || (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a')); sz--; ch = (char) value; } else // "\x" with no trailing hex digits is treated as an "x" { ch = *(--sz); } break; } case 'n': // newline ch = (char) '\n'; break; case 't': // tab ch = (char) '\t'; break; case 'v': // vertical tab ch = (char) '\v'; break; case 'b': // backspace ch = (char) '\b'; break; case 'r': // carriage return ch = (char) '\r'; break; case 'f': // formfeed ch = (char) '\f'; break; case 'a': // alert ch = (char) '\a'; break; case 0: // just in case the last character in the string is an escape character ch = (char) ESCAPE_CHARACTER; sz--; break; default: break; } } *(pchNextOut++) = ch; ++sz; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) *(pchNextOut++) = *(sz++); } *(pchNextOut++) = ch; }