

This is the library for all storage drivers. It simplifies writing a storage driver by implementing 90 percent of the code required to support Plug and Play, Power Management, et cetera. This library is used by disk.sys, cdrom.sys and the tape class drivers.

No INF file is needed to install this library.

Building the Sample

To build the sample, run build. Once built, one binary will be created: classpnp.sys. This sample is based on live source code, and only builds in the current OS build environment. 


File Manifest

File                   Description
Autorun.c              Media change notification (MCN) code
Class.c         Main code base
Class.rc               Resource file
Class.src              Exports
Classp.h               Private header
Classwmi.c             WMI functionality
Create.c               Create IRP code
Dictlib.c              File system dictionary code
Lock.c         Storage remove lock implementation
Makefile               Makefile
Power.c        Power code
Power.h        Power code header file
Sources        Sources file

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