/**************************************************************************** * * ioctl.c * * DeviceIoControl communication interface between 32-bit wdmaud.drv * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 All Rights Reserved. * * History * S.Mohanraj (MohanS) * M.McLaughlin (MikeM) * 5-19-97 - Noel Cross (NoelC) * ***************************************************************************/ #include "wdmsys.h" #include extern ULONG gWavePreferredSysaudioDevice; #pragma LOCKED_CODE #pragma LOCKED_DATA WDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE wdmaPendingIrpQueue; #ifdef PROFILE LIST_ENTRY WdmaAllocatedMdlListHead; KSPIN_LOCK WdmaAllocatedMdlListSpinLock; // Initialize the List Heads and Mutexes in order to track resources VOID WdmaInitProfile() { InitializeListHead(&WdmaAllocatedMdlListHead); KeInitializeSpinLock(&WdmaAllocatedMdlListSpinLock); } NTSTATUS AddMdlToList ( PMDL pMdl, PWDMACONTEXT pWdmaContext ) { PALLOCATED_MDL_LIST_ITEM pAllocatedMdlListItem = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; Status = AudioAllocateMemory_Fixed(sizeof(*pAllocatedMdlListItem), TAG_AudM_MDL, ZERO_FILL_MEMORY, &pAllocatedMdlListItem); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { pAllocatedMdlListItem->pMdl = pMdl; pAllocatedMdlListItem->pContext = pWdmaContext; ExInterlockedInsertTailList(&WdmaAllocatedMdlListHead, &pAllocatedMdlListItem->Next, &WdmaAllocatedMdlListSpinLock); } RETURN( Status ); } NTSTATUS RemoveMdlFromList ( PMDL pMdl ) { PLIST_ENTRY ple; PALLOCATED_MDL_LIST_ITEM pAllocatedMdlListItem; KIRQL OldIrql; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; ExAcquireSpinLock(&WdmaAllocatedMdlListSpinLock, &OldIrql); for(ple = WdmaAllocatedMdlListHead.Flink; ple != &WdmaAllocatedMdlListHead; ple = ple->Flink) { pAllocatedMdlListItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, ALLOCATED_MDL_LIST_ITEM, Next); if (pAllocatedMdlListItem->pMdl == pMdl) { RemoveEntryList(&pAllocatedMdlListItem->Next); AudioFreeMemory(sizeof(*pAllocatedMdlListItem),&pAllocatedMdlListItem); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } ExReleaseSpinLock(&WdmaAllocatedMdlListSpinLock, OldIrql); RETURN( Status ); } #endif VOID WdmaCsqInsertIrp ( IN struct _IO_CSQ *Csq, IN PIRP Irp ) { PWDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE PendingIrpQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD(Csq, WDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE, Csq); InsertTailList(&PendingIrpQueue->WdmaPendingIrpListHead, &Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); } VOID WdmaCsqRemoveIrp ( IN PIO_CSQ Csq, IN PIRP Irp ) { RemoveEntryList(&Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); } PIRP WdmaCsqPeekNextIrp ( IN PIO_CSQ Csq, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID PeekContext ) { PWDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE PendingIrpQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD(Csq, WDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE, Csq); PIRP nextIrp; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; if (Irp == NULL) { listEntry = PendingIrpQueue->WdmaPendingIrpListHead.Flink; if (listEntry == &PendingIrpQueue->WdmaPendingIrpListHead) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("Irp is NULL, queue is empty")); return NULL; } nextIrp = CONTAINING_RECORD(listEntry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("Irp is NULL, nextIrp %x", nextIrp)); return nextIrp; } listEntry = Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink; // // Enumerated to end of queue. // if (listEntry == &PendingIrpQueue->WdmaPendingIrpListHead) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("End of queue reached Irp %x", Irp)); return NULL; } nextIrp = CONTAINING_RECORD(listEntry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); return nextIrp; } VOID WdmaCsqAcquireLock ( IN PIO_CSQ Csq, OUT PKIRQL Irql ) { PWDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE PendingIrpQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD(Csq, WDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE, Csq); KeAcquireSpinLock(&PendingIrpQueue->WdmaPendingIrpListSpinLock, Irql); } VOID WdmaCsqReleaseLock ( IN PIO_CSQ Csq, IN KIRQL Irql ) { PWDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE PendingIrpQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD(Csq, WDMAPENDINGIRP_QUEUE, Csq); KeReleaseSpinLock(&PendingIrpQueue->WdmaPendingIrpListSpinLock, Irql); } VOID WdmaCsqCompleteCanceledIrp ( IN PIO_CSQ pCsq, IN PIRP Irp ) { Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } NTSTATUS AddIrpToPendingList ( PIRP pIrp, ULONG IrpDeviceType, PWDMACONTEXT pWdmaContext, PWDMAPENDINGIRP_CONTEXT *ppPendingIrpContext ) { PWDMAPENDINGIRP_CONTEXT pPendingIrpContext = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; Status = AudioAllocateMemory_Fixed(sizeof(*pPendingIrpContext), TAG_AudR_IRP, ZERO_FILL_MEMORY, &pPendingIrpContext); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *ppPendingIrpContext = pPendingIrpContext; pPendingIrpContext->IrpDeviceType = IrpDeviceType; pPendingIrpContext->pContext = pWdmaContext; IoCsqInsertIrp(&wdmaPendingIrpQueue.Csq, pIrp, &pPendingIrpContext->IrpContext); } RETURN( Status ); } NTSTATUS RemoveIrpFromPendingList ( PWDMAPENDINGIRP_CONTEXT pPendingIrpContext ) { PIO_CSQ_IRP_CONTEXT irpContext = &(pPendingIrpContext->IrpContext); PIRP Irp; NTSTATUS Status; Irp = IoCsqRemoveIrp(&wdmaPendingIrpQueue.Csq, irpContext); if (Irp) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } AudioFreeMemory(sizeof(*pPendingIrpContext),&irpContext); RETURN( Status ); } /**************************************************************************** * @doc INTERNAL * * @api BOOL | IsSysaudioInterfaceActive | Checks to see if the sysaudio * device interface is active. * * @rdesc returns TRUE if sysaudio has been found, otherwise FALSE ***************************************************************************/ BOOL IsSysaudioInterfaceActive() { NTSTATUS Status; PWSTR pwstrSymbolicLinkList = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE; Status = IoGetDeviceInterfaces( &KSCATEGORY_SYSAUDIO, NULL, 0, &pwstrSymbolicLinkList); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (*pwstrSymbolicLinkList != UNICODE_NULL) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("yes")); bRet = TRUE; } AudioFreeMemory_Unknown(&pwstrSymbolicLinkList); } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_IOCTL,("IoGetDeviceInterface failed Statue=%08X",Status) ); } DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("No")); return bRet; } PVOID GetSystemAddressForMdlWithFailFlag ( PMDL pMdl ) { PVOID pAddress; CSHORT OldFlags; OldFlags = (pMdl->MdlFlags & MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL); pMdl->MdlFlags |= MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL; pAddress = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl( pMdl ) ; pMdl->MdlFlags &= ~(MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL); pMdl->MdlFlags |= OldFlags; return pAddress; } /**************************************************************************** * @doc INTERNAL * * @api VOID | wdmaudMapBuffer | Allocates an MDL and returns a system address * mapped pointer to the passed in buffer. * * @rdesc returns nothing ***************************************************************************/ VOID wdmaudMapBuffer ( IN PIRP pIrp, IN PVOID DataBuffer, IN DWORD DataBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ppMappedBuffer, OUT PMDL *ppMdl, IN PWDMACONTEXT pContext, IN BOOL bWrite ) { NTSTATUS ListAddStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; // Make sure that these are initialized to NULL *ppMdl = NULL; *ppMappedBuffer = NULL; if (DataBuffer) { if (DataBufferSize) { *ppMdl = MmCreateMdl( NULL, DataBuffer, DataBufferSize ); if (*ppMdl) { try { MmProbeAndLockPages( *ppMdl, pIrp->RequestorMode, bWrite ? IoWriteAccess:IoReadAccess ); *ppMappedBuffer = GetSystemAddressForMdlWithFailFlag( *ppMdl ) ; ListAddStatus = AddMdlToList(*ppMdl, pContext); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { if (NT_SUCCESS(ListAddStatus)) { RemoveMdlFromList( *ppMdl ); } IoFreeMdl( *ppMdl ); *ppMdl = NULL; *ppMappedBuffer = NULL; } } // // Must have failed in GetSystemAddressForMdlWithFailFlag, but since we set the // MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL flag our exception handler won't get executed. Do the // cleanup here for the MDL creation. // if (NULL == *ppMappedBuffer) { if (NT_SUCCESS(ListAddStatus)) { RemoveMdlFromList( *ppMdl ); } if (*ppMdl) { MmUnlockPages(*ppMdl); IoFreeMdl( *ppMdl ); *ppMdl = NULL; } } } } return; } /**************************************************************************** * @doc INTERNAL * * @api VOID | wdmaudUnmapBuffer | Frees the MDL allocated by wdmaudMapBuffer * * @parm PMDL | pMdl | Pointer to the MDL to free. * * @rdesc returns nothing ***************************************************************************/ VOID wdmaudUnmapBuffer ( PMDL pMdl ) { if (pMdl) { RemoveMdlFromList(pMdl); MmUnlockPages(pMdl); IoFreeMdl(pMdl); } return; } NTSTATUS CaptureBufferToLocalPool( PVOID DataBuffer, DWORD DataBufferSize, PVOID *ppMappedBuffer #ifdef _WIN64 ,DWORD ThunkBufferSize #endif ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; DWORD CopySize=DataBufferSize; #ifdef _WIN64 if (ThunkBufferSize) { DataBufferSize=ThunkBufferSize; ASSERT( DataBufferSize >= CopySize ); } #endif if (DataBufferSize) { Status = AudioAllocateMemory_Fixed(DataBufferSize, TAG_AudB_BUFFER, ZERO_FILL_MEMORY, ppMappedBuffer); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // Wrap around a try/except because the user mode memory // might have been removed from underneath us. try { RtlCopyMemory( *ppMappedBuffer, DataBuffer, CopySize); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { AudioFreeMemory(DataBufferSize,ppMappedBuffer); Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } } RETURN( Status ); } NTSTATUS CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer( PVOID DataBuffer, DWORD DataBufferSize, PVOID *ppMappedBuffer ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; ASSERT(DataBuffer); if (*ppMappedBuffer) { // Wrap around a try/except because the user mode memory // might have been removed from underneath us. try { RtlCopyMemory( DataBuffer, *ppMappedBuffer, DataBufferSize); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } AudioFreeMemory_Unknown(ppMappedBuffer); } RETURN( Status ); } #pragma PAGEABLE_CODE #pragma PAGEABLE_DATA NTSTATUS SoundDispatchCreate( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDO, IN PIRP pIrp ) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpStack; PWDMACONTEXT pContext = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; int i; PAGED_CODE(); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IRP_MJ_CREATE")); Status = KsReferenceSoftwareBusObject(((PDEVICE_INSTANCE)pDO->DeviceExtension)->pDeviceHeader ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RETURN( Status ); } pIrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp); Status = AudioAllocateMemory_Fixed(sizeof(*pContext), TAG_Audx_CONTEXT, ZERO_FILL_MEMORY, &pContext); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { pIrpStack->FileObject->FsContext = pContext; // // Initialize out all the winmm device data structures. // #ifdef DEBUG pContext->dwSig=CONTEXT_SIGNATURE; #endif pContext->VirtualWavePinId = MAXULONG; pContext->VirtualMidiPinId = MAXULONG; pContext->VirtualCDPinId = MAXULONG; pContext->PreferredSysaudioWaveDevice = gWavePreferredSysaudioDevice; if ( IsSysaudioInterfaceActive() ) { pContext->pFileObjectSysaudio = kmxlOpenSysAudio(); } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_SYSAUDIO,("sysaudio not available") ); } for (i = 0; i < MAXNUMDEVS; i++) { pContext->WaveOutDevs[i].pWdmaContext = pContext; pContext->WaveInDevs[i].pWdmaContext = pContext; pContext->MidiOutDevs[i].pWdmaContext = pContext; pContext->MidiInDevs[i].pWdmaContext = pContext; pContext->MixerDevs[i].pWdmaContext = pContext; pContext->AuxDevs[i].pWdmaContext = pContext; pContext->WaveOutDevs[i].Device = UNUSED_DEVICE; pContext->WaveInDevs[i].Device = UNUSED_DEVICE; pContext->MidiOutDevs[i].Device = UNUSED_DEVICE; pContext->MidiInDevs[i].Device = UNUSED_DEVICE; pContext->MixerDevs[i].Device = UNUSED_DEVICE; pContext->AuxDevs[i].Device = UNUSED_DEVICE; #ifdef DEBUG pContext->MixerDevs[i].dwSig = MIXERDEVICE_SIGNATURE; #endif DPFASSERT(pContext->WaveOutDevs[i].pWavePin == NULL); pContext->apCommonDevice[WaveInDevice][i] = (PCOMMONDEVICE)&pContext->WaveInDevs[i]; pContext->apCommonDevice[WaveOutDevice][i] = (PCOMMONDEVICE)&pContext->WaveOutDevs[i]; pContext->apCommonDevice[MidiInDevice][i] = (PCOMMONDEVICE)&pContext->MidiInDevs[i]; pContext->apCommonDevice[MidiOutDevice][i] = (PCOMMONDEVICE)&pContext->MidiOutDevs[i]; pContext->apCommonDevice[MixerDevice][i] = (PCOMMONDEVICE)&pContext->MixerDevs[i]; pContext->apCommonDevice[AuxDevice][i] = (PCOMMONDEVICE)&pContext->AuxDevs[i]; } InitializeListHead(&pContext->DevNodeListHead); pContext->DevNodeListCount = 0; InitializeListHead(&pContext->WorkListHead); KeInitializeSpinLock(&pContext->WorkListSpinLock); ExInitializeWorkItem(&pContext->WorkListWorkItem, WorkListWorker, pContext); ExInitializeWorkItem(&pContext->SysaudioWorkItem, SysaudioAddRemove, pContext); KeInitializeEvent(&pContext->InitializedSysaudioEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE); Status = KsRegisterWorker( DelayedWorkQueue, &pContext->WorkListWorkerObject ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = KsRegisterWorker( DelayedWorkQueue, &pContext->SysaudioWorkerObject ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification( EventCategoryDeviceInterfaceChange, PNPNOTIFY_DEVICE_INTERFACE_INCLUDE_EXISTING_INTERFACES, (GUID *)&KSCATEGORY_SYSAUDIO, pIrpStack->DeviceObject->DriverObject, SysAudioPnPNotification, pContext, &pContext->NotificationEntry); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AddFsContextToList(pContext); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("New pContext=%08Xh", pContext) ); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KsUnregisterWorker( pContext->SysaudioWorkerObject ); pContext->SysaudioWorkerObject = NULL; } } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KsUnregisterWorker( pContext->WorkListWorkerObject ); pContext->WorkListWorkerObject = NULL; } } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AudioFreeMemory(sizeof(*pContext),&pContext); pIrpStack->FileObject->FsContext = NULL; } } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KsDereferenceSoftwareBusObject(((PDEVICE_INSTANCE)pDO->DeviceExtension)->pDeviceHeader ); } pIrp->IoStatus.Status = Status; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); RETURN( Status ); } NTSTATUS SoundDispatchClose( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDO, IN PIRP pIrp ) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpStack; PKSWORKER WorkListWorkerObject; PKSWORKER SysaudioWorkerObject; PWDMACONTEXT pContext; PAGED_CODE(); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IRP_MJ_CLOSE")); // // This routine is serialized by the i/o subsystem so there is no need to grab the // mutex for protection. Furthermore, it is not possible to release the mutex // after UninitializeSysaudio is called. // pIrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp); // // Can't assume that FsContext is initialized if the device has // been opened with FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN // if (pIrpStack->FileObject->Flags & FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("Opened with FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN, no device context") ); goto exit; } pContext = pIrpStack->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT(pContext); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("pWdmaContext=%08Xh", pContext) ); if (pContext->NotificationEntry != NULL) { IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification(pContext->NotificationEntry); pContext->NotificationEntry = NULL; } // // force turds to be freed for a particular context // WdmaGrabMutex(pContext); CleanupWaveDevices(pContext); CleanupMidiDevices(pContext); WdmaContextCleanup(pContext); UninitializeSysaudio(pContext); WorkListWorkerObject = pContext->WorkListWorkerObject; pContext->WorkListWorkerObject = NULL; SysaudioWorkerObject = pContext->SysaudioWorkerObject; pContext->SysaudioWorkerObject = NULL; WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext); if (WorkListWorkerObject != NULL) { KsUnregisterWorker( WorkListWorkerObject ); } if (SysaudioWorkerObject != NULL) { KsUnregisterWorker( SysaudioWorkerObject ); } RemoveFsContextFromList(pContext); // // Workitem: Shouldn't WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext) be here rather then above? // I would think that if we release the mutex before cleanly getting throug the // cleanup we could have reentrancy problems. ??? // // Also, note that all of pContext will be invalid after this AudioFreeMemory call! // kmxlRemoveContextFromNoteList(pContext); if( pContext->pFileObjectSysaudio ) { kmxlCloseSysAudio(pContext->pFileObjectSysaudio); pContext->pFileObjectSysaudio = NULL; } AudioFreeMemory(sizeof(*pContext),&pContext); pIrpStack->FileObject->FsContext = NULL; exit: KsDereferenceSoftwareBusObject(((PDEVICE_INSTANCE)pDO->DeviceExtension)->pDeviceHeader ); pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS SoundDispatchCleanup( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDO, IN PIRP pIrp ) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpStack; PWDMACONTEXT pContext; PAGED_CODE(); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IRP_MJ_CLEANUP")); pIrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp); // // Can't assume that FsContext is initialized if the device has // been opened with FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN // if (pIrpStack->FileObject->Flags & FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("Opened with FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN, no device context") ); goto exit; } pContext = pIrpStack->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT(pContext); DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("pWdmaContext=%08Xh", pContext) ); // // force turds to be freed for a particular context // WdmaGrabMutex(pContext); CleanupWaveDevices(pContext); CleanupMidiDevices(pContext); WdmaContextCleanup(pContext); WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext); exit: pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ValidateIoCode ( IN ULONG IoCode ) { NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); switch (IoCode) { case IOCTL_WDMAUD_INIT: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_ADD_DEVNODE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_REMOVE_DEVNODE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_PREFERRED_DEVICE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_CAPABILITIES: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_NUM_DEVS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_OPEN_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_CLOSE_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_EXIT: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PAUSE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PLAY: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_BREAKLOOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_WRITE_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_STOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_RECORD: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_GET_POS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_READ_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_DATA: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_LONGDATA: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_STOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_RECORD: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_READ_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_OPEN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_CLOSE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINEINFO: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINECONTROLS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETHARDWAREEVENTDATA: Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; default: Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } RETURN( Status ); } NTSTATUS ValidateDeviceType ( IN ULONG IoCode, IN DWORD DeviceType ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PAGED_CODE(); switch (IoCode) { // These IOCTLs can handle any DeviceType case IOCTL_WDMAUD_ADD_DEVNODE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_REMOVE_DEVNODE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_PREFERRED_DEVICE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_CAPABILITIES: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_NUM_DEVS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_OPEN_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_CLOSE_PIN: if (DeviceType != WaveInDevice && DeviceType != WaveOutDevice && DeviceType != MidiInDevice && DeviceType != MidiOutDevice && DeviceType != MixerDevice && DeviceType != AuxDevice) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; // These IOCTLs can handle only AUX devices case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_VOLUME: if (DeviceType != AuxDevice) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; // These IOCTLs can handle only WaveOut devices case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PAUSE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PLAY: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_BREAKLOOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_WRITE_PIN: if (DeviceType != WaveOutDevice) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; // These IOCTLs can handle only WaveIn devices case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_STOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_RECORD: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_GET_POS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_READ_PIN: if (DeviceType != WaveInDevice) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; // These IOCTLs can handle only MidiOut devices case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_DATA: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_LONGDATA: if (DeviceType != MidiOutDevice) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; // These IOCTLs can handle only MidiIn devices case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_STOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_RECORD: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_READ_PIN: if (DeviceType != MidiInDevice) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; // These IOCTLs can handle only Mixer devices case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_OPEN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_CLOSE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINEINFO: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINECONTROLS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETHARDWAREEVENTDATA: if (DeviceType != MixerDevice) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; // No device type for these IOCTLs case IOCTL_WDMAUD_INIT: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_EXIT: // Status is already STATUS_SUCCESS break; default: Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } RETURN( Status ); } #ifdef _WIN64 // Note that on 64 bit Windows, handles have 32 bits of information in them, // but no more. Thus they can be safely zero extended and truncated for thunks. // All memory allocations made in 32 bit processes are guaranteed to be in the // first 4 Gigs, again so that pointers from those processes can be thunked simply // by zero extending them and truncating them. VOID ThunkDeviceInfo3264( LPDEVICEINFO32 DeviceInfo32, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { ULONG i; PAGED_CODE(); DeviceInfo->Next = (LPDEVICEINFO)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo32->Next; DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber = DeviceInfo32->DeviceNumber ; DeviceInfo->DeviceType = DeviceInfo32->DeviceType ; DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle = (HANDLE32)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo32->DeviceHandle ; DeviceInfo->dwInstance = (DWORD_PTR)DeviceInfo32->dwInstance ; DeviceInfo->dwCallback = (DWORD_PTR)DeviceInfo32->dwCallback ; DeviceInfo->dwCallback16 = DeviceInfo32->dwCallback16 ; DeviceInfo->dwFlags = DeviceInfo32->dwFlags ; DeviceInfo->DataBuffer = (LPVOID)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo32->DataBuffer ; DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize = DeviceInfo32->DataBufferSize ; DeviceInfo->OpenDone = DeviceInfo32->OpenDone ; DeviceInfo->OpenStatus = DeviceInfo32->OpenStatus ; DeviceInfo->HardwareCallbackEventHandle = (HANDLE)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo32->HardwareCallbackEventHandle ; DeviceInfo->dwCallbackType = DeviceInfo32->dwCallbackType ; for (i=0; idwID[i] = DeviceInfo32->dwID[i] ; DeviceInfo->dwLineID = DeviceInfo32->dwLineID ; DeviceInfo->ControlCallbackCount = DeviceInfo32->ControlCallbackCount ; DeviceInfo->dwFormat = DeviceInfo32->dwFormat ; DeviceInfo->mmr = DeviceInfo32->mmr ; DeviceInfo->DeviceState = (LPDEVICESTATE)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo32->DeviceState ; DeviceInfo->dwSig = DeviceInfo32->dwSig ; wcsncpy(DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo32->wstrDeviceInterface, MAXDEVINTERFACE+1) ; } VOID ThunkDeviceInfo6432( LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, LPDEVICEINFO32 DeviceInfo32 ) { ULONG i; PAGED_CODE(); DeviceInfo32->Next = (UINT32)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo->Next; DeviceInfo32->DeviceNumber = DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber ; DeviceInfo32->DeviceType = DeviceInfo->DeviceType ; DeviceInfo32->DeviceHandle = (UINT32)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle ; DeviceInfo32->dwInstance = (UINT32)DeviceInfo->dwInstance ; DeviceInfo32->dwCallback = (UINT32)DeviceInfo->dwCallback ; DeviceInfo32->dwCallback16 = DeviceInfo->dwCallback16 ; DeviceInfo32->dwFlags = DeviceInfo->dwFlags ; DeviceInfo32->DataBuffer = (UINT32)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo->DataBuffer ; DeviceInfo32->DataBufferSize = DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize ; DeviceInfo32->OpenDone = DeviceInfo->OpenDone ; DeviceInfo32->OpenStatus = DeviceInfo->OpenStatus ; DeviceInfo32->HardwareCallbackEventHandle = (UINT32)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo->HardwareCallbackEventHandle ; DeviceInfo32->dwCallbackType = DeviceInfo->dwCallbackType ; for (i=0; idwID[i] = DeviceInfo->dwID[i] ; DeviceInfo32->dwLineID = DeviceInfo->dwLineID ; DeviceInfo32->ControlCallbackCount = DeviceInfo->ControlCallbackCount ; DeviceInfo32->dwFormat = DeviceInfo->dwFormat ; DeviceInfo32->mmr = DeviceInfo->mmr ; DeviceInfo32->DeviceState = (UINT32)(UINT_PTR)DeviceInfo->DeviceState ; DeviceInfo32->dwSig = DeviceInfo->dwSig ; wcscpy(DeviceInfo32->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface) ; } #endif NTSTATUS ValidateIrp ( IN PIRP pIrp ) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpStack; ULONG InputBufferLength; ULONG OutputBufferLength; LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo; #ifdef _WIN64 LPDEVICEINFO32 DeviceInfo32; LOCALDEVICEINFO LocalDeviceInfo; #endif LPVOID DataBuffer; DWORD DataBufferSize; ULONG IoCode; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PAGED_CODE(); // // Get the CurrentStackLocation and log it so we know what is going on // pIrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp); IoCode = pIrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode; // // Checks to see that we have a WDMAUD Ioctl (buffered) request // Status = ValidateIoCode(IoCode); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // // Check the sizes of the input and output buffers. // InputBufferLength = pIrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength; OutputBufferLength = pIrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength; #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { if ((InputBufferLength < sizeof(DEVICEINFO32)) || (OutputBufferLength != sizeof(DEVICEINFO32)) ) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; if (IoCode == IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS) { DPF(DL_ERROR|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS: InputBufferLength = %d, OuputBufferLength = %d", InputBufferLength, OutputBufferLength)); } } } else // WARNING!!! If you add additional statements after the if that need // to be part of this else clause, you will need to add brackets! #endif if ((InputBufferLength < sizeof(DEVICEINFO)) || (OutputBufferLength != sizeof(DEVICEINFO)) ) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; if (IoCode == IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS: InputBufferLength = %d, OuputBufferLength = %d", InputBufferLength, OutputBufferLength)); } } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { DeviceInfo32=((LPDEVICEINFO32)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); RtlZeroMemory(&LocalDeviceInfo, sizeof(LOCALDEVICEINFO)); DeviceInfo=&LocalDeviceInfo.DeviceInfo; ThunkDeviceInfo3264(DeviceInfo32, DeviceInfo); } else // WARNING!!! If you add additional statements after the assignment that need // to be part of this else clause, you will need to add brackets! #endif DeviceInfo = ((LPDEVICEINFO)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); DataBuffer = DeviceInfo->DataBuffer; DataBufferSize = DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize; // // Check to make sure that our DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface is terminated // if (InputBufferLength % sizeof(WCHAR)) // must be WCHAR aligned { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { // // Get the last widechar and compare with UNICODE_NULL // UINT TermCharPos; #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { TermCharPos = (InputBufferLength - sizeof(DEVICEINFO32)) / sizeof(WCHAR); // Now make sure we had enough local buffer space to hold the whole string. if (TermCharPos>MAXDEVINTERFACE) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Make sure we don't go past end of local buffer space when // we check if the last character is null. TermCharPos=MAXDEVINTERFACE; } } else // WARNING!!! If you add additional statements after the assignment that need // to be part of this else clause, you will need to add brackets! #endif TermCharPos = (InputBufferLength - sizeof(DEVICEINFO)) / sizeof(WCHAR); if (DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface[TermCharPos] != UNICODE_NULL) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = ValidateDeviceType(IoCode,DeviceInfo->DeviceType); } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // // Validate the pointers if the client is not trusted. // if (pIrp->RequestorMode != KernelMode) { if (DataBufferSize) { try { ASSERT(pIrpStack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL); switch (IoCode) { // // IoCode's that require a probe for reading // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_OPEN_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_WRITE_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_LONGDATA: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_OPEN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILS: ProbeForRead(DataBuffer, DataBufferSize, sizeof(BYTE)); break; // // IoCode's that require a probe for writing // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_CAPABILITIES: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_READ_PIN: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINEINFO: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINECONTROLS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILS: ProbeForWrite(DataBuffer, DataBufferSize, sizeof(BYTE)); break; // // IoCode's that require a probe for reading on DWORD alignment // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_SET_VOLUME: ProbeForRead(DataBuffer, DataBufferSize, sizeof(DWORD)); break; // // IoCode's that require a probe for writing on DWORD alignment // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_GET_POS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_READ_PIN: ProbeForWrite(DataBuffer, DataBufferSize, sizeof(DWORD)); break; // Don't know about this ioctl default: Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } } } RETURN( Status ); } // // Helper routines. // NTSTATUS ValidateAndTranslate( PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, DWORD ValidationSize, ULONG *pTranslatedDeviceNumber ) { if (DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize != ValidationSize) { return STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; } *pTranslatedDeviceNumber = wdmaudTranslateDeviceNumber(pContext, DeviceInfo->DeviceType, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber); if (MAXULONG == *pTranslatedDeviceNumber) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_IOCTL,("IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_VOLUME: invalid device number, C %08x [%ls] DT %02x DN %02x", pContext, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo->DeviceType, DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber) ); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ValidateAndTranslateEx( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 DWORD ValidationSize32, #endif DWORD ValidationSize, ULONG *pTranslatedDeviceNumber ) { #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { if (DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize != ValidationSize32) { RETURN( STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE ); } } else { #endif if (DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize != ValidationSize) { RETURN( STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE ); } #ifdef _WIN64 } #endif *pTranslatedDeviceNumber = wdmaudTranslateDeviceNumber(pContext, DeviceInfo->DeviceType, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber); if (MAXULONG == *pTranslatedDeviceNumber) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_IOCTL,("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_LONGDATA: invalid device number, C %08x [%ls] DT %02x DN %02x", pContext, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo->DeviceType, DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber) ); RETURN( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // Now come the dispatch routines. // NTSTATUS Dispatch_WaveOutWritePin( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, OUT BOOL *pCompletedIrp // TRUE if Irp was completed. ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; PSTREAM_HEADER_EX pStreamHeader; LPWAVEHDR pWaveHdr = NULL; #ifdef _WIN64 LPWAVEHDR32 pWaveHdr32; #endif PWRITE_CONTEXT pWriteContext = NULL; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success // // Verify that we received a valid waveheader // Status = ValidateAndTranslateEx(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 sizeof(WAVEHDR32), #endif sizeof(WAVEHDR), &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { Status = AudioAllocateMemory_Fixed(sizeof(WRITE_CONTEXT) + sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX), TAG_Audx_CONTEXT, ZERO_FILL_MEMORY, &pWriteContext); if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = CaptureBufferToLocalPool(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pWaveHdr #ifdef _WIN64 ,0 #endif ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(WRITE_CONTEXT) + sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX), &pWriteContext ); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { // Thunk pWaveHdr to 64 bits. pWaveHdr32=(LPWAVEHDR32)pWaveHdr; pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.lpData=(LPSTR)(UINT_PTR)pWaveHdr32->lpData; pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.dwBufferLength=pWaveHdr32->dwBufferLength; pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.dwBytesRecorded=pWaveHdr32->dwBytesRecorded; pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.dwUser=(DWORD_PTR)pWaveHdr32->dwUser; pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.dwFlags=pWaveHdr32->dwFlags; pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.dwLoops=pWaveHdr32->dwLoops; pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.lpNext=(LPWAVEHDR)(UINT_PTR)pWaveHdr32->lpNext; pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.reserved=(DWORD_PTR)pWaveHdr32->reserved; } else { #endif // // Copy the wavehdr to our local structure // RtlCopyMemory( &pWriteContext->whInstance.wh, pWaveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); #ifdef _WIN64 } #endif try { ProbeForRead(pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.lpData, pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.dwBufferLength, sizeof(BYTE)); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pWaveHdr ); AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(WRITE_CONTEXT) + sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX), &pWriteContext ); Status = GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } wdmaudMapBuffer ( pIrp, (PVOID)pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.lpData, pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.dwBufferLength, &pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.lpData, &pWriteContext->pBufferMdl, pContext, FALSE); // // If we get a zero-length buffer, it is alright to not have // a kernel mapped buffer. Otherwise, fail if no Mdl or buffer. // if ( (pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.dwBufferLength != 0) && ((NULL == pWriteContext->pBufferMdl) || (NULL == pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.lpData)) ) { wdmaudUnmapBuffer( pWriteContext->pBufferMdl ); AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pWaveHdr ); AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pWriteContext ); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.reserved = (DWORD_PTR)pIrp; // store to complete later pWriteContext->pCapturedWaveHdr = pWaveHdr; pStreamHeader = (PSTREAM_HEADER_EX)(pWriteContext + 1); pStreamHeader->Header.Data = pWriteContext->whInstance.wh.lpData; // // Must cleanup any mapped buffers and allocated memory // on error paths in WriteWaveOutPin // Status = WriteWaveOutPin(&pContext->WaveOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, (LPWAVEHDR)pWriteContext, pStreamHeader, pIrp, pContext, pCompletedIrp ); // // Upon return from this routine, pCompetedIrp will be set. // if TRUE, the issue of the Irp was successful and it was // marked pending when it was added to the delay queue. Thus // we must not complete it a second time. // If FALSE, there was some error and the Irp should be // completed. // } } } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_WaveInReadPin( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, OUT BOOL *pCompletedIrp // TRUE if Irp was completed. ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; PSTREAM_HEADER_EX pStreamHeader = NULL; LPWAVEHDR pWaveHdr; #ifdef _WIN64 LPWAVEHDR32 pWaveHdr32; #endif NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success // // Assume that things will be successful. Write back that it's not completed. // *pCompletedIrp = FALSE; // // Verify that we received a valid waveheader // Status = ValidateAndTranslateEx(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 sizeof(WAVEHDR32), #endif sizeof(WAVEHDR), &TranslatedDeviceNumber); Status = AudioAllocateMemory_Fixed(sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX), TAG_Audh_STREAMHEADER, ZERO_FILL_MEMORY, &pStreamHeader); if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { wdmaudMapBuffer(pIrp, DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pWaveHdr, &pStreamHeader->pHeaderMdl, pContext, TRUE); if (NULL == pStreamHeader->pHeaderMdl) { AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX),&pStreamHeader ); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { LPVOID lpData; DWORD dwBufferLength; Status = CaptureBufferToLocalPool( DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned #ifdef _WIN64 ,(IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp))?sizeof(WAVEHDR):0 #endif ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { wdmaudUnmapBuffer( pStreamHeader->pHeaderMdl ); AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX),&pStreamHeader ); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } #ifdef _WIN64 // Thunk the wave header if required. // Note this is an IN PLACE thunk, so we MUST do it in // last element to first element order!!! if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { // Thunk pWaveHdrAligned to 64 bits. pWaveHdr32=(LPWAVEHDR32)pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned; pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->reserved=(DWORD_PTR)pWaveHdr32->reserved; pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->lpNext=(LPWAVEHDR)(UINT_PTR)pWaveHdr32->lpNext; pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->dwLoops=pWaveHdr32->dwLoops; pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->dwFlags=pWaveHdr32->dwFlags; pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->dwUser=(DWORD_PTR)pWaveHdr32->dwUser; pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->dwBytesRecorded=pWaveHdr32->dwBytesRecorded; pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->dwBufferLength=pWaveHdr32->dwBufferLength; pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->lpData=(LPSTR)(UINT_PTR)pWaveHdr32->lpData; } #endif // // Capture these parameters before probing // lpData = pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->lpData; dwBufferLength = pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned->dwBufferLength; try { ProbeForWrite(lpData, dwBufferLength, sizeof(BYTE)); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned ); wdmaudUnmapBuffer(pStreamHeader->pHeaderMdl); AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX),&pStreamHeader ); Status = GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } wdmaudMapBuffer( pIrp, lpData, dwBufferLength, &pStreamHeader->Header.Data, &pStreamHeader->pBufferMdl, pContext, TRUE); // will be freed on completion // // If we get a zero-length buffer, it is alright to not have // a kernel mapped buffer. Otherwise, fail if no Mdl or buffer. // if ( (dwBufferLength != 0) && ((NULL == pStreamHeader->pBufferMdl) || (NULL == pStreamHeader->Header.Data)) ) { wdmaudUnmapBuffer(pStreamHeader->pBufferMdl); AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pStreamHeader->pWaveHdrAligned ); wdmaudUnmapBuffer(pStreamHeader->pHeaderMdl); AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pStreamHeader ); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { pStreamHeader->pIrp = pIrp; // store so we can complete later pStreamHeader->Header.FrameExtent = dwBufferLength ; pStreamHeader->pdwBytesRecorded = &pWaveHdr->dwBytesRecorded; // store so we can use later #ifdef _WIN64 // Fixup dwBytesRecorded pointer for 32 bit irps. if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { pStreamHeader->pdwBytesRecorded = &((LPWAVEHDR32)pWaveHdr)->dwBytesRecorded; } #endif // // Must cleanup any mapped buffers and allocated memory // on error paths in ReadWaveInPin // Status = ReadWaveInPin( &pContext->WaveInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, pStreamHeader, pIrp, pContext, pCompletedIrp ); // // If ReadWaveInPin returns something other then STATUS_PENDING // we could have problems. But only if we marked the IRP as pending. // All other return codes should be handled normally. // #ifdef DEBUG if( *pCompletedIrp ) { ASSERT(Status == STATUS_PENDING); } #endif } } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_MidiInReadPin( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, OUT BOOL *pCompletedIrp // TRUE if Irp was completed. ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; PMIDIINHDR pNewMidiInHdr = NULL; LPMIDIDATA pMidiData; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success // // Assume that things will be successful. Write back that it's not completed. // ASSERT(FALSE == *pCompletedIrp ); // // Verify that we received a valid mididata structure // Status = ValidateAndTranslate(pContext, DeviceInfo, sizeof(MIDIDATA), &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { Status = AudioAllocateMemory_Fixed(sizeof(*pNewMidiInHdr), TAG_Aude_MIDIHEADER, ZERO_FILL_MEMORY, &pNewMidiInHdr); if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { wdmaudMapBuffer( pIrp, DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMidiData, &pNewMidiInHdr->pMdl, pContext, TRUE); if (NULL == pNewMidiInHdr->pMdl) { AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(*pNewMidiInHdr),&pNewMidiInHdr ); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { PWDMAPENDINGIRP_CONTEXT pPendingIrpContext; // // wdmaudPreparteIrp marks the irp as pending, thus // we must not complete the irp when we get to this // point in the code. // Status = wdmaudPrepareIrp ( pIrp, MidiInDevice, pContext, &pPendingIrpContext ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // // Initialize this new MidiIn header // pNewMidiInHdr->pMidiData = pMidiData; pNewMidiInHdr->pIrp = pIrp; pNewMidiInHdr->pPendingIrpContext = pPendingIrpContext; // // Add this header to the tail of the queue // // Must cleanup any mapped buffers and allocated memory // on error paths in AddBufferToMidiInQueue // Status = AddBufferToMidiInQueue( pContext->MidiInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber].pMidiPin, pNewMidiInHdr ); if (STATUS_PENDING != Status) { // Must have been an error, complete Irp wdmaudUnmapBuffer( pNewMidiInHdr->pMdl ); AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pNewMidiInHdr ); wdmaudUnprepareIrp( pIrp, Status, 0, pPendingIrpContext ); } // // because we marked the irp pending, we don't want to // complete it when we return. So, tell the caller not // to complete the Irp. // *pCompletedIrp = TRUE; } } } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_State( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, ULONG IoCode ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success Status = ValidateAndTranslate(pContext, DeviceInfo, 0, &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { switch(IoCode) { // // Midi out state changes // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_RESET: Status = StateMidiOutPin ( pContext->MidiOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber].pMidiPin, KSSTATE_STOP ); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_DATA: Status = WriteMidiEventPin(&pContext->MidiOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], PtrToUlong(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer)); break; // // Midi in state changes // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_STOP: Status = StateMidiInPin ( pContext->MidiInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber].pMidiPin, KSSTATE_PAUSE ); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_RECORD: Status = StateMidiInPin ( pContext->MidiInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber].pMidiPin, KSSTATE_RUN ); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_RESET: Status = ResetMidiInPin ( pContext->MidiInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber].pMidiPin ); break; // // Wave out state changes // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PAUSE: Status = StateWavePin ( &pContext->WaveOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, KSSTATE_PAUSE ); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PLAY: Status = StateWavePin ( &pContext->WaveOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, KSSTATE_RUN ); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_RESET: Status = StateWavePin ( &pContext->WaveOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, KSSTATE_PAUSE ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { Status = ResetWaveOutPin ( &pContext->WaveOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle ) ; } break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_BREAKLOOP: Status = BreakLoopWaveOutPin ( &pContext->WaveOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle ); break; // // Wave In State changes // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_STOP: Status = StateWavePin ( &pContext->WaveInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, KSSTATE_PAUSE ); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_RECORD: Status = StateWavePin ( &pContext->WaveInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, KSSTATE_RUN ); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_RESET: Status = StateWavePin ( &pContext->WaveInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, KSSTATE_STOP ); break; default: break; } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_GetCapabilities( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; PVOID pMappedBuffer; PMDL pMdl; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success // // Passing in DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize as the validation size because we don't care // about the buffer check but we still want the translation code. It's just a short // cut on the ValidateAndTranslate function. // Status = ValidateAndTranslate(pContext, DeviceInfo, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, // Don't care about buffer &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // // Map this buffer into a system address // wdmaudMapBuffer( pIrp, DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer, &pMdl, pContext, TRUE); if (NULL == pMappedBuffer) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { Status = wdmaudGetDevCaps( pContext, DeviceInfo->DeviceType, TranslatedDeviceNumber, pMappedBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize); pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); // // Free the MDL // wdmaudUnmapBuffer( pMdl ); } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_OpenPin( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success // // Passing in DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize as the validation size because we don't care // about the buffer check but we still want the translation code. It's just a short // cut on the ValidateAndTranslate function. // Status = ValidateAndTranslate(pContext, DeviceInfo, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, // Don't care about buffer &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { switch (DeviceInfo->DeviceType) { case WaveOutDevice: case WaveInDevice: if (DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize < sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { LPWAVEFORMATEX pWaveFmt = NULL; // // Ensure alignment by copying to temporary buffer // Status = CaptureBufferToLocalPool(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pWaveFmt #ifdef _WIN64 ,0 #endif ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { if ((pWaveFmt->wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) && ((DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize < sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)) || (DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize != sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + pWaveFmt->cbSize))) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { Status = OpenWavePin( pContext, TranslatedDeviceNumber, pWaveFmt, DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, DeviceInfo->dwFlags, (WaveOutDevice == DeviceInfo->DeviceType? KSPIN_DATAFLOW_IN:KSPIN_DATAFLOW_OUT) ); } // // Free the temporary buffer // AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pWaveFmt ); } } break; case MidiOutDevice: Status = OpenMidiPin( pContext, TranslatedDeviceNumber, KSPIN_DATAFLOW_IN ); break; case MidiInDevice: Status = OpenMidiPin( pContext, TranslatedDeviceNumber, KSPIN_DATAFLOW_OUT ); break; default: Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_ClosePin( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success Status = ValidateAndTranslate(pContext, DeviceInfo, 0, &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { switch (DeviceInfo->DeviceType) { case WaveOutDevice: CloseTheWavePin( &pContext->WaveOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle ); break; case WaveInDevice: CloseTheWavePin( &pContext->WaveInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle ); break; case MidiOutDevice: CloseMidiDevicePin( &pContext->MidiOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber] ); break; case MidiInDevice: CloseMidiDevicePin( &pContext->MidiInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber] ); break; default: Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_GetVolume( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, ULONG IoCode ) { DWORD dwLeft, dwRight; ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; PVOID pMappedBuffer; PMDL pMdl; ULONG ulDeviceType; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success Status = ValidateAndTranslate(pContext, DeviceInfo, sizeof(DWORD), &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { switch(IoCode) { case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_GET_VOLUME: ulDeviceType = MidiOutDevice; break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_VOLUME: ulDeviceType = WaveOutDevice; break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_VOLUME: ulDeviceType = DeviceInfo->DeviceType; break; default: return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Status = GetVolume(pContext, TranslatedDeviceNumber, ulDeviceType, &dwLeft, &dwRight); if( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { wdmaudMapBuffer( pIrp, // Wave buffers look like DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, // DeviceInfo->DataBuffer DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, // DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize &pMappedBuffer, &pMdl, pContext, TRUE); if (NULL == pMappedBuffer) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { // // Write this info back. // *((LPDWORD)pMappedBuffer) = MAKELONG(LOWORD(dwLeft), LOWORD(dwRight)); wdmaudUnmapBuffer( pMdl ); pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); } } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_SetVolume( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, ULONG IoCode ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; PVOID pMappedBuffer; PMDL pMdl; ULONG ulDeviceType; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success Status = ValidateAndTranslate(pContext, DeviceInfo, sizeof(DWORD), &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { wdmaudMapBuffer( pIrp, DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer, &pMdl, pContext, TRUE); if (NULL == pMappedBuffer) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { switch(IoCode) { case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_SET_VOLUME: ulDeviceType = MidiOutDevice; break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_SET_VOLUME: ulDeviceType = WaveOutDevice; break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_VOLUME: ulDeviceType = DeviceInfo->DeviceType; break; default: return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Status = SetVolume(pContext, TranslatedDeviceNumber, ulDeviceType, LOWORD(*((LPDWORD)pMappedBuffer)), HIWORD(*((LPDWORD)pMappedBuffer))); wdmaudUnmapBuffer( pMdl ); pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_WaveGetPos( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, ULONG IoCode ) { WAVEPOSITION WavePos; ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; PVOID pMappedBuffer; PMDL pMdl; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success Status = ValidateAndTranslate(pContext, DeviceInfo, sizeof(DWORD), &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // // Map this buffer into a system address // wdmaudMapBuffer( pIrp, DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer, &pMdl, pContext, TRUE); if (NULL == pMappedBuffer) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { WavePos.Operation = KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET; switch(IoCode) { case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS: Status = PosWavePin(&pContext->WaveOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, &WavePos ); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_GET_POS: Status = PosWavePin ( &pContext->WaveInDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber], DeviceInfo->DeviceHandle, &WavePos ); break; default: return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } *((LPDWORD)pMappedBuffer) = WavePos.BytePos; // // Free the MDL // wdmaudUnmapBuffer( pMdl ); pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); } } return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_MidiOutWriteLongdata( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, BOOL *pCompletedIrp ) { ULONG TranslatedDeviceNumber; LPMIDIHDR pMidiHdr = NULL; #ifdef _WIN64 LPMIDIHDR32 pMidiHdr32; #endif PSTREAM_HEADER_EX pStreamHeader = NULL; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success ASSERT( FALSE == *pCompletedIrp ); // // Verify that we received a valid midiheader // Status = ValidateAndTranslateEx(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 sizeof(MIDIHDR32), #endif sizeof(MIDIHDR), &TranslatedDeviceNumber); if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { return Status; } Status = AudioAllocateMemory_Fixed(sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX), TAG_Audh_STREAMHEADER, ZERO_FILL_MEMORY, &pStreamHeader); if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = CaptureBufferToLocalPool(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMidiHdr #ifdef _WIN64 ,(IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp))?sizeof(MIDIHDR):0 #endif ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX),&pStreamHeader ); // // Why do we change the status here? // return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { LPVOID lpData; DWORD dwBufferLength; #ifdef _WIN64 // Thunk the midi header if required. // Note this is an IN PLACE thunk, so we MUST do it in // last element to first element order!!! if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { // Thunk pMidiHdr to 64 bits. pMidiHdr32=(LPMIDIHDR32)pMidiHdr; #if (WINVER >= 0x0400) { ULONG i; // Again we must go from LAST element to first element in this array. // This IS the reverse of for (i=0; i<(sizeof(pMidiHdr32->dwReserved)/sizeof(UINT32)); i++) for (i=(sizeof(pMidiHdr32->dwReserved)/sizeof(UINT32)); i--;) { pMidiHdr->dwReserved[i]=(DWORD_PTR)pMidiHdr32->dwReserved[i]; } } pMidiHdr->dwOffset=pMidiHdr32->dwOffset; #endif pMidiHdr->reserved=(DWORD_PTR)pMidiHdr32->reserved; pMidiHdr->lpNext=(LPMIDIHDR)(UINT_PTR)pMidiHdr32->lpNext; pMidiHdr->dwFlags=pMidiHdr32->dwFlags; pMidiHdr->dwUser=(DWORD_PTR)pMidiHdr32->dwUser; pMidiHdr->dwBytesRecorded=pMidiHdr32->dwBytesRecorded; pMidiHdr->dwBufferLength=pMidiHdr32->dwBufferLength; pMidiHdr->lpData=(LPSTR)(UINT_PTR)pMidiHdr32->lpData; } #endif // // Capture these parameters before probing // lpData = pMidiHdr->lpData; dwBufferLength = pMidiHdr->dwBufferLength; try { ProbeForRead(lpData, dwBufferLength, sizeof(BYTE)); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pMidiHdr ); AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX),&pStreamHeader ); Status = GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } wdmaudMapBuffer(pIrp, lpData, dwBufferLength, &pStreamHeader->Header.Data, &pStreamHeader->pBufferMdl, pContext, TRUE); // will be freed on completion // // If we get a zero-length buffer, it is alright to not have // a kernel mapped buffer. Otherwise, fail if no Mdl or buffer. // if ( (dwBufferLength != 0) && ((NULL == pStreamHeader->pBufferMdl) || (NULL == pStreamHeader->Header.Data)) ) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; wdmaudUnmapBuffer(pStreamHeader->pBufferMdl); AudioFreeMemory_Unknown( &pMidiHdr ); AudioFreeMemory( sizeof(STREAM_HEADER_EX),&pStreamHeader ); } else { pStreamHeader->pIrp = pIrp; // store so we can complete later pStreamHeader->pMidiPin = pContext->MidiOutDevs[TranslatedDeviceNumber].pMidiPin; pStreamHeader->Header.FrameExtent = dwBufferLength; // // Must cleanup any mapped buffers and allocated memory // on error paths in WriteMidiOutPin // Status = WriteMidiOutPin( pMidiHdr,pStreamHeader,pCompletedIrp ); // // Because WriteMidiOutPin is synchronous, pCompetedIrp will // always come back FALSE so that the caller can clean up the // Irp. // ASSERT( FALSE == *pCompletedIrp ); } } } return Status; } NTSTATUS ValidateAndCapture( PIRP pIrp, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 DWORD ValidationSize32, #endif DWORD ValidationSize, PVOID *ppMappedBuffer ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Assume that we're going to have a problem. // *ppMappedBuffer = NULL; #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { if (DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize != ValidationSize32) { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; return STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; } } else { #endif if (DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize != ValidationSize) { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; return STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; } #ifdef _WIN64 } #endif // // Copy to local data storage // Status = CaptureBufferToLocalPool(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, ppMappedBuffer #ifdef _WIN64 ,(IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp))?ValidationSize:0 #endif ); return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_GetLineInfo( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { PVOID pMappedBuffer; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success // // The size specified in this member must be large enough to // contain the base MIXERLINE structure. // Status = ValidateAndCapture(pIrp,DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 sizeof(MIXERLINE32), #endif sizeof(MIXERLINE), &pMappedBuffer); if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; goto Exit; } #ifdef _WIN64 // Now thunk the MIXERLINE structure to 64 bits. // WARNING we do this a simple easy way, but it is DEPENDENT on the // structure of MIXERLINE. There is currently only 1 parameter that // changes in size between the 32 and 64 bit structures. dwUser. // This will have to get more complicated if the MIXERLINE structure // ever has more stuff in it that needs to be thunked. if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { // First move everything following the dwUser field in the 32 bit // structure down 4 bytes. RtlMoveMemory(&((PMIXERLINE32)pMappedBuffer)->cChannels, &((PMIXERLINE32)pMappedBuffer)->dwComponentType, sizeof(MIXERLINE32)-FIELD_OFFSET(MIXERLINE32,dwComponentType)); // Now thunk dwUser to 64 bits. ((PMIXERLINE)pMappedBuffer)->dwUser=(DWORD_PTR)((PMIXERLINE32)pMappedBuffer)->dwUser; } #endif if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = kmxlGetLineInfoHandler( pContext, DeviceInfo, pMappedBuffer ); // // This call should have set the DeviceInfo->mmr and returned a valid // NTSTATUS value. // #ifdef _WIN64 // Now thunk the MIXERLINE structure back to 32 bits. // WARNING we do this a simple easy way, but it is DEPENDENT on the // structure of MIXERLINE. There is currently only 1 parameter that // changes in size between the 32 and 64 bit structures. dwUser. // This will have to get more complicated if the MIXERLINE structure // ever has more stuff in it that needs to be thunked. // Note that for in place thunks we must do them from LAST to FIRST // field order when thunking up to 64 bits and in FIRST to LAST // field order when thunking back down to 32 bits!!! if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { // Just move everything that now is after dwComponentType back up 4 bytes. RtlMoveMemory(&((PMIXERLINE32)pMappedBuffer)->dwComponentType, &((PMIXERLINE32)pMappedBuffer)->cChannels, sizeof(MIXERLINE32)-FIELD_OFFSET(MIXERLINE32,dwComponentType)); } #endif // // Copy back the contents of the captured buffer // CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); } Exit: pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_GetLineControls( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { PVOID pamxctrl = NULL; PVOID pamxctrlUnmapped; DWORD dwSize; PVOID pMappedBuffer; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success // // The size specified in this member must be large enough to // contain the base MIXERLINECONTROL structure. // Status = ValidateAndCapture(pIrp,DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 sizeof(MIXERLINECONTROLS32), #endif sizeof(MIXERLINECONTROLS), &pMappedBuffer); if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; goto Exit; } #ifdef _WIN64 // Now thunk the MIXERLINECONTROL structure to 64 bits. // Currently this is easy to do as only the last field is different // in size and simply needs to be zero extended. // NOTE: This structure also thus does NOT need any thunking in // the reverse direction! How nice. // NOTE: None of the mixer controls themselves need any thunking. // YEAH!!! if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { ((LPMIXERLINECONTROLS)pMappedBuffer)->pamxctrl=(LPMIXERCONTROL)(UINT_PTR)((LPMIXERLINECONTROLS32)pMappedBuffer)->pamxctrl; } #endif // // Pick reasonable max values for the size and number of controls to eliminate overflow // if ( ( ((LPMIXERLINECONTROLS) pMappedBuffer)->cbmxctrl > 10000 ) || ( ((LPMIXERLINECONTROLS) pMappedBuffer)->cControls > 10000 ) ) { CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { pamxctrlUnmapped = ((LPMIXERLINECONTROLS) pMappedBuffer)->pamxctrl; dwSize = ((LPMIXERLINECONTROLS) pMappedBuffer)->cbmxctrl * ((LPMIXERLINECONTROLS) pMappedBuffer)->cControls; try { ProbeForWrite(pamxctrlUnmapped, dwSize, sizeof(DWORD)); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // // Map the array of mixer controls into system space. The // size of this buffer is the number of controls times the // size of each control. // Status = CaptureBufferToLocalPool(pamxctrlUnmapped, dwSize, &pamxctrl #ifdef _WIN64 ,0 #endif ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // // Call the handler. // Status = kmxlGetLineControlsHandler(pContext, DeviceInfo, pMappedBuffer, pamxctrl ); // // The previous call should have set the DeviceInfo->mmr and returned // a valid Status value. // CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(pamxctrlUnmapped, dwSize, &pamxctrl); } else { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; } } else { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; } CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); Exit: pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); return Status; } #ifdef _WIN64 void ThunkMixerControlDetails_Enter( PVOID pMappedBuffer ) { // Now thunk the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure to 64 bits. // This is an IN PLACE thunk, so MUST be done from last to first fields. ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->paDetails=(LPVOID)(UINT_PTR)((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->paDetails; ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails=((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails; // We always thunk the next field as if it were an HWND since that works for both cases. ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->hwndOwner=(HWND)(UINT_PTR)((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->hwndOwner; ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->cChannels=((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->cChannels; ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->dwControlID=((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->dwControlID; ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->cbStruct=((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->cbStruct; } void ThunkMixerControlDetails_Leave( PVOID pMappedBuffer ) { // Now thunk the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure back to 32 bits. // This is an IN PLACE thunk, so MUST be done from FIRST to LAST // fields. Remember the order is different depending on direction! ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->cbStruct=((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->cbStruct; ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->dwControlID=((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->dwControlID; ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->cChannels=((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->cChannels; // We always thunk the next field as if it were an HWND since that works for both cases. ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->hwndOwner=(UINT32)(UINT_PTR)((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->hwndOwner; ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails=((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails; ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS32)pMappedBuffer)->paDetails=(UINT32)(UINT_PTR)((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS)pMappedBuffer)->paDetails; } #endif NTSTATUS Dispatch_GetControlDetails( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { PVOID paDetails = NULL; PVOID paDetailsUnmapped; DWORD dwSize; PVOID pMappedBuffer; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Assume success. Status = ValidateAndCapture(pIrp,DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS32), #endif sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS), &pMappedBuffer); if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; goto Exit; } #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { ThunkMixerControlDetails_Enter(pMappedBuffer); } #endif // // Pick reasonable max values for the data and number of controls to eliminate overflow // if ( ( ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails > 10000 ) || ( ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cChannels > 100 ) || ( ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cMultipleItems > 100 ) ) { #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { ThunkMixerControlDetails_Leave(pMappedBuffer); } #endif CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { // // Map the array control details into system space. // paDetailsUnmapped = ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->paDetails; if( ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cMultipleItems ) { dwSize = ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cChannels * ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cMultipleItems * ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails; } else { dwSize = ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cChannels * ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails; } try { ProbeForWrite(paDetailsUnmapped, dwSize, sizeof(DWORD)); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { ThunkMixerControlDetails_Leave(pMappedBuffer); } #endif CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = CaptureBufferToLocalPool(paDetailsUnmapped, dwSize, &paDetails #ifdef _WIN64 ,0 #endif ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // // Call the handler. // Status = kmxlGetControlDetailsHandler(pContext, DeviceInfo, pMappedBuffer, paDetails); // // The previous call should have set DeviceInfo->mmr and returned // a valid Status value. // CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(paDetailsUnmapped, dwSize, &paDetails); } else { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; } } else { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; } #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp) && pMappedBuffer) { ThunkMixerControlDetails_Leave(pMappedBuffer); } #endif CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer( DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); Exit: // // Always return the DEVICEINFO number of bytes from this call. // pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_SetControlDetails( PIRP pIrp, PWDMACONTEXT pContext, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { PVOID paDetails = NULL; PVOID paDetailsUnmapped; DWORD dwSize; PVOID pMappedBuffer; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; //Assume success. Status = ValidateAndCapture(pIrp,DeviceInfo, #ifdef _WIN64 sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS32), #endif sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS), &pMappedBuffer); if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { goto Exit; } #ifdef _WIN64 // Now thunk the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure to 64 bits. // This is an IN PLACE thunk, so MUST be done from last to first fields. if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { ThunkMixerControlDetails_Enter(pMappedBuffer); } #endif // // Pick reasonable max values for the data and number of controls to eliminate overflow // if ( ( ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails > 10000 ) || ( ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cChannels > 100 ) || ( ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cMultipleItems > 100 ) ) { #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { ThunkMixerControlDetails_Leave(pMappedBuffer); } #endif CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { // // Map the array control details into system space. // paDetailsUnmapped = ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->paDetails; if( ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cMultipleItems ) { dwSize = ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cChannels * ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cMultipleItems * ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails; } else { dwSize = ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cChannels * ((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->cbDetails; } try { ProbeForRead(((LPMIXERCONTROLDETAILS) pMappedBuffer)->paDetails, dwSize, sizeof(DWORD)); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { ThunkMixerControlDetails_Leave(pMappedBuffer); } #endif CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = CaptureBufferToLocalPool(paDetailsUnmapped, dwSize, &paDetails #ifdef _WIN64 ,0 #endif ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // // Call the handler. // Status = kmxlSetControlDetailsHandler(pContext, DeviceInfo, pMappedBuffer, paDetails, MIXER_FLAG_PERSIST ); // // The previous call should have set DeviceInfo->mmr and returned // a valid Status value. // CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(paDetailsUnmapped, dwSize, &paDetails); } else { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; } } else { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; } #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp) && pMappedBuffer) { ThunkMixerControlDetails_Leave(pMappedBuffer); } #endif CopyAndFreeCapturedBuffer(DeviceInfo->DataBuffer, DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize, &pMappedBuffer); Exit: // // Always return sizeof(DEVICEINFO) for this call. // pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); return Status; } NTSTATUS Dispatch_GetHardwareEventData( PIRP pIrp, LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Always return sizeof(DEVICEINFO) for this call. // pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); if (DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize != 0) { DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { GetHardwareEventData(DeviceInfo); } return Status; } NTSTATUS SoundDispatch( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDO, IN PIRP pIrp ) /*++ Routine Description: Driver dispatch routine. Processes IRPs based on IRP MajorFunction Arguments: pDO -- pointer to the device object pIrp -- pointer to the IRP to process Return Value: Returns the value of the IRP IoStatus.Status --*/ { PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpStack; PWDMACONTEXT pContext; LPDEVICEINFO DeviceInfo; #ifdef _WIN64 LPDEVICEINFO32 DeviceInfo32=NULL; LOCALDEVICEINFO LocalDeviceInfo; #endif LPVOID DataBuffer; DWORD DataBufferSize; ULONG IoCode; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PAGED_CODE(); // // Get the CurrentStackLocation and log it so we know what is going on // pIrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp); IoCode = pIrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode; pContext = pIrpStack->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT(pContext); ASSERT(pIrpStack->MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CREATE && pIrpStack->MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CLOSE); // // Can't assume that FsContext is initialized if the device has // been opened with FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN // if (pIrpStack->FileObject->Flags & FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN) { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL: Opened with FO_DIRECT_DEVICE_OPEN, no device context") ); return KsDefaultDeviceIoCompletion(pDO, pIrp); } Status = ValidateIrp(pIrp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { pIrp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); RETURN( Status ); } #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { DeviceInfo32=((LPDEVICEINFO32)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); RtlZeroMemory(&LocalDeviceInfo, sizeof(LOCALDEVICEINFO)); DeviceInfo=&LocalDeviceInfo.DeviceInfo; ThunkDeviceInfo3264(DeviceInfo32, DeviceInfo); } else { #endif DeviceInfo = ((LPDEVICEINFO)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); #ifdef _WIN64 } #endif DataBufferSize = DeviceInfo->DataBufferSize; WdmaGrabMutex(pContext); switch (pIrpStack->MajorFunction) { case IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL: { switch (IoCode) { case IOCTL_WDMAUD_INIT: DPF( DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_INIT")); if (DataBufferSize != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; break; } WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext); // // If sysaudio fails to load, the device interface // will be disabled and the SysAudioPnPNotification // will not be called anymore until the sysaudio // device interface is reenabled. // if ( IsSysaudioInterfaceActive() ) { KeWaitForSingleObject(&pContext->InitializedSysaudioEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); // This could happen if there was an error in InitializeSysaudio or // the memory allocation failed in QueueWorkList if (pContext->fInitializeSysaudio == FALSE) { Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_INIT: Didn't init sysaudio! Failing IOCTL_WDMAUD_INIT: %08x", Status)); } } else { Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_INIT: Sysaudio Device interface disabled! Failing IOCTL_WDMAUD_INIT: %08x", Status)); } WdmaGrabMutex(pContext); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_EXIT: if (DataBufferSize != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; break; } DPF( DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_EXIT")); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_ADD_DEVNODE: { DPF( DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_ADD_DEVNODE")); if (DataBufferSize != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; break; } DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_INSTANCE,("pContext=%08X, DI=%08X DeviceType=%08X", pContext, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo->DeviceType) ); Status=AddDevNode(pContext, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo->DeviceType); break; } case IOCTL_WDMAUD_REMOVE_DEVNODE: { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_REMOVE_DEVNODE")); if (DataBufferSize != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; break; } RemoveDevNode(pContext, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, DeviceInfo->DeviceType); break; } case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_CAPABILITIES: DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_CAPABILITIES")); Status = Dispatch_GetCapabilities(pIrp,pContext, DeviceInfo); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_NUM_DEVS: DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_NUM_DEVS")); if (DataBufferSize != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; break; } Status = wdmaudGetNumDevs(pContext, DeviceInfo->DeviceType, DeviceInfo->wstrDeviceInterface, &DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber); pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); DeviceInfo->mmr=MMSYSERR_NOERROR; break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_PREFERRED_DEVICE: DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_PREFERRED_DEVICE %d", DeviceInfo->DeviceNumber)); Status = SetPreferredDevice(pContext, DeviceInfo); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_OPEN_PIN: DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_OPEN_PIN")); UpdatePreferredDevice(pContext); Status = Dispatch_OpenPin(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_CLOSE_PIN: DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_CLOSE_PIN")); Status = Dispatch_ClosePin(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo); break; // // WaveOut, wavein, midiout and midiin routines // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PAUSE: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_PLAY: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_BREAKLOOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_STOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_RECORD: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_RESET: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_DATA: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_STOP: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_RECORD: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_RESET: Status = Dispatch_State(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo, IoCode); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_POS: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_GET_POS: Status = Dispatch_WaveGetPos(pIrp,pContext, DeviceInfo,IoCode); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_GET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_GET_VOLUME: Status = Dispatch_GetVolume(pIrp,pContext, DeviceInfo,IoCode); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_SET_VOLUME: case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_SET_VOLUME: Status = Dispatch_SetVolume(pIrp,pContext, DeviceInfo,IoCode); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_WRITE_PIN: { BOOL bCompletedIrp = FALSE; DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_OUT_WRITE_PIN")); Status = Dispatch_WaveOutWritePin(pIrp,pContext, DeviceInfo,&bCompletedIrp); if( bCompletedIrp ) { // // !!! NOTE: Must return here so that we don't call IoCompleteRequest later !!! // WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext); // For 32 bit irps we do NOT need to thunk DeviceInfo back to 32 bits, since // nothing in this case statement has written anything into the DeviceInfo // structure. If thunking back is ever required, make sure to NOT touch a // potentially already completed irp. WriteWaveOutPin now completes the irp // in some cases. return Status ; } // // If there was some problem trying to schedule the Irp we will // end up here. bCompleteIrp will still be FALSE indicating that // we need to complete the Irp. So, we break out of the switch // statement, endin up at the end of SoundDispatch perform cleanup // and complete the Irp. // } break; // // WaveIn routines // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_READ_PIN: { BOOL bCompletedIrp = FALSE; DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_WAVE_IN_READ_PIN")); Status = Dispatch_WaveInReadPin(pIrp,pContext, DeviceInfo,&bCompletedIrp); if( bCompletedIrp ) { // // Don't need the lock any longer. // WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext); return Status; } // For 32 bit irps we do NOT need to thunk DeviceInfo back to 32 bits, since // nothing in this case statement has written anything into the DeviceInfo // structure. If thunking back is ever required, make sure to NOT touch a // potentially already completed irp. ReadWaveInPin now completes the irp // in some cases. // // If there was some problem trying to schedule the Irp we will // end up here. bCompleteIrp will still be FALSE indicating that // we need to complete the Irp. So, we break out of the switch // statement, endin up at the end of SoundDispatch perform cleanup // and complete the Irp. // } break; // // MidiOut routines // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_LONGDATA: { BOOL bCompletedIrp = FALSE; DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_OUT_WRITE_LONGDATA")); Status = Dispatch_MidiOutWriteLongdata(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo, &bCompletedIrp); // // If it was completed already, don't do it again! // if( bCompletedIrp ) { // // Don't need the lock any longer. // WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext); // For 32 bit irps we do NOT need to thunk DeviceInfo back to 32 bits, since // nothing in this case statement has written anything into the DeviceInfo // structure. If thunking back is ever required, make sure to NOT touch a // potentially already completed irp. wdmaudUnprepareIrp now completes the irp // in most cases. return Status; } // // If there was some problem trying to schedule the Irp we will // end up here. bCompleteIrp will still be FALSE indicating that // we need to complete the Irp. So, we break out of the switch // statement, endin up at the end of SoundDispatch perform cleanup // and complete the Irp. // } break; // // MidiIn routines // // // Buffers for recording MIDI messages... // case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_READ_PIN: { BOOL bCompletedIrp = FALSE; DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIDI_IN_READ_PIN")); Status = Dispatch_MidiInReadPin(pIrp,pContext, DeviceInfo,&bCompletedIrp); // // If it was completed already, don't do it again! // if( bCompletedIrp ) { // // Don't need the lock any longer. // WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext); // For 32 bit irps we do NOT need to thunk DeviceInfo back to 32 bits, since // nothing in this case statement has written anything into the DeviceInfo // structure. If thunking back is ever required, make sure to NOT touch a // potentially already completed irp. wdmaudUnprepareIrp now completes the irp // in most cases. return Status; } // // If there was some problem trying to schedule the Irp we will // end up here. bCompleteIrp will still be FALSE indicating that // we need to complete the Irp. So, we break out of the switch // statement, endin up at the end of SoundDispatch perform cleanup // and complete the Irp. // } break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_OPEN: DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_OPEN")); { extern PKEVENT pHardwareCallbackEvent; if (DataBufferSize != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); break; } if (pHardwareCallbackEvent==NULL && DeviceInfo->HardwareCallbackEventHandle) { Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(DeviceInfo->HardwareCallbackEventHandle, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, *ExEventObjectType, pIrp->RequestorMode, (PVOID *)&pHardwareCallbackEvent, NULL); if (Status!=STATUS_SUCCESS) { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_IOCTL, ("Could not reference hardware callback event object!")); } } Status = kmxlOpenHandler( pContext, DeviceInfo, NULL ); pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); } break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_CLOSE: DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_CLOSE")); if (DataBufferSize != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; DeviceInfo->mmr = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); break; } Status = kmxlCloseHandler( DeviceInfo, NULL ); pIrp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DEVICEINFO); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINEINFO: DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINEINFO")); Status = Dispatch_GetLineInfo(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo); break; case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINECONTROLS: { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETLINECONTROLS")); Status = Dispatch_GetLineControls(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo); break; } case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILS: { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILS")); Status = Dispatch_GetControlDetails(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo); break; } case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILS: { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILS")); Status = Dispatch_SetControlDetails(pIrp, pContext, DeviceInfo); break; } case IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETHARDWAREEVENTDATA: { DPF(DL_TRACE|FA_IOCTL, ("IOCTL_WDMAUD_MIXER_GETHARDWAREEVENTDATA")); Status = Dispatch_GetHardwareEventData(pIrp, DeviceInfo); break; } default: { Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } // end of switch on IOCTL break; } default: { Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } // end of switch on IRP_MAJOR_XXXX #ifdef _WIN64 if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { if (DeviceInfo32!=NULL) { ThunkDeviceInfo6432(DeviceInfo, DeviceInfo32); } else { DPF(DL_WARNING|FA_IOCTL,("DeviceInfo32") ); } } #endif // // Now complete the IRP // pIrp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); WdmaReleaseMutex(pContext); RETURN( Status ); }