ADSI NWCOMPAT Provider Component Description

This component contains a provider for Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) that permits accessing Novell NetWare Bindery (NetWare 3.x) directories. By using this component, you can access and modify Bindery directories using Component Object Model (COM) interfaces exported by ADSI. These interfaces are usable from both Automation-compatible languages, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, Scripting Edition (VBScript) and vtable-based languages, such as Microsoft Visual C++.

This component uses Microsoft Client Services for NetWare to access the NetWare Bindery servers. It is not compatible with third-party NetWare clients.

This ADSI provider does not expose the IDirectorySearch interface for searching, and therefore cannot be used with Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) or OLE DB.

Component Configuration

There are no configuration parameters associated with this component.

For More Information

ADSI is documented in the Platform SDK and the MSDN Library, in the Directory Services section.