//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: request.h // // Contents: Declaration of CCertRequest // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "xelib.h" #include "cscomres.h" // main symbols ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // certcli class ATL_NO_VTABLE CCertRequest: public IDispatchImpl, public ISupportErrorInfoImpl<&IID_ICertRequest2>, public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass { public: CCertRequest() { m_dwServerVersion = 0; m_pICertRequestD = NULL; m_hRPCCertServer = NULL; m_pwszDispositionMessage = NULL; m_pbRequest = NULL; m_pbCert = NULL; m_pbCertificateChain = NULL; m_pbFullResponse = NULL; m_pwszServerName = NULL; m_rpcAuthProtocol = 0; m_rgResponse = NULL; m_hStoreResponse = NULL; _InitCAPropInfo(); _Cleanup(); } ~CCertRequest(); BEGIN_COM_MAP(CCertRequest) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICertRequest) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICertRequest2) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CCertRequest) // Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to // support aggregation. The default is to support it DECLARE_REGISTRY( CCertRequest, wszCLASS_CERTREQUEST TEXT(".1"), wszCLASS_CERTREQUEST, IDS_CERTREQUEST_DESC, THREADFLAGS_BOTH) // ICertRequest public: STDMETHOD(Submit)( /* [in] */ LONG Flags, /* [in] */ BSTR const strRequest, /* [in] */ BSTR const strAttributes, /* [in] */ BSTR const strConfig, /* [out, retval] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pDisposition); STDMETHOD(RetrievePending)( /* [in] */ LONG RequestId, /* [in] */ BSTR const strConfig, /* [out, retval] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pDisposition); STDMETHOD(GetLastStatus)( /* [out, retval] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pLastStatus); STDMETHOD(GetRequestId)( /* [out, retval] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pRequestId); STDMETHOD(GetDispositionMessage)( /* [out, retval] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrDispositionMessage); STDMETHOD(GetCACertificate)( /* [in] */ LONG fExchangeCertificate, /* [in] */ BSTR const strConfig, /* [in] */ LONG Flags, /* [out, retval] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrCACertificate); STDMETHOD(GetCertificate)( /* [in] */ LONG Flags, /* [out, retval] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrCertificate); // ICertRequest2 public: STDMETHOD(GetIssuedCertificate)( /* [in] */ const BSTR strConfig, /* [in] */ LONG RequestId, /* [in] */ const BSTR strSerialNumber, /* [out, retval] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pDisposition); STDMETHOD(GetErrorMessageText)( /* [in] */ LONG hrMessage, /* [in] */ LONG Flags, /* [out, retval] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrErrorMessageText); STDMETHOD(GetCAProperty)( /* [in] */ BSTR const strConfig, /* [in] */ LONG PropId, // CR_PROP_* /* [in] */ LONG PropIndex, /* [in] */ LONG PropType, // PROPTYPE_* /* [in] */ LONG Flags, // CR_OUT_* /* [out, retval] */ VARIANT *pvarPropertyValue); STDMETHOD(GetCAPropertyFlags)( /* [in] */ BSTR const strConfig, /* [in] */ LONG PropId, // CR_PROP_* /* [out, retval] */ LONG *pPropFlags); STDMETHOD(GetCAPropertyDisplayName)( /* [in] */ BSTR const strConfig, /* [in] */ LONG PropId, // CR_PROP_* /* [out, retval] */ BSTR *pstrDisplayName); STDMETHOD(GetFullResponseProperty)( /* [in] */ LONG PropId, // FR_PROP_* /* [in] */ LONG PropIndex, /* [in] */ LONG PropType, // PROPTYPE_* /* [in] */ LONG Flags, // CR_OUT_* /* [out, retval] */ VARIANT *pvarPropertyValue); private: HRESULT _OpenRPCConnection( IN WCHAR const *pwszConfig, OUT BOOL *pfNewConnection, OUT WCHAR const **ppwszAuthority); HRESULT _OpenConnection( IN BOOL fRPC, IN WCHAR const *pwszConfig, IN DWORD RequiredVersion, OUT WCHAR const **ppwszAuthority); VOID _CloseConnection(); VOID _InitCAPropInfo(); VOID _CleanupCAPropInfo(); VOID _Cleanup(); VOID _CleanupOldConnection(); HRESULT _FindCAPropInfo( IN BSTR const strConfig, IN LONG PropId, OUT CAPROP const **ppcap); HRESULT _RequestCertificate( IN LONG Flags, IN LONG RequestId, OPTIONAL IN BSTR const strRequest, OPTIONAL IN BSTR const strAttributes, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszSerialNumber, IN BSTR const strConfig, IN DWORD RequiredVersion, OUT LONG *pDisposition); HRESULT _FindIssuedCertificate( OPTIONAL IN BYTE const *pbCertHash, IN DWORD cbCertHash, OUT CERT_CONTEXT const **ppccIssued); HRESULT _BuildIssuedCertificateChain( OPTIONAL IN BYTE const *pbCertHash, IN DWORD cbCertHash, IN BOOL fIncludeCRLs, OUT BYTE **ppbCertChain, OUT DWORD *pcbCertChain); HRESULT _SetErrorInfo( IN HRESULT hrError, IN WCHAR const *pwszDescription); DWORD m_dwServerVersion; ICertRequestD2 *m_pICertRequestD; handle_t m_hRPCCertServer; LONG m_LastStatus; LONG m_RequestId; LONG m_Disposition; WCHAR *m_pwszDispositionMessage; BYTE *m_pbRequest; LONG m_cbRequest; BYTE *m_pbCert; LONG m_cbCert; BYTE *m_pbCertificateChain; LONG m_cbCertificateChain; BYTE *m_pbFullResponse; LONG m_cbFullResponse; HCERTSTORE m_hStoreResponse; XCMCRESPONSE *m_rgResponse; DWORD m_cResponse; BYTE *m_pbCACertState; DWORD m_cbCACertState; BYTE *m_pbCACertVersion; DWORD m_cbCACertVersion; BYTE *m_pbCRLState; DWORD m_cbCRLState; CAPROP *m_pCAPropInfo; LONG m_cCAPropInfo; CAINFO *m_pCAInfo; DWORD m_cbCAInfo; WCHAR *m_pwszServerName; INT m_rpcAuthProtocol; BYTE *m_pbKRACertState; DWORD m_cbKRACertState; BYTE *m_pbForwardCrossCertState; DWORD m_cbForwardCrossCertState; BYTE *m_pbBackwardCrossCertState; DWORD m_cbBackwardCrossCertState; };