<%@ CODEPAGE=65001 'UTF-8%> <%' certlynx.asp - (CERT)srv web - (LYNX) adapter page ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 %> <%bIncludeTemplateCode=True%> <% ' This page redirects queries that come from Text-only browsers '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Strings to be localized Const L_CertOK_Message="The certificate request passes basic validity tests. Please continue." Const L_BlankRequest_ErrorMessage="The request field may not be left blank. Please paste a request in the field and try again." Const L_SavedReqCert_Text="Saved-Request Certificate" ' Note: should match string in certrqxt.asp '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' This function produces the standard header that all the pages ' in this file use. We put it here to keep the localization parser happy Sub PrintHtmlHeader %> Microsoft Certificate Services
Microsoft Certificate Services  --  <%=sServerDisplayName%>   Home
<% End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' BEGIN PROCESSING '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Non-text-only browsers with javascript off: If "Text"<>sBrowser Then PrintHtmlHeader %>

Scripting Must Be Enabled

This web site requires that scripting be enabled in your browser. Please enable scripting and try your last action again. <% '------------------------------------------------------------- ' External request page ElseIf "certrqxt"=Request.Form("SourcePage") Then 'validate the data ' if it's good, send it to submit ' else send it back to external request Dim sRequest, bAllowContiune, sMessage, bError, sAttrib sRequest=Request.Form("taRequest") sMessage=L_CertOK_Message bAllowContinue=True bError=False If ""=sRequest Then sMessage=L_BlankRequest_ErrorMessage bAllowContinue=False bError=True End If sAttrib=Request.Form("taAttrib") If "Enterprise"=sServerType Then ' add an attribute for the cert type Dim sTemplate ' get the selected template sTemplate=Request.Form("lbCertTemplate") ' get template real name sTemplate=getTemplateStringInfo(CTINFO_INDEX_REALNAME, null) ' set the cert template sAttrib=sAttrib & "CertificateTemplate:" & sTemplate & vbNewLine End If ' for interop debug purposes sAttrib=sAttrib & "UserAgent:" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & vbNewLine PrintHtmlHeader %>

<%If True=bError Then%>

Error <%Else%>

Checkpoint <%End If%>


<%If True=bAllowContinue Then%> <%End If%>
<%If True=bAllowContinue Then%>
<%End If%>
<% '------------------------------------------------------------- ' Unexpected form -- should never happen Else PrintHtmlHeader %>


An unexpected error has occurred. The form you submitted ("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Form("SourcePage"))%>") is unknown.

Submitted data:

<% End If %>