<%@ CODEPAGE=65001 'UTF-8%> <%' certrqma.asp - (CERT)srv web - (R)e(Q)uest, (M)ore (A)dvanced ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 %> <% On Error Resume Next ' Exporting keys to a pvk file is only used by old code signing tools. ' (This is different from exporting both cert and keys in a pfx file.) ' Set this flag to true if you really need this functionality bEnableExportKeyToFile = True Dim bFailed, nError bFailed=False nError = 0 If "Enterprise"=sServerType And "IE"=sBrowser Then ' get CA exchange cert and save into this page Const CR_OUT_BASE64 =&H00000001 Const CR_PROP_CAEXCHGCERT=15 Const PROPTYPE_BINARY=3 Set ICertRequest2=Server.CreateObject("CertificateAuthority.Request") Public sCAExchangeCert Dim sCertificate sCertificate=ICertRequest2.GetCAProperty(sServerConfig, CR_PROP_CAEXCHGCERT, 0, PROPTYPE_BINARY, CR_OUT_BASE64) sCAExchangeCert=FormatBigString(sCertificate, " sCAExchange=sCAExchange & ") '&H800B0113, CERT_E_INVALID_POLICY, treat it as OK If Err.Number<>0 And Err.Number <> &H800B0113 Then ' CA may be down. bFailed=True nError=Err.Number End If End If '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Format the big string as a concatenated VB string, breaking at the embedded newlines Function FormatBigString(sSource, sLinePrefix) Dim sResult, bCharsLeft, nStartChar, nStopChar, chQuote sResult="" chQuote=chr(34) bCharsLeft=True nStopChar=1 While (bCharsLeft) nStartChar=nStopChar nStopChar=InStr(nStopChar, sSource, vbNewLine) If (nStopChar>0) Then sResult=sResult & sLinePrefix & chQuote & Mid(sSource, nStartChar, nStopChar-nStartChar) & chQuote & " & vbNewLine" If (nStopChar>=Len(sSource)-Len(vbNewLine)) Then bCharsLeft=False End If Else bCharsLeft=False End if sResult=sResult & vbNewLine nStopChar=nStopChar+Len(vbNewLine) Wend FormatBigString=sResult End Function %> Microsoft Certificate Services <%If True=bFailed Then %> <%Else%> <%End If%>
Microsoft Certificate Services  --  <%=sServerDisplayName%>   Home
<%If True=bFailed Then %>


An unexpected error has occurred:

<%If nError=&H800706BA Or nError=&H80070005 Then%> The Certification Authority Service has not been started. <%ElseIf nError=&H800b0101 Then%> A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file. <%Else%> <%=ICertRequest.GetErrorMessageText(nError, CR_GEMT_HRESULT_STRING)%> <%End If%> <%Else 'True<>bFailed%>

Advanced Certificate Request
<%If "Enterprise"=sServerType Then%> <%End If '"Enterprise"=sServerType%> <%If "StandAlone"=sServerType Then%> <%End If%>

<%If "Enterprise"=sServerType Then%> <%End If '"Enterprise"=sServerType%>

Type of Certificate Needed:

Key Options:
Key Usage:        
  Min:   (common key sizes: )
<%If bEnableExportKeyToFile Then%> <%End If%>

Stores the certificate in the local computer store
instead of in the user's certificate store. Does not
install the root CA's certificate. You must be an
administrator to generate or use a key in the local
machine store.

Additional Options:
Request Format:    
Only used to sign request.


<%bIncludeXEnroll=True%> <%bIncludeGetCspList=True%> <%bIncludeTemplateCode=True%> <%bIncludeCheckClientCode=True%>
<%End If 'bFailed%>