%@ CODEPAGE=65001 'UTF-8%> <%' certrsdn.asp - (CERT)srv web - (R)e(S)ult: (D)e(N)y ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 %> <% ' came from certfnsh.asp Dim sMode, nDisposition 'Disposition code ref: \nt\public\sdk\inc\certcli.h Const CR_DISP_INCOMPLETE =0 Const CR_DISP_ERROR =1 Const CR_DISP_DENIED =2 Const CR_DISP_ISSUED =3 Const CR_DISP_ISSUED_OUT_OF_BAND=4 Const CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION =5 Const CR_DISP_REVOKED =6 Const no_disp=-1 sMode=Request.Form("Mode") nDisposition=Session("nDisposition") ' If this is a pending request, remove it from the user's cookie If "chkpnd"=sMode Then RemoveReq(Request.Form("ReqID")) End If %>
Certificate Request Denied
Your certificate was issued, and then revoked.
<%Else%>Your certificate request was denied.
<%End If%><% Dim ICertRequest, strTmpReasonCode Set ICertRequest=Session("ICertRequest") nReqId=ICertRequest.GetRequestID() strTmpReasonCode=ICertRequest.GetDispositionMessage() %> Your Request Id is <%=nReqId%>. The disposition message is "<%=strTmpReasonCode%>".
Contact your administrator for further information.