//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: module.h // // Contents: CCertManageExitModuleSQLSample definition // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "exitsql.h" #include "resource.h" // main symbols class CCertManageExitModuleSQLSample: public CComDualImpl, public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass { public: CCertManageExitModuleSQLSample() { m_hWnd = NULL; } ~CCertManageExitModuleSQLSample() {} BEGIN_COM_MAP(CCertManageExitModuleSQLSample) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICertManageModule) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CCertManageExitModuleSQLSample) // Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to // support aggregation. The default is to support it // UNDONE UNDONE DECLARE_REGISTRY( CCertManageExitModuleSQLSample, wszCLASS_CERTMANAGESAMPLE TEXT(".1"), wszCLASS_CERTMANAGESAMPLE, IDS_CERTMANAGEEXITMODULE_DESC, THREADFLAGS_BOTH) // ICertManageModule public: STDMETHOD (GetProperty) ( /* [in] */ const BSTR strConfig, /* [in] */ BSTR strStorageLocation, /* [in] */ BSTR strPropertyName, /* [in] */ LONG dwFlags, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pvarProperty); STDMETHOD (SetProperty)( /* [in] */ const BSTR strConfig, /* [in] */ BSTR strStorageLocation, /* [in] */ BSTR strPropertyName, /* [in] */ LONG dwFlags, /* [in] */ VARIANT const __RPC_FAR *pvarProperty); STDMETHOD (Configure)( /* [in] */ const BSTR strConfig, /* [in] */ BSTR strStorageLocation, /* [in] */ LONG dwFlags); public: HWND m_hWnd; };