Attribute VB_Name = "Const" Option Explicit '+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Microsoft Windows ' ' File: wincrypt.h ' ' Contents: Cryptographic API Prototypes and Definitions ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Algorithm IDs and Flags ' ' ALG_ID crackers ' Algorithm classes Public Const ALG_CLASS_ANY As Long = 0 ' Algorithm types Public Const ALG_TYPE_ANY As Long = 0 ' Generic sub-ids Public Const ALG_SID_ANY As Long = 0 ' Some RSA sub-ids Public Const ALG_SID_RSA_ANY As Long = 0 Public Const ALG_SID_RSA_PKCS As Long = 1 Public Const ALG_SID_RSA_MSATWORK As Long = 2 Public Const ALG_SID_RSA_ENTRUST As Long = 3 Public Const ALG_SID_RSA_PGP As Long = 4 ' Some DSS sub-ids ' Public Const ALG_SID_DSS_ANY As Long = 0 Public Const ALG_SID_DSS_PKCS As Long = 1 Public Const ALG_SID_DSS_DMS As Long = 2 ' Block cipher sub ids ' DES sub_ids Public Const ALG_SID_DES As Long = 1 Public Const ALG_SID_3DES As Long = 3 Public Const ALG_SID_DESX As Long = 4 Public Const ALG_SID_IDEA As Long = 5 Public Const ALG_SID_CAST As Long = 6 Public Const ALG_SID_SAFERSK64 As Long = 7 Public Const ALG_SID_SAFERSK128 As Long = 8 Public Const ALG_SID_3DES_112 As Long = 9 Public Const ALG_SID_CYLINK_MEK As Long = 12 Public Const ALG_SID_RC5 As Long = 13 ' Fortezza sub-ids Public Const ALG_SID_SKIPJACK As Long = 10 Public Const ALG_SID_TEK As Long = 11 ' KP_MODE Public Const CRYPT_MODE_CBCI As Long = 6 Public Const CRYPT_MODE_CFBP As Long = 7 Public Const CRYPT_MODE_OFBP As Long = 8 Public Const CRYPT_MODE_CBCOFM As Long = 9 Public Const CRYPT_MODE_CBCOFMI As Long = 10 ' RC2 sub-ids Public Const ALG_SID_RC2 As Long = 2 ' Stream cipher sub-ids Public Const ALG_SID_RC4 As Long = 1 Public Const ALG_SID_SEAL As Long = 2 ' Diffie-Hellman sub-ids Public Const ALG_SID_DH_SANDF As Long = 1 Public Const ALG_SID_DH_EPHEM As Long = 2 Public Const ALG_SID_AGREED_KEY_ANY As Long = 3 Public Const ALG_SID_KEA As Long = 4 ' Hash sub ids Public Const ALG_SID_MD2 As Long = 1 Public Const ALG_SID_MD4 As Long = 2 Public Const ALG_SID_MD5 As Long = 3 Public Const ALG_SID_SHA As Long = 4 Public Const ALG_SID_SHA1 As Long = 4 Public Const ALG_SID_MAC As Long = 5 Public Const ALG_SID_RIPEMD As Long = 6 Public Const ALG_SID_RIPEMD160 As Long = 7 Public Const ALG_SID_SSL3SHAMD5 As Long = 8 Public Const ALG_SID_HMAC As Long = 9 Public Const ALG_SID_TLS1PRF As Long = 10 ' secure channel sub ids Public Const ALG_SID_SSL3_MASTER As Long = 1 Public Const ALG_SID_SCHANNEL_MASTER_HASH As Long = 2 Public Const ALG_SID_SCHANNEL_MAC_KEY As Long = 3 Public Const ALG_SID_PCT1_MASTER As Long = 4 Public Const ALG_SID_SSL2_MASTER As Long = 5 Public Const ALG_SID_TLS1_MASTER As Long = 6 Public Const ALG_SID_SCHANNEL_ENC_KEY As Long = 7 ' Our silly example sub-id Public Const ALG_SID_EXAMPLE As Long = 80 ' algorithm identifier definitions ' resource number for signatures in the CSP Public Const SIGNATURE_RESOURCE_NUMBER As Long = &H29A ' dwFlags definitions for CryptAcquireContext Public Const CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT As Long = &HF0000000 Public Const CRYPT_NEWKEYSET As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CRYPT_DELETEKEYSET As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET As Long = &H00000020 Public Const CRYPT_SILENT As Long = &H00000040 ' dwFlag definitions for CryptGenKey Public Const CRYPT_EXPORTABLE As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_USER_PROTECTED As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRYPT_CREATE_SALT As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CRYPT_UPDATE_KEY As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CRYPT_NO_SALT As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CRYPT_PREGEN As Long = &H00000040 Public Const CRYPT_RECIPIENT As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CRYPT_INITIATOR As Long = &H00000040 Public Const CRYPT_ONLINE As Long = &H00000080 Public Const CRYPT_SF As Long = &H00000100 Public Const CRYPT_CREATE_IV As Long = &H00000200 Public Const CRYPT_KEK As Long = &H00000400 Public Const CRYPT_DATA_KEY As Long = &H00000800 Public Const CRYPT_VOLATILE As Long = &H00001000 Public Const CRYPT_SGCKEY As Long = &H00002000 Public Const RSA1024BIT_KEY As Long = &H04000000 ' dwFlags definitions for CryptDeriveKey Public Const CRYPT_SERVER As Long = &H00000400 Public Const KEY_LENGTH_MASK As Long = &HFFFF0000 ' dwFlag definitions for CryptExportKey Public Const CRYPT_Y_ONLY As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_SSL2_FALLBACK As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRYPT_DESTROYKEY As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CRYPT_OAEP As Long = &H00000040 Public Const CRYPT_BLOB_VER3 As Long = &H00000080 ' dwFlags definitions for CryptCreateHash Public Const CRYPT_SECRETDIGEST As Long = &H00000001 ' dwFlags definitions for CryptHashSessionKey Public Const CRYPT_LITTLE_ENDIAN As Long = &H00000001 ' dwFlags definitions for CryptSignHash and CryptVerifySignature Public Const CRYPT_NOHASHOID As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_TYPE2_FORMAT As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRYPT_X931_FORMAT As Long = &H00000004 ' dwFlag definitions for CryptSetProviderEx and CryptGetDefaultProvider Public Const CRYPT_MACHINE_DEFAULT As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_USER_DEFAULT As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRYPT_DELETE_DEFAULT As Long = &H00000004 ' exported key blob definitions Public Const SIMPLEBLOB As Long = &H1 Public Const PUBLICKEYBLOB As Long = &H6 Public Const PRIVATEKEYBLOB As Long = &H7 Public Const PLAINTEXTKEYBLOB As Long = &H8 Public Const OPAQUEKEYBLOB As Long = &H9 Public Const PUBLICKEYBLOBEX As Long = &HA Public Const SYMMETRICWRAPKEYBLOB As Long = &HB Public Const AT_KEYEXCHANGE As Long = 1 Public Const AT_SIGNATURE As Long = 2 Public Const CRYPT_USERDATA As Long = 1 ' dwParam Public Const KP_IV As Long = 1 Public Const KP_SALT As Long = 2 Public Const KP_PADDING As Long = 3 Public Const KP_MODE As Long = 4 Public Const KP_MODE_BITS As Long = 5 Public Const KP_PERMISSIONS As Long = 6 Public Const KP_ALGID As Long = 7 Public Const KP_BLOCKLEN As Long = 8 Public Const KP_KEYLEN As Long = 9 Public Const KP_SALT_EX As Long = 10 Public Const KP_P As Long = 11 Public Const KP_G As Long = 12 Public Const KP_Q As Long = 13 Public Const KP_X As Long = 14 Public Const KP_Y As Long = 15 Public Const KP_RA As Long = 16 Public Const KP_RB As Long = 17 Public Const KP_INFO As Long = 18 Public Const KP_EFFECTIVE_KEYLEN As Long = 19 Public Const KP_SCHANNEL_ALG As Long = 20 Public Const KP_CLIENT_RANDOM As Long = 21 Public Const KP_SERVER_RANDOM As Long = 22 Public Const KP_RP As Long = 23 Public Const KP_PRECOMP_MD5 As Long = 24 Public Const KP_PRECOMP_SHA As Long = 25 Public Const KP_CERTIFICATE As Long = 26 Public Const KP_CLEAR_KEY As Long = 27 Public Const KP_PUB_EX_LEN As Long = 28 Public Const KP_PUB_EX_VAL As Long = 29 Public Const KP_KEYVAL As Long = 30 Public Const KP_ADMIN_PIN As Long = 31 Public Const KP_KEYEXCHANGE_PIN As Long = 32 Public Const KP_SIGNATURE_PIN As Long = 33 Public Const KP_PREHASH As Long = 34 Public Const KP_OAEP_PARAMS As Long = 36 Public Const KP_CMS_KEY_INFO As Long = 37 Public Const KP_CMS_DH_KEY_INFO As Long = 38 Public Const KP_PUB_PARAMS As Long = 39 Public Const KP_VERIFY_PARAMS As Long = 40 Public Const KP_HIGHEST_VERSION As Long = 41 ' KP_PADDING Public Const PKCS5_PADDING As Long = 1 Public Const RANDOM_PADDING As Long = 2 Public Const ZERO_PADDING As Long = 3 ' KP_MODE Public Const CRYPT_MODE_CBC As Long = 1 Public Const CRYPT_MODE_ECB As Long = 2 Public Const CRYPT_MODE_OFB As Long = 3 Public Const CRYPT_MODE_CFB As Long = 4 Public Const CRYPT_MODE_CTS As Long = 5 ' KP_PERMISSIONS Public Const CRYPT_ENCRYPT As Long = &H0001 Public Const CRYPT_DECRYPT As Long = &H0002 Public Const CRYPT_EXPORT As Long = &H0004 Public Const CRYPT_READ As Long = &H0008 Public Const CRYPT_WRITE As Long = &H0010 Public Const CRYPT_MAC As Long = &H0020 Public Const CRYPT_EXPORT_KEY As Long = &H0040 Public Const CRYPT_IMPORT_KEY As Long = &H0080 Public Const HP_ALGID As Long = &H0001 Public Const HP_HASHVAL As Long = &H0002 Public Const HP_HASHSIZE As Long = &H0004 Public Const HP_HMAC_INFO As Long = &H0005 Public Const HP_TLS1PRF_LABEL As Long = &H0006 Public Const HP_TLS1PRF_SEED As Long = &H0007 ' ' CryptGetProvParam ' Public Const PP_ENUMALGS As Long = 1 Public Const PP_ENUMCONTAINERS As Long = 2 Public Const PP_IMPTYPE As Long = 3 Public Const PP_NAME As Long = 4 Public Const PP_VERSION As Long = 5 Public Const PP_CONTAINER As Long = 6 Public Const PP_CHANGE_PASSWORD As Long = 7 Public Const PP_KEYSET_SEC_DESCR As Long = 8 Public Const PP_CERTCHAIN As Long = 9 Public Const PP_KEY_TYPE_SUBTYPE As Long = 10 Public Const PP_PROVTYPE As Long = 16 Public Const PP_KEYSTORAGE As Long = 17 Public Const PP_APPLI_CERT As Long = 18 Public Const PP_SYM_KEYSIZE As Long = 19 Public Const PP_SESSION_KEYSIZE As Long = 20 Public Const PP_UI_PROMPT As Long = 21 Public Const PP_ENUMALGS_EX As Long = 22 Public Const PP_ENUMMANDROOTS As Long = 25 Public Const PP_ENUMELECTROOTS As Long = 26 Public Const PP_KEYSET_TYPE As Long = 27 Public Const PP_ADMIN_PIN As Long = 31 Public Const PP_KEYEXCHANGE_PIN As Long = 32 Public Const PP_SIGNATURE_PIN As Long = 33 Public Const PP_SIG_KEYSIZE_INC As Long = 34 Public Const PP_KEYX_KEYSIZE_INC As Long = 35 Public Const PP_UNIQUE_CONTAINER As Long = 36 Public Const PP_SGC_INFO As Long = 37 Public Const PP_USE_HARDWARE_RNG As Long = 38 Public Const PP_KEYSPEC As Long = 39 Public Const PP_ENUMEX_SIGNING_PROT As Long = 40 Public Const CRYPT_FIRST As Long = 1 Public Const CRYPT_NEXT As Long = 2 Public Const CRYPT_SGC_ENUM As Long = 4 Public Const CRYPT_IMPL_HARDWARE As Long = 1 Public Const CRYPT_IMPL_SOFTWARE As Long = 2 Public Const CRYPT_IMPL_MIXED As Long = 3 Public Const CRYPT_IMPL_UNKNOWN As Long = 4 Public Const CRYPT_IMPL_REMOVABLE As Long = 8 ' key storage flags Public Const CRYPT_SEC_DESCR As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_PSTORE As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRYPT_UI_PROMPT As Long = &H00000004 ' protocol flags Public Const CRYPT_FLAG_PCT1 As Long = &H0001 Public Const CRYPT_FLAG_SSL2 As Long = &H0002 Public Const CRYPT_FLAG_SSL3 As Long = &H0004 Public Const CRYPT_FLAG_TLS1 As Long = &H0008 Public Const CRYPT_FLAG_IPSEC As Long = &H0010 Public Const CRYPT_FLAG_SIGNING As Long = &H0020 ' SGC flags Public Const CRYPT_SGC As Long = &H0001 Public Const CRYPT_FASTSGC As Long = &H0002 ' ' CryptSetProvParam ' Public Const PP_CLIENT_HWND As Long = 1 Public Const PP_CONTEXT_INFO As Long = 11 Public Const PP_KEYEXCHANGE_KEYSIZE As Long = 12 Public Const PP_SIGNATURE_KEYSIZE As Long = 13 Public Const PP_KEYEXCHANGE_ALG As Long = 14 Public Const PP_SIGNATURE_ALG As Long = 15 Public Const PP_DELETEKEY As Long = 24 Public Const PROV_RSA_FULL As Long = 1 Public Const PROV_RSA_SIG As Long = 2 Public Const PROV_DSS As Long = 3 Public Const PROV_FORTEZZA As Long = 4 Public Const PROV_MS_EXCHANGE As Long = 5 Public Const PROV_SSL As Long = 6 Public Const PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL As Long = 12 Public Const PROV_DSS_DH As Long = 13 Public Const PROV_EC_ECDSA_SIG As Long = 14 Public Const PROV_EC_ECNRA_SIG As Long = 15 Public Const PROV_EC_ECDSA_FULL As Long = 16 Public Const PROV_EC_ECNRA_FULL As Long = 17 Public Const PROV_DH_SCHANNEL As Long = 18 Public Const PROV_SPYRUS_LYNKS As Long = 20 Public Const PROV_RNG As Long = 21 Public Const PROV_INTEL_SEC As Long = 22 ' ' STT defined Providers ' Public Const PROV_STT_MER As Long = 7 Public Const PROV_STT_ACQ As Long = 8 Public Const PROV_STT_BRND As Long = 9 Public Const PROV_STT_ROOT As Long = 10 Public Const PROV_STT_ISS As Long = 11 ' ' Provider friendly names ' Public Const MS_DEF_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0" Public Const MS_DEF_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0" Public Const MS_ENHANCED_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" Public Const MS_ENHANCED_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" Public Const MS_STRONG_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_STRONG_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_RSA_SIG_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft RSA Signature Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_RSA_SIG_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft RSA Signature Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_RSA_SCHANNEL_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_RSA_SCHANNEL_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_DSS_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft Base DSS Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_DSS_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft Base DSS Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_DSS_DH_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft Base DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_DSS_DH_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft Base DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_ENH_DSS_DH_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_ENH_DSS_DH_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_DH_SCHANNEL_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft DH SChannel Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_DEF_DH_SCHANNEL_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft DH SChannel Cryptographic Provider" Public Const MS_SCARD_PROV_A As String = "Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider" Public Const MS_SCARD_PROV_W As String = "Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider" Public Const MAXUIDLEN As Long = 64 ' Exponentiation Offload Reg Location Public Const EXPO_OFFLOAD_REG_VALUE As String = "ExpoOffload" Public Const EXPO_OFFLOAD_FUNC_NAME As String = "OffloadModExpo" Public Const CUR_BLOB_VERSION As Long = 2 ' structure for use with CryptSetKeyParam for CMS keys ' DO NOT USE THIS STRUCTURE!!!!! ' structure for use with CryptSetHashParam with CALG_HMAC ' structure for use with CryptSetKeyParam with KP_SCHANNEL_ALG ' uses of algortihms for SCHANNEL_ALG structure Public Const SCHANNEL_MAC_KEY As Long = &H00000000 Public Const SCHANNEL_ENC_KEY As Long = &H00000001 ' uses of dwFlags SCHANNEL_ALG structure Public Const INTERNATIONAL_USAGE As Long = &H00000001 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRYPTOAPI BLOB definitions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' structure for use with CryptSetKeyParam for CMS keys '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' In a CRYPT_BIT_BLOB the last byte may contain 0-7 unused bits. Therefore, the ' overall bit length is cbData * 8 - cUnusedBits. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Type used for any algorithm ' ' Where the Parameters CRYPT_OBJID_BLOB is in its encoded representation. For most '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Following are the definitions of various algorithm object identifiers ' RSA Public Const szOID_RSA As String = "1.2.840.113549" Public Const szOID_PKCS As String = "1.2.840.113549.1" Public Const szOID_RSA_HASH As String = "1.2.840.113549.2" Public Const szOID_RSA_ENCRYPT As String = "1.2.840.113549.3" Public Const szOID_PKCS_1 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1" Public Const szOID_PKCS_2 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.2" Public Const szOID_PKCS_3 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.3" Public Const szOID_PKCS_4 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.4" Public Const szOID_PKCS_5 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.5" Public Const szOID_PKCS_6 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.6" Public Const szOID_PKCS_7 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7" Public Const szOID_PKCS_8 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.8" Public Const szOID_PKCS_9 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9" Public Const szOID_PKCS_10 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.10" Public Const szOID_PKCS_12 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.12" Public Const szOID_RSA_RSA As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1" Public Const szOID_RSA_MD2RSA As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.2" Public Const szOID_RSA_MD4RSA As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.3" Public Const szOID_RSA_MD5RSA As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.4" Public Const szOID_RSA_SHA1RSA As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5" Public Const szOID_RSA_SETOAEP_RSA As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.6" Public Const szOID_RSA_DH As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.3.1" Public Const szOID_RSA_data As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1" Public Const szOID_RSA_signedData As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.2" Public Const szOID_RSA_envelopedData As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.3" Public Const szOID_RSA_signEnvData As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.4" Public Const szOID_RSA_digestedData As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.5" Public Const szOID_RSA_hashedData As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.5" Public Const szOID_RSA_encryptedData As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.6" Public Const szOID_RSA_emailAddr As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1" Public Const szOID_RSA_unstructName As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.2" Public Const szOID_RSA_contentType As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.3" Public Const szOID_RSA_messageDigest As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4" Public Const szOID_RSA_signingTime As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.5" Public Const szOID_RSA_counterSign As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.6" Public Const szOID_RSA_challengePwd As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.7" Public Const szOID_RSA_unstructAddr As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.8" Public Const szOID_RSA_extCertAttrs As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.9" Public Const szOID_RSA_certExtensions As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.14" Public Const szOID_RSA_SMIMECapabilities As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.15" Public Const szOID_RSA_preferSignedData As String = "1.2.840.113549." Public Const szOID_RSA_SMIMEalg As String = "1.2.840.113549." Public Const szOID_RSA_SMIMEalgESDH As String = "1.2.840.113549." Public Const szOID_RSA_SMIMEalgCMS3DESwrap As String = "1.2.840.113549." Public Const szOID_RSA_SMIMEalgCMSRC2wrap As String = "1.2.840.113549." Public Const szOID_RSA_MD2 As String = "1.2.840.113549.2.2" Public Const szOID_RSA_MD4 As String = "1.2.840.113549.2.4" Public Const szOID_RSA_MD5 As String = "1.2.840.113549.2.5" Public Const szOID_RSA_RC2CBC As String = "1.2.840.113549.3.2" Public Const szOID_RSA_RC4 As String = "1.2.840.113549.3.4" Public Const szOID_RSA_DES_EDE3_CBC As String = "1.2.840.113549.3.7" Public Const szOID_RSA_RC5_CBCPad As String = "1.2.840.113549.3.9" Public Const szOID_ANSI_X942 As String = "1.2.840.10046" Public Const szOID_ANSI_X942_DH As String = "1.2.840.10046.2.1" Public Const szOID_X957 As String = "1.2.840.10040" Public Const szOID_X957_DSA As String = "1.2.840.10040.4.1" Public Const szOID_X957_SHA1DSA As String = "1.2.840.10040.4.3" ' ITU-T UsefulDefinitions Public Const szOID_DS As String = "2.5" Public Const szOID_DSALG As String = "2.5.8" Public Const szOID_DSALG_CRPT As String = "" Public Const szOID_DSALG_HASH As String = "" Public Const szOID_DSALG_SIGN As String = "" Public Const szOID_DSALG_RSA As String = "" ' http: ' http: Public Const szOID_OIW As String = "1.3.14" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_md4RSA As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_md5RSA As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_md4RSA2 As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_desECB As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_desCBC As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_desOFB As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_desCFB As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_desMAC As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_rsaSign As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_dsa As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_shaDSA As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_mdc2RSA As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_shaRSA As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_dhCommMod As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_desEDE As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_sha As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_mdc2 As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_dsaComm As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_dsaCommSHA As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_rsaXchg As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_keyHashSeal As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_md2RSASign As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_md5RSASign As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_sha1 As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_dsaSHA1 As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_dsaCommSHA1 As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWSEC_sha1RSASign As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWDIR As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWDIR_CRPT As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWDIR_HASH As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWDIR_SIGN As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWDIR_md2 As String = "" Public Const szOID_OIWDIR_md2RSA As String = "" ' INFOSEC Algorithms Public Const szOID_INFOSEC As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_sdnsSignature As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicSignature As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_sdnsConfidentiality As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicConfidentiality As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_sdnsIntegrity As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicIntegrity As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_sdnsTokenProtection As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicTokenProtection As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_sdnsKeyManagement As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicKeyManagement As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_sdnsKMandSig As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicKMandSig As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_SuiteASignature As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_SuiteAConfidentiality As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_SuiteAIntegrity As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_SuiteATokenProtection As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_SuiteAKeyManagement As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_SuiteAKMandSig As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicUpdatedSig As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicKMandUpdSig As String = "2.16.840." Public Const szOID_INFOSEC_mosaicUpdatedInteg As String = "2.16.840." '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Type used for an extension to an encoded content ' ' Where the Value's CRYPT_OBJID_BLOB is in its encoded representation. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AttributeTypeValue ' ' Where the Value's CRYPT_OBJID_BLOB is in its encoded representation. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Attributes ' ' Where the Value's PATTR_BLOBs are in their encoded representation. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' The interpretation of the Value depends on the dwValueType. ' See below for a list of the types. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_RDN attribute Object Identifiers '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Labeling attribute types: Public Const szOID_COMMON_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_SUR_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER As String = "" ' Geographic attribute types: Public Const szOID_COUNTRY_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_LOCALITY_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_STREET_ADDRESS As String = "" ' Organizational attribute types: Public Const szOID_ORGANIZATION_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_TITLE As String = "" ' Explanatory attribute types: Public Const szOID_DESCRIPTION As String = "" Public Const szOID_SEARCH_GUIDE As String = "" Public Const szOID_BUSINESS_CATEGORY As String = "" ' Postal addressing attribute types: Public Const szOID_POSTAL_ADDRESS As String = "" Public Const szOID_POSTAL_CODE As String = "" Public Const szOID_POST_OFFICE_BOX As String = "" Public Const szOID_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_OFFICE_NAME As String = "" ' Telecommunications addressing attribute types: Public Const szOID_TELEPHONE_NUMBER As String = "" Public Const szOID_TELEX_NUMBER As String = "" Public Const szOID_TELETEXT_TERMINAL_IDENTIFIER As String = "" Public Const szOID_FACSIMILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER As String = "" Public Const szOID_X21_ADDRESS As String = "" Public Const szOID_INTERNATIONAL_ISDN_NUMBER As String = "" Public Const szOID_REGISTERED_ADDRESS As String = "" Public Const szOID_DESTINATION_INDICATOR As String = "" ' Preference attribute types: Public Const szOID_PREFERRED_DELIVERY_METHOD As String = "" ' OSI application attribute types: Public Const szOID_PRESENTATION_ADDRESS As String = "" Public Const szOID_SUPPORTED_APPLICATION_CONTEXT As String = "" ' Relational application attribute types: Public Const szOID_MEMBER As String = "" Public Const szOID_OWNER As String = "" Public Const szOID_ROLE_OCCUPANT As String = "" Public Const szOID_SEE_ALSO As String = "" ' Security attribute types: Public Const szOID_USER_PASSWORD As String = "" Public Const szOID_USER_CERTIFICATE As String = "" Public Const szOID_CA_CERTIFICATE As String = "" Public Const szOID_AUTHORITY_REVOCATION_LIST As String = "" Public Const szOID_CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_LIST As String = "" Public Const szOID_CROSS_CERTIFICATE_PAIR As String = "" ' Undocumented attribute types??? '#define szOID_??? "" Public Const szOID_GIVEN_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_INITIALS As String = "" ' The DN Qualifier attribute type specifies disambiguating information to add ' to the relative distinguished name of an entry. It is intended to be used ' for entries held in multiple DSAs which would otherwise have the same name, ' and that its value be the same in a given DSA for all entries to which ' the information has been added. Public Const szOID_DN_QUALIFIER As String = "" ' Pilot user attribute types: Public Const szOID_DOMAIN_COMPONENT As String = "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25" ' used for PKCS 12 attributes Public Const szOID_PKCS_12_FRIENDLY_NAME_ATTR As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.20" Public Const szOID_PKCS_12_LOCAL_KEY_ID As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.21" Public Const szOID_PKCS_12_KEY_PROVIDER_NAME_ATTR As String = "" Public Const szOID_LOCAL_MACHINE_KEYSET As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Microsoft CERT_RDN attribute Object Identifiers '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Special RDN containing the KEY_ID. Its value type is CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING. Public Const szOID_KEYID_RDN As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_RDN Attribute Value Types ' ' For RDN_ENCODED_BLOB, the Value's CERT_RDN_VALUE_BLOB is in its encoded ' representation. Otherwise, its an array of bytes. ' ' For all CERT_RDN types, Value.cbData is always the number of bytes, not ' necessarily the number of elements in the string. For instance, ' ' These UNICODE characters are encoded as UTF8 8 bit characters. ' ' For CertDecodeName, two 0 bytes are always appended to the end of the ' These added 0 bytes are't included in the BLOB.cbData. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_RDN_ANY_TYPE As Long = 0 Public Const CERT_RDN_ENCODED_BLOB As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_RDN_NUMERIC_STRING As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_RDN_PRINTABLE_STRING As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_RDN_TELETEX_STRING As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_RDN_T61_STRING As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_RDN_VIDEOTEX_STRING As Long = 6 Public Const CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING As Long = 7 Public Const CERT_RDN_GRAPHIC_STRING As Long = 8 Public Const CERT_RDN_VISIBLE_STRING As Long = 9 Public Const CERT_RDN_ISO646_STRING As Long = 9 Public Const CERT_RDN_GENERAL_STRING As Long = 10 Public Const CERT_RDN_UNIVERSAL_STRING As Long = 11 Public Const CERT_RDN_INT4_STRING As Long = 11 Public Const CERT_RDN_BMP_STRING As Long = 12 Public Const CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING As Long = 12 Public Const CERT_RDN_UTF8_STRING As Long = 13 Public Const CERT_RDN_TYPE_MASK As Long = &H000000FF Public Const CERT_RDN_FLAGS_MASK As Long = &HFF000000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Flags that can be or'ed with the above Value Type when encoding/decoding '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' For encoding: when set, CERT_RDN_T61_STRING is selected instead of ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING if all the unicode characters are <= 0xFF Public Const CERT_RDN_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG As Long = &H80000000 ' For encoding: when set, CERT_RDN_UTF8_STRING is selected instead of ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING. Public Const CERT_RDN_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG As Long = &H20000000 ' For encoding: when set, the characters aren't checked to see if they ' are valid for the Value Type. Public Const CERT_RDN_DISABLE_CHECK_TYPE_FLAG As Long = &H40000000 ' For decoding: by default, CERT_RDN_T61_STRING values are initially decoded ' as UTF8. If the UTF8 decoding fails, then, decoded as 8 bit characters. ' Setting this flag skips the initial attempt to decode as UTF8. Public Const CERT_RDN_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG As Long = &H01000000 ' Macro to check that the dwValueType is a character string and not an ' encoded blob or octet string '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' A CERT_RDN consists of an array of the above attributes '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Information stored in a subject's or issuer's name. The information ' is represented as an array of the above RDNs. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Name attribute value without the Object Identifier ' ' The interpretation of the Value depends on the dwValueType. ' See above for a list of the types. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Key Info ' ' The PublicKey is the encoded representation of the information as it is ' stored in the bit string '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' structure that contains all the information in a PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' structure that contains all the information in a PKCS#8 ' EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' this callback is given when an EncryptedProvateKeyInfo structure is ' encountered during ImportPKCS8. the caller is then expected to decrypt ' the private key and hand back the decrypted contents. ' ' the parameters are: ' Algorithm - the algorithm used to encrypt the PrivateKeyInfo ' EncryptedPrivateKey - the encrypted private key blob ' pClearTextKey - a buffer to receive the clear text ' cbClearTextKey - the number of bytes of the pClearTextKey buffer ' note the if this is zero then this should be ' filled in with the size required to decrypt the ' key into, and pClearTextKey should be ignored ' pVoidDecryptFunc - this is the pVoid that was passed into the call ' and is preserved and passed back as context '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' this callback is given when creating a PKCS8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. ' The caller is then expected to encrypt the private key and hand back ' the encrypted contents. ' ' the parameters are: ' Algorithm - the algorithm used to encrypt the PrivateKeyInfo ' pClearTextPrivateKey - the cleartext private key to be encrypted ' pbEncryptedKey - the output encrypted private key blob ' cbEncryptedKey - the number of bytes of the pbEncryptedKey buffer ' note the if this is zero then this should be ' filled in with the size required to encrypt the ' key into, and pbEncryptedKey should be ignored ' pVoidEncryptFunc - this is the pVoid that was passed into the call ' and is preserved and passed back as context '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' this callback is given from the context of a ImportPKCS8 calls. the caller ' is then expected to hand back an HCRYPTPROV to receive the key being imported ' ' the parameters are: ' pPrivateKeyInfo - pointer to a CRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO structure which ' describes the key being imported ' EncryptedPrivateKey - the encrypted private key blob ' phCryptProv - a pointer to a HCRRYPTPROV to be filled in ' pVoidResolveFunc - this is the pVoidResolveFunc passed in by the caller in the ' CRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_BLOB_AND_PARAMS struct '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' this struct contains a PKCS8 private key and two pointers to callback ' functions, with a corresponding pVoids. the first callback is used to give ' the caller the opportunity to specify where the key is imported to. the callback ' passes the caller the algoroithm OID and key size to use in making the decision. ' the other callback is used to decrypt the private key if the PKCS8 contains an ' EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. both pVoids are preserved and passed back to the caller ' in the respective callback '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' this struct contains information identifying a private key and a pointer ' to a callback function, with a corresponding pVoid. The callback is used ' to encrypt the private key. If the pEncryptPrivateKeyFunc is NULL, the ' key will not be encrypted and an EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo will not be generated. ' The pVoid is preserved and passed back to the caller in the respective callback '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Information stored in a certificate ' ' The Issuer, Subject, Algorithm, PublicKey and Extension BLOBs are the ' encoded representation of the information. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate versions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_V1 As Long = 0 Public Const CERT_V2 As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_V3 As Long = 2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Information Flags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_INFO_VERSION_FLAG As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER_FLAG As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_INFO_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_FLAG As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_INFO_ISSUER_FLAG As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_INFO_NOT_BEFORE_FLAG As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_INFO_NOT_AFTER_FLAG As Long = 6 Public Const CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_FLAG As Long = 7 Public Const CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FLAG As Long = 8 Public Const CERT_INFO_ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID_FLAG As Long = 9 Public Const CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID_FLAG As Long = 10 Public Const CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_FLAG As Long = 11 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' An entry in a CRL ' ' The Extension BLOBs are the encoded representation of the information. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Information stored in a CRL ' ' The Issuer, Algorithm and Extension BLOBs are the encoded ' representation of the information. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRL versions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRL_V1 As Long = 0 Public Const CRL_V2 As Long = 1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Information stored in a certificate request ' ' The Subject, Algorithm, PublicKey and Attribute BLOBs are the encoded ' representation of the information. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Request versions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_REQUEST_V1 As Long = 0 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Information stored in Netscape's Keygen request '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_KEYGEN_REQUEST_V1 As Long = 0 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate, CRL, Certificate Request or Keygen Request Signed Content ' ' The "to be signed" encoded content plus its signature. The ToBeSigned ' is the encoded CERT_INFO, CRL_INFO, CERT_REQUEST_INFO or ' CERT_KEYGEN_REQUEST_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CTL Usage. Also used for EnhancedKeyUsage extension. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' An entry in a CTL '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Information stored in a CTL '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CTL versions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CTL_V1 As Long = 0 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' TimeStamp Request ' ' The pszTimeStamp is the OID for the Time type requested ' The pszContentType is the Content Type OID for the content, usually DATA ' The Content is a un-decoded blob '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Name Value Attribute '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CSP Provider '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate and Message encoding types ' ' The encoding type is a DWORD containing both the certificate and message ' encoding types. The certificate encoding type is stored in the LOWORD. ' The message encoding type is stored in the HIWORD. Some functions or ' structure fields require only one of the encoding types. The following ' required: ' ' Its always acceptable to specify both. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_ENCODING_TYPE_MASK As Long = &H0000FFFF Public Const CMSG_ENCODING_TYPE_MASK As Long = &HFFFF0000 Public Const CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_NDR_ENCODING As Long = &H00000002 Public Const X509_ASN_ENCODING As Long = &H00000001 Public Const X509_NDR_ENCODING As Long = &H00000002 Public Const PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING As Long = &H00010000 Public Const PKCS_7_NDR_ENCODING As Long = &H00020000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' format the specified data structure according to the certificate ' encoding type. ' ' The default behavior of CryptFormatObject is to return single line ' display of the encoded data, that is, each subfield will be concatenated with ' a ", " on one line. If user prefers to display the data in multiple line, ' set the flag CRYPT_FORMAT_STR_MULTI_LINE, that is, each subfield will be displayed ' on a seperate line. ' ' If there is no formatting routine installed or registered ' for the lpszStructType, the hex dump of the encoded BLOB will be returned. ' User can set the flag CRYPT_FORMAT_STR_NO_HEX to disable the hex dump. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' constants for dwFormatStrType of function CryptFormatObject '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_STR_MULTI_LINE As Long = &H0001 Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_STR_NO_HEX As Long = &H0010 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' constants for dwFormatType of function CryptFormatObject ' when format X509_NAME or X509_UNICODE_NAME '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Just get the simple string Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_SIMPLE As Long = &H0001 'Put an attribute name infront of the attribute 'such as "O=Microsoft,DN=xiaohs" Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_X509 As Long = &H0002 'Put an OID infront of the simple string, such as '"," Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_OID As Long = &H0004 'Put a ";" between each RDN. The default is "," Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_RDN_SEMICOLON As Long = &H0100 'Put a "\n" between each RDN. Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_RDN_CRLF As Long = &H0200 'Unquote the DN value, which is quoated by default va the following 'rules: if the DN contains leading or trailing 'white space or one of the following characters: ",", "+", "=", '""", "\n", "<", ">", "#" or ";". The quoting character is ". Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_RDN_UNQUOTE As Long = &H0400 'reverse the order of the RDNs before converting to the string Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_RDN_REVERSE As Long = &H0800 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' contants dwFormatType of function CryptFormatObject when format a DN.: ' ' The following three values are defined in the section above: ' CRYPT_FORMAT_SIMPLE: Just a simple string ' such as "Microsoft+xiaohs+NT" ' CRYPT_FORMAT_X509 Put an attribute name infront of the attribute ' such as "O=Microsoft+xiaohs+NT" ' ' CRYPT_FORMAT_OID Put an OID infront of the simple string, ' such as "" ' ' Additional values are defined as following: '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Put a "," between each value. Default is "+" Public Const CRYPT_FORMAT_COMMA As Long = &H1000 'Put a ";" between each value 'Put a "\n" between each value '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Encode / decode the specified data structure according to the certificate ' encoding type. ' ' See below for a list of the predefined data structures. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' By default the signature bytes are reversed. The following flag can ' be set to inhibit the byte reversal. ' ' This flag is applicable to ' X509_CERT_TO_BE_SIGNED Public Const CRYPT_ENCODE_NO_SIGNATURE_BYTE_REVERSAL_FLAG As Long = &H8 ' When the following flag is set the called encode function allocates ' memory for the encoded bytes. A pointer to the allocated bytes ' is returned in pvEncoded. If pEncodePara or pEncodePara->pfnAlloc is ' NULL, then, LocalAlloc is called for the allocation and LocalFree must ' be called to do the free. Otherwise, pEncodePara->pfnAlloc is called ' for the allocation. ' ' *pcbEncoded is ignored on input and updated with the length of the ' allocated, encoded bytes. ' ' If pfnAlloc is set, then, pfnFree should also be set. Public Const CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG As Long = &H8000 ' The following flag is applicable when encoding X509_UNICODE_NAME. ' When set, CERT_RDN_T61_STRING is selected instead of ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING if all the unicode characters are <= 0xFF ' The following flag is applicable when encoding X509_UNICODE_NAME. ' When set, CERT_RDN_UTF8_STRING is selected instead of ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING. ' The following flag is applicable when encoding X509_UNICODE_NAME, ' X509_UNICODE_NAME_VALUE or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING. ' When set, the characters aren't checked to see if they ' are valid for the specified Value Type. ' The following flag is applicable when encoding the PKCS_SORTED_CTL. This ' flag should be set if the identifier for the TrustedSubjects is a hash, ' such as, MD5 or SHA1. Public Const CRYPT_SORTED_CTL_ENCODE_HASHED_SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER_FLAG As Long = &H10000 ' When the following flag is set the nocopy optimization is enabled. ' This optimization where appropriate, updates the pvStructInfo fields ' to point to content residing within pbEncoded instead of making a copy ' of and appending to pvStructInfo. ' ' Note, when set, pbEncoded can't be freed until pvStructInfo is freed. Public Const CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' plus its signature. Set the following flag, if pbEncoded points to only ' the "to be signed". ' ' This flag is applicable to ' X509_CERT_TO_BE_SIGNED ' X509_CERT_CRL_TO_BE_SIGNED ' X509_CERT_REQUEST_TO_BE_SIGNED ' X509_KEYGEN_REQUEST_TO_BE_SIGNED Public Const CRYPT_DECODE_TO_BE_SIGNED_FLAG As Long = &H2 ' When the following flag is set, the OID strings are allocated in ' crypt32.dll and shared instead of being copied into the returned ' data structure. This flag may be set if crypt32.dll isn't unloaded ' before the caller is unloaded. Public Const CRYPT_DECODE_SHARE_OID_STRING_FLAG As Long = &H4 ' By default the signature bytes are reversed. The following flag can ' be set to inhibit the byte reversal. ' ' This flag is applicable to ' X509_CERT_TO_BE_SIGNED Public Const CRYPT_DECODE_NO_SIGNATURE_BYTE_REVERSAL_FLAG As Long = &H8 ' When the following flag is set the called decode function allocates ' memory for the decoded structure. A pointer to the allocated structure ' is returned in pvStructInfo. If pDecodePara or pDecodePara->pfnAlloc is ' NULL, then, LocalAlloc is called for the allocation and LocalFree must ' be called to do the free. Otherwise, pDecodePara->pfnAlloc is called ' for the allocation. ' ' *pcbStructInfo is ignored on input and updated with the length of the ' allocated, decoded structure. ' ' This flag may also be set in the CryptDecodeObject API. Since ' CryptDecodeObject doesn't take a pDecodePara, LocalAlloc is always ' called for the allocation which must be freed by calling LocalFree. Public Const CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG As Long = &H8000 ' The following flag is applicable when decoding X509_UNICODE_NAME, ' X509_UNICODE_NAME_VALUE or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING. ' By default, CERT_RDN_T61_STRING values are initially decoded ' as UTF8. If the UTF8 decoding fails, then, decoded as 8 bit characters. ' Setting this flag skips the initial attempt to decode as UTF8. '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Predefined X509 certificate data structures that can be encoded / decoded. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_ENCODE_DECODE_NONE As Long = 0 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Predefined X509 certificate extension data structures that can be ' encoded / decoded. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Additional predefined data structures that can be encoded / decoded. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Predefined primitive data structures that can be encoded / decoded. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' More predefined X509 certificate extension data structures that can be ' encoded / decoded. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' data structures for private keys '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' certificate policy qualifier '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X942 Diffie-Hellman '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The following is the same as X509_BITS, except before encoding, ' the bit length is decremented to exclude trailing zero bits. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X942 Diffie-Hellman Other Info '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Predefined PKCS #7 data structures that can be encoded / decoded. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Predefined PKCS #7 data structures that can be encoded / decoded. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' can be encoded / decoded. ' ' Predefined values: 2000 .. 2999 ' ' See spc.h for value and data structure definitions. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Extension Object Identifiers '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER As String = "" Public Const szOID_KEY_ATTRIBUTES As String = "" Public Const szOID_CERT_POLICIES_95 As String = "" Public Const szOID_KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION As String = "" Public Const szOID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_ISSUER_ALT_NAME As String = "" Public Const szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS As String = "" Public Const szOID_KEY_USAGE As String = "" Public Const szOID_PRIVATEKEY_USAGE_PERIOD As String = "" Public Const szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2 As String = "" Public Const szOID_CERT_POLICIES As String = "" Public Const szOID_ANY_CERT_POLICY As String = "" Public Const szOID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER2 As String = "" Public Const szOID_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER As String = "" Public Const szOID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME2 As String = "" Public Const szOID_ISSUER_ALT_NAME2 As String = "" Public Const szOID_CRL_REASON_CODE As String = "" Public Const szOID_CRL_DIST_POINTS As String = "" Public Const szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE As String = "" ' szOID_CRL_NUMBER -- Base CRLs only. Monotonically increasing sequence ' number for each CRL issued by a CA. Public Const szOID_CRL_NUMBER As String = "" ' szOID_DELTA_CRL_INDICATOR -- Delta CRLs only. Marked critical. ' Contains the minimum base CRL Number that can be used with a delta CRL. Public Const szOID_DELTA_CRL_INDICATOR As String = "" Public Const szOID_ISSUING_DIST_POINT As String = "" ' szOID_FRESHEST_CRL -- Base CRLs only. Formatted identically to a CDP ' extension that holds URLs to fetch the delta CRL. Public Const szOID_FRESHEST_CRL As String = "" Public Const szOID_NAME_CONSTRAINTS As String = "" ' Note on 1/1/2000 szOID_POLICY_MAPPINGS was changed from "" Public Const szOID_POLICY_MAPPINGS As String = "" Public Const szOID_LEGACY_POLICY_MAPPINGS As String = "" Public Const szOID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS As String = "" ' Microsoft PKCS10 Attributes Public Const szOID_RENEWAL_CERTIFICATE As String = "" Public Const szOID_ENROLLMENT_NAME_VALUE_PAIR As String = "" Public Const szOID_ENROLLMENT_CSP_PROVIDER As String = "" Public Const szOID_OS_VERSION As String = "" ' ' Extension contain certificate type Public Const szOID_ENROLLMENT_AGENT As String = "" Public Const szOID_PKIX As String = "" Public Const szOID_PKIX_PE As String = "" Public Const szOID_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS As String = "" ' Microsoft extensions or attributes Public Const szOID_CERT_EXTENSIONS As String = "" Public Const szOID_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION As String = "" Public Const szOID_REMOVE_CERTIFICATE As String = "" Public Const szOID_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS As String = "" ' Microsoft PKCS #7 ContentType Object Identifiers Public Const szOID_CTL As String = "" ' Microsoft Sorted CTL Extension Object Identifier Public Const szOID_SORTED_CTL As String = "" ' serialized serial numbers for PRS Public Const szOID_SERIALIZED As String = "" ' UPN principal name in SubjectAltName Public Const szOID_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME As String = "" ' Windows product update unauthenticated attribute Public Const szOID_PRODUCT_UPDATE As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Object Identifiers for use with Auto Enrollment '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_AUTO_ENROLL_CTL_USAGE As String = "" ' Extension contain certificate type Public Const szOID_ENROLL_CERTTYPE_EXTENSION As String = "" Public Const szOID_CERT_MANIFOLD As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Object Identifiers for use with the MS Certificate Server '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_CERTSRV_CA_VERSION As String = "" ' szOID_CERTSRV_PREVIOUS_CERT_HASH -- Contains the sha1 hash of the previous ' version of the CA certificate. Public Const szOID_CERTSRV_PREVIOUS_CERT_HASH As String = "" ' szOID_CRL_VIRTUAL_BASE -- Delta CRLs only. Contains the base CRL Number ' of the corresponding base CRL. Public Const szOID_CRL_VIRTUAL_BASE As String = "" ' szOID_CRL_NEXT_PUBLISH -- Contains the time when the next CRL is expected ' to be published. This may be sooner than the CRL's NextUpdate field. Public Const szOID_CRL_NEXT_PUBLISH As String = "" ' Enhanced Key Usage for CA encryption certificate Public Const szOID_KP_CA_EXCHANGE As String = "" ' Enhanced Key Usage for key recovery agent certificate Public Const szOID_KP_KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT As String = "" Public Const szOID_CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE As String = "" ' The root oid for all enterprise specific oids Public Const szOID_ENTERPRISE_OID_ROOT As String = "" ' Dummy signing Subject RDN Public Const szOID_RDN_DUMMY_SIGNER As String = "" ' Application Policies extension -- same encoding as szOID_CERT_POLICIES Public Const szOID_APPLICATION_CERT_POLICIES As String = "" ' Application Policy Mappings -- same encoding as szOID_POLICY_MAPPINGS Public Const szOID_APPLICATION_POLICY_MAPPINGS As String = "" ' Application Policy Constraints -- same encoding as szOID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS Public Const szOID_APPLICATION_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS As String = "" Public Const szOID_ARCHIVED_KEY_ATTR As String = "" Public Const szOID_CRL_SELF_CDP As String = "" ' Requires all certificates below the root to have a non-empty intersecting ' issuance certificate policy usage. Public Const szOID_REQUIRE_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Object Identifiers for use with the MS Directory Service '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_NTDS_REPLICATION As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_SUBJECT_DIR_ATTRS As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP As String = "" ' Consistent key usage bits: DIGITAL_SIGNATURE, KEY_ENCIPHERMENT ' or KEY_AGREEMENT Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP_SERVER_AUTH As String = "" ' Consistent key usage bits: DIGITAL_SIGNATURE Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP_CLIENT_AUTH As String = "" ' Consistent key usage bits: DIGITAL_SIGNATURE Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP_CODE_SIGNING As String = "" ' Consistent key usage bits: DIGITAL_SIGNATURE, NON_REPUDIATION and/or Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP_EMAIL_PROTECTION As String = "" ' Consistent key usage bits: DIGITAL_SIGNATURE and/or Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP_IPSEC_END_SYSTEM As String = "" ' Consistent key usage bits: DIGITAL_SIGNATURE and/or Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP_IPSEC_TUNNEL As String = "" ' Consistent key usage bits: DIGITAL_SIGNATURE and/or Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP_IPSEC_USER As String = "" ' Consistent key usage bits: DIGITAL_SIGNATURE or NON_REPUDIATION Public Const szOID_PKIX_KP_TIMESTAMP_SIGNING As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Signer of CTLs Public Const szOID_KP_CTL_USAGE_SIGNING As String = "" ' Signer of TimeStamps Public Const szOID_KP_TIME_STAMP_SIGNING As String = "" Public Const szOID_SERVER_GATED_CRYPTO As String = "" Public Const szOID_SGC_NETSCAPE As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.4.1" Public Const szOID_KP_EFS As String = "" Public Const szOID_WHQL_CRYPTO As String = "" ' Signed by the NT5 build lab Public Const szOID_NT5_CRYPTO As String = "" ' Signed by and OEM of WHQL Public Const szOID_OEM_WHQL_CRYPTO As String = "" ' Signed by the Embedded NT Public Const szOID_EMBEDDED_NT_CRYPTO As String = "" ' Signer of a CTL containing trusted roots Public Const szOID_ROOT_LIST_SIGNER As String = "" ' Can sign cross-cert and subordinate CA requests with qualified Public Const szOID_KP_QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION As String = "" ' Can be used to encrypt/recover escrowed keys Public Const szOID_KP_KEY_RECOVERY As String = "" Public Const szOID_DRM As String = "" Public Const szOID_LICENSES As String = "" Public Const szOID_LICENSE_SERVER As String = "" Public Const szOID_KP_SMARTCARD_LOGON As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Microsoft Attribute Object Identifiers '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_YESNO_TRUST_ATTR As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Qualifiers that may be part of the szOID_CERT_POLICIES and ' szOID_CERT_POLICIES95 extensions '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_CPS As String = "" Public Const szOID_PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_USERNOTICE As String = "" ' OID for old qualifer Public Const szOID_CERT_POLICIES_95_QUALIFIER1 As String = "2.16.840.1.113733." '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CERT ' ' The "to be signed" encoded content plus its signature. The ToBeSigned ' X509_CERT_TO_BE_SIGNED, X509_CERT_CRL_TO_BE_SIGNED or ' X509_CERT_REQUEST_TO_BE_SIGNED. ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CERT_TO_BE_SIGNED ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_INFO. ' ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CERT_CRL_TO_BE_SIGNED ' ' pvStructInfo points to CRL_INFO. ' ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CERT_REQUEST_TO_BE_SIGNED ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_REQUEST_INFO. ' ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_EXTENSIONS ' szOID_CERT_EXTENSIONS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_EXTENSIONS. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_NAME_VALUE ' X509_ANY_STRING ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_NAME_VALUE. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_UNICODE_NAME_VALUE ' X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_NAME_VALUE. ' ' The name values are unicode strings. ' ' For CryptEncodeObject: ' Value.pbData points to the unicode string. ' If Value.cbData = 0, then, the unicode string is NULL terminated. ' Otherwise, Value.cbData is the unicode string byte count. The byte count ' is twice the character count. ' ' If the unicode string contains an invalid character for the specified ' dwValueType, then, *pcbEncoded is updated with the unicode character ' index of the first invalid character. LastError is set to: ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING, CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRING or ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING. ' ' To disable the above check, either set CERT_RDN_DISABLE_CHECK_TYPE_FLAG ' in dwValueType or set CRYPT_UNICODE_NAME_ENCODE_DISABLE_CHECK_TYPE_FLAG ' in dwFlags passed to CryptEncodeObjectEx. ' ' The unicode string is converted before being encoded according to ' the specified dwValueType. If dwValueType is set to 0, LastError ' is set to E_INVALIDARG. ' ' CERT_RDN_ENCODED_BLOB or CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING), then, CryptEncodeObject ' will return FALSE with LastError set to CRYPT_E_NOT_CHAR_STRING. ' ' For CryptDecodeObject: ' Value.pbData points to a NULL terminated unicode string. Value.cbData ' contains the byte count of the unicode string excluding the NULL ' terminator. dwValueType contains the type used in the encoded object. ' Its not forced to CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING. The encoded value is ' converted to the unicode string according to the dwValueType. ' ' If the encoded object isn't one of the character string types, then, ' CryptDecodeObject will return FALSE with LastError set to ' CRYPT_E_NOT_CHAR_STRING. For a non character string, decode using ' X509_NAME_VALUE or X509_ANY_STRING. ' ' By default, CERT_RDN_T61_STRING values are initially decoded ' as UTF8. If the UTF8 decoding fails, then, decoded as 8 bit characters. ' Set CRYPT_UNICODE_NAME_DECODE_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG in dwFlags ' passed to either CryptDecodeObject or CryptDecodeObjectEx to ' skip the initial attempt to decode as UTF8. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_NAME ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_NAME_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_UNICODE_NAME ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_NAME_INFO. ' ' The RDN attribute values are unicode strings except for the dwValueTypes of ' CERT_RDN_ENCODED_BLOB or CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING. These dwValueTypes are ' the same as for a X509_NAME. Their values aren't converted to/from unicode. ' ' For CryptEncodeObject: ' Value.pbData points to the unicode string. ' If Value.cbData = 0, then, the unicode string is NULL terminated. ' Otherwise, Value.cbData is the unicode string byte count. The byte count ' is twice the character count. ' ' an acceptable dwValueType. If the unicode string contains an ' invalid character for the found or specified dwValueType, then, ' *pcbEncoded is updated with the error location of the invalid character. ' See below for details. LastError is set to: ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING, CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRING or ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING. ' ' To disable the above check, either set CERT_RDN_DISABLE_CHECK_TYPE_FLAG ' in dwValueType or set CRYPT_UNICODE_NAME_ENCODE_DISABLE_CHECK_TYPE_FLAG ' in dwFlags passed to CryptEncodeObjectEx. ' ' Set CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING in dwValueType or set ' CRYPT_UNICODE_NAME_ENCODE_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG in dwFlags passed ' to CryptEncodeObjectEx to select CERT_RDN_T61_STRING instead of ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING if all the unicode characters are <= 0xFF. ' ' Set CERT_RDN_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_STRING in dwValueType or set ' CRYPT_UNICODE_NAME_ENCODE_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG in dwFlags passed ' to CryptEncodeObjectEx to select CERT_RDN_UTF8_STRING instead of ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING. ' ' The unicode string is converted before being encoded according to ' the specified or ObjId matching dwValueType. ' ' For CryptDecodeObject: ' Value.pbData points to a NULL terminated unicode string. Value.cbData ' contains the byte count of the unicode string excluding the NULL ' terminator. dwValueType contains the type used in the encoded object. ' Its not forced to CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING. The encoded value is ' converted to the unicode string according to the dwValueType. ' ' If the dwValueType of the encoded value isn't a character string ' type, then, it isn't converted to UNICODE. Use the ' that Value.pbData points to a converted unicode string. ' ' By default, CERT_RDN_T61_STRING values are initially decoded ' as UTF8. If the UTF8 decoding fails, then, decoded as 8 bit characters. ' Set CRYPT_UNICODE_NAME_DECODE_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG in dwFlags ' passed to either CryptDecodeObject or CryptDecodeObjectEx to ' skip the initial attempt to decode as UTF8. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Unicode Name Value Error Location Definitions ' ' Error location is returned in *pcbEncoded by ' ' Error location consists of: ' RDN_INDEX - 10 bits << 22 ' ATTR_INDEX - 6 bits << 16 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_UNICODE_RDN_ERR_INDEX_MASK As Long = &H3FF Public Const CERT_UNICODE_RDN_ERR_INDEX_SHIFT As Long = 22 Public Const CERT_UNICODE_ATTR_ERR_INDEX_MASK As Long = &H003F Public Const CERT_UNICODE_ATTR_ERR_INDEX_SHIFT As Long = 16 Public Const CERT_UNICODE_VALUE_ERR_INDEX_MASK As Long = &H0000FFFF Public Const CERT_UNICODE_VALUE_ERR_INDEX_SHIFT As Long = 0 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID ' szOID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_KEY_ATTRIBUTES ' szOID_KEY_ATTRIBUTES ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Byte[0] Public Const CERT_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H80 Public Const CERT_NON_REPUDIATION_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H40 Public Const CERT_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H20 Public Const CERT_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H10 Public Const CERT_KEY_AGREEMENT_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H08 Public Const CERT_KEY_CERT_SIGN_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H04 Public Const CERT_OFFLINE_CRL_SIGN_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H02 Public Const CERT_CRL_SIGN_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H02 Public Const CERT_ENCIPHER_ONLY_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H01 ' Byte[1] Public Const CERT_DECIPHER_ONLY_KEY_USAGE As Long = &H80 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION ' szOID_KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' See CERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO for definition of the RestrictedKeyUsage bits '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_ALTERNATE_NAME ' szOID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME ' szOID_ISSUER_ALT_NAME ' szOID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME2 ' szOID_ISSUER_ALT_NAME2 ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_OTHER_NAME As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_RFC822_NAME As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_DNS_NAME As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_X400_ADDRESS As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_DIRECTORY_NAME As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_EDI_PARTY_NAME As Long = 6 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_URL As Long = 7 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_IP_ADDRESS As Long = 8 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_REGISTERED_ID As Long = 9 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Alternate name IA5 Error Location Definitions for ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING. ' ' Error location is returned in *pcbEncoded by ' ' Error location consists of: ' ENTRY_INDEX - 8 bits << 16 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY_ERR_INDEX_MASK As Long = &HFF Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY_ERR_INDEX_SHIFT As Long = 16 Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_VALUE_ERR_INDEX_MASK As Long = &H0000FFFF Public Const CERT_ALT_NAME_VALUE_ERR_INDEX_SHIFT As Long = 0 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS ' szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_CA_SUBJECT_FLAG As Long = &H80 Public Const CERT_END_ENTITY_SUBJECT_FLAG As Long = &H40 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2 ' szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2 ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_KEY_USAGE ' szOID_KEY_USAGE ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_BIT_BLOB. Has same bit definitions as ' CERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO's IntendedKeyUsage. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CERT_POLICIES ' szOID_CERT_POLICIES ' szOID_CERT_POLICIES_95 NOTE--Only allowed for decoding!!! ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_POLICIES_INFO. ' ' NOTE: when decoding using szOID_CERT_POLICIES_95 the pszPolicyIdentifier ' may contain an empty string '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_USERNOTICE ' szOID_PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_USERNOTICE ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_POLICY_QUALIFIER_USER_NOTICE. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_CERT_POLICIES_95_QUALIFIER1 - Decode Only!!!! ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_POLICY95_QUALIFIER1. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_POLICY_MAPPINGS ' szOID_POLICY_MAPPINGS ' szOID_LEGACY_POLICY_MAPPINGS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_POLICY_MAPPINGS_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS ' szOID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' RSA_CSP_PUBLICKEYBLOB ' ' pvStructInfo points to a PUBLICKEYSTRUC immediately followed by a ' RSAPUBKEY and the modulus bytes. ' ' CryptExportKey outputs the above StructInfo for a dwBlobType of ' PUBLICKEYBLOB. CryptImportKey expects the above StructInfo when ' importing a public key. ' ' For dwCertEncodingType = X509_ASN_ENCODING, the RSA_CSP_PUBLICKEYBLOB is ' encoded as a PKCS #1 RSAPublicKey consisting of a SEQUENCE of a ' modulus INTEGER and a publicExponent INTEGER. The modulus is encoded ' as being a unsigned integer. When decoded, if the modulus was encoded ' as unsigned integer with a leading 0 byte, the 0 byte is removed before ' converting to the CSP modulus bytes. ' ' For decode, the aiKeyAlg field of PUBLICKEYSTRUC is always set to ' CALG_RSA_KEYX. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_KEYGEN_REQUEST_TO_BE_SIGNED ' ' pvStructInfo points to CERT_KEYGEN_REQUEST_INFO. ' ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS_ATTRIBUTE data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS_ATTRIBUTES data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_ATTRIBUTES. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS_CONTENT_INFO_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CRYPT_CONTENT_INFO_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY. ' ' For X509_ASN_ENCODING: encoded as a PKCS#7 ContentInfo structure wrapping ' a sequence of ANY. The value of the contentType field is pszObjId, ' while the content field is the following structure: ' SequenceOfAny ::= SEQUENCE OF ANY ' ' The CRYPT_DER_BLOBs point to the already encoded ANY content. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS_CONTENT_INFO data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CRYPT_CONTENT_INFO. ' ' For X509_ASN_ENCODING: encoded as a PKCS#7 ContentInfo structure. ' The CRYPT_DER_BLOB points to the already encoded ANY content. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_OCTET_STRING data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_BITS data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_BIT_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_BITS_WITHOUT_TRAILING_ZEROES data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_BIT_BLOB. ' ' The same as X509_BITS, except before encoding, the bit length is ' decremented to exclude trailing zero bits. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_INTEGER data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to an int. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_MULTI_BYTE_INTEGER data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_ENUMERATED data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to an int containing the enumerated value '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CHOICE_OF_TIME data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to a FILETIME. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY data structure ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CRYPT_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY. ' ' The CRYPT_DER_BLOBs point to the already encoded ANY content. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID2 ' szOID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER2 ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID2_INFO. ' ' For CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, the error location is returned in ' ' See X509_ALTERNATE_NAME for error location defines. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS ' szOID_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS. ' ' For CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, the error location is returned in ' ' Error location consists of: ' ENTRY_INDEX - 8 bits << 16 ' ' See X509_ALTERNATE_NAME for ENTRY_INDEX and VALUE_INDEX error location ' defines. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKIX Access Description: Access Method Object Identifiers '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_PKIX_ACC_DESCR As String = "" Public Const szOID_PKIX_OCSP As String = "" Public Const szOID_PKIX_CA_ISSUERS As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CRL_REASON_CODE ' szOID_CRL_REASON_CODE ' ' pvStructInfo points to an int which can be set to one of the following ' enumerated values: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRL_REASON_UNSPECIFIED As Long = 0 Public Const CRL_REASON_KEY_COMPROMISE As Long = 1 Public Const CRL_REASON_CA_COMPROMISE As Long = 2 Public Const CRL_REASON_AFFILIATION_CHANGED As Long = 3 Public Const CRL_REASON_SUPERSEDED As Long = 4 Public Const CRL_REASON_CESSATION_OF_OPERATION As Long = 5 Public Const CRL_REASON_CERTIFICATE_HOLD As Long = 6 Public Const CRL_REASON_REMOVE_FROM_CRL As Long = 8 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CRL_DIST_POINTS ' szOID_CRL_DIST_POINTS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CRL_DIST_POINTS_INFO. ' ' For CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, the error location is returned in ' ' Error location consists of: ' POINT_INDEX - 7 bits << 24 ' ENTRY_INDEX - 8 bits << 16 ' ' See X509_ALTERNATE_NAME for ENTRY_INDEX and VALUE_INDEX error location ' defines. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRL_DIST_POINT_NO_NAME As Long = 0 Public Const CRL_DIST_POINT_FULL_NAME As Long = 1 Public Const CRL_DIST_POINT_ISSUER_RDN_NAME As Long = 2 Public Const CRL_REASON_UNUSED_FLAG As Long = &H80 Public Const CRL_REASON_KEY_COMPROMISE_FLAG As Long = &H40 Public Const CRL_REASON_CA_COMPROMISE_FLAG As Long = &H20 Public Const CRL_REASON_AFFILIATION_CHANGED_FLAG As Long = &H10 Public Const CRL_REASON_SUPERSEDED_FLAG As Long = &H08 Public Const CRL_REASON_CESSATION_OF_OPERATION_FLAG As Long = &H04 Public Const CRL_REASON_CERTIFICATE_HOLD_FLAG As Long = &H02 Public Const CRL_DIST_POINT_ERR_INDEX_MASK As Long = &H7F Public Const CRL_DIST_POINT_ERR_INDEX_SHIFT As Long = 24 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS ' szOID_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS_INFO. ' ' For CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, the error location is returned in ' ' Error location consists of: ' POINT_INDEX - 8 bits << 24 ' ENTRY_INDEX - 8 bits << 16 ' ' See X509_ALTERNATE_NAME for ENTRY_INDEX and VALUE_INDEX error location ' defines. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINT_ERR_INDEX_MASK As Long = &HFF Public Const CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINT_ERR_INDEX_SHIFT As Long = 24 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE ' szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE, CTL_USAGE. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_CERT_PAIR ' ' pvStructInfo points to the following CERT_PAIR. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_CRL_NUMBER ' ' pvStructInfo points to an int. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_DELTA_CRL_INDICATOR ' ' pvStructInfo points to an int. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_ISSUING_DIST_POINT ' X509_ISSUING_DIST_POINT ' ' pvStructInfo points to the following CRL_ISSUING_DIST_POINT. ' ' For CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, the error location is returned in ' ' Error location consists of: ' ENTRY_INDEX - 8 bits << 16 ' ' See X509_ALTERNATE_NAME for ENTRY_INDEX and VALUE_INDEX error location ' defines. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_FRESHEST_CRL ' ' pvStructInfo points to CRL_DIST_POINTS_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NAME_CONSTRAINTS ' X509_NAME_CONSTRAINTS ' ' pvStructInfo points to the following CERT_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_INFO ' ' For CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, the error location is returned in ' ' Error location consists of: ' ENTRY_INDEX - 8 bits << 16 ' ' See X509_ALTERNATE_NAME for ENTRY_INDEX and VALUE_INDEX error location ' defines. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_REMOVE_CERTIFICATE ' ' pvStructInfo points to an int which can be set to one of the following ' 0 - Add certificate ' 1 - Remove certificate '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS_CTL ' szOID_CTL ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CTL_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS_SORTED_CTL ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CTL_INFO. ' ' Same as for PKCS_CTL, except, the CTL entries are sorted. The following ' extension containing the sort information is inserted as the first ' extension in the encoded CTL. ' ' Only supported for Encoding. CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG flag must be ' set. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sorted CTL TrustedSubjects extension ' ' Array of little endian DWORDs: ' [0] - Flags ' [1] - Count of HashBucket entry offsets ' [2] - Maximum HashBucket entry collision count ' ' When this extension is present in the CTL, ' the ASN.1 encoded sequence of TrustedSubjects are HashBucket ordered. ' ' The entry offsets point to the start of the first encoded TrustedSubject ' sequence for the HashBucket. The encoded TrustedSubjects for a HashBucket ' continue until the encoded offset of the next HashBucket. A HashBucket has ' no entries if HashBucket[N] == HashBucket[N + 1]. ' ' The HashBucket offsets are from the start of the ASN.1 encoded CTL_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' If the SubjectIdentifiers are a MD5 or SHA1 hash, the following flag is ' set. When set, the first 4 bytes of the SubjectIdentifier are used as ' the dwhash. Otherwise, the SubjectIdentifier bytes are hashed into dwHash. ' In either case the HashBucket index = dwHash % cHashBucket. Public Const SORTED_CTL_EXT_HASHED_SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER_FLAG As Long = &H1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_MULTI_BYTE_UINT ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_UINT_BLOB. Before encoding, inserts a ' leading 0x00. After decoding, removes a leading 0x00. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_DSS_PUBLICKEY ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_UINT_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_DSS_PARAMETERS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_DSS_PARAMETERS data structure. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_DSS_SIGNATURE ' ' pvStructInfo is a BYTE rgbSignature[CERT_DSS_SIGNATURE_LEN]. The '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_DSS_R_LEN As Long = 20 Public Const CERT_DSS_S_LEN As Long = 20 ' 0x00 to make the integer unsigned) '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_DH_PUBLICKEY ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CRYPT_UINT_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X509_DH_PARAMETERS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_DH_PARAMETERS data structure. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X942_DH_PARAMETERS ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CERT_X942_DH_PARAMETERS data structure. ' ' If q.cbData == 0, then, the following fields are zero'ed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' X942_OTHER_INFO ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CRYPT_X942_OTHER_INFO data structure. ' ' rgbCounter and rgbKeyLength are in Little Endian order. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_X942_COUNTER_BYTE_LENGTH As Long = 4 Public Const CRYPT_X942_KEY_LENGTH_BYTE_LENGTH As Long = 4 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS_RC2_CBC_PARAMETERS ' szOID_RSA_RC2CBC ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CRYPT_RC2_CBC_PARAMETERS data structure. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_RC2_40BIT_VERSION As Long = 160 Public Const CRYPT_RC2_56BIT_VERSION As Long = 52 Public Const CRYPT_RC2_64BIT_VERSION As Long = 120 Public Const CRYPT_RC2_128BIT_VERSION As Long = 58 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS_SMIME_CAPABILITIES ' szOID_RSA_SMIMECapabilities ' ' pvStructInfo points to following CRYPT_SMIME_CAPABILITIES data structure. ' ' causes the encoded parameters to be omitted and not encoded as a NULL ' is per the SMIME specification for encoding capabilities. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO ' ' pvStructInfo points to CMSG_SIGNER_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMS_SIGNER_INFO ' ' pvStructInfo points to CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Netscape Certificate Extension Object Identifiers '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE As String = "2.16.840.1.113730" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_EXTENSION As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_TYPE As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.1" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_BASE_URL As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.2" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_REVOCATION_URL As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.3" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_CA_REVOCATION_URL As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.4" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_RENEWAL_URL As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.7" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_CA_POLICY_URL As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.8" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_SSL_SERVER_NAME As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.12" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_COMMENT As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.13" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Netscape Certificate Data Type Object Identifiers '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_DATA_TYPE As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.2" Public Const szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE As String = "2.16.840.1.113730.2.5" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_TYPE extension ' ' Its value is a bit string. CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' X509_BITS or X509_BITS_WITHOUT_TRAILING_ZEROES. ' ' The following bits are defined: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const NETSCAPE_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_TYPE As Long = &H80 Public Const NETSCAPE_SSL_SERVER_AUTH_CERT_TYPE As Long = &H40 Public Const NETSCAPE_SMIME_CERT_TYPE As Long = &H20 Public Const NETSCAPE_SIGN_CERT_TYPE As Long = &H10 Public Const NETSCAPE_SSL_CA_CERT_TYPE As Long = &H04 Public Const NETSCAPE_SMIME_CA_CERT_TYPE As Long = &H02 Public Const NETSCAPE_SIGN_CA_CERT_TYPE As Long = &H01 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_BASE_URL extension ' ' Its value is an IA5_STRING. CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' X509_ANY_STRING or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, where, ' dwValueType = CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING. ' ' When present this string is added to the beginning of all relative URLs ' in the certificate. This extension can be considered an optimization ' to reduce the size of the URL extensions. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_REVOCATION_URL extension ' ' Its value is an IA5_STRING. CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' X509_ANY_STRING or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, where, ' dwValueType = CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING. ' ' It is a relative or absolute URL that can be used to check the ' revocation status of a certificate. The revocation check will be ' performed as an HTTP GET method using a url that is the concatenation of ' revocation-url and certificate-serial-number. ' Where the certificate-serial-number is encoded as a string of ' ascii hexadecimal digits. For example, if the netscape-base-url is ' https: ' cgi-bin/check-rev.cgi?, and the certificate serial number is 173420, ' the resulting URL would be: ' https: ' ' The server should return a document with a Content-Type of ' application/x-netscape-revocation. The document should contain ' a single ascii digit, '1' if the certificate is not curently valid, ' and '0' if it is curently valid. ' ' Note: for all of the URLs that include the certificate serial number, ' the serial number will be encoded as a string which consists of an even ' number of hexadecimal digits. If the number of significant digits is odd, ' the string will have a single leading zero to ensure an even number of ' digits is generated. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_CA_REVOCATION_URL extension ' ' Its value is an IA5_STRING. CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' X509_ANY_STRING or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, where, ' dwValueType = CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING. ' ' It is a relative or absolute URL that can be used to check the ' revocation status of any certificates that are signed by the CA that ' this certificate belongs to. This extension is only valid in CA ' certificates. The use of this extension is the same as the above ' szOID_NETSCAPE_REVOCATION_URL extension. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_RENEWAL_URL extension ' ' Its value is an IA5_STRING. CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' X509_ANY_STRING or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, where, ' dwValueType = CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING. ' ' It is a relative or absolute URL that points to a certificate renewal ' form. The renewal form will be accessed with an HTTP GET method using a ' url that is the concatenation of renewal-url and ' certificate-serial-number. Where the certificate-serial-number is ' encoded as a string of ascii hexadecimal digits. For example, if the ' netscape-base-url is https: ' netscape-cert-renewal-url is cgi-bin/check-renew.cgi?, and the ' certificate serial number is 173420, the resulting URL would be: ' https: ' The document returned should be an HTML form that will allow the user ' to request a renewal of their certificate. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_CA_POLICY_URL extension ' ' Its value is an IA5_STRING. CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' X509_ANY_STRING or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, where, ' dwValueType = CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING. ' ' It is a relative or absolute URL that points to a web page that ' describes the policies under which the certificate was issued. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_SSL_SERVER_NAME extension ' ' Its value is an IA5_STRING. CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' X509_ANY_STRING or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, where, ' dwValueType = CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING. ' ' It is a "shell expression" that can be used to match the hostname of the ' SSL server that is using this certificate. It is recommended that if ' the server's hostname does not match this pattern the user be notified ' and given the option to terminate the SSL connection. If this extension ' is not present then the CommonName in the certificate subject's ' distinguished name is used for the same purpose. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_COMMENT extension ' ' Its value is an IA5_STRING. CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' X509_ANY_STRING or X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, where, ' dwValueType = CERT_RDN_IA5_STRING. ' ' It is a comment that may be displayed to the user when the certificate ' is viewed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE ' ' Its value is a PKCS#7 ContentInfo structure wrapping a sequence of ' certificates. The value of the contentType field is ' szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE, while the content field is the following ' structure: ' CertificateSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF Certificate. ' ' CryptDecodeObject/CryptEncodeObject using ' PKCS_CONTENT_INFO_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY, where, ' pszObjId = szOID_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE and the CRYPT_DER_BLOBs point ' to encoded X509 certificates. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= '========================================================================== Public Const szOID_CT_PKI_DATA As String = "" Public Const szOID_CT_PKI_RESPONSE As String = "" Public Const szOID_CMC As String = "" Public Const szOID_CMC_STATUS_INFO As String = "" Public Const szOID_CMC_ADD_EXTENSIONS As String = "" Public Const szOID_CMC_ADD_ATTRIBUTES As String = "" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMC_DATA ' CMC_RESPONSE ' ' messages. ' ' For CMC_DATA, pvStructInfo points to a CMC_DATA_INFO. ' CMC_DATA_INFO contains optional arrays of tagged attributes, requests, ' content info and/or arbitrary other messages. ' ' For CMC_RESPONSE, pvStructInfo points to a CMC_RESPONSE_INFO. ' CMC_RESPONSE_INFO is the same as CMC_DATA_INFO without the tagged ' requests. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMC_TAGGED_CERT_REQUEST_CHOICE As Long = 1 ' All the tagged arrays are optional ' All the tagged arrays are optional '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMC_STATUS ' ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CMC_STATUS_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMC_OTHER_INFO_NO_CHOICE As Long = 0 Public Const CMC_OTHER_INFO_FAIL_CHOICE As Long = 1 Public Const CMC_OTHER_INFO_PEND_CHOICE As Long = 2 ' ' dwStatus values ' ' Request was granted Public Const CMC_STATUS_SUCCESS As Long = 0 ' Request failed, more information elsewhere in the message Public Const CMC_STATUS_FAILED As Long = 2 ' The request body part has not yet been processed. Requester is responsible ' to poll back. May only be returned for certificate request operations. Public Const CMC_STATUS_PENDING As Long = 3 ' The requested operation is not supported Public Const CMC_STATUS_NO_SUPPORT As Long = 4 ' Confirmation using the idConfirmCertAcceptance control is required ' before use of certificate Public Const CMC_STATUS_CONFIRM_REQUIRED As Long = 5 ' ' dwFailInfo values ' ' Unrecognized or unsupported algorithm Public Const CMC_FAIL_BAD_ALG As Long = 0 ' Integrity check failed Public Const CMC_FAIL_BAD_MESSAGE_CHECK As Long = 1 ' Transaction not permitted or supported Public Const CMC_FAIL_BAD_REQUEST As Long = 2 ' Message time field was not sufficiently close to the system time Public Const CMC_FAIL_BAD_TIME As Long = 3 ' No certificate could be identified matching the provided criteria Public Const CMC_FAIL_BAD_CERT_ID As Long = 4 ' A requested X.509 extension is not supported by the recipient CA. Public Const CMC_FAIL_UNSUPORTED_EXT As Long = 5 ' Private key material must be supplied Public Const CMC_FAIL_MUST_ARCHIVE_KEYS As Long = 6 ' Identification Attribute failed to verify Public Const CMC_FAIL_BAD_IDENTITY As Long = 7 ' Server requires a POP proof before issuing certificate Public Const CMC_FAIL_POP_REQUIRED As Long = 8 ' POP processing failed Public Const CMC_FAIL_POP_FAILED As Long = 9 ' Server policy does not allow key re-use Public Const CMC_FAIL_NO_KEY_REUSE As Long = 10 Public Const CMC_FAIL_INTERNAL_CA_ERROR As Long = 11 Public Const CMC_FAIL_TRY_LATER As Long = 12 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMC_ADD_EXTENSIONS ' ' attribute. ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CMC_ADD_EXTENSIONS_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMC_ADD_ATTRIBUTES ' ' attribute. ' ' pvStructInfo points to a CMC_ADD_ATTRIBUTES_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= '========================================================================== ' Predefined OID Function Names Public Const CRYPT_OID_ENCODE_OBJECT_FUNC As String = "CryptDllEncodeObject" Public Const CRYPT_OID_DECODE_OBJECT_FUNC As String = "CryptDllDecodeObject" Public Const CRYPT_OID_ENCODE_OBJECT_EX_FUNC As String = "CryptDllEncodeObjectEx" Public Const CRYPT_OID_DECODE_OBJECT_EX_FUNC As String = "CryptDllDecodeObjectEx" Public Const CRYPT_OID_CREATE_COM_OBJECT_FUNC As String = "CryptDllCreateCOMObject" Public Const CRYPT_OID_VERIFY_REVOCATION_FUNC As String = "CertDllVerifyRevocation" Public Const CRYPT_OID_VERIFY_CTL_USAGE_FUNC As String = "CertDllVerifyCTLUsage" Public Const CRYPT_OID_FORMAT_OBJECT_FUNC As String = "CryptDllFormatObject" Public Const CRYPT_OID_FIND_OID_INFO_FUNC As String = "CryptDllFindOIDInfo" Public Const CRYPT_OID_FIND_LOCALIZED_NAME_FUNC As String = "CryptDllFindLocalizedName" ' CryptDllEncodeObject has same function signature as CryptEncodeObject. ' CryptDllDecodeObject has same function signature as CryptDecodeObject. ' CryptDllEncodeObjectEx has same function signature as CryptEncodeObjectEx. ' The Ex version MUST support the CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG option. ' ' If an Ex function isn't installed or registered, then, attempts to find ' a non-EX version. If the ALLOC flag is set, then, CryptEncodeObjectEx, ' does the allocation and calls the non-EX version twice. ' CryptDllDecodeObjectEx has same function signature as CryptDecodeObjectEx. ' The Ex version MUST support the CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG option. ' ' If an Ex function isn't installed or registered, then, attempts to find ' a non-EX version. If the ALLOC flag is set, then, CryptDecodeObjectEx, ' does the allocation and calls the non-EX version twice. ' CryptDllCreateCOMObject has the following signature: ' IN DWORD dwEncodingType, ' IN LPCSTR pszOID, ' IN PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pEncodedContent, ' IN DWORD dwFlags, ' IN REFIID riid, ' OUT void **ppvObj); ' CertDllVerifyRevocation has the same signature as CertVerifyRevocation ' CertDllVerifyCTLUsage has the same signature as CertVerifyCTLUsage ' CryptDllFindOIDInfo currently is only used to store values used by ' CryptDllFindLocalizedName is only used to store localized string ' more details. ' Example of a complete OID Function Registry Name: ' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\OID ' Encoding Type 1\CryptDllEncodeObject\1.2.3 ' ' The key's L"Dll" value contains the name of the Dll. ' The key's L"FuncName" value overrides the default function name Public Const CRYPT_OID_REGPATH As String = "Software\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\OID" Public Const CRYPT_OID_REG_ENCODING_TYPE_PREFIX As String = "EncodingType " Public Const CRYPT_OID_REG_DLL_VALUE_NAME As String = "Dll" Public Const CRYPT_OID_REG_FUNC_NAME_VALUE_NAME As String = "FuncName" Public Const CRYPT_OID_REG_FUNC_NAME_VALUE_NAME_A As String = "FuncName" ' CRYPT_INSTALL_OID_FUNC_BEFORE_FLAG can be set in the key's L"CryptFlags" ' value to register the functions before the installed functions. ' ' CryptSetOIDFunctionValue must be called to set this value. L"CryptFlags" ' must be set using a dwValueType of REG_DWORD. Public Const CRYPT_OID_REG_FLAGS_VALUE_NAME As String = "CryptFlags" ' OID used for Default OID functions Public Const CRYPT_DEFAULT_OID As String = "DEFAULT" Public Const CRYPT_INSTALL_OID_FUNC_BEFORE_FLAG As Long = 1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Install a set of callable OID function addresses. ' ' By default the functions are installed at end of the list. ' Set CRYPT_INSTALL_OID_FUNC_BEFORE_FLAG to install at beginning of list. ' ' hModule should be updated with the hModule passed to DllMain to prevent ' the Dll containing the function addresses from being unloaded by ' CryptGetOIDFuncAddress/CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress. This would be the ' case when the Dll has also regsvr32'ed OID functions via ' CryptRegisterOIDFunction. ' ' DEFAULT functions are installed by setting rgFuncEntry[].pszOID = ' CRYPT_DEFAULT_OID. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Initialize and return handle to the OID function set identified by its ' function name. ' ' If the set already exists, a handle to the existing set is returned. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Search the list of installed functions for an encoding type and OID match. ' If not found, search the registry. ' ' For success, returns TRUE with *ppvFuncAddr updated with the function's ' address and *phFuncAddr updated with the function address's handle. ' The function's handle is AddRef'ed. CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress needs to ' be called to release it. ' ' For a registry match, the Dll containing the function is loaded. ' ' By default, both the registered and installed function lists are searched. ' Set CRYPT_GET_INSTALLED_OID_FUNC_FLAG to only search the installed list ' of functions. This flag would be set by a registered function to get ' the address of a pre-installed function it was replacing. For example, ' the registered function might handle a new special case and call the ' pre-installed function to handle the remaining cases. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_GET_INSTALLED_OID_FUNC_FLAG As Long = &H1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the list of registered default Dll entries for the specified ' function set and encoding type. ' ' The returned list consists of none, one or more null terminated Dll file ' For example: L"first.dll" L"\0" L"second.dll" L"\0" L"\0" '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Either: get the first or next installed DEFAULT function OR ' load the Dll containing the DEFAULT function. ' ' If pwszDll is NULL, search the list of installed DEFAULT functions. ' *phFuncAddr must be set to NULL to get the first installed function. ' Successive installed functions are returned by setting *phFuncAddr ' to the hFuncAddr returned by the previous call. ' ' If pwszDll is NULL, the input *phFuncAddr ' is always CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress'ed by this function, even for ' an error. ' ' If pwszDll isn't NULL, then, attempts to load the Dll and the DEFAULT ' function. *phFuncAddr is ignored upon entry and isn't ' CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress'ed. ' ' For success, returns TRUE with *ppvFuncAddr updated with the function's ' address and *phFuncAddr updated with the function address's handle. ' The function's handle is AddRef'ed. CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress needs to ' be called to release it or CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress can also ' be called for a NULL pwszDll. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Releases the handle AddRef'ed and returned by CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress ' or CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress. ' ' If a Dll was loaded for the function its unloaded. However, before doing ' the unload, the DllCanUnloadNow function exported by the loaded Dll is ' called. It should return S_FALSE to inhibit the unload or S_TRUE to enable ' the unload. If the Dll doesn't export DllCanUnloadNow, the Dll is unloaded. ' ' DllCanUnloadNow has the following signature: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Register the Dll containing the function to be called for the specified ' encoding type, function name and OID. ' ' pwszDll may contain environment-variable strings ' ' In addition to registering the DLL, you may override the ' name of the function to be called. For example, ' pszFuncName = "CryptDllEncodeObject", ' pszOverrideFuncName = "MyEncodeXyz". ' This allows a Dll to export multiple OID functions for the same ' function name without needing to interpose its own OID dispatcher function. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Unregister the Dll containing the function to be called for the specified ' encoding type, function name and OID. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Register the Dll containing the default function to be called for the ' specified encoding type and function name. ' ' Unlike CryptRegisterOIDFunction, you can't override the function name ' needing to be exported by the Dll. ' ' The Dll is inserted before the entry specified by dwIndex. ' dwIndex == 0, inserts at the beginning. ' dwIndex == CRYPT_REGISTER_LAST_INDEX, appends at the end. ' ' pwszDll may contain environment-variable strings '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_REGISTER_FIRST_INDEX As Long = 0 Public Const CRYPT_REGISTER_LAST_INDEX As Long = &HFFFFFFFF '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Unregister the Dll containing the default function to be called for ' the specified encoding type and function name. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set the value for the specified encoding type, function name, OID and ' value name. ' ' See RegSetValueEx for the possible value types. ' ' String types are UNICODE. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the value for the specified encoding type, function name, OID and ' value name. ' ' See RegEnumValue for the possible value types. ' ' String types are UNICODE. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the OID functions identified by their encoding type, ' function name and OID. ' ' pfnEnumOIDFunc is called for each registry key matching the input ' parameters. Setting dwEncodingType to CRYPT_MATCH_ANY_ENCODING_TYPE matches ' any. Setting pszFuncName or pszOID to NULL matches any. ' ' Set pszOID == CRYPT_DEFAULT_OID to restrict the enumeration to only the ' DEFAULT functions ' ' String types are UNICODE. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_MATCH_ANY_ENCODING_TYPE As Long = &HFFFFFFFF '+========================================================================= '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' OID Information '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' OID Group IDs '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_HASH_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 1 Public Const CRYPT_ENCRYPT_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 2 Public Const CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 3 Public Const CRYPT_SIGN_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 4 Public Const CRYPT_RDN_ATTR_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 5 Public Const CRYPT_EXT_OR_ATTR_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 6 Public Const CRYPT_ENHKEY_USAGE_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 7 Public Const CRYPT_POLICY_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 8 Public Const CRYPT_LAST_OID_GROUP_ID As Long = 8 ' The CRYPT_*_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID's have an Algid. The CRYPT_RDN_ATTR_OID_GROUP_ID ' has a dwLength. The CRYPT_EXT_OR_ATTR_OID_GROUP_ID, ' CRYPT_ENHKEY_USAGE_OID_GROUP_ID or CRYPT_POLICY_OID_GROUP_ID don't have a ' dwValue. ' ' CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID has the following optional ExtraInfo: ' DWORD[0] - Flags. CRYPT_OID_INHIBIT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_FLAG can be set to ' inhibit the reformatting of the signature before ' CryptVerifySignature is called or after CryptSignHash ' is called. CRYPT_OID_USE_PUBKEY_PARA_FOR_PKCS7_FLAG can ' be set to include the public key algorithm's parameters ' in the PKCS7's digestEncryptionAlgorithm's parameters. ' CRYPT_OID_NO_NULL_ALGORITHM_PARA_FLAG can be set to omit ' NULL parameters when encoding. Public Const CRYPT_OID_INHIBIT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CRYPT_OID_USE_PUBKEY_PARA_FOR_PKCS7_FLAG As Long = &H2 Public Const CRYPT_OID_NO_NULL_ALGORITHM_PARA_FLAG As Long = &H4 ' CRYPT_SIGN_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID has the following optional ExtraInfo: ' DWORD[0] - Public Key Algid. ' DWORD[1] - Flags. Same as above for CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID. ' If omitted or 0, uses Public Key Algid to select ' appropriate dwProvType for signature verification. ' CRYPT_RDN_ATTR_OID_GROUP_ID has the following optional ExtraInfo: ' Array of DWORDs: ' [0 ..] - Null terminated list of acceptable RDN attribute ' value types. An empty list implies CERT_RDN_PRINTABLE_STRING, ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING, 0. '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find OID information. Returns NULL if unable to find any information ' for the specified key and group. Note, returns a pointer to a constant ' data structure. The returned pointer MUST NOT be freed. ' ' dwKeyType's: ' CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY, pvKey points to a szOID ' CRYPT_OID_INFO_NAME_KEY, pvKey points to a wszName ' CRYPT_OID_INFO_ALGID_KEY, pvKey points to an ALG_ID ' CRYPT_OID_INFO_SIGN_KEY, pvKey points to an array of two ALG_ID's: ' ALG_ID[0] - Hash Algid ' ALG_ID[1] - PubKey Algid ' ' Setting dwGroupId to 0, searches all groups according to the dwKeyType. ' Otherwise, only the dwGroupId is searched. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY As Long = 1 Public Const CRYPT_OID_INFO_NAME_KEY As Long = 2 Public Const CRYPT_OID_INFO_ALGID_KEY As Long = 3 Public Const CRYPT_OID_INFO_SIGN_KEY As Long = 4 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Register OID information. The OID information specified in the ' CCRYPT_OID_INFO structure is persisted to the registry. ' ' crypt32.dll contains information for the commonly known OIDs. This function ' allows applications to augment crypt32.dll's OID information. During ' CryptFindOIDInfo's first call, the registered OID information is installed. ' ' By default the registered OID information is installed after crypt32.dll's ' OID entries. Set CRYPT_INSTALL_OID_INFO_BEFORE_FLAG to install before. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_INSTALL_OID_INFO_BEFORE_FLAG As Long = 1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Unregister OID information. Only the pszOID and dwGroupId fields are ' used to identify the OID information to be unregistered. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' If the callback returns FALSE, stops the enumeration. '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the OID information. ' ' pfnEnumOIDInfo is called for each OID information entry. ' ' Setting dwGroupId to 0 matches all groups. Otherwise, only enumerates ' entries in the specified group. ' ' dwFlags currently isn't used and must be set to 0. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find the localized name for the specified name. For example, find the ' localized name for the "Root" system store name. A case insensitive ' string comparison is done. ' ' Returns NULL if unable to find the the specified name. ' ' as resource strings in crypt32.dll. CryptSetOIDFunctionValue can be called ' as follows to register additional localized strings: ' dwEncodingType = CRYPT_LOCALIZED_NAME_ENCODING_TYPE ' pszFuncName = CRYPT_OID_FIND_LOCALIZED_NAME_FUNC ' pszOID = CRYPT_LOCALIZED_NAME_OID ' pwszValueName = Name to be localized, for example, L"ApplicationStore" ' dwValueType = REG_SZ ' pbValueData = pointer to the UNICODE localized string ' ' To unregister, set pbValueData to NULL and cbValueData to 0. ' ' The registered names are searched before the pre-installed names. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_LOCALIZED_NAME_ENCODING_TYPE As Long = 0 Public Const CRYPT_LOCALIZED_NAME_OID As String = "LocalizedNames" '+========================================================================= ' Low Level Cryptographic Message Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== Public Const szOID_PKCS_7_DATA As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1" Public Const szOID_PKCS_7_SIGNED As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.2" Public Const szOID_PKCS_7_ENVELOPED As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.3" Public Const szOID_PKCS_7_SIGNEDANDENVELOPED As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.4" Public Const szOID_PKCS_7_DIGESTED As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.5" Public Const szOID_PKCS_7_ENCRYPTED As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.6" Public Const szOID_PKCS_9_CONTENT_TYPE As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.3" Public Const szOID_PKCS_9_MESSAGE_DIGEST As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Message types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_DATA As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_SIGNED As Long = 2 Public Const CMSG_ENVELOPED As Long = 3 Public Const CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED As Long = 4 Public Const CMSG_HASHED As Long = 5 Public Const CMSG_ENCRYPTED As Long = 6 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Message Type Bit Flags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Issuer and SerialNumber '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Identifier '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_ID_KEY_IDENTIFIER As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_ID_SHA1_HASH As Long = 3 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_DATA: pvMsgEncodeInfo = NULL '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNED ' ' The pCertInfo in the CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO provides the Issuer, SerialNumber ' and PublicKeyInfo.Algorithm. The PublicKeyInfo.Algorithm implicitly ' specifies the HashEncryptionAlgorithm to be used. ' ' If the SignerId is present with a nonzero dwIdChoice its used instead ' of the Issuer and SerialNumber in pCertInfo. ' ' CMS supports the KEY_IDENTIFIER and ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER CERT_IDs. PKCS #7 ' version 1.5 only supports the ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER CERT_ID choice. ' ' If HashEncryptionAlgorithm is present and not NULL its used instead of ' the PublicKeyInfo.Algorithm. ' ' Note, for RSA, the hash encryption algorithm is normally the same as ' the public key algorithm. For DSA, the hash encryption algorithm is ' normally a DSS signature algorithm. ' ' pvHashEncryptionAuxInfo currently isn't used and must be set to NULL if ' present in the data structure. ' ' The hCryptProv and dwKeySpec specify the private key to use. If dwKeySpec ' == 0, then, defaults to AT_SIGNATURE. ' ' If CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags ' ' pvHashAuxInfo currently isn't used and must be set to NULL. ' ' CMS signed messages allow the inclusion of Attribute Certs. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_ENVELOPED ' ' The PCERT_INFO for the rgRecipients provides the Issuer, SerialNumber ' and PublicKeyInfo. The PublicKeyInfo.Algorithm implicitly ' specifies the KeyEncryptionAlgorithm to be used. ' ' The PublicKeyInfo.PublicKey in PCERT_INFO is used to encrypt the content ' encryption key for the recipient. ' ' hCryptProv is used to do the content encryption, recipient key encryption ' and export. The hCryptProv's private keys aren't used. If hCryptProv ' is NULL, a default hCryptProv is chosen according to the ' ContentEncryptionAlgorithm and the first recipient KeyEncryptionAlgorithm. ' ' If CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags ' ' Note: CAPI currently doesn't support more than one KeyEncryptionAlgorithm ' per provider. This will need to be fixed. ' ' Currently, pvEncryptionAuxInfo is only defined for RC2 or RC4 encryption ' algorithms. Otherwise, its not used and must be set to NULL. ' See CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO for the RC2 encryption algorithms. ' See CMSG_RC4_AUX_INFO for the RC4 encryption algorithms. ' ' To enable SP3 compatible encryption, pvEncryptionAuxInfo should point to ' a CMSG_SP3_COMPATIBLE_AUX_INFO data structure. ' ' To enable the CMS envelope enhancements, rgpRecipients must be set to ' NULL, and rgCmsRecipients updated to point to an array of ' CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO's. ' ' Also, CMS envelope enhancements support the inclusion of a bag of ' Certs, CRLs, Attribute Certs and/or Unprotected Attributes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Key Transport Recipient Encode Info ' ' hCryptProv is used to do the recipient key encryption ' and export. The hCryptProv's private keys aren't used. ' ' If hCryptProv is NULL, then, the hCryptProv specified in ' CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO is used. ' ' Note, even if CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags ' ' CMS supports the KEY_IDENTIFIER and ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER CERT_IDs. PKCS #7 ' version 1.5 only supports the ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER CERT_ID choice. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Key Agreement Recipient Encode Info ' ' If hCryptProv is NULL, then, the hCryptProv specified in ' CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO is used. ' ' For the CMSG_KEY_AGREE_STATIC_KEY_CHOICE, both the hCryptProv and ' dwKeySpec must be specified to select the sender's private key. ' ' Note, even if CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags ' ' CMS supports the KEY_IDENTIFIER and ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER CERT_IDs. ' ' There is 1 key choice, ephemeral originator. The originator's ephemeral ' key is generated using the public key algorithm parameters shared ' amongst all the recipients. ' ' There are 2 key choices: ephemeral originator or static sender. The ' originator's ephemeral key is generated using the public key algorithm ' parameters shared amongst all the recipients. For the static sender its ' private key is used. The hCryptProv and dwKeySpec specify the private key. ' The pSenderId identifies the certificate containing the sender's public key. ' ' Currently, pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo isn't used and must be set to NULL. ' ' If KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData == 0, then, its Parameters ' are updated with the encoded KeyWrapAlgorithm. ' ' Currently, pvKeyWrapAuxInfo is only defined for algorithms with ' RC2. Otherwise, its not used and must be set to NULL. ' When set for RC2 algorithms, points to a CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO containing ' the RC2 effective key length. ' ' Note, key agreement recipients are not supported in PKCS #7 version 1.5. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_EPHEMERAL_KEY_CHOICE As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_STATIC_KEY_CHOICE As Long = 2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Mail List Recipient Encode Info ' ' There is 1 choice for the KeyEncryptionKey: an already created CSP key ' handle. For the key handle choice, hCryptProv must be nonzero. This key ' handle isn't destroyed. ' ' Note, even if CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags ' ' Currently, pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo is only defined for RC2 key wrap ' algorithms. Otherwise, its not used and must be set to NULL. ' When set for RC2 algorithms, points to a CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO containing ' the RC2 effective key length. ' ' Note, mail list recipients are not supported in PKCS #7 version 1.5. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_MAIL_LIST_HANDLE_KEY_CHOICE As Long = 1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Recipient Encode Info ' ' Note, only key transport recipients are supported in PKCS #7 version 1.5. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT As Long = 2 Public Const CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT As Long = 3 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO ' ' AuxInfo for RC2 encryption algorithms. The pvEncryptionAuxInfo field ' in CMSG_ENCRYPTED_ENCODE_INFO should be updated to point to this ' structure. If not specified, defaults to 40 bit. ' ' Note, this AuxInfo is only used when, the ContentEncryptionAlgorithm's ' Parameter.cbData is zero. Otherwise, the Parameters is decoded to ' get the bit length. ' ' If CMSG_SP3_COMPATIBLE_ENCRYPT_FLAG is set in dwBitLen, then, SP3 ' compatible encryption is done and the bit length is ignored. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SP3_COMPATIBLE_AUX_INFO ' ' AuxInfo for enabling SP3 compatible encryption. ' ' The CMSG_SP3_COMPATIBLE_ENCRYPT_FLAG is set in dwFlags to enable SP3 ' compatible encryption. When set, uses zero salt instead of no salt, ' the encryption algorithm parameters are NULL instead of containing the ' encoded RC2 parameters or encoded IV octet string and the encrypted ' symmetric key is encoded little endian instead of big endian. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_SP3_COMPATIBLE_ENCRYPT_FLAG As Long = &H80000000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_RC4_AUX_INFO ' ' AuxInfo for RC4 encryption algorithms. The pvEncryptionAuxInfo field ' in CMSG_ENCRYPTED_ENCODE_INFO should be updated to point to this ' structure. If not specified, uses the CSP's default bit length with no ' salt. Note, the base CSP has a 40 bit default and the enhanced CSP has ' a 128 bit default. ' ' If CMSG_RC4_NO_SALT_FLAG is set in dwBitLen, then, no salt is generated. ' as an OCTET STRING in the algorithm parameters field. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_RC4_NO_SALT_FLAG As Long = &H40000000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED ' ' For PKCS #7, a signed and enveloped message doesn't have the ' signer's authenticated or unauthenticated attributes. Otherwise, a ' combination of the CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO and CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_HASHED ' ' hCryptProv is used to do the hash. Doesn't need to use a private key. ' ' If CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags ' ' If fDetachedHash is set, then, the encoded message doesn't contain ' ' pvHashAuxInfo currently isn't used and must be set to NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_ENCRYPTED ' ' The key used to encrypt the message is identified outside of the message ' ' The content input to CryptMsgUpdate has already been encrypted. ' ' pvEncryptionAuxInfo currently isn't used and must be set to NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This parameter allows messages to be of variable length with streamed ' output. ' ' By default, messages are of a definite length and ' called to get the cryptographically processed content. Until closed, ' the handle keeps a copy of the processed content. ' ' With streamed output, the processed content can be freed as its streamed. ' ' If the length of the content to be updated is known at the time of the ' open, then, ContentLength should be set to that length. Otherwise, it ' should be set to CMSG_INDEFINITE_LENGTH. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_INDEFINITE_LENGTH As Long = &HFFFFFFFF '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Open dwFlags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CMSG_LENGTH_ONLY_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CMSG_DETACHED_FLAG As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CMSG_AUTHENTICATED_ATTRIBUTES_FLAG As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CMSG_CONTENTS_OCTETS_FLAG As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CMSG_MAX_LENGTH_FLAG As Long = &H00000020 ' When set, nonData type inner content is encapsulated within an ' OCTET STRING. Applicable to both Signed and Enveloped messages. Public Const CMSG_CMS_ENCAPSULATED_CONTENT_FLAG As Long = &H00000040 ' If set, then, the hCryptProv passed to CryptMsgOpenToEncode or ' CryptMsgOpenToDecode is released on the final CryptMsgClose. ' Not released if CryptMsgOpenToEncode or CryptMsgOpenToDecode fails. ' ' Note, the envelope recipient hCryptProv's aren't released. Public Const CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG As Long = &H00008000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Open a cryptographic message for encoding ' ' For PKCS #7: ' If the content to be passed to CryptMsgUpdate has already ' from another message encode), then, the CMSG_ENCODED_CONTENT_INFO_FLAG should ' be set in dwFlags. If not set, then, the inner ContentType is Data and ' the input to CryptMsgUpdate is treated as the inner Data type's Content, ' a string of bytes. ' If CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_FLAG is specified for a streamed message, ' the streamed output will not have an outer ContentInfo wrapper. This ' makes it suitable to be streamed into an enclosing message. ' ' The pStreamInfo parameter needs to be set to stream the encoded message ' output. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Calculate the length of an encoded cryptographic message. ' ' Calculates the length of the encoded message given the ' message type, encoding parameters and total length of ' the data to be updated. Note, this might not be the exact length. However, ' it will always be greater than or equal to the actual length. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Open a cryptographic message for decoding ' ' hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use for hashing and/or ' decrypting the message. If hCryptProv is NULL, a default crypt provider ' is used. ' ' Currently pRecipientInfo isn't used and should be set to NULL. ' ' The pStreamInfo parameter needs to be set to stream the decoded content ' output. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Duplicate a cryptographic message handle '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Close a cryptographic message handle ' ' LastError is preserved unless FALSE is returned. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Update the content of a cryptographic message. Depending on how the ' message was opened, the content is either encoded or decoded. ' ' This function is repetitively called to append to the message content. ' fFinal is set to identify the last update. On fFinal, the encode/decode ' is completed. The encoded/decoded content and the decoded parameters ' are valid until the open and all duplicated handles are closed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get a parameter after encoding/decoding a cryptographic message. Called ' after the final CryptMsgUpdate. Only the CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM and ' CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM are valid for an encoded message. ' ' For an encoded HASHED message, the CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM can be got ' before any CryptMsgUpdates to get its length. ' ' The pvData type definition depends on the dwParamType value. ' ' Elements pointed to by fields in the pvData structure follow the ' structure. Therefore, *pcbData may exceed the size of the structure. ' ' Upon input, if *pcbData == 0, then, *pcbData is updated with the length ' of the data and the pvData parameter is ignored. ' ' Upon return, *pcbData is updated with the length of the data. ' ' The OBJID BLOBs returned in the pvData structures point to ' their still encoded representation. The appropriate functions ' must be called to decode the information. ' ' See below for a list of the parameters to get. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get parameter types and their corresponding data structure definitions. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_TYPE_PARAM As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM As Long = 2 Public Const CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_PARAM As Long = 3 Public Const CMSG_INNER_CONTENT_TYPE_PARAM As Long = 4 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_COUNT_PARAM As Long = 5 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM As Long = 6 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM As Long = 7 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_HASH_ALGORITHM_PARAM As Long = 8 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_AUTH_ATTR_PARAM As Long = 9 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARAM As Long = 10 Public Const CMSG_CERT_COUNT_PARAM As Long = 11 Public Const CMSG_CERT_PARAM As Long = 12 Public Const CMSG_CRL_COUNT_PARAM As Long = 13 Public Const CMSG_CRL_PARAM As Long = 14 Public Const CMSG_ENVELOPE_ALGORITHM_PARAM As Long = 15 Public Const CMSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM As Long = 17 Public Const CMSG_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM As Long = 18 Public Const CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM As Long = 19 Public Const CMSG_HASH_ALGORITHM_PARAM As Long = 20 Public Const CMSG_HASH_DATA_PARAM As Long = 21 Public Const CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM As Long = 22 Public Const CMSG_ENCRYPT_PARAM As Long = 26 Public Const CMSG_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST As Long = 27 Public Const CMSG_ENCODED_SIGNER As Long = 28 Public Const CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE As Long = 29 Public Const CMSG_VERSION_PARAM As Long = 30 Public Const CMSG_ATTR_CERT_COUNT_PARAM As Long = 31 Public Const CMSG_ATTR_CERT_PARAM As Long = 32 Public Const CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM As Long = 33 Public Const CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM As Long = 34 Public Const CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INDEX_PARAM As Long = 35 Public Const CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM As Long = 36 Public Const CMSG_UNPROTECTED_ATTR_PARAM As Long = 37 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_ID_PARAM As Long = 38 Public Const CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM As Long = 39 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_TYPE_PARAM ' ' The type of the decoded message. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM ' ' The encoded content of a cryptographic message. Depending on how the ' message was opened, the content is either the whole PKCS#7 ' In the decode case, the decrypted content is returned, if enveloped. ' If not enveloped, and if the inner content is of type DATA, the returned ' data is the contents octets of the inner content. ' ' pvData points to the buffer receiving the content bytes '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_PARAM ' ' The encoded content of an encoded cryptographic message, without the ' outer layer of ContentInfo. That is, only the encoding of the ' ContentInfo.content field is returned. ' ' pvData points to the buffer receiving the content bytes '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_INNER_CONTENT_TYPE_PARAM ' ' The type of the inner content of a decoded cryptographic message, ' in the form of a NULL-terminated object identifier string ' ' pvData points to the buffer receiving the object identifier string '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNER_COUNT_PARAM ' ' Count of signers in a SIGNED or SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED message ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM ' ' To get all the signers, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, with ' dwIndex set to 0 .. SignerCount - 1. ' ' pvData points to a CERT_INFO struct. ' ' Only the following fields have been updated in the CERT_INFO struct: ' Issuer and SerialNumber. ' ' Note, if the KEYID choice was selected for a CMS SignerId, then, the ' SerialNumber is 0 and the Issuer is encoded containing a single RDN with a ' single Attribute whose OID is szOID_KEYID_RDN, value type is ' CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING and value is the KEYID. When the ' CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore and ' special KEYID Issuer and SerialNumber, they do a KEYID match. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM ' ' To get all the signers, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, with ' dwIndex set to 0 .. SignerCount - 1. ' ' pvData points to a CMSG_SIGNER_INFO struct. ' ' Note, if the KEYID choice was selected for a CMS SignerId, then, the ' SerialNumber is 0 and the Issuer is encoded containing a single RDN with a ' single Attribute whose OID is szOID_KEYID_RDN, value type is ' CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING and value is the KEYID. When the ' CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore and ' special KEYID Issuer and SerialNumber, they do a KEYID match. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_ID_PARAM ' ' To get all the signers, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, with ' dwIndex set to 0 .. SignerCount - 1. ' ' pvData points to a CERT_ID struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM ' ' Same as CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM, except, contains SignerId instead of ' Issuer and SerialNumber. ' ' To get all the signers, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, with ' dwIndex set to 0 .. SignerCount - 1. ' ' pvData points to a CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNER_HASH_ALGORITHM_PARAM ' ' This parameter specifies the HashAlgorithm that was used for the signer. ' ' Set dwIndex to iterate through all the signers. ' ' pvData points to an CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNER_AUTH_ATTR_PARAM ' ' The authenticated attributes for the signer. ' ' Set dwIndex to iterate through all the signers. ' ' pvData points to a CMSG_ATTR struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARAM ' ' The unauthenticated attributes for the signer. ' ' Set dwIndex to iterate through all the signers. ' ' pvData points to a CMSG_ATTR struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CERT_COUNT_PARAM ' ' Count of certificates in a SIGNED or SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED message. ' ' CMS, also supports certificates in an ENVELOPED message. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CERT_PARAM ' ' To get all the certificates, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, with ' dwIndex set to 0 .. CertCount - 1. ' ' pvData points to an array of the certificate's encoded bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CRL_COUNT_PARAM ' ' Count of CRLs in a SIGNED or SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED message. ' ' CMS, also supports CRLs in an ENVELOPED message. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CRL_PARAM ' ' To get all the CRLs, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, with ' dwIndex set to 0 .. CrlCount - 1. ' ' pvData points to an array of the CRL's encoded bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_ENVELOPE_ALGORITHM_PARAM ' ' The ContentEncryptionAlgorithm that was used in ' an ENVELOPED or SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED message. ' ' For streaming you must be able to successfully get this parameter before ' doing a CryptMsgControl decrypt. ' ' pvData points to an CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM ' ' Count of recipients in an ENVELOPED or SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED message. ' ' Count of key transport recepients. ' ' The CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM has the total count of ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM ' ' Index of the recipient used to decrypt an ENVELOPED or SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED ' message. ' ' Index of a key transport recipient. If a non key transport ' recipient was used to decrypt, fails with LastError set to ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_INDEX. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM ' ' To get all the recipients, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, with ' dwIndex set to 0 .. RecipientCount - 1. ' ' Only returns the key transport recepients. ' ' The CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM returns all recipients. ' ' pvData points to a CERT_INFO struct. ' ' Only the following fields have been updated in the CERT_INFO struct: ' Issuer, SerialNumber and PublicKeyAlgorithm. The PublicKeyAlgorithm ' specifies the KeyEncryptionAlgorithm that was used. ' ' Note, if the KEYID choice was selected for a key transport recipient, then, ' the SerialNumber is 0 and the Issuer is encoded containing a single RDN ' with a single Attribute whose OID is szOID_KEYID_RDN, value type is ' CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING and value is the KEYID. When the ' CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore and ' special KEYID Issuer and SerialNumber, they do a KEYID match. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_HASH_ALGORITHM_PARAM ' ' The HashAlgorithm in a HASHED message. ' ' pvData points to an CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_HASH_DATA_PARAM ' ' The hash in a HASHED message. ' ' pvData points to an array of bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM ' ' The computed hash for a HASHED message. ' This may be called for either an encoded or decoded message. ' ' Also, the computed hash for one of the signer's in a SIGNED message. ' It may be called for either an encoded or decoded message after the ' final update. Set dwIndex to iterate through all the signers. ' ' pvData points to an array of bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_ENCRYPT_PARAM ' ' The ContentEncryptionAlgorithm that was used in an ENCRYPTED message. ' ' pvData points to an CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE ' ' The full encoded message. This is useful in the case of a decoded ' signed-and-enveloped-data message which has been countersigned). ' ' pvData points to an array of the message's encoded bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_VERSION_PARAM ' ' The version of the decoded message. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_SIGNED_DATA_V1 As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_SIGNED_DATA_V3 As Long = 3 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_V1 As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_V3 As Long = 3 Public Const CMSG_HASHED_DATA_V0 As Long = 0 Public Const CMSG_HASHED_DATA_V2 As Long = 2 Public Const CMSG_ENVELOPED_DATA_V0 As Long = 0 Public Const CMSG_ENVELOPED_DATA_V2 As Long = 2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_ATTR_CERT_COUNT_PARAM ' ' Count of attribute certificates in a SIGNED or ENVELOPED message. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_ATTR_CERT_PARAM ' ' To get all the attribute certificates, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, ' with dwIndex set to 0 .. AttrCertCount - 1. ' ' pvData points to an array of the attribute certificate's encoded bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM ' ' Count of all CMS recipients in an ENVELOPED message. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM ' ' Index of the CMS recipient used to decrypt an ENVELOPED message. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INDEX_PARAM ' ' For a CMS key agreement recipient, the index of the encrypted key ' used to decrypt an ENVELOPED message. ' ' pvData points to a DWORD '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM ' ' To get all the CMS recipients, repetitively call CryptMsgGetParam, with ' dwIndex set to 0 .. CmsRecipientCount - 1. ' ' pvData points to a CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR_CERT As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR_PUBLIC_KEY As Long = 2 ' dwVersion numbers for the KeyTrans, KeyAgree and MailList recipients Public Const CMSG_ENVELOPED_RECIPIENT_V0 As Long = 0 Public Const CMSG_ENVELOPED_RECIPIENT_V2 As Long = 2 Public Const CMSG_ENVELOPED_RECIPIENT_V3 As Long = 3 Public Const CMSG_ENVELOPED_RECIPIENT_V4 As Long = 4 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_UNPROTECTED_ATTR_PARAM ' ' The unprotected attributes in the envelped message. ' ' pvData points to a CMSG_ATTR struct. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Perform a special "control" function after the final CryptMsgUpdate of a ' encoded/decoded cryptographic message. ' ' The dwCtrlType parameter specifies the type of operation to be performed. ' ' The pvCtrlPara definition depends on the dwCtrlType value. ' ' See below for a list of the control operations and their pvCtrlPara ' type definition. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Message control types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT As Long = 2 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_HASH As Long = 5 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER As Long = 6 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_DEL_SIGNER As Long = 7 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR As Long = 8 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_DEL_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR As Long = 9 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_ADD_CERT As Long = 10 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_DEL_CERT As Long = 11 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_ADD_CRL As Long = 12 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_DEL_CRL As Long = 13 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_ADD_ATTR_CERT As Long = 14 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_DEL_ATTR_CERT As Long = 15 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_KEY_TRANS_DECRYPT As Long = 16 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_KEY_AGREE_DECRYPT As Long = 17 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_MAIL_LIST_DECRYPT As Long = 18 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX As Long = 19 Public Const CMSG_CTRL_ADD_CMS_SIGNER_INFO As Long = 20 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE ' ' Verify the signature of a SIGNED or SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED ' message after it has been decoded. ' ' For a SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED message, called after ' with a NULL pRecipientInfo. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a CERT_INFO struct. ' ' The CERT_INFO contains the Issuer and SerialNumber identifying ' the Signer of the message. The CERT_INFO also contains the ' PublicKeyInfo ' used to verify the signature. The cryptographic provider specified ' in CryptMsgOpenToDecode is used. ' ' Note, if the message contains CMS signers identified by KEYID, then, ' the CERT_INFO's Issuer and SerialNumber is ignored and only the public ' key is used to find a signer whose signature verifies. ' ' The following CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX should be used instead. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX ' ' Verify the signature of a SIGNED message after it has been decoded. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to the following CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX_PARA. ' ' If hCryptProv is NULL, uses the cryptographic provider specified in ' CryptMsgOpenToDecode. If CryptMsgOpenToDecode's hCryptProv is also NULL, ' gets default provider according to the signer's public key OID. ' ' dwSignerIndex is the index of the signer to use to verify the signature. ' ' The signer can be a pointer to a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO, certificate ' context or a chain context. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Signer Types Public Const CMSG_VERIFY_SIGNER_PUBKEY As Long = 1 Public Const CMSG_VERIFY_SIGNER_CERT As Long = 2 Public Const CMSG_VERIFY_SIGNER_CHAIN As Long = 3 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT ' ' Decrypt an ENVELOPED or SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED message after it has been ' decoded. ' ' This decrypt is only applicable to key transport recipients. ' ' hCryptProv and dwKeySpec specify the private key to use. For dwKeySpec == ' 0, defaults to AT_KEYEXCHANGE. ' ' If CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags passed ' to CryptMsgControl, then, the hCryptProv is released on the final ' CryptMsgClose. Not released if CryptMsgControl fails. ' ' dwRecipientIndex is the index of the recipient in the message associated ' with the hCryptProv's private key. ' ' The dwRecipientIndex is the index of a key transport recipient. ' ' Note, the message can only be decrypted once. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_KEY_TRANS_DECRYPT ' ' Decrypt an ENVELOPED message after it has been decoded for a key ' transport recipient. ' ' hCryptProv and dwKeySpec specify the private key to use. For dwKeySpec == ' 0, defaults to AT_KEYEXCHANGE. ' ' If CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags passed ' to CryptMsgControl, then, the hCryptProv is released on the final ' CryptMsgClose. Not released if CryptMsgControl fails. ' ' pKeyTrans points to the CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_INFO obtained via ' ' dwRecipientIndex is the index of the recipient in the message associated ' with the hCryptProv's private key. ' ' Note, the message can only be decrypted once. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_KEY_AGREE_DECRYPT ' ' Decrypt an ENVELOPED message after it has been decoded for a key ' agreement recipient. ' ' hCryptProv and dwKeySpec specify the private key to use. For dwKeySpec == ' 0, defaults to AT_KEYEXCHANGE. ' ' If CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags passed ' to CryptMsgControl, then, the hCryptProv is released on the final ' CryptMsgClose. Not released if CryptMsgControl fails. ' ' pKeyAgree points to the CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_INFO obtained via ' ' dwRecipientIndex, dwRecipientEncryptedKeyIndex are the indices of the ' recipient's encrypted key in the message associated with the hCryptProv's ' private key. ' ' OriginatorPublicKey is the originator's public key obtained from either ' the originator's certificate or the CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_INFO obtained ' via the CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM. ' ' Note, the message can only be decrypted once. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_MAIL_LIST_DECRYPT ' ' Decrypt an ENVELOPED message after it has been decoded for a mail ' list recipient. ' ' pMailList points to the CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_INFO obtained via ' ' There is 1 choice for the KeyEncryptionKey: an already created CSP key ' handle. For the key handle choice, hCryptProv must be nonzero. This key ' handle isn't destroyed. ' ' If CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG is set in the dwFlags passed ' to CryptMsgControl, then, the hCryptProv is released on the final ' CryptMsgClose. Not released if CryptMsgControl fails. ' ' For RC2 wrap, the effective key length is obtained from the ' KeyEncryptionAlgorithm parameters and set on the hKeyEncryptionKey before ' decrypting. ' ' Note, the message can only be decrypted once. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_HASH ' ' Verify the hash of a HASHED message after it has been decoded. ' ' Only the hCryptMsg parameter is used, to specify the message whose ' hash is being verified. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER ' ' Add a signer to a signed-data message. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_ADD_CMS_SIGNER_INFO ' ' Add a signer to a signed-data message. ' ' Differs from the above, CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER, wherein, the signer info ' already contains the signature. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_DEL_SIGNER ' ' Remove a signer from a signed-data or signed-and-enveloped-data message. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a DWORD containing the 0-based index of the ' signer to be removed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR ' ' Add an unauthenticated attribute to the SignerInfo of a signed-data or ' signed-and-enveloped-data message. ' ' The unauthenticated attribute is input in the form of an encoded blob. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_DEL_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR ' ' Delete an unauthenticated attribute from the SignerInfo of a signed-data ' or signed-and-enveloped-data message. ' ' The unauthenticated attribute to be removed is specified by ' a 0-based index. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_ADD_CERT ' ' Add a certificate to a signed-data or signed-and-enveloped-data message. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB containing the certificate's ' encoded bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_DEL_CERT ' ' Delete a certificate from a signed-data or signed-and-enveloped-data ' message. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a DWORD containing the 0-based index of the ' certificate to be removed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_ADD_CRL ' ' Add a CRL to a signed-data or signed-and-enveloped-data message. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB containing the CRL's ' encoded bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_DEL_CRL ' ' Delete a CRL from a signed-data or signed-and-enveloped-data message. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a DWORD containing the 0-based index of the CRL ' to be removed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_ADD_ATTR_CERT ' ' Add an attribute certificate to a signed-data message. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB containing the attribute ' certificate's encoded bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CMSG_CTRL_DEL_ATTR_CERT ' ' Delete an attribute certificate from a signed-data message. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to a DWORD containing the 0-based index of the ' attribute certificate to be removed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify a countersignature, at the SignerInfo level. ' ie. verify that pbSignerInfoCountersignature contains the encrypted ' hash of the encryptedDigest field of pbSignerInfo. ' ' hCryptProv is used to hash the encryptedDigest field of pbSignerInfo. ' The only fields referenced from pciCountersigner are SerialNumber, Issuer, ' and SubjectPublicKeyInfo. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify a countersignature, at the SignerInfo level. ' ie. verify that pbSignerInfoCountersignature contains the encrypted ' hash of the encryptedDigest field of pbSignerInfo. ' ' hCryptProv is used to hash the encryptedDigest field of pbSignerInfo. ' ' The signer can be a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO, certificate context or a ' chain context. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' See CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX_PARA for dwSignerType definitions '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Countersign an already-existing signature in a message ' ' dwIndex is a zero-based index of the SignerInfo to be countersigned. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Output an encoded SignerInfo blob, suitable for use as a countersignature ' attribute in the unauthenticated attributes of a signed-data or ' signed-and-enveloped-data message. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CryptMsg OID installable functions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Note, the following 3 installable functions are obsolete and have been ' replaced with GenContentEncryptKey, ExportKeyTrans, ExportKeyAgree, ' ExportMailList, ImportKeyTrans, ImportKeyAgree and ImportMailList ' installable functions. ' If *phCryptProv is NULL upon entry, then, if supported, the installable ' function should acquire a default provider and return. Note, its up ' to the installable function to release at process detach. ' ' If paiEncrypt->Parameters.cbData is 0, then, the callback may optionally ' return default encoded parameters in *ppbEncryptParameters and ' *pcbEncryptParameters. pfnAlloc must be called for the allocation. Public Const CMSG_OID_GEN_ENCRYPT_KEY_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllGenEncryptKey" Public Const CMSG_OID_EXPORT_ENCRYPT_KEY_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllExportEncryptKey" Public Const CMSG_OID_IMPORT_ENCRYPT_KEY_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllImportEncryptKey" ' To get the default installable function for GenContentEncryptKey, ' ExportKeyTrans, ExportKeyAgree, ExportMailList, ImportKeyTrans, ' with the pszOID argument set to the following constant. dwEncodingType ' should be set to CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING or X509_ASN_ENCODING. '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Content Encrypt Info ' ' The following data structure contains the information shared between ' the GenContentEncryptKey and the ExportKeyTrans, ExportKeyAgree and ' ExportMailList installable functions. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_PAD_ENCODED_LEN_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CMSG_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_FREE_PARA_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CMSG_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG As Long = &H00008000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Upon input, ContentEncryptInfo has been initialized from the ' EnvelopedEncodeInfo. ' ' Note, if rgpRecipients instead of rgCmsRecipients are set in the ' EnvelopedEncodeInfo, then, the rgpRecipients have been converted ' to rgCmsRecipients in the ContentEncryptInfo. ' ' The following fields may be changed in ContentEncryptInfo: ' hContentEncryptKey ' hCryptProv ' ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters ' dwFlags ' ' All other fields in the ContentEncryptInfo are READONLY. ' ' If CMSG_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_PAD_ENCODED_LEN_FLAG is set upon entry ' in dwEncryptFlags, then, any potentially variable length encoded ' output should be padded with zeroes to always obtain the ' same maximum encoded length. This is necessary for ' definite length streaming. ' ' The hContentEncryptKey must be updated. ' ' If hCryptProv is NULL upon input, then, it must be updated. ' If a HCRYPTPROV is acquired that must be released, then, the ' CMSG_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG must be set in dwFlags. ' ' If ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters is updated, then, the ' CMSG_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_FREE_PARA_FLAG must be set in dwFlags. pfnAlloc and ' pfnFree must be used for doing the allocation. ' ' ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId is used to get the OIDFunctionAddress. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_OID_GEN_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_KEY_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllGenContentEncryptKey" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Key Transport Encrypt Info ' ' The following data structure contains the information updated by the ' ExportKeyTrans installable function. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_KEY_TRANS_ENCRYPT_FREE_PARA_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Upon input, KeyTransEncryptInfo has been initialized from the ' KeyTransEncodeInfo. ' ' The following fields may be changed in KeyTransEncryptInfo: ' EncryptedKey ' KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters ' dwFlags ' ' All other fields in the KeyTransEncryptInfo are READONLY. ' ' The EncryptedKey must be updated. The pfnAlloc and pfnFree specified in ' ContentEncryptInfo must be used for doing the allocation. ' ' If the KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters is updated, then, the ' CMSG_KEY_TRANS_ENCRYPT_FREE_PARA_FLAG must be set in dwFlags. ' The pfnAlloc and pfnFree specified in ContentEncryptInfo must be used ' for doing the allocation. ' ' KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId is used to get the OIDFunctionAddress. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_OID_EXPORT_KEY_TRANS_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllExportKeyTrans" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Key Agree Key Encrypt Info ' ' The following data structure contains the information updated by the ' ExportKeyAgree installable function for each encrypted key agree ' recipient. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Key Agree Encrypt Info ' ' The following data structure contains the information applicable to ' all recipients. Its updated by the ExportKeyAgree installable function. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_FREE_PARA_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_FREE_MATERIAL_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_FREE_PUBKEY_ALG_FLAG As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_FREE_PUBKEY_PARA_FLAG As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_FREE_PUBKEY_BITS_FLAG As Long = &H00000010 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Upon input, KeyAgreeEncryptInfo has been initialized from the ' KeyAgreeEncodeInfo. ' ' The following fields may be changed in KeyAgreeEncryptInfo: ' KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters ' UserKeyingMaterial ' dwOriginatorChoice ' OriginatorCertId ' OriginatorPublicKeyInfo ' dwFlags ' ' All other fields in the KeyAgreeEncryptInfo are READONLY. ' ' If the KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters is updated, then, the ' CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_FREE_PARA_FLAG must be set in dwFlags. ' The pfnAlloc and pfnFree specified in ContentEncryptInfo must be used ' for doing the allocation. ' ' If the UserKeyingMaterial is updated, then, the ' CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_FREE_MATERIAL_FLAG must be set in dwFlags. ' pfnAlloc and pfnFree must be used for doing the allocation. ' ' The dwOriginatorChoice must be updated to either ' CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR_CERT or CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR_PUBLIC_KEY. ' ' If the OriginatorPublicKeyInfo is updated, then, the appropriate ' CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_FREE_PUBKEY_*_FLAG must be set in dwFlags and ' pfnAlloc and pfnFree must be used for doing the allocation. ' ' If CMSG_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_PAD_ENCODED_LEN_FLAG is set upon entry ' in pContentEncryptInfo->dwEncryptFlags, then, the OriginatorPublicKeyInfo's ' Ephemeral PublicKey should be padded with zeroes to always obtain the ' same maximum encoded length. Note, the length of the generated ephemeral Y ' public key can vary depending on the number of leading zero bits. ' ' Upon input, the array of *rgpKeyAgreeKeyEncryptInfo has been initialized. ' The EncryptedKey must be updated for each recipient key. ' The pfnAlloc and pfnFree specified in ' ContentEncryptInfo must be used for doing the allocation. ' ' KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId is used to get the OIDFunctionAddress. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_OID_EXPORT_KEY_AGREE_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllExportKeyAgree" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Mail List Encrypt Info ' ' The following data structure contains the information updated by the ' ExportMailList installable function. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_MAIL_LIST_ENCRYPT_FREE_PARA_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Upon input, MailListEncryptInfo has been initialized from the ' MailListEncodeInfo. ' ' The following fields may be changed in MailListEncryptInfo: ' EncryptedKey ' KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters ' dwFlags ' ' All other fields in the MailListEncryptInfo are READONLY. ' ' The EncryptedKey must be updated. The pfnAlloc and pfnFree specified in ' ContentEncryptInfo must be used for doing the allocation. ' ' If the KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters is updated, then, the ' CMSG_MAIL_LIST_ENCRYPT_FREE_PARA_FLAG must be set in dwFlags. ' The pfnAlloc and pfnFree specified in ContentEncryptInfo must be used ' for doing the allocation. ' ' KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId is used to get the OIDFunctionAddress. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_OID_EXPORT_MAIL_LIST_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllExportMailList" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' OID Installable functions for importing an encoded and encrypted content ' encryption key. ' ' There's a different installable function for each CMS Recipient choice: ' ImportKeyTrans ' ImportKeyAgree ' ImportMailList ' ' Iterates through the following OIDs to get the OID installable function: ' KeyEncryptionOID!ContentEncryptionOID ' KeyEncryptionOID ' ContentEncryptionOID ' ' If the OID installable function doesn't support the specified ' KeyEncryption and ContentEncryption OIDs, then, return FALSE with ' LastError set to E_NOTIMPL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_OID_IMPORT_KEY_TRANS_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllImportKeyTrans" Public Const CMSG_OID_IMPORT_KEY_AGREE_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllImportKeyAgree" Public Const CMSG_OID_IMPORT_MAIL_LIST_FUNC As String = "CryptMsgDllImportMailList" '+========================================================================= ' Certificate Store Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' In its most basic implementation, a cert store is simply a ' collection of certificates and/or CRLs. This is the case when ' a cert store is opened with all of its certificates and CRLs ' coming from a PKCS #7 encoded cryptographic message. ' ' Nonetheless, all cert stores have the following properties: ' - A public key may have more than one certificate in the store. ' For example, a private/public key used for signing may have a ' certificate issued for VISA and another issued for ' Mastercard. Also, when a certificate is renewed there might ' be more than one certificate with the same subject and ' issuer. ' - However, each certificate in the store is uniquely ' identified by its Issuer and SerialNumber. ' - There's an issuer of subject certificate relationship. A ' certificate's issuer is found by doing a match of ' pSubjectCert->Issuer with pIssuerCert->Subject. ' The relationship is verified by using ' the issuer's public key to verify the subject certificate's ' signature. Note, there might be X.509 v3 extensions ' to assist in finding the issuer certificate. ' - Since issuer certificates might be renewed, a subject ' certificate might have more than one issuer certificate. ' - There's an issuer of CRL relationship. An ' issuer's CRL is found by doing a match of ' pIssuerCert->Subject with pCrl->Issuer. ' The relationship is verified by using ' the issuer's public key to verify the CRL's ' signature. Note, there might be X.509 v3 extensions ' to assist in finding the CRL. ' - Since some issuers might support the X.509 v3 delta CRL ' extensions, an issuer might have more than one CRL. ' - The store shouldn't have any redundant certificates or ' CRLs. There shouldn't be two certificates with the same ' Issuer and SerialNumber. There shouldn't be two CRLs with ' the same Issuer, ThisUpdate and NextUpdate. ' - The store has NO policy or trust information. No ' certificates are tagged as being "root". Its up to ' SerialNumber) for certificates it trusts. ' - The store might contain bad certificates and/or CRLs. ' The issuer's signature of a subject certificate or CRL may ' not verify. Certificates or CRLs may not satisfy their ' time validity requirements. Certificates may be ' revoked. ' ' In addition to the certificates and CRLs, properties can be ' stored. There are two predefined property IDs for a user ' certificate: CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID and ' CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID. The CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID ' is a HCRYPTPROV handle to the private key assoicated ' with the certificate. The CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID contains ' information to be used to call ' CryptAcquireContext and CryptSetProvParam to get a handle ' to the private key associated with the certificate. ' ' There exists two more predefined property IDs for certificates ' and CRLs, CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID and CERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID. ' If these properties don't already exist, then, a hash of the ' hash algorithm, currently, CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID). ' ' There are additional APIs for creating certificate and CRL ' CertCreateCRLContext). ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate context. ' ' A certificate context contains both the encoded and decoded representation ' of a certificate. A certificate context returned by a cert store function ' must be freed by calling the CertFreeCertificateContext function. The ' CertDuplicateCertificateContext function can be called to make a duplicate '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRL context. ' ' A CRL context contains both the encoded and decoded representation ' of a CRL. A CRL context returned by a cert store function ' must be freed by calling the CertFreeCRLContext function. The ' CertDuplicateCRLContext function can be called to make a duplicate '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' A CTL context contains both the encoded and decoded representation ' of a CTL. Also contains an opened HCRYPTMSG handle to the decoded ' cryptographic signed message containing the CTL_INFO as its inner content. ' pbCtlContent is the encoded inner content of the signed message. ' ' The CryptMsg APIs can be used to extract additional signer information. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate, CRL and CTL property IDs ' ' See CertSetCertificateContextProperty or CertGetCertificateContextProperty ' for usage information. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID As Long = 6 Public Const CERT_IE30_RESERVED_PROP_ID As Long = 7 Public Const CERT_PUBKEY_HASH_RESERVED_PROP_ID As Long = 8 Public Const CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE_PROP_ID As Long = 9 Public Const CERT_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION_PROP_ID As Long = 10 Public Const CERT_FRIENDLY_NAME_PROP_ID As Long = 11 Public Const CERT_PVK_FILE_PROP_ID As Long = 12 Public Const CERT_DESCRIPTION_PROP_ID As Long = 13 Public Const CERT_ACCESS_STATE_PROP_ID As Long = 14 Public Const CERT_SIGNATURE_HASH_PROP_ID As Long = 15 Public Const CERT_SMART_CARD_DATA_PROP_ID As Long = 16 Public Const CERT_EFS_PROP_ID As Long = 17 Public Const CERT_FORTEZZA_DATA_PROP_ID As Long = 18 Public Const CERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_ID As Long = 19 Public Const CERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_ID As Long = 20 Public Const CERT_AUTO_ENROLL_PROP_ID As Long = 21 Public Const CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID As Long = 22 Public Const CERT_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS_PROP_ID As Long = 23 Public Const CERT_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID As Long = 24 Public Const CERT_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID As Long = 25 Public Const CERT_ENROLLMENT_PROP_ID As Long = 26 Public Const CERT_FIRST_RESERVED_PROP_ID As Long = 27 ' Note, 32 - 35 are reserved for the CERT, CRL, CTL and KeyId file element IDs. Public Const CERT_LAST_RESERVED_PROP_ID As Long = &H00007FFF Public Const CERT_FIRST_USER_PROP_ID As Long = &H00008000 Public Const CERT_LAST_USER_PROP_ID As Long = &H0000FFFF '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Access State flags returned by CERT_ACCESS_STATE_PROP_ID. Note, ' CERT_ACCESS_PROP_ID is read only. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set if context property writes are persisted. For instance, not set for ' memory store contexts. Set for registry based stores opened as read or write. ' Not set for registry based stores opened as read only. Public Const CERT_ACCESS_STATE_WRITE_PERSIST_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' Set if context resides in a SYSTEM or SYSTEM_REGISTRY store. Public Const CERT_ACCESS_STATE_SYSTEM_STORE_FLAG As Long = &H2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Cryptographic Key Provider Information ' ' CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO defines the CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID's pvData. ' ' The CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO fields are passed to CryptAcquireContext ' to get a HCRYPTPROV handle. The optional CRYPT_KEY_PROV_PARAM fields are ' passed to CryptSetProvParam to further initialize the provider. ' ' The dwKeySpec field identifies the private key to use from the container ' For example, AT_KEYEXCHANGE or AT_SIGNATURE. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The following flag should be set in the above dwFlags to enable ' CryptAcquireContext is done in the Sign or Decrypt Message functions. ' ' The following define must not collide with any of the ' CryptAcquireContext dwFlag defines. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_SET_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_SET_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID As Long = &H00000001 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Key Context ' ' CERT_KEY_CONTEXT defines the CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID's pvData. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Store Provider Types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY As String = "Memory" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_W As String = "File" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W As String = "System" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_PKCS7 As String = "PKCS7" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SERIALIZED As String = "Serialized" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION As String = "Collection" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_REGISTRY_W As String = "SystemRegistry" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_PHYSICAL_W As String = "Physical" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SMART_CARD_W As String = "SmartCard" Public Const sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_LDAP_W As String = "Ldap" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Store verify/results flags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_STORE_SIGNATURE_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_STORE_TIME_VALIDITY_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CERT_STORE_REVOCATION_FLAG As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CERT_STORE_NO_CRL_FLAG As Long = &H00010000 Public Const CERT_STORE_NO_ISSUER_FLAG As Long = &H00020000 Public Const CERT_STORE_BASE_CRL_FLAG As Long = &H00000100 Public Const CERT_STORE_DELTA_CRL_FLAG As Long = &H00000200 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Store open/property flags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_STORE_NO_CRYPT_RELEASE_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_STORE_SET_LOCALIZED_NAME_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CERT_STORE_DEFER_CLOSE_UNTIL_LAST_FREE_FLAG As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CERT_STORE_DELETE_FLAG As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CERT_STORE_SHARE_STORE_FLAG As Long = &H00000040 Public Const CERT_STORE_SHARE_CONTEXT_FLAG As Long = &H00000080 Public Const CERT_STORE_MANIFOLD_FLAG As Long = &H00000100 Public Const CERT_STORE_ENUM_ARCHIVED_FLAG As Long = &H00000200 Public Const CERT_STORE_UPDATE_KEYID_FLAG As Long = &H00000400 Public Const CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG As Long = &H00008000 Public Const CERT_STORE_OPEN_EXISTING_FLAG As Long = &H00004000 Public Const CERT_STORE_CREATE_NEW_FLAG As Long = &H00002000 Public Const CERT_STORE_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_FLAG As Long = &H00001000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Store Provider flags are in the HiWord 0xFFFF0000 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate System Store Flag Values '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Includes flags and location Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_MASK As Long = &HFFFF0000 ' Set if pvPara points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA structure Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG As Long = &H80000000 ' By default, when the CurrentUser "Root" store is opened, any SystemRegistry ' roots not also on the protected root list are deleted from the cache before ' in the SystemRegistry without checking the protected root list. Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_UNPROTECTED_FLAG As Long = &H40000000 ' Location of the system store: Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCATION_MASK As Long = &H00FF0000 Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCATION_SHIFT As Long = 16 ' Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER_ID As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_ID As Long = 2 ' Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\Services Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_SERVICE_ID As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES_ID As Long = 5 ' Registry: HKEY_USERS Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS_ID As Long = 6 ' Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP_POLICY_ID As Long = 7 ' Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY_ID As Long = 8 ' Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\EnterpriseCertificates Public Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE_ID As Long = 9 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Group Policy Store Defines '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Registry path to the Group Policy system stores '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' EFS Defines '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Registry path to the EFS EFSBlob SubKey - Value type is REG_BINARY Public Const CERT_EFSBLOB_VALUE_NAME As String = "EFSBlob" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Protected Root Defines '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Registry path to the Protected Roots Flags SubKey Public Const CERT_PROT_ROOT_FLAGS_VALUE_NAME As String = "Flags" ' Set the following flag to inhibit the opening of the CurrentUser's ' .Default physical store when opening the CurrentUser's "Root" system store. ' The .Default physical store open's the CurrentUser SystemRegistry "Root" ' store. Public Const CERT_PROT_ROOT_DISABLE_CURRENT_USER_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' Set the following flag to inhibit the adding of roots from the ' CurrentUser SystemRegistry "Root" store to the protected root list ' when the "Root" store is initially protected. Public Const CERT_PROT_ROOT_INHIBIT_ADD_AT_INIT_FLAG As Long = &H2 ' Set the following flag to inhibit the purging of protected roots from the ' CurrentUser SystemRegistry "Root" store that are ' also in the LocalMachine SystemRegistry "Root" store. Note, when not ' disabled, the purging is done silently without UI. Public Const CERT_PROT_ROOT_INHIBIT_PURGE_LM_FLAG As Long = &H4 ' Set the following flag to only open the .LocalMachineGroupPolicy ' physical store when opening the CurrentUser's "Root" system store. Public Const CERT_PROT_ROOT_ONLY_LM_GPT_FLAG As Long = &H8 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set this flag if the HKEY passed in pvPara points to a remote computer ' registry key. Public Const CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_REMOTE_FLAG As Long = &H10000 ' Set this flag if the contexts are to be persisted as a single serialized ' store in the registry. Mainly used for stores downloaded from the GPT. ' Such as the CurrentUserGroupPolicy or LocalMachineGroupPolicy stores. Public Const CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_SERIALIZED_FLAG As Long = &H20000 ' The following flags are for internal use. When set, the ' pvPara parameter passed to CertOpenStore is a pointer to the following ' data structure and not the HKEY. The above CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_REMOTE_FLAG Public Const CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_CLIENT_GPT_FLAG As Long = &H80000000 Public Const CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_LM_GPT_FLAG As Long = &H01000000 ' The following flag is for internal use. When set, the contexts are ' persisted into roaming files instead of the registry. Such as, the ' CurrentUser "My" store. When this flag is set, the following data structure ' is passed to CertOpenStore instead of HKEY. Public Const CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_ROAMING_FLAG As Long = &H40000 ' hKey may be NULL or non-NULL. When non-NULL, existing contexts are ' moved from the registry to roaming files. ' The following flag is for internal use. When set, the "My" DWORD value ' at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\IEDirtyFlags is set to 0x1 ' whenever a certificate is added to the registry store. Public Const CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_MY_IE_DIRTY_FLAG As Long = &H80000 ' Registry path to the subkey containing the "My" DWORD value to be set '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate File Store Flag Values for the providers: ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILE ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_A ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_W ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_W '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set this flag if any store changes are to be committed to the file. ' The changes are committed at CertCloseStore or by calling ' ' The open fails with E_INVALIDARG if both CERT_FILE_STORE_COMMIT_ENABLE_FLAG ' and CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG are set in dwFlags. ' ' For the FILENAME providers: if the file contains an X509 encoded ' certificate, the open fails with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. ' ' For the FILENAME providers: if CERT_STORE_CREATE_NEW_FLAG is set, the ' CreateFile uses CREATE_NEW. If CERT_STORE_OPEN_EXISTING is set, uses ' OPEN_EXISTING. Otherwise, defaults to OPEN_ALWAYS. ' ' For the FILENAME providers: the file is committed as either a PKCS7 or ' serialized store depending on the type read at open. However, if the ' file is empty then, if the filename has either a ".p7c" or ".spc" ' extension its committed as a PKCS7. Otherwise, its committed as a ' serialized store. ' ' For CERT_STORE_PROV_FILE, the file handle is duplicated. Its always ' committed as a serialized store. ' Public Const CERT_FILE_STORE_COMMIT_ENABLE_FLAG As Long = &H10000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Open the cert store using the specified store provider. ' ' If CERT_STORE_DELETE_FLAG is set, then, the store is deleted. NULL is ' for success and nonzero for failure. ' ' If CERT_STORE_SET_LOCALIZED_NAME_FLAG is set, then, if supported, the ' provider sets the store's CERT_STORE_LOCALIZED_NAME_PROP_ID property. ' The store's localized name can be retrieved by calling ' equivalent): ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_A ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_W ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_A ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_REGISTRY_A ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_REGISTRY_W ' CERT_STORE_PROV_PHYSICAL_W ' ' If CERT_STORE_DEFER_CLOSE_UNTIL_LAST_FREE_FLAG is set, then, the ' closing of the store's provider is deferred until all certificate, ' CRL and CTL contexts obtained from the store are freed. Also, ' if a non NULL HCRYPTPROV was passed, then, it will continue to be used. ' By default, the store's provider is closed on the final CertCloseStore. ' If this flag isn't set, then, any property changes made to previously ' duplicated contexts after the final CertCloseStore will not be persisted. ' By setting this flag, property changes made ' after the CertCloseStore will be persisted. Note, setting this flag ' causes extra overhead in doing context duplicates and frees. ' If CertCloseStore is called with CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG, then, ' the CERT_STORE_DEFER_CLOSE_UNTIL_LAST_FREE_FLAG flag is ignored. ' ' CERT_STORE_MANIFOLD_FLAG can be set to check for certificates having the ' manifold extension and archive the "older" certificates with the same ' manifold extension value. A certificate is archived by setting the ' CERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_ID. ' ' By default, contexts having the CERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_ID, are skipped ' during enumeration. CERT_STORE_ENUM_ARCHIVED_FLAG can be set to include ' archived contexts when enumerating. Note, contexts having the ' CERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_ID are still found for explicit finds, such as, ' finding a context with a specific hash or finding a certificate having ' a specific issuer and serial number. ' ' CERT_STORE_UPDATE_KEYID_FLAG can be set to also update the Key Identifier's ' CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID property whenever a certificate's ' CERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_ID or CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID property is set ' and the other property already exists. If the Key Identifier's ' CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID already exists, it isn't updated. Any ' errors encountered are silently ignored. ' ' By default, this flag is implicitly set for the "My\.Default" CurrentUser ' and LocalMachine physical stores. ' ' CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG can be set to open the store as read only. ' Otherwise, the store is opened as read/write. ' ' CERT_STORE_OPEN_EXISTING_FLAG can be set to only open an existing ' store. CERT_STORE_CREATE_NEW_FLAG can be set to create a new store and ' fail if the store already exists. Otherwise, the default is to open ' an existing store or create a new store if it doesn't already exist. ' ' hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to create the hash ' properties or verify the signature of a subject certificate or CRL. ' The store doesn't need to use a private ' key. If the CERT_STORE_NO_CRYPT_RELEASE_FLAG isn't set, hCryptProv is ' CryptReleaseContext'ed on the final CertCloseStore. ' ' Note, if the open fails, hCryptProv is released if it would have been ' released when the store was closed. ' ' If hCryptProv is zero, then, the default provider and container for the ' PROV_RSA_FULL provider type is CryptAcquireContext'ed with ' CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT access. The CryptAcquireContext is deferred until ' the first create hash or verify signature. In addition, once acquired, ' the default provider isn't released until process exit when crypt32.dll ' is unloaded. The acquired default provider is shared across all stores ' and threads. ' ' After initializing the store's data structures and optionally acquiring a ' default crypt provider, CertOpenStore calls CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress to ' get the address of the CRYPT_OID_OPEN_STORE_PROV_FUNC specified by ' lpszStoreProvider. Since a store can contain certificates with different ' encoding types, CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress is called with dwEncodingType ' set to 0 and not the dwEncodingType passed to CertOpenStore. ' PFN_CERT_DLL_OPEN_STORE_FUNC specifies the signature of the provider's ' open function. This provider open function is called to load the ' store's certificates and CRLs. Optionally, the provider may return an ' array of functions called before a certificate or CRL is added or deleted ' or has a property that is set. ' ' Use of the dwEncodingType parameter is provider dependent. The type ' definition for pvPara also depends on the provider. ' ' Store providers are installed or registered via ' CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress or CryptRegisterOIDFunction, where, ' dwEncodingType is 0 and pszFuncName is CRYPT_OID_OPEN_STORE_PROV_FUNC. ' ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_MSG: ' Gets the certificates and CRLs from the specified cryptographic message. ' dwEncodingType contains the message and certificate encoding types. ' The message's handle is passed in pvPara. Given, ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY: ' Opens a store without any initial certificates or CRLs. pvPara ' isn't used. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILE: ' Reads the certificates and CRLs from the specified file. The file's ' handle is passed in pvPara. Given, ' ' For a successful open, the file pointer is advanced past ' the certificates and CRLs and their properties read from the file. ' Note, only expects a serialized store and not a file containing ' either a PKCS #7 signed message or a single encoded certificate. ' ' The hFile isn't closed. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_REG: ' Reads the certificates and CRLs from the registry. The registry's ' key handle is passed in pvPara. Given, ' ' The input hKey isn't closed by the provider. Before returning, the ' provider opens it own copy of the hKey. ' ' If CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG is set, then, the registry subkeys are ' RegOpenKey'ed with KEY_READ_ACCESS. Otherwise, the registry subkeys ' are RegCreateKey'ed with KEY_ALL_ACCESS. ' ' This provider returns the array of functions for reading, writing, ' deleting and property setting certificates and CRLs. ' Any changes to the opened store are immediately pushed through to ' the registry. However, if CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG is set, then, ' writing, deleting or property setting results in a ' ' Note, all the certificates and CRLs are read from the registry ' when the store is opened. The opened store serves as a write through ' cache. ' ' If CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_SERIALIZED_FLAG is set, then, the ' contexts are persisted as a single serialized store subkey in the ' registry. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_PKCS7: ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_PKCS7: ' Gets the certificates and CRLs from the encoded PKCS #7 signed message. ' dwEncodingType specifies the message and certificate encoding types. ' The pointer to the encoded message's blob is passed in pvPara. Given, ' ' Note, also supports the IE3.0 special version of a ' PKCS #7 signed message referred to as a "SPC" formatted message. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SERIALIZED: ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SERIALIZED: ' Gets the certificates and CRLs from memory containing a serialized ' store. The pointer to the serialized memory blob is passed in pvPara. ' Given, ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_A: ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_W: ' CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME: ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_W: ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME: ' Opens the file and first attempts to read as a serialized store. Then, ' as a PKCS #7 signed message. Finally, as a single encoded certificate. ' The filename is passed in pvPara. The filename is UNICODE for the ' "_W" provider and ASCII for the "_A" provider. For "_W": given, ' For "_A": given, ' ' ' Note, also supports the reading of the IE3.0 special version of a ' PKCS #7 signed message file referred to as a "SPC" formatted file. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_A: ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W: ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM: ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W: ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM: ' Opens the specified logical "System" store. The upper word of the ' dwFlags parameter is used to specify the location of the system store. ' ' A "System" store is a collection consisting of one or more "Physical" ' stores. A "Physical" store is registered via the ' CertRegisterPhysicalStore API. Each of the registered physical stores ' is CertStoreOpen'ed and added to the collection via ' CertAddStoreToCollection. ' ' The CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_SERVICE, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES, ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP_POLICY, ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY and ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRSE ' system stores by default have a "SystemRegistry" store that is ' opened and added to the collection. ' ' The system store name is passed in pvPara. The name is UNICODE for the ' "_W" provider and ASCII for the "_A" provider. For "_W": given, ' For "_A": given, ' ' ' The system store name can't contain any backslashes. ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvPara ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure instead ' of pointing to a null terminated UNICODE or ASCII string. ' Sibling physical stores are also opened as relocated using ' pvPara's hKeyBase. ' ' The CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS system ' store name must be prefixed with the ServiceName or UserName. ' For example, "ServiceName\Trust". ' ' Stores on remote computers can be accessed for the ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES, ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY ' or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE ' locations by prepending the computer name. For example, a remote ' local machine store is accessed via "\\ComputerName\Trust" or ' "ComputerName\Trust". A remote service store is accessed via ' "\\ComputerName\ServiceName\Trust". The leading "\\" backslashes are ' optional in the ComputerName. ' ' If CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG is set, then, the registry is ' RegOpenKey'ed with KEY_READ_ACCESS. Otherwise, the registry is ' RegCreateKey'ed with KEY_ALL_ACCESS. ' ' The "root" store is treated differently from the other system ' stores. Before a certificate is added to or deleted from the "root" ' store, a pop up message box is displayed. The certificate's subject, ' issuer, serial number, time validity, sha1 and md5 thumbprints are ' displayed. The user is given the option to do the add or delete. ' If they don't allow the operation, LastError is set to E_ACCESSDENIED. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_REGISTRY_A ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_REGISTRY_W ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_REGISTRY ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_REGISTRY_W ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_REGISTRY ' Opens the "System" store's default "Physical" store residing in the ' registry. The upper word of the dwFlags ' parameter is used to specify the location of the system store. ' ' After opening the registry key associated with the system name, ' the CERT_STORE_PROV_REG provider is called to complete the open. ' ' The system store name is passed in pvPara. The name is UNICODE for the ' "_W" provider and ASCII for the "_A" provider. For "_W": given, ' For "_A": given, ' ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvPara ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure instead ' of pointing to a null terminated UNICODE or ASCII string. ' ' See above for details on prepending a ServiceName and/or ComputerName ' to the store name. ' ' If CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG is set, then, the registry is ' RegOpenKey'ed with KEY_READ_ACCESS. Otherwise, the registry is ' RegCreateKey'ed with KEY_ALL_ACCESS. ' ' The "root" store is treated differently from the other system ' stores. Before a certificate is added to or deleted from the "root" ' store, a pop up message box is displayed. The certificate's subject, ' issuer, serial number, time validity, sha1 and md5 thumbprints are ' displayed. The user is given the option to do the add or delete. ' If they don't allow the operation, LastError is set to E_ACCESSDENIED. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_PHYSICAL_W ' CERT_STORE_PROV_PHYSICAL ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_PHYSICAL_W ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_PHYSICAL ' Opens the specified "Physical" store in the "System" store. ' ' Both the system store and physical names are passed in pvPara. The ' names are separated with an intervening "\". For example, ' "Root\.Default". The string is UNICODE. ' ' The system and physical store names can't contain any backslashes. ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvPara ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure instead ' of pointing to a null terminated UNICODE string. ' The specified physical store is opened as relocated using pvPara's ' hKeyBase. ' ' For CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS, ' the system and physical store names ' must be prefixed with the ServiceName or UserName. For example, ' "ServiceName\Root\.Default". ' ' Physical stores on remote computers can be accessed for the ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES, ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY ' or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE ' locations by prepending the computer name. For example, a remote ' local machine store is accessed via "\\ComputerName\Root\.Default" ' or "ComputerName\Root\.Default". A remote service store is ' accessed via "\\ComputerName\ServiceName\Root\.Default". The ' leading "\\" backslashes are optional in the ComputerName. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION ' Opens a store that is a collection of other stores. Stores are ' added or removed to/from the collection via the CertAddStoreToCollection ' and CertRemoveStoreFromCollection APIs. ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SMART_CARD_W ' CERT_STORE_PROV_SMART_CARD ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SMART_CARD_W ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_SMART_CARD ' Opens a store instantiated over a particular smart card storage. pvPara ' identifies where on the card the store is located and is of the ' following format: ' ' Card Name\Provider Name\Provider Type[\Container Name] ' ' Container Name is optional and if NOT specified the Card Name is used ' as the Container Name. Future versions of the provider will support ' instantiating the store over the entire card in which case just ' ' cryptnet.dll): ' ' CERT_STORE_PROV_LDAP_W ' CERT_STORE_PROV_LDAP ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_LDAP_W ' sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_LDAP ' Opens a store over the results of the query specified by and LDAP ' URL which is passed in via pvPara. In order to do writes to the ' store the URL must specify a BASE query, no filter and a single ' attribute. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' OID Installable Certificate Store Provider Data Structures '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Handle returned by the store provider when opened. ' Store Provider OID function's pszFuncName. Public Const CRYPT_OID_OPEN_STORE_PROV_FUNC As String = "CertDllOpenStoreProv" ' Note, the Store Provider OID function's dwEncodingType is always 0. ' The following information is returned by the provider when opened. Its ' zeroed with cbSize set before the provider is called. If the provider ' doesn't need to be called again after the open it doesn't need to ' make any updates to the CERT_STORE_PROV_INFO. ' Definition of the store provider's open function. ' ' *pStoreProvInfo has been zeroed before the call. ' ' Note, pStoreProvInfo->cStoreProvFunc should be set last. Once set, ' all subsequent store calls, such as CertAddSerializedElementToStore will ' call the appropriate provider callback function. ' The open callback sets the following flag, if it maintains its ' contexts externally and not in the cached store. Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_EXTERNAL_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' The open callback sets the following flag for a successful delete. ' When set, the close callback isn't called. Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_DELETED_FLAG As Long = &H2 ' The open callback sets the following flag if it doesn't persist store ' changes. Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_NO_PERSIST_FLAG As Long = &H4 ' The open callback sets the following flag if the contexts are persisted ' to a system store. Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_STORE_FLAG As Long = &H8 ' Indices into the store provider's array of callback functions. ' ' The provider can implement any subset of the following functions. It ' sets pStoreProvInfo->cStoreProvFunc to the last index + 1 and any ' preceding not implemented functions to NULL. Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_CLOSE_FUNC As Long = 0 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_READ_CERT_FUNC As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_CERT_FUNC As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_DELETE_CERT_FUNC As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_SET_CERT_PROPERTY_FUNC As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_READ_CRL_FUNC As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_CRL_FUNC As Long = 6 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_DELETE_CRL_FUNC As Long = 7 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_SET_CRL_PROPERTY_FUNC As Long = 8 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_READ_CTL_FUNC As Long = 9 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_CTL_FUNC As Long = 10 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_DELETE_CTL_FUNC As Long = 11 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_SET_CTL_PROPERTY_FUNC As Long = 12 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_CONTROL_FUNC As Long = 13 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_FIND_CERT_FUNC As Long = 14 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_FREE_FIND_CERT_FUNC As Long = 15 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_GET_CERT_PROPERTY_FUNC As Long = 16 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_FIND_CRL_FUNC As Long = 17 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_FREE_FIND_CRL_FUNC As Long = 18 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_GET_CRL_PROPERTY_FUNC As Long = 19 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_FIND_CTL_FUNC As Long = 20 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_FREE_FIND_CTL_FUNC As Long = 21 Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_GET_CTL_PROPERTY_FUNC As Long = 22 ' Called by CertCloseStore when the store's reference count is ' decremented to 0. ' Currently not called directly by the store APIs. However, may be exported ' to support other providers based on it. ' ' Reads the provider's copy of the certificate context. If it exists, ' creates a new certificate context. Public Const CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_ADD_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' Called by CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore, ' CertAddCertificateContextToStore or CertAddSerializedElementToStore before ' adding to the store. The CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_ADD_FLAG is set. In ' addition to the encoded certificate, the added pCertContext might also ' have properties. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to update the the store. ' Called by CertDeleteCertificateFromStore before deleting from the ' store. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to delete from the store. ' Called by CertSetCertificateContextProperty before setting the ' certificate's property. Also called by CertGetCertificateContextProperty, ' when getting a hash property that needs to be created and then persisted ' via the set. ' ' Upon input, the property hasn't been set for the pCertContext parameter. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to set the property. ' Currently not called directly by the store APIs. However, may be exported ' to support other providers based on it. ' ' Reads the provider's copy of the CRL context. If it exists, ' creates a new CRL context. ' Called by CertAddEncodedCRLToStore, ' CertAddCRLContextToStore or CertAddSerializedElementToStore before ' adding to the store. The CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_ADD_FLAG is set. In ' addition to the encoded CRL, the added pCertContext might also ' have properties. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to update the the store. ' Called by CertDeleteCRLFromStore before deleting from the store. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to delete from the store. ' Called by CertSetCRLContextProperty before setting the ' CRL's property. Also called by CertGetCRLContextProperty, ' when getting a hash property that needs to be created and then persisted ' via the set. ' ' Upon input, the property hasn't been set for the pCrlContext parameter. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to set the property. ' Currently not called directly by the store APIs. However, may be exported ' to support other providers based on it. ' ' Reads the provider's copy of the CTL context. If it exists, ' creates a new CTL context. ' Called by CertAddEncodedCTLToStore, ' CertAddCTLContextToStore or CertAddSerializedElementToStore before ' adding to the store. The CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_ADD_FLAG is set. In ' addition to the encoded CTL, the added pCertContext might also ' have properties. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to update the the store. ' Called by CertDeleteCTLFromStore before deleting from the store. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to delete from the store. ' Called by CertSetCTLContextProperty before setting the ' CTL's property. Also called by CertGetCTLContextProperty, ' when getting a hash property that needs to be created and then persisted ' via the set. ' ' Upon input, the property hasn't been set for the pCtlContext parameter. ' ' Returns TRUE if its OK to set the property. '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Duplicate a cert store handle '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS_STORE As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS_PKCS7 As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_FILE As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_MEMORY As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_FILENAME_A As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_FILENAME_W As Long = 4 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Save the cert store. Extended version with lots of options. ' ' According to the dwSaveAs parameter, the store can be saved as a ' addition to encoded certificates, CRLs and CTLs or the store can be saved ' include the properties or CTLs. ' ' CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID or CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID) isn't saved into ' a serialized store. ' ' For CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS_PKCS7, the dwEncodingType specifies the message ' encoding type. The dwEncodingType parameter isn't used for ' CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS_STORE. ' ' The dwFlags parameter currently isn't used and should be set to 0. ' ' The dwSaveTo and pvSaveToPara parameters specify where to save the ' store as follows: ' CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_FILE: ' Saves to the specified file. The file's handle is passed in ' pvSaveToPara. Given, ' ' For a successful save, the file pointer is positioned after the ' last write. ' ' CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_MEMORY: ' Saves to the specified memory blob. The pointer to ' the memory blob is passed in pvSaveToPara. Given, ' Upon entry, the SaveBlob's pbData and cbData need to be initialized. ' Upon return, cbData is updated with the actual length. ' For a length only calculation, pbData should be set to NULL. If ' pbData is non-NULL and cbData isn't large enough, FALSE is returned ' with a last error of ERRROR_MORE_DATA. ' ' CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_FILENAME_A: ' CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_FILENAME_W: ' CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO_FILENAME: ' Opens the file and saves to it. The filename is passed in pvSaveToPara. ' The filename is UNICODE for the "_W" option and ASCII for the "_A" ' option. For "_W": given, ' For "_A": given, ' ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Store close flags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Close a cert store handle. ' ' There needs to be a corresponding close for each open and duplicate. ' ' Even on the final close, the cert store isn't freed until all of its ' certificate and CRL contexts have also been freed. ' ' On the final close, the hCryptProv passed to CertStoreOpen is ' CryptReleaseContext'ed. ' ' To force the closure of the store with all of its memory freed, set the ' CERT_STORE_CLOSE_FORCE_FLAG. This flag should be set when the caller does ' its own reference counting and wants everything to vanish. ' ' To check if all the store's certificates and CRLs have been freed and that ' this is the last CertCloseStore, set the CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG. If ' set and certs, CRLs or stores still need to be freed/closed, FALSE is ' returned with LastError set to CRYPT_E_PENDING_CLOSE. Note, for FALSE, ' the store is still closed. This is a diagnostic flag. ' ' LastError is preserved unless CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG is set and FALSE ' is returned. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the subject certificate context uniquely identified by its Issuer and ' SerialNumber from the store. ' ' If the certificate isn't found, NULL is returned. Otherwise, a pointer to ' a read only CERT_CONTEXT is returned. CERT_CONTEXT must be freed by calling ' CertFreeCertificateContext. CertDuplicateCertificateContext can be called to make a ' duplicate. ' ' The returned certificate might not be valid. Normally, it would be '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the certificate contexts in the store. ' ' If a certificate isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CERT_CONTEXT is returned. CERT_CONTEXT ' must be freed by calling CertFreeCertificateContext or is freed when passed as the ' pPrevCertContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCertificateContext ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' pPrevCertContext MUST BE NULL to enumerate the first ' certificate in the store. Successive certificates are enumerated by setting ' pPrevCertContext to the CERT_CONTEXT returned by a previous call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevCertContext is always CertFreeCertificateContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find the first or next certificate context in the store. ' ' The certificate is found according to the dwFindType and its pvFindPara. ' See below for a list of the find types and its parameters. ' ' Currently dwFindFlags is only used for CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_ATTR, ' CERT_FIND_ISSUER_ATTR or CERT_FIND_CTL_USAGE. Otherwise, must be set to 0. ' ' Usage of dwCertEncodingType depends on the dwFindType. ' ' If the first or next certificate isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CERT_CONTEXT is returned. CERT_CONTEXT ' must be freed by calling CertFreeCertificateContext or is freed when passed as the ' pPrevCertContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCertificateContext ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' pPrevCertContext MUST BE NULL on the first ' call to find the certificate. To find the next certificate, the ' pPrevCertContext is set to the CERT_CONTEXT returned by a previous call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevCertContext is always CertFreeCertificateContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate comparison functions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_COMPARE_MASK As Long = &HFFFF Public Const CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT As Long = 16 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_ANY As Long = 0 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_SHA1_HASH As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_NAME As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_ATTR As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_MD5_HASH As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_PROPERTY As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_PUBLIC_KEY As Long = 6 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_NAME_STR_A As Long = 7 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_NAME_STR_W As Long = 8 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_KEY_SPEC As Long = 9 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_ENHKEY_USAGE As Long = 10 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_SUBJECT_CERT As Long = 11 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_ISSUER_OF As Long = 12 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_EXISTING As Long = 13 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_SIGNATURE_HASH As Long = 14 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_KEY_IDENTIFIER As Long = 15 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_CERT_ID As Long = 16 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS As Long = 17 Public Const CERT_COMPARE_PUBKEY_MD5_HASH As Long = 18 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' dwFindType ' ' The dwFindType definition consists of two components: ' - comparison function ' - certificate information flag '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_ANY ' ' Find any certificate. ' ' pvFindPara isn't used. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_HASH ' ' Find a certificate with the specified hash. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CRYPT_HASH_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_KEY_IDENTIFIER ' ' Find a certificate with the specified KeyIdentifier. Gets the ' CERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_ID property and compares with the input ' CRYPT_HASH_BLOB. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CRYPT_HASH_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_PROPERTY ' ' Find a certificate having the specified property. ' ' pvFindPara points to a DWORD containing the PROP_ID '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_PUBLIC_KEY ' ' Find a certificate matching the specified public key. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO containing the public key '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME ' CERT_FIND_ISSUER_NAME ' ' Find a certificate with the specified subject/issuer name. Does an exact ' match of the entire name. ' ' Restricts search to certificates matching the dwCertEncodingType. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CERT_NAME_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_ATTR ' CERT_FIND_ISSUER_ATTR ' ' Find a certificate with the specified subject/issuer attributes. ' ' Compares the attributes in the subject/issuer name with the ' pvFindPara. The comparison iterates through the CERT_RDN attributes and looks ' for an attribute match in any of the subject/issuer's RDNs. ' ' The CERT_RDN_ATTR fields can have the following special values: ' pszObjId == NULL - ignore the attribute object identifier ' dwValueType == RDN_ANY_TYPE - ignore the value type ' Value.pbData == NULL - match any value ' ' CERT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG should be set in dwFindFlags to do ' a case insensitive match. Otherwise, defaults to an exact, case sensitive ' match. ' ' CERT_UNICODE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG should be set in dwFindFlags if the RDN was ' initialized with unicode strings as for ' ' Restricts search to certificates matching the dwCertEncodingType. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR_A ' CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR_W | CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR ' CERT_FIND_ISSUER_STR_A ' CERT_FIND_ISSUER_STR_W | CERT_FIND_ISSUER_STR ' ' Find a certificate containing the specified subject/issuer name string. ' ' First, the certificate's subject/issuer is converted to a name string ' case insensitive substring within string match is performed. ' ' Restricts search to certificates matching the dwCertEncodingType. ' ' For *_STR_A, pvFindPara points to a null terminated character string. ' For *_STR_W, pvFindPara points to a null terminated wide character string. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_KEY_SPEC ' ' Find a certificate having a CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID property matching ' the specified KeySpec. ' ' pvFindPara points to a DWORD containing the KeySpec. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_ENHKEY_USAGE ' ' Find a certificate having the szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE extension or ' the CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE_PROP_ID and matching the specified pszUsageIdentifers. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE data structure. If pvFindPara ' is NULL or CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE's cUsageIdentifier is 0, then, matches any ' certificate having enhanced key usage. ' ' If the CERT_FIND_VALID_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, then, only does a match ' for certificates that are valid for the specified usages. By default, ' the ceriticate must be valid for all usages. CERT_FIND_OR_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG ' can be set, if the certificate only needs to be valid for one of the ' certificate's list of valid usages. Only the CERT_FIND_OR_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG ' is applicable when this flag is set. ' ' The CERT_FIND_OPTIONAL_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG can be set in dwFindFlags to ' also match a certificate without either the extension or property. ' ' If CERT_FIND_NO_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set in dwFindFlags, finds ' certificates without the key usage extension or property. Setting this ' flag takes precedence over pvFindPara being NULL. ' ' If the CERT_FIND_EXT_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, then, only does a match ' using the extension. If pvFindPara is NULL or cUsageIdentifier is set to ' 0, finds certificates having the extension. If ' CERT_FIND_OPTIONAL_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, also matches a certificate ' without the extension. If CERT_FIND_NO_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, finds ' certificates without the extension. ' ' If the CERT_FIND_PROP_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, then, only does a match ' using the property. If pvFindPara is NULL or cUsageIdentifier is set to ' 0, finds certificates having the property. If ' CERT_FIND_OPTIONAL_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, also matches a certificate ' without the property. If CERT_FIND_NO_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, finds ' certificates without the property. ' ' If CERT_FIND_OR_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, does an "OR" match of any of ' the specified pszUsageIdentifiers. If not set, then, does an "AND" match ' of all of the specified pszUsageIdentifiers. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_FIND_OPTIONAL_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CERT_FIND_EXT_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H2 Public Const CERT_FIND_PROP_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H4 Public Const CERT_FIND_NO_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H8 Public Const CERT_FIND_OR_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H10 Public Const CERT_FIND_VALID_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H20 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_CERT_ID ' ' Find a certificate with the specified CERT_ID. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CERT_ID. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_FIND_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS ' ' Find a certificate having either a cross certificate distribution ' point extension or property. ' ' pvFindPara isn't used. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the certificate context from the store for the first or next issuer ' of the specified subject certificate. Perform the enabled ' using the returned issuer certificate.) ' ' If the first or next issuer certificate isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CERT_CONTEXT is returned. CERT_CONTEXT ' must be freed by calling CertFreeCertificateContext or is freed when passed as the ' pPrevIssuerContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCertificateContext ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' For a self signed subject certificate, NULL is returned with LastError set ' to CERT_STORE_SELF_SIGNED. The enabled verification checks are still done. ' ' The pSubjectContext may have been obtained from this store, another store ' or created by the caller application. When created by the caller, the ' CertCreateCertificateContext function must have been called. ' ' An issuer may have multiple certificates. This may occur when the validity ' period is about to change. pPrevIssuerContext MUST BE NULL on the first ' call to get the issuer. To get the next certificate for the issuer, the ' pPrevIssuerContext is set to the CERT_CONTEXT returned by a previous call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevIssuerContext is always CertFreeCertificateContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. ' ' The following flags can be set in *pdwFlags to enable verification checks ' on the subject certificate context: ' CERT_STORE_SIGNATURE_FLAG - use the public key in the returned ' issuer certificate to verify the ' signature on the subject certificate. ' Note, if pSubjectContext->hCertStore == ' hCertStore, the store provider might ' be able to eliminate a redo of ' the signature verify. ' CERT_STORE_TIME_VALIDITY_FLAG - get the current time and verify that ' its within the subject certificate's ' validity period ' CERT_STORE_REVOCATION_FLAG - check if the subject certificate is on ' the issuer's revocation list ' ' If an enabled verification check fails, then, its flag is set upon return. ' If CERT_STORE_REVOCATION_FLAG was enabled and the issuer doesn't have a ' CRL in the store, then, CERT_STORE_NO_CRL_FLAG is set in addition to ' the CERT_STORE_REVOCATION_FLAG. ' ' If CERT_STORE_SIGNATURE_FLAG or CERT_STORE_REVOCATION_FLAG is set, then, ' CERT_STORE_NO_ISSUER_FLAG is set if it doesn't have an issuer certificate ' in the store. ' ' For a verification check failure, a pointer to the issuer's CERT_CONTEXT ' is still returned and SetLastError isn't updated. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Perform the enabled verification checks on the subject certificate ' using the issuer. Same checks and flags definitions as for the above ' CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore. ' ' If you are only checking CERT_STORE_TIME_VALIDITY_FLAG, then, the ' issuer can be NULL. ' ' For a verification check failure, SUCCESS is still returned. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Duplicate a certificate context '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create a certificate context from the encoded certificate. The created ' context isn't put in a store. ' ' Makes a copy of the encoded certificate in the created context. ' ' If unable to decode and create the certificate context, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CERT_CONTEXT is returned. ' CERT_CONTEXT must be freed by calling CertFreeCertificateContext. ' CertDuplicateCertificateContext can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' CertSetCertificateContextProperty and CertGetCertificateContextProperty can be called ' to store properties for the certificate. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Free a certificate context ' ' There needs to be a corresponding free for each context obtained by a ' get, find, duplicate or create. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set the property for the specified certificate context. ' ' The type definition for pvData depends on the dwPropId value. There are ' five predefined types: ' CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID - a HCRYPTPROV for the certificate's ' private key is passed in pvData. Updates the hCryptProv field ' of the CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID. If the CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID ' doesn't exist, its created with all the other fields zeroed out. If ' CERT_STORE_NO_CRYPT_RELEASE_FLAG isn't set, HCRYPTPROV is implicitly ' released when either the property is set to NULL or on the final ' free of the CertContext. ' ' CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID - a PCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO for the certificate's ' private key is passed in pvData. ' ' CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID - ' CERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID - ' CERT_SIGNATURE_HASH_PROP_ID - normally, a hash property is implicitly ' set by doing a CertGetCertificateContextProperty. pvData points to a ' CRYPT_HASH_BLOB. ' ' CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID - a PCERT_KEY_CONTEXT for the certificate's ' private key is passed in pvData. The CERT_KEY_CONTEXT contains both the ' hCryptProv and dwKeySpec for the private key. ' See the CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID for more information about ' the hCryptProv field and dwFlags settings. Note, more fields may ' be added for this property. The cbSize field value will be adjusted ' accordingly. ' ' CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID - the dwKeySpec for the private key. pvData ' points to a DWORD containing the KeySpec ' ' CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE_PROP_ID - enhanced key usage definition for the ' certificate. pvData points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB containing an ' ' CERT_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION_PROP_ID - location of the next update. ' Currently only applicable to CTLs. pvData points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB ' ' CERT_FRIENDLY_NAME_PROP_ID - friendly name for the cert, CRL or CTL. ' pvData points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB. pbData is a pointer to a NULL ' terminated unicode, wide character string. ' ' CERT_DESCRIPTION_PROP_ID - description for the cert, CRL or CTL. ' pvData points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB. pbData is a pointer to a NULL ' terminated unicode, wide character string. ' ' CERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_ID - when this property is set, the certificate ' is skipped during enumeration. Note, certificates having this property ' are still found for explicit finds, such as, finding a certificate ' with a specific hash or finding a certificate having a specific issuer ' and serial number. pvData points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB. This blob ' ' CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID - for public keys supporting ' algorithm parameter inheritance. pvData points to a CRYPT_OBJID_BLOB ' containing the ASN.1 encoded PublicKey Algorithm Parameters. For ' DSS this would be the parameters encoded via ' ' CERT_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS_PROP_ID - location of the cross certs. ' Currently only applicable to certs. pvData points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB ' ' CERT_ENROLLMENT_PROP_ID - enrollment information of the pending request. ' It contains RequestID, CADNSName, CAName, and FriendlyName. ' The data format is defined as, the first 4 bytes - pending request ID, ' next 4 bytes - CADNSName size in characters including null-terminator ' followed by CADNSName string with null-terminator, ' next 4 bytes - CAName size in characters including null-terminator ' followed by CAName string with null-terminator, ' next 4 bytes - FriendlyName size in characters including null-terminator ' followed by FriendlyName string with null-terminator. ' ' For all the other PROP_IDs: an encoded PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB is passed in pvData. ' ' If the property already exists, then, the old value is deleted and silently ' replaced. Setting, pvData to NULL, deletes the property. ' ' CERT_SET_PROPERTY_IGNORE_PERSIST_ERROR_FLAG can be set to ignore any ' provider write errors and always update the cached context's property. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set this flag to ignore any store provider write errors and always update ' the cached context's property Public Const CERT_SET_PROPERTY_IGNORE_PERSIST_ERROR_FLAG As Long = &H80000000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the property for the specified certificate context. ' ' For CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID, pvData points to a HCRYPTPROV. ' ' For CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, pvData points to a CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO structure. ' Elements pointed to by fields in the pvData structure follow the ' structure. Therefore, *pcbData may exceed the size of the structure. ' ' For CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID, pvData points to a CERT_KEY_CONTEXT structure. ' ' For CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID, pvData points to a DWORD containing the KeySpec. ' If the CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID exists, the KeySpec is obtained from there. ' Otherwise, if the CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID exists, its the source ' of the KeySpec. ' ' For CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID or CERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID, if the hash ' and then set. pvData points to the computed hash. Normally, the length ' is 20 bytes for SHA and 16 for MD5. ' ' For CERT_SIGNATURE_HASH_PROP_ID, if the hash ' and then set. pvData points to the computed hash. Normally, the length ' is 20 bytes for SHA and 16 for MD5. ' ' For CERT_ACCESS_STATE_PROP_ID, pvData points to a DWORD containing the ' access state flags. The appropriate CERT_ACCESS_STATE_*_FLAG's are set ' in the returned DWORD. See the CERT_ACCESS_STATE_*_FLAG definitions ' above. Note, this property is read only. It can't be set. ' ' For CERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_ID, if property doesn't already exist, ' first searches for the szOID_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER extension. Next, ' does SHA1 hash of the certficate's SubjectPublicKeyInfo. pvData ' points to the key identifier bytes. Normally, the length is 20 bytes. ' ' For CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID, pvPara points to the ASN.1 encoded ' PublicKey Algorithm Parameters. This property will only be set ' for public keys supporting algorithm parameter inheritance and when the ' parameters have been omitted from the encoded and signed certificate. ' ' For all other PROP_IDs, pvData points to an encoded array of bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the properties for the specified certificate context. ' ' To get the first property, set dwPropId to 0. The ID of the first ' property is returned. To get the next property, set dwPropId to the ' ID returned by the last call. To enumerate all the properties continue ' until 0 is returned. ' ' CertGetCertificateContextProperty is called to get the property's data. ' ' Note, since, the CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID and CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID ' properties are stored as fields in the CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID ' property, they aren't enumerated individually. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the first or next CRL context from the store for the specified ' issuer certificate. Perform the enabled verification checks on the CRL. ' ' If the first or next CRL isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CRL_CONTEXT is returned. CRL_CONTEXT ' must be freed by calling CertFreeCRLContext. However, the free must be ' pPrevCrlContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCRLContext ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' The pIssuerContext may have been obtained from this store, another store ' or created by the caller application. When created by the caller, the ' CertCreateCertificateContext function must have been called. ' ' If pIssuerContext == NULL, finds all the CRLs in the store. ' ' An issuer may have multiple CRLs. For example, it generates delta CRLs ' using a X.509 v3 extension. pPrevCrlContext MUST BE NULL on the first ' call to get the CRL. To get the next CRL for the issuer, the ' pPrevCrlContext is set to the CRL_CONTEXT returned by a previous call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevCrlContext is always CertFreeCRLContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. ' ' The following flags can be set in *pdwFlags to enable verification checks ' on the returned CRL: ' CERT_STORE_SIGNATURE_FLAG - use the public key in the ' issuer's certificate to verify the ' signature on the returned CRL. ' Note, if pIssuerContext->hCertStore == ' hCertStore, the store provider might ' be able to eliminate a redo of ' the signature verify. ' CERT_STORE_TIME_VALIDITY_FLAG - get the current time and verify that ' its within the CRL's ThisUpdate and ' NextUpdate validity period. ' CERT_STORE_BASE_CRL_FLAG - get base CRL. ' CERT_STORE_DELTA_CRL_FLAG - get delta CRL. ' ' If only one of CERT_STORE_BASE_CRL_FLAG or CERT_STORE_DELTA_CRL_FLAG is ' set, then, only returns either a base or delta CRL. In any case, the ' appropriate base or delta flag will be cleared upon returned. If both ' flags are set, then, only one of flags will be cleared. ' ' If an enabled verification check fails, then, its flag is set upon return. ' ' If pIssuerContext == NULL, then, an enabled CERT_STORE_SIGNATURE_FLAG ' always fails and the CERT_STORE_NO_ISSUER_FLAG is also set. ' ' For a verification check failure, a pointer to the first or next ' CRL_CONTEXT is still returned and SetLastError isn't updated. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the CRL contexts in the store. ' ' If a CRL isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CRL_CONTEXT is returned. CRL_CONTEXT ' must be freed by calling CertFreeCRLContext or is freed when passed as the ' pPrevCrlContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCRLContext ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' pPrevCrlContext MUST BE NULL to enumerate the first ' CRL in the store. Successive CRLs are enumerated by setting ' pPrevCrlContext to the CRL_CONTEXT returned by a previous call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevCrlContext is always CertFreeCRLContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find the first or next CRL context in the store. ' ' The CRL is found according to the dwFindType and its pvFindPara. ' See below for a list of the find types and its parameters. ' ' Currently dwFindFlags isn't used and must be set to 0. ' ' Usage of dwCertEncodingType depends on the dwFindType. ' ' If the first or next CRL isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CRL_CONTEXT is returned. CRL_CONTEXT ' must be freed by calling CertFreeCRLContext or is freed when passed as the ' pPrevCrlContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCRLContext ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' pPrevCrlContext MUST BE NULL on the first ' call to find the CRL. To find the next CRL, the ' pPrevCrlContext is set to the CRL_CONTEXT returned by a previous call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevCrlContext is always CertFreeCRLContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRL_FIND_ANY As Long = 0 Public Const CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY As Long = 1 Public Const CRL_FIND_EXISTING As Long = 2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRL_FIND_ANY ' ' Find any CRL. ' ' pvFindPara isn't used. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY ' ' Find CRL matching the specified issuer. ' ' pvFindPara is the PCCERT_CONTEXT of the CRL issuer. ' ' By default, only does issuer name matching. The following flags can be ' set in dwFindFlags to do additional filtering. ' ' If CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY_AKI_FLAG is set in dwFindFlags, then, checks if the ' AKI, then, only returns a CRL whose AKI matches the issuer. ' ' Note, the AKI extension has the following OID: ' szOID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER2 and its corresponding data structure. ' ' If CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY_SIGNATURE_FLAG is set in dwFindFlags, then, ' uses the public key in the issuer's certificate to verify the ' signature on the CRL. Only returns a CRL having a valid signature. ' ' If CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY_DELTA_FLAG is set in dwFindFlags, then, only ' returns a delta CRL. ' ' If CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY_BASE_FLAG is set in dwFindFlags, then, only ' returns a base CRL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY_AKI_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY_SIGNATURE_FLAG As Long = &H2 Public Const CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY_DELTA_FLAG As Long = &H4 Public Const CRL_FIND_ISSUED_BY_BASE_FLAG As Long = &H8 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRL_FIND_EXISTING ' ' Find existing CRL in the store. ' ' pvFindPara is the PCCRL_CONTEXT of the CRL to check if it already ' exists in the store. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Duplicate a CRL context '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create a CRL context from the encoded CRL. The created ' context isn't put in a store. ' ' Makes a copy of the encoded CRL in the created context. ' ' If unable to decode and create the CRL context, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CRL_CONTEXT is returned. ' CRL_CONTEXT must be freed by calling CertFreeCRLContext. ' CertDuplicateCRLContext can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' CertSetCRLContextProperty and CertGetCRLContextProperty can be called ' to store properties for the CRL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Free a CRL context ' ' There needs to be a corresponding free for each context obtained by a ' get, duplicate or create. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set the property for the specified CRL context. ' ' Same Property Ids and semantics as CertSetCertificateContextProperty. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the property for the specified CRL context. ' ' Same Property Ids and semantics as CertGetCertificateContextProperty. ' ' CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID, CERT_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID or ' CERT_SIGNATURE_HASH_PROP_ID is the predefined property of most interest. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the properties for the specified CRL context. ' ' To get the first property, set dwPropId to 0. The ID of the first ' property is returned. To get the next property, set dwPropId to the ' ID returned by the last call. To enumerate all the properties continue ' until 0 is returned. ' ' CertGetCRLContextProperty is called to get the property's data. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Search the CRL's list of entries for the specified certificate. ' ' TRUE is returned if we were able to search the list. Otherwise, FALSE is ' returned, ' ' For success, if the certificate was found in the list, *ppCrlEntry is ' updated with a pointer to the entry. Otherwise, *ppCrlEntry is set to NULL. ' The returned entry isn't allocated and must not be freed. ' ' dwFlags and pvReserved currently aren't used and must be set to 0 or NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Is the specified CRL valid for the certificate. ' ' Returns TRUE if the CRL's list of entries would contain the certificate ' if it was revoked. Note, doesn't check that the certificate is in the ' list of entries. ' ' that it's valid for the subject certificate. ' ' dwFlags and pvReserved currently aren't used and must be set to 0 and NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add certificate/CRL, encoded, context or element disposition values. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_STORE_ADD_USE_EXISTING As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING_INHERIT_PROPERTIES As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER As Long = 6 Public Const CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER_INHERIT_PROPERTIES As Long = 7 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add the encoded certificate to the store according to the specified ' disposition action. ' ' Makes a copy of the encoded certificate before adding to the store. ' ' dwAddDispostion specifies the action to take if the certificate ' already exists in the store. This parameter must be one of the following ' values: ' CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW ' Fails if the certificate already exists in the store. LastError ' is set to CRYPT_E_EXISTS. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_USE_EXISTING ' If the certifcate already exists, then, its used and if ppCertContext ' is non-NULL, the existing context is duplicated. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING ' If the certificate already exists, then, the existing certificate ' context is deleted before creating and adding the new context. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS ' No check is made to see if the certificate already exists. A ' new certificate context is always created. This may lead to ' duplicates in the store. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING_INHERIT_PROPERTIES ' If the certificate already exists, then, its used. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER ' Fails if the certificate already exists in the store AND the NotBefore ' time of the existing certificate is equal to or greater than the ' NotBefore time of the new certificate being added. LastError ' is set to CRYPT_E_EXISTS. ' ' If an older certificate is replaced, same as ' CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING. ' ' For CRLs or CTLs compares the ThisUpdate times. ' ' CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER_INHERIT_PROPERTIES ' Same as CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER. However, if an older certificate is ' replaced, same as CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING_INHERIT_PROPERTIES. ' ' CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore is called to determine if the ' certificate already exists in the store. ' ' ppCertContext can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the CERT_CONTEXT of the added or existing certificate. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add the certificate context to the store according to the specified ' disposition action. ' ' In addition to the encoded certificate, the context's properties are ' CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID or CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID) isn't copied. ' ' Makes a copy of the certificate context before adding to the store. ' ' dwAddDispostion specifies the action to take if the certificate ' already exists in the store. This parameter must be one of the following ' values: ' CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW ' Fails if the certificate already exists in the store. LastError ' is set to CRYPT_E_EXISTS. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_USE_EXISTING ' If the certifcate already exists, then, its used and if ppStoreContext ' is non-NULL, the existing context is duplicated. Iterates ' through pCertContext's properties and only copies the properties ' that don't already exist. The SHA1 and MD5 hash properties aren't ' copied. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING ' If the certificate already exists, then, the existing certificate ' context is deleted before creating and adding a new context. ' Properties are copied before doing the add. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS ' No check is made to see if the certificate already exists. A ' new certificate context is always created and added. This may lead to ' duplicates in the store. Properties are ' copied before doing the add. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING_INHERIT_PROPERTIES ' If the certificate already exists, then, the existing certificate ' context is used. Properties from the added context are copied and ' replace existing properties. However, any existing properties not ' in the added context remain and aren't deleted. ' CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER ' Fails if the certificate already exists in the store AND the NotBefore ' time of the existing context is equal to or greater than the ' NotBefore time of the new context being added. LastError ' is set to CRYPT_E_EXISTS. ' ' If an older context is replaced, same as ' CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING. ' ' For CRLs or CTLs compares the ThisUpdate times. ' ' CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER_INHERIT_PROPERTIES ' Same as CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER. However, if an older context is ' replaced, same as CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING_INHERIT_PROPERTIES. ' ' CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore is called to determine if the ' certificate already exists in the store. ' ' ppStoreContext can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the CERT_CONTEXT of the added or existing certificate. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Store Context Types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_STORE_CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_STORE_CRL_CONTEXT As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_STORE_CTL_CONTEXT As Long = 3 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Store Context Bit Flags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add the serialized certificate or CRL element to the store. ' ' The serialized element contains the encoded certificate, CRL or CTL and ' its properties, such as, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID. ' ' If hCertStore is NULL, creates a certificate, CRL or CTL context not ' residing in any store. ' ' dwAddDispostion specifies the action to take if the certificate or CRL ' already exists in the store. See CertAddCertificateContextToStore for a ' list of and actions taken. ' ' dwFlags currently isn't used and should be set to 0. ' ' dwContextTypeFlags specifies the set of allowable contexts. For example, to ' add either a certificate or CRL, set dwContextTypeFlags to: ' CERT_STORE_CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT_FLAG | CERT_STORE_CRL_CONTEXT_FLAG ' ' *pdwContextType is updated with the type of the context returned in ' *ppvContxt. pdwContextType or ppvContext can be NULL, indicating the ' caller isn't interested in getting the output. If *ppvContext is ' returned it must be freed by calling CertFreeCertificateContext or ' CertFreeCRLContext. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Delete the specified certificate from the store. ' ' All subsequent gets or finds for the certificate will fail. However, ' memory allocated for the certificate isn't freed until all of its contexts ' have also been freed. ' ' The pCertContext is obtained from a get, enum, find or duplicate. ' ' Some store provider implementations might also delete the issuer's CRLs ' if this is the last certificate for the issuer in the store. ' ' NOTE: the pCertContext is always CertFreeCertificateContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add the encoded CRL to the store according to the specified ' disposition option. ' ' Makes a copy of the encoded CRL before adding to the store. ' ' dwAddDispostion specifies the action to take if the CRL ' already exists in the store. See CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore for a ' list of and actions taken. ' ' Compares the CRL's Issuer to determine if the CRL already exists in the ' store. ' ' ppCrlContext can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the CRL_CONTEXT of the added or existing CRL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add the CRL context to the store according to the specified ' disposition option. ' ' In addition to the encoded CRL, the context's properties are ' CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID or CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID) isn't copied. ' ' Makes a copy of the encoded CRL before adding to the store. ' ' dwAddDispostion specifies the action to take if the CRL ' already exists in the store. See CertAddCertificateContextToStore for a ' list of and actions taken. ' ' Compares the CRL's Issuer, ThisUpdate and NextUpdate to determine ' if the CRL already exists in the store. ' ' ppStoreContext can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the CRL_CONTEXT of the added or existing CRL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Delete the specified CRL from the store. ' ' All subsequent gets for the CRL will fail. However, ' memory allocated for the CRL isn't freed until all of its contexts ' have also been freed. ' ' The pCrlContext is obtained from a get or duplicate. ' ' NOTE: the pCrlContext is always CertFreeCRLContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Serialize the certificate context's encoded certificate and its ' properties. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Serialize the CRL context's encoded CRL and its properties. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Duplicate a CTL context '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create a CTL context from the encoded CTL. The created ' context isn't put in a store. ' ' Makes a copy of the encoded CTL in the created context. ' ' If unable to decode and create the CTL context, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CTL_CONTEXT is returned. ' CTL_CONTEXT must be freed by calling CertFreeCTLContext. ' CertDuplicateCTLContext can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' CertSetCTLContextProperty and CertGetCTLContextProperty can be called ' to store properties for the CTL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Free a CTL context ' ' There needs to be a corresponding free for each context obtained by a ' get, duplicate or create. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set the property for the specified CTL context. ' ' Same Property Ids and semantics as CertSetCertificateContextProperty. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the property for the specified CTL context. ' ' Same Property Ids and semantics as CertGetCertificateContextProperty. ' ' CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID or CERT_NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION_PROP_ID are the ' predefined properties of most interest. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the properties for the specified CTL context. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the CTL contexts in the store. ' ' If a CTL isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CTL_CONTEXT is returned. CTL_CONTEXT ' must be freed by calling CertFreeCTLContext or is freed when passed as the ' pPrevCtlContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCTLContext ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' pPrevCtlContext MUST BE NULL to enumerate the first ' CTL in the store. Successive CTLs are enumerated by setting ' pPrevCtlContext to the CTL_CONTEXT returned by a previous call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevCtlContext is always CertFreeCTLContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Attempt to find the specified subject in the CTL. ' ' For CTL_CERT_SUBJECT_TYPE, pvSubject points to a CERT_CONTEXT. The CTL's ' SubjectAlgorithm is examined to determine the representation of the ' subject's identity. Initially, only SHA1 or MD5 hash will be supported. ' The appropriate hash property is obtained from the CERT_CONTEXT. ' ' For CTL_ANY_SUBJECT_TYPE, pvSubject points to the CTL_ANY_SUBJECT_INFO ' structure which contains the SubjectAlgorithm to be matched in the CTL ' and the SubjectIdentifer to be matched in one of the CTL entries. ' ' The certificate's hash or the CTL_ANY_SUBJECT_INFO's SubjectIdentifier ' is used as the key in searching the subject entries. A binary ' memory comparison is done between the key and the entry's SubjectIdentifer. ' ' dwEncodingType isn't used for either of the above SubjectTypes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Subject Types: ' CTL_ANY_SUBJECT_TYPE, pvSubject points to following CTL_ANY_SUBJECT_INFO. ' CTL_CERT_SUBJECT_TYPE, pvSubject points to CERT_CONTEXT. Public Const CTL_ANY_SUBJECT_TYPE As Long = 1 Public Const CTL_CERT_SUBJECT_TYPE As Long = 2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find the first or next CTL context in the store. ' ' The CTL is found according to the dwFindType and its pvFindPara. ' See below for a list of the find types and its parameters. ' ' Currently dwFindFlags isn't used and must be set to 0. ' ' Usage of dwMsgAndCertEncodingType depends on the dwFindType. ' ' If the first or next CTL isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CTL_CONTEXT is returned. CTL_CONTEXT ' must be freed by calling CertFreeCTLContext or is freed when passed as the ' pPrevCtlContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCTLContext ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' pPrevCtlContext MUST BE NULL on the first ' call to find the CTL. To find the next CTL, the ' pPrevCtlContext is set to the CTL_CONTEXT returned by a previous call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevCtlContext is always CertFreeCTLContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CTL_FIND_ANY As Long = 0 Public Const CTL_FIND_SHA1_HASH As Long = 1 Public Const CTL_FIND_MD5_HASH As Long = 2 Public Const CTL_FIND_USAGE As Long = 3 Public Const CTL_FIND_SUBJECT As Long = 4 Public Const CTL_FIND_EXISTING As Long = 5 Public Const CTL_FIND_NO_LIST_ID_CBDATA As Long = &HFFFFFFFF Public Const CTL_FIND_SAME_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CTL_FIND_ANY ' ' Find any CTL. ' ' pvFindPara isn't used. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CTL_FIND_SHA1_HASH ' CTL_FIND_MD5_HASH ' ' Find a CTL with the specified hash. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CRYPT_HASH_BLOB. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CTL_FIND_USAGE ' ' Find a CTL having the specified usage identifiers, list identifier or ' signer. The CertEncodingType of the signer is obtained from the ' dwMsgAndCertEncodingType parameter. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CTL_FIND_USAGE_PARA data structure. The ' SubjectUsage.cUsageIdentifer can be 0 to match any usage. The ' ListIdentifier.cbData can be 0 to match any list identifier. To only match ' CTLs without a ListIdentifier, cbData must be set to ' CTL_FIND_NO_LIST_ID_CBDATA. pSigner can be NULL to match any signer. Only ' the Issuer and SerialNumber fields of the pSigner's PCERT_INFO are used. ' To only match CTLs without a signer, pSigner must be set to ' CTL_FIND_NO_SIGNER_PTR. ' ' The CTL_FIND_SAME_USAGE_FLAG can be set in dwFindFlags to ' only match CTLs with the same usage identifiers. CTLs having additional ' usage identifiers aren't matched. For example, if only "1.2.3" is specified ' in CTL_FIND_USAGE_PARA, then, for a match, the CTL must only contain ' "1.2.3" and not any additional usage identifers. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CTL_FIND_SUBJECT ' ' Find a CTL having the specified subject. CertFindSubjectInCTL can be ' called to get a pointer to the subject's entry in the CTL. pUsagePara can ' optionally be set to enable the above CTL_FIND_USAGE matching. ' ' pvFindPara points to a CTL_FIND_SUBJECT_PARA data structure. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add the encoded CTL to the store according to the specified ' disposition option. ' ' Makes a copy of the encoded CTL before adding to the store. ' ' dwAddDispostion specifies the action to take if the CTL ' already exists in the store. See CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore for a ' list of and actions taken. ' ' Compares the CTL's SubjectUsage, ListIdentifier and any of its signers ' to determine if the CTL already exists in the store. ' ' ppCtlContext can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the CTL_CONTEXT of the added or existing CTL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add the CTL context to the store according to the specified ' disposition option. ' ' In addition to the encoded CTL, the context's properties are ' CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID or CERT_KEY_SPEC_PROP_ID) isn't copied. ' ' Makes a copy of the encoded CTL before adding to the store. ' ' dwAddDispostion specifies the action to take if the CTL ' already exists in the store. See CertAddCertificateContextToStore for a ' list of and actions taken. ' ' Compares the CTL's SubjectUsage, ListIdentifier and any of its signers ' to determine if the CTL already exists in the store. ' ' ppStoreContext can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the CTL_CONTEXT of the added or existing CTL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Serialize the CTL context's encoded CTL and its properties. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Delete the specified CTL from the store. ' ' All subsequent gets for the CTL will fail. However, ' memory allocated for the CTL isn't freed until all of its contexts ' have also been freed. ' ' The pCtlContext is obtained from a get or duplicate. ' ' NOTE: the pCtlContext is always CertFreeCTLContext'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate Store control types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_STORE_CTRL_RESYNC As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_STORE_CTRL_NOTIFY_CHANGE As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_STORE_CTRL_AUTO_RESYNC As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_STORE_CTRL_CANCEL_NOTIFY As Long = 5 Public Const CERT_STORE_CTRL_INHIBIT_DUPLICATE_HANDLE_FLAG As Long = &H1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_RESYNC ' ' Re-synchronize the store. ' ' The pvCtrlPara points to the event HANDLE to be signaled on ' the next store change. Normally, this would be the same ' event HANDLE passed to CERT_STORE_CTRL_NOTIFY_CHANGE during initialization. ' ' If pvCtrlPara is NULL, no events are re-armed. ' ' By default the event HANDLE is DuplicateHandle'd. ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_INHIBIT_DUPLICATE_HANDLE_FLAG can be set in dwFlags ' to inhibit a DupicateHandle of the event HANDLE. If this flag ' called for this event HANDLE before closing the hCertStore. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_NOTIFY_CHANGE ' ' Signal the event when the underlying store is changed. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to the event HANDLE to be signaled. ' ' pvCtrlPara can be NULL to inform the store of a subsequent ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_RESYNC and allow it to optimize by only doing a resync ' if the store has changed. For the registry based stores, an internal ' notify change event is created and registered to be signaled. ' ' Recommend calling CERT_STORE_CTRL_NOTIFY_CHANGE once for each event to ' be passed to CERT_STORE_CTRL_RESYNC. This should only happen after ' the event has been created. Not after each time the event is signaled. ' ' By default the event HANDLE is DuplicateHandle'd. ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_INHIBIT_DUPLICATE_HANDLE_FLAG can be set in dwFlags ' to inhibit a DupicateHandle of the event HANDLE. If this flag ' called for this event HANDLE before closing the hCertStore. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_CANCEL_NOTIFY ' ' Cancel notification signaling of the event HANDLE passed in a previous ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_NOTIFY_CHANGE or CERT_STORE_CTRL_RESYNC. ' ' pvCtrlPara points to the event HANDLE to be canceled. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_AUTO_RESYNC ' ' At the start of every enumeration or find store API call, check if the ' underlying store has changed. If it has changed, re-synchronize. ' ' This check is only done in the enumeration or find APIs when the ' pPrevContext is NULL. ' ' The pvCtrlPara isn't used and must be set to NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT ' ' If any changes have been to the cached store, they are committed to ' persisted storage. If no changes have been made since the store was ' opened or the last commit, this call is ignored. May also be ignored by ' store providers that persist changes immediately. ' ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT_FORCE_FLAG can be set to force the store ' to be committed even if it hasn't been touched. ' ' CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT_CLEAR_FLAG can be set to inhibit a commit on ' store close. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT_FORCE_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT_CLEAR_FLAG As Long = &H2 '+========================================================================= ' Cert Store Property Defines and APIs '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Store property IDs. This is a property applicable to the entire store. ' Its not a property on an individual certificate, CRL or CTL context. ' ' most context properties which are persisted.) ' ' See CertSetStoreProperty or CertGetStoreProperty for usage information. ' ' Note, the range for predefined store properties should be outside ' the range of predefined context properties. We will start at 4096. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_STORE_LOCALIZED_NAME_PROP_ID As Long = &H1000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set a store property. ' ' The type definition for pvData depends on the dwPropId value. ' CERT_STORE_LOCALIZED_NAME_PROP_ID - localized name of the store. ' pvData points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB. pbData is a pointer to a NULL ' terminated unicode, wide character string. ' ' For all the other PROP_IDs: an encoded PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB is passed in pvData. ' ' If the property already exists, then, the old value is deleted and silently ' replaced. Setting, pvData to NULL, deletes the property. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get a store property. ' ' The type definition for pvData depends on the dwPropId value. ' CERT_STORE_LOCALIZED_NAME_PROP_ID - localized name of the store. ' pvData points to a NULL terminated unicode, wide character string. ' ' For all other PROP_IDs, pvData points to an array of bytes. ' ' If the property doesn't exist, returns FALSE and sets LastError to ' CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Creates the specified context from the encoded bytes. The created ' context isn't put in a store. ' ' dwContextType values: ' CERT_STORE_CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT ' CERT_STORE_CRL_CONTEXT ' CERT_STORE_CTL_CONTEXT ' ' If CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_NOCOPY_FLAG is set, the created context points ' directly to the pbEncoded instead of an allocated copy. See flag ' definition for more details. ' ' If CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_SORTED_FLAG is set, the context is created ' with sorted entries. This flag may only be set for CERT_STORE_CTL_CONTEXT. ' Setting this flag implicitly sets CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_NO_HCRYPTMSG_FLAG and ' CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_NO_ENTRY_FLAG. See flag definition for ' more details. ' ' If CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_NO_HCRYPTMSG_FLAG is set, the context is created ' without creating a HCRYPTMSG handle for the context. This flag may only be ' set for CERT_STORE_CTL_CONTEXT. See flag definition for more details. ' ' If CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_NO_ENTRY_FLAG is set, the context is created ' without decoding the entries. This flag may only be set for ' CERT_STORE_CTL_CONTEXT. See flag definition for more details. ' ' If unable to decode and create the context, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CERT_CONTEXT, CRL_CONTEXT or ' CTL_CONTEXT is returned. The context must be freed by the appropriate ' free context API. The context can be duplicated by calling the ' appropriate duplicate context API. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' When the following flag is set, the created context points directly to the ' pbEncoded instead of an allocated copy. If pCreatePara and ' pCreatePara->pfnFree are non-NULL, then, pfnFree is called to free ' the pbEncoded when the context is last freed. Otherwise, no attempt is ' made to free the pbEncoded. If pCreatePara->pvFree is non-NULL, then its ' passed to pfnFree instead of pbEncoded. ' ' Note, if CertCreateContext fails, pfnFree is still called. Public Const CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_NOCOPY_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' When the following flag is set, a context with sorted entries is created. ' Currently only applicable to a CTL context. ' ' For CTLs: the cCTLEntry in the returned CTL_INFO is always ' 0. CertFindSubjectInSortedCTL and CertEnumSubjectInSortedCTL must be called ' to find or enumerate the CTL entries. ' ' The Sorted CTL TrustedSubjects extension isn't returned in the created ' context's CTL_INFO. Public Const CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_SORTED_FLAG As Long = &H2 ' By default when a CTL context is created, a HCRYPTMSG handle to its ' SignedData message is created. This flag can be set to improve performance ' by not creating the HCRYPTMSG handle. ' ' This flag is only applicable to a CTL context. Public Const CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_NO_HCRYPTMSG_FLAG As Long = &H4 ' By default when a CTL context is created, its entries are decoded. ' This flag can be set to improve performance by not decoding the ' entries. ' ' This flag is only applicable to a CTL context. Public Const CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_NO_ENTRY_FLAG As Long = &H8 '+========================================================================= ' Certificate System Store Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' System Store Information ' ' Currently, no system store information is persisted. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Physical Store Information ' ' the physical store. ' ' By default all system stores located in the registry have an ' implicit SystemRegistry physical store that is opened. To disable the ' opening of this store, the SystemRegistry ' physical store corresponding to the System store must be registered with ' CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_OPEN_DISABLE_FLAG set in dwFlags. Alternatively, ' a physical store with the name of ".Default" may be registered. ' ' Depending on the store location and store name, additional predefined ' physical stores may be opened. For example, system stores in ' CURRENT_USER have the predefined physical store, .LocalMachine. ' To disable the opening of these predefined physical stores, the ' corresponding physical store must be registered with ' CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_OPEN_DISABLE_FLAG set in dwFlags. ' ' The CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_ADD_ENABLE_FLAG must be set in dwFlags ' to enable the adding of a context to the store. ' ' When a system store is opened via the SERVICES or USERS store location, ' the ServiceName\ is prepended to the OpenParameters ' for CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_SERVICE ' physical stores and the dwOpenFlags store location is changed to ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES. ' ' By default the SYSTEM, SYSTEM_REGISTRY and PHYSICAL provider ' stores are also opened remotely when the outer system store is opened. ' The CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_REMOTE_OPEN_DISABLE_FLAG may be set in dwFlags ' to disable remote opens. ' ' When opened remotely, the \\ComputerName is implicitly prepended to the ' OpenParameters for the SYSTEM, SYSTEM_REGISTRY and PHYSICAL provider types. ' To also prepend the \\ComputerName to other provider types, set the ' CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_INSERT_COMPUTER_NAME_ENABLE_FLAG in dwFlags. ' ' When the system store is opened, its physical stores are ordered ' according to the dwPriority. A larger dwPriority indicates higher priority. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Physical Store Information dwFlags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_ADD_ENABLE_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_OPEN_DISABLE_FLAG As Long = &H2 Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_REMOTE_OPEN_DISABLE_FLAG As Long = &H4 Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_INSERT_COMPUTER_NAME_ENABLE_FLAG As Long = &H8 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Register a system store. ' ' The upper word of the dwFlags parameter is used to specify the location of ' the system store. ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvSystemStore ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure. Otherwise, ' pvSystemStore points to a null terminated UNICODE string. ' ' The CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS system store ' name must be prefixed with the ServiceName or UserName. For example, ' "ServiceName\Trust". ' ' Stores on remote computers can be registered for the ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES, ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY ' or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE ' locations by prepending the computer name. For example, a remote ' local machine store is registered via "\\ComputerName\Trust" or ' "ComputerName\Trust". A remote service store is registered via ' "\\ComputerName\ServiceName\Trust". The leading "\\" backslashes are ' optional in the ComputerName. ' ' Set CERT_STORE_CREATE_NEW_FLAG to cause a failure if the system store ' already exists in the store location. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Register a physical store for the specified system store. ' ' The upper word of the dwFlags parameter is used to specify the location of ' the system store. ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvSystemStore ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure. Otherwise, ' pvSystemStore points to a null terminated UNICODE string. ' ' See CertRegisterSystemStore for details on prepending a ServiceName ' and/or ComputerName to the system store name. ' ' Set CERT_STORE_CREATE_NEW_FLAG to cause a failure if the physical store ' already exists in the system store. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Unregister the specified system store. ' ' The upper word of the dwFlags parameter is used to specify the location of ' the system store. ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvSystemStore ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure. Otherwise, ' pvSystemStore points to a null terminated UNICODE string. ' ' See CertRegisterSystemStore for details on prepending a ServiceName ' and/or ComputerName to the system store name. ' ' CERT_STORE_DELETE_FLAG can optionally be set in dwFlags. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Unregister the physical store from the specified system store. ' ' The upper word of the dwFlags parameter is used to specify the location of ' the system store. ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvSystemStore ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure. Otherwise, ' pvSystemStore points to a null terminated UNICODE string. ' ' See CertRegisterSystemStore for details on prepending a ServiceName ' and/or ComputerName to the system store name. ' ' CERT_STORE_DELETE_FLAG can optionally be set in dwFlags. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enum callbacks ' ' The CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCATION_MASK bits in the dwFlags parameter ' specifies the location of the system store ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvSystemStore ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure. Otherwise, ' pvSystemStore points to a null terminated UNICODE string. ' ' The callback returns FALSE and sets LAST_ERROR to stop the enumeration. ' The LAST_ERROR is returned to the caller of the enumeration. ' ' The pvSystemStore passed to the callback has leading ComputerName and/or ' ServiceName prefixes where appropriate. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' In the PFN_CERT_ENUM_PHYSICAL_STORE callback the following flag is ' set if the physical store wasn't registered and is an implicitly created ' predefined physical store. Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_PREDEFINED_ENUM_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' Names of implicitly created predefined physical stores Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_DEFAULT_NAME As String = ".Default" Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_GROUP_POLICY_NAME As String = ".GroupPolicy" Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME As String = ".LocalMachine" Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_DS_USER_CERTIFICATE_NAME As String = ".UserCertificate" Public Const CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_ENTERPRISE_NAME As String = ".Enterprise" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the system store locations. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the system stores. ' ' The upper word of the dwFlags parameter is used to specify the location of ' the system store. ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, ' pvSystemStoreLocationPara points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA ' data structure. Otherwise, pvSystemStoreLocationPara points to a null ' terminated UNICODE string. ' ' For CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY or ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE, pvSystemStoreLocationPara can ' optionally be set to a unicode computer name for enumerating local machine ' stores on a remote computer. For example, "\\ComputerName" or ' "ComputerName". The leading "\\" backslashes are optional in the ' ComputerName. ' ' For CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS, ' if pvSystemStoreLocationPara is NULL, then, ' enumerates both the service/user names and the stores for each service/user ' name. Otherwise, pvSystemStoreLocationPara is a unicode string specifying a ' remote computer name and/or service/user name. For example: ' "ServiceName" ' "\\ComputerName" or "ComputerName\" ' "ComputerName\ServiceName" ' Note, if only the ComputerName is specified, then, it must have either ' the leading "\\" backslashes or a trailing backslash. Otherwise, its ' interpretted as the ServiceName or UserName. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the physical stores for the specified system store. ' ' The upper word of the dwFlags parameter is used to specify the location of ' the system store. ' ' If CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG is set in dwFlags, pvSystemStore ' points to a CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA data structure. Otherwise, ' pvSystemStore points to a null terminated UNICODE string. ' ' See CertRegisterSystemStore for details on prepending a ServiceName ' and/or ComputerName to the system store name. ' ' If the system store location only supports system stores and doesn't ' support physical stores, LastError is set to ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate System Store Installable Functions ' ' The CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCATION_MASK bits in the dwFlags parameter passed ' Provider), CertRegisterSystemStore, ' CertUnregisterSystemStore, CertEnumSystemStore, CertRegisterPhysicalStore, ' CertUnregisterPhysicalStore and CertEnumPhysicalStore APIs is used as the ' constant pszOID value passed to the OID installable functions. ' ' The EncodingType is 0. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Installable System Store Provider OID pszFuncNames. Public Const CRYPT_OID_OPEN_SYSTEM_STORE_PROV_FUNC As String = "CertDllOpenSystemStoreProv" Public Const CRYPT_OID_REGISTER_SYSTEM_STORE_FUNC As String = "CertDllRegisterSystemStore" Public Const CRYPT_OID_UNREGISTER_SYSTEM_STORE_FUNC As String = "CertDllUnregisterSystemStore" Public Const CRYPT_OID_ENUM_SYSTEM_STORE_FUNC As String = "CertDllEnumSystemStore" Public Const CRYPT_OID_REGISTER_PHYSICAL_STORE_FUNC As String = "CertDllRegisterPhysicalStore" Public Const CRYPT_OID_UNREGISTER_PHYSICAL_STORE_FUNC As String = "CertDllUnregisterPhysicalStore" Public Const CRYPT_OID_ENUM_PHYSICAL_STORE_FUNC As String = "CertDllEnumPhysicalStore" ' CertDllOpenSystemStoreProv has the same function signature as the ' installable "CertDllOpenStoreProv" function. See CertOpenStore for ' more details. ' CertDllRegisterSystemStore has the same function signature as ' CertRegisterSystemStore. ' ' The "SystemStoreLocation" REG_SZ value must also be set for registered ' CertDllEnumSystemStore OID functions. Public Const CRYPT_OID_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCATION_VALUE_NAME As String = "SystemStoreLocation" ' The remaining Register, Enum and Unregister OID installable functions ' have the same signature as their Cert Store API counterpart. '+========================================================================= ' Enhanced Key Usage Helper Functions '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the enhanced key usage extension or property from the certificate ' and decode. ' ' If the CERT_FIND_EXT_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, then, only get the ' extension. ' ' If the CERT_FIND_PROP_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG is set, then, only get the ' property. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set the enhanced key usage property for the certificate. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add the usage identifier to the certificate's enhanced key usage property. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Remove the usage identifier from the certificate's enhanced key usage ' property. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' ' Takes an array of certs and returns an array of usages ' which consists of the intersection of the valid usages for each cert. ' If each cert is good for all possible usages then the cNumOIDs is set to -1. ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= ' Cryptographic Message helper functions for verifying and signing a ' CTL. '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get and verify the signer of a cryptographic message. ' ' To verify a CTL, the hCryptMsg is obtained from the CTL_CONTEXT's ' hCryptMsg field. ' ' If CMSG_TRUSTED_SIGNER_FLAG is set, then, treat the Signer stores as being ' trusted and only search them to find the certificate corresponding to the ' signer's issuer and serial number. Otherwise, the SignerStores are ' optionally provided to supplement the message's store of certificates. ' If a signer certificate is found, its public key is used to verify ' the message signature. The CMSG_SIGNER_ONLY_FLAG can be set to ' return the signer without doing the signature verify. ' ' If CMSG_USE_SIGNER_INDEX_FLAG is set, then, only get the signer specified ' by *pdwSignerIndex. Otherwise, iterate through all the signers ' until a signer verifies or no more signers. ' ' For a verified signature, *ppSigner is updated with certificate context ' of the signer and *pdwSignerIndex is updated with the index of the signer. ' ppSigner and/or pdwSignerIndex can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't ' interested in getting the CertContext and/or index of the signer. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CMSG_TRUSTED_SIGNER_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CMSG_SIGNER_ONLY_FLAG As Long = &H2 Public Const CMSG_USE_SIGNER_INDEX_FLAG As Long = &H4 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sign an encoded CTL. ' ' The pbCtlContent can be obtained via a CTL_CONTEXT's pbCtlContent ' ' CMSG_CMS_ENCAPSULATED_CTL_FLAG can be set to encode a CMS compatible ' V3 SignedData message. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' When set, CTL inner content is encapsulated within an OCTET STRING Public Const CMSG_CMS_ENCAPSULATED_CTL_FLAG As Long = &H00008000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Encode the CTL and create a signed message containing the encoded CTL. ' ' Set CMSG_ENCODE_SORTED_CTL_FLAG if the CTL entries are to be sorted ' before encoding. This flag should be set, if the ' CertFindSubjectInSortedCTL or CertEnumSubjectInSortedCTL APIs will ' be called. If the identifier for the CTL entries is a hash, such as, ' MD5 or SHA1, then, CMSG_ENCODE_HASHED_SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER_FLAG should ' also be set. ' ' CMSG_CMS_ENCAPSULATED_CTL_FLAG can be set to encode a CMS compatible ' V3 SignedData message. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The following flag is set if the CTL is to be encoded with sorted ' trusted subjects and the szOID_SORTED_CTL extension is inserted containing ' sorted offsets to the encoded subjects. Public Const CMSG_ENCODE_SORTED_CTL_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' If the above sorted flag is set, then, the following flag should also ' be set if the identifier for the TrustedSubjects is a hash, ' such as, MD5 or SHA1. Public Const CMSG_ENCODE_HASHED_SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER_FLAG As Long = &H2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Returns TRUE if the SubjectIdentifier exists in the CTL. Optionally ' returns a pointer to and byte count of the Subject's encoded attributes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerates through the sequence of TrustedSubjects in a CTL context ' created with CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_SORTED_FLAG set. ' ' To start the enumeration, *ppvNextSubject must be NULL. Upon return, ' *ppvNextSubject is updated to point to the next TrustedSubject in ' the encoded sequence. ' ' Returns FALSE for no more subjects or invalid arguments. ' ' Note, the returned DER_BLOBs point directly into the encoded '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= ' Certificate Verify CTL Usage Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== Public Const CERT_VERIFY_INHIBIT_CTL_UPDATE_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CERT_VERIFY_TRUSTED_SIGNERS_FLAG As Long = &H2 Public Const CERT_VERIFY_NO_TIME_CHECK_FLAG As Long = &H4 Public Const CERT_VERIFY_ALLOW_MORE_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H8 Public Const CERT_VERIFY_UPDATED_CTL_FLAG As Long = &H1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify that a subject is trusted for the specified usage by finding a ' signed and time valid CTL with the usage identifiers and containing the ' the subject. A subject can be identified by either its certificate context ' or any identifier such as its SHA1 hash. ' ' See CertFindSubjectInCTL for definition of dwSubjectType and pvSubject ' parameters. ' ' Via pVerifyUsagePara, the caller can specify the stores to be searched ' to find the CTL. The caller can also specify the stores containing ' acceptable CTL signers. By setting the ListIdentifier, the caller ' can also restrict to a particular signer CTL list. ' ' Via pVerifyUsageStatus, the CTL containing the subject, the subject's ' index into the CTL's array of entries, and the signer of the CTL ' are returned. If the caller is not interested, ppCtl and ppSigner can be set ' to NULL. Returned contexts must be freed via the store's free context APIs. ' ' If the CERT_VERIFY_INHIBIT_CTL_UPDATE_FLAG isn't set, then, a time ' invalid CTL in one of the CtlStores may be replaced. When replaced, the ' CERT_VERIFY_UPDATED_CTL_FLAG is set in pVerifyUsageStatus->dwFlags. ' ' If the CERT_VERIFY_TRUSTED_SIGNERS_FLAG is set, then, only the ' SignerStores specified in pVerifyUsageStatus are searched to find ' the signer. Otherwise, the SignerStores provide additional sources ' to find the signer's certificate. ' ' If CERT_VERIFY_NO_TIME_CHECK_FLAG is set, then, the CTLs aren't checked ' for time validity. ' ' If CERT_VERIFY_ALLOW_MORE_USAGE_FLAG is set, then, the CTL may contain ' additional usage identifiers than specified by pSubjectUsage. Otherwise, ' the found CTL will contain the same usage identifers and no more. ' ' CertVerifyCTLUsage will be implemented as a dispatcher to OID installable ' functions. First, it will try to find an OID function matching the first ' usage object identifier in the pUsage sequence. Next, it will dispatch ' to the default CertDllVerifyCTLUsage functions. ' ' If the subject is trusted for the specified usage, then, TRUE is ' returned. Otherwise, FALSE is returned with dwError set to one of the ' following: ' CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_DLL ' CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_CHECK ' CRYPT_E_VERIFY_USAGE_OFFLINE ' CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_CTL ' CRYPT_E_NO_TRUSTED_SIGNER '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= ' Certificate Revocation Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The following data structure may be passed to CertVerifyRevocation to ' assist in finding the issuer of the context to be verified. ' ' When pIssuerCert is specified, pIssuerCert is the issuer of ' rgpvContext[cContext - 1]. ' ' When cCertStore and rgCertStore are specified, these stores may contain ' an issuer certificate. ' ' When hCrlStore is specified then a handler which uses CRLs can search this ' store for them ' ' revocation status relative to the time given otherwise the answer may be ' independent of time or relative to current time '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The following data structure is returned by CertVerifyRevocation to ' specify the status of the revoked or unchecked context. Review the ' following CertVerifyRevocation comments for details. ' ' Upon input to CertVerifyRevocation, cbSize must be set to a size ' returns FALSE and sets LastError to E_INVALIDARG. ' ' Upon input to the installed or registered CRYPT_OID_VERIFY_REVOCATION_FUNC ' functions, the dwIndex, dwError and dwReason have been zero'ed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verifies the array of contexts for revocation. The dwRevType parameter ' indicates the type of the context data structure passed in rgpvContext. ' Currently only the revocation of certificates is defined. ' ' If the CERT_VERIFY_REV_CHAIN_FLAG flag is set, then, CertVerifyRevocation ' is verifying a chain of certs where, rgpvContext[i + 1] is the issuer ' of rgpvContext[i]. Otherwise, CertVerifyRevocation makes no assumptions ' about the order of the contexts. ' ' To assist in finding the issuer, the pRevPara may optionally be set. See ' the CERT_REVOCATION_PARA data structure for details. ' ' The contexts must contain enough information to allow the ' installable or registered revocation DLLs to find the revocation server. For ' certificates, this information would normally be conveyed in an ' extension such as the IETF's AuthorityInfoAccess extension. ' ' CertVerifyRevocation returns TRUE if all of the contexts were successfully ' checked and none were revoked. Otherwise, returns FALSE and updates the ' returned pRevStatus data structure as follows: ' dwIndex ' Index of the first context that was revoked or unable to ' be checked for revocation ' dwError ' Error status. LastError is also set to this error status. ' dwError can be set to one of the following error codes defined ' in winerror.h: ' ERROR_SUCCESS - good context ' CRYPT_E_REVOKED - context was revoked. dwReason contains the ' reason for revocation ' CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE - unable to connect to the ' revocation server ' CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_REVOCATION_DATABASE - the context to be checked ' was not found in the revocation server's database. ' CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK - the called revocation function ' wasn't able to do a revocation check on the context ' CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_DLL - no installed or registered Dll was ' found to verify revocation ' dwReason ' The dwReason is currently only set for CRYPT_E_REVOKED and contains ' the reason why the context was revoked. May be one of the following ' CRL_REASON_UNSPECIFIED 0 ' CRL_REASON_KEY_COMPROMISE 1 ' CRL_REASON_CA_COMPROMISE 2 ' CRL_REASON_AFFILIATION_CHANGED 3 ' CRL_REASON_SUPERSEDED 4 ' CRL_REASON_CESSATION_OF_OPERATION 5 ' CRL_REASON_CERTIFICATE_HOLD 6 ' ' For each entry in rgpvContext, CertVerifyRevocation iterates ' through the CRYPT_OID_VERIFY_REVOCATION_FUNC ' function set's list of installed DEFAULT functions. ' CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress is called with pwszDll = NULL. If no ' installed functions are found capable of doing the revocation verification, ' CryptVerifyRevocation iterates through CRYPT_OID_VERIFY_REVOCATION_FUNC's ' list of registered DEFAULT Dlls. CryptGetDefaultOIDDllList is called to ' get the list. CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress is called to load the Dll. ' ' The called functions have the same signature as CertVerifyRevocation. A ' called function returns TRUE if it was able to successfully check all of ' the contexts and none were revoked. Otherwise, the called function returns ' FALSE and updates pRevStatus. dwIndex is set to the index of ' the first context that was found to be revoked or unable to be checked. ' dwError and LastError are updated. For CRYPT_E_REVOKED, dwReason ' is updated. Upon input to the called function, dwIndex, dwError and ' dwReason have been zero'ed. cbSize has been checked to be >= ' ' If the called function returns FALSE, and dwError isn't set to ' CRYPT_E_REVOKED, then, CertVerifyRevocation either continues on to the ' next DLL in the list for a returned dwIndex of 0 or for a returned ' dwIndex > 0, restarts the process of finding a verify function by ' advancing the start of the context array to the returned dwIndex and ' decrementing the count of remaining contexts. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Revocation types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_CONTEXT_REVOCATION_TYPE As Long = 1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' When the following flag is set, rgpvContext[] consists of a chain ' of certificates, where rgpvContext[i + 1] is the issuer of rgpvContext[i]. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_VERIFY_REV_CHAIN_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_VERIFY_CACHE_ONLY_BASED_REVOCATION prevents the revocation handler from ' accessing any network based resources for revocation checking '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_VERIFY_CACHE_ONLY_BASED_REVOCATION As Long = &H00000002 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_CONTEXT_REVOCATION_TYPE ' ' pvContext points to a const CERT_CONTEXT. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= ' Certificate Helper APIs '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Compare two multiple byte integer blobs to see if they are identical. ' ' Before doing the comparison, leading zero bytes are removed from a ' positive number and leading 0xFF bytes are removed from a negative ' number. ' ' The multiple byte integers are treated as Little Endian. pbData[0] is the ' least significant byte and pbData[cbData - 1] is the most significant ' byte. ' ' Returns TRUE if the integer blobs are identical after removing leading ' 0 or 0xFF bytes. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Compare two certificates to see if they are identical. ' ' Since a certificate is uniquely identified by its Issuer and SerialNumber, ' these are the only fields needing to be compared. ' ' Returns TRUE if the certificates are identical. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Compare two certificate names to see if they are identical. ' ' Returns TRUE if the names are identical. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Compare the attributes in the certificate name with the specified ' The comparison iterates through the CERT_RDN attributes and looks for an ' attribute match in any of the certificate name's RDNs. ' Returns TRUE if all the attributes are found and match. ' ' The CERT_RDN_ATTR fields can have the following special values: ' pszObjId == NULL - ignore the attribute object identifier ' dwValueType == RDN_ANY_TYPE - ignore the value type ' ' CERT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG should be set to do ' a case insensitive match. Otherwise, defaults to an exact, case sensitive ' match. ' ' CERT_UNICODE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG should be set if the pRDN was initialized '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_UNICODE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CERT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG As Long = &H2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Compare two public keys to see if they are identical. ' ' Returns TRUE if the keys are identical. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the public/private key's bit length. ' ' Returns 0 if unable to determine the key's length. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify the signature of a subject certificate or a CRL using the ' public key info ' ' Returns TRUE for a valid signature. ' ' hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to verify the signature. ' It doesn't need to use a private key. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify the signature of a subject certificate, CRL, certificate request ' or keygen request using the issuer's public key. ' ' Returns TRUE for a valid signature. ' ' The subject can be an encoded blob or a context for a certificate or CRL. ' For a subject certificate context, if the certificate is missing ' inheritable PublicKey Algorithm Parameters, the context's ' CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID is updated with the issuer's public key ' algorithm parameters for a valid signature. ' ' The issuer can be a pointer to a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO, certificate ' context or a chain context. ' ' hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to verify the signature. ' Its private key isn't used. If hCryptProv is NULL, a default ' provider is picked according to the PublicKey Algorithm OID. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Subject Types Public Const CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_BLOB As Long = 1 Public Const CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_CERT As Long = 2 Public Const CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_CRL As Long = 3 ' Issuer Types Public Const CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_ISSUER_PUBKEY As Long = 1 Public Const CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_ISSUER_CERT As Long = 2 Public Const CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_ISSUER_CHAIN As Long = 3 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Compute the hash of the "to be signed" information in the encoded ' ' hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to compute the hash. ' It doesn't need to use a private key. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Hash the encoded content. ' ' hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to compute the hash. ' It doesn't need to use a private key. ' ' Algid specifies the CAPI hash algorithm to use. If Algid is 0, then, the '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sign the "to be signed" information in the encoded signed content. ' ' hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to do the signature. ' It uses the specified private key. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Encode the "to be signed" information. Sign the encoded "to be signed". ' Encode the "to be signed" and the signature. ' ' hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to do the signature. ' It uses the specified private key. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify the time validity of a certificate. ' ' Returns -1 if before NotBefore, +1 if after NotAfter and otherwise 0 for ' a valid certificate ' ' If pTimeToVerify is NULL, uses the current time. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify the time validity of a CRL. ' ' Returns -1 if before ThisUpdate, +1 if after NextUpdate and otherwise 0 for ' a valid CRL ' ' If pTimeToVerify is NULL, uses the current time. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify that the subject's time validity nests within the issuer's time ' validity. ' ' Returns TRUE if it nests. Otherwise, returns FALSE. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify that the subject certificate isn't on its issuer CRL. ' ' Returns true if the certificate isn't on the CRL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert the CAPI AlgId to the ASN.1 Object Identifier string ' ' Returns NULL if there isn't an ObjId corresponding to the AlgId. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert the ASN.1 Object Identifier string to the CAPI AlgId. ' ' Returns 0 if there isn't an AlgId corresponding to the ObjId. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find an extension identified by its Object Identifier. ' ' If found, returns pointer to the extension. Otherwise, returns NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find the first attribute identified by its Object Identifier. ' ' If found, returns pointer to the attribute. Otherwise, returns NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find the first CERT_RDN attribute identified by its Object Identifier in ' the name's list of Relative Distinguished Names. ' ' If found, returns pointer to the attribute. Otherwise, returns NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the intended key usage bytes from the certificate. ' ' If the certificate doesn't have any intended key usage bytes, returns FALSE ' and *pbKeyUsage is zeroed. Otherwise, returns TRUE and up through ' cbKeyUsage bytes are copied into *pbKeyUsage. Any remaining uncopied ' bytes are zeroed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Install a previously CryptAcquiredContext'ed HCRYPTPROV to be used as ' a default context. ' ' dwDefaultType and pvDefaultPara specify where the default context is used. ' For example, install the HCRYPTPROV to be used to verify certificate's ' having szOID_OIWSEC_md5RSA signatures. ' ' By default, the installed HCRYPTPROV is only applicable to the current ' thread. Set CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG to allow the HCRYPTPROV ' to be used by all threads in the current process. ' ' For a successful install, TRUE is returned and *phDefaultContext is ' updated with the HANDLE to be passed to CryptUninstallDefaultContext. ' ' HCRYPTPROV is checked first). All thread installed HCRYPTPROVs are ' checked before any process HCRYPTPROVs. ' ' The installed HCRYPTPROV remains available for default usage until ' CryptUninstallDefaultContext is called or the thread or process exits. ' ' If CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_AUTO_RELEASE_FLAG is set, then, the HCRYPTPROV ' is CryptReleaseContext'ed at thread or process exit. However, ' not CryptReleaseContext'ed if CryptUninstallDefaultContext is ' called. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' dwFlags Public Const CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_AUTO_RELEASE_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 ' List of dwDefaultType's Public Const CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CERT_SIGN_OID As Long = 1 Public Const CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_CERT_SIGN_OID As Long = 2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CERT_SIGN_OID ' ' Install a default HCRYPTPROV used to verify a certificate ' signature. pvDefaultPara points to the szOID of the certificate ' signature algorithm, for example, szOID_OIWSEC_md5RSA. If ' pvDefaultPara is NULL, then, the HCRYPTPROV is used to verify all ' certificate signatures. Note, pvDefaultPara can't be NULL when ' CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG is set. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_CERT_SIGN_OID ' ' Same as CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CERT_SIGN_OID. However, the default ' HCRYPTPROV is to be used for multiple signature szOIDs. pvDefaultPara ' points to a CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA structure containing ' an array of szOID pointers. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Uninstall a default context previously installed by ' CryptInstallDefaultContext. ' ' For a default context installed with CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG ' set, if any other threads are currently using this context, ' this function will block until they finish. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Export the public key info associated with the provider's corresponding ' private key. ' ' Calls CryptExportPublicKeyInfo with pszPublicKeyObjId = szOID_RSA_RSA, ' dwFlags = 0 and pvAuxInfo = NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Export the public key info associated with the provider's corresponding ' private key. ' ' Uses the dwCertEncodingType and pszPublicKeyObjId to call the ' installable CRYPT_OID_EXPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC. The called function ' has the same signature as CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx. ' ' If unable to find an installable OID function for the pszPublicKeyObjId, ' ' The dwFlags and pvAuxInfo aren't used for szOID_RSA_RSA. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_OID_EXPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC As String = "CryptDllExportPublicKeyInfoEx" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert and import the public key info into the provider and return a ' handle to the public key. ' ' Calls CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx with aiKeyAlg = 0, dwFlags = 0 and ' pvAuxInfo = NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert and import the public key info into the provider and return a ' handle to the public key. ' ' Uses the dwCertEncodingType and pInfo->Algorithm.pszObjId to call the ' installable CRYPT_OID_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC. The called function ' has the same signature as CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx. ' ' If unable to find an installable OID function for the pszObjId, ' ' For szOID_RSA_RSA: aiKeyAlg may be set to CALG_RSA_SIGN or CALG_RSA_KEYX. ' Defaults to CALG_RSA_KEYX. The dwFlags and pvAuxInfo aren't used. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_OID_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC As String = "CryptDllImportPublicKeyInfoEx" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Acquire a HCRYPTPROV handle and dwKeySpec for the specified certificate ' context. Uses the certificate's CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID property. ' The returned HCRYPTPROV handle may optionally be cached using the ' certificate's CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID property. ' ' If CRYPT_ACQUIRE_CACHE_FLAG is set, then, if an already acquired and ' cached HCRYPTPROV exists for the certificate, its returned. Otherwise, ' a HCRYPTPROV is acquired and then cached via the certificate's ' CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID. ' ' The CRYPT_ACQUIRE_USE_PROV_INFO_FLAG can be set to use the dwFlags field of ' the certificate's CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID property's CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO ' data structure to determine if the returned HCRYPTPROV should be cached. ' HCRYPTPROV caching is enabled if the CERT_SET_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID flag was ' set. ' ' If CRYPT_ACQUIRE_COMPARE_KEY_FLAG is set, then, ' the public key in the certificate is compared with the public ' key returned by the cryptographic provider. If the keys don't match, the ' acquire fails and LastError is set to NTE_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY. Note, if ' a cached HCRYPTPROV is returned, the comparison isn't done. We assume the ' comparison was done on the initial acquire. ' ' *pfCallerFreeProv is returned set to FALSE for: ' - Acquire or public key comparison fails. ' - CRYPT_ACQUIRE_CACHE_FLAG is set. ' - CRYPT_ACQUIRE_USE_PROV_INFO_FLAG is set AND ' CERT_SET_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID flag is set in the dwFlags field of the ' certificate's CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID property's ' CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO data structure. ' When *pfCallerFreeProv is FALSE, the caller must not release. The ' returned HCRYPTPROV will be released on the last free of the certificate ' context. ' ' Otherwise, *pfCallerFreeProv is TRUE and the returned HCRYPTPROV must ' be released by the caller by calling CryptReleaseContext. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_ACQUIRE_CACHE_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CRYPT_ACQUIRE_USE_PROV_INFO_FLAG As Long = &H2 Public Const CRYPT_ACQUIRE_COMPARE_KEY_FLAG As Long = &H4 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerates the cryptographic providers and their containers to find the ' private key corresponding to the certificate's public key. For a match, ' the certificate's CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID property is updated. ' ' If the CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID is already set, then, its checked to ' see if it matches the provider's public key. For a match, the above ' enumeration is skipped. ' ' By default both the user and machine key containers are searched. ' The CRYPT_FIND_USER_KEYSET_FLAG or CRYPT_FIND_MACHINE_KEYSET_FLAG ' can be set in dwFlags to restrict the search to either of the containers. ' ' If a container isn't found, returns FALSE with LastError set to ' NTE_NO_KEY. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_FIND_USER_KEYSET_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CRYPT_FIND_MACHINE_KEYSET_FLAG As Long = &H2 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This is the prototype for the installable function which is called to ' actually import a key into a CSP. an installable of this type is called ' from CryptImportPKCS8. the algorithm OID of the private key is used ' to look up the proper installable function to call. ' ' hCryptProv - the provider to import the key to ' pPrivateKeyInfo - describes the key to be imported ' dwFlags - The available flags are: ' CRYPT_EXPORTABLE ' this flag is used when importing private keys, for a full ' explanation please see the documentation for CryptImportKey. ' pvAuxInfo - reserved for future, must be NULL '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_OID_IMPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO_FUNC As String = "CryptDllImportPrivateKeyInfoEx" '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' and return a handle to the provider as well as the KeySpec used to import to. ' ' This function will call the PRESOLVE_HCRYPTPROV_FUNC in the ' privateKeyAndParams to obtain a handle of provider to import the key to. ' if the PRESOLVE_HCRYPTPROV_FUNC is NULL then the default provider will be used. ' ' privateKeyAndParams - private key blob and corresponding parameters ' dwFlags - The available flags are: ' CRYPT_EXPORTABLE ' this flag is used when importing private keys, for a full ' explanation please see the documentation for CryptImportKey. ' phCryptProv - filled in with the handle of the provider the key was ' imported to, the caller is responsible for freeing it ' pvAuxInfo - This parameter is reserved for future use and should be set ' to NULL in the interim. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' this is the prototype for installable functions for exporting the private key '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_OID_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO_FUNC As String = "CryptDllExportPrivateKeyInfoEx" Public Const CRYPT_DELETE_KEYSET As Long = &H0001 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CryptExportPKCS8 -- superseded by CryptExportPKCS8Ex ' ' Export the private key in PKCS8 format '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CryptExportPKCS8Ex ' ' Export the private key in PKCS8 format ' ' ' Uses the pszPrivateKeyObjId to call the ' installable CRYPT_OID_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO_FUNC. The called function ' has the signature defined by PFN_EXPORT_PRIV_KEY_FUNC. ' ' If unable to find an installable OID function for the pszPrivateKeyObjId, ' ' psExportParams - specifies information about the key to export ' dwFlags - The flag values. None currently supported ' pvAuxInfo - This parameter is reserved for future use and should be set to ' NULL in the interim. ' pbPrivateKeyBlob - A pointer to the private key blob. It will be encoded ' as a PKCS8 PrivateKeyInfo. ' pcbPrivateKeyBlob - A pointer to a DWORD that contains the size, in bytes, ' of the private key blob being exported. '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Compute the hash of the encoded public key info. ' ' The public key info is encoded and then hashed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert a Name Value to a null terminated char string ' ' Returns the number of characters converted including the terminating null ' character. If psz is NULL or csz is 0, returns the required size of the ' ' If psz != NULL && csz != 0, returned psz is always NULL terminated. ' ' Note: csz includes the NULL char. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert a Name Value to a null terminated char string ' ' Returns the number of characters converted including the terminating null ' character. If psz is NULL or csz is 0, returns the required size of the ' ' If psz != NULL && csz != 0, returned psz is always NULL terminated. ' ' Note: csz includes the NULL char. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert the certificate name blob to a null terminated char string. ' ' Follows the string representation of distinguished names specified in ' empty strings and don't quote strings containing consecutive spaces). ' RDN values of type CERT_RDN_ENCODED_BLOB or CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING are ' ' The name string is formatted according to the dwStrType: ' CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR ' The object identifiers are discarded. CERT_RDN entries are separated ' by ", ". Multiple attributes per CERT_RDN are separated by " + ". ' For example: ' Microsoft, Joe Cool + Programmer ' CERT_OID_NAME_STR ' The object identifiers are included with a "=" separator from their ' attribute value. CERT_RDN entries are separated by ", ". ' Multiple attributes per CERT_RDN are separated by " + ". For example: ', Cool + ' CERT_X500_NAME_STR ' The object identifiers are converted to their X500 key name. Otherwise, ' same as CERT_OID_NAME_STR. If the object identifier doesn't have ' a corresponding X500 key name, then, the object identifier is used with ' a "OID." prefix. For example: ' OU=Microsoft, CN=Joe Cool + T=Programmer, OID. ' ' We quote the RDN value if it contains leading or trailing whitespace ' or one of the following characters: ",", "+", "=", """, "\n", "<", ">", ' "#" or ";". The quoting character is ". If the the RDN Value contains ' OU=" Microsoft", CN="Joe ""Cool""" + T="Programmer, Manager" ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_SEMICOLON_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to replace ' the ", " separator with a "; " separator. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to replace ' the ", " separator with a "\r\n" separator. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_NO_PLUS_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to replace the ' " + " separator with a single space, " ". ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_NO_QUOTING_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to inhibit ' the above quoting. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_REVERSE_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to reverse the ' order of the RDNs before converting to the string. ' ' By default, CERT_RDN_T61_STRING encoded values are initially decoded ' as UTF8. If the UTF8 decoding fails, then, decoded as 8 bit characters. ' CERT_NAME_STR_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to ' skip the initial attempt to decode as UTF8. ' ' Returns the number of characters converted including the terminating null ' character. If psz is NULL or csz is 0, returns the required size of the ' ' If psz != NULL && csz != 0, returned psz is always NULL terminated. ' ' Note: csz includes the NULL char. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate name string types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_OID_NAME_STR As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_X500_NAME_STR As Long = 3 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate name string type flags OR'ed with the above types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_SEMICOLON_FLAG As Long = &H40000000 Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_NO_PLUS_FLAG As Long = &H20000000 Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_NO_QUOTING_FLAG As Long = &H10000000 Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG As Long = &H08000000 Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_COMMA_FLAG As Long = &H04000000 Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_REVERSE_FLAG As Long = &H02000000 Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG As Long = &H00010000 Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG As Long = &H00020000 Public Const CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG As Long = &H00040000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert the null terminated X500 string to an encoded certificate name. ' ' The input string is expected to be formatted the same as the output ' from the above CertNameToStr API. ' ' The CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR type isn't supported. Otherwise, when dwStrType ' is set to 0, CERT_OID_NAME_STR or CERT_X500_NAME_STR, allow either a ' ' If no flags are OR'ed into dwStrType, then, allow "," or ";" as RDN ' separators and "+" as the multiple RDN value separator. Quoting is ' supported. A quote may be included in a quoted value by double quoting, ' as ascii hex and converted to a CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING. Embedded whitespace ' ' Whitespace surrounding the keys, object identifers and values is removed. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_COMMA_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to only allow the ' "," as the RDN separator. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_SEMICOLON_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to only allow the ' ";" as the RDN separator. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to only allow ' "\r" or "\n" as the RDN separator. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_NO_PLUS_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to ignore "+" ' as a separator and not allow multiple values per RDN. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_NO_QUOTING_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to inhibit ' quoting. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_REVERSE_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to reverse the ' order of the RDNs after converting from the string and before encoding. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to ' to select the CERT_RDN_T61_STRING encoded value type instead of ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING if all the UNICODE characters are <= 0xFF. ' ' CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG can be or'ed into dwStrType to ' to select the CERT_RDN_UTF8_STRING encoded value type instead of ' CERT_RDN_UNICODE_STRING. ' ' Support the following X500 Keys: ' ' --- ----------------- ----------------- ' CN szOID_COMMON_NAME Printable, Unicode ' L szOID_LOCALITY_NAME Printable, Unicode ' O szOID_ORGANIZATION_NAME Printable, Unicode ' OU szOID_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME Printable, Unicode ' E szOID_RSA_emailAddr Only IA5 ' Email szOID_RSA_emailAddr Only IA5 ' C szOID_COUNTRY_NAME Only Printable ' S szOID_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME Printable, Unicode ' ST szOID_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME Printable, Unicode ' STREET szOID_STREET_ADDRESS Printable, Unicode ' T szOID_TITLE Printable, Unicode ' Title szOID_TITLE Printable, Unicode ' G szOID_GIVEN_NAME Printable, Unicode ' GivenName szOID_GIVEN_NAME Printable, Unicode ' I szOID_INITIALS Printable, Unicode ' Initials szOID_INITIALS Printable, Unicode ' SN szOID_SUR_NAME Printable, Unicode ' DC szOID_DOMAIN_COMPONENT IA5, UTF8 ' ' Note, T61 is selected instead of Unicode if ' CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG is set and all the unicode ' characters are <= 0xFF. ' ' Note, UTF8 is selected instead of Unicode if ' CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG is set. ' ' Returns TRUE if successfully parsed the input string and encoded ' the name. ' ' If the input string is detected to be invalid, *ppszError is updated ' to point to the beginning of the invalid character sequence. Otherwise, ' *ppszError is set to NULL. *ppszError is updated with a non-NULL pointer ' for the following errors: ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRING ' CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING ' ' ppszError can be set to NULL if not interested in getting a pointer ' to the invalid character sequence. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the subject or issuer name from the certificate and ' according to the specified format type, convert to a null terminated ' character string. ' ' CERT_NAME_ISSUER_FLAG can be set to get the issuer's name. Otherwise, ' gets the subject's name. ' ' By default, CERT_RDN_T61_STRING encoded values are initially decoded ' as UTF8. If the UTF8 decoding fails, then, decoded as 8 bit characters. ' CERT_NAME_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG can be set in dwFlags to ' skip the initial attempt to decode as UTF8. ' ' The name string is formatted according to the dwType: ' CERT_NAME_EMAIL_TYPE ' issuer, Issuer Alternative Name), searches for first rfc822Name choice. ' If the rfc822Name choice isn't found in the extension, searches the ' Subject Name field for the Email OID, "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1". ' If the rfc822Name or Email OID is found, returns the string. Otherwise, ' CERT_NAME_RDN_TYPE ' Converts the Subject Name blob by calling CertNameToStr. pvTypePara ' points to a DWORD containing the dwStrType passed to CertNameToStr. ' If the Subject Name field is empty and the certificate has a ' Subject Alternative Name extension, searches for and converts ' the first directoryName choice. ' CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE ' pvTypePara points to the Object Identifier specifying the name attribute ' to be returned. For example, to get the CN, ' field for the attribute. ' If the Subject Name field is empty and the certificate has a ' Subject Alternative Name extension, checks for ' the first directoryName choice and searches it. ' ' Note, searches the RDNs in reverse order. ' ' CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE ' Iterates through the following list of name attributes and searches ' the Subject Name and then the Subject Alternative Name extension ' for the first occurrence of: ' ' If none of the above attributes is found, then, searches the ' Subject Alternative Name extension for a rfc822Name choice. ' ' If still no match, then, returns the first attribute. ' ' Note, like CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE, searches the RDNs in reverse order. ' ' CERT_NAME_FRIENDLY_DISPLAY_TYPE ' First checks if the certificate has a CERT_FRIENDLY_NAME_PROP_ID ' property. If it does, then, this property is returned. Otherwise, ' returns the above CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE. ' ' Returns the number of characters converted including the terminating null ' character. If pwszNameString is NULL or cchNameString is 0, returns the ' char). If the specified name type isn't found. returns an empty string ' with a returned character count of 1. ' ' If pwszNameString != NULL && cwszNameString != 0, returned pwszNameString ' is always NULL terminated. ' ' Note: cchNameString includes the NULL char. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate name types '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_NAME_EMAIL_TYPE As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_NAME_RDN_TYPE As Long = 2 Public Const CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE As Long = 3 Public Const CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE As Long = 4 Public Const CERT_NAME_FRIENDLY_DISPLAY_TYPE As Long = 5 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate name flags '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_NAME_ISSUER_FLAG As Long = &H1 Public Const CERT_NAME_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG As Long = &H00010000 '+========================================================================= ' Simplified Cryptographic Message Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Conventions for the *pb and *pcb output parameters: ' ' Upon entry to the function: ' if pcb is OPTIONAL && pcb == NULL, then, ' No output is returned ' else if pb == NULL && pcb != NULL, then, ' Length only determination. No length error is ' returned. ' Output is returned. If *pcb isn't big enough a ' length error is returned. In all cases *pcb is updated ' with the actual length needed/returned. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Type definitions of the parameters used for doing the cryptographic ' operations. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Callback to get and verify the signer's certificate. ' ' handle to its cryptographic signed message's cert store. ' ' For CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER, called with pSignerId == NULL. ' ' For a valid signer certificate, returns a pointer to a read only ' CERT_CONTEXT. The returned CERT_CONTEXT is either obtained from a ' cert store or was created via CertCreateCertificateContext. For either case, ' its freed via CertFreeCertificateContext. ' ' If a valid certificate isn't found, this callback returns NULL with ' ' The NULL implementation tries to get the Signer certificate from the ' message cert store. It doesn't verify the certificate. ' ' Note, if the KEYID choice was selected for a CMS SignerId, then, the ' SerialNumber is 0 and the Issuer is encoded containing a single RDN with a ' single Attribute whose OID is szOID_KEYID_RDN, value type is ' CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING and value is the KEYID. When the ' CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore and ' special KEYID Issuer and SerialNumber, they do a KEYID match. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The CRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA are used for signing messages using the ' specified signing certificate context. ' ' Either the CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID or CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID must ' be set for each rgpSigningCert[]. Either one specifies the private ' signature key to use. ' ' If any certificates and/or CRLs are to be included in the signed message, ' then, the MsgCert and MsgCrl parameters need to be updated. If the ' rgpSigningCerts are to be included, then, they must also be in the ' rgpMsgCert array. ' ' LastError will be updated with E_INVALIDARG. ' ' pvHashAuxInfo currently isn't used and must be set to NULL. ' ' dwFlags normally is set to 0. However, if the encoded output ' is to be a CMSG_SIGNED inner content of an outer cryptographic message, ' such as a CMSG_ENVELOPED, then, the CRYPT_MESSAGE_BARE_CONTENT_OUT_FLAG ' should be set. If not set, then it would be encoded as an inner content ' type of CMSG_DATA. ' ' dwInnerContentType is normally set to 0. It needs to be set if the ' ToBeSigned input is the encoded output of another cryptographic ' message, such as, an CMSG_ENVELOPED. When set, it's one of the cryptographic ' message types, for example, CMSG_ENVELOPED. ' ' the default), then, neither dwFlags or dwInnerContentType need to be set. ' ' For CMS messages, CRYPT_MESSAGE_ENCAPSULATED_CONTENT_OUT_FLAG may be ' set to encapsulate nonData inner content within an OCTET STRING. ' ' For CMS messages, CRYPT_MESSAGE_KEYID_SIGNER_FLAG may be set to identify ' signers by their Key Identifier and not their Issuer and Serial Number. ' ' If HashEncryptionAlgorithm is present and not NULL its used instead of ' the SigningCert's PublicKeyInfo.Algorithm. ' ' Note, for RSA, the hash encryption algorithm is normally the same as ' the public key algorithm. For DSA, the hash encryption algorithm is ' normally a DSS signature algorithm. ' ' pvHashEncryptionAuxInfo currently isn't used and must be set to NULL if ' present in the data structure. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CRYPT_MESSAGE_BARE_CONTENT_OUT_FLAG As Long = &H1 ' When set, nonData type inner content is encapsulated within an ' OCTET STRING Public Const CRYPT_MESSAGE_ENCAPSULATED_CONTENT_OUT_FLAG As Long = &H2 ' When set, signers are identified by their Key Identifier and not ' their Issuer and Serial Number. Public Const CRYPT_MESSAGE_KEYID_SIGNER_FLAG As Long = &H4 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA are used to verify signed messages. ' ' hCryptProv is used to do hashing and signature verification. ' ' The dwCertEncodingType specifies the encoding type of the certificates ' and/or CRLs in the message. ' ' pfnGetSignerCertificate is called to get and verify the message signer's ' certificate. ' ' LastError will be updated with E_INVALIDARG. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The CRYPT_ENCRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA are used for encrypting messages. ' ' hCryptProv is used to do content encryption, recipient key ' encryption, and recipient key export. Its private key ' isn't used. ' ' Currently, pvEncryptionAuxInfo is only defined for RC2 or RC4 encryption ' algorithms. Otherwise, its not used and must be set to NULL. ' See CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO for the RC2 encryption algorithms. ' See CMSG_RC4_AUX_INFO for the RC4 encryption algorithms. ' ' To enable SP3 compatible encryption, pvEncryptionAuxInfo should point to ' a CMSG_SP3_COMPATIBLE_AUX_INFO data structure. ' ' LastError will be updated with E_INVALIDARG. ' ' dwFlags normally is set to 0. However, if the encoded output ' is to be a CMSG_ENVELOPED inner content of an outer cryptographic message, ' such as a CMSG_SIGNED, then, the CRYPT_MESSAGE_BARE_CONTENT_OUT_FLAG ' should be set. If not set, then it would be encoded as an inner content ' type of CMSG_DATA. ' ' dwInnerContentType is normally set to 0. It needs to be set if the ' ToBeEncrypted input is the encoded output of another cryptographic ' message, such as, an CMSG_SIGNED. When set, it's one of the cryptographic ' message types, for example, CMSG_SIGNED. ' ' the default), then, neither dwFlags or dwInnerContentType need to be set. ' ' For CMS messages, CRYPT_MESSAGE_ENCAPSULATED_CONTENT_OUT_FLAG may be ' set to encapsulate nonData inner content within an OCTET STRING before ' encrypting. ' ' For CMS messages, CRYPT_MESSAGE_KEYID_RECIPIENT_FLAG may be set to identify ' recipients by their Key Identifier and not their Issuer and Serial Number. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' When set, recipients are identified by their Key Identifier and not ' their Issuer and Serial Number. Public Const CRYPT_MESSAGE_KEYID_RECIPIENT_FLAG As Long = &H4 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The CRYPT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA are used for decrypting messages. ' ' The CertContext to use for decrypting a message is obtained from one ' of the specified cert stores. An encrypted message can have one or ' and SerialNumber). The cert stores are searched to find the CertContext ' corresponding to the CertId. ' ' For CMS, the recipients may also be identified by their KeyId. ' ' Only CertContexts in the store with either ' the CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID or CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID set ' can be used. Either property specifies the private exchange key to use. ' ' LastError will be updated with E_INVALIDARG. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The CRYPT_HASH_MESSAGE_PARA are used for hashing or unhashing ' messages. ' ' hCryptProv is used to compute the hash. ' ' pvHashAuxInfo currently isn't used and must be set to NULL. ' ' LastError will be updated with E_INVALIDARG. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The CRYPT_KEY_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA are used for signing messages until a ' certificate has been created for the signature key. ' ' pvHashAuxInfo currently isn't used and must be set to NULL. ' ' If PubKeyAlgorithm isn't set, defaults to szOID_RSA_RSA. ' ' LastError will be updated with E_INVALIDARG. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The CRYPT_KEY_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA are used to verify signed messages without ' a certificate for the signer. ' ' Normally used until a certificate has been created for the key. ' ' hCryptProv is used to do hashing and signature verification. ' ' LastError will be updated with E_INVALIDARG. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sign the message. ' ' If fDetachedSignature is TRUE, the "to be signed" content isn't included ' in the encoded signed blob. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify a signed message. ' ' If pbDecoded == NULL, then, *pcbDecoded is implicitly set to 0 on input. ' For *pcbDecoded == 0 && ppSignerCert == NULL on input, the signer isn't ' verified. ' ' A message might have more than one signer. Set dwSignerIndex to iterate ' through all the signers. dwSignerIndex == 0 selects the first signer. ' ' pVerifyPara's pfnGetSignerCertificate is called to get the signer's ' certificate. ' ' For a verified signer and message, *ppSignerCert is updated ' with the CertContext of the signer. It must be freed by calling ' CertFreeCertificateContext. Otherwise, *ppSignerCert is set to NULL. ' ' ppSignerCert can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the CertContext of the signer. ' ' pcbDecoded can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested in getting ' the decoded content. Furthermore, if the message doesn't contain any ' content or signers, then, pcbDecoded must be set to NULL, to allow the ' pVerifyPara->pfnGetCertificate to be called. Normally, this would be ' the case when the signed message contains only certficates and CRLs. ' If pcbDecoded is NULL and the message doesn't have the indicated signer, ' pfnGetCertificate is called with pSignerId set to NULL. ' ' If the message doesn't contain any signers || dwSignerIndex > message's ' SignerCount, then, an error is returned with LastError set to ' CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER. Also, for CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER, pfnGetSignerCertificate ' is still called with pSignerId set to NULL. ' ' Note, an alternative way to get the certificates and CRLs from a ' signed message is to call CryptGetMessageCertificates. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Returns the count of signers in the signed message. For no signers, returns ' 0. For an error returns -1 with LastError updated accordingly. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Returns the cert store containing the message's certs and CRLs. ' For an error, returns NULL with LastError updated. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The "to be signed" content is passed in separately. No ' decoded output. Otherwise, identical to CryptVerifyMessageSignature. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Decrypts the message. ' ' If pbDecrypted == NULL, then, *pcbDecrypted is implicitly set to 0 on input. ' For *pcbDecrypted == 0 && ppXchgCert == NULL on input, the message isn't ' decrypted. ' ' For a successfully decrypted message, *ppXchgCert is updated ' with the CertContext used to decrypt. It must be freed by calling ' CertStoreFreeCert. Otherwise, *ppXchgCert is set to NULL. ' ' ppXchgCert can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the CertContext used to decrypt. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' followed with a CryptEncryptMessage. ' ' Note: this isn't the CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED. Its a CMSG_SIGNED ' inside of an CMSG_ENVELOPED. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Decrypts the message and verifies the signer. Does a CryptDecryptMessage ' followed with a CryptVerifyMessageSignature. ' ' If pbDecrypted == NULL, then, *pcbDecrypted is implicitly set to 0 on input. ' For *pcbDecrypted == 0 && ppSignerCert == NULL on input, the signer isn't ' verified. ' ' A message might have more than one signer. Set dwSignerIndex to iterate ' through all the signers. dwSignerIndex == 0 selects the first signer. ' ' The pVerifyPara's VerifySignerPolicy is called to verify the signer's ' certificate. ' ' For a successfully decrypted and verified message, *ppXchgCert and ' *ppSignerCert are updated. They must be freed by calling ' CertStoreFreeCert. Otherwise, they are set to NULL. ' ' ppXchgCert and/or ppSignerCert can be NULL, indicating the ' caller isn't interested in getting the CertContext. ' ' Note: this isn't the CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED. Its a CMSG_SIGNED ' inside of an CMSG_ENVELOPED. ' ' The message always needs to be decrypted to allow access to the ' signed message. Therefore, if ppXchgCert != NULL, its always updated. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Decodes a cryptographic message which may be one of the following types: ' CMSG_DATA ' CMSG_SIGNED ' CMSG_ENVELOPED ' CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED ' CMSG_HASHED ' ' dwMsgTypeFlags specifies the set of allowable messages. For example, to ' decode either SIGNED or ENVELOPED messages, set dwMsgTypeFlags to: ' CMSG_SIGNED_FLAG | CMSG_ENVELOPED_FLAG. ' ' dwProvInnerContentType is only applicable when processing nested ' crytographic messages. When processing an outer crytographic message ' it must be set to 0. When decoding a nested cryptographic message ' its the dwInnerContentType returned by a previous CryptDecodeMessage ' of the outer message. The InnerContentType can be any of the CMSG types, ' for example, CMSG_DATA, CMSG_SIGNED, ... ' ' The optional *pdwMsgType is updated with the type of message. ' ' The optional *pdwInnerContentType is updated with the type of the inner ' message. Unless there is cryptographic message nesting, CMSG_DATA ' is returned. ' ' For CMSG_DATA: returns decoded content. ' For CMSG_SIGNED: same as CryptVerifyMessageSignature. ' For CMSG_ENVELOPED: same as CryptDecryptMessage. ' For CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED: same as CryptDecryptMessage plus ' CryptVerifyMessageSignature. ' For CMSG_HASHED: verifies the hash and returns decoded content. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Hash the message. ' ' If fDetachedHash is TRUE, only the ComputedHash is encoded in the ' pbHashedBlob. Otherwise, both the ToBeHashed and ComputedHash ' are encoded. ' ' pcbHashedBlob or pcbComputedHash can be NULL, indicating the caller ' isn't interested in getting the output. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify a hashed message. ' ' pcbToBeHashed or pcbComputedHash can be NULL, ' indicating the caller isn't interested in getting the output. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify a hashed message containing a detached hash. ' The "to be hashed" content is passed in separately. No ' decoded output. Otherwise, identical to CryptVerifyMessageHash. ' ' pcbComputedHash can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the output. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sign the message using the provider's private key specified in the ' parameters. A dummy SignerId is created and stored in the message. ' ' Normally used until a certificate has been created for the key. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify a signed message using the specified public key info. ' ' Normally called by a CA until it has created a certificate for the ' key. ' ' pPublicKeyInfo contains the public key to use to verify the signed ' content may contain the PublicKeyInfo). ' ' pcbDecoded can be NULL, indicating the caller isn't interested ' in getting the decoded content. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= ' System Certificate Store Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get a system certificate store based on a subsystem protocol. ' ' Current examples of subsystems protocols are: ' "MY" Cert Store hold certs with associated Private Keys ' "CA" Certifying Authority certs ' "ROOT" Root Certs ' "SPC" Software publisher certs ' ' ' If hProv is NULL the default provider "1" is opened for you. ' When the store is closed the provider is release. Otherwise ' if hProv is not NULL, no provider is created or released. ' ' The returned Cert Store can be searched for an appropriate Cert ' ' When done, the cert store should be closed using CertStoreClose '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find all certificate chains tying the given issuer name to any certificate ' that the current user has a private key for. ' ' If no certificate chain is found, FALSE is returned with LastError set ' to CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND and the counts zeroed. ' ' IE 3.0 ASSUMPTION: ' The client certificates are in the "My" system store. The issuer ' cerificates may be in the "Root", "CA" or "My" system stores. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WINCRYPT32API This is not exported by crypt32, it is exported by softpub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' CryptQueryObject takes a CERT_BLOB or a file name and returns the ' information about the content in the blob or in the file. ' ' Parameters: ' INPUT dwObjectType: ' Indicate the type of the object. Should be one of the ' following: ' CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE ' CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_BLOB ' ' INPUT pvObject: ' If dwObjectType == CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE, it is a ' LPWSTR, that is, the pointer to a wchar file name ' if dwObjectType == CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_BLOB, it is a ' PCERT_BLOB, that is, a pointer to a CERT_BLOB ' ' INPUT dwExpectedContentTypeFlags: ' Indicate the expected contenet type. ' Can be one of the following: ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CERT ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CTL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CRL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_STORE ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CERT ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CTL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CRL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_UNSIGNED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS10 ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PFX ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CERT_PAIR ' ' INPUT dwExpectedFormatTypeFlags: ' Indicate the expected format type. ' Can be one of the following: ' CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_BINARY ' CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_BASE64_ENCODED ' CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_ASN_ASCII_HEX_ENCODED ' ' ' INPUT dwFlags ' Reserved flag. Should always set to 0 ' ' OUTPUT pdwMsgAndCertEncodingType ' Optional output. If NULL != pdwMsgAndCertEncodingType, ' it contains the encoding type of the content as any ' combination of the following: ' X509_ASN_ENCODING ' PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING ' ' OUTPUT pdwContentType ' Optional output. If NULL!=pdwContentType, it contains ' the content type as one of the the following: ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CTL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CRL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_STORE ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CERT ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CTL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CRL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_UNSIGNED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS10 ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PFX ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT_PAIR ' ' OUTPUT pdwFormatType ' Optional output. If NULL !=pdwFormatType, it ' contains the format type of the content as one of the ' following: ' CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BINARY ' CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BASE64_ENCODED ' CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_ASN_ASCII_HEX_ENCODED ' ' ' OUTPUT phCertStore ' Optional output. If NULL !=phStore, ' it contains a cert store that includes all of certificates, ' CRL, and CTL in the object if the object content type is ' one of the following: ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CTL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CRL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_STORE ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CERT ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CTL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CRL ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT_PAIR ' ' Caller should free *phCertStore via CertCloseStore. ' ' ' OUTPUT phMsg Optional output. If NULL != phMsg, ' it contains a handle to a opened message if ' the content type is one of the following: ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_UNSIGNED ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED ' ' Caller should free *phMsg via CryptMsgClose. ' ' OUTPUT pContext Optional output. If NULL != pContext, ' it contains either a PCCERT_CONTEXT or PCCRL_CONTEXT, ' or PCCTL_CONTEXT based on the content type. ' ' If the content type is CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT or ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CERT, it is a PCCERT_CONTEXT; ' Caller should free the pContext via CertFreeCertificateContext. ' ' If the content type is CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CRL or ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CRL, it is a PCCRL_CONTEXT; ' Caller should free the pContext via CertFreeCRLContext. ' ' If the content type is CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CTL or ' CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CTL, it is a PCCTL_CONTEXT; ' Caller should free the pContext via CertFreeCTLContext. ' ' If the *pbObject is of type CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS10 or CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PFX, CryptQueryObject ' will not return anything in *phCertstore, *phMsg, or *ppvContext. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'dwObjectType for CryptQueryObject '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_BLOB As Long = &H00000002 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'dwContentType for CryptQueryObject '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'encoded single certificate Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT As Long = 1 'encoded single CTL Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CTL As Long = 2 'encoded single CRL Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CRL As Long = 3 'serialized store Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_STORE As Long = 4 'serialized single certificate Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CERT As Long = 5 'serialized single CTL Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CTL As Long = 6 'serialized single CRL Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CRL As Long = 7 'a PKCS#7 signed message Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED As Long = 8 'a PKCS#7 message, such as enveloped message. But it is not a signed message, Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_UNSIGNED As Long = 9 'a PKCS7 signed message embedded in a file Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED As Long = 10 'an encoded PKCS#10 Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS10 As Long = 11 'an encoded PKX BLOB Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PFX As Long = 12 Public Const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT_PAIR As Long = 13 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'dwExpectedConentTypeFlags for CryptQueryObject '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'encoded single certificate 'encoded single CTL 'encoded single CRL 'serialized store 'serialized single certificate 'serialized single CTL 'serialized single CRL 'an encoded PKCS#7 signed message 'an encoded PKCS#7 message. But it is not a signed message 'the content includes an embedded PKCS7 signed message 'an encoded PKCS#10 'an encoded PFX BLOB 'content can be any type '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'dwFormatType for CryptQueryObject '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'the content is in binary format Public Const CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BINARY As Long = 1 'the content is base64 encoded Public Const CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BASE64_ENCODED As Long = 2 'the content is ascii hex encoded with "{ASN}" prefix Public Const CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_ASN_ASCII_HEX_ENCODED As Long = 3 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'dwExpectedFormatTypeFlags for CryptQueryObject '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'the content is in binary format 'the content is base64 encoded 'the content is ascii hex encoded with "{ASN}" prefix 'the content can be of any format ' ' Crypt32 Memory Management Routines. All Crypt32 API which return allocated ' buffers will do so via CryptMemAlloc, CryptMemRealloc. Clients can free ' those buffers using CryptMemFree. Also included is CryptMemSize ' ' ' Crypt32 Asynchronous Parameter Management Routines. All Crypt32 API which ' expose asynchronous mode operation use a Crypt32 Async Handle to pass ' around information about the operation e.g. callback routines. The ' following API are used for manipulation of the async handle ' ' ' Crypt32 Remote Object Retrieval Routines. This API allows retrieval of ' remote PKI objects where the location is given by an URL. The remote ' object retrieval manager exposes two provider models. One is the "Scheme ' Provider" model which allows for installable protocol providers as defined ' by the URL scheme e.g. ldap, http, ftp. The scheme provider entry point is ' the same as the CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl however the *ppvObject returned ' second provider model is the "Context Provider" model which allows for ' retrieved encoded bits. These are dispatched based on the object OID given ' in the call to CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl. ' ' ' Scheme Provider Signatures ' Public Const SCHEME_OID_RETRIEVE_ENCODED_OBJECT_FUNC As String = "SchemeDllRetrieveEncodedObject" ' ' SchemeDllRetrieveEncodedObject has the following signature: ' ' IN LPCSTR pszUrl, ' IN LPCSTR pszObjectOid, ' IN DWORD dwRetrievalFlags, ' IN DWORD dwTimeout, ' OUT PCRYPT_BLOB_ARRAY pObject, ' OUT PFN_FREE_ENCODED_OBJECT_FUNC* ppfnFreeObject, ' OUT LPVOID* ppvFreeContext, ' IN HCRYPTASYNC hAsyncRetrieve, ' IN PCRYPT_CREDENTIALS pCredentials, ' IN PCRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO pAuxInfo ' ) ' ' ' Context Provider Signatures ' Public Const CONTEXT_OID_CREATE_OBJECT_CONTEXT_FUNC As String = "ContextDllCreateObjectContext" ' ' ContextDllCreateObjectContext has the following signature: ' ' IN LPCSTR pszObjectOid, ' IN DWORD dwRetrievalFlags, ' IN PCRYPT_BLOB_ARRAY pObject, ' OUT LPVOID* ppvContext ' ) ' ' ' Remote Object Retrieval API ' ' ' Retrieval flags ' Public Const CRYPT_RETRIEVE_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_CACHE_ONLY_RETRIEVAL As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRYPT_WIRE_ONLY_RETRIEVAL As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CRYPT_DONT_CACHE_RESULT As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CRYPT_ASYNC_RETRIEVAL As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CRYPT_STICKY_CACHE_RETRIEVAL As Long = &H00001000 Public Const CRYPT_LDAP_SCOPE_BASE_ONLY_RETRIEVAL As Long = &H00002000 Public Const CRYPT_OFFLINE_CHECK_RETRIEVAL As Long = &H00004000 ' ' Data verification retrieval flags ' ' CRYPT_VERIFY_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE is used to get signature verification ' on the context created. In this case pszObjectOid must be non-NULL and ' pvVerify points to the signer certificate context ' ' CRYPT_VERIFY_DATA_HASH is used to get verification of the blob data ' retrieved by the protocol. The pvVerify points to an URL_DATA_HASH ' Public Const CRYPT_VERIFY_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE As Long = &H00000020 Public Const CRYPT_VERIFY_DATA_HASH As Long = &H00000040 ' ' Time Valid Object flags ' Public Const CRYPT_KEEP_TIME_VALID As Long = &H00000080 Public Const CRYPT_DONT_VERIFY_SIGNATURE As Long = &H00000100 Public Const CRYPT_DONT_CHECK_TIME_VALIDITY As Long = &H00000200 ' ' Call back function to cancel object retrieval ' ' The function can be installed on a per thread basis. ' If CryptInstallCancelRetrieval is called for multiple times, only the most recent ' installation will be kept. ' ' This is only effective for http, https, gopher, and ftp protocol. ' It is ignored by the rest of the protocols. ' ' PFN_CRYPT_CANCEL_RETRIEVAL ' ' This function should return FALSE when the object retrieval should be continued ' and return TRUE when the object retrieval should be cancelled. ' ' ' Remote Object Async Retrieval parameters ' ' ' A client that wants to be notified of asynchronous object retrieval ' completion sets this parameter on the async handle ' ' ' This function is set on the async handle by a scheme provider that ' supports asynchronous retrieval ' ' ' Get the locator for a CAPI object ' Public Const CRYPT_GET_URL_FROM_PROPERTY As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_GET_URL_FROM_EXTENSION As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRYPT_GET_URL_FROM_UNAUTH_ATTRIBUTE As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CRYPT_GET_URL_FROM_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE As Long = &H00000008 Public Const URL_OID_GET_OBJECT_URL_FUNC As String = "UrlDllGetObjectUrl" ' ' UrlDllGetObjectUrl has the same signature as CryptGetObjectUrl ' ' ' URL_OID_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CONTEXT, certificate whose issuer's URL is being requested ' ' This will be retrieved from the authority info access extension or property ' on the certificate ' ' URL_OID_CERTIFICATE_CRL_DIST_POINT ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CONTEXT, certificate whose CRL distribution point is being ' requested ' ' This will be retrieved from the CRL distribution point extension or property ' on the certificate ' ' URL_OID_CTL_ISSUER ' ' by the signer index) is being requested ' ' This will be retrieved from an authority info access attribute method encoded ' ' URL_OID_CTL_NEXT_UPDATE ' ' pvPara == PCCTL_CONTEXT, Signer Index, CTL whose next update URL is being ' requested and an optional signer index in case we need to check signer ' info attributes ' ' This will be retrieved from an authority info access CTL extension, property, ' or signer info attribute method ' ' URL_OID_CRL_ISSUER ' ' pvPara == PCCRL_CONTEXT, CRL whose issuer's URL is being requested ' ' This will be retrieved from a property on the CRL which has been inherited ' cert distribution point extension). It will be encoded as an authority ' info access extension method. ' ' URL_OID_CERTIFICATE_FRESHEST_CRL ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CONTEXT, certificate whose freshest CRL distribution point ' is being requested ' ' This will be retrieved from the freshest CRL extension or property ' on the certificate ' ' URL_OID_CRL_FRESHEST_CRL ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CRL_CONTEXT_PAIR, certificate's base CRL whose ' freshest CRL distribution point is being requested ' ' This will be retrieved from the freshest CRL extension or property ' on the CRL ' ' URL_OID_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINT ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CONTEXT, certificate whose cross certificate distribution ' point is being requested ' ' This will be retrieved from the cross certificate distribution point ' extension or property on the certificate ' ' ' Get a time valid CAPI2 object ' Public Const TIME_VALID_OID_GET_OBJECT_FUNC As String = "TimeValidDllGetObject" ' ' TimeValidDllGetObject has the same signature as CryptGetTimeValidObject ' ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_GET_CTL ' ' pvPara == PCCTL_CONTEXT, the current CTL ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_GET_CRL ' ' pvPara == PCCRL_CONTEXT, the current CRL ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_GET_CRL_FROM_CERT ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CONTEXT, the subject cert ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_GET_FRESHEST_CRL_FROM_CERT ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CONTEXT, the subject cert ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_GET_FRESHEST_CRL_FROM_CRL ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CRL_CONTEXT_PAIR, the subject cert and its base CRL ' Public Const TIME_VALID_OID_FLUSH_OBJECT_FUNC As String = "TimeValidDllFlushObject" ' ' TimeValidDllFlushObject has the same signature as CryptFlushTimeValidObject ' ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_FLUSH_CTL ' ' pvPara == PCCTL_CONTEXT, the CTL to flush ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_FLUSH_CRL ' ' pvPara == PCCRL_CONTEXT, the CRL to flush ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_FLUSH_CRL_FROM_CERT ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CONTEXT, the subject cert's CRL to flush ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_FLUSH_FRESHEST_CRL_FROM_CERT ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CONTEXT, the subject cert's freshest CRL to flush ' ' TIME_VALID_OID_FLUSH_FRESHEST_CRL_FROM_CRL ' ' pvPara == PCCERT_CRL_CONTEXT_PAIR, the subject cert and its base CRL's ' freshest CRL to flush ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Data Protection APIs '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Data protection APIs enable applications to easily secure data. ' ' The base provider provides protection based on the users' logon ' credentials. The data secured with these APIs follow the same ' roaming characteristics as HKCU -- if HKCU roams, the data ' protected by the base provider may roam as well. This makes ' the API ideal for the munging of data stored in the registry. ' ' ' Prompt struct -- what to tell users about the access ' ' ' base provider action ' ' ' CryptProtect PromptStruct dwPromtFlags ' ' ' prompt on unprotect Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_UNPROTECT As Long = &H1 ' ' prompt on protect Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_PROTECT As Long = &H2 Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_RESERVED As Long = &H04 ' Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_STRONG As Long = &H08 ' ' CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData dwFlags ' ' for remote-access situations where ui is not an option ' if UI was specified on protect or unprotect operation, the call Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN As Long = &H1 ' ' per machine protected data -- any user on machine where CryptProtectData ' took place may CryptUnprotectData Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long = &H4 ' ' Synchronize is only operation that occurs during this operation Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_CRED_SYNC As Long = &H8 ' ' Generate an Audit on protect and unprotect operations ' Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_AUDIT As Long = &H10 ' ' Protect data with a non-recoverable key ' Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_NO_RECOVERY As Long = &H20 ' flags reserved for system use Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_FIRST_RESERVED_FLAGVAL As Long = &H0FFFFFFF Public Const CRYPTPROTECT_LAST_RESERVED_FLAGVAL As Long = &HFFFFFFFF ' ' flags specific to base provider ' '+========================================================================= ' Helper functions to build certificates '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Builds a self-signed certificate and returns a PCCERT_CONTEXT representing ' the certificate. A hProv must be specified to build the cert context. ' ' pSubjectIssuerBlob is the DN for the certifcate. If an alternate subject ' name is desired it must be specified as an extension in the pExtensions ' parameter. pSubjectIssuerBlob can NOT be NULL, so minimually an empty DN ' must be specified. ' ' By default: ' pKeyProvInfo - The CSP is queried for the KeyProvInfo parameters. Only the Provider, ' Provider Type and Container is queried. Many CSPs don't support these ' queries and will cause a failure. In such cases the pKeyProvInfo ' ' pSignatureAlgorithm - will default to SHA1RSA ' pStartTime will default to the current time ' pEndTime will default to 1 year ' pEntensions will be empty. ' ' The returned PCCERT_CONTEXT will reference the private keys by setting the ' CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID. However, if this property is not desired specify the ' CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_NO_KEY_INFO in dwFlags. ' ' If the cert being built is only a dummy placeholder cert for speed it may not ' need to be signed. Signing of the cert is skipped if CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_NO_SIGN ' is specified in dwFlags. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_NO_SIGN As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_NO_KEY_INFO As Long = 2 '+========================================================================= ' Key Identifier Property Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the property for the specified Key Identifier. ' ' The Key Identifier is the SHA1 hash of the encoded CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO. ' The Key Identifier for a certificate can be obtained by getting the ' certificate's CERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_ID. The ' CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP API can be called to create the Key ' Identifier from a CSP Public Key Blob. ' ' A Key Identifier can have the same properties as a certificate context. ' CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID is the property of most interest. ' For CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, pvData points to a CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO ' structure. Elements pointed to by fields in the pvData structure follow the ' structure. Therefore, *pcbData will exceed the size of the structure. ' ' If CRYPT_KEYID_ALLOC_FLAG is set, then, *pvData is updated with a ' allocated memory. ' ' By default, searches the CurrentUser's list of Key Identifiers. ' CRYPT_KEYID_MACHINE_FLAG can be set to search the LocalMachine's list ' of Key Identifiers. When CRYPT_KEYID_MACHINE_FLAG is set, pwszComputerName ' can also be set to specify the name of a remote computer to be searched ' instead of the local machine. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' When the following flag is set, searches the LocalMachine instead of the ' CurrentUser. This flag is applicable to all the KeyIdentifierProperty APIs. Public Const CRYPT_KEYID_MACHINE_FLAG As Long = &H00000020 ' When the following flag is set, *pvData is updated with a pointer to Public Const CRYPT_KEYID_ALLOC_FLAG As Long = &H00008000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set the property for the specified Key Identifier. ' ' For CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID pvData points to the ' CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO data structure. For all other properties, pvData ' points to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB. ' ' Setting pvData == NULL, deletes the property. ' ' Set CRYPT_KEYID_MACHINE_FLAG to set the property for a LocalMachine ' Key Identifier. Set pwszComputerName, to select a remote computer. ' ' If CRYPT_KEYID_DELETE_FLAG is set, the Key Identifier and all its ' properties is deleted. ' ' If CRYPT_KEYID_SET_NEW_FLAG is set, the set fails if the property already ' exists. For an existing property, FALSE is returned with LastError set to ' CRYPT_E_EXISTS. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' When the following flag is set, the Key Identifier and all its properties ' are deleted. Public Const CRYPT_KEYID_DELETE_FLAG As Long = &H00000010 ' When the following flag is set, the set fails if the property already ' exists. Public Const CRYPT_KEYID_SET_NEW_FLAG As Long = &H00002000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' For CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, rgppvData[] points to a ' CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO. ' ' Return FALSE to stop the enumeration. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Enumerate the Key Identifiers. ' ' If pKeyIdentifier is NULL, enumerates all Key Identifers. Otherwise, ' calls the callback for the specified KeyIdentifier. If dwPropId is ' 0, calls the callback with all the properties. Otherwise, only calls ' Furthermore, when dwPropId is specified, skips KeyIdentifiers not ' having the property. ' ' Set CRYPT_KEYID_MACHINE_FLAG to enumerate the LocalMachine ' Key Identifiers. Set pwszComputerName, to enumerate Key Identifiers on ' a remote computer. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create a KeyIdentifier from the CSP Public Key Blob. ' ' Converts the CSP PUBLICKEYSTRUC into a X.509 CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO and ' encodes. The encoded CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO is SHA1 hashed to obtain ' the Key Identifier. ' ' By default, the pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg is used to find the appropriate ' public key Object Identifier. pszPubKeyOID can be set to override ' the default OID obtained from the aiKeyAlg. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= ' Certificate Chaining Infrastructure '========================================================================== ' ' The chain engine defines the store namespace and cache partitioning for ' the Certificate Chaining infrastructure. A default chain engine ' is defined for the process which uses all default system stores e.g. ' Root, CA, Trust, for chain building and caching. If an application ' wishes to define its own store namespace or have its own partitioned ' cache then it can create its own chain engine. It is advisable to create ' a chain engine at application startup and use it throughout the lifetime ' of the application in order to get optimal caching behavior ' ' ' Create a certificate chain engine. ' ' ' Configuration parameters for the certificate chain engine ' ' ' hRestrictedTrust - restrict the store for CTLs ' ' hRestrictedOther - restrict the store for certs and CRLs ' ' cAdditionalStore, rghAdditionalStore - additional stores ' ' NOTE: The algorithm used to define the stores for the engine is as ' follows: ' ' hRoot = hRestrictedRoot or System Store "Root" ' ' ' hRestrictedTrust + hWorld ' ' hWorld = hRoot + "CA" + "My" + "Trust" + rghAdditionalStore ' ' dwFlags - flags ' ' CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_END_CERT - information will be cached on ' the end cert as well as the other ' certs in the chain ' ' CERT_CHAIN_THREAD_STORE_SYNC - use separate thread for store syncs ' and related cache updates ' ' CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_ONLY_URL_RETRIEVAL - don't hit the wire to get ' URL based objects ' ' dwUrlRetrievalTimeout - timeout for wire based URL object retrievals ' Public Const CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_END_CERT As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_THREAD_STORE_SYNC As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_ONLY_URL_RETRIEVAL As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_USE_LOCAL_MACHINE_STORE As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_ENABLE_CACHE_AUTO_UPDATE As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_ENABLE_SHARE_STORE As Long = &H00000020 ' ' Free a certificate trust engine ' ' ' Resync the certificate chain engine. This resync's the stores backing ' the engine and updates the engine caches. ' ' ' When an application requests a certificate chain, the data structure ' returned is in the form of a CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT. This contains ' an array of CERT_SIMPLE_CHAIN where each simple chain goes from ' an end cert to a self signed cert and the chain context connects simple ' chains via trust lists. Each simple chain contains the chain of ' certificates, summary trust information about the chain and trust information ' about each certificate element in the chain. ' ' ' Trust status bits ' ' ' The following are error status bits ' ' These can be applied to certificates and chains Public Const CERT_TRUST_NO_ERROR As Long = &H00000000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_NESTED As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_REVOKED As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_UNTRUSTED_ROOT As Long = &H00000020 Public Const CERT_TRUST_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN As Long = &H00000040 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_CYCLIC As Long = &H00000080 Public Const CERT_TRUST_INVALID_EXTENSION As Long = &H00000100 Public Const CERT_TRUST_INVALID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS As Long = &H00000200 Public Const CERT_TRUST_INVALID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS As Long = &H00000400 Public Const CERT_TRUST_INVALID_NAME_CONSTRAINTS As Long = &H00000800 Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_NOT_SUPPORTED_NAME_CONSTRAINT As Long = &H00001000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_NOT_DEFINED_NAME_CONSTRAINT As Long = &H00002000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_NOT_PERMITTED_NAME_CONSTRAINT As Long = &H00004000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_EXCLUDED_NAME_CONSTRAINT As Long = &H00008000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION As Long = &H01000000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_NO_ISSUANCE_CHAIN_POLICY As Long = &H02000000 ' These can be applied to chains only Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_PARTIAL_CHAIN As Long = &H00010000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID As Long = &H00020000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID As Long = &H00040000 Public Const CERT_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE As Long = &H00080000 ' ' The following are info status bits ' ' These can be applied to certificates only Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_EXACT_MATCH_ISSUER As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_KEY_MATCH_ISSUER As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_NAME_MATCH_ISSUER As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_SELF_SIGNED As Long = &H00000008 ' These can be applied to certificates and chains Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_PREFERRED_ISSUER As Long = &H00000100 Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_ISSUANCE_CHAIN_POLICY As Long = &H00000200 Public Const CERT_TRUST_HAS_NAME_CONSTRAINTS As Long = &H00000400 ' These can be applied to chains only Public Const CERT_TRUST_IS_COMPLEX_CHAIN As Long = &H00010000 ' ' Each certificate context in a simple chain has a corresponding chain element ' in the simple chain context ' ' dwErrorStatus has CERT_TRUST_IS_REVOKED, pRevocationInfo set ' dwErrorStatus has CERT_TRUST_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN, pRevocationInfo set ' ' Note that the post processing revocation supported in the first ' version only sets cbSize and dwRevocationResult. Everything else ' is NULL ' ' ' Revocation Information ' ' ' Trust List Information ' ' ' Chain Element ' ' ' The simple chain is an array of chain elements and a summary trust status ' for the chain ' ' rgpElements[0] is the end certificate chain element ' ' rgpElements[cElement-1] is the self-signed "root" certificate chain element ' ' ' And the chain context contains an array of simple chains and summary trust ' status for all the connected simple chains ' ' rgpChains[0] is the end certificate simple chain ' ' ends in a certificate which is contained in the root store ' ' ' When building a chain, the there are various parameters used for finding ' issuing certificates and trust lists. They are identified in the ' following structure ' ' Default usage match type is AND with value zero Public Const USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND As Long = &H00000000 Public Const USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_OR As Long = &H00000001 ' ' The following API is used for retrieving certificate chains ' ' Parameters: ' ' mean use the default chain engine ' ' pCertContext - the context we are retrieving the chain for, it ' will be the zero index element in the chain ' ' pTime - the point in time that we want the chain validated ' for. Note that the time does not affect trust list, ' revocation, or root store checking. NULL means use ' the current system time ' ' hAdditionalStore - additional store to use when looking up objects ' ' pChainPara - parameters for chain building ' ' dwFlags - flags such as should revocation checking be done ' on the chain? ' ' pvReserved - reserved parameter, must be NULL ' ' ppChainContext - chain context returned ' ' CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_END_CERT can be used here as well ' Revocation flags are in the high nibble Public Const CERT_CHAIN_REVOCATION_CHECK_END_CERT As Long = &H10000000 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_REVOCATION_CHECK_CHAIN As Long = &H20000000 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_REVOCATION_CHECK_CHAIN_EXCLUDE_ROOT As Long = &H40000000 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_REVOCATION_CHECK_CACHE_ONLY As Long = &H80000000 ' First pass determines highest quality based upon: ' - Complete chain ' By default, second pass only considers paths >= highest first pass quality Public Const CERT_CHAIN_DISABLE_PASS1_QUALITY_FILTERING As Long = &H00000040 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_RETURN_LOWER_QUALITY_CONTEXTS As Long = &H00000080 ' ' Free a certificate chain ' ' ' ' ' Specific Revocation Type OID and structure definitions ' ' ' CRL Revocation OID ' ' ' For the CRL revocation OID the pvRevocationPara is NULL ' ' ' CRL Revocation Info ' '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find the first or next certificate chain context in the store. ' ' The chain context is found according to the dwFindFlags, dwFindType and ' its pvFindPara. See below for a list of the find types and its parameters. ' ' If the first or next chain context isn't found, NULL is returned. ' Otherwise, a pointer to a read only CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT is returned. ' CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT must be freed by calling CertFreeCertificateChain ' or is freed when passed as the ' pPrevChainContext on a subsequent call. CertDuplicateCertificateChain ' can be called to make a duplicate. ' ' pPrevChainContext MUST BE NULL on the first ' call to find the chain context. To find the next chain context, the ' pPrevChainContext is set to the CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT returned by a previous ' call. ' ' NOTE: a NON-NULL pPrevChainContext is always CertFreeCertificateChain'ed by ' this function, even for an error. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER As Long = 1 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER ' ' Find a certificate chain having a private key for the end certificate and ' matching one of the given issuer names. A matching dwKeySpec and ' enhanced key usage can also be specified. Additionally a callback can ' be provided for even more caller provided filtering before building the ' chain. ' ' By default, only the issuers in the first simple chain are compared ' for a name match. CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_COMPLEX_CHAIN_FLAG can ' be set in dwFindFlags to match issuers in all the simple chains. ' ' CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_NO_KEY_FLAG can be set in dwFindFlags to ' not check if the end certificate has a private key. ' ' CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_COMPARE_KEY_FLAG can be set in dwFindFlags ' to compare the public key in the end certificate with the crypto ' provider's public key. The dwAcquirePrivateKeyFlags can be set ' in CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA to enable caching of the private key's ' HKEY returned by the CSP. ' ' If dwCertEncodingType == 0, defaults to X509_ASN_ENCODING for the ' array of encoded issuer names. ' ' By default, the hCertStore passed to CertFindChainInStore, is passed ' as an additional store to CertGetCertificateChain. ' CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_CACHE_ONLY_FLAG can be set in dwFindFlags ' to improve performance by only searching the cached system stores ' a find in the "my" system store, than, this flag should be set to ' improve performance. ' ' Setting CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_LOCAL_MACHINE_FLAG in dwFindFlags ' restricts CertGetCertificateChain to search the Local Machine ' cached system stores instead of the Current User's. ' ' Setting CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_CACHE_ONLY_URL_FLAG in dwFindFlags ' restricts CertGetCertificateChain to only search the URL cache ' and not hit the wire. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Returns FALSE to skip this certificate. Otherwise, returns TRUE to ' build a chain for this certificate. ' The following dwFindFlags can be set for CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER ' If set, compares the public key in the end certificate with the crypto ' provider's public key. This comparison is the last check made on the ' build chain. Public Const CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_COMPARE_KEY_FLAG As Long = &H0001 ' If not set, only checks the first simple chain for an issuer name match. ' When set, also checks second and subsequent simple chains. Public Const CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_COMPLEX_CHAIN_FLAG As Long = &H0002 ' If set, CertGetCertificateChain only searches the URL cache and ' doesn't hit the wire. Public Const CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_CACHE_ONLY_URL_FLAG As Long = &H0004 ' If set, CertGetCertificateChain only opens the Local Machine ' certificate stores instead of the Current User's. Public Const CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_LOCAL_MACHINE_FLAG As Long = &H0008 ' If set, no check is made to see if the end certificate has a private ' key associated with it. Public Const CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_NO_KEY_FLAG As Long = &H4000 ' By default, the hCertStore passed to CertFindChainInStore, is passed ' as the additional store to CertGetCertificateChain. This flag can be ' set to improve performance by only searching the cached system stores ' the hCertStore is always searched in addition to the cached system ' stores. Public Const CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_CACHE_ONLY_FLAG As Long = &H8000 '+========================================================================= ' Certificate Chain Policy Data Structures and APIs '========================================================================== ' If both lChainIndex and lElementIndex are set to -1, the dwError applies ' to the whole chain context. If only lElementIndex is set to -1, the ' dwError applies to the lChainIndex'ed chain. Otherwise, the dwError applies ' to the certificate element at ' pChainContext->rgpChain[lChainIndex]->rgpElement[lElementIndex]. ' Common chain policy flags Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_NOT_TIME_VALID_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_CTL_NOT_TIME_VALID_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_NOT_TIME_NESTED_FLAG As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_ALLOW_UNKNOWN_CA_FLAG As Long = &H00000010 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_WRONG_USAGE_FLAG As Long = &H00000020 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_END_REV_UNKNOWN_FLAG As Long = &H00000100 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_CTL_SIGNER_REV_UNKNOWN_FLAG As Long = &H00000200 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_CA_REV_UNKNOWN_FLAG As Long = &H00000400 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_ROOT_REV_UNKNOWN_FLAG As Long = &H00000800 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_ALLOW_TESTROOT_FLAG As Long = &H00008000 Public Const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_TRUST_TESTROOT_FLAG As Long = &H00004000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Verify that the certificate chain satisfies the specified policy ' requirements. If we were able to verify the chain policy, TRUE is returned ' and the dwError field of the pPolicyStatus is updated. A dwError of 0 ' ' If dwError applies to the entire chain context, both lChainIndex and ' lElementIndex are set to -1. If dwError applies to a simple chain, ' lElementIndex is set to -1 and lChainIndex is set to the index of the ' first offending chain having the error. If dwError applies to a ' certificate element, lChainIndex and lElementIndex are updated to ' index the first offending certificate having the error, where, the ' the certificate element is at: ' pChainContext->rgpChain[lChainIndex]->rgpElement[lElementIndex]. ' ' The dwFlags in pPolicyPara can be set to change the default policy checking ' behaviour. In addition, policy specific parameters can be passed in ' the pvExtraPolicyPara field of pPolicyPara. ' ' In addition to returning dwError, in pPolicyStatus, policy OID specific ' extra status may be returned via pvExtraPolicyStatus. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Predefined OID Function Names ' CertDllVerifyCertificateChainPolicy has same function signature as ' CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy. '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Predefined verify chain policies '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASE ' ' Implements the base chain policy verification checks. dwFlags can ' be set in pPolicyPara to alter the default policy checking behaviour. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_AUTHENTICODE ' ' Implements the Authenticode chain policy verification checks. ' ' pvExtraPolicyPara may optionally be set to point to the following ' AUTHENTICODE_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA. ' ' pvExtraPolicyStatus may optionally be set to point to the following ' AUTHENTICODE_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' dwRegPolicySettings are defined in wintrust.h '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_AUTHENTICODE_TS ' ' Implements the Authenticode Time Stamp chain policy verification checks. ' ' pvExtraPolicyPara may optionally be set to point to the following ' AUTHENTICODE_TS_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA. ' ' pvExtraPolicyStatus isn't used and must be set to NULL. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' dwRegPolicySettings are defined in wintrust.h '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL ' ' Implements the SSL client/server chain policy verification checks. ' ' pvExtraPolicyPara may optionally be set to point to the following ' SSL_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA data structure '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' fdwChecks flags are defined in wininet.h '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS ' ' Implements the basic constraints chain policy. ' ' Iterates through all the certificates in the chain checking for either ' a szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS or a szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2 extension. If ' neither extension is present, the certificate is assumed to have ' valid policy. Otherwise, for the first certificate element, checks if ' it matches the expected CA_FLAG or END_ENTITY_FLAG specified in ' pPolicyPara->dwFlags. If neither or both flags are set, then, the first ' element can be either a CA or END_ENTITY. All other elements must be ' a CA. If the PathLenConstraint is present in the extension, its ' checked. ' ' used to sign the CTL) are checked to be an END_ENTITY. ' ' If this verification fails, dwError will be set to ' TRUST_E_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_CA_FLAG As Long = &H80000000 Public Const BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_END_ENTITY_FLAG As Long = &H40000000 '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_NT_AUTH ' ' Implements the NT Authentication chain policy. ' ' The NT Authentication chain policy consists of 3 distinct chain ' verifications in the following order: ' [1] CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASE - Implements the base chain policy ' verification checks. The LOWORD of dwFlags can be set in ' pPolicyPara to alter the default policy checking behaviour. See ' CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASE for more details. ' ' [2] CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS - Implements the basic ' constraints chain policy. The HIWORD of dwFlags can be set ' to specify if the first element must be either a CA or END_ENTITY. ' See CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS for more details. ' ' [3] Checks if the second element in the chain, the CA that issued ' the end certificate, is a trusted CA for NT ' Authentication. A CA is considered to be trusted if it exists in ' the "NTAuth" system registry store found in the ' CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE store location. ' If this verification fails, whereby the CA isn't trusted, ' dwError is set to CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDCA. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+========================================================================= ' Helper functions to install certificates '========================================================================== '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Install a signed list of trusted certificates. ' ' A CTL is used for the list. The dwFormat and pvList parameters are used ' to pass in the CTL. Two dwFormat types are supported: ' - CERT_INSTALL_SIGNED_LIST_FORMAT_BLOB ' pvList is a PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB ' - CERT_INSTALL_SIGNED_LIST_FORMAT_URL ' pvList is a LPCWSTR ' ' encoded CTL.) ' ' Currently only support a dwMsgAndCertEncodingType of: ' X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING ' ' dwFlags isn't used and must be set to 0. pvReserved isn't used and must ' be set to NULL. ' ' If the list of certificates was successfully installed, TRUE is returned. ' Otherwise, FALSE is returned with LastError updated with the failure ' reason. ' ' Currently only support a signed list of trusted roots. dwPurpose must be ' set to: CERT_INSTALL_SIGNED_LIST_PURPOSE_TRUSTED_ROOTS. ' ' The CTL is processed as follows for TRUSTED_ROOTS: ' The signature of the CTL is verified. The signer of the CTL is verified ' up to a trusted root containing the predefined Microsoft public key. ' The signer and intermediate certificates must have the ' szOID_ROOT_LIST_SIGNER enhanced key usage extension. ' ' The CTL fields are validated as follows: ' usage) ' - If NextUpdate isn't NULL, check that the CTL is still time valid ' - Only allow roots identified by their sha1 hash ' ' The following CTL extensions are processed: ' - szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE - if present, must contain ' szOID_ROOT_LIST_SIGNER usage ' - szOID_CERT_POLICIES - ignored ' ' If the CTL contains any other critical extensions, then, the ' CTL verification fails. ' ' If the CTL is valid according to the above checks, then, the user ' is given a dialog box to accept or cancel. If the user accepts, then, ' the certificates are added to the CurrentUser "root" store. Since, ' the root list was signed up through a trusted Microsoft root, the user ' isn't prompted again to accept each root as they are added to the ' protected root list. ' ' If the szOID_REMOVE_CERTIFICATE extension is present with removal ' set, then, instead of adding, the certificates are removed from ' both the CurrentUser and LocalMachine "root" stores. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' dwPurpose values Public Const CERT_INSTALL_SIGNED_LIST_PURPOSE_TRUSTED_ROOTS As Long = 1 ' dwFormat values Public Const CERT_INSTALL_SIGNED_LIST_FORMAT_BLOB As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_INSTALL_SIGNED_LIST_FORMAT_URL As Long = 2 ' For CERT_INSTALL_SIGNED_LIST_FORMAT_BLOB ' pvList is a PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB ' For CERT_INSTALL_SIGNED_LIST_FORMAT_URL ' pvList is a LPCWSTR '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Install one or more intermediate CA certificates. ' ' The CA certificates can be in any content or format type supported ' ' The dwFormat and pvCAs parameters are used to pass in the CA ' - CERT_INSTALL_CA_FORMAT_BLOB ' pvCAs is a PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB ' - CERT_INSTALL_CA_FORMAT_URL ' pvCAs is a LPCWSTR ' ' Currently only support a dwMsgAndCertEncodingType of: ' X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING ' ' dwFlags isn't used and must be set to 0. pvReserved isn't used and must ' be set to NULL. ' ' If the CA certificates were successfully installed, TRUE is returned. ' Otherwise, FALSE is returned with LastError updated with the failure ' reason. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CERT_INSTALL_CA_FORMAT_BLOB As Long = 1 Public Const CERT_INSTALL_CA_FORMAT_URL As Long = 2 ' For CERT_INSTALL_CA_FORMAT_BLOB ' pvCAs is a PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB ' For CERT_INSTALL_CA_FORMAT_URL ' pvCAs is a LPCWSTR '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' convert formatted string to binary ' If cchString is 0, then pszString is NULL terminated and ' dwFlags defines string format ' if ppbBinary is NULL, *pcbBinary returns the size of required memory ' *pdwSkip returns the character count of skipped strings, optional ' *pdwFlags returns the actual format used in the conversion, optional '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'WINCRYPT32API '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' convert formatted string to binary ' If cchString is 0, then pszString is NULL terminated and ' dwFlags defines string format ' if ppbBinary is NULL, *pcbBinary returns the size of required memory ' *pdwSkip returns the character count of skipped strings, optional ' *pdwFlags returns the actual format used in the conversion, optional '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'WINCRYPT32API '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' convert binary to formatted string ' dwFlags defines string format ' if pszString is NULL, *pcchString returns the size of required memory in byte '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'WINCRYPT32API '+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' convert binary to formatted string ' dwFlags defines string format ' if pszString is NULL, *pcchString returns the size of required memory in byte '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'WINCRYPT32API ' dwFlags has the following defines Public Const CRYPT_STRING_BASE64HEADER As Long = &H00000000 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_BINARY As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_BASE64REQUESTHEADER As Long = &H00000003 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_HEX As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCII As Long = &H00000005 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_BASE64_ANY As Long = &H00000006 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_ANY As Long = &H00000007 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_HEX_ANY As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_BASE64X509CRLHEADER As Long = &H00000009 Public Const CRYPT_STRING_HEXADDR As Long = &H0000000a Public Const CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCIIADDR As Long = &H0000000b ' CryptBinaryToString uses the following flags ' CRYPT_STRING_BASE64HEADER - base64 format with certificate begin ' and end headers ' CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 - only base64 without headers ' CRYPT_STRING_BINARY - pure binary copy ' CRYPT_STRING_BASE64REQUESTHEADER - base64 format with request begin ' and end headers ' CRYPT_STRING_BASE64X509CRLHEADER - base64 format with x509 crl begin ' and end headers ' CRYPT_STRING_HEX - only hex format ' CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCII - hex format with ascii char display ' CRYPT_STRING_HEXADDR - hex format with address display ' CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCIIADDR - hex format with ascii char and address display ' CryptStringToBinary uses the following flags ' CRYPT_STRING_BASE64_ANY tries the following, in order: ' CRYPT_STRING_BASE64HEADER ' CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 ' CRYPT_STRING_ANY tries the following, in order: ' CRYPT_STRING_BASE64_ANY ' CRYPT_STRING_BINARY -- should always succeed ' CRYPT_STRING_HEX_ANY tries the following, in order: ' CRYPT_STRING_HEXADDR ' CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCIIADDR ' CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCII ' CRYPT_STRING_HEX '+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Microsoft Windows ' ' File: CertSrv.h ' Contents: Main Certificate Server header ' Also includes .h files for the COM interfaces ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const wszSERVICE_NAME As String = "CertSvc" '====================================================================== ' Full path to "CertSvc\Configuration\": '====================================================================== ' Full path to "CertSvc\Configuration\RestoreInProgress": '====================================================================== ' Key Under "CertSvc": Public Const wszREGKEYCONFIG As String = "Configuration" '====================================================================== ' Values Under "CertSvc\Configuration": Public Const wszREGACTIVE As String = "Active" Public Const wszREGDIRECTORY As String = "ConfigurationDirectory" Public Const wszREGDBDIRECTORY As String = "DBDirectory" Public Const wszREGDBLOGDIRECTORY As String = "DBLogDirectory" Public Const wszREGDBSYSDIRECTORY As String = "DBSystemDirectory" Public Const wszREGDBTEMPDIRECTORY As String = "DBTempDirectory" Public Const wszREGDBSESSIONCOUNT As String = "DBSessionCount" Public Const wszREGWEBCLIENTCAMACHINE As String = "WebClientCAMachine" Public Const wszREGVERSION As String = "Version" Public Const wszREGWEBCLIENTCANAME As String = "WebClientCAName" Public Const wszREGWEBCLIENTCATYPE As String = "WebClientCAType" ' Default value for wszREGDBSESSIONCOUNT Public Const DBSESSIONCOUNTDEFAULT As Long = 20 ' Value for wszREGVERSION: Public Const CSVER_MAJOR As Long = 2 Public Const CSVER_MINOR As Long = 1 ' Keys Under "CertSvc\Configuration": Public Const wszREGKEYRESTOREINPROGRESS As String = "RestoreInProgress" '====================================================================== ' Values Under "CertSvc\Configuration\": Public Const wszREGCADESCRIPTION As String = "CADescription" Public Const wszREGCACERTHASH As String = "CACertHash" Public Const wszREGCASERIALNUMBER As String = "CACertSerialNumber" Public Const wszREGCAXCHGCERTHASH As String = "CAXchgCertHash" Public Const wszREGKRACERTHASH As String = "KRACertHash" Public Const wszREGCATYPE As String = "CAType" Public Const wszREGCERTENROLLCOMPATIBLE As String = "CertEnrollCompatible" Public Const wszREGENFORCEX500NAMELENGTHS As String = "EnforceX500NameLengths" Public Const wszREGCOMMONNAME As String = "CommonName" Public Const wszREGCLOCKSKEWMINUTES As String = "ClockSkewMinutes" Public Const wszREGCRLNEXTPUBLISH As String = "CRLNextPublish" Public Const wszREGCRLPERIODSTRING As String = "CRLPeriod" Public Const wszREGCRLPERIODCOUNT As String = "CRLPeriodUnits" Public Const wszREGCRLOVERLAPPERIODSTRING As String = "CRLOverlapPeriod" Public Const wszREGCRLOVERLAPPERIODCOUNT As String = "CRLOverlapUnits" Public Const wszREGCRLDELTANEXTPUBLISH As String = "CRLDeltaNextPublish" Public Const wszREGCRLDELTAPERIODSTRING As String = "CRLDeltaPeriod" Public Const wszREGCRLDELTAPERIODCOUNT As String = "CRLDeltaPeriodUnits" Public Const wszREGCRLDELTAOVERLAPPERIODSTRING As String = "CRLDeltaOverlapPeriod" Public Const wszREGCRLDELTAOVERLAPPERIODCOUNT As String = "CRLDeltaOverlapUnits" Public Const wszREGCRLPUBLICATIONURLS As String = "CRLPublicationURLs" Public Const wszREGCACERTPUBLICATIONURLS As String = "CACertPublicationURLs" Public Const wszREGCAXCHGVALIDITYPERIODSTRING As String = "CAXchgValidityPeriod" Public Const wszREGCAXCHGVALIDITYPERIODCOUNT As String = "CAXchgValidityPeriodUnits" Public Const wszREGCAXCHGOVERLAPPERIODSTRING As String = "CAXchgOverlapPeriod" Public Const wszREGCAXCHGOVERLAPPERIODCOUNT As String = "CAXchgOverlapPeriodUnits" Public Const wszREGCRLPATH_OLD As String = "CRLPath" Public Const wszREGCRLEDITFLAGS As String = "CRLEditFlags" Public Const wszREGCRLFLAGS As String = "CRLFlags" Public Const wszREGCRLATTEMPTREPUBLISH As String = "CRLAttemptRepublish" Public Const wszREGENABLED As String = "Enabled" Public Const wszREGFORCETELETEX As String = "ForceTeletex" Public Const wszREGLOGLEVEL As String = "LogLevel" Public Const wszREGPOLICYFLAGS As String = "PolicyFlags" Public Const wszREGNAMESEPARATOR As String = "SubjectNameSeparator" Public Const wszREGSUBJECTTEMPLATE As String = "SubjectTemplate" Public Const wszREGCAUSEDS As String = "UseDS" Public Const wszREGVALIDITYPERIODSTRING As String = "ValidityPeriod" Public Const wszREGVALIDITYPERIODCOUNT As String = "ValidityPeriodUnits" Public Const wszREGPARENTCAMACHINE As String = "ParentCAMachine" Public Const wszREGPARENTCANAME As String = "ParentCAName" Public Const wszREGREQUESTFILENAME As String = "RequestFileName" Public Const wszREGREQUESTID As String = "RequestId" Public Const wszREGREQUESTKEYCONTAINER As String = "RequestKeyContainer" Public Const wszREGREQUESTKEYINDEX As String = "RequestKeyIndex" Public Const wszREGCASERVERNAME As String = "CAServerName" Public Const wszREGCACERTFILENAME As String = "CACertFileName" Public Const wszREGCASECURITY As String = "Security" Public Const wszREGSETUPSTATUS As String = "SetupStatus" Public Const wszPFXFILENAMEEXT As String = ".p12" Public Const wszDATFILENAMEEXT As String = ".dat" Public Const wszLOGFILENAMEEXT As String = ".log" Public Const wszPATFILENAMEEXT As String = ".pat" Public Const wszDBFILENAMEEXT As String = ".edb" Public Const szDBBASENAMEPARM As String = "edb" Public Const wszLOGPATH As String = "CertLog" Public Const wszDBBACKUPSUBDIR As String = "DataBase" Public Const wszDBBACKUPCERTBACKDAT As String = "certback.dat" ' Values for wszREGCATYPE: ' Default value for wszREGCLOCKSKEWMINUTES Public Const CCLOCKSKEWMINUTESDEFAULT As Long = 10 Public Const dwVALIDITYPERIODCOUNTDEFAULT_ENTERPRISE As Long = 2 Public Const dwVALIDITYPERIODCOUNTDEFAULT_STANDALONE As Long = 1 Public Const dwCAXCHGVALIDITYPERIODCOUNTDEFAULT As Long = 1 Public Const dwCAXCHGOVERLAPPERIODCOUNTDEFAULT As Long = 1 Public Const dwCRLPERIODCOUNTDEFAULT As Long = 1 Public Const dwCRLOVERLAPPERIODCOUNTDEFAULT As Long = 0 Public Const dwCRLDELTAPERIODCOUNTDEFAULT As Long = 1 Public Const dwCRLDELTAOVERLAPPERIODCOUNTDEFAULT As Long = 0 ' Values for wszREGLOGLEVEL: ' Values for wszREGSETUPSTATUS: Public Const SETUP_SERVER_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const SETUP_CLIENT_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 Public Const SETUP_SUSPEND_FLAG As Long = &H00000004 Public Const SETUP_REQUEST_FLAG As Long = &H00000008 Public Const SETUP_ONLINE_FLAG As Long = &H00000010 Public Const SETUP_DENIED_FLAG As Long = &H00000020 Public Const SETUP_CREATEDB_FLAG As Long = &H00000040 Public Const SETUP_ATTEMPT_VROOT_CREATE As Long = &H00000080 Public Const SETUP_FORCECRL_FLAG As Long = &H00000100 ' Values for wszREGCRLFLAGS: Public Const CRLF_DELTA_USE_OLDEST_UNEXPIRED_BASE As Long = &H00000001 ' else use newest base CRL that satisfies base CRL propagation delay Public Const CRLF_DELETE_EXPIRED_CRLS As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CRLF_CRLNUMBER_CRITICAL As Long = &H00000004 ' Values for numeric prefixes for ' wszREGCRLPUBLICATIONURLS and wszREGCACERTPUBLICATIONURLS: ' ' URL publication template Flags values, encoded as a decimal prefix for URL ' publication templates in the registry: ' "1:c:\winnt\System32\CertSrv\CertEnroll\MyCA.crl" Public Const CSURL_SERVERPUBLISH As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CSURL_ADDTOCERTCDP As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CSURL_ADDTOFRESHESTCRL As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CSURL_ADDTOCRLCDP As Long = &H00000008 Public Const CSURL_PUBLISHRETRY As Long = &H00000010 '====================================================================== ' Keys Under "CertSvc\Configuration\": Public Const wszREGKEYCSP As String = "CSP" Public Const wszREGKEYEXITMODULES As String = "ExitModules" Public Const wszREGKEYPOLICYMODULES As String = "PolicyModules" Public Const wszSECUREDATTRIBUTES As String = "SignedAttributes" '====================================================================== ' Values Under "CertSvc\Configuration\RestoreInProgress": Public Const wszREGBACKUPLOGDIRECTORY As String = "BackupLogDirectory" Public Const wszREGCHECKPOINTFILE As String = "CheckPointFile" Public Const wszREGHIGHLOGNUMBER As String = "HighLogNumber" Public Const wszREGLOWLOGNUMBER As String = "LowLogNumber" Public Const wszREGLOGPATH As String = "LogPath" Public Const wszREGRESTOREMAPCOUNT As String = "RestoreMapCount" Public Const wszREGRESTOREMAP As String = "RestoreMap" Public Const wszREGDATABASERECOVERED As String = "DatabaseRecovered" Public Const wszREGRESTORESTATUS As String = "RestoreStatus" ' values under \Configuration\PolicyModules in nt5 beta 2 Public Const wszREGB2ICERTMANAGEMODULE As String = "ICertManageModule" ' values under \Configuration in nt4 sp4 Public Const wszREGSP4DEFAULTCONFIGURATION As String = "DefaultConfiguration" ' values under ca in nt4 sp4 Public Const wszREGSP4KEYSETNAME As String = "KeySetName" Public Const wszREGSP4SUBJECTNAMESEPARATOR As String = "SubjectNameSeparator" Public Const wszREGSP4NAMES As String = "Names" Public Const wszREGSP4QUERIES As String = "Queries" ' both nt4 sp4 and nt5 beta 2 Public Const wszREGNETSCAPECERTTYPE As String = "NetscapeCertType" Public Const wszNETSCAPEREVOCATIONTYPE As String = "Netscape" '====================================================================== ' Values Under "CertSvc\Configuration\\CSP": Public Const wszREGPROVIDERTYPE As String = "ProviderType" Public Const wszREGPROVIDER As String = "Provider" Public Const wszHASHALGORITHM As String = "HashAlgorithm" Public Const wszMACHINEKEYSET As String = "MachineKeyset" '====================================================================== ' Value strings for "CertSvc\Configuration\\SubjectNameSeparator": Public Const szNAMESEPARATORDEFAULT As String = "\n" '====================================================================== ' Value strings for "CertSvc\Configuration\\ValidityPeriod", etc.: Public Const wszPERIODYEARS As String = "Years" Public Const wszPERIODMONTHS As String = "Months" Public Const wszPERIODWEEKS As String = "Weeks" Public Const wszPERIODDAYS As String = "Days" Public Const wszPERIODHOURS As String = "Hours" Public Const wszPERIODMINUTES As String = "Minutes" Public Const wszPERIODSECONDS As String = "Seconds" '====================================================================== ' Values Under "CertSvc\Configuration\\PolicyModules\": Public Const wszREGISSUERCERTURLFLAGS As String = "IssuerCertURLFlags" Public Const wszREGEDITFLAGS As String = "EditFlags" Public Const wszREGSUBJECTALTNAME As String = "SubjectAltName" Public Const wszREGSUBJECTALTNAME2 As String = "SubjectAltName2" Public Const wszREGREQUESTDISPOSITION As String = "RequestDisposition" Public Const wszREGCAPATHLENGTH As String = "CAPathLength" Public Const wszREGREVOCATIONTYPE As String = "RevocationType" Public Const wszREGLDAPREVOCATIONCRLURL_OLD As String = "LDAPRevocationCRLURL" Public Const wszREGREVOCATIONCRLURL_OLD As String = "RevocationCRLURL" Public Const wszREGFTPREVOCATIONCRLURL_OLD As String = "FTPRevocationCRLURL" Public Const wszREGFILEREVOCATIONCRLURL_OLD As String = "FileRevocationCRLURL" Public Const wszREGREVOCATIONURL As String = "RevocationURL" Public Const wszREGLDAPISSUERCERTURL_OLD As String = "LDAPIssuerCertURL" Public Const wszREGISSUERCERTURL_OLD As String = "IssuerCertURL" Public Const wszREGFTPISSUERCERTURL_OLD As String = "FTPIssuerCertURL" Public Const wszREGFILEISSUERCERTURL_OLD As String = "FileIssuerCertURL" Public Const wszREGENABLEREQUESTEXTENSIONLIST As String = "EnableRequestExtensionList" Public Const wszREGDISABLEEXTENSIONLIST As String = "DisableExtensionList" ' wszREGCAPATHLENGTH Values: Public Const CAPATHLENGTH_INFINITE As Long = &Hffffffff ' wszREGREQUESTDISPOSITION Values: Public Const REQDISP_PENDING As Long = &H00000000 Public Const REQDISP_ISSUE As Long = &H00000001 Public Const REQDISP_DENY As Long = &H00000002 Public Const REQDISP_USEREQUESTATTRIBUTE As Long = &H00000003 Public Const REQDISP_MASK As Long = &H000000ff Public Const REQDISP_PENDINGFIRST As Long = &H00000100 ' wszREGREVOCATIONTYPE Values: Public Const REVEXT_CDPLDAPURL_OLD As Long = &H00000001 Public Const REVEXT_CDPHTTPURL_OLD As Long = &H00000002 Public Const REVEXT_CDPFTPURL_OLD As Long = &H00000004 Public Const REVEXT_CDPFILEURL_OLD As Long = &H00000008 Public Const REVEXT_CDPURLMASK_OLD As Long = &H000000ff Public Const REVEXT_CDPENABLE As Long = &H00000100 Public Const REVEXT_ASPENABLE As Long = &H00000200 ' wszREGISSUERCERTURLFLAGS Values: Public Const ISSCERT_LDAPURL_OLD As Long = &H00000001 Public Const ISSCERT_HTTPURL_OLD As Long = &H00000002 Public Const ISSCERT_FTPURL_OLD As Long = &H00000004 Public Const ISSCERT_FILEURL_OLD As Long = &H00000008 Public Const ISSCERT_URLMASK_OLD As Long = &H000000ff Public Const ISSCERT_ENABLE As Long = &H00000100 ' wszREGEDITFLAGS Values: Defaults: Public Const EDITF_ENABLEREQUESTEXTENSIONS As Long = &H00000001 Public Const EDITF_REQUESTEXTENSIONLIST As Long = &H00000002 Public Const EDITF_DISABLEEXTENSIONLIST As Long = &H00000004 Public Const EDITF_ADDOLDKEYUSAGE As Long = &H00000008 Public Const EDITF_ADDOLDCERTTYPE As Long = &H00000010 Public Const EDITF_ATTRIBUTEENDDATE As Long = &H00000020 Public Const EDITF_BASICCONSTRAINTSCRITICAL As Long = &H00000040 Public Const EDITF_BASICCONSTRAINTSCA As Long = &H00000080 Public Const EDITF_ENABLEAKIKEYID As Long = &H00000100 Public Const EDITF_ATTRIBUTECA As Long = &H00000200 Public Const EDITF_IGNOREREQUESTERGROUP As Long = &H00000400 Public Const EDITF_ENABLEAKIISSUERNAME As Long = &H00000800 Public Const EDITF_ENABLEAKIISSUERSERIAL As Long = &H00001000 Public Const EDITF_ENABLEAKICRITICAL As Long = &H00002000 '====================================================================== ' Values Under "CertSvc\Configuration\\ExitModules\": ' LDAP based CRL and URL issuance Public Const wszREGLDAPREVOCATIONDN_OLD As String = "LDAPRevocationDN" Public Const wszREGLDAPREVOCATIONDNTEMPLATE_OLD As String = "LDAPRevocationDNTemplate" Public Const wszCRLPUBLISHRETRYCOUNT As String = "CRLPublishRetryCount" Public Const wszREGCERTPUBLISHFLAGS As String = "PublishCertFlags" ' wszREGCERTPUBLISHFLAGS Values: Public Const EXITPUB_FILE As Long = &H00000001 Public Const EXITPUB_ACTIVEDIRECTORY As Long = &H00000002 Public Const EXITPUB_EMAILNOTIFYALL As Long = &H00000004 Public Const EXITPUB_EMAILNOTIFYSMARTCARD As Long = &H00000008 Public Const EXITPUB_REMOVEOLDCERTS As Long = &H00000010 Public Const wszCLASS_CERTADMIN As String = "CertificateAuthority.Admin" Public Const wszCLASS_CERTCONFIG As String = "CertificateAuthority.Config" Public Const wszCLASS_CERTGETCONFIG As String = "CertificateAuthority.GetConfig" Public Const wszCLASS_CERTENCODE As String = "CertificateAuthority.Encode" Public Const wszCLASS_CERTREQUEST As String = "CertificateAuthority.Request" Public Const wszCLASS_CERTSERVEREXIT As String = "CertificateAuthority.ServerExit" Public Const wszCLASS_CERTSERVERPOLICY As String = "CertificateAuthority.ServerPolicy" Public Const wszCLASS_CERTVIEW As String = "CertificateAuthority.View" ' class name templates Public Const wszMICROSOFTCERTMODULE_PREFIX As String = "CertificateAuthority_MicrosoftDefault" Public Const wszCERTEXITMODULE_POSTFIX As String = ".Exit" Public Const wszCERTMANAGEEXIT_POSTFIX As String = ".ExitManage" Public Const wszCERTPOLICYMODULE_POSTFIX As String = ".Policy" Public Const wszCERTMANAGEPOLICY_POSTFIX As String = ".PolicyManage" ' actual policy/exit manage class names ' actual policy/exit class names '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Name properties: Public Const wszPROPDISTINGUISHEDNAME As String = "DistinguishedName" Public Const wszPROPRAWNAME As String = "RawName" Public Const wszPROPNAMETYPE As String = "NameType" Public Const wszPROPCOUNTRY As String = "Country" Public Const wszPROPORGANIZATION As String = "Organization" Public Const wszPROPORGUNIT As String = "OrgUnit" Public Const wszPROPCOMMONNAME As String = "CommonName" Public Const wszPROPLOCALITY As String = "Locality" Public Const wszPROPSTATE As String = "State" Public Const wszPROPTITLE As String = "Title" Public Const wszPROPGIVENNAME As String = "GivenName" Public Const wszPROPINITIALS As String = "Initials" Public Const wszPROPSURNAME As String = "SurName" Public Const wszPROPDOMAINCOMPONENT As String = "DomainComponent" Public Const wszPROPEMAIL As String = "EMail" Public Const wszPROPSTREETADDRESS As String = "StreetAddress" Public Const wszPROPUNSTRUCTUREDNAME As String = "UnstructuredName" Public Const wszPROPUNSTRUCTUREDADDRESS As String = "UnstructuredAddress" Public Const wszPROPDEVICESERIALNUMBER As String = "DeviceSerialNumber" '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Subject Name properties: Public Const wszPROPSUBJECTDOT As String = "Subject." '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Request properties: Public Const wszPROPREQUESTDOT As String = "Request." Public Const wszPROPREQUESTREQUESTID As String = "RequestID" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTRAWREQUEST As String = "RawRequest" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTRAWARCHIVEDKEY As String = "RawArchivedKey" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTKEYRECOVERYHASHES As String = "KeyRecoveryHashes" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTRAWOLDCERTIFICATE As String = "RawOldCertificate" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTATTRIBUTES As String = "RequestAttributes" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTTYPE As String = "RequestType" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTFLAGS As String = "RequestFlags" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTSTATUSCODE As String = "StatusCode" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTDISPOSITION As String = "Disposition" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTDISPOSITIONMESSAGE As String = "DispositionMessage" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTSUBMITTEDWHEN As String = "SubmittedWhen" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTRESOLVEDWHEN As String = "ResolvedWhen" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTREVOKEDWHEN As String = "RevokedWhen" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTREVOKEDEFFECTIVEWHEN As String = "RevokedEffectiveWhen" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTREVOKEDREASON As String = "RevokedReason" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTERNAME As String = "RequesterName" '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Request attribute properties: Public Const wszPROPCHALLENGE As String = "Challenge" Public Const wszPROPEXPECTEDCHALLENGE As String = "ExpectedChallenge" Public Const wszPROPDISPOSITION As String = "Disposition" Public Const wszPROPDISPOSITIONDENY As String = "Deny" Public Const wszPROPDISPOSITIONPENDING As String = "Pending" Public Const wszPROPVALIDITYPERIODSTRING As String = "ValidityPeriod" Public Const wszPROPVALIDITYPERIODCOUNT As String = "ValidityPeriodUnits" Public Const wszPROPCERTTYPE As String = "CertType" Public Const wszPROPCERTTEMPLATE As String = "CertificateTemplate" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTOSVERSION As String = "RequestOSVersion" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTCSPPROVIDER As String = "RequestCSPProvider" Public Const wszPROPEXITCERTFILE As String = "CertFile" '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Hardcoded properties ' ".#" means ".0", ".1", ".2" ... may be appended to the property name to ' collect context specific values. For some properties, the suffix selects ' the CA certificate context. For others, it selects the the CA CRL context. Public Const wszPROPCATYPE As String = "CAType" Public Const wszPROPSANITIZEDCANAME As String = "SanitizedCAName" Public Const wszPROPSANITIZEDSHORTNAME As String = "SanitizedShortName" Public Const wszPROPMACHINEDNSNAME As String = "MachineDNSName" Public Const wszPROPMODULEREGLOC As String = "ModuleRegistryLocation" Public Const wszPROPREQUESTERCAACCESS As String = "RequesterCAAccess" Public Const wszPROPUSEDS As String = "fUseDS" Public Const wszPROPCONFIGDN As String = "ConfigDN" Public Const wszPROPDOMAINDN As String = "DomainDN" Public Const wszPROPCERTCOUNT As String = "CertCount" Public Const wszPROPRAWCACERTIFICATE As String = "RawCACertificate" Public Const wszPROPCERTSTATE As String = "CertState" Public Const wszPROPCERTSUFFIX As String = "CertSuffix" Public Const wszPROPRAWCRL As String = "RawCRL" Public Const wszPROPRAWDELTACRL As String = "RawDeltaCRL" Public Const wszPROPCRLINDEX As String = "CRLIndex" Public Const wszPROPCRLSTATE As String = "CRLState" Public Const wszPROPCRLSUFFIX As String = "CRLSuffix" ' CA_DISP_REVOKED ' CA_DISP_VALID ' CA_DISP_INVALID ' CA_DISP_ERROR ' CA_DISP_REVOKED ' ' CA_DISP_VALID ' CA_DISP_INVALID ' CA_DISP_ERROR '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate properties: Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATEREQUESTID As String = "RequestID" Public Const wszPROPRAWCERTIFICATE As String = "RawCertificate" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATEHASH As String = "CertificateHash" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATETYPE As String = "CertificateType" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATESERIALNUMBER As String = "SerialNumber" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATENOTBEFOREDATE As String = "NotBefore" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATENOTAFTERDATE As String = "NotAfter" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATESUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIER As String = "SubjectKeyIdentifier" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATERAWPUBLICKEY As String = "RawPublicKey" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATEPUBLICKEYALGORITHM As String = "PublicKeyAlgorithm" Public Const wszPROPCERTIFICATERAWSMIMECAPABILITIES As String = "RawSMIMECapabilities" '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Certificate extension properties: Public Const EXTENSION_CRITICAL_FLAG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const EXTENSION_DISABLE_FLAG As Long = &H00000002 Public Const EXTENSION_POLICY_MASK As Long = &H0000ffff Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_REQUEST As Long = &H00010000 Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_POLICY As Long = &H00020000 Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_ADMIN As Long = &H00030000 Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_SERVER As Long = &H00040000 Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_RENEWALCERT As Long = &H00050000 Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_IMPORTEDCERT As Long = &H00060000 Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_PKCS7 As Long = &H00070000 Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_CMC As Long = &H00080000 Public Const EXTENSION_ORIGIN_MASK As Long = &H000f0000 '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Extension properties: Public Const wszPROPEXTREQUESTID As String = "ExtensionRequestId" Public Const wszPROPEXTNAME As String = "ExtensionName" Public Const wszPROPEXTFLAGS As String = "ExtensionFlags" Public Const wszPROPEXTRAWVALUE As String = "ExtensionRawValue" '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Attribute properties: Public Const wszPROPATTRIBREQUESTID As String = "AttributeRequestId" Public Const wszPROPATTRIBNAME As String = "AttributeName" Public Const wszPROPATTRIBVALUE As String = "AttributeValue" '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CRL properties: Public Const wszPROPCRLROWID As String = "CRLRowId" Public Const wszPROPCRLNUMBER As String = "CRLNumber" Public Const wszPROPCRLMINBASE As String = "CRLMinBase" Public Const wszPROPCRLNAMEID As String = "CRLNameId" Public Const wszPROPCRLCOUNT As String = "CRLCount" Public Const wszPROPCRLTHISUPDATE As String = "CRLThisUpdate" Public Const wszPROPCRLNEXTUPDATE As String = "CRLNextUpdate" Public Const wszPROPCRLTHISPUBLISH As String = "CRLThisPublish" Public Const wszPROPCRLNEXTPUBLISH As String = "CRLNextPublish" Public Const wszPROPCRLEFFECTIVE As String = "CRLEffective" Public Const wszPROPCRLPROPAGATIONCOMPLETE As String = "CRLPropagationComplete" Public Const wszPROPCRLRAWCRL As String = "CRLRawCRL" '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetProperty/SetProperty Flags: ' ' Choose one Type Public Const PROPTYPE_LONG As Long = &H00000001 Public Const PROPTYPE_DATE As Long = &H00000002 Public Const PROPTYPE_BINARY As Long = &H00000003 Public Const PROPTYPE_STRING As Long = &H00000004 Public Const PROPTYPE_MASK As Long = &H000000ff ' Choose one Caller: Public Const PROPCALLER_SERVER As Long = &H00000100 Public Const PROPCALLER_POLICY As Long = &H00000200 Public Const PROPCALLER_EXIT As Long = &H00000300 Public Const PROPCALLER_ADMIN As Long = &H00000400 Public Const PROPCALLER_REQUEST As Long = &H00000500 Public Const PROPCALLER_MASK As Long = &H00000f00 Public Const PROPFLAGS_INDEXED As Long = &H00010000 ' RequestFlags definitions: Public Const CR_FLG_FORCETELETEX As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CR_FLG_RENEWAL As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CR_FLG_FORCEUTF8 As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CR_FLG_CAXCHGCERT As Long = &H00000008 ' Disposition property values: ' Disposition values for requests in the queue: Public Const DB_DISP_ACTIVE As Long = 8 Public Const DB_DISP_PENDING As Long = 9 Public Const DB_DISP_QUEUE_MAX As Long = 9 Public Const DB_DISP_CA_CERT As Long = 15 Public Const DB_DISP_CA_CERT_CHAIN As Long = 16 ' Disposition values for requests in the log: Public Const DB_DISP_LOG_MIN As Long = 20 Public Const DB_DISP_ISSUED As Long = 20 Public Const DB_DISP_REVOKED As Long = 21 ' Disposition values for failed requests in the log: Public Const DB_DISP_LOG_FAILED_MIN As Long = 30 Public Const DB_DISP_ERROR As Long = 30 Public Const DB_DISP_DENIED As Long = 31 Public Const VR_PENDING As Long = 0 Public Const VR_INSTANT_OK As Long = 1 Public Const VR_INSTANT_BAD As Long = 2 '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Known request Attribute names and Value strings ' RequestType attribute name: Public Const wszCERT_TYPE As String = "RequestType" ' RequestType attribute values: ' Not specified: Public Const wszCERT_TYPE_CLIENT As String = "Client" Public Const wszCERT_TYPE_SERVER As String = "Server" Public Const wszCERT_TYPE_CODESIGN As String = "CodeSign" Public Const wszCERT_TYPE_CUSTOMER As String = "SetCustomer" Public Const wszCERT_TYPE_MERCHANT As String = "SetMerchant" Public Const wszCERT_TYPE_PAYMENT As String = "SetPayment" ' Version attribute name: Public Const wszCERT_VERSION As String = "Version" ' Version attribute values: ' Not specified: Public Const wszCERT_VERSION_1 As String = "1" Public Const wszCERT_VERSION_2 As String = "2" Public Const wszCERT_VERSION_3 As String = "3" Public Const CA_DISP_INCOMPLETE As Long = 0 Public Const CA_DISP_ERROR As Long = &H1 Public Const CA_DISP_REVOKED As Long = &H2 Public Const CA_DISP_VALID As Long = &H3 Public Const CA_DISP_INVALID As Long = &H4 Public Const CA_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION As Long = &H5 Public Const CA_CRL_BASE As Long = &H1 Public Const CA_CRL_DELTA As Long = &H2 '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Microsoft Windows ' ' File: certbcli.h ' ' Contents: Cert Server backup client APIs ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const szBACKUPANNOTATION As String = "Cert Server Backup Interface" Public Const szRESTOREANNOTATION As String = "Cert Server Restore Interface" ' Type of Backup passed to CertSrvBackupPrepare: ' CSBACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY: Requesting backup of only the log files ' CSBACKUP_TYPE_INCREMENTAL: Requesting incremental backup ' CertSrvBackupPrepare flags: Public Const CSBACKUP_TYPE_FULL As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CSBACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY As Long = &H00000002 '#define CSBACKUP_TYPE_INCREMENTAL 0x00000004 Public Const CSBACKUP_TYPE_MASK As Long = &H00000003 ' Type of Restore passed to CertSrvRestorePrepare: ' CSRESTORE_TYPE_ONLINE: Restoration is done when Cert Server is online. Public Const CSRESTORE_TYPE_FULL As Long = &H00000001 Public Const CSRESTORE_TYPE_ONLINE As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CSRESTORE_TYPE_CATCHUP As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CSRESTORE_TYPE_MASK As Long = &H00000005 ' Setting the current log # to this value would disable incremental backup Public Const CSBACKUP_DISABLE_INCREMENTAL As Long = &Hffffffff ' We keep them as a character so that we can append/prepend them to the actual ' file path. The code in the Backup API's rely on the fact that values 0-256 ' in 8 bit ascii map to the values 0-256 in unicode. ' Bit flags: ' CSBFT_DIRECTORY - path specified is a directory ' CSBFT_DATABASE_DIRECTORY - that file goes into database directory ' CSBFT_LOG_DIRECTORY - that the file goes into log directory Public Const CSBFT_DIRECTORY As Long = &H80 Public Const CSBFT_DATABASE_DIRECTORY As Long = &H40 Public Const CSBFT_LOG_DIRECTORY As Long = &H20 ' Following combinations are defined for easy use of the filetype and the ' directory into into which it goes ' Backup Context Handle ' For all the functions in this interface that have at least one string ' parameter, provide macros to invoke the appropriate version of the ' corresponding function. '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvIsServerOnline -- check to see if the Cert Server is Online on the ' given server. This call is guaranteed to return quickly. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] pwszServerName - name or config string of the server to check ' [out] pfServerOnline - pointer to receive the bool result ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupGetDynamicFileList -- return the list of dynamic files that ' need to be backed up in addition to database files. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' [out] ppwszzFileList - pointer to receive the pointer to the file list; ' by the caller when it is no longer needed; The file list info ' is an array of null-terminated filenames and the list is ' terminated by two L'\0's. ' [out] pcbSize - will receive the number of bytes returned ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupPrepare -- prepare the DB for the online backup and return a ' Backup Context Handle to be used for subsequent calls to backup ' functions. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] pwszServerName - name or config string of the server to check ' [in] grbitJet - flag to be passed to jet while backing up dbs ' [in] dwBackupFlags - CSBACKUP_TYPE_FULL or CSBACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY ' [out] phbc - pointer that will receive the backup context handle ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupGetDatabaseNames -- return the list of data bases that need to ' be backed up for the given backup context ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' [out] ppwszzAttachmentInformation - pointer to receive the pointer to ' the attachment info; allocated memory should be freed using ' needed; Attachment info is an array of null-terminated ' filenames and the list is terminated by two L'\0's. ' [out] pcbSize - will receive the number of bytes returned ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupOpenFile -- open the given attachment for read. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' [in] pwszAttachmentName - name of the attachment to be opened for read ' [in] cbReadHintSize - suggested size in bytes that might be used ' during the subsequent reads on this attachment ' [out] pliFileSize - pointer to a large integer that would receive the ' size in bytes of the given attachment ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupRead -- read the currently open attachment bytes into the given ' buffer. The client application is expected to call this function ' received the file size through the CertSrvBackupOpenFile call before. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' [out] pvBuffer - pointer to the buffer that would receive the read data. ' [in] cbBuffer - specifies the size of the above buffer ' [out] pcbRead - pointer to receive the actual number of bytes read. ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupClose -- called by the application after it completes reading all ' the data in the currently opened attachement. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupGetBackupLogs -- return the list of log files that need to be ' backed up for the given backup context ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' [out] pwszzBackupLogFiles - pointer that will receive the pointer to ' the list of log files; allocated memory should be freed using ' longer needed; Log files are returned in an array of ' null-terminated filenames and the list is terminated by two ' L'\0's ' [out] pcbSize - will receive the number of bytes returned ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupTruncateLogs -- called to truncate the already read backup logs. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupEnd -- called to end the current backup session. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle of the backup session ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvBackupFree -- free any buffer allocated by certbcli.dll APIs. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] pv - pointer to the buffer that is to be freed. ' ' Returns: ' None. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvRestoreGetDatabaseLocations -- called both at backup time as well as ' at restorate time to get data base locations for different types of ' files. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle which would have been obtained ' through CertSrvBackupPrepare in the backup case and through ' CertSrvRestorePrepare in the restore case. ' [out] ppwszzDatabaseLocationList - pointer that will receive the ' pointer to the list of database locations; allocated memory ' when it is no longer needed; locations are returned in an array ' of null-terminated names and and the list is terminated by ' two L'\0's. The first character of each name is the BFT ' character that indicates the type of the file and the rest of ' the name tells gives the path into which that particular type ' of file should be restored. ' [out] pcbSize - will receive the number of bytes returned ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvRestorePrepare -- indicate beginning of a restore session. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] pwszServerName - name or config string of the server into which ' the restore operation is going to be performed. ' [in] dwRestoreFlags - Or'ed combination of CSRESTORE_TYPE_* flags; ' 0 if no special flags are to be specified ' [out] phbc - pointer to receive the backup context handle which is to ' be passed to the subsequent restore APIs ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvRestoreRegister -- register a restore operation. It will interlock ' all subsequent restore operations, and will prevent the restore target ' from starting until the call to CertSrvRestoreRegisterComplete is made. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle for the restore session. ' [in] pwszCheckPointFilePath - path to restore the check point files ' [in] pwszLogPath - path where the log files are restored ' [in] rgrstmap - restore map ' [in] crstmap - tells if there is a new restore map ' [in] pwszBackupLogPath - path where the backup logs are located ' [in] genLow - Lowest log# that was restored in this restore session ' [in] genHigh - Highest log# that was restored in this restore session ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvRestoreRegisterComplete -- indicate that a previously registered ' restore is complete. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' [in] hrRestoreState - success code if the restore was successful ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvRestoreEnd -- end a restore session ' ' Parameters: ' [in] hbc - backup context handle ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CertSrvServerControl -- send a control command to the cert server. ' ' Parameters: ' [in] pwszServerName - name or config string of the server to control ' [in] dwControlFlags - control command and flags ' [out] pcbOut - pointer to receive the size of command output data ' [out] ppbOut - pointer to receive command output data. Use the ' ' Returns: ' S_OK if the call executed successfully; ' Failure code otherwise. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const CSCONTROL_SHUTDOWN As Long = &H000000001 Public Const CSCONTROL_SUSPEND As Long = &H000000002 Public Const CSCONTROL_RESTART As Long = &H000000003 Public Const wszCONFIG_COMMONNAME As String = "CommonName" Public Const wszCONFIG_ORGUNIT As String = "OrgUnit" Public Const wszCONFIG_ORGANIZATION As String = "Organization" Public Const wszCONFIG_LOCALITY As String = "Locality" Public Const wszCONFIG_STATE As String = "State" Public Const wszCONFIG_COUNTRY As String = "Country" Public Const wszCONFIG_CONFIG As String = "Config" Public Const wszCONFIG_EXCHANGECERTIFICATE As String = "ExchangeCertificate" Public Const wszCONFIG_SIGNATURECERTIFICATE As String = "SignatureCertificate" Public Const wszCONFIG_DESCRIPTION As String = "Description" Public Const wszCONFIG_COMMENT As String = "Comment" Public Const wszCONFIG_SERVER As String = "Server" Public Const wszCONFIG_AUTHORITY As String = "Authority" Public Const wszCONFIG_SANITIZEDNAME As String = "SanitizedName" Public Const wszCONFIG_SHORTNAME As String = "ShortName" Public Const wszCONFIG_SANITIZEDSHORTNAME As String = "SanitizedShortName" Public Const wszCONFIG_FLAGS As String = "Flags" Public Const CAIF_DSENTRY As Long = &H1 Public Const CAIF_SHAREDFOLDERENTRY As Long = &H2 Public Const CAIF_REGISTRY As Long = &H4 Public Const CAIF_LOCAL As Long = &H8 Public Const CR_IN_BASE64HEADER As Long = 0 Public Const CR_IN_BASE64 As Long = &H1 Public Const CR_IN_BINARY As Long = &H2 Public Const CR_IN_ENCODEANY As Long = &Hff Public Const CR_IN_ENCODEMASK As Long = &Hff Public Const CR_IN_FORMATANY As Long = 0 Public Const CR_IN_PKCS10 As Long = &H100 Public Const CR_IN_KEYGEN As Long = &H200 Public Const CR_IN_PKCS7 As Long = &H300 Public Const CR_IN_CMC As Long = &H400 Public Const CR_IN_FORMATMASK As Long = &Hff00 Public Const CR_IN_RPC As Long = &H20000 Public Const CC_DEFAULTCONFIG As Long = 0 Public Const CC_UIPICKCONFIG As Long = &H1 Public Const CC_FIRSTCONFIG As Long = &H2 Public Const CC_LOCALCONFIG As Long = &H3 Public Const CC_LOCALACTIVECONFIG As Long = &H4 Public Const CR_DISP_INCOMPLETE As Long = 0 Public Const CR_DISP_ERROR As Long = &H1 Public Const CR_DISP_DENIED As Long = &H2 Public Const CR_DISP_ISSUED As Long = &H3 Public Const CR_DISP_ISSUED_OUT_OF_BAND As Long = &H4 Public Const CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION As Long = &H5 Public Const CR_DISP_REVOKED As Long = &H6 Public Const CR_OUT_BASE64HEADER As Long = 0 Public Const CR_OUT_BASE64 As Long = &H1 Public Const CR_OUT_BINARY As Long = &H2 Public Const CR_OUT_ENCODEMASK As Long = &Hff Public Const CR_OUT_CHAIN As Long = &H100 Public Const CR_GEMT_HRESULT_STRING As Long = &H1 Public Const CR_PROP_NONE As Long = 0 Public Const CR_PROP_FILEVERSION As Long = 1 Public Const CR_PROP_PRODUCTVERSION As Long = 2 Public Const CR_PROP_EXITCOUNT As Long = 3 Public Const CR_PROP_EXITDESCRIPTION As Long = 4 Public Const CR_PROP_POLICYDESCRIPTION As Long = 5 Public Const CR_PROP_CANAME As Long = 6 Public Const CR_PROP_SANITIZEDCANAME As Long = 7 Public Const CR_PROP_SHAREDFOLDER As Long = 8 Public Const CR_PROP_PARENTCA As Long = 9 Public Const CR_PROP_CATYPE As Long = 10 Public Const CR_PROP_CASIGCERTCOUNT As Long = 11 Public Const CR_PROP_CASIGCERT As Long = 12 Public Const CR_PROP_CASIGCERTCHAIN As Long = 13 Public Const CR_PROP_CAXCHGCERTCOUNT As Long = 14 Public Const CR_PROP_CAXCHGCERT As Long = 15 Public Const CR_PROP_CAXCHGCERTCHAIN As Long = 16 Public Const CR_PROP_BASECRL As Long = 17 Public Const CR_PROP_DELTACRL As Long = 18 Public Const CR_PROP_CACERTSTATE As Long = 19 Public Const CR_PROP_CRLSTATE As Long = 20 Public Const CR_PROP_CAPROPIDMAX As Long = 21 Public Const CR_PROP_DNSNAME As Long = 22 Public Const EAN_NAMEOBJECTID As Long = &H80000000 Public Const EXITEVENT_INVALID As Long = 0 Public Const EXITEVENT_CERTISSUED As Long = &H1 Public Const EXITEVENT_CERTPENDING As Long = &H2 Public Const EXITEVENT_CERTDENIED As Long = &H4 Public Const EXITEVENT_CERTREVOKED As Long = &H8 Public Const EXITEVENT_CERTRETRIEVEPENDING As Long = &H10 Public Const EXITEVENT_CRLISSUED As Long = &H20 Public Const EXITEVENT_SHUTDOWN As Long = &H40 Public Const ENUMEXT_OBJECTID As Long = &H1 Public Const CMM_REFRESHONLY As Long = &H1 Public Const wszCMM_PROP_NAME As String = "Name" Public Const wszCMM_PROP_DESCRIPTION As String = "Description" Public Const wszCMM_PROP_COPYRIGHT As String = "Copyright" Public Const wszCMM_PROP_FILEVER As String = "File Version" Public Const wszCMM_PROP_PRODUCTVER As String = "Product Version" Public Const wszCMM_PROP_DISPLAY_HWND As String = "HWND" Public Const CV_OUT_BASE64HEADER As Long = 0 Public Const CV_OUT_BASE64 As Long = &H1 Public Const CV_OUT_BINARY As Long = &H2 Public Const CV_OUT_BASE64REQUESTHEADER As Long = &H3 Public Const CV_OUT_HEX As Long = &H4 Public Const CV_OUT_HEXASCII As Long = &H5 Public Const CV_OUT_BASE64X509CRLHEADER As Long = &H9 Public Const CV_OUT_HEXADDR As Long = &Ha Public Const CV_OUT_HEXASCIIADDR As Long = &Hb Public Const CV_OUT_ENCODEMASK As Long = &Hff Public Const CVR_SEEK_NONE As Long = 0 Public Const CVR_SEEK_EQ As Long = &H1 Public Const CVR_SEEK_LT As Long = &H2 Public Const CVR_SEEK_LE As Long = &H4 Public Const CVR_SEEK_GE As Long = &H8 Public Const CVR_SEEK_GT As Long = &H10 Public Const CVR_SEEK_MASK As Long = &Hff Public Const CVR_SEEK_NODELTA As Long = &H1000 Public Const CVR_SORT_NONE As Long = 0 Public Const CVR_SORT_ASCEND As Long = &H1 Public Const CVR_SORT_DESCEND As Long = &H2 Public Const CV_COLUMN_QUEUE_DEFAULT As Long = -1 Public Const CV_COLUMN_LOG_DEFAULT As Long = -2 Public Const CV_COLUMN_LOG_FAILED_DEFAULT As Long = -3 Public Const CV_COLUMN_EXTENSION_DEFAULT As Long = -4 Public Const CV_COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT As Long = -5 Public Const CV_COLUMN_CRL_DEFAULT As Long = -6 Public Const CVRC_COLUMN_SCHEMA As Long = 0 Public Const CVRC_COLUMN_RESULT As Long = &H1 Public Const CVRC_COLUMN_VALUE As Long = &H2 Public Const CVRC_COLUMN_MASK As Long = &Hfff Public Const CVRC_TABLE_REQCERT As Long = 0 Public Const CVRC_TABLE_EXTENSIONS As Long = &H3000 Public Const CVRC_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES As Long = &H4000 Public Const CVRC_TABLE_CRL As Long = &H5000 Public Const CVRC_TABLE_MASK As Long = &Hf000 Public Const CVRC_TABLE_SHIFT As Long = 12 '+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Microsoft Windows ' ' File: certca.h ' ' Contents: Definition of the CA Info API ' ' History: 12-dec-97 petesk created ' 28-Jan-2000 xiaohs updated ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '************************************************************************************ ' ' Flags used by CAFindByName, CAFindByCertType, CAFindByIssuerDN and CAEnumFirstCA ' ' See comments on each API for a list of applicable flags ' '************************************************************************************ 'the wszScope supplied is a domain location in the DNS format Public Const CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS As Long = &H00000001 ' include untrusted CA Public Const CA_FIND_INCLUDE_UNTRUSTED As Long = &H00000010 ' running as local system. Used to verify ca certificate chain Public Const CA_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM As Long = &H00000020 ' Include Ca's that do not support templates Public Const CA_FIND_INCLUDE_NON_TEMPLATE_CA As Long = &H00000040 ' The value passed in for scope is an LDAP binding handle to use during finds Public Const CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE As Long = &H00000800 '************************************************************************************ ' ' Flags used by CAEnumCertTypesForCA, CAEnumCertTypes, and CAFindCertTypeByName ' ' See comments on each API for a list of applicable flags ' '************************************************************************************ ' Instead of enumerating the certificate types suppoerted by the CA, enumerate ALL ' certificate types which the CA may choose to support. Public Const CA_FLAG_ENUM_ALL_TYPES As Long = &H00000004 ' running as local system. Used to find cached information in the registry. ' Return machine types, as opposed to user types Public Const CT_ENUM_MACHINE_TYPES As Long = &H00000040 ' Return user types, as opposed to user types Public Const CT_ENUM_USER_TYPES As Long = &H00000080 ' Disable the cache expiration check Public Const CT_FLAG_NO_CACHE_LOOKUP As Long = &H00000400 ' The value passed in for scope is an LDAP binding handle to use during finds '************************************************************************************ ' ' Certification Authority manipulation API's ' '************************************************************************************ ' CAFindCAByName ' ' the given domain and return the given phCAInfo structure. ' ' wszCAName - Common name of the CA ' ' Equivalent of the "base" parameter of the ldap_search_sxxx APIs. ' NULL if use the current domain. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS is set, wszScope is in the DNS format. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE is set, wszScope is the an LDAP ' binding handle to use during finds ' ' dwFlags - Oring of the following flags: ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS ' CA_FIND_INCLUDE_UNTRUSTED ' CA_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM ' CA_FIND_INCLUDE_NON_TEMPLATE_CA ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE ' ' phCAInfo - Handle to the returned CA. ' ' ' ' Return: Returns S_OK if CA was found. ' ' ' CAFindByCertType ' ' Given the Name of a Cert Type, find all the CAs within ' the given domain and return the given phCAInfo structure. ' ' wszCertType - Common Name of the cert type ' ' Equivalent of the "base" parameter of the ldap_search_sxxx APIs. ' NULL if use the current domain. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS is set, wszScope is in the DNS format. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE is set, wszScope is the an LDAP ' binding handle to use during finds ' ' dwFlags - Oring of the following flags: ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS ' CA_FIND_INCLUDE_UNTRUSTED ' CA_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM ' CA_FIND_INCLUDE_NON_TEMPLATE_CA ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE ' ' phCAInfo - Handle to enumeration of CA's supporting ' - cert type. ' ' ' Return: Returns S_OK on success. ' Will return S_OK if none are found. ' *phCAInfo will contain NULL ' ' ' CAFindByIssuerDN ' Given the DN of a CA, find the CA within ' the given domain and return the given phCAInfo handle. ' ' pIssuerDN - a cert name blob from the CA's certificate. ' ' Equivalent of the "base" parameter of the ldap_search_sxxx APIs. ' NULL if use the current domain. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS is set, wszScope is in the DNS format. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE is set, wszScope is the an LDAP ' binding handle to use during finds ' ' dwFlags - Oring of the following flags: ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS ' CA_FIND_INCLUDE_UNTRUSTED ' CA_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM ' CA_FIND_INCLUDE_NON_TEMPLATE_CA ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE ' ' ' Return: Returns S_OK if CA was found. ' ' ' CAEnumFirstCA ' Enumerate the CA's in a scope ' ' Equivalent of the "base" parameter of the ldap_search_sxxx APIs. ' NULL if use the current domain. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS is set, wszScope is in the DNS format. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE is set, wszScope is the an LDAP ' binding handle to use during finds ' ' dwFlags - Oring of the following flags: ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS ' CA_FIND_INCLUDE_UNTRUSTED ' CA_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM ' CA_FIND_INCLUDE_NON_TEMPLATE_CA ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE ' ' phCAInfo - Handle to enumeration of CA's supporting ' - cert type. ' ' ' Return: Returns S_OK on success. ' Will return S_OK if none are found. ' *phCAInfo will contain NULL ' ' ' CAEnumNextCA ' Find the Next CA in an enumeration. ' ' hPrevCA - Current ca in an enumeration. ' ' phCAInfo - next ca in an enumeration. ' ' Return: Returns S_OK on success. ' Will return S_OK if none are found. ' *phCAInfo will contain NULL ' ' ' CACreateNewCA ' Create a new CA of given name. ' ' wszCAName - Common name of the CA ' ' CA object. We will add the "CN=...,..,CN=Services" after the DN. ' NULL if use the current domain. ' If CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS is set, wszScope is in the DNS format. ' ' dwFlags - Oring of the following flags: ' CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS ' ' phCAInfo - Handle to the returned CA. ' ' See above for other parameter definitions ' ' Return: Returns S_OK if CA was created. ' ' NOTE: Actual updates to the CA object may not occur ' until CAUpdateCA is called. ' In order to successfully update a created CA, ' the Certificate must be set, as well as the ' Certificate Types property. ' ' ' CAUpdateCA ' Write any changes made to the CA back to the CA object. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA object. ' ' ' CADeleteCA ' Delete the CA object from the DS. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA object. ' ' ' CACountCAs ' return the number of CAs in this enumeration ' ' ' CACloseCA ' Close an open CA handle ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA object. ' ' ' CAGetCAProperty - Given a property name, retrieve a ' property from a CAInfo. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA object. ' ' wszPropertyName - Name of the CA property ' ' pawszPropertyValue - A pointer into which an array ' of WCHAR strings is written, containing ' the values of the property. The last ' element of the array points to NULL. ' If the property is single valued, then ' the array returned contains 2 elements, ' the first pointing to the value, the second ' pointing to NULL. This pointer must be ' freed by CAFreeCAProperty. ' ' ' Returns - S_OK on success. ' ' ' CAFreeProperty ' Free's a previously retrieved property value. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA object. ' ' awszPropertyValue - pointer to the previously retrieved ' - property value. ' ' ' CASetCAProperty - Given a property name, set it's value. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA object. ' ' wszPropertyName - Name of the CA property ' ' awszPropertyValue - An array of values to set ' - for this property. The last element of this ' - array should be NULL. ' - For single valued properties, the values beyond thie ' - first will be ignored upon update. ' ' Returns - S_OK on success. ' '************************************************************************************ ' CA Properties ' '************************************************************************************ ' simple name of the CA Public Const CA_PROP_NAME As String = "cn" ' display name of the CA object Public Const CA_PROP_DISPLAY_NAME As String = "displayName" ' dns name of the machine Public Const CA_PROP_DNSNAME As String = "dNSHostName" Public Const CA_PROP_DSLOCATION As String = "distinguishedName" ' Supported cert types Public Const CA_PROP_CERT_TYPES As String = "certificateTemplates" ' Supported signature algs Public Const CA_PROP_SIGNATURE_ALGS As String = "signatureAlgorithms" ' DN of the CA's cert Public Const CA_PROP_CERT_DN As String = "cACertificateDN" ' DN of the CA's cert Public Const CA_PROP_ENROLLMENT_PROVIDERS As String = "enrollmentProviders" ' CA's description Public Const CA_PROP_DESCRIPTION As String = "Description" ' ' CAGetCACertificate - Return the current certificate for ' this ca. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA object. ' ' ppCert - Pointer into which a certificate ' - is written. This certificate must ' - be freed via CertFreeCertificateContext. ' - This value will be NULL if no certificate ' - is set for this CA. ' ' ' CAGetCertTypeFlags ' Retrieve cert type flags ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' pdwFlags - pointer to DWORD receiving flags ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' CA Flags ' '************************************************************************************ ' The CA supports certificate templates Public Const CA_FLAG_NO_TEMPLATE_SUPPORT As Long = &H00000001 ' The CA supports NT authentication for requests Public Const CA_FLAG_SUPPORTS_NT_AUTHENTICATION As Long = &H00000002 ' The cert requests may be pended Public Const CA_FLAG_CA_SUPPORTS_MANUAL_AUTHENTICATION As Long = &H00000004 Public Const CA_MASK_SETTABLE_FLAGS As Long = &H0000ffff ' ' CASetCAFlags ' Sets the Flags of a cert type ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' dwFlags - Flags to be set ' ' ' CASetCACertificate - Set the certificate for a CA ' this ca. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA object. ' ' pCert - Pointer to a certificat to set as the CA's certificte. ' ' ' CAGetCAExpiration ' Get the expirations period for a CA. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA handle. ' ' pdwExpiration - expiration period in dwUnits time ' ' pdwUnits - Units identifier ' Public Const CA_UNITS_DAYS As Long = 1 Public Const CA_UNITS_WEEKS As Long = 2 Public Const CA_UNITS_MONTHS As Long = 3 Public Const CA_UNITS_YEARS As Long = 4 ' ' CASetCAExpiration ' Set the expirations period for a CA. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA handle. ' ' dwExpiration - ' ' dwUnits - Units identifier ' ' ' CASetCASecurity ' Set the list of Users, Groups, and Machines allowed ' to access this CA. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA handle. ' ' pSD - Security descriptor for this CA ' ' ' CAGetCASecurity ' Get the list of Users, Groups, and Machines allowed ' to access this CA. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA handle. ' ' ppSD - Pointer to a location receiving ' - the pointer to the security descriptor ' - Free via LocalFree ' ' ' ' CAAccessCheck ' Determine whether the principal specified by ' ClientToken can get a cert from the CA. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to the CA ' ' ClientToken - Handle to an impersonation token ' - that represents the client attempting ' - request this cert type. The handle must ' - have TOKEN_QUERY access to the token; ' - otherwise, the function fails with ' - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. ' ' Return: S_OK on success ' ' ' CAEnumCertTypesForCA - Given a HCAINFO, retrieve handle to ' the cert types supported, or known by this CA. ' CAEnumNextCertType can be used to enumerate through the ' cert types. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA handle or NULL if CT_FLAG_ENUM_ALL_TYPES is set ' in dwFlags. ' ' dwFlags - The following flags may be or'd together ' CA_FLAG_ENUM_ALL_TYPES ' CT_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM ' CT_ENUM_MACHINE_TYPES ' CT_ENUM_USER_TYPES ' CT_FLAG_NO_CACHE_LOOKUP ' ' ' phCertType - Enumeration of certificate types. ' ' ' CAAddCACertificateType ' Add a certificate type to a CA. ' If the cert type has already been added to the ' ca, it will not be added again. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA. ' ' hCertType - Cert type to add to CA. ' ' ' CADeleteCACertificateType ' Remove a certificate type from a CA. ' If the CA does not include this cert type. ' This call does nothing. ' ' hCAInfo - Handle to an open CA. ' ' hCertType - Cert type to delete from CA. ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' Certificate Type API's ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' CAEnumCertTypes - Retrieve a handle to all known cert types ' CAEnumNextCertType can be used to enumerate through the ' cert types. ' ' ' dwFlags - an oring of the following: ' ' CT_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM ' CT_ENUM_MACHINE_TYPES ' CT_ENUM_USER_TYPES ' CT_FLAG_NO_CACHE_LOOKUP ' ' phCertType - Enumeration of certificate types. ' ' ' CAFindCertTypeByName ' Find a cert type given a Name. ' ' wszCertType - Name of the cert type ' ' hCAInfo - NULL unless CT_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE is set in the dwFlags ' ' dwFlags - an oring of the following ' ' CT_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM ' CT_ENUM_MACHINE_TYPES ' CT_ENUM_USER_TYPES ' CT_FLAG_NO_CACHE_LOOKUP ' CT_FLAG_SCOPE_IS_LDAP_HANDLE -- If this flag is set, hCAInfo ' is an LDAP handle to use during finds ' phCertType - Poiter to a cert type in which result is returned. ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' Default cert type names ' '************************************************************************************ Public Const wszCERTTYPE_USER As String = "User" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_USER_SIGNATURE As String = "UserSignature" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_SMARTCARD_USER As String = "SmartcardUser" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_USER_AS As String = "ClientAuth" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_USER_SMARTCARD_LOGON As String = "SmartcardLogon" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_EFS As String = "EFS" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_ADMIN As String = "Administrator" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_EFS_RECOVERY As String = "EFSRecovery" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_CODE_SIGNING As String = "CodeSigning" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_CTL_SIGNING As String = "CTLSigning" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_ENROLLMENT_AGENT As String = "EnrollmentAgent" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_MACHINE As String = "Machine" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_DC As String = "DomainController" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_WEBSERVER As String = "WebServer" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_KDC As String = "KDC" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_CA As String = "CA" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_SUBORDINATE_CA As String = "SubCA" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_CROSS_CA As String = "CrossCA" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT As String = "KeyRecoveryAgent" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_CA_EXCHANGE As String = "CAExchange" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_IPSEC_ENDENTITY_ONLINE As String = "IPSECEndEntityOnline" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_IPSEC_ENDENTITY_OFFLINE As String = "IPSECEndEntityOffline" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_IPSEC_INTERMEDIATE_ONLINE As String = "IPSECIntermediateOnline" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_IPSEC_INTERMEDIATE_OFFLINE As String = "IPSECIntermediateOffline" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_ROUTER_OFFLINE As String = "OfflineRouter" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_ENROLLMENT_AGENT_OFFLINE As String = "EnrollmentAgentOffline" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_EXCHANGE_USER As String = "ExchangeUser" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_EXCHANGE_USER_SIGNATURE As String = "ExchangeUserSignature" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_MACHINE_ENROLLMENT_AGENT As String = "MachineEnrollmentAgent" Public Const wszCERTTYPE_CEP_ENCRYPTION As String = "CEPEncryption" ' ' CAUpdateCertType ' Write any changes made to the cert type back to the type store ' ' ' CADeleteCertType ' Delete a CertType ' ' hCertType - Cert type to delete. ' ' NOTE: If this is called for a default cert type, ' it will revert back to it's default attributes ' ' ' CACreateCertType ' Create a new cert type ' ' wszCertType - Name of the cert type ' ' wszScope - reserved. Must set to NULL. ' ' dwFlags - reserved. Must set to NULL. ' ' phCertType - returned cert type ' ' ' CAEnumNextCertType ' Find the Next Cert Type in an enumeration. ' ' hPrevCertType - Previous cert type in enumeration ' ' phCertType - Poiner to a handle into which ' - result is placed. NULL if ' - there are no more cert types in ' - enumeration. ' ' ' CACountCertTypes ' return the number of cert types in this enumeration ' ' ' CACloseCertType ' Close an open CertType handle ' ' ' CAGetCertTypeProperty ' Retrieve a property from a certificate type. This function is obsolete. ' Caller should use CAGetCertTypePropertyEx instead ' ' hCertType - Handle to an open CertType object. ' ' wszPropertyName - Name of the CertType property. ' ' pawszPropertyValue - A pointer into which an array ' of WCHAR strings is written, containing ' the values of the property. The last ' element of the array points to NULL. ' If the property is single valued, then ' the array returned contains 2 elements, ' the first pointing to the value, the second ' pointing to NULL. This pointer must be ' freed by CAFreeCertTypeProperty. ' ' ' Returns - S_OK on success. ' ' ' CAGetCertTypePropertyEx ' Retrieve a property from a certificate type. ' ' hCertType - Handle to an open CertType object. ' ' wszPropertyName - Name of the CertType property ' ' pPropertyValue - Depending on the value of wszPropertyName, pPropertyValue ' is either DWORD * or LPWSTR **. ' ' It is a DWORD * for: ' ' CERTTYPE_PROP_REVISION ' CERTTYPE_PROP_SCHEMA_VERSION ' CERTTYPE_PROP_MINOR_REVISION ' CERTTYPE_PROP_RA_SIGNATURE ' CERTTYPE_PROP_MIN_KEY_SIZE ' ' ' It is a LPWSTR ** for: ' ' CERTTYPE_PROP_CN ' CERTTYPE_PROP_DN ' CERTTYPE_PROP_FRIENDLY_NAME ' CERTTYPE_PROP_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE ' CERTTYPE_PROP_CSP_LIST ' CERTTYPE_PROP_CRITICAL_EXTENSIONS ' CERTTYPE_PROP_OID ' CERTTYPE_PROP_SUPERSEDE ' CERTTYPE_PROP_RA_POLICY ' CERTTYPE_PROP_POLICY ' ' A pointer into which an array ' of WCHAR strings is written, containing ' the values of the property. The last ' element of the array points to NULL. ' If the property is single valued, then ' the array returned contains 2 elements, ' the first pointing to the value, the second ' pointing to NULL. This pointer must be ' freed by CAFreeCertTypeProperty. ' ' ' Returns - S_OK on success. ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' Certificate Type properties ' '************************************************************************************ '************************************************************************************ ' ' The schema version one properties ' '************************************************************************************ ' Common name of the certificate type Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_CN As String = "cn" ' The common name of the certificate type. Same as CERTTYPE_PROP_CN ' This property is not settable. Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_DN As String = "distinguishedName" ' The display name of a cert type Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_FRIENDLY_NAME As String = "displayName" ' An array of extended key usage OID's for a cert type ' NOTE: This property can also be set by setting ' the Extended Key Usage extension. Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE As String = "pKIExtendedKeyUsage" ' The list of default CSP's for this cert type Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_CSP_LIST As String = "pKIDefaultCSPs" ' The list of critical extensions Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_CRITICAL_EXTENSIONS As String = "pKICriticalExtensions" ' The major version of the templates Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_REVISION As String = "revision" '************************************************************************************ ' ' The schema version two properties ' '************************************************************************************ ' The schema version of the templates ' This property is not settable Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_SCHEMA_VERSION As String = "msPKI-Template-Schema-Version" ' The minor version of the templates Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_MINOR_REVISION As String = "msPKI-Template-Minor-Revision" ' The number of RA signature required Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_RA_SIGNATURE As String = "msPKI-RA-Signature" ' The minimal key size required Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_MIN_KEY_SIZE As String = "msPKI-Minimal-Key-Size" ' The OID of the templates Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_OID As String = "msPKI-Cert-Template-OID" ' The template Oids that supersede the templates Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_SUPERSEDE As String = "msPKI-Supersede-Templates" ' The RA issuer policy oids required Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_RA_POLICY As String = "msPKI-RA-Policies" ' The RA application policy oids required Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_RA_APPLICATION_POLICY As String = "msPKI-RA-Application-Policies" ' The certificate issuer policy oids Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_POLICY As String = "msPKI-Certificate-Policy" ' The certificate application policy oids Public Const CERTTYPE_PROP_APPLICATION_POLICY As String = "msPKI-Certificate-Application-Policy" Public Const CERTTYPE_SCHEMA_VERSION_1 As Long = 1 ' ' CASetCertTypeProperty ' Set a property of a CertType. This function is obsolete. ' Use CASetCertTypePropertyEx. ' ' hCertType - Handle to an open CertType object. ' ' wszPropertyName - Name of the CertType property ' ' awszPropertyValue - An array of values to set ' - for this property. The last element of this ' - array should be NULL. ' - For single valued properties, the values beyond thie ' - first will be ignored upon update. ' ' Returns - S_OK on success. ' ' ' CASetCertTypePropertyEx ' Set a property of a CertType ' ' hCertType - Handle to an open CertType object. ' ' wszPropertyName - Name of the CertType property ' ' pPropertyValue - Depending on the value of wszPropertyName, pPropertyValue ' is either DWORD * or LPWSTR *. ' ' It is a DWORD * for: ' CERTTYPE_PROP_REVISION ' CERTTYPE_PROP_MINOR_REVISION ' CERTTYPE_PROP_RA_SIGNATURE ' CERTTYPE_PROP_MIN_KEY_SIZE ' ' ' It is a LPWSTR * for: ' ' CERTTYPE_PROP_CN ' CERTTYPE_PROP_FRIENDLY_NAME ' CERTTYPE_PROP_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE ' CERTTYPE_PROP_CSP_LIST ' CERTTYPE_PROP_CRITICAL_EXTENSIONS ' CERTTYPE_PROP_OID ' CERTTYPE_PROP_SUPERSEDE ' CERTTYPE_PROP_RA_POLICY ' CERTTYPE_PROP_POLICY ' ' - An array of values to set ' - for this property. The last element of this ' - array should be NULL. ' - For single valued properties, the values beyond thie ' - first will be ignored upon update. ' ' - If CERTTYPE_PROP_CN is set to a new value, ' the hCertType will be the clone of the existing certificate type. ' ' - CertType of V1 schema can only set V1 properties. ' ' Returns - S_OK on success. ' ' ' CAFreeCertTypeProperty ' Free's a previously retrieved property value. ' ' hCertType - Handle to an open CertType object. ' ' awszPropertyValue - The values to be freed. ' ' ' CAGetCertTypeExtensions ' Retrieves the extensions associated with this CertType. ' ' hCertType - Handle to an open CertType object. ' ppCertExtensions - Pointer to a PCERT_EXTENSIONS to receive ' - the result of this call. Should be freed ' - via a CAFreeCertTypeExtensions call. ' ' ' CAFreeCertTypeExtensions ' Free a PCERT_EXTENSIONS allocated by CAGetCertTypeExtensions ' ' ' CASetCertTypeExtension ' Set the value of an extension for this ' cert type. ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' wszExtensionId - OID for the extension ' ' dwFlags - Mark the extension critical ' ' pExtension - pointer to the appropriate extension structure ' ' Supported extensions/structures ' ' szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE ' szOID_KEY_USAGE CRYPT_BIT_BLOB ' szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2 CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' Public Const CA_EXT_FLAG_CRITICAL As Long = &H00000001 ' ' CAGetCertTypeFlags ' Retrieve cert type flags. ' This function is obsolete. Use CAGetCertTypeFlagsEx. ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' pdwFlags - pointer to DWORD receiving flags ' ' ' CAGetCertTypeFlagsEx ' Retrieve cert type flags ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' dwOption - Which flag to set ' Can be one of the following: ' CERTTYPE_ENROLLMENT_FLAG ' CERTTYPE_SUBJECT_NAME_FLAG ' CERTTYPE_PRIVATE_KEY_FLAG ' CERTTYPE_GENERAL_FLAG ' ' pdwFlags - pointer to DWORD receiving flags ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' Cert Type Flags ' ' The CertType flags are grouped into 4 categories: '************************************************************************************ 'Enrollment Flags Public Const CERTTYPE_ENROLLMENT_FLAG As Long = &H01 'Certificate Subject Name Flags Public Const CERTTYPE_SUBJECT_NAME_FLAG As Long = &H02 'Private Key Flags Public Const CERTTYPE_PRIVATE_KEY_FLAG As Long = &H03 'General Flags Public Const CERTTYPE_GENERAL_FLAG As Long = &H04 '****************************************************************************** ' ' Enrollment Flags: ' '******************************************************************************* ' Include the symmetric algorithms in the requests Public Const CT_FLAG_INCLUDE_SYMMETRIC_ALGORITHMS As Long = &H00000001 ' All certificate requests are pended Public Const CT_FLAG_PEND_ALL_REQUESTS As Long = &H00000002 Public Const CT_FLAG_PUBLISH_TO_KRA_CONTAINER As Long = &H00000004 ' Publish the resultant cert to the userCertificate property in the DS Public Const CT_FLAG_PUBLISH_TO_DS As Long = &H00000008 ' The autoenrollment will enroll for new certificate even user has a certificate ' published on the DS with the same template name Public Const CT_FLAG_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_IGNORE_DS_CERTIFICATE As Long = &H00000010 ' This cert is appropriate for auto-enrollment Public Const CT_FLAG_AUTO_ENROLLMENT As Long = &H00000020 ' A previously issued certificate will valid subsequent enrollment requests Public Const CT_FLAG_PREVIOUS_APPROVAL_VALIDATE_REENROLLMENT As Long = &H00000040 ' Domain authentication is not required. Public Const CT_FLAG_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_REQUIRED As Long = &H00000080 ' This flag will ONLY be set on V1 certificate templates for W2K CA only. Public Const CT_FLAG_ADD_TEMPLATE_NAME As Long = &H00000200 '****************************************************************************** ' ' Certificate Subject Name Flags: ' '****************************************************************************** ' The enrolling application must supply the subject name. Public Const CT_FLAG_ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT As Long = &H00000001 ' The enrolling application must supply the subjectAltName in request Public Const CT_FLAG_ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME As Long = &H00010000 ' Subject name should be full DN Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_REQUIRE_DIRECTORY_PATH As Long = &H80000000 ' Subject name should be the common name Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_REQUIRE_COMMON_NAME As Long = &H40000000 ' Subject name includes the e-mail name Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_REQUIRE_EMAIL As Long = &H20000000 ' Subject name includes the DNS name as the common name Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_REQUIRE_DNS_AS_CN As Long = &H10000000 ' Subject alt name includes DNS name Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_ALT_REQUIRE_DNS As Long = &H08000000 ' Subject alt name includes email name Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_ALT_REQUIRE_EMAIL As Long = &H04000000 ' Subject alt name requires UPN Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_ALT_REQUIRE_UPN As Long = &H02000000 ' Subject alt name requires directory GUID Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_ALT_REQUIRE_DIRECTORY_GUID As Long = &H01000000 ' Subject alt name requires SPN Public Const CT_FLAG_SUBJECT_ALT_REQUIRE_SPN As Long = &H00800000 ' ' Obsolete name ' The following flags are obsolete. They are used by V1 templates in the general flags ' ' The e-mail name of the principal will be added to the cert Public Const CT_FLAG_ADD_EMAIL As Long = &H00000002 ' Add the object GUID for this principal Public Const CT_FLAG_ADD_OBJ_GUID As Long = &H00000004 ' This flag is not SET in any of the V1 templates and is of no interests to ' V2 templates since it is not present on the UI and will never be set. Public Const CT_FLAG_ADD_DIRECTORY_PATH As Long = &H00000100 '****************************************************************************** ' ' Private Key Flags: ' '****************************************************************************** ' Archival of the private key is allowed Public Const CT_FLAG_ALLOW_PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL As Long = &H00000001 ' Make the key for this cert exportable. Public Const CT_FLAG_EXPORTABLE_KEY As Long = &H00000010 '****************************************************************************** ' ' General Flags ' ' More flags should start from 0x00000400 ' '****************************************************************************** ' This is a machine cert type Public Const CT_FLAG_MACHINE_TYPE As Long = &H00000040 ' This is a CA cert type Public Const CT_FLAG_IS_CA As Long = &H00000080 ' certificate templates. The templates can not be edited or deleted. Public Const CT_FLAG_IS_DEFAULT As Long = &H00010000 Public Const CT_FLAG_IS_MODIFIED As Long = &H00020000 ' settable flags for general flags Public Const CT_MASK_SETTABLE_FLAGS As Long = &H0000ffff ' ' CASetCertTypeFlags ' Sets the General Flags of a cert type. ' This function is obsolete. Use CASetCertTypeFlagsEx. ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' dwFlags - Flags to be set ' ' ' CASetCertTypeFlagsEx ' Sets the Flags of a cert type ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' dwOption - Which flag to set ' Can be one of the following: ' CERTTYPE_ENROLLMENT_FLAG ' CERTTYPE_SUBJECT_NAME_FLAG ' CERTTYPE_PRIVATE_KEY_FLAG ' CERTTYPE_GENERAL_FLAG ' ' dwFlags - Values to be set ' ' ' ' ' CAGetCertTypeKeySpec ' Retrieve the CAPI Key Spec for this cert type ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' pdwKeySpec - pointer to DWORD receiving key spec ' ' ' CACertTypeSetKeySpec ' Sets the CAPI1 Key Spec of a cert type ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' dwKeySpec - KeySpec to be set ' ' ' CAGetCertTypeExpiration ' Retrieve the Expiration Info for this cert type ' ' pftExpiration - pointer to the FILETIME structure receiving ' the expiration period for this cert type. ' ' pftOverlap - pointer to the FILETIME structure receiving ' - the suggested renewal overlap period for this ' - cert type. ' ' ' CASetCertTypeExpiration ' Set the Expiration Info for this cert type ' ' pftExpiration - pointer to the FILETIME structure containing ' the expiration period for this cert type. ' ' pftOverlap - pointer to the FILETIME structure containing ' - the suggested renewal overlap period for this ' - cert type. ' ' ' CACertTypeSetSecurity ' Set the list of Users, Groups, and Machines allowed ' to access this cert type. ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' pSD - Security descriptor for this cert type ' ' ' CACertTypeGetSecurity ' Get the list of Users, Groups, and Machines allowed ' to access this cert type. ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' ppaSidList - Pointer to a location receiving ' - the pointer to the security descriptor ' - Free via LocalFree ' ' ' ' CACertTypeAccessCheck ' Determine whether the principal specified by ' ClientToken can be issued this cert type. ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' ClientToken - Handle to an impersonation token ' - that represents the client attempting ' - request this cert type. The handle must ' - have TOKEN_QUERY access to the token; ' - otherwise, the function fails with ' - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. ' ' Return: S_OK on success ' ' ' ' CACertTypeAccessCheckEx ' Determine whether the principal specified by ' ClientToken can be issued this cert type. ' ' hCertType - handle to the CertType ' ' ClientToken - Handle to an impersonation token ' - that represents the client attempting ' - request this cert type. The handle must ' - have TOKEN_QUERY access to the token; ' - otherwise, the function fails with ' - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. ' ' dwOption Can be one of the following: ' ' - CERTTYPE_ACCESS_CHECK_ENROLL ' - CERTTYPE_ACCESS_CHECK_AUTO_ENROLL ' ' Return: S_OK on success ' Public Const CERTTYPE_ACCESS_CHECK_ENROLL As Long = &H01 Public Const CERTTYPE_ACCESS_CHECK_AUTO_ENROLL As Long = &H02 '#define szOID_ALT_NAME_OBJECT_GUID "" '************************************************************************************ ' ' OID management APIs ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' CAOIDCreateNew ' Create a new OID based on the enterprise base ' ' dwType - Can be one of the following: ' CERT_OID_TYPE_TEMPLATE ' CERT_OID_TYPE_ISSUER_POLICY ' CERT_OID_TYPE_APPLICATION_POLICY ' ' dwFlag - Reserved. Must be 0. ' ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' Public Const CERT_OID_TYPE_TEMPLATE As Long = &H01 Public Const CERT_OID_TYPE_ISSUER_POLICY As Long = &H02 Public Const CERT_OID_TYPE_APPLICATION_POLICY As Long = &H03 ' ' CAOIDAdd ' Add an OID to the DS repository ' ' dwType - Can be one of the following: ' CERT_OID_TYPE_TEMPLATE ' CERT_OID_TYPE_ISSUER_POLICY ' CERT_OID_TYPE_APPLICATION_POLICY ' ' dwFlag - Reserved. Must be 0. ' ' pwszOID - The OID to add. ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' Returns CRYPT_E_EXISTS if the OID alreay exits in the DS repository ' ' ' CAOIDDelete ' Delete the OID from the DS repository ' ' pwszOID - The OID to delete. ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' ' ' CAOIDSetProperty ' Set a property on an oid. ' ' pwszOID - The oid whose value is set ' dwProperty - The property name. Can be one of the following: ' CERT_OID_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME ' CERT_OID_PROPERTY_CPS ' ' pPropValue - The value of the property. ' If dwProperty is CERT_OID_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME, ' pPropValue is LPWSTR. ' if dwProperty is CERT_OID_PROPERTY_CPS, ' pProValue is LPWSTR. ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' Public Const CERT_OID_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME As Long = &H01 Public Const CERT_OID_PROPERTY_CPS As Long = &H02 Public Const CERT_OID_PROPERTY_TYPE As Long = &H03 ' ' CAOIDGetProperty ' Get a property on an oid. ' ' pwszOID - The oid whose value is queried ' dwProperty - The property name. Can be one of the following: ' CERT_OID_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME ' CERT_OID_PROPERTY_CPS ' CERT_OID_PROPERTY_TYPE ' ' pPropValue - The value of the property. ' If dwProperty is CERT_OID_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME, ' pPropValue is LPWSTR *. ' if dwProperty is CERT_OID_PROPERTY_CPS, ' pProValue is LPWSTR *. ' ' ' If dwProperty is CERT_OID_PROPERTY_TYPE, ' pProValue is DWORD *. ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' ' ' CAOIDFreeProperty ' Free a property returned from CAOIDGetProperty ' ' pPropValue - The value of the property. ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' ' ' CAOIDGetLdapURL ' ' Return the LDAP URL for OID repository. In the format of ' LDAP: ' is determined by dwType. ' ' dwType - Can be one of the following: ' CERT_OID_TYPE_TEMPLATE ' CERT_OID_TYPE_ISSUER_POLICY ' CERT_OID_TYPE_APPLICATION_POLICY ' CERT_OID_TYPE_ALL ' ' dwFlag - Reserved. Must be 0. ' ' ppwszURL - Return the URL. Free memory via CAOIDFreeLdapURL. ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' Public Const CERT_OID_TYPE_ALL As Long = &H0 ' ' CAOIDFreeLDAPURL ' Free the URL returned from CAOIDGetLdapURL ' ' pwszURL - The URL returned from CAOIDGetLdapURL ' ' Returns S_OK if successful. ' 'the LDAP properties for OID class Public Const OID_PROP_TYPE As String = "flags" Public Const OID_PROP_OID As String = "msPKI-Cert-Template-OID" Public Const OID_PROP_DISPLAY_NAME As String = "displayName" Public Const OID_PROP_CPS As String = "msPKI-OID-CPS" '************************************************************************************ ' ' Autoenrollment APIs ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' CACreateLocalAutoEnrollmentObject ' Create an auto-enrollment object on the local machine. ' ' pwszCertType - The name of the certificate type for which to create the ' auto-enrollment object ' ' awszCAs - The list of CA's to add to the auto-enrollment object. ' - with the last entry in the list being NULL ' - if the list is NULL or empty, then it create an auto-enrollment ' - object which instructs the system to enroll for a cert at any ' - CA supporting the requested certificate type. ' ' pSignerInfo - not used, must be NULL. ' ' dwFlags - can be CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER, or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, indicating ' - auto-enrollment store in which the auto-enrollment object is created. ' ' Return: S_OK on success. ' ' ' ' CACreateAutoEnrollmentObjectEx ' Create an auto-enrollment object in the indicated store. ' ' pwszCertType - The name of the certificate type for which to create the ' auto-enrollment object ' ' pwszObjectID - An identifying string for this autoenrollment object. ' NULL may be passed if this object is simply to be identified by ' it's certificate template. An autoenrollment object is identified ' by a combination of it's object id and it's cert type name. ' ' awszCAs - The list of CA's to add to the auto-enrollment object. ' - with the last entry in the list being NULL ' - if the list is NULL or empty, then it create an auto-enrollment ' - object which instructs the system to enroll for a cert at any ' - CA supporting the requested certificate type. ' ' pSignerInfo - not used, must be NULL. ' ' StoreProvider - see CertOpenStore ' ' dwFlags - see CertOpenStore ' ' pvPara - see CertOpenStore ' ' Return: S_OK on success. ' ' '************************************************************************************ ' ' Cert Server RPC interfaces: ' '************************************************************************************