Installing and Configuring Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) Add-on for Certificate Services

The Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) Add-on for Certificate Services runs on Windows Server 2003 family. It provides support for the SCEP protocol which allows Cisco routers and other intermediate network devices to obtain certificates.

This tool is not installed by the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Setup. To install it, use the following procedure:

Before you start

To install SCEP Add-on for Certificate Services on a Windows Server 2003 family CA

  1. Log on with the appropriate administrative privileges to the server on which the CA is installed.

  2. Click Start, click Run, then type drive:cepsetup.exe where drive is the CD-ROM drive where the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit CD is located or the disk drive where you have downloaded cepsetup.exe. This starts the SCEP Add-on for Certificate Services Setup wizard.

  3. In the SCEP Add-on for Certificate Services Setup wizard:

  4. The URL http://URLHostName/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll is displayed when the wizard finishes and confirms a successful installation. URLHostName is the name of the CA.

To enroll for certificates from a Cisco router

Extensive documentation for enrolling and installing a certificate on a Cisco router is available on the Cisco Systems Web site. Because the procedure may vary by equipment and IOS release, searching on your Cisco model name/number and the terms microsoft scep should locate the procedure for your router.

During the enrollment process, you will need to use Internet Explorer to connect to the CA to retrieve the CA's certificate fingerprint and retrieve a valid challenge password. This is done by connecting to the URL: http://URLHostName/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll. URLHostName is the name of the CA.

The challenge password is an important component of certificate enrollment. There are several important facts to consider when using this password:


Additional references