/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 Module Name: comstat Abstract: This file contains the definition of the common types, etc. used in the status application Author: Chris Dudley 7/28/1997 Environment: Win32, C++ w/Exceptions, MFC Revision History: Notes: --*/ #ifndef __COMSTAT_H__ #define __COMSTAT_H__ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Includes // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constants // // system state static const DWORD k_State_Unknown = 0; static const DWORD k_State_NoCard = 1; static const DWORD k_State_CardAvailable = 2; static const DWORD k_State_CardIdle = 3; // alert options static const UINT_PTR k_AlertOption_IconOnly = 0; static const UINT_PTR k_AlertOption_IconSound = 1; static const UINT_PTR k_AlertOption_IconSoundMsg = 2; static const UINT_PTR k_AlertOption_IconMsg = 3; // RegKeys static const LPCTSTR szAlertOptionsKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\Calais\\Smart Card Alert"); static const LPCTSTR szScRemoveOptionKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon"); // messages static const UINT WM_SCARD_NOTIFY = WM_USER + 1; static const UINT WM_SCARD_STATUS_DLG_EXITED = WM_USER + 2; static const UINT WM_SCARD_CERTPROP_EXITED = WM_USER + 3; static const UINT WM_READERSTATUSCHANGE = WM_USER + 4; static const UINT WM_SCARD_RESMGR_EXIT = WM_USER + 5; static const UINT WM_SCARD_RESMGR_STATUS = WM_USER + 6; static const UINT WM_SCARD_NEWREADER = WM_USER + 7; static const UINT WM_SCARD_NEWREADER_EXIT = WM_USER + 8; static const UINT WM_SCARD_CARDSTATUS = WM_USER + 9; static const UINT WM_SCARD_CARDSTATUS_EXIT = WM_USER + 10; static const UINT WM_SCARD_REMOPT_CHNG = WM_USER + 11; static const UINT WM_SCARD_REMOPT_EXIT = WM_USER + 12; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // __COMSTAT_H__