/* * This file provides the template for supplying the version resource * information for build objects. Each build object must include such a * version resource. It is not editable by MSVC++, since MSVC rewrites * the data as constants, instead of picking them up from the included files. * * To use this file with MSVC, rename it to an extension of *.rc2, and include * it from within your MSVC resource file. */ #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #error this file is not editable by Microsoft Visual C++ #endif //APSTUDIO_INVOKED #include #include /* * ============================================================================ * Mandatory definitions * ============================================================================ * * The following symbols must be properly defined for your file. */ /* * VER_INTERNALNAME_STR * * Define this to be the name of the target file. */ #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "tclcrypt.exe" /* VER_FILETYPE * VER_FILESUBTYPE * * Define this value to one of the following symbols: * * VFT_APP - File contains an application. * * VFT_DLL - File contains a dynamic-link library (DLL). * * VFT_STATIC_LIB File contains a static-link library. * * VFT_VXD File contains a virtual device. * * VFT_DRV - File contains a device driver. If the dwFileType member is * VFT_DRV, the dwFileSubtype member contains a more specific * description of the driver. * * VFT_FONT - File contains a font. If the dwFileType member is VFT_FONT, * the dwFileSubtype member contains a more specific description of * the font. * * VFT_UNKNOWN - File type is unknown to Windows. */ #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN /* * VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR * * Define this to be a short description of the file. */ #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Tcl V7.3 with CryptoAPI extensions" /* * ============================================================================ * Optional definitions * ============================================================================ * * The following symbols may be defined for your file. For a complete list, * see common.ver. */ #if 0 #define VER_PRODUCTNAME_STR "Sample Product Name" #define VER_FILEVERSION HIWORD(MAJOR_VER), LOWORD(MAJOR_VER), HIWORD(MINOR_VER), LOWORD(MINOR_VER) #define VER_FILEVERSION_STR "1.00" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR VER_INTERNALNAME_STR #define EXPORT_CONTROLLED /* Define this if app is export controlled. */ #define EXPORT /* Then define this for export versions. */ #endif #include "common.ver"