#include "precomp.h" // // H323UI.cpp // // ChrisPi // // Created: 03-04-96 (as audioui.cpp) // Renamed: 02-20-97 // #include #include #include "h323.h" #include #include PORT g_ListenPort; // port # that this app is listening on static const char g_cszCreateStreamProviderEP[] = _TEXT("CreateStreamProvider"); // static member initialization: CH323UI* CH323UI::m_spH323UI = NULL; CH323UI::CH323UI() : m_pH323CallControl(NULL), m_pStreamProvider(NULL), m_pConnEvent(NULL), m_pConfAdvise(NULL), m_uCaps(0), m_uRef(1) { DebugEntry(CH323UI::CH323UI); if (NULL == CH323UI::m_spH323UI) { m_spH323UI = this; } else { ERROR_OUT(("CH323UI class can only be constructed once for now!")); } DebugExitVOID(CH323UI::CH323UI); } CH323UI::~CH323UI() { DebugEntry(CH323UI::~CH323UI); if (NULL != m_pH323CallControl) { m_pH323CallControl->Release(); m_pH323CallControl = NULL; } if(NULL != m_pStreamProvider) { m_pStreamProvider->Release(); m_pStreamProvider = NULL; } if (m_spH323UI == this) { m_spH323UI = NULL; } DebugExitVOID(CH323UI::~CH323UI); } ULONG CH323UI::AddRef() { m_uRef++; return m_uRef; } ULONG CH323UI::Release() { m_uRef--; if(m_uRef == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return m_uRef; } STDMETHODIMP CH323UI::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject) { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; if(!ppvObject) return hr; *ppvObject = 0; if((iid == IID_IH323ConfAdvise) || (iid == IID_IUnknown)) { *ppvObject = (IH323ConfAdvise *)this; hr = hrSuccess; AddRef(); } return (hr); } STDMETHODIMP CH323UI::GetMediaChannel (GUID *pmediaID, BOOL bSendDirection, IMediaChannel **ppI) { ASSERT(m_pStreamProvider); // delegate to the appropriate stream provider. For the time being // there is only one provider that does both audio & video // the assignment of media streams to channels should be under control of this // (CH323UI) module and the related (i.e. CVideoPump) objects. There is no // current way to for CH323UI to tell CVideoPump what the media stream interface // pointer is, but the underlying CommChannel (CVideoPump::m_pCommChannel) has to // remember this assignment for other reasons. For the time being, let CVideoPump // get the assigned media stream from the CommChannel. return (::GetConfObject())->GetMediaChannel(pmediaID, bSendDirection, ppI); } HRESULT CH323UI::Init(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT uCaps, CH323ConnEvent *pConnEvent, IH323ConfAdvise *pConfAdvise) { DebugEntry(CH323UI::Init); HINSTANCE hLibH323CC = NULL; HINSTANCE hLibStream = NULL; CREATEH323CC pfnCreateH323CC = NULL; CREATE_SP pfnCreateStreamProvider =NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; ASSERT(uCaps & CAPFLAG_H323_CC); m_uCaps = uCaps; ASSERT(NULL == m_pH323CallControl); // // Initialize H323 call control // hLibH323CC = NmLoadLibrary(H323DLL,FALSE); if (hLibH323CC == NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("NmLoadLibrary(H323DLL) failed")); hr = GetLastHR(); goto MyExit; } pfnCreateH323CC = (CREATEH323CC) ::GetProcAddress(hLibH323CC, SZ_FNCREATEH323CC); if (pfnCreateH323CC == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("GetProcAddress(CreateH323CC) failed")); hr = GetLastHR(); goto MyExit; } hr = pfnCreateH323CC(&m_pH323CallControl, TRUE, uCaps); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_OUT(("CreateH323CC failed, hr=0x%lx", hr)); goto MyExit; } hr = m_pH323CallControl->Initialize(&g_ListenPort); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Made this a warning because it is common (occurs on all machines // without sound cards) WARNING_OUT(("H323CallControlInitialize failed, hr=0x%lx", hr)); goto MyExit; } // // If H323 AV streaming is allowed, initialize that too. // if (uCaps & CAPFLAGS_AV_STREAMS) { hLibStream = NmLoadLibrary(NACDLL,FALSE); if (hLibStream == NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("NmLoadLibrary(NACDLL) failed")); hr = GetLastHR(); goto MyExit; } pfnCreateStreamProvider = (CREATE_SP) ::GetProcAddress(hLibStream, g_cszCreateStreamProviderEP); if (pfnCreateStreamProvider == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("GetProcAddress(CreateStreamProvider) failed")); hr = GetLastHR(); goto MyExit; } hr = pfnCreateStreamProvider(&m_pStreamProvider); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_OUT(("CreateStreamProvider failed, hr=0x%lx", hr)); goto MyExit; } hr = m_pStreamProvider->Initialize(hwnd, hInstance); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Made this a warning because it is common (occurs on all machines // without sound cards) WARNING_OUT(("m_pStreamProvider ->Initialize failed, hr=0x%lx", hr)); goto MyExit; } } hr = m_pH323CallControl->RegisterConnectionNotify(CH323UI::ConnectionNotify); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_OUT(("RegisterConnectionNotify failed, hr=0x%lx", hr)); goto MyExit; } // store the callback interfaces m_pConnEvent = pConnEvent; m_pConfAdvise = pConfAdvise; MyExit: if (FAILED(hr)) { if(NULL != m_pStreamProvider) { m_pStreamProvider->Release(); m_pStreamProvider = NULL; } if(NULL != m_pH323CallControl) { // If there was an error during init, ensure that the nac // object is released and the pointer is set to NULL m_pH323CallControl->Release(); m_pH323CallControl = NULL; } } DebugExitULONG(CH323UI::Init, hr); return hr; } CREQ_RESPONSETYPE CH323UI::_ConnectionNotify( IH323Endpoint* pConn, P_APP_CALL_SETUP_DATA lpvMNMData) { CREQ_RESPONSETYPE resp = CRR_REJECT; HRESULT hr; ASSERT(m_pConfAdvise); hr = pConn->SetAdviseInterface (m_pConfAdvise); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_OUT(("ConnectionNotify: couldn't SetAdviseInterface, hr=0x%lx\r", hr)); } if (NULL != m_pConnEvent) { resp = m_pConnEvent->OnH323IncomingCall(pConn, lpvMNMData); } // BUGBUG: the caller is assuming that the callee will be doing the release // this should be changed so that the caller does the release pConn->Release(); return resp; } CREQ_RESPONSETYPE CALLBACK CH323UI::ConnectionNotify( IH323Endpoint* pConn, P_APP_CALL_SETUP_DATA lpvMNMData) { DebugEntry(CH323UI::ConnectionNotify); CREQ_RESPONSETYPE resp = CRR_REJECT; if (pConn == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("ConnectionNotify called with NULL pConn!")); } else { ASSERT(m_spH323UI); resp = m_spH323UI->_ConnectionNotify(pConn, lpvMNMData); } DebugExitINT(CH323UI::ConnectionNotify, resp); return resp; } VOID CH323UI::SetCaptureDevice(DWORD dwCaptureID) { // Select the proper capture device HRESULT hr; IVideoDevice *pVideoDevice = NULL; if (m_pStreamProvider) { hr = m_pStreamProvider->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoDevice, (void **)&pVideoDevice); if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_OUT(("CH323UI::SetCaptureDevice failed")); return; } if(pVideoDevice) { pVideoDevice->SetCurrCapDevID(dwCaptureID); pVideoDevice->Release(); } } } VOID CH323UI::SetBandwidth(DWORD dwBandwidth) { HRESULT hr = m_pH323CallControl->SetMaxPPBandwidth(dwBandwidth); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } // This (SetUserName) is not really sufficient for H.323 calls and gatekeeper // registration. 2 items are needed (display name, H.323 ID) // And a third is optional. (users phone number in E.164 form). // This hack takes the single display name and sets BOTH the H323ID and user // display name. VOID CH323UI::SetUserName(BSTR bstrName) { HRESULT hr; ASSERT(bstrName); H323ALIASLIST AliasList; H323ALIASNAME AliasName; AliasName.aType = AT_H323_ID; AliasList.wCount = 1; AliasList.pItems = &AliasName; AliasName.lpwData = bstrName; AliasName.wDataLength = (WORD)SysStringLen(bstrName);// # of unicode chars, w/o NULL terminator hr = m_pH323CallControl->SetUserAliasNames(&AliasList); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = m_pH323CallControl->SetUserDisplayName(AliasName.lpwData); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } IMediaChannelBuilder* CH323UI::GetStreamProvider() { if (m_pStreamProvider) { m_pStreamProvider->AddRef(); } return m_pStreamProvider; }