<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <%Response.Expires = 0%> Shutdown Page <% 'Get the values sent by tasks page and store them in session variables Dim strCurrentPage Dim strCurrentTask Dim strFocusItem Dim objLocMgr Dim varReplacementStrings Dim strShutdownConfirmText Const SHUTDOWN_CONFIRM_TEXT = "&H4002000F" On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager") If Err.number = 0 Then strShutdownConfirmText = objLocMgr.GetString("salocaluimsg.dll",SHUTDOWN_CONFIRM_TEXT,varReplacementStrings) Set objLocMgr = Nothing End If If strShutdownConfirmText = "" Then strShutdownConfirmText = "Shutdown will stop all the current works. Do you really want to proceed?" End If Err.Clear strCurrentPage = Request.QueryString("CurrentPage") strCurrentTask = Request.QueryString("CurrentTask") strFocusItem = Request.QueryString("FocusItem") If strCurrentPage <> "" Then Session("Task_CurrentPage") = strCurrentPage End If If strCurrentTask <> "" Then Session("Task_CurrentTask") = strCurrentTask End If If strFocusItem <> "" Then Session("Task_FocusItem") = strFocusItem End If %> <%=strShutdownConfirmText%>