<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' quota_prop.asp: change quota entry properties ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 17-Jan-01 Creation date ' 15-Mar-01 Ported to 2.0 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim G_nRadioChecked ' to set radioButton values - contains 1 or 2 only Dim SOURCE_FILE ' the source file name used while Tracing SOURCE_FILE = SA_GetScriptFileName() Dim L_QUOTAUSERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE Dim arrVarReplacementStrings(1) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim F_strVolName ' Volume Name Dim F_strUsername ' to display user Name Dim F_ThresholdSize ' the warning level set for the user - textBox value Dim F_ThresholdUnits ' the units for the warning level set - comboBox Value Dim F_LimitSize ' Disk limit size Dim F_LimitUnits ' Disk limit size units Dim F_bIsAdmin ' Whether user is in Administrators group '====================================================== ' Entry point '====================================================== Dim page DIM L_TASKTITLE_QUOTAPROPERTY_TEXT ' get the user name to be appended to the title Call getUserName() ' append the user name to the title arrVarReplacementStrings(0) = F_strUserName ' check if the user is in admin group F_bIsAdmin = IsUserInAdministratorsGroup(F_strUserName) L_TASKTITLE_QUOTAPROPERTY_TEXT = SA_GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "403E0097", arrVarReplacementStrings) Dim aPageTitle(2) aPageTitle(0) = L_BROWSERCAPTION_QUOTAPROPERTY_TEXT aPageTitle(1) = L_TASKTITLE_QUOTAPROPERTY_TEXT ' ' Create a Property Page Call SA_CreatePage( aPageTitle, "", PT_PROPERTY, page ) ' ' Serve the page Call SA_ShowPage( page ) '====================================================== ' Web Framework Event Handlers '====================================================== '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: OnInitPage ' Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page ' Input Variables: Out: PageIn ' Out: EventArg ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful. ' FALSE to indicate errors. Returning FALSE will ' cause the page to be abandoned. ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getValuesForUser ' ' Get ALL the initial form field settings '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnInitPage") Dim sValue ' to get the parent selection ' get the volume name from the parent OTS Call OTS_GetTableSelection("", 1, sValue ) F_strVolName = sValue ' Call the function to get other the default values OnInitPage = getValuesForUser ' True /False End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: OnServePropertyPage ' Description: Called when the page needs to be served ' Input Variables: Out: PageIn ' Out: EventArg ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE to indicate no problems occured. FALSE to ' indicate errors. Returning FALSE will cause the ' page to be abandoned. ' Global Variables: In: F_(*) - Form field values ' In: L_(*) - Text display strings ' In: G_nRadioChecked - radio to be selected ' Functions Called: (i)ServeCommonJavaScript, (ii)setUnits ' ' The UI is served here. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnServePropertyPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnServePropertyPage") ' ' Emit Javascript functions required by Web Framework Call ServeCommonJavaScript() %>
<%If F_bIsAdmin Then%> onClick="JavaScript:DisableWarnLevel(warndisksize,warndisksizeunits); DisableLimitLevelForAdmin(limitdisksize,limitdisksizeunits)"> <% =L_DONOTLIMITDISKUSAGE_TEXT %> <%Else%> onClick="JavaScript:DisableWarnLevel(warndisksize,warndisksizeunits); DisableLimitLevel(limitdisksize,limitdisksizeunits)"> <% =L_DONOTLIMITDISKUSAGE_TEXT %> <%End If%>
<%If F_bIsAdmin Then%> onClick="JavaScript:EnableWarnDiskSpace(warndisksize,warndisksizeunits)"> <% =L_SETLIMITDISKSPACE_TEXT %> <%Else%> onClick="JavaScript:EnableWarnDiskSpace(warndisksize,warndisksizeunits); EnableLimitDiskSpace(limitdisksize,limitdisksizeunits) "> <% =L_SETLIMITDISKSPACE_TEXT %> <%End If%> <%If F_bIsAdmin Then%> <%Else%> <%End If%>
<% OnServePropertyPage = TRUE End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: OnPostBackPage ' Description: Called to signal that the page has been posted-back ' Input Variables: Out: PageIn ' Out: EventArg ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE to indicate success. FALSE to indicate errors. ' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned. ' Global Variables: Out: F_(*) - Form values ' Out: G_nRadioChecked - the selected radio value ' ' Collect the form data vales. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnPostBackPage") ' Get form data value F_strVolName = Request.Form("volume") F_strUsername = Request.Form("user") ' radioButton selected G_nRadioChecked = Request.Form("donotlimit") ' get the DiskLimit size and its units F_LimitSize = Request.Form("limitdisksize") F_LimitUnits = Request.Form("limitdisksizeunits") ' get the WarningLimit size and its units F_ThresholdSize = Request.Form("warndisksize") F_ThresholdUnits = Request.Form("warndisksizeunits") If Len(Trim(F_strVolName)) = 0 OR Len(Trim(F_strUsername)) = 0 Then ' volume or user info not obtained. Cannot process further. OnPostBackPage = FALSE Else OnPostBackPage = TRUE End If End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: OnSubmitPage ' Description: To process the submit request ' Input Variables: Out: PageIn ' Out: EventArg ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE if the submit was successful, FALSE to indicate error(s). ' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be served again using ' a call to OnServePropertyPage. ' Returning FALSE will display error message. ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: updateValuesForUser ' ' Updates the Quota Properties for the given user '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnSubmitPage") ' Call updateValuesForUser to update the values. ' If any error occurs,the error message is set in the function. OnSubmitPage = updateValuesForUser 'returns: True/ False End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: OnClosePage ' Description: to perform clean-up processing ' Input Variables: Out: PageIn ' Out: EventArg ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE to allow close, FALSE to prevent close. Returning FALSE ' will result in a call to OnServePropertyPage. ' Global Variables: None ' ' Called when the page is about to be closed. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnClosePage") ' no processing required here. Return True OnClosePage = TRUE End Function '====================================================== ' Private Functions '====================================================== '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ServeCommonJavaScript ' Description: Serve JavaScript that is required for this page type ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: None ' Global Variables: L_(*) - Error messages displayed on the client side ' ' This contains the Client-Side script required for the page. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeCommonJavaScript() %> <% End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function Name: getValuesForUser ' Description: gets the Default Quota entry values for the User ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: In: F_strVolName - the volume quota is on ' In: F_strUserName - the quota user ' Out: F_ThresholdSize - the warning limit set ' Out: F_ThresholdUnits - the warning limit Units ' Out: F_LimitSize - the disk Limit ' Out: F_LimitUnits - the disk Limit Units ' Out: G_nRadioChecked - the radio selected ' In: L_(*) - localization content ' Functions Called: ' (i) getQuotaLimitRadioForUser (iv) getLimitSizeForUser ' (ii) getThresholdSizeForUser (v) getLimitUnitsForUser ' (iii)getThresholdSizeUnitsForUser '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getValuesForUser On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objQuotas ' the quotas object Dim objUser ' the user for which quota is updated Dim blnUserFound ' to verify if the user is found ' create the quota object and initialize for the required Volume Set objQuotas = CreateObject("Microsoft.DiskQuota.1") objQuotas.Initialize F_strVolName & "\", 1 objQuotas.UserNameResolution = 1 'wait for names If Err.number <> 0 Then ' cannot proceed. Display failure page. Call SA_ServeFailurePage(L_OBJECTNOTCREATED_ERRORMESSAGE) End If ' check if user already has an entry blnUserFound = False For Each objUser In objQuotas If LCase(Trim(F_strUsername)) = LCase(Trim(objUser.LogonName)) Then ' user found blnUserFound = True End If Next If NOT blnUserFound Then arrVarReplacementStrings(0) = F_strUsername L_QUOTAUSERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE = SA_GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "C03E0069", arrVarReplacementStrings) ' user entry NOT found. display error message and exit SA_SetErrMsg L_QUOTAUSERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE getValuesForUser = False Exit Function End If ' get the user quota object Set objUser = objQuotas.FindUser( F_strUserName ) ' get the radio button to be selected - 1 or 2 G_nRadioChecked = getQuotaLimitRadioForUser(objUser) ' Compute user Warning Limit and its units (say, 1 KB) F_ThresholdSize = getThresholdSizeForUser(objUser) F_ThresholdUnits = getThresholdSizeUnitsForUser(objUser) ' Compute user Disk Limit and its units (say, 1 KB) F_LimitSize = getLimitSizeForUser(objUser) F_LimitUnits = getLimitUnitsForUser(objUser) If Err.number <> 0 Then ' an error has occured getValuesForUser = False Else getValuesForUser = True End If ' clean up Set objUser = Nothing Set objQuotas = Nothing End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function Name: updateValuesForUser ' Description: Set the quota values for the given user ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: True - if the values are updated ' False - if values could not be updated ' Global Variables: In: F_strVolName - the volume quota is on ' In: F_strUserName - the quota user ' In: F_ThresholdSize - the warning limit set ' In: F_ThresholdUnits - the warning limit Units ' In: F_LimitSize - the disk Limit ' In: F_LimitUnits - the disk Limit Units ' In: G_nRadioChecked - the radio selected ' In: L_(*) - localization content ' Functions Called: (i) setUserQuotaLimit ' (ii) setUserThreshold '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function updateValuesForUser On Error Resume Next Dim objQuotas ' the quota object Dim objUser ' the user for which the quota is updated Dim blnUserFound ' to verify if the user is found ' create the quota object and initialize for the required Volume Set objQuotas = CreateObject("Microsoft.DiskQuota.1") objQuotas.Initialize F_strVolName & "\", 1 objQuotas.UserNameResolution = 1 'wait for names If Err.number <> 0 Then ' cannot proceed. Display failure page. Call SA_ServeFailurePage(L_OBJECTNOTCREATED_ERRORMESSAGE) End If ' check if user exists blnUserFound = False For Each objUser In objQuotas If LCase(Trim(F_strUsername)) = LCase(Trim(objUser.LogonName)) Then ' user found blnUserFound = True End If Next If NOT blnUserFound Then arrVarReplacementStrings(0) = F_strUsername L_QUOTAUSERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE = SA_GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "C03E0069", arrVarReplacementStrings) ' user not found. display error message and exit SA_SetErrMsg L_QUOTAUSERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE updateValuesForUser = False Exit Function End If ' get the user Set objUser = objQuotas.FindUser( F_strUserName ) ' verify the limit settings If CInt(G_nRadioChecked) = CInt(CONST_RADIO_DONOT_LIMIT_DISKUSAGE) Then ' "Do not limit disk usage" - radio is checked. Set the DiskLimit ' and WarningLimit values to "No Limit" F_LimitSize = CONST_NO_LIMIT F_ThresholdSize = CONST_NO_LIMIT End If 'Disable Admin If Not F_bIsAdmin Then ' set the quota limit by calling the function If NOT setUserQuotaLimit(objUser, F_LimitSize, F_LimitUnits) then ' quota limit could not be set. Display error message and exit SA_SetErrMsg L_MAXLIMITNOTSET_ERRORMESSAGE & " ( " & Hex(Err.number) & " )" Err.Clear ' stop the error propagation updateValuesForUser = False Exit Function End If End If ' set the warning limit for the user, by calling the function If NOT setUserThreshold(objUser, F_ThresholdSize, F_ThresholdUnits) Then ' warning limit could not be set. display error and exit SA_SetErrMsg L_WARNINGLIMITNOTSET_ERRORMESSAGE & " ( " & Hex(Err.number) & " )" Err.Clear ' stop the error propagation updateValuesForUser = False Exit Function End If ' all values updated. return true updateValuesForUser = True ' clean up Set objUser = Nothing Set objQuotas = Nothing End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getQuotaLimitRadioForUser ' Description: to get QuotaLimit settings for the user ' Input Variables: objQuotasUser - the quota user object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: 1 - if disk limit is NOT set ' 2 - if some limit is set for disk usage ' Global Variables: None ' ' The return value corresponds to radio button in the gui '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getQuotaLimitRadioForUser(objQuotasUser) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim nRadioToCheck ' the radio button to be CHECKED If ((objQuotasUser.QuotaThreshold = CONST_NO_LIMIT) AND (objQuotasUser.QuotaLimit = CONST_NO_LIMIT)) Then ' DiskLimit and WarningLimit is NOT set. Select the first radio nRadioToCheck = 1 Else ' some limit is set. Select the second radio nRadioToCheck = 2 End If ' return the selected radio value getQuotaLimitRadioForUser = nRadioToCheck End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getThresholdSizeForUser ' Description: to get default Warning Limit for the user quota ' Input Variables: objQuotasUser - the user quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Default thresholdSize for the user quota ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getLimitFromText ' ' This returns the WarningLimit set for the user quota '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getThresholdSizeForUser(objQuotasUser) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim nThresholdSize ' the WarningLimit to be returned Dim strTemp If objQuotasUser.QuotaThreshold = CONST_NO_LIMIT Then ' No Warning Limit is set. The text contains "No Limit" nThresholdSize = L_NOLIMIT_TEXT Else ' some limit is set(say, 1 KB). Get the size part from this(say, 1) ' Following will not localize 'nThresholdSize = getLimitFromText(objQuotasUser.QuotaThresholdText) ' first convert bytes to text. strTemp = ChangeToText(objQuotasUser.QuotaThreshold) ' get the size (number) portion nThresholdSize = getLimitFromText(strTemp) End If ' return the Warning Limit getThresholdSizeForUser = nThresholdSize End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getThresholdSizeUnitsForUser ' Description: to get default WarningLimit Units for the user quota ' Input Variables: objQuotasUser - the user quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Default thresholdSize Units for the user quota ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getUnitsFromText ' ' This returns the default WarningLimit Units for the user quota. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getThresholdSizeUnitsForUser(objQuotasUser) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strThresholdUnits ' the thresholdSize Units to return Dim strTemp If objQuotasUser.QuotaThreshold = CONST_NO_LIMIT Then ' No warning limit is set. Return KB for default display strThresholdUnits = L_TEXT_KB Else ' some limit is set(say, 1 KB). Get the units part from this(say, KB) ' Following will not localize 'strThresholdUnits = getUnitsFromText(objQuotasUser.QuotaThresholdText) ' first convert bytes to text. strTemp = ChangeToText(objQuotasUser.QuotaThreshold) ' get the units portion strThresholdUnits = getUnitsFromText(strTemp) End If ' return the WarningLimit units getThresholdSizeUnitsForUser = strThresholdUnits End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------m ' Function name: getLimitSizeForUser ' Description: to get Quota Limit for the user quota ' Input Variables: objQuotasUser - the user quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Default QuotaLimit for the user quota ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getLimitFromText, ChangeToText ' ' This returns the QuotaLimit set for the user quota '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getLimitSizeForUser(objQuotasUser) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim nLimitSize ' the quota limit to return Dim strTemp If objQuotasUser.QuotaLimit = CONST_NO_LIMIT Then ' No Quota Limit is set. The text contains "No Limit" nLimitSize = L_NOLIMIT_TEXT Else ' some limit is set(say, 1 KB). Get the size part from this(say, 1) strTemp = ChangeToText(objQuotasUser.QuotaLimit) nLimitSize = getLimitFromText(strTemp) End If ' return the QuotaLimit getLimitSizeForUser = nLimitSize End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getLimitUnitsForUser ' Description: to get QuotaLimit Units for the user quota ' Input Variables: objQuotasUser - the user quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Default QuotaLimitSize Units for the user quota ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getUnitsFromText ' ' This returns the QuotaLimit Units for the user quota. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getLimitUnitsForUser(objQuotasUser) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strLimitUnits ' the limit units to be returned Dim strTemp If objQuotasUser.QuotaLimit = CONST_NO_LIMIT Then ' No QuotaLimit is set. Return KB for default display strLimitUnits = L_KB_TEXT Else ' some limit is set(say, 1 KB). Get the units part from this(say, KB) 'strLimitUnits = getUnitsFromText(objQuotasUser.QuotaLimitText) ' first convert bytes to text. strTemp = ChangeToText(objQuotasUser.QuotaLimit) ' get the units portion strLimitUnits = getUnitsFromText(strTemp) End If ' return the QuotaLimit units getLimitUnitsForUser = strLimitUnits End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure name: getUserName ' Description: to get the user name for display in the title ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: F_strUserName - the QuotaUser name '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub getUserName() Dim i Dim iCount Dim sValue iCount = OTS_GetTableSelectionCount("QuotaUsers") For i = 1 to iCount Call OTS_GetTableSelection("QuotaUsers", i, sValue ) Next F_strUserName = UnescapeChars(sValue) End Sub %>