%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
' folder_prop.asp : This page displays the properties of folder information
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Date Description
' 18-01-2001 Creation date
' 21-03-2001 Modified date
' Global Variables
Dim rc 'Page Variable
Dim page 'Page Variable
Dim g_iTabGeneral 'Variable for General tab
Dim g_iTabCompress 'Variable for Compress tab
Dim G_strFolderName 'Folder name
Dim G_strOldFolderName 'Previous name of the folder
Dim G_objDirInstance 'WMI Instance object
Dim SOURCE_FILE 'File name
SOURCE_FILE = SA_GetScriptFileName()
' Form Variables and Constants
Dim F_strFolderName 'Folder Name
Dim F_strFolderType 'Folder Type
Dim F_strFolderSize 'Folder Size
Dim F_strContains 'Folder Contains
Dim F_strFolderCreated 'Folder Created
Dim F_strReadOnly 'Folder ReadOnly
Dim F_strHidden 'Folder Hidden
Dim F_strArchive 'Folder Archive
Dim F_strChangeOption 'Folder Changes options
Dim F_nFolderCompress 'Folder Compress
Dim F_strCompressed 'Status to Compressed folder
Dim F_blnFolderFlag 'Flag to hold value if more than one folders are selected
Dim F_nCount 'Total number of folders selected in OTS page
Dim F_strFolders 'String of folder names
Dim F_strParentFolder 'Parent folder name
'Create a Tabbed Property Page
rc = SA_CreatePage( L_PAGETITLE_TEXT, "", PT_TABBED, page )
'Add two tabs
rc = SA_AddTabPage( page, L_GENERAL_TEXT, g_iTabGeneral)
rc = SA_AddTabPage( page, L_COMPRESS_TEXT, g_iTabCompress)
'Show the page
rc = SA_ShowPage( page )
'Function name: OnInitPage
'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful. FALSE to indicate
' errors. Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned.
'Global Variables: F_strFolderName
Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Call GetFolderProperty()
Call SA_MungeURL(mstrReturnURL, "PKey", F_strParentFolder)
OnInitPage = true
End Function
'Function name: OnPostBackPage
'Description: Called to signal that the page has been posted-back.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful. FALSE to indicate
' errors. Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned.
'Global Variables: F_(*),G_strOldFolderName,G_strFolderName
Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnPostBackPage")
'Updating the form variables and global variables
if Request.Form("chkCompress") = "" then
F_strCompressed = Request.Form("chkCompress")
end if
if Request.Form("chkHidden") = "" then
F_strHidden = Request.Form("chkHidden")
end if
if Request.Form("chkReadOnly") = "" then
F_strReadOnly = Request.Form("chkReadOnly")
end if
if Request.Form("chkArchive") = "" then
F_strArchive = Request.Form("chkArchive")
end if
F_strFolderName = trim(Request.Form("hdnFolderName"))
G_strOldFolderName = trim(Request.Form("hdnOldName"))
G_strFolderName = trim(Request.Form("txtFolderName"))
F_strFolderType = Request.Form("hdnType")
F_strFolderSize = Request.Form("hdnSize")
F_strContains = Request.Form("hdnContains")
F_strFolderCreated = Request.Form("hdnCreated")
F_nFolderCompress = Request.Form("radFolders")
F_blnFolderFlag = Request.Form("hdnblnFolderFlag")
F_strFolders = Request.Form("hdnfolders")
F_nCount = Request.Form("hdnfolderCnt")
F_strParentFolder = Request.Form("hdnParentFolder")
F_strChangeOption = CONST_CHECKED_TEXT
End if
OnPostBackPage = TRUE
End Function
'Function name: OnServeTabbedPropertyPage
'Description: Called when the page needs to be served. Use this method to
' serve content.
'Input Variables: PageIn,iTab,bIsVisible,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE to indicate not problems occured. FALSE to indicate errors.
' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned.
'Global Variables: In:None
' Out:None
Public Function OnServeTabbedPropertyPage(ByRef PageIn, _
ByVal iTab, _
ByVal bIsVisible, ByRef EventArg)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnServeTabbedPropertyPage")
Select Case iTab
Case g_iTabGeneral
Call ServeTabGeneral(PageIn, bIsVisible)
Case g_iTabCompress
Call ServeTabCompress(PageIn, bIsVisible)
Case Else
Call SA_TraceOut (SOURCE_FILE, "OnServeTabbedPropertyPage")
End Select
OnServeTabbedPropertyPage = TRUE
End Function
'Function name: OnSubmitPage
'Description: Called when the page has been submitted for processing.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE if the submit was successful, FALSE to indicate error(s).
' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be served again using
' a call to OnServePropertyPage.
'Global Variables: None
Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
OnSubmitPage = SetFolderProperty
End Function
'Function name: OnClosePage
'Description: Called when the page is about to be closed.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE to allow close, FALSE to prevent close. Returning FALSE
' will result in a call to OnServePropertyPage.
'Global Variables: F_strFolderName
Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
OnClosePage = TRUE
End Function
'Function name: ServeTabGeneral
'Description: Serves when the tab one is selected
'Input Variables: PageIn,bIsVisible
'Output Variables: PageIn
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: G_strFolderName,F_(*),gc_ERR_SUCCESS,
' G_strOldFolderName,L_(*)
Function ServeTabGeneral(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible)
If ( bIsVisible ) Then
Call ServeCommonJavaScript()
Call ServeCommonJavaScriptGeneral()
<%If UCase(F_blnFolderFlag) <> UCase("True") Then %>
<%End if%>
<%If UCase(F_blnFolderFlag) <> UCase("True") Then %>
<%End if%>
<%If UCase(F_blnFolderFlag) <> UCase("True") Then %>
<%End if%>
<%If UCase(F_blnFolderFlag) <> UCase("True") Then %>
<%End if%>
End If
End Function
'Function name: ServeTabCompress
'Description: Serves when the tab two is selected
'Input Variables: PageIn,bIsVisible
'Output Variables: PageIn
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: G_strFolderName,F_(*),L_(*)Out: gc_ERR_SUCCESS,
' G_strOldFolderName
Function ServeTabCompress(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible)
If ( bIsVisible ) Then
Call ServeCommonJavaScript()
Call ServeCommonJavaScriptCompress()
<%If UCase(F_blnFolderFlag) <> UCase("True") Then %>
<%if instr(F_strParentFolder,"/")=len(F_strParentFolder) then
Response.write Server.HTMLEncode(replace((F_strParentFolder & G_strFolderName),"/","\"))
Response.write Server.HTMLEncode(replace((F_strParentFolder & chr(92) & G_strFolderName),"/","\"))
end if%>
<%End If%>
End If
End Function
'Function name: ServeCommonJavaScriptGeneral
'Description: Common javascript functions that are required for General tab
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: In:None
' Out:None
Function ServeCommonJavaScriptGeneral()
End Function
'Function name: ServeCommonJavaScriptCompress
'Description: Common javascript functions that are required for Compress tab
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: In:None
' Out:None
Function ServeCommonJavaScriptCompress()
End Function
'Function name: ServeCommonJavaScript
'Description: Common javascript functions that are required by the Web
' Framework.
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: In:None
' Out:None
Function ServeCommonJavaScript()
End Function
'Function name: GetFolderProperty
'Description: Get Folder Information from the system
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: F_(*),L_(*),G_objDirInstance,G_strOldFolderName
Function GetFolderProperty
On Error Resume Next
Dim objConnection 'Object to connect to WMI
Dim objFolder 'Folder Object
Dim objFileSysObject 'File system object
Dim objFolderFiles 'Object to get files
Dim objCollection 'To get instance of Win32_LogicalDisk class
Dim objInstance 'To get Instances of Win32_LogicalDisk class
Dim strFolderContains 'Folder contains
Dim nFilesCnt 'Files Count
Dim nFolderContainsCnt 'Folders Count
Dim objfolds 'File system object
Dim objFolders 'Folders old name
Dim nFolderCount 'Folder count
Dim strItemFolder 'string to get folder names from OTS page
Dim nCount 'Total number of folders
Dim arrPKey 'Array of folders
Dim arrFolder 'Array of folders after spliting
Dim arrAttributes 'Array of attributes
Dim arrFolderName 'Array of folder names
Dim nArchive 'Count to get the number of archive attributes
Dim nCompress 'Count to get the number of compress attributes
Dim nHidden 'Count to get the number of hidden attributes
Dim nReadOnly 'Count to get the number of read only attributes
Dim strQuery 'WMI Query
Dim objDirInstance 'WMI object for Win32_Directory
Dim nFilesCount 'Total files count
GetFolderProperty = True
Call SA_TraceOut (SOURCE_FILE, "GetFolderProperty")
nArchive = 0
nCompress = 0
nHidden = 0
nReadOnly = 0
F_nCount = OTS_GetTableSelectionCount(SA_DEFAULT)
F_strParentFolder = Request.QueryString("parent")
If F_nCount > 1 then
'Form variable to hold boolean value depending on number of folders selected
F_blnFolderFlag = True
F_blnFolderFlag = False
End if
'Initialize the compression option to CONST_ARR_APPLYFOLDER
nCount = F_nCount
Redim arrPKey(nCount)
F_strFolders = ""
For nFolderCount = 1 to nCount
Call OTS_GetTableSelection("", nFolderCount, strItemFolder)
arrPKey(nFolderCount-1) = strItemFolder
arrFolder = split(arrPKey(nFolderCount-1),chr(1))
arrFolderName = arrFolder(0)
arrAttributes = arrFolder(1)
'Calling unescape to remove the escape characters
If Instr(arrAttributes,"A") <> 0 then
nArchive = nArchive + 1
End if
If Instr(arrAttributes,"H") <> 0 then
nHidden = nHidden + 1
End if
If Instr(arrAttributes,"C") <> 0 then
nCompress = nCompress + 1
End if
If Instr(arrAttributes,"R") <> 0 then
nReadOnly = nReadOnly + 1
End if
F_strFolders = F_strFolders & arrFolderName & chr(1)
If nCount = 1 then
'To get file system object
set objFileSysObject =server.CreateObject("scripting.FilesystemObject")
'To get the folder object
Set objFolder=objFileSysObject.GetFolder(F_strFolderName)
'Folders and files count
nFolderContainsCnt = GetFolderCount(objFileSysObject,F_strFolderName)
nFilesCnt = objFolder.files.count
'To get files in the folder
objFolderFiles = GetFiles(objFileSysObject,F_strFolderName)
nFilesCount = objFolderFiles + nFilesCnt
'Localisation being done
Dim arrVarReplacementStringsFolderContains(2)
arrVarReplacementStringsFolderContains(0) = Cstr(nFilesCount)
arrVarReplacementStringsFolderContains(1) = Cstr(nFolderContainsCnt)
strFolderContains = SA_GetLocString("foldermsg.dll", "4043003B", arrVarReplacementStringsFolderContains)
'Connect to WMI
Set objConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
'Create instance of Win32_Directory
strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Directory where Name = " & chr(34) & replace(F_strFolderName,"/","\\") & chr(34)
'Create instance of Win32_Directory
Set G_objDirInstance = objConnection.ExecQuery(strQuery)
'Failed to connect to WMI
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurepage (L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & Hex(Err.Number))
GetFolderProperty = FALSE
Exit Function
End if
'Getting drive from WMI
Set objCollection = objConnection.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk")
'Getting folders attributes
For Each objInstance in objCollection
If Ucase(objInstance.Name)= Ucase(F_strFolderName) then
G_strOldFolderName = objInstance.VolumeName
G_strFolderName = G_strOldFolderName
End if
'Failed in connecting to WMI
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurepage (L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & Hex(Err.Number))
GetFolderProperty = False
Exit Function
End if
If G_strOldFolderName="" then
set objfolds=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set objFolders=objfolds.GetFolder(F_strFolderName)
G_strOldFolderName = objFolders.name
set objfolds=Nothing
set objFolders = Nothing
End if
Dim arrVarReplacementStringsFolder(1)
arrVarReplacementStringsFolder(0) = Cstr(objFolder.Size)
F_strFolderSize = SA_GetLocString("foldermsg.dll", "4043003C", arrVarReplacementStringsFolder)
F_strContains = strFolderContains
F_strFolderCreated = objFolder.DateCreated
'Updating the form variables
For each objDirInstance in G_objDirInstance
F_strFolderType = objDirInstance.FileType
F_strCompressed = objDirInstance.Compressed
Exit for
'Release the object
Set objDirInstance = Nothing
End if
If nReadOnly = 0 then
ElseIf int(nReadOnly) = int(nCount) then
ElseIf nReadOnly > 0 and nReadOnly < nCount then
End if
If nCompress = 0 then
ElseIf nCompress = nCount then
F_strCompressed = CONST_CHECKED_TEXT
ElseIf nCompress < nCount and nCompress > 0 then
End if
If nArchive = 0 then
ElseIf nArchive = nCount then
ElseIf nArchive < nCount and nArchive > 0 then
End if
If nHidden = 0 then
ElseIf nHidden = nCount then
ElseIf nHidden < nCount and nHidden > 0 then
End if
GetFolderProperty = True
'Release the objects
Set objConnection = Nothing
Set objCollection = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFileSysObject = Nothing
Set objFolderFiles = Nothing
Set objCollection = Nothing
Set objInstance = Nothing
End function
'Function name: SetFolderProperty
'Description: Setting the properties of the Folder
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: L_(*)
Function SetFolderProperty
On Error Resume Next
Dim strFolderName 'Folder name
Dim objConnection 'WMI object
Dim objFolder 'Folder object
Dim objFileSystem 'File system object
Dim objInstance 'To get instances of Win32_LogicalDisk
Dim objDrive 'To get instance of Win32_LogicalDisk
Dim objFolderFiles 'Files in the folder
Dim objSubFolders 'Subfolders in a folder
Dim strFolders 'String having folder names
Dim strFolder 'Folder name afetr spliting the string
Dim arrFolders 'Array of folders
Dim nFolderCount 'Folder count
Dim strQuery 'WMI Query
Dim objDirInstance 'WMI object for Win32_Directory
Dim nReturnValue 'Returnvalue after renaming the folder
Call SA_TraceOut (SOURCE_FILE, "SetFolderProperty")
'Connect to WMI
Set objConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
'Create instance of Win32_LogicalDisk
Set objDrive = objConnection.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk")
'Failed to connect to WMI
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurepage (L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & Hex(Err.Number))
Exit Function
End if
'Create file system object
Set objFileSystem = server.CreateObject("scripting.FilesystemObject")
'Failed to get file system object
If Err.number <>0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Redim arrFolders(F_nCount)
For nFolderCount = 1 to F_nCount
strFolder = split(F_strFolders,chr(1))
arrFolders(nFolderCount-1) = strFolder(nFolderCount-1)
F_strFolderName = UnescapeChars(arrFolders(nFolderCount-1))
'Get the folder
Set objFolder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(F_strFolderName)
'Error in getting the folder
If Err.number <>0 Then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (L_FOLDERNOTEXISTS_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")")
Exit Function
End If
'Get files and subfolders in folders
set objFolderFiles = objFolder.Files
Set objSubFolders = objFolder.SubFolders
If nFolderCount = 1 then
'Set Drive label
For Each objInstance in objDrive
If Ucase(objInstance.Name)= Ucase(F_strFolderName) then
objInstance.VolumeName = G_strFolderName
End if
Set objInstance = Nothing
End If
'Create instance of Win32_Directory
strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Directory where Name = " & chr(34) & replace(F_strFolderName, "/", "\\") & chr(34)
'Create instance of Win32_Directory
Set G_objDirInstance = objConnection.ExecQuery(strQuery)
'Failed to connect to WMI
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurepage (L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & Hex(Err.Number))
Exit Function
End if
'Folder compress
For each objDirInstance in G_objDirInstance
If Ucase(F_strCompressed) = Ucase(CONST_CHECKED_TEXT) then
if F_nFolderCompress = CONST_ARR_APPLYFOLDER then
objDirInstance.UnCompressEX null,null,True
objDirInstance.CompressEX null,null,False
elseif F_nFolderCompress = CONST_ARR_APPLYALLFOLDERS then
objDirInstance.UnCompressEX null,null,False
objDirInstance.CompressEX null,null,True
end if
ElseIf F_strCompressed = CONST_UNCHECKED_TEXT then
If F_nFolderCompress = CONST_ARR_APPLYFOLDER then
objDirInstance.UnCompressEX null,null,False
elseif F_nFolderCompress = CONST_ARR_APPLYALLFOLDERS then
objDirInstance.UnCompressEX null,null,True
end if
End if
Exit for
'Release the object
Set objDirInstance = Nothing
'Connection to WMI failed
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurepage (L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & Hex(Err.Number))
Exit Function
End if
'Set the Read only attribute
If objFolder.Attributes and 1 Then
If trim(Ucase(F_strReadOnly)) = trim(Ucase(CONST_UNCHECKED_TEXT)) Then
objFolder.attributes = objFolder.attributes - 1
End if
If trim(Ucase(F_strReadOnly)) = trim(Ucase(CONST_CHECKED_TEXT)) Then
objFolder.attributes = objFolder.attributes + 1
End if
End if
'Set the hidden attribute
If objFolder.attributes and 2 Then
If trim(Ucase(F_strHidden)) = trim(Ucase(CONST_UNCHECKED_TEXT)) Then
objFolder.attributes = objFolder.attributes - 2
End if
If trim(Ucase(F_strHidden)) = trim(Ucase(CONST_CHECKED_TEXT)) Then
objFolder.attributes =objFolder.attributes + 2
End if
End if
'Set the archives attribute
If objFolder.attributes and 32 Then
If trim(Ucase(F_strArchive)) = trim(Ucase(CONST_UNCHECKED_TEXT)) Then
objFolder.attributes = objFolder.attributes - 32
End If
If trim(Ucase(F_strArchive)) = trim(Ucase(CONST_CHECKED_TEXT)) Then
objFolder.attributes = objFolder.attributes + 32
End if
End if
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFolderFiles = Nothing
Set objSubFolders = Nothing
'Create instance of Win32_Directory
strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Directory where Name = " & chr(34) & replace(F_strFolderName, "/", "\\") & chr(34)
'Create instance of Win32_Directory
Set G_objDirInstance = objConnection.ExecQuery(strQuery)
'Failed to connect to WMI
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call SA_ServeFailurepage (L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & Hex(Err.Number))
SetFolderProperty = FALSE
Exit Function
End if
If nFolderCount = 1 then
strFolderName = trim(Left(F_strFolderName,len(F_strFolderName)-len(G_strOldFolderName)) )
'If the folder name changed check if the folder already exists
If UCase(G_strFolderName) <> UCase(G_strOldFolderName) Then
'If Folder exists display error message
If objFileSystem.FolderExists(replace(strFolderName & G_strFolderName, "/" , "\")) then
Exit Function
End if
'Renaming the folder
For each objDirInstance in G_objDirInstance
nReturnValue = objDirInstance.Rename(strFolderName & G_strFolderName)
Exit for
If nReturnValue <> 0 then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (L_FOLDERRENAME_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & Hex(Err.Number))
Exit Function
End If
End If
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Call SA_SetErrMsg (L_FOLDERRENAME_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & Hex(Err.Number) )
Exit Function
End If
'Release the object
Set objDirInstance = Nothing
End If
'Release the objects
Set objConnection = Nothing
Set objFileSystem = Nothing
Set objDrive = Nothing
'Failed to create file system object
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
End Function
'Function name: GetFolderCount
'Description: Serves in getting the count of folders
'Input Variables: objFileSystem,strFolderPath
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: Folder count
'Global Variables: None
Function GetFolderCount(objFileSystem,strFolderPath)
on error resume next
Dim objFolderCollection 'Collection fo subfolders
Dim objSubFolder 'To get the subfolders
Dim objFolder 'To get the root folder
Dim objDrive 'To get the drive
Dim nCount 'To get the number of folders
Dim strSubFolderPath 'To get the subfolders path
'Get the drive and the folders
IF right (strFolderPath,1)=":" Then
Set objDrive=objFileSystem.Getdrive(strFolderPath)
set objFolder =objDrive.RootFolder
Set objFolder = objFileSystem.getFolder(strFolderPath)
End If
'Initialize the count
nCount = 0
set objFolderCollection = objFolder.subFolders
'To get the sub folders count
For each objSubFolder in objFolderCollection
strSubFolderPath = objSubFolder.path
if err.number <> 0 then
nCount = nCount - 1
end if
nCount = nCount + 1
nCount = nCount + GetFolderCount(objFileSystem,objSubFolder.path)
Set objFolderCollection = Nothing
Set objSubFolder = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objDrive = Nothing
GetFolderCount = nCount
End Function
'Function name: GetFiles
'Description: Serves in getting the count of files
'Input Variables: objFileSystem,strFolderPath
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: Count of files
'Global Variables: In:None
' Out:None
Function GetFiles(objFileSystem,strFolderPath)
on error resume next
Dim objFolder 'Folder object
Dim objFiles 'File object
Dim objFolderCollection 'Collection of folders
Dim objSubFolder 'Sub folder object
Dim nFileCount 'File count
'To get the sub folders
set objFolder = objFileSystem.getFolder(strFolderPath)
set objFolderCollection = objFolder.subFolders
'To the files count
For each objSubFolder in objFolderCollection
set objFiles=objSubFolder.Files
nFileCount = nFileCount + objFiles.count
nFileCount = nFileCount + GetFiles(objFileSystem,objSubFolder.path)
set objFolder = nothing
set objFiles = nothing
set objFolderCollection = nothing
End Function