' share_httpprop.asp: Serves in modifying HTTP share properties.
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Date Description
' 12 March 2001 Creation Date.
'Form Variables
Dim F_strReadCheckStatus_HttpProp ' to set the Read CheckBox status
Dim F_strWriteCheckStatus_HttpProp ' to set the Write CheckBox status
Dim F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp ' to store the access value(0,1,2 or 3)
'constants used for querying WMI for Http share
Const CONST_IIS = "IIS://"
Const CONST_ROOT = "/Root/"
F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp=CONST_READ_PERMISSION ' allow read permission
'Global Variables
' the required constants are already declared in the Share_FtpProp.asp
' Function name: ServeHTTPPage
' Description: Serves in displaying the page content
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: None
' Global Variables:
' In: L_* - Localization content(form label text)
' In: F_strReadCheckStatus_HttpProp - status of Read CheckBox
' In: F_strWriteCheckStatus_HttpProp - status of Write CheckBox
Function ServeHTTPPage
On Error Resume Next
Call ServeHTTPHiddenValues
End Function
' Function name: HTTPOnPostBackPage
' Description: Serves in getting the values from the form.
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: None
' Global Variables:
' Out: F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp - the access permissions
' (0,1,2 or 3 only)
' Out: F_strReadCheckStatus_HttpProp - status of READ checkBox
' Out: F_strWriteCheckStatus_HttpProp - status of WRITE checkBox
' Status of checkBoxes = "CHECKED" or ""
Function HTTPOnPostBackPage
On Error Resume Next
' get the value of the hidden variable from the form
F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp = Request.Form("hdnintAccessReadWriteHttpProp")
' If the share is not HTTP and the checkBox is checked now,
' give the default values for the new http share
If NOT IsNumeric(F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp) Then
F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp = CONST_READ_PERMISSION ' read only permission
End If
' initialize the status of CheckBoxes to "NOT CHECKED"
F_strWriteCheckStatus_HttpProp = CONST_CHECKBOX_NOT_SELECTED
' convert to integer type
F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp = CInt(F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp)
' set the status of "CheckBoxes" if the values are set
' if the Read access is given.
' perform an AND to verify if the value is set
If (F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp AND CONST_ACCESS_READ_ONLY) Then
F_strReadCheckStatus_HttpProp = CONST_CHECKBOX_SELECTED
End If
' if the write access is given.
' perform an AND to verify if the value is set
If (F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp AND CONST_ACCESS_WRITE_ONLY) Then
F_strWriteCheckStatus_HttpProp = CONST_CHECKBOX_SELECTED
End If
End Function
' Function name: HTTPOnInitPage
' Description: Serves in getting the values from system
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: None
' Global Variables:
' Out: F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp - the access permissions
' Out: F_strReadCheckStatus_HttpProp - status of READ checkBox
' Out: F_strWriteCheckStatus_HttpProp - status of WRITE checkBox
'Status of checkBoxes = "CHECKED" or ""
'Support functions used: getHTTPShareObject() - to get the share object
Function HTTPOnInitPage
On Error Resume Next
Dim objHTTPShare ' to get the share object for which we need to
' get the properties from
' initialize the checkbox status for all checkboxes as "not checked"
F_strWriteCheckStatus_HttpProp = CONST_CHECKBOX_NOT_SELECTED
' get the http share object from which we will get the properties
Set objHTTPShare = getHTTPShareObject()
' get the access flags of the share
F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp = CInt(objHTTPShare.AccessFlags)
' if read flag is set, the Read checkBox must be checked
' perform an AND to verify if the value is set
If (F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp AND CONST_ACCESS_READ_ONLY) Then
F_strReadCheckStatus_HttpProp = CONST_CHECKBOX_SELECTED
End If
' if write flag is set, the Write checkBox must be checked
' perform an AND to verify if the value is set
If (F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp AND CONST_ACCESS_WRITE_ONLY) Then
F_strWriteCheckStatus_HttpProp = CONST_CHECKBOX_SELECTED
End If
' clean up
Set objHTTPShare = Nothing
End Function
' Function name: SetHTTPshareProp
' Description: Serves in setting the values of the http share
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: TRUE if successful, else FALSE
' Global Variables:
' In: L_* - Localization content(error messages)
' In: F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp - the access permissions
' (0,1,2 or 3 only)
' Support functions used: getHTTPShareObject() - to get the share object
Function SetHTTPshareProp
On Error Resume Next
Dim objHTTPShare ' to get the share object for which we need to change properties
' get the HTTP share object for which we need to set properties
Set objHTTPShare = getHTTPShareObject()
' It is enough to set the boolean values(AccessRead and AccessWrite).
' The AccessFlags(integer) need not be set.(wmi takes care of it)
' if the Read CheckBox is checked, set the flag to TRUE, else FALSE
If (F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp AND CONST_ACCESS_READ_ONLY) Then
End If
' if the Write CheckBox is checked, set the flag to TRUE, else FALSE
If (F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp AND CONST_ACCESS_WRITE_ONLY) Then
End If
' bring the changes made to properties to effect
' clean up
Set objHTTPShare = Nothing
' in case of any error, return FALSE, else return TRUE
If Err.number <> 0 Then
' the changes could not be PUT (system values could not be changed)
SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOSETSHAREINFO_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & Hex(Err.number) & ") "
SetHTTPshareProp = False
Exit Function
SetHTTPshareProp = True
End If
End Function
' Function name: ServeHTTPHiddenValues
' Description: Serves in printing the hidden values of the form
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: None
' Global Variables:
' In: F_intAccessReadWrite_HttpProp - the access permissions
Function ServeHTTPHiddenValues
' the hidden values to store the access flag value
' (Whether the checkBoxes must be checked OR NOT)
End Function