<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' nfsgeneral_prop.asp: display and update general properties of the ' NFS User and Group Mappings ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 25 Sep 2000 Creation Date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err.Clear On Error resume next '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim F_strGen_NisDomain ' to store the NIS domain name Dim F_strGen_NisServer ' to store the NIS server name Dim F_intGen_RefreshHours ' to store the Refresh Interval Hours Dim F_intGen_RefreshMinutes ' to store the Refresh Interval Minutes Dim F_strGen_PasswdFile ' to store the password file Dim F_strGen_GroupFile ' to store the group file Dim F_intGen_SelectedRadio ' to store the value of the radio selected Dim F_intGen_RefreshInterval ' to store the Refresh Interval ' Hours + Minutes In Minutes to set in wmi Dim F_strUseNISServer_RadioStatus ' status of "Use Nis" radio Dim F_strUsePasswdGroupFiles_RadioStatus ' status of "Use files" radio '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Constants '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Const CONST_RADIO_CHECKED_STATUS = "CHECKED" Const CONST_RADIO_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS = "" Const CONST_RADIO_USE_NISSERVER = 1 Const CONST_RADIO_USE_PASSWD_GROUPFILES = 0 ' objects and wmi related constants Const WMI_SFUADMIN_NAMESPACE = "root\SFUAdmin" Const WMI_MAPPER_SETTINGS_CLASS = "Mapper_Settings" Const FILE_SYSTEM_OBJECT = "Scripting.Filesystemobject" %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ServeGenPage(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible) ' Description: Serves in displaying the page Header, Middle and ' Footer Parts (the User Interface) ' Input Variables: PageIn ' bIsVisible - the tab page be displayed? ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: L_(*) - Localization content ' F_(*) - Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeGenPage(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear If bIsVisible Then %>
onClick="JavaScript:ClearErr();setFormFieldsStatus(parseInt(this.value,10));">  <%=L_USE_NIS_SERVER_LABEL_TEXT%>  
onClick="JavaScript:ClearErr();setFormFieldsStatus(parseInt(this.value,10));">  <%=L_USE_PASSWD_GROUP_FILES_LABEL_TEXT%>
<% End If ServeGenFooter() ServeGenPage = gc_ERR_SUCCESS End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SubRoutine name: GetGenVariablesFromForm ' Description: Serves in getting the values from previous form ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: F_(*) - Form variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetGenVariablesFromForm Err.Clear On Error Resume Next ' get all the form values to variables F_intGen_SelectedRadio = Request.Form("hdnintGen_UserGroupMap_radio") F_strGen_NisDomain = Request.Form("hdntxtGen_NISDomain") F_strGen_NisServer = Request.Form ("hdntxtGen_NISServer") F_strGen_PasswdFile = Request.Form("hdntxtGen_PasswdFile") F_strGen_GroupFile = Request.Form("hdntxtGen_GroupFile") F_intGen_RefreshInterval = CLng(Request.Form("hdntxtGen_RefreshInterval")) ' if the NIS domain is selected, Select that radio status accordingly ' (radio status = "Checked" or "") If CInt(F_intGen_SelectedRadio) = CONST_RADIO_USE_NISSERVER Then F_strUseNISServer_RadioStatus = CONST_RADIO_CHECKED_STATUS F_strUsePasswdGroupFiles_RadioStatus = CONST_RADIO_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS Else F_strUseNISServer_RadioStatus = CONST_RADIO_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS F_strUsePasswdGroupFiles_RadioStatus = CONST_RADIO_CHECKED_STATUS End If ' split the refresh interval into Hours and Minutes If F_intGen_RefreshInterval > 59 Then F_intGen_RefreshHours = Int(F_intGen_RefreshInterval/60) F_intGen_RefreshMinutes = (F_intGen_RefreshInterval Mod 60) Else F_intGen_RefreshHours = 0 F_intGen_RefreshMinutes = F_intGen_RefreshInterval End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SubRoutine name: GetGenVariablesFromSystem ' Description: Serves in getting the values from system ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: F_(*) - Form variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetGenVariablesFromSystem Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objWMIService ' the wmi service object Dim objInstance ' the instance object ' No radio button is selected initially F_intGen_SelectedRadio = -1 F_strUsePasswdGroupFiles_RadioStatus = CONST_RADIO_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS F_strUseNISServer_RadioStatus = CONST_RADIO_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS ' get the wmi connection (service object) for the SFUAdmin namespace Set objWMIService = GetWMIConnection(WMI_SFUADMIN_NAMESPACE) ' get the object from the wmi Set objInstance = objWMIService.Get(WMI_SFU_OBJECT_QUERY) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_ServeFailurePage L_READFROM_WMI_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE End If ' assign the values to form variables F_strGen_NisDomain = objInstance.NisDomain F_strGen_NisServer = objInstance.NisServer F_strGen_PasswdFile = objInstance.PasswdFileName F_strGen_GroupFile = objInstance.GroupFileName F_intGen_SelectedRadio = CInt(objInstance.ServerType) ' ServerType = 1 --- use Nis Server ' ServerType = 0 --- PCNFS.use files ' select and Check the radio button accordingly If F_intGen_SelectedRadio = CONST_RADIO_USE_NISSERVER Then F_strUseNISServer_RadioStatus = CONST_RADIO_CHECKED_STATUS ElseIf CInt(F_intGen_SelectedRadio) = CONST_RADIO_USE_PASSWD_GROUPFILES Then F_strUsePasswdGroupFiles_RadioStatus = CONST_RADIO_CHECKED_STATUS Else ' nothing will be selected. End If ' get the refresh interval. This will be in minutes F_intGen_RefreshInterval = CLng(objInstance.RefreshInterval) ' split the refresh interval into hours and minutes for display If F_intGen_RefreshInterval > 59 Then F_intGen_RefreshHours = Int(F_intGen_RefreshInterval/60) F_intGen_RefreshMinutes = (F_intGen_RefreshInterval Mod 60) Else F_intGen_RefreshHours = 0 F_intGen_RefreshMinutes = F_intGen_RefreshInterval End If ' clean up Set objWMIService = Nothing Set objInstance = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GenUserGroupMappingProperties ' Description: To set the general properties ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: True on sucess, False on error (and error msg ' will be set by SetErrMsg) ' Global Variables: F_(*) - form values '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GenUserGroupMappingProperties() Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objWMIService ' the wmi service object Dim objInstance ' the instance object Dim LastError ' to store the last error returned by activex object ' if the files are given, check if they are existing If CInt(F_intGen_SelectedRadio) = CONST_RADIO_USE_PASSWD_GROUPFILES Then If NOT IsFileExisting(F_strGen_PasswdFile) Then GenUserGroupMappingProperties = False Exit Function End If If NOT IsFileExisting(F_strGen_GroupFile) Then GenUserGroupMappingProperties = False Exit Function End If End If ' if the NIS domain is given, see if it is valid If CInt(F_intGen_SelectedRadio) = CONST_RADIO_USE_NISSERVER Then ' if the nis domain is not valid, display error message If NOT (isValidNISServer(F_strGen_NisDomain, F_strGen_NisServer,LastError)) Then SetErrMsg L_INVALID_NISDOMAIN_OR_SERVER_ERRORMESSAGE GenUserGroupMappingProperties = False Exit Function End If End If ' get the wmi connection (service object) for the SFUAdmin namespace Set objWMIService = GetWMIConnection(WMI_SFUADMIN_NAMESPACE) ' get the object from the wmi Set objInstance = objWMIService.Get(WMI_SFU_OBJECT_QUERY) If Err.number <> 0 Then SetErrMsg L_READFROM_WMI_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE GenUserGroupMappingProperties = False Exit Function End If ' set the property in the wmi objInstance.ServerType = CInt(F_intGen_SelectedRadio) objInstance.RefreshInterval = CLng(F_intGen_RefreshInterval) ' set values of nis domain/ files accordingly If CInt(F_intGen_SelectedRadio) = CONST_RADIO_USE_NISSERVER Then objInstance.NisDomain = F_strGen_NisDomain objInstance.NisServer = F_strGen_NisServer ElseIf CInt(F_intGen_SelectedRadio) = CONST_RADIO_USE_PASSWD_GROUPFILES Then objInstance.PasswdFileName = F_strGen_PasswdFile objInstance.GroupFileName = F_strGen_GroupFile Else ' this will not occur !!! End If ' save the changes objInstance.Put_ If Err.number Then SetErrMsg L_WRITETO_WMI_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE GenUserGroupMappingProperties = False Else GenUserGroupMappingProperties = True End If ' clean up Set objWMIService = Nothing Set objInstance = Nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: IsFileExisting ' Description: To check if the input file is existing ' Input Variables: inFile - file name(along with path) to be verified ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: True if file exits, else False ' Global Variables: None ' Uses the file system object to verify the existence of the file '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsFileExisting(inFile) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objFSO ' the file system object ' create the file system object Set objFSO = CreateObject(FILE_SYSTEM_OBJECT) If Err.number <> 0 Then SetErrMsg L_FILESYSYTEMOBJECT_NOT_CREATED_ERRORMESSAGE IsFileExisting = False Exit Function End If ' check if file exists If objFSO.FileExists(inFile) Then IsFileExisting = True Else SetErrMsg L_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & inFile IsFileExisting = False Exit Function End If ' clean up Set objFSO = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: isValidNISServer ' Description: Validates NISServer Name ' Input Variables: strNISDomainName - domain to be verified ' strNISServer - server to be verified(can be empty) ' Output Variables: LastError - the error value ' Returns: True if valid, else False ' Global Variables: None ' Uses activex object to vvalidate the nis domain/server '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isValidNISServer(strNISDomainName, strNISServer, LastError) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objNISMapper ' the activex object Dim intResult ' to store the return value from the method 'Get the instance of the mapper Class Set objNISMapper = Server.CreateObject("MapManager.1") If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_ServeFailurePage L_MAPPEROBJECT_NOT_CREATED_ERRORMESSAGE End if ' Valid the Empty user and check whether it results in Invalid user ' error or success. intResult = objNISMapper.IsValidNisUser(strNISDomainName,strNISServer," ") ' if the NIS Server/domain couldn't be contacted/doesnt exists. ' Return false If cstr(objNISMapper.lastError) <> "0" and cstr(objNISMapper.lastError) <> "2202" then LastError = cstr(objNISMapper.lastError) isValidNISServer = False Exit function End if ' clean up Set objNISMapper = Nothing ' return True isValidNISServer = True End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ServeGenFooter ' Description: Serves the hidden form variables ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: F_(*) - form values ' This function serves the hidden variables of the form. ' These are used to get the form values when the form is submitted. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeGenFooter Err.Clear On Error Resume Next %> <% End Function %>