<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' nfssimplemaps_prop.asp: display and update Simple Map properties ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 25 Sep 2000 Creation Date. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err.Clear On Error Resume Next '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim F_strSMapCheckBox_Status ' stores "CHECKED" or "" - CheckBox state Dim F_intSMapCheckBox_EnableSMap ' to Check or UnCheck CheckBox Dim F_strSMap_WindowsDomain ' to store the Windows Domain(from Combo) ' initialize F_strSMapCheckBox_Status = CONST_CHECKBOX_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS F_intSMapCheckBox_EnableSMap = CONST_CHECKBOX_IS_NOT_CHECKED F_strSMap_WindowsDomain = "" '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Constants '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Const CONST_CHECKBOX_CHECKED_STATUS = "CHECKED" ' to "Check" the CheckBox Const CONST_CHECKBOX_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS = "" ' to "UnCheck" CheckBox Const CONST_LISTITEM_NOT_SELECTED_STATUS = "" ' to NOT-Select the ListItem Const CONST_LISTITEM_SELECTED_STATUS = "SELECTED" ' to Select the ListItem Const CONST_CHECKBOX_IS_CHECKED = 1 ' to maintain state of CheckBox-Checked Const CONST_CHECKBOX_IS_NOT_CHECKED = 0 ' to maintain state of CheckBox-UnChecked Const ENUM_NTDOMAINS = 0 ' to pass as input to activex object Const ENUM_NTGROUPS = 2 ' to pass as input to activex object Const SFU_ADMIN_MAPPER_WRAPPER = "MapManager.1" ' activex object Const WMI_SFU_OBJECT_QUERY = "Mapper_Settings.KeyName='CurrentVersion'" ' wmi query ' the "User Name Mapping" service (MapSvc) must be installed for the ' maps to be enabled. If the service is not installed, display the ' SA_ServeFailurePage with the message If NOT isMapServiceInstalled(GetWMIConnection("root\CIMV2")) Then SA_ServeFailurePage L_USERMAPPING_SERVICE_NOT_INSTALLED_ERRORMESSAGE End If %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ServeSMAPPage(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible) ' Description: Serves in displaying the page Header, Middle and ' Footer Parts (the User Interface) ' Input Variables: PageIn ' bIsVisible - the tab page be displayed? ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: L_(*) - Localization content ' F_(*) - Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeSMAPPage(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next If bIsVisible Then %>
OnClick="EnableOrDisableWinDomain(this)"> <%=L_ENABLE_SIMPLEMAPS_LABEL_TEXT%>
<% End If ServeSMAPFooter() ServeSMAPPage = gc_ERR_SUCCESS End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SubRoutine name: GetSMAPVariablesFromForm ' Description: Serves in getting the values from previous form ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: None ' Global Variables: F_(*) - Form variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GetSMAPVariablesFromForm Err.Clear On Error Resume Next F_intSMapCheckBox_EnableSMap = Request.Form("hdnintSMap_EnableSMap") F_strSMap_WindowsDomain = Request.Form("hdnstrSMap_WindowsDomain") ' if the checkBox was previously CHECKED, "Check" the CheckBox If CInt(F_intSMapCheckBox_EnableSMap) = CONST_CHECKBOX_IS_CHECKED Then F_strSMapCheckBox_Status = CONST_CHECKBOX_CHECKED_STATUS Else F_strSMapCheckBox_Status = CONST_CHECKBOX_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS End If End sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SubRoutine name: GetSMAPVariablesFromSystem ' Description: Serves in getting the values from system ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: None ' Global Variables: F_(*) - Form variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GetSMAPVariablesFromSystem Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objWMIService ' the service object Dim objInstance ' the instance object ' get the wmi connection (service object) for the SFUAdmin namespace Set objWMIService = GetWMIConnection(WMI_SFUADMIN_NAMESPACE) ' get the object from the wmi Set objInstance = objWMIService.Get(WMI_SFU_OBJECT_QUERY) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_ServeFailurePage L_READFROM_WMI_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE End If ' assign the values to the form variables F_strSMap_WindowsDomain = objInstance.NTDomain ' if simple maps is enables, check the checkBox, else don't ' objInstance.AuthType = 0 or 1, Enable SimpleMaps else Disable If (objInstance.AuthType = 0 OR objInstance.AuthType = 1) Then F_intSMapCheckBox_EnableSMap = CONST_CHECKBOX_IS_CHECKED F_strSMapCheckBox_Status = CONST_CHECKBOX_CHECKED_STATUS Else F_intSMapCheckBox_EnableSMap = CONST_CHECKBOX_IS_NOT_CHECKED F_strSMapCheckBox_Status = CONST_CHECKBOX_NOT_CHECKED_STATUS End if ' clean up Set objInstance = Nothing Set objWMIService = Nothing End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: SetSMAPProp ' Description: To set the simple map properties ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: True on success, False on error (and error msg ' will be set by SetErrMsg) ' Global Variables: F_(*) - form values '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetSMAPProp() Err.Clear On Error resume next Dim objWMIService ' the service object Dim objInstance ' the instance object ' get the wmi connection (service object) for the SFUAdmin namespace Set objWMIService = GetWMIConnection(WMI_SFUADMIN_NAMESPACE) ' get the object from the wmi Set objInstance = objWMIService.Get(WMI_SFU_OBJECT_QUERY) If Err.number <> 0 Then SetErrMsg L_READFROM_WMI_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & Hex(Err.number) & ")" SetSMAPProp = False Exit Function End If ' assign the form values to the Object objInstance.NTDomain = F_strSMap_WindowsDomain ' if Simple maps enabled, AuthType = 0, Else 2 If CInt(F_intSMapCheckBox_EnableSMap) = CONST_CHECKBOX_IS_CHECKED Then ' here have a serious error, fixed by lustar, 3/1/2001 If objInstance.ServerType = 0 Then objInstance.AuthType = 0 Else objInstance.AuthType = 1 End If Else objInstance.AuthType = 2 End if ' Save the changes on the object objInstance.Put_ If Err.number Then SetErrMsg L_WRITETO_WMI_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & Hex(Err.number) & ")" SetSMAPProp = False Else SetSMAPProp = True End If ' clean up Set objInstance = Nothing Set objWMIService = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: getConnectedDomain 'Description: gets the domain in which the machine is present. 'Input Variables: Connection to the WMI 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Domain Name '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getConnectedDomain(objService) Err.Clear On Error resume next Dim objColletionofSystem ' to get the collection from wmi Dim objSystem ' used in the loop Dim strDomainName ' the return value strDomainName ="" Set objColletionofSystem = objService.InstancesOf ("Win32_ComputerSystem") For each objSystem in objColletionofSystem If objSystem.DomainRole <> 2 Then strDomainName=objSystem.Domain End IF Next If Err.number <> 0 then Err.Clear getConnectedDomain = strDomainName Exit Function End If getConnectedDomain = strDomainName Set objColletionofSystem = Nothing ' clean up End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SubRoutine name: getWinDomainsAsComboValues ' Description: Outputs the Windows domains as ComboBox Values ' Input Variables: In: valueToBeSelected - which domain to select ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: F_(*) - form values ' This sub routine outputs HTML text. This populates the Windows Domains ' obtained from the Activex Object as " objMapper.moveNext() Next ' print the Connected Domain if it is not listed If NOT blnConnectedDomainListed Then strSelectStatus = CONST_LISTITEM_NOT_SELECTED_STATUS If LCase(valueToBeSelected) = LCase(strConnectedDomain) Then strSelectStatus = CONST_LISTITEM_SELECTED_STATUS End If Response.Write"" End If ' clean up Set objMapper = Nothing End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: isMapServiceInstalled 'Description: Checks if the instance is valid(exists) 'Input Variables: objService - object to WMI 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True if Mapping service is installed ' False if not installed (or error occurs in getting it) ' Checks whether the given instance is valid in WMI.Returns true on valid ' false on invalid(or Error) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isMapServiceInstalled(objService) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objInstance ' the wmi instance object ' get the service by executing the query Set objInstance = objservice.Get("Win32_Service.Name='MapSvc'") ' if Object is Null or Not found, return false, else return true If IsNull(objInstance) OR Err.number <> 0 Then isMapServiceInstalled = False Err.Clear Else isMapServiceInstalled = True End If 'clean objects Set objInstance= Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ServeSMAPFooter ' Description: Serves the hidden form variables ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: F_(*) - form values ' This function serves the hidden variables of the form. ' These are used to get the form values when the form is submitted. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeSMAPFooter On Error Resume Next Err.Clear %> <% End Function %>