<% ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' Const CONST_SUCCESS = 0 'const error codes Const CONST_USER_NOTFOUND_ERRMSG = &H800708AD Const CONST_OBJECT_EXISTS_ERRMSG = &H80071392 Const CONST_OBJECT_NOTEXISTS_ERRMSG = &H80072030 Const CONST_QUOTA_USER_NOTFOUND_ERRMSG = &H80070002 Const CONST_LDAP_SERVER_NOTOP = &H8007203A Const CONST_LDAP_SERVER_NOTEXIST = &H8007200A Const CONST_DOMAINROLE_ERROR = &H10 Const wbemErrNotFound = &H80041002 Const WBEMFLAG = 131072 Const CONST_SITE_STARTED = &H2 Const CONST_SITE_STOPPED = &H4 Const CONST_SITE_PAUSED = &H6 'file perm constants Const CONST_FULLCONROL = &H1F01FF Const CONST_MODIFYDELTE = &H1301BF Const CONST_READEXEC = &H1200A9 ' From ntioapi.h ' #define FILE_GENERIC_READ (STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ |\ ' FILE_READ_DATA |\ ' FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES |\ ' FILE_READ_EA |\ ' SYNCHRONIZE) Const FILE_GENERIC_READ = &H120089 'sid string constants ' From ntseapi.h '// Interactive S-1-5-4 Const SIDSTRING_INTERACTIVE = "S-1-5-4" 'reg constants Const CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY = "Software\Microsoft\ServerAppliance" Const CONST_WEBSITEROOT_REGVAL = "WebSiteRoot" Const CONST_FTPSITEROOT_REGVAL = "FtpRoot" Const CONST_FPSEOPTION_REGVAL = "FPSEOption" Const CONST_FTPSITEID_REGVAL = "AdminFTPServerName" 'website root and ftp site root constants Const CONST_DEF_WEBROOT = "Websites" Const CONST_DEF_FTPROOT = "Web Site Content FTP root" Const CONST_QUOTASTATE = "Unable to create directory" Const CONST_FRONTPAGE_PATH = "W3SVC/Filters/fpexedll.dll" Const CONST_FRONTPAGE_2002_INSTALLED = "Setup Packages" Const CONST_SHAREPOINT_INSTALLED = "SharePoint" 'security permission constants Const ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ = &H80000000 Const ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL = &H10000000 Const ADS_RIGHT_DS_CREATE_CHILD = &H1 Const ADS_RIGHT_DS_DELETE_CHILD = &H2 Const ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED = 0 Const ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT = &H5 Const ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT = &H1 Const ADS_FLAG_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT = &H2 Const ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE = &H2 Const ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ONLY_ACE = &H8 'A list of the various object GUIDs Const USERGUID = "{BF967ABA-0DE6-11D0-A285-00AA003049E2}" Const GROUPGUID = "{bf967a9c-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2}" Const OUGUID = "{bf967aa5-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2}" 'Error constants for CreateSitePath function Const CONST_CREATE_FSOBJ_FAILED = &H100 Const CONST_INVALID_DRIVE = &H101 Const CONST_NOTNTFS_DRIVE = &H102 Const CONST_FAILED_TOCREATE_DIR = &H103 ' Front Page related constants Const CONST_FRONTPAGE_REGLOC = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\4.0" Const CONST_FRONTPAGE_2002_REGLOC = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\5.0" Const CONST_PORT_REGLOC = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\Ports\" Const CONST_NOLIMIT_TEXT = "No limit" 'Domain Role Const MEMBER_ADDC = 0 Const MEMBER_NTDC = 1 Const WORKSTATION = 1 Const MEMBER_WORKGROUP = 2 Const MEMBER_DOMAIN = 3 Const BACKUP_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER = 4 Const PRIMARY_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER = 5 Const DOMAIN_CONTROLLER = 6 'Add for globalization of Web/FTP log settings Const CONST_MSIISLOGFILE_FORMAT = "Microsoft IIS Log File Format" Const CONST_NCSALOGFILE_FORMAT = "NCSA Common Log File Format" Const CONST_ODBCLOGFILE_FORMAT = "ODBC Logging" Const CONST_W3CEXLOGFILE_FORMAT = "W3C Extended Log File Format" 'Running state of the service Const CONST_SERVICE_RUNNING_STATE = "Running" 'Running state of FTP server (serverstate = 2, started) Const CONST_FTPSERVER_RUNNING_STATE = 2 'Stopped state of FTP server (serverstate = 4, stopped) Const CONST_FTPSERVER_STOPPED_STATE = 4 Dim sReturnURL ' to hold return URL sReturnURL = "../tasks.asp" Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Tab1", "TabsWelcome") ' GUID constants for the four IIS logging plug-ins. These GUIDs have been ' verified with the IIS WMI providers on both Win2K and .Net. Const CONST_MSIISLOGFILE_GUID = "{FF160657-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0}" Const CONST_NCSALOGFILE_GUID = "{FF16065F-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0}" Const CONST_ODBCLOGFILE_GUID = "{FF16065B-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0}" Const CONST_W3CEXLOGFILE_GUID = "{FF160663-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0}" ' ' Upload method constants for application settings tab. Const UPLOADMETHOD_NEITHER = "0" Const UPLOADMETHOD_FPSE = "1" Const UPLOADMETHOD_FTP = "2" '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IISLogFileGUIDToENName 'Description: Converts the given IIS Log File Plug-in GUID into ' the English-US name for that plug-in as ' long as the GUID is one of the four we recognize. 'Input Variables: strGUID - The plug-in GUID. 'Returns: The US English name of the plug-in or an ' empty string if the GUID is unrecognized. 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IISLogFileGUIDToENName(strGUID) Select Case strGUID Case CONST_MSIISLOGFILE_GUID IISLogFileGUIDToENName = CONST_MSIISLOGFILE_FORMAT Case CONST_NCSALOGFILE_GUID IISLogFileGUIDToENName = CONST_NCSALOGFILE_FORMAT Case CONST_ODBCLOGFILE_GUID IISLogFileGUIDToENName = CONST_ODBCLOGFILE_FORMAT Case CONST_W3CEXLOGFILE_GUID IISLogFileGUIDToENName = CONST_W3CEXLOGFILE_FORMAT Case Else IISLogFileGUIDToENName = "" End Select End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IISLogFileENNameToGUID 'Description: Converts the given IIS Log File Plug-in US ' English name into the GUID for that plug-in as ' long as the name is one of the four we recognize. 'Input Variables: strName - The US English plug-in name. 'Returns: The GUID of the plug-in or an empty string ' if the name is unrecognized. 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IISLogFileENNameToGUID(strName) Select Case strName Case CONST_MSIISLOGFILE_FORMAT IISLogFileENNameToGUID = CONST_MSIISLOGFILE_GUID Case CONST_NCSALOGFILE_FORMAT IISLogFileENNameToGUID = CONST_NCSALOGFILE_GUID Case CONST_ODBCLOGFILE_FORMAT IISLogFileENNameToGUID = CONST_ODBCLOGFILE_GUID Case CONST_W3CEXLOGFILE_FORMAT IISLogFileENNameToGUID = CONST_W3CEXLOGFILE_GUID Case Else IISLogFileENNameToGUID = "" End Select End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: CreateOU 'Description: Creates the ou under specified parent ou 'Input Variables: strOuName - ou name ' objParent - parent of ou to be created 'Output Variables: objOu - created ou 'Returns: returns Error Message 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateOU(strOuName, strDesc, objRoot, ByRef objOu) On Error Resume Next Err.clear Set objOu = objRoot.Create("organizationalUnit", "ou=" & strOuName) objOu.Put "Description", strDesc objOu.SetInfo CreateOU = err.number End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: getObjSiteCollection 'Description: Returns an Instance of IIs_WebServerSetting 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: 'Returns: Object -Returns an object 'Global Variables: None 'If object fails dislays the error message '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getObjSiteCollection(objService) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim siteCollection 'holds sitecollection Dim strQuery 'holds query string 'form the query strQuery = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") Set siteCollection = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_ServeFailurepageEx L_INFORMATION_ERRORMESSAGE, sReturnURL getObjSiteCollection = false exit function End If Set getObjSiteCollection = siteCollection End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: CreateManagedSiteRegKey 'Description: Creates the reg key for this site under SOFTWARE\ ' Microsoft\WebServerAppliance\ManagedWebSites 'Input Variables: nSiteNo, strSiteID 'Output Variables: 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function MakeManagedSite(objService, strSiteNum,servercomment) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds object path Dim objVirDir 'holds virtualdirectory collection MakeManagedSite = false 'set ServerID strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & chr(34) set objVirDir = objService.Get( strObjPath ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "get vir dir object failed " & Hex(Err.Number) exit Function End if 'call the method to set serverID property objVirDir.serverID = servercomment objVirDir.put_(WBEMFLAG) if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "Make Managed Site", "Failed to set ServerID" & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" Set objVirDir = nothing exit function end if MakeManagedSite = true Set objVirDir = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :isValidSiteIdentifier 'Description :Returns an Instance of IIs_WebServerSetting 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Object -Returns an object 'Global Variables :None 'If object fails dislays the error message '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isValidSiteIdentifier(strSiteID, _ strAdminName, _ strDirRoot, _ bVerifyUser) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next isValidSiteIdentifier = FALSE 'verify the siteid If CStr(GetWebSiteNo(strSiteID)) <> "" Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed: isValidSiteIdentifier" Exit Function End If 'verify the administrator If bVerifyUser Then If isValidUser(strAdminName, strDirRoot) = FALSE Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed: isValidSiteIdentifier" Exit Function End If End If isValidSiteIdentifier = TRUE SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "success isValidSiteIdentifier" End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :isValidUser 'Description :Returns an Instance of IIs_WebServerSetting 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables : 'Returns :Object -Returns an object 'Global Variables :None 'If object fails dislays the error message '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isValidUser(strUserName, strDirRoot) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objComputer 'holds Computer object Dim objUser isValidUser = False Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDirRoot) Set objUser = objComputer.GetObject("User",strUserName) If Err.number <> 0 Then isValidUser = True Set objComputer = nothing Exit Function End If Set objComputer = nothing Set objUser = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :GetNewSiteNo 'Description :Returns an Free Site no 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables : 'Returns :siteno 'Global Variables :None 'If object fails dislays the error message '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetNewSiteNo() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objService 'holds WMI Connection Dim objInstances 'holds WebServer Instance Dim objInstance 'holds instance object Dim nSiteNo 'holds sitenumber value Dim nPos 'holds position value Dim nCount 'holds count value Dim index 'holds index value Dim nStart 'holds start value Dim bFound 'holds boolean value Dim arrSiteNo 'holsd arraysite number GetNewSiteNo = -1 Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set objInstances = objService.InstancesOf(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIS_WebServer")) nCount = objInstances.Count 'store the existing site no. in the array ReDim arrSiteNo(nCount) For Each objInstance In objInstances nPos = InStr(objInstance.Name, "/") arrSiteNo(nStart) = Right(objInstance.Name, len(objInstance.Name) - nPos) nStart = nStart + 1 Next nCount = Ubound(arrSiteNo) - 1 nSiteNo = 1 bFound = FALSE Do While bFound <> TRUE For index= 0 to nCount If Clng(nSiteNo) = Clng(arrSiteNo(index)) Then Exit For End If Next If index > nCount Then bFound = TRUE Else nSiteNo = nSiteNo + 1 End If Loop SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "SiteNo=" & nSiteNo GetNewSiteNo = nSiteNo Set objService = nothing Set objInstances = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Sub name :GetDomainRole 'Description :Returns domain and server name of local machine 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :strDirectoryRoot, strSysName 'Returns :None 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GetDomainRole(ByRef strDirectoryRoot, ByRef strSysName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strDomainName 'holds Domain name Dim Query 'holds query string Dim objService 'holds WMI connection Dim Parent 'holds result query Dim role 'holds role of the sytem Dim Domain 'holds domain name Dim inst 'holds instance of computer object strDomainName = "" strSysName = "" Query = "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem" Set objService = getWMIConnection("root\cimv2") set Parent = objService.ExecQuery(Query) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "Failed to get connection to Computer name space" Exit Sub End if For each inst in Parent role = inst.DomainRole strDomainName = inst.Domain strSysName = inst.Name exit for next If (role = MEMBER_DOMAIN) Then strDirectoryRoot = strDomainName ElseIf (role = MEMBER_WORKGROUP) Then strDirectoryRoot = strSysName End If End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetWebSiteNo 'Description: gets the web site no 'Input Variables: strSiteId - site identifier ' strSysName - system name 'Returns: strSiteNo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWebSiteNo(strSiteId) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim Parent 'holds result collection Dim Query 'holds query string Dim inst 'holds instance or result collection Dim strSiteNo 'holds site name Dim objService 'holds WMI Connection object Query = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where ServerID=" & chr(34) & strSiteId & chr(34) Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set Parent = objService.ExecQuery(Query) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "Failed to get the IIs_WebServerSetting object with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function End if For Each inst In Parent strSiteNo = inst.Name Exit For Next GetWebSiteNo = strSiteNo Set Parent = nothing Set objService = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetWebSiteName 'Description: gets the web site no 'Input Variables: strSiteId - site identifier 'Returns: strSiteNo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWebSiteName(strSiteId) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim Parent 'holds result query Dim Query 'holds query string Dim inst 'holds instance of Parent Dim strSiteName 'holds sitename Dim objService 'holds WMI Connection object Query = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteId & chr(34) Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set Parent = objService.Get( Query ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "Failed to get the IIs_WebServerSetting object with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function End if strSiteName = Parent.ServerComment GetWebSiteName = strSiteName 'Release objects Set Parent = nothing Set objService = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetApplProt 'Description: Sets Application Protection level 'Input Variables: objService, strSiteNum, strProtect 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetApplProt( objService, strSiteNum, strProtect ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds Query string Dim objVirDir 'holds query result SetApplProt = FALSE 'set application protection strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDir") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & "/ROOT" & chr(34) set objVirDir = objService.Get( strObjPath ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "get vir dir object failed " & Hex(Err.Number) exit Function End if 'call the method to set the application protection objVirDir.AppCreate2( cint(strProtect) ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to set the application protection " & Hex(Err.number) exit Function End if SetApplProt = TRUE 'Release objects set objVirDir = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetApplRead 'Description: Sets Read permissions on the web site 'Input Variables: objService, strSiteNum 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetApplRead( objService, strSiteNum) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds Query string Dim objVirDir 'holds query result SetApplRead = FALSE 'set application protection strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & "/ROOT" & chr(34) set objVirDir = objService.Get( strObjPath ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "get vir dir object failed " & Hex(Err.Number) exit Function End if 'call the method to set the application Read property objVirDir.AccessRead = true objVirDir.AccessNoRemoteRead = false objVirDir.AccessSource = false objVirDir.Put_( WBEMFLAG ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to set the application read property " & Hex(Err.number) exit Function End if SetApplRead = TRUE 'Release objects set objVirDir = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetAnonProp 'Description: Sets the Anon user 'Input Variables: objService, strSiteNum, strAllow, strAnonName, strAnonPwd 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetAnonProp(objService, strSiteNum, strAllow, strAnonName, strAnonPwd, bIIS) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds Query string Dim objVirDirSet 'holds query result Dim strPassword Dim strUserName Dim objSystem Dim strDomainName Dim arrDomain SA_Traceout "parameters=", strSiteNum + ":" + strAllow + ":" + strAnonName + ":" + strAnonPwd SetAnonProp = FALSE strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & "/ROOT" & chr(34) set objVirDirSet = objService.Get(strObjPath) if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Get WebVirtualDirSetting object failed with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function End if 'Set bIIS to false, that's because a new IIS 6.0 security feature, which does not 'install sub-authenticator on clean installs. bIIS should always be false. 'It also affects anon access. Now we don't let IIS manage the pwd, and have to set 'the pwd explicitly. Since user can disable/enable the anon access back and forth, 'we need to always store the pwd in AnonymousUserPass. The pwd for anon user created 'by WebUI is randomly generated from SAHelper, it should not be empty. If it's empty, 'it means user wants to change the anon access permission. bIIS = false If strAnonPwd <> "" Then objVirDirSet.AnonymousUserPass = strAnonPwd End If if lcase(strAllow) = "true" then objVirDirSet.AuthAnonymous = True objVirDirSet.AuthBasic = False objVirDirSet.AuthNTLM = True objVirDirSet.AnonymousUserName = strAnonName objVirDirSet.AnonymousPasswordSync = False else objVirDirSet.AuthAnonymous = False objVirDirSet.AuthBasic = True objVirDirSet.AuthNTLM = True end if objVirDirSet.Put_( WBEMFLAG ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "failed to set the anon settings with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" end if SetAnonProp = TRUE 'Release objects set objVirDirSet = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetServerBindings 'Description: Sets the IP address, tcp port and host header values 'Input Variables: objService, strSiteNum, arrBindings 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetServerBindings( objService, strSiteNum, arrBindings ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds query string Dim objSite 'holds site SetServerBindings = FALSE strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & chr(34) set objSite = objService.Get(strObjPath) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "Failed to get the IIs_WebServerSetting object with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function End if SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "bindings=" & arrBindings(0) If IsIIS60Installed() Then Dim arrTmp Dim arrObjBindings(0) 'We need to create a ServerBinding object for IIS6.0 WMI arrTmp = split( arrBindings(0),":") set arrObjBindings(0) = objService.Get("ServerBinding").SpawnInstance_ arrObjBindings(0).IP = arrTmp(0) 'IP Address arrObjBindings(0).Port = arrTmp(1) 'Port arrObjBindings(0).Hostname = arrTmp(2) 'Hostname - Header in old WMI objSite.ServerBindings = arrObjBindings Else objSite.ServerBindings = arrBindings End If objSite.Put_( WBEMFLAG ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "Failed to set the serverbindings with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function end if SetServerBindings = TRUE 'Release objects set objSite = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: StartWebSite 'Description: Starts web site after creation 'Input Variables: objService, strSiteNum 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function StartWebSite( objService, strSiteNum ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds query string Dim objWebSite 'holds result site object StartWebSite = FALSE strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServer") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & chr(34) Set objWebSite = objService.Get(strObjPath) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & strObjPath & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" & Err.Description exit Function End if if objWebSite.ServerState = CONST_SITE_STOPPED then objWebSite.start() If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to start the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function end if elseif objWebSite.ServerState = CONST_SITE_PAUSED then objWebSite.Continue() If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to start the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function end if end if StartWebSite = TRUE 'Release objects Set objWebSite = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: PauseWebSite 'Description: Pause web site 'Input Variables: objService, strSiteNum 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function PauseWebSite( objService, strSiteNum ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds query string Dim objWebSite 'holds result site object PauseWebSite = FALSE strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServer") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & chr(34) Set objWebSite = objService.Get(strObjPath) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & strObjPath & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" & Err.Description exit Function End if if objWebSite.ServerState = CONST_SITE_STARTED then objWebSite.pause() If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to pause the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function end if end if PauseWebSite = TRUE 'Release objects Set objWebSite = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: StopWebSite 'Description: Starts web site after creation 'Input Variables: objService, strSiteNum 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function StopWebSite( objService, strSiteNum ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds query object Dim objWebSite 'holds query result StopWebSite = FALSE strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServer") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & chr(34) Set objWebSite = objService.Get(strObjPath) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "site_area.asp", "Failed to get the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & strObjPath & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" & Err.Description exit Function End if if objWebSite.ServerState = CONST_SITE_STARTED or objWebSite.ServerState = CONST_SITE_PAUSED then objWebSite.Stop() If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "site_area.asp", "Failed to stop the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit Function end if end if StopWebSite = TRUE 'Release objects Set objWebSite = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SA_Sleep 'Description: Sleep for the given period of time (ms) 'Input Variables: Time to sleep in ms 'Output Variables: 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function SA_Sleep(lngTimeToSleep) On Error Resume Next Dim objSystem Set objSystem = CreateObject("comhelper.SystemSetting") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "SA_Sleep failed to create COMHelper object: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number))) Set objSystem = Nothing Exit Function End If call objSystem.Sleep(lngTimeToSleep) If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "SA_Sleep failed: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number))) Set objSystem = Nothing Exit Function End If Set objSystem = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetAdminFtpServerName 'Description: sets the ftp site name in registry 'Input Variables: strFTPServerName 'Returns: true/false 'Global variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetAdminFtpServerName(strFTPServerName) on error resume next Err.clear Dim IRC Dim objGetHandle SetAdminFtpServerName = FALSE set objGetHandle = RegConnection() IRC = objGetHandle.SetStringValue(G_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY,CONST_FTPSITEID_REGVAL,strFTPServerName) If Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to Set adminFTPServerName regval" exit function end if SetAdminFtpServerName = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetAdminFtpServerName 'Description: gets the ftp site id 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: none 'Returns: FTP site ID '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetAdminFtpServerName() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objGetHandle 'holds regconnection value set objGetHandle = RegConnection() GetAdminFtpServerName = GetRegKeyValue(objGetHandle,CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY,CONST_FTPSITEID_REGVAL,CONST_STRING) If Err.number <> 0 then GetAdminFtpServerName = "" SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get AdminFtpServerName regval" exit function end if End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsAdminFTPServerExist 'Description: check whether AdminFTPServer exists 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: none 'Returns: true/false '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsAdminFTPServerExist() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear dim strAdminFTPServerName dim objWMIConnection dim objAdminFTPServer IsAdminFTPServerExist = false strAdminFTPServerName = GetAdminFtpServerName() ' If could not read the admin FTP server name from the registry, return false if strAdminFTPServerName = "" Then Exit Function End if ' If could not get admin FTP server from WMI, return false set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set objAdminFTPServer = objWMIConnection.Get("IIsFtpServer.Name='" & strAdminFTPServerName & "'") if Err.number <> 0 or (Not IsObject(objAdminFTPServer)) Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "IsAdminFTPServerExist failed" Exit Function End If IsAdminFTPServerExist = true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning 'Description: check whether AdminFTPServer exists and is running 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: none 'Returns: true/false '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear dim strAdminFTPServerName dim objWMIConnection dim objAdminFTPServer IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning = false strAdminFTPServerName = GetAdminFtpServerName() ' If could not read the admin FTP server name from the registry, return false if strAdminFTPServerName = "" Then Exit Function End if ' If could not get admin FTP server from WMI, return false set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set objAdminFTPServer = objWMIConnection.Get("IIsFtpServer.Name='" & strAdminFTPServerName & "'") if Err.number <> 0 or (Not IsObject(objAdminFTPServer)) Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning failed" Exit Function End If ' If admin FTP server is not running, return false if objAdminFTPServer.ServerState <> CONST_FTPSERVER_RUNNING_STATE Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "AdminFTPServer is not running" exit function End if IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning = true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsAdminFTPServerExist 'Description: check whether AdminFTPServer exists 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: none 'Returns: true/false '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsAdminFTPServerExist() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear dim strAdminFTPServerName dim objWMIConnection dim objAdminFTPServer IsAdminFTPServerExist = false strAdminFTPServerName = GetAdminFtpServerName() ' If could not read the admin FTP server name from the registry, return false if strAdminFTPServerName = "" Then Exit Function End if ' If could not get admin FTP server from WMI, return false set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set objAdminFTPServer = objWMIConnection.Get("IIsFtpServer.Name='" & strAdminFTPServerName & "'") if Err.number <> 0 or (Not IsObject(objAdminFTPServer)) Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "IsAdminFTPServerExist fails" Exit Function End If IsAdminFTPServerExist = true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: StartAdminFTPServer 'Description: Start Admin FTP Server 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: none 'Returns: true/false '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function StartAdminFTPServer() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear dim strAdminFTPServerName dim objWMIConnection dim objAdminFTPServer StartAdminFTPServer = false strAdminFTPServerName = GetAdminFtpServerName() ' If could not read the admin FTP server name from the registry, return false if strAdminFTPServerName = "" Then Exit Function End if ' If could not get admin FTP server from WMI, return false set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set objAdminFTPServer = objWMIConnection.Get("IIsFtpServer.Name='" & strAdminFTPServerName & "'") if objAdminFTPServer.ServerState <> CONST_FTPSERVER_RUNNING_STATE Then objAdminFTPServer.Start Else SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Admin FTP Server is already started" End if if Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "StartAdminFTPServer failed: " & err.Description Exit Function End If StartAdminFTPServer = true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: StopAdminFTPServer 'Description: Stop Admin FTP Server 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: none 'Returns: true/false '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function StopAdminFTPServer() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear dim strAdminFTPServerName dim objWMIConnection dim objAdminFTPServer StopAdminFTPServer = false strAdminFTPServerName = GetAdminFtpServerName() ' If could not read the admin FTP server name from the registry, return false if strAdminFTPServerName = "" Then Exit Function End if ' If could not get admin FTP server from WMI, return false set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set objAdminFTPServer = objWMIConnection.Get("IIsFtpServer.Name='" & strAdminFTPServerName & "'") if objAdminFTPServer.ServerState = CONST_FTPSERVER_RUNNING_STATE Then objAdminFTPServer.Stop Else SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Admin FTP Server is already stopped" End if if Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "StopAdminFTPServer failed" Exit Function End If StopAdminFTPServer = true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: StopDefaultFTPServer 'Description: Before starting admin FTP server, we need try to stop ' the default FTP server. If it cannot be stopped, or the ' the running FTP server is not the default FTP server (nor ' the admin FTP server), return false. Return true otherwise. 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: none 'Returns: true/false '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function StopDefaultFTPServer() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear dim objWMIConnection dim objFTPServers dim instFTPServer Const TIME_TO_SLEEP = 500 ' Sleep 1/2 second StopDefaultFTPServer = false set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set objFTPServers = objWMIConnection.InstancesOf(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIsFtpServer")) if Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Fail to stop Default FTP Server:" & err.number exit function end if if objFTPServers.count = 0 then ' If there is not FTP site, return true StopDefaultFTPServer = true exit function End If for each instFTPServer in objFTPServers 'If running site is not default FTP site, return false since we don't want 'to stop any FTP site other than the default FTP site if instFTPServer.ServerState = CONST_FTPSERVER_RUNNING_STATE And instFTPServer.Name <> "MSFTPSVC/1" Then exit function End If 'If it's default site, stop it if it's running if instFTPServer.Name = "MSFTPSVC/1" Then if instFTPServer.ServerState <> CONST_FTPSERVER_RUNNING_STATE Then StopDefaultFTPServer = true Exit Function Else instFTPServer.Stop Dim iCounter For iCounter = 0 to 10 'loop for 10 times 'Requery the WMI for the state of the default FTP server Set instFTPServer = objWMIConnection.Get("IIsFtpServer.Name='MSFTPSVC/1'") If instFTPServer.ServerState = CONST_FTPSERVER_STOPPED_STATE Then StopDefaultFTPServer = true Exit Function Else call SA_Sleep(TIME_TO_SLEEP) End If Next if Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "Failed to stop default FTP site" Exit Function End If StopDefaultFTPServer = true Exit Function End If End If Next End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: CreateAdminFTPServer 'Description: Create FTP server for Updating Website Content and save ' the server name to the registry 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: none 'Returns: true/false '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateAdminFTPServer() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strName Dim strRoot Dim strPort Dim objWMIConnection Dim Bindings Dim objFTPService Dim strSiteObjPath Dim strSitePath Dim objPath Dim objSetting Dim objSysDrive Dim strSysDrive CreateAdminFTPServer = false 'Get FTP site root dir Set objSysDrive = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Call GetFTPSiteRootVal(strRoot) 'If the root dir does not exist, create it If objSysDrive.FolderExists(strRoot)=false Then call CreateSitePath(objSysDrive, strRoot) End If strName = "Web Site Content" strPort = "21" set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Bindings = Array(0) Set Bindings(0) = objWMIConnection.get("ServerBinding").SpawnInstance_() Bindings(0).IP = "" 'all unsigned Bindings(0).Port = strPort 'Create and start the admin FTP site Set objFTPService = objWMIConnection.Get("IIsFtpService='MSFTPSVC'") strSiteObjPath = objFTPService.CreateNewSite(strName, Bindings, strRoot) If err.number <> 0 Then sa_traceout "inc_wsa", "Failed to create admin FTP site " & err.Description Exit Function End If ' Parse site ID out of WMI object path Set objPath = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemObjectPath") objPath.Path = strSiteObjPath strSitePath = objPath.Keys.Item("") ' Set ftp virtual directory properties Set objSetting = objWMIConnection.Get("IIsFtpServerSetting.Name='" & strSitePath & "'") objSetting.AllowAnonymous = false objSetting.AccessRead = true objSetting.AccessWrite = false objSetting.UserIsolationMode = 0 'not using the user isolation mode objSetting.Put_() 'Save the admin FTP server name to registry call SetAdminFTPServerName(strSitePath) If err.number <> 0 Then sa_traceout "inc_wsa", "Failed to create admin FTP site " & err.Description Exit Function End If CreateAdminFTPServer = true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetWebSiteRootVal 'Description: gets the web site root dir 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: strWebRootDir 'Returns: error num '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWebSiteRootVal(ByRef strWebRootDir) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim IRC 'holds return value Dim objGetHandle 'holds regconnection value set objGetHandle = RegConnection() IRC = "" IRC = GetRegKeyValue(objGetHandle,CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY,CONST_WEBSITEROOT_REGVAL,CONST_STRING) If Err.number <> 0 then GetWebSiteRootVal = Err.number SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get the web root dir val from reg" exit function end if set objGetHandle = nothing if IRC = "" then Dim objSysDrive,strSysDrive Set objSysDrive = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strSysDrive = objSysDrive.GetSpecialFolder(1).Drive ' 1 for systemfolder,0 for windows folder strWebRootDir = strSysDrive & "\" & CONST_DEF_WEBROOT else strWebRootDir = IRC end if set objSysDrive = nothing GetWebSiteRootVal = CONST_SUCCESS End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetFTPSiteRootVal 'Description: gets the FTP site roor dir 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: strWebRootDir 'Returns: error num '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetFTPSiteRootVal(ByRef strWebRootDir) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim IRC 'holds return value Dim objGetHandle 'holds registry connection set objGetHandle = RegConnection() IRC = "" IRC = GetRegKeyValue(objGetHandle,CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY,CONST_FTPSITEROOT_REGVAL,CONST_STRING) If Err.number <> 0 then ' Ignore registry error and use default value. IRC = "" end if set objGetHandle = nothing if IRC = "" then Dim objSysDrive,strSysDrive Set objSysDrive = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strSysDrive = objSysDrive.GetSpecialFolder(1).Drive ' 1 for systemfolder,0 for windows folder strWebRootDir = strSysDrive & "\" & CONST_DEF_FTPROOT set objSysDrive = nothing else strWebRootDir = IRC end if GetFTPSiteRootVal = CONST_SUCCESS End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :CreateSitePath 'Description :Create Directory path if not exists 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateSitePath(objFso, strRootDir) on error resume next Err.Clear Dim strIndx 'holds index value Dim strDriveName 'holds drive name Dim strDirStruct 'holds directory path Dim strDirList Dim strMain Dim count Dim strEachDir Dim strCreateDir Dim objDirList Dim objDir Dim objDriveType strIndx = instr(1,strRootDir,":\") strDriveName = left(strRootDir,strIndx) strDirStruct = mid(strRootDir,strIndx+1) strDirList = split(strDirStruct,"\") if NOT objFso.DriveExists(ucase(strDriveName)) then CreateSitePath = CONST_INVALID_DRIVE exit function end if set objDriveType = objFso.GetDrive(strDriveName) if objDriveType.FileSystem <> "NTFS" then CreateSitePath = CONST_NOTNTFS_DRIVE exit function end if for count = 0 to UBound(strDirList) if count>=UBound(strDirList) then exit for if count=0 then strMain = strDriveName & "\" & strDirList(count+1) if objFso.FolderExists(strMain)=false then objFso.CreateFolder(strMain) if err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "CreateSitePath:Failed to create dir " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" & Err.Description CreateSitePath = CONST_FAILED_TOCREATE_DIR Exit Function end if end if else strEachDir = strEachDir & "\" & strDirList(count+1) strCreateDir = strMain & strEachDir if objFso.FolderExists(strCreateDir)=false then objFso.CreateFolder(strCreateDir) if err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "CreateSitePath: Failed to create directory " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" & Err.Description CreateSitePath = CONST_FAILED_TOCREATE_DIR Exit Function end if end if end if next CreateSitePath = CONST_SUCCESS end function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :DelegateOuToSiteAdmin 'Description :Delegate Permissions to Site-Identifier_Admins group 'Input Variables :strOu, strTrustee 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DelegateOuToSiteAdmin(strOu, strTrustee) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strDn 'holds query value Dim oRootDSE 'holds root value Dim oDelegationOU Dim oSecDescriptor Dim oAcl DelegateOuToSiteAdmin = FALSE Set oRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") strDn = "ou=" & strOu & ",ou=WebSites," & oRootDSE.Get("DefaultNamingContext") SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "strDn=" & strDn ' Get the security descriptor from the object Set oDelegationOU = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDN) Set oSecDescriptor = oDelegationOU.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor") Set oAcl = oSecDescriptor.DiscretionaryAcl 'Give ability to read this object ' Grant a Read permission ' Allow Ace ' Apply to this object only ' ObjectType is not present ' No specific class ' No children will inherit if NOT AddAceToAcl ( oAcl, strTrustee, ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ, ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, 0, 0, "", "" ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "AddAceToAcl failed " exit function end if 'Give ability to create and delete users ' Allow create and delete right ' Allow object ace, This applies to this object and children ' ObjectType is present ' Applies to User object ' No children will inherit if NOT AddAceToAcl (oAcl, strTrustee, ADS_RIGHT_DS_CREATE_CHILD OR ADS_RIGHT_DS_DELETE_CHILD, _ ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT, ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE, _ ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT, USERGUID, "" ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "AddAceToAcl failed " exit function end if 'Give full control over user objects ' Grant full control ' Allow Ace for an object ' This should be applied only to children, not to this object ' ObjectType is present ' Applies to User class ' No children will inherit if NOT AddAceToAcl ( oAcl, strTrustee, ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL, ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT, _ ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE Or ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ONLY_ACE, _ ADS_FLAG_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT, "", USERGUID ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "AddAceToAcl failed " exit function end if 'Give ablity to read this OU ' Grant a Read ' Allow Ace ' Apply to this object only ' ObjectType is present ' This applies to the OU class ' No children will inherit if NOT AddAceToAcl ( oAcl, strTrustee, ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ, ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, _ 0, ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT, OUGUID, "" ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "AddAceToAcl failed " exit function end if 'Give ability to create and delete group objects ' Allow create and delete right ' Allow object ace ' This applies to this object only ' ObjectType is present ' Applies to group object ' No children will inherit an objectAce if NOT AddAceToAcl ( oAcl, strTrustee, ADS_RIGHT_DS_CREATE_CHILD OR ADS_RIGHT_DS_DELETE_CHILD, _ ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT, ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE, _ ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT, GROUPGUID, "" ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "AddAceToAcl failed " exit function end if 'Give full control to group objects ' Grant full control ' Allow Ace for an object ' This should be applied only to children, not to this object ' ObjectType is present ' Applies to group object ' No children will inherit an objectAce if NOT AddAceToAcl ( oAcl, strTrustee, ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL, ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT, _ ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE Or ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ONLY_ACE, _ ADS_FLAG_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT, "", GROUPGUID ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "AddAceToAcl failed " exit function end if 'Commit all of the changes to the Active Directory oSecDescriptor.DiscretionaryAcl = oAcl oDelegationOU.Put "ntSecurityDescriptor", oSecDescriptor oDelegationOU.SetInfo if Err.Number <> 0 then Exit Function end if DelegateOuToSiteAdmin = TRUE End Function '========================================================================================================================= ' The AddAceToAcl function will create a new Access control entry. It will set the trustee to the global trustee variable ' passed into the script. The other attibutes of the ACE are determined by the parameters. The ACE is added to the ' global oACL variable. '========================================================================================================================= Function AddAceToAcl(oAcl, strTrustee, iAccessMask, iAceType, iAceFlags, iFlags, strObjectGUID, strInheritGUID) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim oAce 'As IADsAccessControlEntry AddAceToAcl = FALSE set oAce = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry") if Err.Number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "CreateObject AccessControlEntry failed " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" Exit Function end if oAce.Trustee = strTrustee oAce.AccessMask = iAccessMask oAce.AceType = iAceType oAce.Flags = iFlags oAce.AceFlags = iAceFlags If Len(strObjectGUID) > 0 then oAce.ObjectType = strObjectGUID End If If Len(strInheritGUID) > 0 then oAce.InheritedObjectType = strInheritGUID End If oACL.AddAce oAce if Err.Number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Add ace to acl failed " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" Exit Function end if AddAceToAcl = TRUE Set oAce = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :GetNonInheritedSites 'Description :Gets all sites that are not Inheriting settings from the master 'Input Variables :objService,strClassName,strMasterClassName,arrProp 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetNonInheritedSites(objService,strClassName,strMasterClassName,arrProp) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strQuery 'holds query string Dim objInstances 'holds instance values Dim objInst Dim count Dim strPropCollection 'holds prop collection Dim arrMasterPropVal Dim strTemp Dim arrWebSites 'holds array of web sites Dim strManagedSites 'holds managed websites value Dim managedCount 'holds managed count value redim arrMasterPropVal(ubound(arrProp)) if strClassName = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIS_FTPServerSetting") then arrWebSites = getManagedFTPSites else arrWebSites = getManagedWebSites end if if arrWebSites = 0 then GetNonInheritedSites = 0 exit function end if for count =0 to UBound(arrProp) strPropCollection = strPropCollection & arrProp(count) & "," next strPropCollection = left(strPropCollection,len(strPropCollection)-1) strQuery = "select " & strPropCollection & " from " & strMasterClassName set objInstances = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) for each objInst in objInstances for count = 0 to UBound(arrProp) if vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 11 then '11 for boolean 'if the property type is boolean, we cannot convert it to a string directly 'string conversion of vbscript is browser preference dependent 'we need to convert boolean to english strings(true/false), otherwise wmi query fails if objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) then arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & "True" & "'" else arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & "False" & "'" end if elseif vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 8 then '8 for string arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) & "'" elseif vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 3 then '3 for integer arrMasterPropVal(count) = objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) end if next next 'Release objects set objInstances = nothing for count = 0 to UBound(arrProp) strTemp = strTemp & arrProp(count) & " !=" & arrMasterPropVal(count) & " or " next strTemp = left(strTemp,len(strTemp)-3) strTemp = " ( " & strTemp & " ) " for managedCount = 0 to UBound(arrWebSites) if strClassName = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") then strManagedSites = strManagedSites & " Name = '" & arrWebSites(managedCount) & "/Root' and " & strTemp & " or " else strManagedSites = strManagedSites & " Name = '" & arrWebSites(managedCount) & "' and " & strTemp & " or " end if next strManagedSites = left(strManagedSites,len(strManagedSites)-3) strQuery = "select * from " & strClassName & " where " & strManagedSites set objInstances = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) set GetNonInheritedSites = objInstances End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: getManagedWebSites 'Description: Returns an array of Managed web sites from reg loc ' WebServerAppliance\ManagedWebSites 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: 'Returns: returns an array 'Global Variables: None 'If object fails dislays the error message '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getManagedWebSites() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim Child 'hold child object Dim count Dim arrWebSites() 'hold array of websites Dim objService 'hold WMI Connection object Dim siteCollection 'hold site collection Dim strQuery 'hold query string Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) 'form the query strQuery = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where ServerID = ServerComment" Set siteCollection = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)',"WQL",48) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_ServeFailurepage L_INFORMATION_ERRORMESSAGE getObjSiteCollection = false exit function End If if siteCollection.count = 0 then getManagedWebSites = 0 exit function end if count =0 For Each Child In siteCollection redim preserve arrWebSites(count) arrWebSites(count) = Child.Name count = count + 1 Next 'use the script managed_site.vbs here getManagedWebSites = arrWebSites 'Release the object set siteCollection = nothing set objService = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: getManagedFTPSites 'Description: Returns an array of Managed FTP sites from reg loc ' WebServerAppliance\ManagedWebSites 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: 'Returns: returns an array 'Global Variables: None 'If object fails dislays the error message '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getManagedFTPSites() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim Child Dim count Dim arrFTPSites() 'holds array of FTP sites Dim objService Dim siteCollection Dim strQuery Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) 'form the query strQuery = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FTPServerSetting") Set siteCollection = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_ServeFailurepage L_INFORMATION_ERRORMESSAGE getObjSiteCollection = false exit function End If if siteCollection.count = 0 then getManagedFTPSites = 0 exit function end if count =0 For Each Child In siteCollection redim preserve arrFTPSites(count) arrFTPSites(count) = Child.Name count = count + 1 Next getManagedFTPSites = arrFTPSites 'Release objects set objService = nothing set siteCollection = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :SetDaclForFtpDir 'Description :Sets DACL entries for FTP directory 'Input Variables :bAllowFTP, strDir, AdminName, AnonName, FTPName, strDirRoot 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetDaclForFtpDir(bAllowFTP, strDir, strAdminName, strAnonName, strFTPName, strDirRoot) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear SetDaclForFtpDir = FALSE Dim objService 'holds WMI Connection Dim strTemp Dim objSecSetting Dim objSecDescriptor 'holds Security descriptor value Dim strPath 'holds path Dim objDACL Dim objSiteAdminAce 'holds site admin ace Dim objAdminAce 'holds admin ace Dim objAnonAce 'holds anon ace Dim objAuthAce 'holds auth ace Dim objFTPAce 'hold FTP ace Dim retval 'holds return value Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) objService.security_.impersonationlevel = 3 'get the sec seting for file strPath = "Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting.Path='" & strDir & "'" set objSecSetting = objService.Get(strPath) if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get Sec object for dir " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if 'get the ace's for all req users if NOT GetUserAce(objService, strAdminName , strDirRoot, CONST_FULLCONROL, objSiteAdminAce ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get ACE object for Site Admin user " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if if NOT GetUserAce(objService, SA_GetAccount_Administrator() , strDirRoot, CONST_FULLCONROL, objAdminAce ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get ACE object for Admin user " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if if NOT GetUserAce(objService, strAnonName, strDirRoot, CONST_MODIFYDELTE, objAnonAce ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get ACE object for Anon user " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if if bAllowFTP = "true" then if NOT GetUserAce(objService, strFTPName, strDirRoot, CONST_MODIFYDELTE, objFTPAce ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get ACE object for Anon user " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if end if Set objSecDescriptor = objService.Get("Win32_SecurityDescriptor").SpawnInstance_() if Err.Number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get create the Win32_SecurityDescriptor object " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("DACL") = Array() Set objDACL = objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("DACL") objDACL.Value(0) = objSiteAdminAce objDACL.Value(1) = objAdminAce objDACL.Value(2) = objAnonAce if bAllowFTP = "true" then objDACL.Value(3) = objFTPAce end if objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("ControlFlags") = 32772 Set objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("Owner") = objSiteAdminAce.Trustee Err.Clear retval = objSecSetting.SetSecurityDescriptor( objSecDescriptor ) if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "site_new", "Failed to set the Security Descriptor for Root dir " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if SA_TraceOut "site_new", "In SetDaclForFtpDir success" SetDaclForFtpDir = TRUE 'Release the objects set objService = nothing set objAdminAce = nothing set objAnonAce = nothing set objAuthAce = nothing set objSecSetting = nothing set objSecDescriptor = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :RemoveDaclEntry 'Description :Removes the DACL entry 'Input Variables :strDir, strDirRoot 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function RemoveDaclEntry(strDir, strDirRoot) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear RemoveDaclEntry = FALSE Dim objService Dim objSecSetting 'hold sec setting value Dim objSecDescriptor 'hold security descriptor value Dim strPath Dim objDACL Dim objSiteAdminAce 'hold admin ace Dim retval 'holds return value Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) objService.security_.impersonationlevel = 3 'get the sec setting for file strPath = "Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting.Path='" & strDir & "'" set objSecSetting = objService.Get(strPath) if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get Sec object for dir " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if 'get the ace's for all req users if NOT GetUserAce(objService, SA_GetAccount_Administrators() , strDirRoot, CONST_FULLCONROL, objSiteAdminAce ) then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get ACE object for Administrators " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if Set objSecDescriptor = objService.Get("Win32_SecurityDescriptor").SpawnInstance_() if Err.Number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get create the Win32_SecurityDescriptor object " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("DACL") = Array() Set objDACL = objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("DACL") objDACL.Value(0) = objSiteAdminAce objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("ControlFlags") = 32772 Set objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("Owner") = objSiteAdminAce.Trustee Err.Clear retval = objSecSetting.SetSecurityDescriptor( objSecDescriptor ) if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "site_Delete", "Failed to set the Security Descriptor for Root dir " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if SA_TraceOut "site_Delete", "In RemoveDaclEntry success" RemoveDaclEntry = TRUE 'Release the objects set objService = nothing set objSecSetting = nothing set objSecDescriptor = nothing set objSiteAdminAce = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetExecPerms 'Description: Sets Execute permissions for the web site 'Input Variables: objService, strSiteNum 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetExecPerms(ActiveFormat, objService, strSiteNum) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds objpath value Dim objVirDir 'hold virtualdirectory path SetExecPerms = FALSE 'set application protection strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & "/ROOT" & chr(34) set objVirDir = objService.Get( strObjPath ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "get vir dir object failed " & Hex(Err.Number) exit Function End if 'call the method to set the application Read property if ActiveFormat = 2 then objVirDir.AccessExecute = TRUE objVirDir.AccessScript = TRUE elseif ActiveFormat = 1 then objVirDir.AccessExecute = FALSE objVirDir.AccessScript = TRUE elseif ActiveFormat = 0 then objVirDir.AccessExecute = FALSE objVirDir.AccessScript = FALSE end if objVirDir.put_(WBEMFLAG) if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "Web_ExecutePerms", "Failed to set exec perms" & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if SetExecPerms = TRUE 'Release the object set objVirDir = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Function name :GetNonInheritedIISSites 'Description :Gets all sites that are not Inheriting settings from the master 'Input Variables :objService,strClassName,strMasterClassName,arrProp 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetNonInheritedIISSites(objService,strClassName,strMasterClassName,arrProp) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strQuery 'holds query value Dim objInstances Dim objInst Dim count Dim strPropCollection Dim arrMasterPropVal Dim strTemp Dim arrWebSites() Dim strManagedSites Dim managedCount Dim siteCollection Dim Child strQuery = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where ServerID = ServerComment" Set siteCollection = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) If Err.number <> 0 or siteCollection.count=0 Then GetNonInheritedIISSites = 0 exit function End If count =0 For Each Child In siteCollection redim preserve arrWebSites(count) arrWebSites(count) = Child.Name count = count + 1 Next redim arrMasterPropVal(ubound(arrProp)) for count =0 to UBound(arrProp) strPropCollection = strPropCollection & arrProp(count) & "," next strPropCollection = left(strPropCollection,len(strPropCollection)-1) strQuery = "select " & strPropCollection & " from " & strMasterClassName set objInstances = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) for each objInst in objInstances for count = 0 to UBound(arrProp) if vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 11 then '11 for boolean 'if the property type is boolean, we cannot convert it to a string directly 'string conversion of vbscript is browser preference dependent 'we need to convert boolean to english strings(true/false), otherwise wmi query fails if objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) then arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & "True" & "'" else arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & "False" & "'" end if elseif vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 8 then '8 for string arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) & "'" elseif vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 3 then '3 for integer arrMasterPropVal(count) = objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) end if next next 'Release objects set objInstances = nothing for count = 0 to UBound(arrProp) strTemp = strTemp & arrProp(count) & " !=" & arrMasterPropVal(count) & " or " next strTemp = left(strTemp,len(strTemp)-3) strTemp = " ( " & strTemp & " ) " for managedCount = 0 to UBound(arrWebSites) if strClassName = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") then strManagedSites = strManagedSites & " Name = '" & arrWebSites(managedCount) & "/Root' and " & strTemp & " or " else strManagedSites = strManagedSites & " Name = '" & arrWebSites(managedCount) & "' and " & strTemp & " or " end if next strManagedSites = left(strManagedSites,len(strManagedSites)-3) strQuery = "select * from " & strClassName & " where " & strManagedSites set objInstances = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) set GetNonInheritedIISSites = objInstances End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Function name :GetNonInheritedFTPSites 'Description :Gets all sites that are not Inheriting settings from the master 'Input Variables :objService,strClassName,strMasterClassName,arrProp 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetNonInheritedFTPSites(objService,strClassName,strMasterClassName,arrProp) On error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strQuery Dim objInstances Dim objInst Dim count Dim strPropCollection 'holds prop collection Dim arrMasterPropVal Dim strTemp Dim arrWebSites() 'holds array websites collection Dim strManagedSites 'holds managed webites collection Dim managedCount Dim siteCollection Dim Child strQuery = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FTPServerSetting") Set siteCollection = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) If Err.number <> 0 or siteCollection.count=0 Then GetNonInheritedFTPSites = 0 exit function End If count =0 For Each Child In siteCollection redim preserve arrWebSites(count) arrWebSites(count) = Child.Name count = count + 1 Next redim arrMasterPropVal(ubound(arrProp)) for count =0 to UBound(arrProp) strPropCollection = strPropCollection & arrProp(count) & "," next strPropCollection = left(strPropCollection,len(strPropCollection)-1) strQuery = "select " & strPropCollection & " from " & strMasterClassName set objInstances = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) for each objInst in objInstances for count = 0 to UBound(arrProp) if vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 11 then '11 for boolean 'if the property type is boolean, we cannot convert it to a string directly 'string conversion of vbscript is browser preference dependent 'we need to convert boolean to english strings(true/false), otherwise wmi query fails if objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) then arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & "True" & "'" else arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & "False" & "'" end if elseif vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 8 then '8 for string arrMasterPropVal(count) = "'" & objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) & "'" elseif vartype(objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count))) = 3 then '3 for integer arrMasterPropVal(count) = objInst.Properties_.Item(arrProp(count)) end if next next 'Release objects set objInstances = nothing for count = 0 to UBound(arrProp) ' Must handle null values in the WMI master service object to prevent invalid ' queries from causing errors even when non-inherited sites existed. if (not IsNull(arrMasterPropVal(count))) then strTemp = strTemp & arrProp(count) & " !=" & arrMasterPropVal(count) & " or " else strTemp = strTemp & arrProp(count) & " IS NOT NULL or " end if next strTemp = left(strTemp,len(strTemp)-3) strTemp = " ( " & strTemp & " ) " for managedCount = 0 to UBound(arrWebSites) if strClassName = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") then strManagedSites = strManagedSites & " Name = '" & arrWebSites(managedCount) & "/Root' and " & strTemp & " or " else strManagedSites = strManagedSites & " Name = '" & arrWebSites(managedCount) & "' and " & strTemp & " or " end if next strManagedSites = left(strManagedSites,len(strManagedSites)-3) strQuery = "select * from " & strClassName & " where " & strManagedSites ' "WQL" and 0 parameters used to get error information immediately rather than ' when first accessing the results. set objInstances = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", 0) set GetNonInheritedFTPSites = objInstances End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Function name :GetDomainName 'Description :Function to get the domain name 'Input Variables :none 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :String -domain name '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDomainName Err.clear On Error Resume Next Dim objSystem Set objSystem = CreateObject("WinntSystemInfo") GetDomainName = objSystem.domainname 'Checking for the error condition If Err.number <> 0 then GetDomainName = "" end IF End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :SetWebDefaultPage 'Description :set the default page of web 'Input Variables :strDefaultPage 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetWebDefaultPage(objService,strDefaultPage,strSiteNum) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath Dim objWebSite SetWebDefaultPage = False strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & "/ROOT" & chr(34) Set objWebSite = objService.Get(strObjPath) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "site_new", "Failed to get the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & strObjPath Exit Function End if objWebSite.DefaultDoc = strDefaultPage objWebSite.put_(WBEMFLAG) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to set default Page" Set objWebSite = Nothing Exit Function End If SetWebDefaultPage = True Set objWebSite = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :GetWebDefaultPage 'Description :get the default page of web 'Input Variables :strDefaultPage 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWebDefaultPage(objService,strDefaultPage,strSiteNum) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath Dim objWebSite GetWebDefaultPage = "" strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & strSiteNum & "/ROOT" & chr(34) Set objWebSite = objService.Get(strObjPath) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "site_new", "Failed to get the IIs_WebServer Object with error " & strObjPath Exit Function End if GetWebDefaultPage = objWebSite.DefaultDoc If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get default Page" Set objWebSite = Nothing Exit Function End If Set objWebSite = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :UpdateFrontPage 'Description :updates the frontpage extensions 'Input Variables :strSiteName 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function UpdateFrontPage(bUpdateFront, strSiteName, strUserName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear ' ' Default return value is success (TRUE) UpdateFrontPage = TRUE if (bUpdateFront = TRUE OR Trim(UCase(bUpdateFront)) = "TRUE") then UpdateFrontPage = InstallFrontPageWeb(strSiteName, strUserName) elseif (bUpdateFront = FALSE OR Trim(UCase(bUpdateFront)) = "FALSE") then UpdateFrontPage = UnInstallFrontPageWeb(strSiteName) else Call SA_TraceOut("INC_WSA", "Function UpdateFrontPage: Invalid argument bUpdateFront=(" & bUpdateFront & ")") end if End function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :GetBindings 'Description :Serves in Getting the data in the form of "ipaddress:tcpport:hostheader" 'Input Variables :TCP/IP,PORT,HOST HEADER 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Bindings 'Global Variables :None '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetBindings (tempip, temptcp, temphost ) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim retval ' To hold the return value ' if tcpport not specified set default to 80 if trim(temptcp)= "" then temptcp = "80" end if ' return in the form "ipaddress:tcpport:hostheader" if isempty(tempip) = false then retval = tempip & ":" & temptcp & ":" else retval = ":" & temptcp & ":" end if if isempty(temphost) = false then retval = retval & temphost end if GetBindings = retval end function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :GetWebAdministrtorRole 'Description :used to get the web adminitrator role 'Input Variables :TCP/IP,PORT,HOST HEADER 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :"Domain user" or "localuser" 'Global Variables :None '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWebAdministrtorRole(objService, strSiteNum, ByRef strAdminName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strQuery Dim objAdminColection Dim inst Dim strAdminRole Dim arrField Dim strSysName Dim strDirectoryRoot GetWebAdministrtorRole = "" strAdminName = "" strQuery = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_ACE") & " where name = "& _ chr(34)&strSiteNum&chr(34) Set objAdminColection = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "Failed to get web Administrator" exit Function End if For each inst in objAdminColection If inst.AccessMask = 11 Then strAdminName = inst.Trustee Exit For End If Next If strAdminName = "" Then Exit Function End If arrField = split(strAdminName,"\") If ubound(arrField) <> 1 Then Exit Function End If strAdminRole = ucase(arrField(0)) Call GetDomainRole(strDirectoryRoot, strSysName) If strAdminRole = ucase(strSysName) Then GetWebAdministrtorRole = "Local User" Else GetWebAdministrtorRole = "Domain User" End If Set objAdminColection = nothing Set inst = nothing End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :CreateVirFTPSite 'Description :Serves in create virtual ftp site 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean (True if new site is created else returns False) 'Global Variables :None 'Functions Used : '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateVirFTPSite(objService, user, path, bRead, bWrite, bLog) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objVirFTP Dim strUser CreateVirFTPSite = False Set objVirFTP = objService.Get(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting")).SpawnInstance_ If Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa", "Failed to get new Instance of "& _ "IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")") Exit Function End If ' ' objVirFTP.put_(WBEMFLAG) will silently fail (Err variable will not be set correctly) ' if we use a user name that has the form \. ' So we remove the , if it is part of the user name ' If ( InStr(F_strAdminName, "\") <> 0 ) Then Dim arrId arrId = split(F_strAdminName,"\") strUser = arrId(1) Else strUser = F_strAdminName End If objVirFTP.Name = GetAdminFTPServerName() & "/ROOT/"& strUser objVirFTP.Path = path objVirFTP.AccessRead = bRead objVirFTP.AccessWrite = bWrite objVirFTP.DontLog = NOT bLog objVirFTP.put_(WBEMFLAG) If Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa", "Failed to Create FTP site "& _ "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")") Exit Function End If Set objVirFTP = Nothing CreateVirFTPSite = True End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :DeleteVirFTPSite 'Description :Serves in delete virtual ftp site 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean (True if new site is created else returns False) 'Global Variables :None 'Functions Used : '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DeleteVirFTPSite(objService, user) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds site collection Dim objVirFTPSite 'holds instance of the site DeleteVirFTPSite = False strObjPath = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting") & ".Name=" & chr(34) & GetAdminFTPServerName() & "/ROOT/"&user & chr(34) Set objVirFTPSite = objService.Get(strObjPath) If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa","Unable to get the virtual ftp site object ") Exit Function End If 'delete the object objVirFTPSite.Delete_ if Err.Number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Unable to delete the virtual ftp site " Exit Function End If DeleteVirFTPSite = True 'Release the object set objVirFTPSite = nothing End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :IsUserVirFTPInstalled 'Description :Serves in determin that user vir FTP Installed 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean (True if new site is created else returns False) 'Global Variables :None 'Functions Used : '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsUserVirFTPInstalled(objService, user) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strQuery 'holds query string Dim objVirFTPSiteCollect 'holds site collection IsUserVirFTPInstalled = False 'strQuery = "Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting") & " where Name="&chr(34)&"MSFTPSVC/1/ROOT/"&user&chr(34) strQuery = "Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting") & " where Name="&chr(34)& GetAdminFTPServerName() & "/ROOT/"&user&chr(34) Set objVirFTPSiteCollect = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery) If Err.Number <> 0 or objVirFTPSiteCollect.count=0 Then set objVirFTPSiteCollect = nothing Exit Function End If IsUserVirFTPInstalled = True 'Release the object set objVirFTPSiteCollect = nothing End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :IsFTPServiceInstalled 'Description :Serves in wheather the FTP service be installed 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean (True if new site is created else returns False) 'Global Variables :None 'Functions Used : '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsFTPServiceInstalled(objService) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim ObjCollection Dim objInst IsFTPServiceInstalled = False Set ObjCollection = objService.Instancesof(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpServiceSetting")) If Err.number <>0 then Call SA_TRACEOUT("IsFTPServiceInstalled","Failed to get service") Exit Function end if For Each objInst In ObjCollection If ucase(objService.name) = "objInst" Then IsFTPServiceInstalled = True Exit Function End If Next Set ObjCollection = Nothing Set objInst = Nothing End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :IsValidWebPort(strSiteID,strPort) 'Description :Used to determin wheather the web port is valid 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean (True for valid web port) 'Global Variables :None 'Functions Used : '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsValidWebPort(strSiteID, strPort) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objService Dim objCollection Dim objSite Dim arrBindings Dim strTmp IsValidWebPort = True If strPort = "" Then strPort = "80" End If Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call SA_TRACEOUT("inc_wsa","Faild to connect WMI object") End If Set ObjCollection = objService.Instancesof(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting")) For Each objSite In ObjCollection 'Check to see if iis6.0 wmi provider is intalled If IsIIS60Installed Then strTmp = objSite.ServerBindings(0).Port Else arrBindings = Split(objSite.ServerBindings(0),":") strTmp = arrBindings(1) End If If strPort = strTmp Then Call SA_TRACEOUT("IsValidWebPort", "strSiteID="&strSiteID) Call SA_TRACEOUT("IsValidWebPort", "objSite.ServerID="&objSite.ServerID) If CStr(objSite.ServerID) <> strSiteID Then IsValidWebPort = False Exit Function End If End If Next Set objSite = Nothing Set ObjCollection = Nothing Set objService = Nothing End Function ' ' The following two function is very useful to set the permissiton to ' directory, when set the web root permission, we call these function ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetUserAce 'Description: Get the ACLs of the user 'Input Variables: objService, strUserName, strDomain, nAccessMask, ByRef objACE 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetUserAce(objService, strUserName, strDomain, nAccessMask, ByRef objACE) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds query string Dim objAcct 'holds query result Dim objSID 'holds security identifier Dim objTrustee 'holds trustee value GetUserAce = FALSE strObjPath = "Win32_UserAccount.Domain=" & chr(34) & strDomain & chr(34) & ",Name=" & chr(34) & strUserName & chr(34) set objAcct = objService.Get(strObjPath) if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get Win32_UserAccount Object " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if set objSID = objService.Get("Win32_SID.SID='" & objAcct.SID & "'") if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get Win32_SID Object " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if set objTrustee = objService.Get("Win32_Trustee").SpawnInstance_ if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get new Instance of Win32_Trustee " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if objTrustee.Name = strUserName objTrustee.Domain = strDomain objTrustee.SID = objSID.BinaryRepresentation objTrustee.SIDString = objSID.SID objTrustee.SidLength = objSID.SidLength set objACE = objService.Get("Win32_ACE").SpawnInstance_ if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to Create Win32_Ace Object " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if objACE.AccessMask = nAccessMask objACE.Aceflags = 3 objACE.AceType = 0 objACE.Trustee = objTrustee SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "In GetUserAce function success" GetUserAce = TRUE 'Release objects set objAcct = nothing set objSID = nothing set objTrustee = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetGroupAce 'Description: Get the ACLs of the group 'Input Variables: objService, strGroupName, strDomain, nAccessMask, ByRef objACE 'Returns: boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetGroupAce(objService, strGroupName, strDomain, nAccessMask, ByRef objACE) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strObjPath 'holds query string Dim objAcct 'holds query result Dim objSID 'holds security identifier Dim objTrustee 'holds trustee value GetGroupAce = FALSE strObjPath = "Win32_Group.Domain=" & chr(34) & strDomain & chr(34) & ",Name=" & chr(34) & strGroupName & chr(34) set objAcct = objService.Get(strObjPath) if Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa", "Get Win32_Group failed: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) + " " + Err.Description) Call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa", "-->Object path: " + CStr(strObjPath) ) exit function end if set objSID = objService.Get("Win32_SID.SID='" & objAcct.SID & "'") if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get Win32_SID Object " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if set objTrustee = objService.Get("Win32_Trustee").SpawnInstance_ if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to get new Instance of Win32_Trustee " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if objTrustee.Name = strGroupName objTrustee.Domain = strDomain objTrustee.SID = objSID.BinaryRepresentation objTrustee.SIDString = objSID.SID objTrustee.SidLength = objSID.SidLength set objACE = objService.Get("Win32_ACE").SpawnInstance_ if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to Create Win32_Ace Object " & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" exit function end if objACE.AccessMask = nAccessMask objACE.Aceflags = 3 objACE.AceType = 0 objACE.Trustee = objTrustee SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "In GetGroupAce function success" GetGroupAce = TRUE 'Release objects set objAcct = nothing set objSID = nothing set objTrustee = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :ModifyUserInOu 'Description :Modify User settings in OU ' group 'Input Variables :strUserName,strOuName, strGrpName 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ModifyUserInOu(strSiteID,strDomain,strUserName, strPassword, strGrpName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim oUser 'holds user object Dim objComputer 'holds computer object ModifyUserInOu = false SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In ModifyUserInOu" Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain) Set oUser = objComputer.GetObject("user" , trim(strUserName)) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In ModifyUserInOu, get user pswd failed " SetErrMsg SA_GetLocString("Sitearea.dll", "C04201D4", _ Array("user " & trim(strUserName))) Exit Function End if oUser.setPassword(trim(strPassword)) oUser.SetInfo() if Err.number <> 0 then mintTabSelected = 0 If Err.number = &H800708C5 Then SetErrMsg L_ERR_PASSWORD_POLICY Else SetErrMsg L_SETPW_ERRORMESSAGE End If exit Function end if SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In ModifyUserInOu successfull" 'release objects set oUser = nothing set objComputer = nothing ModifyUserInOu = true End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :GetRandomPassword 'Description :Generates a random password 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :strPassword 'Returns :string 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetRandomPassword On Error Resume Next Err.Clear GetRandomPassword = "" Dim objSAHelper Dim strPassword Set objSAHelper = server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.SAHelper") if Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_TraceOut ("inc_wsa", "createobject for sahelper failed") exit function else strPassword = objSAHelper.GenerateRandomPassword(14) if Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_TraceOut ("inc_wsa", "generate random password failed") Set objSAHelper = Nothing exit function end if end if GetRandomPassword = strPassword End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :SetPasswdInAD 'Description :Create Users in OU and adds the user to specified ' group 'Input Variables :strUserName,strOuName 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetPasswdInAD(strSiteID,strUserName, strPassword) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim oUser 'holds user object Dim oRoot 'holds root object Dim oOUWebSites 'holds OU website Dim oOUSiteID 'holds OU siteid SetPasswdInAD = False SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In SetPasswdInAD" SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In SetPasswdInAD strSiteID: " + strSiteID SA_traceOut "G_strDirRoot: " , G_strDirRoot Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP://" & G_strDirRoot) If Err.number <> 0 Then SetErrMsg SA_GetLocString("Sitearea.dll", "C04201D4", _ Array("LDAP://" & G_strDirRoot)) SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "Connect to LDAP failed" Exit Function End if Set oOUWebSites = oRoot.GetObject("organizationalUnit", "ou=WebSites") If err.number <> 0 Then SetErrMsg SA_GetLocString("Sitearea.dll", "C04201D4", _ Array("WebSites organizational unit")) SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", _ "In SetPasswdInAD, get ou web sites failed" Exit Function End If Set oOUSiteID = oOUWebSites.GetObject("organizationalUnit", "ou=" & strSiteID) If err.number<>0 Then SetErrMsg SA_GetLocString("Sitearea.dll", "C04201D4", _ Array(strSiteID & " organizational unit")) SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In SetPasswdInAD, get ou siteid failed" Exit Function End If SA_traceout "strUserName: ", strUserName Set oUser = oOUSiteID.GetObject("User", "cn=" + strUserName ) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In SetPasswdInAD, GetObject user failed " SetErrMsg L_CREATEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If oUser.setPassword(strPassword) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In SetPasswdInAD, SetPassword ** failed ** " SetErrMsg L_CREATEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If oUser.SetInfo() if Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In SetPasswdInAD, SetInfo failed " SetErrMsg L_CREATEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function end if SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In SetPasswdInAD successfull" 'release objects Set oUser = nothing Set oOUWebSites = nothing Set oOUSiteID = nothing Set oRoot = nothing SetPasswdInAD = true End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :SetPasswdInNT 'Description :Set password in NT 'Input Variables :strUserName -- username to set the password for 'Input Variables :strPassword -- password to be used 'Returns :True or False 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetPasswdInNT( strDomainName, strUserName, strPassword ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objComputer Dim objUser SetPasswdInNT = False SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "In SetPasswdInNT" SA_TraceOut "strDomainName:", strDomainName 'SA_TraceOut "G_strSysName:", G_strSysName Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomainName) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "failed to GetObject in SetPasswdinNT : G_strSysName: " + G_strSysName SetErrMsg SA_GetLocString("Sitearea.dll", "C04201D4", _ Array("WinNT://" & strDomain)) Exit Function End if Set objUser = objComputer.GetObject("User" , strUserName) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "failed to GetObject in SetPasswdinNT : strUserName: " + strUserName SetErrmsg L_ERR_GET_USER_OBJECT Exit Function End If objUser.setPassword(trim(strPassword)) objUser.SetInfo() If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "failed to SetInfo in SetPasswdinNT : strPassword: " + strPassword If Err.number = &H800708C5 Then SetErrMsg L_ERR_PASSWORD_POLICY Else SetErrMsg L_UNABLETOSET_PASSWORD_ERRORMESSAGE End If Exit Function End If 'Release the object set objUser = nothing set objComputer = nothing SetPasswdInNT = TRUE Call SA_TRACEOUT("SetPasswdInNT","return success") End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: isFileExisting ' Description: To verify the existence of the file ' Input Variables: strFileToVerify-file name along with its path ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: TRUE - if file exists , else FALSE ' Global Variables: None '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isFileExisting(strFile) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objFSO Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' If the file is existing, return true, else false If objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then isFileExisting = True Else isFileExisting = False End If Set objFSO = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :LaunchProcess 'Description :Launches a new process 'Input Variables :strCommand, strCurDir 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function LaunchProcess(strCommand, strCurDir) On error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objService 'holds WMI Connection Dim objClass 'holds query result Dim objProc 'holds query result of Win32_process Dim objProcStartup 'holds class spawninstance value Dim nretval 'holds return value Dim nPID Dim objTemp 'holds temporary value nretval = 0 Set objService=getWMIConnection("root\cimv2") Set objClass = objService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup") Set objProcStartup = objClass.SpawnInstance_() objProcStartup.ShowWindow = 2 Set objProc = objService.Get("Win32_Process") nretval = objProc.Create(strCommand, strCurDir, objProcStartup,nPID) If Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "Function LaunchProcess failed, error: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description) LaunchProcess = FALSE Exit function End If SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Launch Process " & strCommand & " from path " & strCurDir & " successful " LaunchProcess = TRUE 'Release objects Set objService= nothing Set objClass = nothing Set objProcStartup = nothing Set objProc = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Functions to handle FrontPageServerExtension. ' ' 1) FPSE (2000, 2002) may be installed on the server (host). ' 2) For IIS 6.0, FPSE may be enabled or diabled. ' 3) For each website, FPSE may be installed. ' ' The interfaces are: ' ' 1) IsFrontPageInstalled (return true if any version installed) ' 2) IsFrontPageInstalledOnWebSite (return true if any version installed on the website) ' 3) InstallFrontPageWeb (install FPSE 2002 if found, otherwise install 2000) ' 4) UnInstallFrontPageWeb (uninstall the correct version of FPSE on the website) ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :isFrontPageInstalled 'Description :Returns whether fron page extensions are installed on ' server or not 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function isFrontPageInstalled(objService) ' ' Check if FP 2000 is installed isFrontPageInstalled = isFrontPage2000Installed(objService) ' ' If NOT then check if FP 2002 is installed If ( false = isFrontPageInstalled ) Then isFrontPageInstalled = isFrontPage2002Installed(objService) End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :isFrontPage2000Installed 'Description :Returns whether FPSE2000 are installed or not 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function isFrontPage2000Installed(ByRef objService) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objFrontPage 'holds frontpage query result isFrontPage2000Installed = false set objFrontPage = objService.Get("IIs_filter.Name=" & chr(34) & CONST_FRONTPAGE_PATH & chr(34)) If Err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa.asp", "Frontpage extensions not set. Error = " & Err.number exit function else if NOT IsObject(objFrontPage) then exit function end if isFrontPage2000Installed = true end if 'release the object set objFrontPage = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :isFrontPage2002Installed 'Description :Returns whether FPSE2002 are installed or not 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean 'Global Variables :None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function isFrontPage2002Installed(ByRef objService) on error resume next isFrontPage2002Installed = FALSE Dim aValues Dim x Dim objRegistry Set objRegistry = RegConnection() If (NOT IsObject(objRegistry)) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "RegConnection() failed in function isFrontPage2002Installed, error: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description ) Exit Function End If ' ' Search for FP Server Extensions 2002 installed reg key aValues = RegEnumKey( objRegistry, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\5.0") If ( IsNull(aValues) ) Then Exit Function End If 'Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "RegEnumKey: " & "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\5.0") for x = LBound(aValues) to UBound(aValues) If ( IsNull(aValues(x)) ) Then Exit Function End If 'Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "RegKeyValue: " & aValues(x)) If ( Trim(aValues(x)) = Trim(CONST_FRONTPAGE_2002_INSTALLED) ) Then isFrontPage2002Installed = true exit for End If Next ' ' Search for SharePoint installed reg key aValues = RegEnumKeyValues( objRegistry, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\5.0") If ( IsNull(aValues) ) Then Exit Function End If 'Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "RegEnumKeyValues for: " & "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\5.0") for x = LBound(aValues) to UBound(aValues) If ( IsNull(aValues(x)) ) Then Exit Function End If 'Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "RegKeyValue: " & aValues(x)) If ( Trim(aValues(x)) = Trim(CONST_SHAREPOINT_INSTALLED) ) Then isFrontPage2002Installed = true exit for End If Next Set objRegistry = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :InstallFrontPageWeb 'Description :Installs Front Page Extensions on the machine 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function InstallFrontPageWeb(strSiteName, strUserName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objRegConn 'holds regeconnection Dim strLocationFPSE2000 'holds location of string in registry Dim strLocationFPSE2002 'holds location of the FPSE 2002 location Dim strCommand 'holds string Dim retval 'holds return value InstallFrontPageWeb = FALSE Set objRegConn = RegConnection() if isFrontPage2002Installed Then strLocationFPSE2002 = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,CONST_FRONTPAGE_2002_REGLOC,"Location",CONST_STRING) strLocationFPSE2002 = strLocationFPSE2002 & "\" & "bin" 'SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "strLocationFPSE2002: " & strLocationFPSE2002 strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & chr(34) & "owsadm.exe -o install -p /LM/" & strSiteName & " -type msiis -u " & strUserName & chr(34) 'SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "strCommandFPSE2002: " & strCommand InstallFrontPageWeb = LaunchProcess(strCommand, strLocationFPSE2002) ElseIf isFrontPage2000Installed Then strLocationFPSE2000 = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,CONST_FRONTPAGE_REGLOC,"Location",CONST_STRING) strLocationFPSE2000 = strLocationFPSE2000 & "\" & "bin" 'SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "strLocationFPSE2000: " & strLocationFPSE2000 strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & chr(34) & "fpsrvadm.exe -o install -p /LM/" & strSiteName & " -type msiis -u " & strUserName & chr(34) 'SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "strCommandFPSE2000: " & strCommand InstallFrontPageWeb = LaunchProcess(strCommand, strLocationFPSE2000) Else call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa", "Function InstallFrontPageWeb: Frontpage Extension not Installed on the server") End If 'Release objects Set objRegConn = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :UnInstallFrontPageWeb 'Description :UnInstalls Front Page Extensions on the machine 'Input Variables :None 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function UnInstallFrontPageWeb(strSiteName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objRegConn 'holds regeconnection Dim strLocationFPSE2000 'holds location of string in registry Dim strLocationFPSE2002 'holds location of the FPSE 2002 location Dim strCommand 'holds string Dim retval 'holds return value UnInstallFrontPageWeb = FALSE Set objRegConn = RegConnection() if IsFrontPage2002InstalledOnWebSite(strSiteName) Then strLocationFPSE2002 = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,CONST_FRONTPAGE_2002_REGLOC,"Location",CONST_STRING) strLocationFPSE2002 = strLocationFPSE2002 & "\" & "bin" 'SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "strLocationFPSE2002: " & strLocationFPSE2002 strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & chr(34) & "owsadm.exe -o uninstall -p /LM/" & strSiteName & chr(34) 'Call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa", "Function UnInstallFrontPageWeb: FPSE 2002 command: " & strCommand) UnInstallFrontPageWeb = LaunchProcess(strCommand, strLocationFPSE2002) ElseIf IsFrontPage2000InstalledOnWebSite(strSiteName) Then strLocationFPSE2000 = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,CONST_FRONTPAGE_REGLOC,"Location",CONST_STRING) strLocationFPSE2000 = strLocationFPSE2000 & "\" & "bin" 'SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "strLocationFPSE2000: " & strLocationFPSE2000 strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & chr(34) & "fpsrvadm.exe -o uninstall -p /LM/" & strSiteName & chr(34) 'Call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa", "Function UnInstallFrontPageWeb: FPSE 2000 command: " & strCommand) UnInstallFrontPageWeb = LaunchProcess(strCommand, strLocationFPSE2000) Else call SA_TraceOut("inc_wsa", "Function UnInstallFrontPageWeb: Frontpage Extension not installed on the server") End If 'Release objects Set objRegConn = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :IsFrontPageInstalledOnWebSite 'Description :Determines whether front page extensions are installed ' on that web site 'Input Variables :strSysName, strSiteName 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsFrontPageInstalledOnWebSite(strSysName, strSiteName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear 'Dim objSite 'holds IIS root object IsFrontPageInstalledOnWebSite = false If IsFrontPage2000InstalledOnWebSite( strSiteName) or IsFrontPage2002InstalledOnWebSite( strSiteName) Then IsFrontPageInstalledOnWebSite = true End If 'Set objSite = GetObject("IIS:") 'Set objSite = objSite.OpenDSObject("IIS://" & strSysName & "/" & strSiteName, "", "", 1) 'if Err.number <> 0 then ' Err.Clear ' SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Failed to determine whether front page extensions are installed for site: " & strSiteName ' Exit function 'end if 'IsFrontPageInstalledOnWebSite = objSite.FrontPageWeb 'Release the objects 'set objSite = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :IsFrontPage2000InstalledOnWebSite 'Description :Determines whether front page extensions are installed ' on that web site 'Input Variables :strSysName, strSiteName 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsFrontPage2000InstalledOnWebSite( strSiteName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objRegConn 'registry connection Dim strSitePortLoc 'registry key location of the website Dim strFrontPageRoot Dim strAuthoring IsFrontPage2000InstalledOnWebSite = false ' The registry key is the same for all OS versions strSitePortLoc = CONST_PORT_REGLOC & "Port /LM/" & strSiteName & ":" Set objRegConn = RegConnection() strAuthoring = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,strSitePortLoc,"authoring",CONST_STRING) strFrontPageRoot = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,strSitePortLoc,"frontpageroot",CONST_STRING) if Ucase(strAuthoring) = "ENABLED" and instr(strFrontPageRoot, "\40") Then IsFrontPage2000InstalledOnWebSite = true End If set objRegConn = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name :IsFrontPage2002InstalledOnWebSite 'Description :Determines whether front page extensions are installed ' on that web site 'Input Variables :strSysName, strSiteName 'Output Variables :None 'Returns :Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsFrontPage2002InstalledOnWebSite( strSiteName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objRegConn 'registry connection Dim strSitePortLoc 'registry key location of the website Dim strFrontPageRoot Dim strAuthoring IsFrontPage2002InstalledOnWebSite = false ' The registry key is the same for all OS versions strSitePortLoc = CONST_PORT_REGLOC & "Port /LM/" & strSiteName & ":" Set objRegConn = RegConnection() strAuthoring = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,strSitePortLoc,"authoring",CONST_STRING) strFrontPageRoot = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,strSitePortLoc,"frontpageroot",CONST_STRING) if Ucase(strAuthoring) = "ENABLED" and instr(strFrontPageRoot, "\50") Then IsFrontPage2002InstalledOnWebSite = true End If set objRegConn = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Functions to handle FTP ' ' ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsFTPEnabled 'Description: Initialization of global variables is done 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: true/false 'Global Variables: G_objService ' G_objSites '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsFTPEnabled() Err.Clear on error resume next Dim objFTP Dim objFTPList Dim objService IsFTPEnabled = false ' Get instances of IIS_FTPServiceSetting that are visible throughout Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) set objFTPList = objService.InstancesOf(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIS_FTPService")) For each objFTP in objFTPList if objFTP.State = CONST_SERVICE_RUNNING_STATE Then IsFTPEnabled = true End If Next if Err.number <> 0 then IsFTPEnabled = false Err.Clear end if set objtFTPList = nothing set objFTP = nothing set objService = nothing end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: EnableFTP 'Description: Enable FTP service and set it's state to automatic 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function EnableFTP() Err.Clear on error resume next Dim objFTP Dim objService EnableFTP = false ' Get instances of IIS_FTPServiceSetting that are visible throughout Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) set objFTP = objService.get("Win32_Service.Name='MSFTPSVC'") Call objFTP.ChangeStartMode("Automatic") Call objFTP.StartService() EnableFTP = true if Err.number <> 0 then EnableFTP = false Err.Clear end if set objFTP = nothing set objService = nothing end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: DisableFTP 'Description: Diable FTP service and set it's state to manual 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DisableFTP() Err.Clear on error resume next Dim objFTP Dim objService DisableFTP = false ' Get instances of IIS_FTPServiceSetting that are visible throughout Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) set objFTP = objService.get("Win32_Service.Name='MSFTPSVC'") Call objFTP.ChangeStartMode("Manual") Call objFTP.StopService() DisableFTP = true if Err.number <> 0 then DisableFTP = false Err.Clear end if set objFTP = nothing set objService = nothing end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetFPSEOption 'Description: Set FPSE Option in the registry 'Input Variables: 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetFPSEOption(bEnableFPSE) dim objRegConn dim iFPSEOption Set objRegConn = RegConnection() 'Init the value to be set to the regval if bEnableFPSE Then iFPSEOption = 1 Else iFPSEOption = 0 End If call updateRegkeyvalue(objRegConn,CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY,CONST_FPSEOPTION_REGVAL,iFPSEOption,CONST_DWORD) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Set regvalue for FPSEOption failed " & Hex(Err.Number) exit Function End if End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetFPSEOption 'Description: Get FPSE Option in the registry. If the regval is 1, it means ' PFSE is enabled by default for all Website created thru WebUI, ' and GetFPSEOption return true. Otherwise return false. 'Input Variables: 'Returns: True if PFSE is enabled by default for all Website created thru WebUI 'Global Variables: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetFPSEOption() dim objRegConn dim iFPSEOption GetFPSEOption = false Set objRegConn = RegConnection() iFPSEOption = GetRegKeyValue(objRegConn,CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY,CONST_FPSEOPTION_REGVAL,CONST_DWORD) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "inc_wsa", "Get regvalue for FPSEOption failed " & Hex(Err.Number) exit Function End if if iFPSEOption = 1 then GetFPSEOption = true End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Functions to handle ASP enable/disable ' ' ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsASPEnabled 'Description: Check if ASP is enable at the webroot (for all website) 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsASPEnabled() Err.Clear on error resume next IsASPEnabled = false end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: EnableASP 'Description: Enable ASP for all the website (at the webroot) 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function EnableASP() Err.Clear on error resume next end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: DisableASP 'Description: Diable ASP at the webroot (except Administration site) 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DisableASP() Err.Clear on error resume next end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Helper functions for common UI between site.new and site.modify ' ' ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsFTPAllowedOnSite 'Description: Determines whether we should allow an FTP virtual ' directory to be created for this site based on ' the ACLs on the root directory for the site. If ' interactive users are allowed access, we ' deem the site unsafe for FTP access and disable ' the option. 'Input Variables: strPath Local path of root directory ' for this site. 'Returns: True if FTP access should be allowed and False ' otherwise. 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsFTPAllowedOnSite(strPath) On Error Resume Next IsFTPAllowedOnSite = True ' ' Get the WMI path to the security settings for the web root. ' Dim strFolderSecurityPath strFolderSecurityPath = "Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting.Path=""" & strPath & """" ' Replace single backslashes with double backslashes. Dim oRegExp Set oRegExp = New RegExp oRegExp.Pattern = "\\" oRegExp.Global = true strFolderSecurityPath = oRegExp.Replace(strFolderSecurityPath, "\\") ' ' Open the object for the web root directory. If the directory doesn't ' exist, assume this is a new site. ' Dim oService Set oService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) Dim oFolderSecurity Set oFolderSecurity = oService.Get(strFolderSecurityPath) If (wbemErrNotFound = Err.number) Then ' The directory doesn't exist, so allow FTP IsFTPAllowedOnSite = True Exit Function End If Dim oSecurityDescriptor If (0 = oFolderSecurity.GetSecurityDescriptor(oSecurityDescriptor)) Then Dim oACE For Each oACE In oSecurityDescriptor.DACL Dim oTrustee Set oTrustee = oACE.Trustee If ((SIDSTRING_INTERACTIVE = oTrustee.SIDString) And _ (0 <> oACE.AccessMask)) Then ' ' Interactive users have access, which suggests that ' FPSE have been installed on this site before. Even if ' FPSE haven't been installed, this site is not secure ' enough to allow FTP access. IsFTPAllowedOnSite = False End If Next End If If (Err.number <> 0) Then ' This should never happen, but fail securely if it does. IsFTPAllowedOnSite = False End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Sub name: ServeAppSettings 'Description: Serves common UI between site new and site modify ' pages on application settings tabs. Currently ' displays only settings below default page values. ' Should be expanded in the future to include all UI ' for this tab. 'Input Variables: strPath Local path of root directory ' for this site. ' strUploadMethod The method currently used to ' upload content to this site. ' See constants defined above ' for valid values (e.g., ' UPLOADMETHOD_NEITHER) ' strAnonymousChecked The value passed in the form ' submission for the anonymous ' checkbox (e.g., "true"). 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: Localized strings from resources.asp '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ServeAppSettings(strPath, strUploadMethod, strAnonymousChecked, bNewSite) On Error Resume Next ' ' Calculate the attributes of the radio buttons and checkbox based on ' the current settings on the site. ' Dim oIISService Set oIISService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Dim strNeitherAttributes strNeitherAttributes = "CHECKED" Dim strFPSEAttributes Dim strFTPAttributes ' Check FrontPage extensions If (isFrontPageInstalled(oIISService)) Then If (strUploadMethod = UPLOADMETHOD_FPSE) Then strFPSEAttributes = "CHECKED" strNeitherAttributes = "" Else strFPSEAttributes = "" End If Else strFPSEAttributes = "DISABLED" End If ' Check FTP If ((Not IsFTPEnabled()) Or (Not IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning())) Then strFTPAttributes = "DISABLED" ElseIf (Not IsFTPAllowedOnSite(strPath)) Then If (strUploadMethod = UPLOADMETHOD_FTP) Then strFTPAttributes = "CHECKED DISABLED" strNeitherAttributes = "" Else strFTPAttributes = "DISABLED" End If Else If (strUploadMethod = UPLOADMETHOD_FTP) Then strFTPAttributes = "CHECKED" strNeitherAttributes = "" Else strFTPAttributes = "" End If End If ' Check anonymous access Dim strAnonymousAttributes If ("true" = strAnonymousChecked) Then strAnonymousAttributes = "CHECKED" Else strAnonymousAttributes = "" End If ' ' Output the UI based on the settings processed above. ' ' ' Note: FrontPage messages not HTML encoded to allow ® to be ' displayed correctly. ' %>
  > <%=Server.HTMLEncode(L_CREATE_FTP_SITE)%>
<% End Sub %>