' MAKEBLDNUM.VBS ' This script generates a file to be included with in setver.h, setting the build number ' based on the current date. If the build is running in 2000, 12 will be added to the ' month (the January builds will be 13xx); if in 2001, 24 is added, and so forth. ' This section does the date calculations to come up with the number. On Error Resume Next BuildMonth = Month(Date) + ((Year(Date) - 2000) * 12) BuildDay = Day(Date) BuildNum = "" if BuildMonth <= 9 then BuildNum = BuildNum & "0" end if BuildNum = BuildNum & BuildMonth if BuildDay <= 9 then BuildNum = BuildNum & "0" end if BuildNum = BuildNum & BuildDay ' This section sets the third node of the build number to '00' if this script is run by ' the official builder, or '01' if this is a private build. set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") domain = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDOMAIN%") if domain <> "REDMOND" then BuildNum = 1518 end if ' Would like the Tablet test builds also to have the same build number ' as the NT bld labs building with NTDEV will have. IsTabletBldEnv = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SDTABROOT%") if IsTabletBldEnv <> "%SDTABROOT%" then BuildNum = 1518 end if BuildType = "00" ' This section creates the include file. set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set file = oFS.CreateTextFile("setup\installer\currver.inc", True) file.WriteLine "// This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT" lineout = "#define VERSION ""6.0." & BuildNum & "." & BuildType & """" file.WriteLine(lineout) lineout = "#define VER_FILEVERSION_STR ""6.0." & BuildNum & "." & BuildType & " """ file.WriteLine(lineout) lineout = "#define VER_FILEVERSION 6,0," & BuildNum & "," & BuildType file.WriteLine(lineout) lineout = "#define VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR ""6.0." & BuildNum & "." & BuildType & " """ file.WriteLine(lineout) lineout = "#define VER_PRODUCTVERSION 6,0," & BuildNum & "," & BuildType file.WriteLine(lineout) file.Close if err.number = 0 then wscript.echo "Updated version with build number " & BuildNum & "." if BuildType = "01" then wscript.echo "NOTE: This is a private build and will not be copied to the buildshare." end if else wscript.echo "makebldnum.vbs completed with ERRORS!" end if if err.number = 0 then wscript.quit BuildNum else wscript.quit -1 end if